Psychic Astrology – Australian Election Prediction
Who and what wins the Australian election in 2025? Psychic astrology has a few clues. But why is religion so important? And will PM Albanese be caught out by Medicare questions?
In the first of this two-part series, I will look at the signs Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer and Gemini to see how you gain from the next six months, July to December 2018. In Part Two, I will cover the signs Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Sagittarius.
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Who and what wins the Australian election in 2025? Psychic astrology has a few clues. But why is religion so important? And will PM Albanese be caught out by Medicare questions?
The US election of 2028 is being written in 2025 with Uranus in Taurus – the wild economy under Donald and Elon – but why are Chiron and Saturn in Taurus going to play their part, ahead?
Zoom event with Zane B. Stein and Jessica Adams. How will the end of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and the beginning of the North Node in Pisces, affect you in 2025 and 2026? Come along to find out.
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91 Responses
Wowee!! What a great year to be a Scorpio 🙂 Thanks Jessica for all these wonderful insights and diary dates. My birthday is on November 1 and I’ve noted that special Jupiter-Chiron trine which is also sextile my natal Jupiter (quincunx natal Uranus) and a whisker away from conjuncting my ascendant at 0 Sag. Do the stars of the day affect the whole birthday year?? And if they do, how is it likely to play out for me? I’m songwriting and focussing on music like mad at the moment 🙂
You’ll really love your relaunch which will put your name and face out there just as you hope. There will be a foreign country/fan base you might normally think of, involved. Use the whole cycle, from Jupiter in Scorpio through to Sagittarius. There may also be a shorter project (shorter duration song or spoken word, perhaps) which is not what you usually do, but it will have people thinking. You will also benefit from using graphics/visuals in a different way.
Dear Jessica,
I have North Node in 23 deg Scorpio. In which way or in which area I will feel the influence – should I look at Scorpio as a 3rd house or 8th house?
And I feel as a sign of Virgo even I have only Sun in Virgo? Often I think about it , if I am not more Leo with 7 heavenly bodies in Leo than a Virgo. Sometimes I have feeling like Virgo predictions aren ‘ t for me.
Thank you for your advice.
Scorpio is the Eighth House in the Natural House System you see used on this website (there are 30 to choose from and I choose that one). Your North Node there describes repeated karma on a 19 year cycle involving the family money, business, house, apartment – or that of a partner. With Jupiter crossing your Node in 2018 you have an amazing opportunity or breakthrough with that, on the way.
Hi Jessica..I have 9 planets in Scorpio..7 between 14 and 29..this year so far has being great with making money,working hard and it paid off..in college now till november..then back on site for 3mts..just started a relationship with my best friend ive known since i was 14..but the main issue is an accident i had may 2017..where a ‘friend’ caused a lot of injuries to me..now him and another friend are avoiding the gaurds..ive put in a personel claim which now im being told hes moved..im hoping the next 6 mts he will be caught and justice served.will Jupiter help? Thanks so much jessica
So you want justice after a friend caused injuries to you. Preferably within six months. I can understand that! Actually something far more important I need to share with you is the fantastic new chapter involving a child, or children as a whole. You are strongly Leo. Did you know that? You have an unusually high number of Leo factors in the Fifth House, which is where we find sons, daughters, godchildren, nieces and nephews. This is also where we find paid or unpaid efforts for young people, or involving them. You have the most stunning cycles rolling through your chart, with a trine from Jupiter, which suggest a pregnancy, adoption or birth. Perhaps the ‘birth’ of an incredible project involving younger people or school children. Try to focus on that. It could take you on a journey you will love and it is far more important than the claim.
Darn it! I have Scorpio in 12 degrees!!! It’s only 1 degree from 13….. can I still benefit? 🙂
Of course. One degree orbs still work well with prediction so use Jupiter circling that point. Robert Hand in his book Planets in Transit points out that sometimes other cycles can ‘pull in’ a loose transit with a one degree orb and you have a ton of those until the end of the year.
Hi Jessica,
I have a property I want to sell and I think I have found the right sales agent for my situation. Is this a good time to go forward?
Sure, Jupiter (opportunity) is now direct (moving forward) in Scorpio (property) so luck is on your side.
Hi Jessica,
it sounds good , have sun in Virgo at 3 deg I have the ASc at 4 deg in Scorpio , Neptune at 8 deg , Diana at 23 Scorpio ,,Ops at 12 Scorpio and Hygea at 26 , Will this translate to Opportunity for freedom and money to prevent something ? Would be great to get some insight from you , than you . I’m studying Counselling , hoping to complete this year. I work part time as a nurse in the community only small amount of hours . Married to Capricorn 2/1/1961. Thank you for all the articles , With Neptune is that a chance to make money from say reading Tea Leaves or other worldly activities LOL (I do like reading Tea Leaves for myself )
You are studying counselling and work part-time as a nurse. Let’s have a look at your whole chart until December 31st 2018. You obviously have Venus in Cancer so you have more than just a professional concern for your patients. It can often feel like a complicated relationship, actually. You want, need and deserve freedom. When we look for liberation, we look for Uranus by transit triggering your chart, as he was found in 1781 when black slaves in America made a huge leap for independence in the legal system. We also look at transits to Diana in your chart as she is a symbol of your right to be free. You are very lucky as you have Jupiter (the opportunity) going over Diana in Scorpio in your chart, but also Uranus (the revolution) going through the early degrees of Taurus, trine many of your chart factors. When you realise you can use past hurts, threats, attacks (even) or other negative ‘slings and arrows’ from other people to set yourself free, you will turn the corner. Don’t be scared of investigating what happened to you, or what has always happened to you. Other people have surrounded you, or trapped you, with their negativity. So what? Reach for that and use it to help yourself see clearly. Take off your ‘blindfold’ so to speak and see what is actually going on, where you are, what is possible and how to get there. There is a huge amount of denial, confusion and the rest here, as you’ve been well and truly Neptuned and when that happens, you just can’t see. Everything is guess work or imagination. Well, time to get real. Be brave enough and determined enough to confront who or what surrounds you and keeps you stuck and then literally use it to help yourself. The most fascinating future awaits if you do.
Hi Jessica could you please check my chart I am a Libra and I have 14 scorpio and 18 scorpio. I feel that light/healing skills within me are increasing I have always seemed to have a major block when it comes to creating money or making a living. What would be helpful now for me to know as my skills have increased and just lately I have realised that what I am bringing forth has much value. Any guidance apreciated 🙂 and many thanks for sharing with us all.
Okay, let’s look at your work, your healing and also your income. It is very common for light workers to be gifted at healing, or mediumship, or clairvoyance but feel guilty about asking for too much money. This is usually past life experience as they have very likely been in a religious or spiritual order which made them take vows of poverty, or frowned upon excess! A wise friend of mine told me, and I will repeat here, that unless you put a value on the work you do, society as a whole will not value it and that is a tragedy. If you believe in healing and believe in working with the spirit world, then put your money where your mouth is and rate it as highly, say, as an appointment with a doctor. Even a surgeon, depending on how experienced you become. Your chart is really about learning over the next 6 months. You need to learn to navigate the strange, alternative reality of healing and the spirit world. You have Chiron at 2 Pisces and Juno at 18 Pisces in the Twelfth House. I am sure you know that one of Chiron’s skills was in herbal medicine. He was gifted at this one particular kind of healing. Juno is a symbol of commitment – who or what you ‘wed’ yourself to. Put those two together in the strange, fascinating, other-worldly sign of Pisces in your Twelfth House of mysteries and you can see why you are so interested in operating far beyond the ordinary and everyday. Now, as Neptune slowly transits Juno in your chart, getting closer to that point, you will find yourself tempted by a man who is also strongly Pisces-Neptune. He wants you to dive into this world. Don’t dive in! This world needs rules, regulations, laws and a bit of grounding and common sense. He is fascinating and rather wonderful in many ways but you very much need to get your L plates or P Plates with healing or psychic work. He is genuine and he will be your ‘teacher’ in the sense that you learn what you want, what you need, what to do, and what not to do. From there you can (later on) figure out the financial side of this other reality, if you want to go there. You also need to learn about Quantum Mechanics and parallel universes. Go to YouTube and look up the BBC program of the same name – Parallel Universes – the lead singer of the Eels, a man called E, presents and narrates. His father Hugh Everett III was the father of modern parallel universe theory.
Hi Jessica,
I’m a sun sign Libra and have Venus at 19 Scorpio, what’s in store please? I’ve been applying for a lot of jobs lately but haven’t been able to make it to the interview stage in any. Would really love to be earning more money. What are your insights?
Venus is the complicated relationship (nothing to do with jobs unless you work for your husband or wife). Venus in Scorpio is the complicated relationship which influences your last will and testament, or somebody else’s. It is classically marriage and mortgage. It can also be family money. When Jupiter moves to 19 Scorpio you have an opportunity (Jupiter) not seen in 12 years (Jupiter in Scorpio) to maximise (Jupiter) your chances of gaining (Jupiter again) financially, by saving or making a fortune.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for the article as always! May I ask you a (probably) stupid question here – My Sun falls right in the middle of Gemini and Cancer. Will it be a little bit different? Should I read both and do some mix myself? I have Sun at Gemini 29° 16′.
I can still remember last time when Jupiter was about to cross this part if Scorpio, I was re-deployed to another section of the bank I was working in. In addition to the work involving the online banking, I was also assigned to a team which deals with the design of a company webpage including the graphics inside. As I’m very weak on anything art and design, my job performance was deteriorated quickly and I was fired a few years later. I don’t want such tragedy at work to happen again this year! Can you give me some insight from my chart? Thanks!
It’s not a stupid question at all. Your Sun is absolutely in Gemini and never read anything else. Okay, so you work in banking and had a Jupiter transit in Scorpio when the bank moved you into an area you didn’t want to work in. There would have been a lot more going on than that! Basically all you need to know about the rest of 2018 is that you can have the lifestyle you want (or get very close to it) no matter if you enjoy playing golf or you just like access to the very latest and greatest in gym equipment, swimming pools and so on. Take a look at a lifestyle choice you were presented with that is right under your nose, that you are not using or have forgotten about. That is well worth following up.
Dear Jessica,
Thanks for the reply. I sent a reply to what you said a couple of days ago, but for unknown reason it disappeared (Mercury retrograde ha ha!) so I resend it. Hope it works this time, and hope you’re still following this thread.
I wish I could can have the lifestyle I want, but actually my life have been tied with taking care with my wife.
Actually my wife’s having some minor mental disease but she could work like an average person for years. Unfortunately things got worse starting three years ago. Everytime she felt she’s going to be in trouble, then either she suddenly got so depressed, or she fell into thinking on “preparing what’s going on ahead”, and she could stay in bed, disconnecting herself from the rest of the world even me – sometimes as long as three days! Not only this pulled her out of a normal permanant job, but also makes me so physically and emotionally exhausted these few years in taking care of her. It has been three years now and seems that there’s no end for this. I really wish not only I, but also my wife could have the lifestyle we want! Could you please kindly do a big favour for me to take a look at her as well? She was born on 28 Feb 1976. Time is around 11:45am. Place of birth is Hong Kong. Thank you very much.
Mercury Retrograde is alive and kicking at the moment. I am so sorry to hear about your wife’s depression. You have become her caretaker and she is suffering from mental illness. You have a Cancer stellium so are a natural ‘mother’ even though you are a man and would make a very good nurse. You are slowly going to get through this, and out the other side. There is karma to complete. I don’t know how long you have been together but this karma comes from around 20 years ago, and it unfolds from November 2018, into 2019. At the same time, in the other chart system I use for you, I can see a way out, and a way through. Again, it’s similar timing. You’ll feel it from November and especially at Christmas. This is about the children or the baby she never had. Again, it’s karmic. And it starts for her in November. You two have a lot of past life/this life debts and credits to repay or settle together but 2019 is the year it turns around.
Hi Jessica,
It’s so exciting when I log in when I see you have posted new blogs, this one especially is exciting thank you thank you. Ok so even thou I am 06 Virgo Sun all my houses seem to follow under Leo because Jupiter is in my 8th house. I have Bacchus 03 Scorpio, Cupido 07 Scorpio & Neptune 26 Scorpio. Yet I know you just spoke on Scorpio but Jessica I also have 26 degrees in other houses, Fortuna 26 Libra and Salad is 26 Capricorn can you please help me understand? I know you have so many others to read so if I asked for to much explanation can you just help me with Neptune 26 scorpio?
Thank you very much for all your time and knowledge you share.
Thank you. Jupiter is in your Seventh House in the Natural House system. There are over 30 house systems in astrology and I have tested and tried them all, and settled on the Natural House system a few years ago. Let me look at your whole chart to keep things nice and simple. The most important thing I can talk to you about from July 2018 to July 2019 is your Pisces factors in the Twelfth House. You were born with the North Node at 21 Pisces and for the first time in your life, you have Pluto approaching 21 Capricorn and Neptune himself (who rules Pisces) slowly but surely creeping up to that position. The Twelfth House is about solitude. It is about finding your faith or belief, by being alone. This pattern is common in the horoscopes of people who go on silent retreat, or spend time in a Buddhist monastery, or who simply separate themselves from friends, partners, flatmates or family for a while so they can play the hermit and find enlightenment.
Hello Jessica, im very new to the intricacies of astrology and have only begun to understand the basics , thanks to your web site. I’ve had some pretty rough times during my lifetime so i have always looked towards astrology and numerology to help explain some of these ups and downs. But i am still find myself ‘rudderless’. Some of these experiences have been severe even life threatening but then also amazingly life changing …not always good but not always bad …i have always believed as long as i continue to grow from my life experiences there is never a bad experience. Still i continue to have major difficulty in finding my niche in life, work, and partnerships. But also importantly for me a a human to gain an understanding of myself enough so I may find a place (not literally) to call my own. Then to finally find a ‘fit’ in the grand scheme of things in this weird and wonderful world we live in.
Finally my chart you sent me is based on my birth date, which appears on my birth certificate but i have no ‘time’,. Yet I feel my birth date ‘virgo’ does not describe my true personalty…
I was hoping you would find the time to give me some advise as to what my chart is telling me about myself, the past and the possibilities for the future.
Thanks for your information and interesting website, I love to delve…
Ciao and be well
Joanne, the most important thing about your personal birth chart – in terms of your whole life and times – is that you are a natural explorer. The Happy Wanderer. You can do this on the worldwide web, professionally or for fun – exploring other faces in other places. You can also do it in the real world. You have a Sagittarius Ascendant in your Ninth House, using the Natural House system. Look up the Ninth House on Search to find out what this means. You also have Gemini factors and this is in your Third House where you connect people, projects, plans and far-off places. It would be great if you can make this part of your job, or you already have. You can certainly make it part of your life as a whole.
Dear Jessica,
I’m currently going through a deeply unhappy time with my work place and career. Will I be able expect any positive changes during transit? Is it a good time to look for other jobs and will I be successful?
Many Thanks and hope see you in London again soon! NP
I am sorry you are so unhappy with your career, NP. By December 31st the really crucial story in your life is the group. Is this related to your work? Are you in some kind of committee, society, political party, band, charity or other network of people? Diana, Salacia and Proserpina in Aquarius are all in your Eleventh House of friends, social media and ‘the hive mind.’ It is really important that you turn things around with these people. It’s in all your hands but you can be the difference. This could all come to nothing! What a waste that would be. United, you are so powerful as your shared voices online or in the real world, are pretty formidable when they are all singing from the same hymn sheet. Yet, we have a ton of traffic hitting your Aquarius factors until the end of 2018 and unless you come up with a plan, very quickly, I don’t see this stunning potential being realised. Get a strategy, share a strategy, start communication and stay connected. It’s lovely to have ‘space’ within a group of people but there is so much space here there is no unity.
Hi Jessica,
I really would like to use my Jupiter luck for all I can as I have a bundle of factors between 13 to 29 degrees of Scorpio. I have been flatlined with treatment and everything that partner and kids throw at me. Jupiter could be the best thing that could happen in these rough seas, do you have any recommended insights to inspire me as to how I could make something for myself to come back to.
Your website has given me some uplifting reading during this time,Thank you
Claire x
I know what you are going through Claire and I am sorry this has been so tough for you. Take the focus off your body, off your job as wife and mother, and start thinking about another part of the United Kingdom, or overseas, where you can take your plan. By December 31st I hope you will have snapped up this opportunity to export this, plant it in another place, or even travel yourself. There is no rule that says you can’t pack your bag and go with the idea. Jupiter moves into Sagittarius (the worldwide web, the world and its connections) from November and it will nicely catch your chart. You will feel it even before then. Jupiter is about expansion, growth, hope, optimism and outreach. In Sagittarius in your Ninth House of travel and ‘travel in the mind’ he will give you a really stunning chance to take something with potential that is not flourishing or working in your city or perhaps even your region/country – and find the right place for it, where this particular brainwave can thrive. You have Neptune in Sagittarius and you will feel this strongly as the year goes on. You need, want and deserve a holiday from the known world and one is on offer. I do feel you need to get grounded and centred, physically. So get into yoga or some other practise where the whole point is to reconnect you to your whole body, with both feet on the ground, nicely balanced and secure on Mother Earth. YouTube has a ton of free video classes. It will help a lot.
Hi Jessica , I have Neptune at 28 degrees Scorpio .What could this mean for me ? I hope it means that I will pass my driving test at last as that could open up opportunities for me !
Driving test? Good luck. Let’s see what is going on. Much as I’d love to talk to you about The Highway Code or reverse parking, it’s your love life that matters more. You are in an historic cycle until the end of 2018 when you could marry, get engaged, move in with someone or reconcile with your former lover. There are a lot of Leo (Fifth House – sex) and Libra (Seventh House – partnership) factors in your chart being triggered. Maybe it’s like that Beatles song, ‘Baby You Can Drive My Car.’ Or are you a Meatloaf fan? ‘Paradise by the Dashboard Lights!’ Seriously, though, there is a sense of cosmic timing about you and this other person. You can’t ignore what is going on, emotionally, spiritually and sexually and the time is right.
Hi Jess,
New to astrology so I am confused on how to use the above dates. I do understand that when your Scorpio factor matches it is double lucky but are the other dates also luck if you don’t have the corresponding Scorpio factor.
For me if I have one Scorpio factor than the lucky day would be when Jupiter would in that factor of Scorpio.
Your Sun Sign or Solar Sign house chart is your public luck. How you publicly benefit from the solutions and opportunities of Jupiter. You are a Sun Cancer person so solutions, breakthroughs or opportunities in 2018 involve children or young people. Perhaps sexual relationships that could end in pregnancy. This may be about younger faces as a whole, or just one son – for example. In your personal birth chart we look to your Scorpio placements for the private story about luck or remedies. You were born with the Moon at 22 Scorpio. You ‘need to be needed’ when it comes to the money, the house, the charity, the possessions, the business or the apartment. You tend to mother, nurture, care or protect people by using the bank. I see this pattern a lot with people whose marriages or family relationships revolve around the house or the company. You also see it with people who work in the financial sector or economics. When Jupiter goes to 22 Scorpio (this takes a while, he is currently at 13 Scorpio) you will have an unforgettable opportunity you have not seen in 12 years. Boom! That’s Jupiter. He is the god of thunder and thunderbolts.
Dear Jessica,
What an exciting post! I have Cupido at 13 Scorpio and hoping I will benefit from this transit! I’ve been wanting to purchase a place but am struggling with accumulating enough down payment for a home. My aunt offered to loan me money, but retracted the offer some weeks later. But since Cupido is triggered, I’m wondering if this might relate to love and embarking on a relationship with the man I’m currently dating (a Virgo). Thank you for your insights!
The generous Aunt who offers to lend you money then changes her mind is classic Jupiter in Scorpio – in retrograde motion! Now he is moving forwards let’s see what is going on. (And you really need to get to the bottom of why your Aunt changed her mind. That’s huge). By 31st December 2018, you will love the Leo weather in your chart. I am sure you know Leo is about the heirs to your throne. Children, godchildren, young relatives. A lover or partner’s children from another relationship. Also, younger faces as a whole – the next generation – born 20+ years after you. Perhaps this Virgo has children or wants them, or you are thinking about pregnancy or adoption. You are strongly Leo. Look that sign up when you finish reading this and also the Fifth House. This is who you are and this is where you are headed by the end of this year. You’ll love it. What a fantastic chapter in your life. This younger face is such good news for you. Or – there may be a whole lot of children or younger people, full stop. I see these patterns a lot when people become pregnant, by the way. Yet, it also turns up with infant teachers who are given a very special younger person to guide!
Hi Jessica
I wonder if you could help clarify something for me please? I am confused about the current retrogrades, eclipses and now lucky Jupiter in scorpio. I am gemini with neptune, ops and psyche in scorpio and jupiter in virgo. I feel that everything for me is 1 step forward 10 steps back so far this year, and wondering whether this is down to the eclispe season, the number of planets retrograde, or whether I am not taking into account where neptune and jupiter are placed in my chart. Will things move ahead for me from September? Or later in the year? Thanks for all your articles!
Feeling ‘one step forward, ten steps back’ is very common during a year when we have two important planets, Mercury and Mars, retrograde. Beyond them, there are also other retrogrades going on. You would typically have been dealing with people who don’t get back to you, no matter how many times you have e-mailed or left messages. You may also find you are downright blocked and delayed with a goal from 2017 you assumed would be a cinch! You will still benefit from Jupiter in Scorpio, though, until the end of 2018. For you, the most important thing of all is to welcome a man with a great idea with tremendous potential. He is actually your Jupiter in Sagittarius transit (new!) starting in November. Your MC or Midheaven is in Sagittarius so your highest achievement in this life is to pursue a world view. You do this by travelling, exporting, or just inhabiting the worldwide web more seriously than other people. When Jupiter comes along to slowly move through your Ninth House of big-picture thinking and regional or international connections – you will be thrown something special. The trick is to meet this man halfway so you can work together or help each other and make the concept, plan or proposal real. It’s all about location, location, location and that is where you come in! It’s worth it.
Hello Jessica!
I am a Scorpio and Jupiter has certainly worked his magic this year for me. I graduated finally and got engaged at the end of June. However I have also had to make painful decisions about my career and had some friendships fall apart. I quit my other job at the Uni in the spring and currently work part-time. My job pays well and has great benefits but is not in the field I graduated from. I am either thinking about possibly starting my own company at the side but fear that it would be difficult. I am also contemplating continuing studies and my current part-time job would be perfect for that. I would love if you could help me with two questions. First, should I take a risk and change careers altogether and find a job in my field or continue my studies. Secondly, I have, because of all the retrograde planets in the fall, settled on a february wedding date. I would have liked Jupiter in my sign at the time but everyone advises not to marry when Venus is retro. Thank you for your help! All the best, H
Graduating and becoming engaged changed your image, your title, and perhaps your name. That is a classic outcome of Jupiter in Scorpio in your First House of profile! Now, you have career and study issues to resolve. You are wondering if you should risk changing careers. And you’re worried about your wedding date in February 2019. H, Venus is not retrograde. She is moving fairly normally through Capricorn that month. I am looking at February in terms of your marriage and really, the North Node at 26 Cancer is the biggest deal. Cancer rules home and family. Setting up a new home and starting a family, perhaps, or becoming part of your husband’s family. The North Node is about karma so the wheel will turn, from this life but also other lifetimes. When I look at your chart I see Psyche (forever) at 27 Libra in the Seventh House of marriage. This is pretty amazing – you chose February 2019 probably without knowing that, but here is a near-perfect square from the North Node at 26 Cancer in the Fourth House of home and family, working beautifully with Psyche in your Seventh House of wedding vows. Squares are not easy but they make us who we are! Do look up Psyche when you have finished this. She was tested by Venus, through her son Cupido (Cupid) but in the end the gods decided Cupid and Psyche would be together forever. There is a beautiful statue in the Louvre in Paris which immortalises their passion! Work and study? Well, now through the end of 2019, you will find it is the marriage itself which influences everything. Your Psyche in Libra is about balancing the scales. It is really about the legal contract of marriage and also the way two people balance each other. You have had a ton of transits over that Psyche as Uranus opposed it, and I do feel that every time you figure out career or academia, you are going to have to go back to the actual agreement you have made with your partner, because this is a match being made on a North Node-Psyche square and that’s rare. You and he, and what you share, and how you figure out what is fair, just and right – will be the deciding factor in your ambitions by the end of 2019. Do look up Libra and the Seventh House as well as Psyche. You have Venus exactly conjunct Uranus at 20 Libra also in the Seventh House so that image of ‘the scales’ is really powerful. This is not an add-on to your overall career. It is the most important story of the next 18 months or so!
Thank you so much Jessica, what you write rings true to me. I have been and still am a very self sufficient and independent woman but have experienced such support and love from my future husband without reservations that I truly feel the bond is special and I am for the first time ready for marriage. Thank you for your advice, intuitively I know it to be true that if I concentrate on our family and the plans we choose first, matters concerning work will resolve themselves in due time. I actually like squares too. Some of the best and certainly the most memorable life events for me have happened under “challenging” transits. 🙂 H
Thank you, H.
Hi Jessica,
Your website has encouraged me to use the information in such a positive way – thank you.
Chiron 0deg in 11th H and is positioned opposite Panacea exact in Leo 5th H. I want to use this to guide my daughter to happiness/fulfilment regarding her career and relationship.
Can you pls offer insight – sometimes I feel too close to her to be objective. Also think she may be appearing in my chart as Diana at 18 degi n 4th H. – meaning I should leave well alone and let her work things out herself?
Thank you, I will pass that compliment onto James, Justin, Alyas and Jodi who has been creating such amazing design work on the website and also on Twitter. Daf, let’s look at your life over the next six months, until December 31st 2018. Sometimes the best thing to do when you hit people politics is to keep smiling, sort things out as quickly as possible and – crucially – remove any more ways that people could get each other off-side! What I am picking up here is more about the group – the circle of people – than your daughter. This is really the Aquarian and Eleventh House side of your chart and Uranus will well and truly square your Chiron at 0 Aquarius in the Eleventh House of teams, clubs, networks, Twitter, political parties, rock bands, military units and the rest. The hive mind! The fact is, there is the most incredible opportunity here for people to sort themselves out, for a situation to pass – and then for the relief and release of becoming a proper part of a wider group. There may be some temporary storms as Uranus passes through, but in general your task is to set yourself and other people free from ways of dealing with each other which are unproductive! Who needs that dinosaur 20th century way of dealing with issues? Not you and not them. I do feel long term as Jupiter and Saturn go into Aquarius, then Pluto, this ‘pool’ of people will become ever more important to you so you will look back on this period of your life as just another event.
I’ve waited in the wings along time whith my many Scorpio factors but I’ve still been left with my chart looking unfulfilled… even though I’ve tried many many times….
Darren, the cycle hasn’t even really started for you. You have Scorpio factors at late degrees. Juno at 15. Uranus at 27. Venus at 29. What happens by Christmas is a radical change and it will turn life upside-down with the house, the bank, the apartment, the business, the charity or the possessions. It’s also a good thing. There will be a commitment opportunity before then. You can ‘wed’ yourself to something, or someone. I am seeing relationship patterns more than anything else. You don’t say if you are married or in a relationship, or single. The other person may have money, land, a holiday home, a yacht or something else rather valuable to bring to the party with you. And it will feel like a party!
Hi Jessica, i am trying to experiment with my hometown and career. I m planning to go to my home country and work there. Do u think with a jupiter return in saggitarius near dec this year, this move will help me get settled in terms of career and property buying in the long run?
Thanks for ur posts that help us keeping hope and motivate towards future!
Anu, thank you for your kind words. Let’s look at 2019. What helps you decide about staying or going, is the way you handle the group. You don’t say what you do for a living. This group may be a trade union, a secret society like The Freemasons, a political party, a commune of hippies or a rock band. You are all very similar in terms of your ideas and opinions, but with the strong Aquarius weather in 2019, there is potential conflict. Certainly difference of opinion. Don’t get so caught up with dealing with this group (it may be on Facebook where a lot of problems happen) that you forget about where you are supposed to be. In other words, get centred. Get grounded. Figure out your place in the world, even though it is far away from home, and try to get a sense of firmly belonging to a particular city or region, even if you decide to leave later and go back home. Once you have both feet on the ground and are more ‘together’ within yourself you can negotiate with this group of people and sort things out. Then you can move if you want to. Or not!
Hi Jessica, loving the latest flurry of articles! You had mentioned in a prior comment that money would be on the uptick thanks to my Scorpio stellium in 13-25 range. Thrilling news after some difficult yrs so wanted to dig a little deeper & ask how this might manifest itself since I’m currently interviewing for a new day job and have recently started an Airbnb business. Love to hear your thoughts on which areas Generous Jupiter will bless with opportunity & expansion before he moves onwards! Many thanks, Victoria
Victoria, your Air BnB business is Cancer (property) so let’s take a look. You have Minerva (wisdom) and your IC (family tree influence) in Cancer and we have the North Node going over Cancer. So – you’ll do really well. And you’ve done this before. So did a member of the family, even two or three generations back. Lodgers? Hotel guests? It will all feel very right and familiar and you’ll be thrilled at business.
Hi Jessica, Thank you for these posts. They accentuate a positive hopefulness that we all need. I have Scorpio at 26 Fortuna and 22 Mercury. Where should I focus my attention to maximize my potential in he next few months? Thanks again.
Thank you. Lucky you. Those Scorpio patterns are in your Eighth House where you gain (sometimes with zero effort at all) from business, money, property, charity, possessions. Mercury is very important because that’s the deal. The paperwork. So, for example, you may find a good friend offers to help you in your career by introducing you to a VIP contact who helps you get the deal of your dreams. Or, you find that your former boyfriend is prepared to do a ‘mate’s rates’ deal with you about your house. You get the picture. Fortuna is the Wheel of Fortune. Every low becomes a high. She was Jupiter’s first-born daughter so when father and daughter meet it’s game on! You gain or save. Mercury was Jupiter’s messenger boy. Again, you gain or save.
Thank you so much! I think I have already started to feel this cycle coming up, as I have been saving as much money as I can in the past couple of months – much more this month. This is a new mode for me. I look forward to watching this cycle play out.
Hi Jessica
I have Jupiter at 17 degrees Scorpio in my first house. I got married last November and changed my surname to my married name. My main concern at the moment is the balance between work and home life, I want to work part time but not sure if this is in the works for me. Could you offer any insight please?
Great example of Jupiter in Scorpio returning to his birth position (though in your personal birth chart he is in your Eighth House of marriage and mortgage, sex and money, intimacy and property). It is only in your actual Sun Scorpio chart that he was in your First House of image! Together those two cycles, private and public, resulted in a name change and a new deal with your partner. Congratulations. You want to work part-time. Let’s have a look at life until December 31st, 2018. That’s possible, but a bigger deal is the need to manage a fast-moving situation brought about by Mars (energetic, assertive, aggressive men) going backwards and forwards across your chart. Can you slow someone down? Make him think? Urge him to stop and ponder? I see a lot of Mars action in your chart and that can be disruptive. It’s great to fight the good fight. That’s fine. But there are two questions here. Is a fight actually always so good, in this case? And is there another way to do this? I am wondering who this man is. Perhaps it is your husband. Employee. Boss. Relative. You’ll know it when you hit it. Get right across this.
Dear Jessica,
Thank you for all the good news !
I am wanting to buy/ sell property in the next couple of months & also open a retail business. From reading your words, there seems to be good, supportive energy around ?
Many thanks as always.
Jupiter is right on your Neptune in Scorpio in the Eighth House now so you benefit from a bubble. A holiday from the real financial world. One example might be borrowing money on Paypal where you do not have to fill in any boring forms. You pay an upfront fee and the money is in your account immediately. You pay it back in tiny amounts so you don’t feel the pain. That’s a classic example of what Jupiter on Neptune feels like. Another one is the family offering to give you an amount of money to help your business. Another is a legal tax deduction which lets you slip away from the financial realities others have to face. Still another, is the ‘bubble’ factor of real estate – which I reckon might be the story here. You gain. You will save or make money.
Hello Jessica, I am plodding through my divorce, the lack of money and uncertainty about staying in the family home is hard. Also dealing with my husband’s mood swings.
And then there is the love triangle with the man overseas, a fourth person entered recently too! The wonderful guy overseas is now trying to end his marriage for me……. I have no contact with him at present.
I think I have a lot of triggers to my chart for a while.
You said once that I have a very Shakespearean chart, perhaps you could elaborate?
Now through 31st December 2018 you will see justice done in the divorce. Of course the principle of justice will also apply to the man overseas who is trying to leave his wife. You do have a Shakespearean chart in that it’s full of dramatic themes about wrong and right, fair and unfair. You’ll remember the phrase ‘All’s fair in love and war” I’m sure. Your Ascendant, Minerva and Hygiea in Libra in the Seventh House of marriage (and divorce) are under some powerful weather patterns until the year ends. You will learn a lot about your Libra side. For more, hit Libra and/or The Seventh House on Search as this is easily the most important event in your life before 2019. You will both have to submit to a higher power actually. And it’s the same with the man in another country. Something bigger than all of you/both of you is at work and the scales must balance.
Hi Jessica,
I’m a scorpio with 6 planets in scorpio. Nothing really good this year for me. I had a boyfriend for a few months, I loved him, but even that’s gone. Anything better to expect?
Thank you!
Very unusual for you not to have had great opportunities to save or make money, as Jupiter has already passed quite a few of your Scorpio factors in the Eighth House, which rules your home, your land, your holiday home, your business potential and so on. It’s been very interesting to see how this cycle pans out for other readers. Some have been lucky enough to go into work projects with friends in Hollywood with fantastic connections, so their simple idea is already lucrative in a very competitive world. Others have been offered mates’ rates with car repair and saved a fortune on the work. Still more readers have been offered several thousand dollars worth of free design work on their project in exchange for offering a room in their home. Others have wandered into Air BnB arrangements only to find that their fantasy apartment is on offer for an affordable rate – and ditched their usual permanent rental! It really does depend on seeing the open door, appreciating it and going through it. You sound very down about losing your boyfriend and I am sorry you loved and lost. That can be devastating. Between now and the end of the year, you do in fact have more solid chances to make or save money. Please take them. It will make all the difference.
Thank you for taking the time to respond. Yes, I’m down, and really not looking for money opportunity at this moment…but I am looking for love. Anything on that direction?
I just replied to another reader looking for love – no matter if you are straight or a lesbian, you still have 3.5 billion people to choose from! And as the average life expectancy is 71 years, rather a long time for people to find you, or vice versa. It is really interesting when women say they want to get married, but can’t find anyone. You have to look at what is really going on to see what/why/who! For example, I have seen readers over the years complain about a lack of decent men to have sex with, let alone get married to, but the issue for them is not the men, it is the institution of marriage. They don’t want it and in fact it would never work for them. Yet they keep looking for men who desire it, and of course the men see the issue a mile away and depart the scene. Divorce can wipe people out. So really we have to go back to your honest feelings about being a wife (or not) or perhaps entering into a common-law marriage and sharing an apartment or house with a partner. This then brings in money, because you will need to merge your finances. Maybe you’re the Diana type who has intense relationships interspersed with months or even years of freedom, which people heavily influenced by this asteroid prefer. They hate the idea of being tied down to anything or anybody. True ‘Diana’ types often fall for men who are passive. They don’t do anything. They are ‘sleepers’ just as her lover Endymion was a sleeper and yet the Dianas don’t care, because it means they get to have an independent life outside the man, who may be unemployed, mildly depressed, lazy by nature (not engaged with life, but engaged with the television or computer) and so on. She brings home the hunt. She’s Diana the huntress. He is Endymion, who she basically just sleeps with! You will be attracted to a man who is a Sagittarius or Gemini type (that sign is strongly placed in his horoscope) by December 31st 2018. He has a project, plan or concept he wants to make real. You can help. You can give feedback, introduce him to a useful contact, or actually go the whole hog and become his partner on this budding brainwave. Will it be sexual? It could be. It really depends on the chemistry between you, when you go more deeply into the connection. Is he a keeper? Hmmm. He’s rather restless. He likes you. You connect. This brings me to another message from astrology which is – men (assuming you are straight) – are often just an excuse for another life experience. If marriage and motherhood are not the sole goals, and they may not be for you, with Uranus in Leo, then you use dates, crushes, infatuations, flirtations, one-night stands and even quite long relationships for other purposes. Sometimes you learn a skill from them! Sometimes you learn a lesson about men and money. There is something like this going on by the end of 2018. Beyond the actual man, it’s about how you negotiate terms when you can see how successful a good idea would be (like a website) but realise that the man in charge of it is not placed to make it happen. You, on the other hand, if you poured yourself into the challenge, could see it through. So actually it would be about the project and the learning experience, not the sex. It’s rather like Marie Curie and her husband. Sure, it was a marriage, but forget that – it was actually about scientific discovery. He was her gateway.
Hi 🙂 I’m a Sun/Cancer (18) and Asc/Virgo (15)… My N Node is the only thing I have in Scorpio. (3rd house-28 seg).
Im having a tough time figuring out how this affects me. All I know is that my finances have been crazy! I have a great career, as a light worker I know there’s something bigger I will be doing BUT I can’t believe how behind I’ve fallen with finances. Mars in my 8th house for 6 months?!?!?! Goodness.
I visualize my life completely perfect and amazing g every morning. Looking forward to Jupiter’s magic arriving ❤️
Your finances have been crazy because Uranus (radical change) entered Taurus (money) and your Second House (cash flow) back in May. If you have the North Node at 28 Scorpio in the Eighth House, that translates as financial and property karma, inherited from this and other lifetimes. When Jupiter goes to 28 Scorpio at the end of the year, you will be given a big opportunity to save or make money, earned before – and now rewarded. You are not logged in so I cannot see your chart, unfortunately.
I have Moon at 17,Neptune at 15 and Juno at 26 degrees in Scorpio. How would that impact me in the next months, what should I focus on. Any insight would be valuable. Thank you
The Moon is your need to be needed – you pay for others, or raise funds for charity, or bankroll (or back) your partner or family. The Moon in Scorpio in the Eighth House is about mothering people by coming up with the money, the house, the possessions or the apartment. Sometimes you can make a career out of this so we find top economists with the Moon in Scorpio who ‘mother’ the nation’s finances. Neptune is how you escape from reality. You were born into a generation who came of age with plastic credit cards (fantastic plastic) which is by no means the real money their grandparents knew! This makes it easy to live off the illusion that everything is free and easy, when in fact the bills arrive at the end of the month. Mortgages are a similar illusion. Your grandparents would have thought that things were ‘on tick’ but you were born into a generation with Neptune in Scorpio who imagine that the apartment is their own, when it belongs to the bank! The other great Neptune in Scorpio bubble (Neptune rules the sea and thus bubbles) is property. Nothing is real unless thinking makes it so – the value of a house, land, holiday home or apartment is entirely inflated and it can deflate too! So now you are getting a feel for Neptune and the Moon in Scorpio in your chart – the asteroid Juno is next to consider. She represents who or what you ‘wed’ yourself to or what you commit to. Typically Juno in Scorpio people make really big commitments throughout their lives on a financial, business or property level and it can feel like getting married to someone or something every time you do that. This line-up in your chart is directly and indirectly affected by Jupiter, Sue, so what is coming is quite possibly the gift of some cash from a parent, say, to help renovations – or the very real chance of shacking up with a partner or lover who has a fair bit of money or property behind him – sex would definitely be part of the deal. I don’t know if you are married, single, straight, gay, have children or whatever – but apply Jupiter (breakthroughs, solutions, expansion) to your money and you’ll see what is possible. Sometimes people inherit on this transit.
Hi Jessica
Would like to know how this cycle is going to impact my love life pls
Thank you xx
The birth of something (or someone new) involving the world of children or young adults is coming. This is usually a Christening and the baby in question would be very important to you – like a godson. Sometimes the birth is symbolic not literal. The children may be part of a teaching program you are involved with, or the young adults may be employed by you – yet there is a new project, new era or similar new beginning on the way. This is Leo weather in your Fifth House. You have the Moon in Leo and this sweeps through your chart by the end of 2018.
Hi Jessica..As a gemini with 2 planets in Scorpio ..how would the next 6 mts affect me.Im .Single,1adult son..full time job,got a payrise in june,wasnt expecting it,delighted with that..health wise i feel fine so far..thanks Jessica
The pay rise was the bonus of having Jupiter (opportunities, growth, solutions) go through Scorpio and the Eighth House (finance) of your personal birth chart. Jupiter will go into Sagittarius next, the sign of the traveller and explorer. You will take a very special holiday or work related trip and it will make a huge difference to how you feel and also how you see yourself and your region – or even the world.
Hi Jessica,
Thanks so much for this article, I have read it a few times since you posted it.
I have Venus at 20, Jupiter at 8, Neptune at 28 and Bacchus at 13 all in Scorpio. I would love any information you can give me on my chart for this period.
I really appreciate the time and knowledge you share with us
Thank you N, it’s a pleasure. Jupiter is on your Bacchus right now. The planet of expansion, solutions and opportunity is conjunct (or sitting on) your asteroid Bacchus, which describes how you give and receive pleasure. In Spinal Tap it’s that famous line ‘Have a good time all the time’. And in Scorpio in your Eighth House you do this with cash, shopping, collectors’ items, houses or apartments, the sharemarket, business, charity and so on. Bacchus was a hedonist and the Bacchanalia was a wild party circuit in Rome. Does good sex make good financial outcomes better or the reverse? You’re in a position to find out in July. Later on, Jupiter moves to Venus (complicated but delicious relationships) and then Neptune (your holiday from the real world). This is about a passionate relationship with material or financial advantages and it means rebooting your current relationship, affair or marriage – you don’t say anything about your situation – or getting further into a new one. If this was 18th century France I’d say a mistress or courtesan and if it was 19th century England I’d say, a handsome aristo was available. Reach inside the breeches or drawers for the gold!
Hi Jessica,
I have 9 factors in Scorpio but only 3 within the degrees listed above. Moon at 29, Neptune at 26., and Psyche at 16. Does this mean I can expect extra luck in my career? I started a new job at the end of January. I am actually doing a blended posistion in healthcare that allows me to utilize my current skill sets and a secondary part of the job is allowing me to gain yet another vaulable skill set that greatly expands my ability to grow within my chosen path. I have absolutely loved this new start and feel like my Jupiter luck came early in 2018 for me. I can’t imagine there could be possibly more luck/opportunity heading my way. 2018 has granted me great career growth!
Thank you for all you do for us. I look forward to each and every one of your articles.
Very happy to hear about your career success this year. That was Jupiter crossing to 9 Scorpio in your Eighth House of finance and business. He met Juno at 9 Scorpio and you gained. The gain has been a new skill that is valuable and adds to your net worth in healthcare! You have more luck ahead. Sometimes ‘luck’ isn’t even the right word. It’s benevolent fate. Something that is meant to be, that enriches you, or actually makes you richer on a cash level. This holds right up until the departure of Jupiter from Scorpio in November. Thank you for your thank you, too!
Hi Jessica,
The only thing I have between 13 and 29 Scorpio is Juno at 13. I read up Juno on your website and it means ‘JUNO That part of your personality which wants to commit. Your desire to lock up agreements in exchange for security’ Please explain under the current circumstances. I do have major expenses coming up in the next few months. Any precautions I should take? Thanks for all your responses.
Well, exactly that. Juno at 13 Scorpio in your Eighth House is about the house, apartment, money, business, charity, possessions. It is about the commitments you make. Typically marriage. You do not say if you are single or married, so I don’t know. If you are single it is about who/what you ‘wed’ yourself to, in a binding agreement, like a professional partnership. The Eighth House is also about family money. Your inheritance and also the legacy you leave to others. Jupiter is improvement, problem-solving, growth and expansion so when he moves to 13 Scorpio and conjuncts Juno you will experience all that. It’s actually happening now, GB. Reach for what is there in July.
Hi Jessica
Please could you advise, I have some potentially pivotal events in the pipeline, both affecting my businesses/career, will the Jupiter and Neptune trine on 19th August have any significance regarding these possibilities?
17° Scorpio 15′ 55″
00° Scorpio 02′ 19″
Thank you so much x
Jupiter at 15 Scorpio in your Eighth House of finance trines (makes a stunning ‘flow’ pattern with) Neptune at 15 Pisces in your Twelfth House of mysteries and secrecy on 19th August. It’s too wide for your own Neptune position but it’s close enough that you will see a wave of opportunities and solutions with your business, home, savings, investments, loans and so on. You can catch some ripples from the wave. I am sure you know Jupiter is about expansion and growth. He is slowly preparing to cross from Scorpio (the economy, finance, trade) into Sagittarius (travel, foreign places and people) and the whole planet is on the brink of a very welcome shift, in terms of Jupiter going into Sagittarius in November. It’s not just Brexit or Donald’s ideas about global deals! This is really a widespread rethink of borders, tariffs, export and import deals and so on and it’s very positive. As a general comment, watch this. Watch anything new on the horizon regarding territories opening up, not just for trade but also for travel/tourism. This will most certainly have a terrific ripple effect on you too.
Thank you for your good news guide Jessica – over the last six weeks I have discovered Reflexology as means of relaxation and improving wellbeing. I also saw a doctor who gave me a steroid inhaler which fixed in a week bronchitis I’ve been suffering from for over 18 months. Feeling so much better!
I have Scorpio factors at 13, 23 and 25 so hoping for more good news. Scorpio is at 13 degrees today – our work system has crashed so time to read your blogs!
Best wishes
Good on you Pauline. I’m so happy to hear this good news. You will save or make money, on quite a grand scale, by November – if you take an obvious opportunity.
I have 5 Scorpio factors and I am hoping to launch a creative project abroad this fall or early next year. I also hope to find other ways of making money, hopefully within creative fields, but I am open to almost anything at the moment. Could you please tell me a little bit more about what is ahead of me?I have Scorpio sun 4 degrees, Mercury 5, Jupiter 13, Venus 23 and Neptune 29. Thank you 🙂
Scorpio 23-29 degrees is the hot zone for you now, and Jupiter is slowly approaching that now. Try to do all you can between now and October at the latest in terms of making or saving money. Venus in Scorpio is really about a relationship (and a complicated relationship) which may be sexual rather than just business. This may be your partner, of course, if you are married or committed. Neptune is the holiday from reality that you need – the great escape – and as Jupiter the planet of opportunity, hope, expansion, growth and solutions slowly goes over Venus, then Neptune, towards the European Autumn – you’ll have a couple of terrific open doors.
Hello Jessica, I want to start my life over and especially recover from total financial disaster. What areas do you see which could be good for starting a new business / self-employment? I have been struggling so long with this question and find your predictions so amazing – may Jupiter bring me an answer from you! Thank you.
Thank you. I reckon you should use your Astrology Oracle which is sitting there waiting for you. Hit Search to find the many different ways to use it. Remember to set a time limit. Ask ‘By the end of 2019’ (for example) or ‘the end of 2025’ – ‘which is the best kind of business I could pursue?’ Then work around that question with more questions. Your chart suggests anything Cancerian. Cooking. Real estate. Looking after children. Looking after people and animals in general – caretaking and caring. Hit Search and look up the Fourth House and Cancer for more clues.
Hi Jessica, I am new here. Don’t understand my birth chart at all. But really wanna about my future. As far I know I am a Scorpio .
You will make or save a small fortune, starting from November 2018 in a small way, then building to a substantial breakthrough in 2019.
Dear Jessica
I am new to this and trying to understand – – above you write, “On Sunday 19th August (allow for Saturday and Monday too, for the world to catch up with itself) the lucky planet Jupiter in Scorpio trines Neptune in a stunning pattern. How will you gain? According to the house affected – see below – that life department will go to the next level, by Monday 20th August.”
I don’t understand how to determine the house affected?
Also I see that I have Scorpio at 25 in IC, 13 in Ops and 29 in NorthNode but I’m not sure how to read that as well.
I guess I am actually a bit hopeless! But I find your natural house system so much easier to understand.
thank you. xx
Taking the whole pattern apart, on Sunday 19th August at 8.44am in London (adjust for your time zone) transiting Jupiter at 15 Scorpio will trine transiting Neptune at 15 Pisces. Jupiter will be passing through your Eighth House of finance, property, charity and business and Neptune will be moving across your Twelfth House of secrets, life behind the scenes and your hidden soul. In your personal birth chart, which is your private life, you will experience solutions and opportunities related to the banks, currency and the economy at the broadest level and on a personal level, other people’s money, business interests, houses, apartments or charity commitments. This assists what you do undercover, or below the surface or behind the scenes. In your public chart, as you are a Sun Cancer person, the patterns fall in your Fifth House of babies, children, youth and sexual relationships – and in your Ninth House of foreign people and places. There will be a public story and a private story. You will gain.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for the upcoming important dates! Can you please tell me what themes you see in my chart for the next 6 months? With Scorpio in Jupiter, I haven’t been having many “lucky” opportunities, will that change when I have my Jupiter Return in Sag come November? Thank you for your insight!
Jupiter’s lucky breaks or big solutions will arrive immediately in November as you were born with Mercury at 0 Sagittarius and Jupiter will cross 0 Sagittarius immediately. I am sure you know that being born with Mercury in Sagittarius in the Ninth House makes you a natural student of life, mentor, guide, guru – and also a traveller and world explorer. You were born for the head trip, or the trip, which is coming. Later on, you will of course have your Jupiter Return so essentially November 2018 into 2019 changes your life. Any obstacles to moving or travelling, studying or teaching – even publishing or using the web more ambitiously – will disappear. You also have Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius along with Hygiea, Proserpina and Psyche so this is a full-blown stellium in the sign we most associate with roaming far and wide – and seeing the big picture. You’ll love it.
Thank you Jessica – exciting and much needed! I’m looking to make a move soon, is it best to wait until November? Looks like Jupiter will be crossing my Sun at 21 degrees soon too, maybe the next few weeks? I don’t get to travel much, but am always traveling in my head! Hoping 2019 is a better year 🙂
Jupiter conjunct your natal Sun at 21 Scorpio in the Eighth House of finance, sex, intimacy, property, possessions and family wealth is something wonderful to behold, and you only have this pattern once every 12 years. Scorpio also rules philanthropic trusts, power couples who donate to charity and legacies which go beyond money, into gifts to people, animals and the environment. That is its absolute highest expression. You were born to shine in all these aspects of life. Some Scorpio Sun people marry rich men and have designer bags. Others make their own money and give it to environmental causes, with the help of a partner. It’s your call but it’s coming, so pick up the phone and answer.