Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces – Questions

The Jupiter Neptune in Pisces Event – Q&A

 Thank you for coming along to The Jupiter and Neptune Conjunction in Pisces event, on Zoom, from With over 4000 of you in New York, London and Sydney-Hobart now, we do have to limit numbers, and have a waiting list, but I hope you were able to make it this time. We had some technical issues with Zoom and Meetup, so if you missed this event, please do post your question here in Comments.

Listen again, if you wish. A free audio podcast is now available free, for one month. Register at Upcloud now here and wait for a minute or two, for the recording to begin.

Predicted Last Year – Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces

I broadcast and published predictions about Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces here, with dates (going into late April) if you missed it. There are also predictions about the Pope (coming true this Easter 2022, below).

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The King of Cups and Neptune in Pisces

This is the card I drew for the event, to show how all of us there, over 200 of us, would be affected by Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. For most of us, this will be Pope Francis intervening in Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine. You can see the fish around his neck and the fish to his left, representing Pisces. The Christian religion has always been symbolised by fish. The miracles of the loaves and fishes. Christ’s followers – fishermen. What does this card mean to you? It may be a man in your world, in April 2022 until May 2022.

The Pope and Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces

This was actually predicted last year, but the astrology showed Pope Francis would dominate April 2022. Well,  here’s why. He has taken the lead in calling for peace at Easter in Ukraine. The Tarot card at our Zoom event, below, The King of Cups does strangely echo this photograph from SBS News. The headline? Pope Francis calls for an Easter truce to end the war. It may do.

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King of Cups - Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces - Questions

If you are a Premium Member you can also use The Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle digital cards, on this website. The Smith-Waite Tarot is available free to everybody (special thanks to the late Stuart R. Kaplan and U.S. Games Systems for permission to put up this famous deck, online) and has a quick-take interpretation when you draw your card.

The Rules of Tarot

Follow the steps. Tune in with the present first. If your initial card does not work, try again (limit yourself to two attempts and come back later if you’re not in tune). The card you draw can be stage-managed or ‘worked’ as if it was a stage set, so you shape your life – present and future. Pamela Colman Smith was a set designer for The Abbey Theatre in Dublin as well as being the most successful Tarot illustrator and channel of the 20th century. The King of Cups (left) was our shared card at the Zoom/Meetup event and it will be thematic, symbolic but also literal for many people. This man may be dominated by Neptune in his birth chart, or have the sign of Pisces prominent. Keep tuning into the card.

Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces Q&A

Some comments are answered here; the rest will appear in the Comments section. Thank you.

Natalie: Jupiter has delivered an opportunity and it is up to you to take it (on Monday 11th April 2022). Hopefully you agreed, over the weekend, when we had that exact line-up. If not, you still have a few days left. Jupiter in Pisces in conjunction with Neptune in Pisces was in your solar Eighth House as a Leo – business. So that’s a door opening to a future way of saving or making a lot of money. Remember that Jupiter does not deliver, it invites you to do the work – to ensure delivery.

Rachel: You are extremely Pisces with an Aquarius signature so find 2022 quite isolating. Pisces rules your inner space; Aquarius rules friends, socialising, your social life. For whatever reason, including COVID-19, your normal friendships and fellowship with others is blocked or stopped. This ends, March 2023. You are forced inward in the meantime, so your true Pisces self (medium, hypnotist, Christian and so on) can be reborn.

Danielle: You asked about your cancer diagnosis and this transit, as a Sun Pisces. You go through these tests and trials to go back to your relationship with your God and to understand your soul or spirit much better. The most intense part of this entire health story is over; the Leo eclipse/node cycles in your solar Sixth House are far, far behind you now.

Ankica: You will pay your mortgage off, mostly or wholly, by March 2023. The most demanding financial cycle of your adult life is history by 2025.

Making or Saving Money

Oku: This is about enhancing your potential to make or save money, based on excellent natural timing and a set-up that recently came your way.

Linda: If your birthday falls on the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, then you are a Sun Aries having a Pisces experience. It’s about your religion, Tarot, dreams, meditation or therapy and it’s a defining moment for you – the real you.

Alexandra: You were recently given two major boosts, without even trying, on a financial, charity, business or property level. Given your new advantage and knowledge, how can you build on that and increase it?

Hollye: Time to relaunch in 2022 and snap up the chances you have been given in April-May. This is about the way you look, and are also labelled.

Relaunches in May and June

Brenda: Your relaunch happens later, after May, accelerating in June, with a different look and title/role which rewards you, finally, early 2023.

Natali: Pluto at 24 Virgo describes your health. As Virgo is about the tiny details of daily life, which affect your medical or health situation, watch the Moon as it goes into Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo at 24 degrees each time. Use those two-hour periods, if they fit in with your schedule, to find solutions, but also ‘work’ solutions that you’ve found.

Career Opportunities

Jerry W – You have career opportunities and solutions now, early May, then again October-December. Hopefully you used the 1-2 you were already given. If not, there will be 1-2 more.

Fran: Don’t think small with your house, apartment, garden, town or region. One big vision is not so big, if you think about the possible outcomes in 2022. World leaders? The Pope will make a massive financial and spiritual contribution towards a solution in Ukraine.

House System Differences

Kathleen: You use a different house system to me. The conjunction falls in your Twelfth House, not your Second House, using the Natural House System. You also use wider orbs than me. I think the Tarot is your best solution here, as I don’t have your chart and you’re in a completely different horoscope space.

small  Tarot Deck   King of Cups 300x200 - Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces - QuestionsMartie H: Your husband has passed away and you now have some kind of financial raw material to work with, thanks to money made, or money saved. That works for you until May, then October-December. You will powerfully relaunch (new look, name, profile) from March 2023. Don’t use Lilith, by the way. She’s not in the astrology family tree that began with Mercury, Jupiter and the rest. It is possible that the King of Cups (left) who turned up at the event, is symbolic of your husband.

Patrice N. The internet is your gateway to opportunities, solutions and escape routes in April, May and a short trip you take or plan in the same time-frame will hugely improve your life. You will return to that part of the web or the map in October-December and gain one more time.

A Question About the Pope

Lisa: The Vatican charts all work, as do all the Rome/Italy charts, and the trick is finding a common degree pattern. The likely outcome, which you are picking up, is The Pope at the heart of a massed Christian global response to Ukraine.

Stephanie S: This is about your former, current or potential sexual partner and the house, apartment, valuables, business, charity and/or possessions. You are owed karmically from 18-19 years ago and will gain, by May.

Louise F: Your new job is validation for your relaunch and you will enjoy a peak experience with the new you, by May, which is repeated or doubled up, October-December in the last Jupiter in Pisces pass. Use this time to self-promote.

General Questions – Your Combined FAQ

I don’t have anything in Pisces, how am I affected?

The general Pisces weather in April-May is about the Christian church worldwide (Pisces, the fishes, the fishermen followers of Christ, the miracle of the loaves and fishes) expanding, upgrading and escaping.

Through 1-6 degrees of separation you will benefit from this. For example, your local Roman Catholic father may solve a mystery which helps your career.

Pisces is also about dual realities, full stop. Not just the Christian church. It is about Carl Jung, for example, and his approach to Tarot, dreams and astrology. Fish were important symbols for Jung.

I Have Taurus and Scorpio Factors

I have Taurus and Scorpio factors near 23 degrees.

You owe, or are owed, from the year 2003. You will settle up, be repaid, be rewarded or make good, by May 2022 if it has not already happened. This is your good karma, perhaps, or your ‘work harder’ karma depending on how generous you were with others, unconditionally, in the year 2003. So, for example, the value of your shares may double, or you may find your salary is increased hugely by a new employer.

I have factors in all the signs; Pisces, Taurus and Scorpio. 

Most interesting, grasshopper. You are a spiritual being who lives in a material world. Pisces is about the soul or spirit. You may have had a religious education or upbringing and then have to figure the rest out yourself. That is very common. Taurus and Scorpio are money, shopping, ownership, houses, apartments. In unison with Pisces, this pattern is the chart signature of big charity fundraisers. That chance is here again.

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Use Psychic Astrology to Predict 2025

If you are a Premium Member, you can give yourself a three-way reading for 2025 using psychic astrology now. Use The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle to see what the future holds.

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133 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, I have felt the greatest pull to the Tarot and you in my life lately. Will this conjunction finally bring forward the much wanted solution. Should I hang in there or give up. I need to learn how to read my chart better and will continue learning. Just so unsettled and 2yrs on in this situation with others impacting what would otherwise be so fulfilling for us. Thankyou xo

    1. As a Sun Capricorn you are ruled by Saturn, the planet of tests, trials, waiting games and stoic patience. Your Tarot and astrology pull could not be more different. That is about transcending time and moving into a different kind of time/space where all things are possible. Should you hang in there or give up? You’ve been doing this for two years. Your issue is your reality function (Capricorn, tending towards pessimist) and your escapist function (Pisces, tending to the totally unrealistic and impractical). As you say, the problem is the other people. You cannot control that. I think you have to figure out your true self here. Are you the jump-off idealist and dreamer, or are you too tied to reality to pretend you can fake ignoring it? Once you sort that out, the rest is basically a choice. But it will work for you. There is a psychic message here about an apron, apron strings.

  2. Jessica

    Thank you for your excellent work and sharing your knowledge with us.
    I have a question is there anything we can do on earth to influence the planets. For example if we go though a difficult or negative period or are everything set in the stats.

    Do you still believe we going though very difficult period next year in Australia

    Is there anything you see in my chart that I should be aware of or positive

    1. Good question. Destiny is negotiable. Awareness is everything. Astrology is designed to help you minimise a problem so when it comes to pass, it is much reduced in impact. It is also designed to encourage you to pursue obvious opportunities rather than let them disappear. Australia is in a massive transition from over-control and over-domination from a small elite of white men at the top – into the new power, shared horizontally, by men and women, and minorities. So, Pluto in Capricorn gives way to Pluto in Aquarius. This means deep transformation and that is sometimes very difficult for the elite who are wedded to the old set-up, so there will be a lot of rumbling in the jungle, but Australia will ultimately be a fairer place. I remember the budget being handed down in Canberra when a friend in Lismore was up to her knees in water, in her flooded home, in the middle of the night. She was invisible to the treasurer, and the PM, but she was the only thing I saw. Your chart shows Saturn at 8 Virgo in your Sixth House of housework, paid work, unpaid work, your academic career, your health, wellbeing and mental health too. It’s all of a piece. Saturn is a lifelong set of lessons about that and you often learn the hard way. As you will eventually reach your Saturn-Saturn opposition, when transiting Saturn moves to 8 Pisces, you may want to make your wellbeing your absolute priority now and continue to make your health on all levels the number one priority. Never let your service and duty to others, at home or at work, get in the way of your first duty, which is to your own constitution. This is especially important on the opposition. You may as well start now. The Sixth House is about the tiny, daily details which make the whole, so it really is the tiny things, like breakfast, or the hours you sleep, or the questions you ask your healer or doctor, which matter. It’s also very much about life-work balance and that is something you can begin now, just being aware of Saturn in Virgo in your chart.

  3. Thank you. That is completely hitting the nail on the head about the apron strings.

    I think it will be a matter of waiting for them to be cut and staying true to myself in the meantime. Definitely tied to reality through my children. I just live continually on the hope things will right themselves.

    You are so appreciated..

  4. Hi Jessica

    It feels amazing to see astrology blossom and to discover your work. So many of your predictions are coming true in real-time! Thank you for your work and for making so much of it freely available on the web.

    I’d love some guidance and hope you have the time to respond (DOB: 31/10/1982). I have been going all-in for the last few years learning creative writing including getting an MFA. My plan is to self-publish on Amazon and on other online platforms focusing on young adult fantasy storytelling in various forms. I would love your insights into whether traditional or self-publishing is favorable for me, and whether it’s evident in my chart that I can succeed financially as a writer (a long shot, I know). Any pointers on how to choose a lucky pen-name would also be much appreciated!

    I divide my time between Toronto and Vancouver and wonder if either city is better for me to commit to as I work toward getting on the property ladder. As a Sagittarius stellium I love traveling and wanted to know if any other regions jump out to you as being favorable for me to live in. I am always dreaming of living in different cities abroad 🙂

    Lastly, I read your posts on this and want to ask if you see bitcoin/crypto being favorable to my chart? My taurus stellium partner (May 6th 1981) and I are looking into dipping our toes in this rapidly changing space (DAOs etc). He’s been going through an extremely tough time, including expensive ongoing litigation with a recalcitrant other party, starting in 2018 when the nodes went into Taurus-Scorpio. We’re hoping for some idea of when there’s better weather for us. I note that I have chiron in taurus which possibly explains why I was drawn to my partner astrologically speaking….still learning about how to read my chart through your site. I hope this comment isn’t too long. Please let me know if I’m doing anything wrong re commenting protocol.

    Thanks again and best wishes!

    07° Scorpio 23′ 28″
    19° Aries 22′ 02″
    25° Libra 14′ 41″
    06° Scorpio 23′ 42″
    29° Sagittarius 24′ 02″
    17° Scorpio 54′ 53″
    26° Libra 39′ 19″
    03° Sagittarius 14′ 42″
    25° Sagittarius 04′ 43″
    27° Libra 17′ 03″
    26° Taurus 06′ 21″ R
    07° Capricorn 02′ 36″
    15° Aquarius 55′ 29″
    14° Sagittarius 02′ 34″
    21° Virgo 59′ 36″
    21° Pisces 59′ 36″
    11° Sagittarius 19′ 25″
    11° Gemini 19′ 25″
    01° Sagittarius 27′ 39″
    16° Aries 47′ 28″ R
    03° Gemini 21′ 50″ R
    25° Libra 10′ 32″
    09° Leo 43′ 04″
    02° Sagittarius 55′ 11″
    02° Libra 43′ 13″
    26° Leo 46′ 05″
    29° Sagittarius 11′ 18″
    13° Aquarius 59′ 54″
    11° Libra 34′ 24″
    07° Scorpio 33′ 58″
    06° Aquarius 59′ 09″
    22° Libra 35′ 26″
    06° Cancer 00′ 35″ R
    06° Capricorn 00′ 35″ R

    1. As a Sun Scorpio with a signature in your Eighth House of joint finance and property, business and charity, you will always find your life budget entangled with that of a partner, family member, friend and so on. It’s complicated but potentially very rewarding. You may want to make your choice about a permanent home once Saturn (burdens, waiting games, life lessons) is out of your solar Fourth House of property, from March 2023. Pluto, your ruler, then enters, which is quite momentous, so there may be natural timing here anyway. You don’t choose when to move, or where to live, the world seems to suggest the right dates. In your natal Eighth House of shared mortgage, shared investment and rent, you do have some karma to complete with your partner, and this would take you back to familiar themes and symbolism from 18-19 years ago. You are owed, perhaps, or you may even owe. Spiritual closure and settlement will occur in 2022 or 2023. I expect it will be the turning point of March 2023 that says it all, with a commitment by 2024, because for the first time since 2008, you no longer have to contend with transiting Pluto in Capricorn opposite the transiting Moon in Cancer (in your Fourth House of home, home town, homeland) every 28 days. As you have the North Node in Cancer, that is very important for you. The regular, ceaseless, tug of war or obstacle course, every four weeks, vanishes. It goes in slow stages in 2023 and by the mid 2020s you will look back and realise ‘That was then, this is now.’ The actual choice of the city is best decided with your Tarot and likewise, your partner’s decisions with you, are best made with the two of you, using the cards. Just follow the steps.

  5. Hi Jessica That was a wonderful first Zoom session by you this morning – many thanks!

    1. Thank you so much. I can see that Jupiter at 23 Pisces, Neptune at 23 Pisces, the South Node at 23 Scorpio, North Node at 23 Taurus are unfolding now, so let’s see what the next two or three days brings you.

  6. Can you recommend a link to buy the original Smith-Waite deck? There seem to be a lot of counterfeit ones out there. Love the website feature but would love my own deck, too!

    1. I prefer the Smith-Waite Tarot Deck (Centennial Edition) which comes in a tin. Cheap fakes do not include the tin, nor the two samples of Pamela Colman’s Smith’s art which come inside. It was first released in 2015 by U.S. Games Systems and has a photograph of The Fool on the back of the tin. You’ll have it for life, probably.

  7. Hi Jessica, I have 3 factors in Pisces in the 12th house, 4 factors in Taurus (2nd house) and 3 elements in Scorpio (7th house) and many planets at or around 23 degrees.
    Sun 23 Taurus and Minerva 23 Taurus (2nd house), Mars 23 Gemini (3rd house); Jupiter and Uranus 24 Cancer (4th house) Pluto 24 Leo and Cupido 24 Leo (5th house); Fortuna 24 Aquarius (11th house). I am making a major life change in May (moving house/an international move/planning a new business (not actually starting it until Mercury is out of retrograde, but making plans with others. What can you tell me?

    1. This is really about the group, or groups plural, you have been involved with to date, or intend to involve yourself with. In your natal chart, you have transiting Saturn very close to the 23 degree line-up, in Aquarius, in your Eleventh House of clubs, teams, associations, communities, networks, charities and circles. In your solar chart we find the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, also in your solar Eleventh House. Fortuna is already there at 24 Aquarius, suggesting you unwittingly affect the fortune and fate of others in quite a random way, without knowing what you are doing; this has been the case since childhood or adolescence. You are the person who is around the netball team, say, or the amateur band, and has a far bigger influence on the destinies of your friends and the group, than you realise. So this is now a familiar story, told twice, and with benefits for you, by May. Yet – it will be serious. Perhaps your relocation and new business tally with this movement in your chart. Have a closer look at Fortuna in Aquarius in the Eleventh House.

  8. Hi Jessica
    I so enjoyed your session today on Zoom and was blown away by the amount of people who joined from all over the globe. It was so delightful hearing some of the new subscribers talking in the break and showing so much enthusiasm and interest and not being able to wait to navigate your sight. For me personally, I pulled a card before the session commenced asking what the theme of the session would be and how it would affect us and it was the King of Cups. I was absolutely blow away when you pulled the same card out. My next card which was the first one you asked us to pull was the Eight of Pentacles….”There is a house or holiday home in the background” So on point as we are in the process of building our dream home/holiday house and that is where my focus is currently. The second card of the story I selected the Queen of Wands.
    My south node is in Pisces and Chiron in Pisces. I have Venus at 23 Aries, Ops at 23 Libra, Uranus at 22 Leo, Hygeia at 22 Scorpio and Baccus at 23 Gemini so I am guessing this will impact me personally?

    Once again thanks to You and Alicia for hosting a fabulous event.

    1. Thank you. It was wonderful to see people from right around the world, and although it is hard to get our time zones to line up at civilised hours of the day, we managed to juggle 7.00am with Alicia in Bondi Beach and late-night New York. That is amazing that you pulled the King of Cups before we began, and the King of Cups turned up for the second time at the event. It is of course Neptune in Pisces, complete with rolling waves and a fish necklace, but also fish dancing in the corner of the card! That card was for everyone there (all 222 of us) and will have personal meaning for every person, individually. I was amazed to find an academic I knew 30 years ago following me on Twitter; he studied Theology and is a high-profile religious figure these days. Quite astonishing. I am now living in his city, after 30 years away. Your own version of this will be personal to you, but this sounds like your partner. A dream home is very much what the King of Cups wants – he is not interested in the everyday, ordinary or mundane. You have a line-up in your chart that works well with that, as the ‘dream’ here is your Pisces side, triggered: Pisces wants a space of her own, some peace and quiet alone, a sanctuary. Your dream home will provide that. The other key here is Hygiea at 22 Scorpio, in your Eighth House of joint finance. This is also about protecting the future; anticipating all outcomes with your property and finances and shielding yourself/shoring up sensible defences. Home insurance, for example, and careful surveillance of local council plans. It’s on that level. The Queen of Wands is yourself, and that is your Bacchus at 23 Gemini in your Third House of ideas, plans, concepts and courses, coming alive.

  9. Thank you for another amazing post. I find myself so drawn to your writing and I use the Tarot and Oracle cards on your site daily and I’m always amazed by their insights and accuracy. I’m a sun Capricorn with no factors in Pisces but I do have two factors at 22 Scorpio, one at 22 Capricorn and 23 and 24 Aquarius. I wonder what you can see for me in relation to a an extraordinary, long and painful legal battle on the child and financial fronts with my ex-husband which has been raging for eight years in which he has taken everything I have worked for, leaving myself and children with almost nothing but debt. Just when I think it’s nearly over, it twists and turns again each time with a new blow. I’m trying to re-build for myself and my children but feel the need of some hope for the future it is out there.

    With much gratitude


    1. Thank you Alexia, that is lovely to read and I will pass that on to Justin Tabari, the designer. I am sorry you have been going through this legal battle with your former husband. This sounds like either a slow-moving transit like Pluto, or perhaps a sequence of transits that unfortunately triggers several matters in your chart. Let’s take a look. You are a Sun Capricorn going through the unpredictable, destabilising, transit of Uranus in your Fifth House of parenthood. It began on May 16th 2018 and is with you until April 26th 2026. That does not mean 2022-2026 is hard work in any way; it just means a new approach to the zig-zag, constantly changing, nature of your relationship with the children, with him, with other family members or friends involved, and even issues like their education. Uranus in Taurus, along with the North Node in Taurus until July 17th 2023, suggests that the last thing you would ever have expected to find yourself doing, is the first thing you will be doing – in your favour – by next year. This is about surprising yourself, but also being more excited by life; liberated to experiment and explore as a mother, but with the world of babies, children, teenagers or Millennials in general. Things look up tremendously after Jupiter (solutions, opportunities) moves into Taurus, again in your solar Fifth House, on May 17th 2023 and these useful, uplifting cycles continue until May 25th 2024. I hasten to add this is just the parenting aspect of life – not the financial. It is set apart from questions about money, rent, mortgage and so on, and very much about the mother-child relationship, but the world of younger people and yourself in general. There, fantastic surprises and huge answers are in store for you, with the completion of karma too. You will find the hard part is over financially from March 7th 2023 and there will be a change in the balance of power, financially, probably with him, from that point forward. This again is in your solar chart. This tallies with your natal chart. You have the classic Aries-Libra and Scorpio-Taurus patterns suggestive of war and peace in a marriage or divorce – but also the quest to balance your budget with a partner’s, or ex-partner’s. The reason you have been put through this for such a long time, is the sequence of transits, which is just what I expected to see. The good news is, what is there in the solar (Capricorn) chart is also there in the natal chart. Same timing. You need to get through 2022, which of course you will do, and use what works nicely for you – which is actually the internet, websites, online courses, writing or podcasting (if that appeals) and a number of short getaways or weekend trips, with or without the children, which cost you nothing except packed lunch! You need a break from this and you will get it in 2022, Alexia. By the time you land in 2023 the light is at the end of the tunnel. I will look at the Tarot for validation to see how this pans out for you by 2024 and sure enough, there is a very special project, idea, concept or plan there. You need to plant it in the right location and also be very focussed and clear about how you want to develop it. Regarding your former husband and the finances; I suggest you stick to just one Tarot outcome so you don’t mix up your timelines. Find a journal, follow the steps, and once and for all, see what to do, when to do it, and how this is shaping up for you. Then you can lean on that.

  10. Thank you so much Jessica, I’m so grateful for your response and your attention to detail. I can really get the sense of a brighter future and also the necessary work involved to get there. I’ll definitely being using a journal and Tarot as you suggest.

    With gratitude


  11. Hello Jessica,

    We have been negotiating settling a long standing civil lawsuit. Do you see this settling favorably and if so when?
    What do you see for my life in general at this time?

    Thank you,

    1. Scarlett, if this is a ‘we’ situation then you need the other person’s chart to see what is going on. Presumably this is your partner, or you may be talking about a group, with this lawsuit. Again, you would need the charts of all concerned to really be accurate. You are a Leo with a big Scorpio and Taurus signature, and set to make or save money in April, May and again in October-December 2022. This may be a pay-out or settlement from this, but of course the gains are just as likely to be (say) an increase in the value of your home, or a pay rise. You should be reassured by the fact that you will be saving or profiting, though, and on a level not possible in years. We don’t know why, but it’s here.

  12. Thank you Jessica for an amazing event – the sychronisity that occurred was extraordinary! I have just had a big move and feel very much alone struggling on my own and always having to keep going with no life partner – will that ever change?

    1. Thank you. Yes, the event was full of quite amazing synchronicity. It was very special – thank you for coming along. Life partners are ruled by Libra in the chart and you have Saturn, Minerva and Neptune there. Libra is the scales. Husbands, wives or sexual partners are at one end of the scales, and you are on the other end. This balancing act can be hard work with Saturn in Libra, as situations and people you could not have avoided in your life, have made it necessary to build up defences or protection for yourself. There is a fair bit of fear there, around partnership or marriage, or just fear of divorce or separation, or becoming widowed. That can happen too. Yet, you also have Minerva there, so you are wise about such matters and it is through partnerships that you are at your best, intellectually, using each situation as a reason to think harder, research further and use your mind (Minerva was born fully formed from Jupiter, her father’s, brain). Neptune is the other symbol in Libra so your holiday from reality is always a partner. It’s a vacation from the mundane. This is really at odds with Saturn, as I am sure you can see. So ‘no life partner’ does actually rescue you from mixed feelings and inner conflicts, you know! Perhaps this is why you have unconsciously chosen that path. Previous experiences have taught you that it’s extremely difficult to be with someone, or to lose them. I am sorry you feel alone and that you are struggling by yourself. A really good way to deal with this kind of Libra pattern in your chart, is to reframe your view of what a lover should be. Does this have to be a life partner, a forever soulmate, and the rest? Would you accept a different way of being with someone? That gets you out of this Seventh House pattern. Have a look at what the Tarot suggests; it is an excellent tool for problem-solving.

  13. Hi jessica, I must say you are doing an amazing job and you are an amazing person..
    lots of love for you and appreciate what you doing for us.
    Can you have a look ay my chart?? Do you see my difficulties with work & family turning positive for me anytime soon??

    1. Thank you, you are too kind. You are a Sun Scorpio with a Leo stellium in the Fifth House. If ‘family’ means your children; nieces or nephews; godchildren; younger relatives – yes, this improves hugely by May, with a sweeping solution for you. Leo is really about mentoring, guiding or leading a younger generation. It can be your own sons or daughters in life, godchildren, or actually a professional role – being a guiding light for teenagers or young adults – or showing powerful leadership with children, or for children. If you are talking about older generations in the family, that is different. That is a test for you in 2022 but it is over from March 2023, when your life exam will also be over. Do use the Tarot on this website to help you navigate.

  14. thank you Jessica for always inspiring readings. Is fascinated by your knowledge and that you have a holistic view of most interpretations. Would appreciate if you can look at my horoscope, as I seem to sit quickly in a long pattern within the family.
    1961/10/14 time: 03.36 malmö sweden.

    1. The family situation will end in March 2023, with occasional returns to the same old questions about who/what is in control, or who/what has the power in your life – but it is generally over from 2024 and just a memory from 2025. This cycle can only happen every 248 years and you are almost at the end. It began in 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn and your solar Fourth House of relatives.

  15. Hi, Jessica, and thank you! I though I knew astrology, but since I have discovered you I have begun from 0. Can you have a look at my chart, please? Your opinion is more accurate than my interpretation. P.s the Tarot answerd me to a question that had been hauting me for almost 4 years, and finally I found the way out. Again, thank you!

    1. I’m so pleased the Tarot worked for you. You are a Sun Aries with an Aquarius stellium in your Eleventh House of friends, social life and groups. You are going through the hardest cycle in 29 years as Saturn transits Aquarius, as you probably know. Given that you ‘live’ in your Eleventh House for much of the time, dealing with the obstacles, waiting games, tests and trials is truly challenging, but the transit ends in March 2023 and you can move into your new life, with Pluto then in Aquarius. Closer to the present, the story is about a relaunch of your appearance, perhaps your title or name, your style and approach. Who or what you represent in such a personal way, may change or expand. This was hinted at earlier in April and becomes real by June, and will snowball quite quickly, in your favour.

  16. Hello Jessica. I am still processing yesterdays amazing event and so thankful for your time and energy.
    I have a question and I hope it is not a dumb question that wastes your time. I was thinking about the degrees.
    What are the degrees in astrology relative to? Does each degree have a significance in and of itself?
    I’ve been reading about how the 19.5 degree latitude both north and south of the equator produce very strong vortices on earth. And not just on earth but also in other heavenly bodies. The big storm on Jupiter is at 19.5 degrees, Mars’ Olympus Volcano is at 19.5 degrees and the Sun spots are at 19.5 degrees. This made me curious about astrological degrees and the meaning of each if any.,is%20limited%20to%2019.5%20degreees%20north%20and%20south.

    1. Thank you, I will pass that on to Alicia. Your question is quite right; the degrees in astrology do have meaning. Of the 360 degrees of the zodiac, split into 12 signs, we have a separate interpretation for 0-29 of every sign. Lynda Hill is the world expert on these degrees, which are called Sabian Symbols and were channelled by the psychic Elsie Wheeler at the start of last century, with Marc Edmund Jones, the astrologer. The original symbols are fascinating and have been interpreted by many people, but Lynda Hill has created a website and book which really talks to people. It sounds as if you are being put on a path here. You can book a reading with Lynda or just try the symbols, which are free, on her website. In the Sabian Symbols, you read the next degree along, so you are looking at (a sign) plus 20. As a test, see how your natal Sun is interpreted. It stands at 9 Capricorn so you need to look up the Sabian Symbol for 10 Capricorn. This will reveal how you shine, how you stand out, how you bring light to a situation, how you (can) dazzle with brilliance. The Sun.

  17. I really enjoyed my first of your astrology zooms. I got great understanding of how to focus before picking a tarot. I got a queen of swords and a nine of pentacles in that order and it really answered my queries of the now and what was i doing wrong in regards my life this week. Your work really helps people in times of uncertainty. Thank you. Karen

    1. Thank you Karen. The Queen of Swords is your Mars in Virgo in the Sixth House of work, health, wellbeing, lifestyle, housework. You are basically saying ‘This far, and no further’ setting boundaries about your daily routine, your job, any unpaid labour or your academic career. If you look at the card again you will see butterflies. This is a symbol for Psyche. She stands at 14 Taurus so is waking up as well. What lives forever with your money, house, apartment, charity, business and/or precious possessions, is a going concern in April, May. Most of all it’s about values. Your values are built to last. This is part of the stand you are taking with boundaries, with other people or large organisations. The card will ‘talk’ further to you if you let it, and of course the Nine of Pentacles (coins) takes you back to Taurus, which is money and values.

  18. Hello Jessica, Thank you for the chance for a few more questions. I am a Leo Sun with Pisces in Jupiter, Scorpio in Neptune and Leo in Uranus. I’m on the brink of a huge career expansion after putting in two years of very hard work (in the publishing industry). I am an American who lives abroad (Rome, Italy) and am wondering how this conjunction might affect my vocation. Can you take a peek at my chart? Any feedback would be useful, as I feel like I’m free-falling and in a bit over my head. Can I do really do this big and seemingly impossible thing?

    1. Your luck is in. Your solar chart, as a Leo Sun, reveals the biggest and best opportunities for fulfilment with foreigners and foreign countries, in twelve years. There have been small hints and signs in April, but the door swings open from May 11th and stays open until October 28th. It then opens again, dramatically in your favour, from December 21st, just before Christmas Eve, until May 16th 2023. The Ninth House in your solar and natal chart rules foreigners but also publishing. Can you really do this big and seemingly impossible thing? Yes. It will move very rapidly for you, as Mars is also in your solar Ninth House between May 25th and July 5th, so you will have go-faster stripes. You also have transiting Chiron in your solar Ninth House, so there is punk rock spirit here. Getting away with the so-called impossible, or outrageous. You were born with Fortuna at 2 Sagittarius in your natal Ninth House; she will receive a trine from transiting Jupiter (expansion, opportunity, growth) at 2 Aries very soon; later on transiting Pluto moves to 2 Aquarius and forms a sextile. That’s powerful and it’s long-lasting.

  19. Hi Jessica
    I’ve asked you previously for some clarity and insight about my very unhealthy relationship; it’s damaged me emotionally and I’m done. Having a current experience with long covid has really given me pause for thought on the frailty of life. I know I’ll leave him some day (when I can get back financial control). But I want to start thinking about my future and hope that it’s not looking too bleak. Does it look from my chart, if/when I will ever find a genuinely healthy and loving relationship with a man?
    Thank you

    1. A Sun Taurus with an Aries stellium can hang on to the fight, because Taurus the bull digs her heels in and will not budge, and Aries is combative. This doesn’t really work for you. In fact the war can go on for years. The Second World War began on an historic Taurus transit, along with Aries factors and anyone who thought it would be finished by 1940 had to endure it until 1945. So be careful here. I have said this before, I am sure, but it is your life and nobody else’s, so you need to use the Tarot, the Garden Oracle and the Astrology Oracle here and follow the steps to see how you can find solutions. By July 17th 2023 this current South Node in Scorpio cycle ends. It shows in both your charts, solar and natal. It is about karma with your husband, completed. If you miss that deadline then in a way, you are swimming against the natural currents of time. Long Covid is a burden you did not want and I am sorry you have an extended illness from this virus; your chart does not suggest this dominates your life at all, and so you are free to reinvent your professional existence, which I believe I’ve said before.

  20. Thank you so much for this extraordinary meetup. So generous of you to offer free. I have been only doing Tarot for the last two years but find it so so on point. The lesson on how to read RW was very helpful.
    I pulled the 9 of cups and then the 10 of cups and when I looked up the 9 of cups in Mary Greer’s book is said Neptune in Pisces!!!
    Goodness, can’t wait to see what we and the universe will create in April. Stay safe and well.

    1. Thank you. Mary Greer is a wonderful Tarot expert to have by your side and her books are classics in the field. I am glad you are exploring the Smith-Waite deck. Incredible that Greer translated your card as Neptune in Pisces. Cups are containers for fluid. The Golden Dawn, the organisation which inspired Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur Waite to create the deck, always interpreted cups as water signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. Cups hold water, of course, but with Scorpio they hold all those sexual fluids; with Cancer they hold mother’s milk; with Pisces they hold holy water. The Ten of Cups and Nine of Cups are about those signs in your life, but also those signs in your chart. The intense, complicated, deeply personal and powerfully emotional side of being human.

    1. Thank you for coming along: we had to juggle time zones, but glad you could be there.

  21. Many thanks, Jessica, for your generosity at sharing your psychic gift with all of us. God bless you!

  22. Hi Jessica, Thank you for the Zoom meeting ‘yesterday’ (UK time!); it was mesmerizing. I am so hopeful of a miracle that will lift Ukraine out of the misery it has endured for too long. While I focused on the present and then the future for Ukraine, I drew Justice and the Seven of Cups! I stared at the second card and imagined Ukraine without the snake – Putin – and I remembered the Snake Island heroes.

    I have Pisces in the North Node and Cupido; Jupiter in Libra; and Neptune in Scorpio.
    23 at ASC and DESC
    22 at Uranus (Libra) and Diana (Capricorn) and Ceres (Aries)
    24 at Pluto (Virgo), North Node (Pisces), South Node (Virgo), and Panacea (Aries).

    What do you think this could mean for me at this time?

    Best wishes.

    1. Thank you for coming along to the Zoom event from England – Alicia and I really enjoyed it from our end of the world. Thank you also for your Tarot reading about Ukraine. You are a psychic by nature and I’m sure you have been aware of that since childhood. Justice suggests a higher power, and possibly the legal process for war criminals from Russia and Belarus. The snake is fascinating: Snake Island. We can all ‘imagine’ or actively creatively visualise our way into an outcome we want from Vladimir Putin. Your Pisces North Node suggests your past life involved work as a professional clairvoyant or medium. Do you remember it? As a Sun Gemini you have come back to translate for people, as the world of spiritualism or Tarot can sometimes be hard to intuit. You are on track for success in April, May and again October, November, December. You have to be proactive as the door is open; you actually need to recognise it when you see it and go straight through into a new space of enhanced status and achievement. The time is really now, but you have about four weeks, as of today.

  23. Hi Jessica! I really enjoyed the meetup yesterday and thank you so much for replying to my question. I am a new member and excited about diving deeper into all the fascinating information you have provided on the site. Thanks!

  24. Thanks for this, I’m so curious as we are now April 9th in the US. With sun 22 Virgo and fortuna 23 Scorpio and Aesculpia 23 Sag, is this the wheel spinning? Admittedly it hasn’t been the easiest week, but business seems to be picking up slowly but sure. And I continue to pray for the Ukraine and a swift resolution!

    1. Yes, this whole weekend, into Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th, is about the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. Australia is obviously a day in front of America and the world wakes up differently, so we could allow until Wednesday 13th April, actually. It’s a process! If you have patterns at 22/23 degrees then this is really about opportunities do do things differently (better) with Virgo matters (work, health), financial/personal matters (Scorpio) and foreigners and foreign countries (Sagittarius). The story may connect all of that together, or there may be 2-3 separate stories going on. Jupiter is about opportunity not delivery. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink, in other words. So once you realise, by the middle of next week, just what sort of doors have opened for you, go through them. You’ll need to be proactive but it should work out nicely – use the Tarot again for validation if you need to.

  25. Hi Jessica! Thank you so much for your wonderful work and resources that you share! I recently found you and have since then tried to read up on as much as possible, and also maybe found answers to why these past few years have been the hardest of my life… with one “surprise” after another, feeling like I’m constantly “just trying to survive”. The latest surprise being to have to suddenly deal with a separation from my children’s father and finding a new home, having limited options to choose from. Because everything has been so turbulent, I feel so confused and not sure what my best bet is and how much risk related to property I should take. I also gave up a secure job to pursue my dream to be an entrepeneur (before knowing about this separation) and now unsure if I should stay the course or try to find a more secure job/income. I have lots of Scorpio/Taurus factors, lots of Libra and Virgo, but only one in Pieces. Wondering how I should read this Neptune/Pieces weather combined with all the Taurus/Scorpio action in my chart. Related to karma, in 2003/2004 I separated from my first longtime partner and also had to settle property issues, back in -84, my own parents got divorced so the same theme seems to be repeating in my life every 18-19 years… I would have so many questions! But eternally grateful if you could shed some light on how to navigate these tricky times.. All the best, Kristina

    1. Thank you. The astrology regarding children is always the Fifth House, ruled by Leo, and the end of a sexual relationship is always the Seventh House, ruled by Libra, and the Eighth House, ruled by Scorpio. Kristina, if you scan your chart again you will see you have Mars in Leo and as you are aware, a Libra and Scorpio stellium (unusually high number of factors in a zodiac sign). The new home is also the Eighth House, as it is about joint finances, so that’s Scorpio for the second time. The first thing to say is that you should try to avoid fighting over the children, or even fighting with the children. Mars is a symbol of heat, combat and battles. That is the last thing you need so where possible, as a lifetime rule, try to find ways to defuse Mars in your chart. He likes a strategy. I mention this because in the years ahead, Pluto will oppose Mars, and you need to be pre-emptive and set a course right now which is about micro-management of strong emotions and impulses, both around the children, but also coming from them, too. The opposition is far, far into the future but children grow up. The actual Neptune-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces is about your home and the family circle, pulling in relatives on both sides. This works well in April, May and is your blessing and protection; your safety net, umbrella and perhaps your reward. You have seen for yourself how karma works with the lunar nodes, going back in 18-19 year cycles. You are owed and will receive. Use this astrology cycle now to pursue the home you want and also the kind of family circle that works, even if this means following up with uncles, aunts, grandparents and so on – on either side. This cycle with Jupiter, your ruler, ends on May 16th, so you have about a month to take what is on offer. Don’t be blind to the potential here. It is easy to overlook or ignore who/what is such an obvious way to get what you want, so if necessary, slow down, take a deep breath and retrace your steps in March, April to see exactly what an outsider would tell you, about a house, apartment or family possibility. The blessings return with the second Jupiter pass in Pisces, so October 29th to December 20th. This is Halloween for the children and then Christmas, two events which should bring some or all of the family together, for their sake. Again, there is protection there, or just luck, with the actual home itself, and the family circle on all sides. Allow for the separation process to go backwards and forwards with the children’s father in May, June 2022 and again September 2022 until March 2023. Get everything in writing and have it checked for detail. This will be a long process of negotiation which is best treated as a journey not a fast destination, but you will get there. The other questions you have about property and career are personal to you; only you know what you want and need, at heart, so I suggest you use The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and The Smith-Waite Tarot on this website and follow the steps. The situation with the children is the key to everything and you will be thrilled to see that destiny is on your side with them, in the second half of 2022 and first half of 2023. Do all you can to try and create a blueprint as a parent that will see you through the years ahead, as luck is on your side as a parent for the next year or so.

  26. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for your articles over the last few weeks concerning Ukraine and this horrible war.
    The war where Ukraine is fighting for democracy, it seems, on behalf of the western world. I think this may be the first time in history that the free world can see this war on TV and the internet, and the utter barbarity and destruction involved. It is pointless and senseless. Strange how stupidity and evil often seem to go hand in hand.

    I hope and pray for this Piscean Jupiter-Neptune miracle on April 12th. Everyone wants this to stop except for one man and his close associates – who I worry will not give up till the bitter end. Would lighting a candle and saying a prayer or reading a poem, or even just closing your eyes and thinking of peace help in any way? I do know it helps to try and hope.

    I wasn’t going to write in anything as you have so many comments to review and I have had comments printed and replied to in the past for which I am very grateful.
    It was the King of Cups that you showed in your latest article that made me want to write in as I think it helps solve a problem I had with the Nostradamus quatrain century 1 no. 83 that you discussed in your article “Nostradamus, Ukraine, Putin and Russia of 27.02.2022. I had trouble with the last line and also the word Thoscans.

    I.LXXXIII. French.
    L’Agent estrange divisera butins,
    Saturn & Mars son regard furieux,
    Horrible, estrange, aux Thoscans & Latins,
    Grees qui seront a frapper curiux.

    The last line seems to read: The Greeks/ Greece will deliver an unusual blow (knock-out) but I couldn’t work out how this was relevant even though the south of Ukraine, Mariupol in particular, have a large Greek origin population. I wonder now if the Greek Orthodox Church is in the card represented by the sea surrounding the King (The Pope). Greece is a seafaring nation and in the card a ship can be seen on the right and a dolphin on the left. The dolphin is Greece’s national animal. The flag of the Greek Orthodox Church is a double-headed eagle (Jupiter) on a yellow background similar in colour to the yellow of the card.
    Could the churches come out together in condemnation of this war, both Eastern and Western Christianity, Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox, over their respective Palm Sundays. Tomorrow, the 10th, is Palm Sunday for Catholics and Protestants and I believe the 17th is Palm Sunday for Orthodox churches. The 12th April is in this week between, Holy week for Catholics and Anglicans.

    With respect to “Thoscans”, could this be “The Oscars” as heard by Nostradamus who would have no understanding of what this was. The war was condemned by all who were there with many comments and statements. This was a secular condemnation by powerful media people and watched worldwide in 200 Countries (except in Russia, China and North Korea!)
    I think the Oscars may also be like a date stamp along with the second line. En regard in french means next to and on the 5th April there was a conjunction of Mars and Saturn. Neptune had not been discovered in Nostradamus’s time so I think the slowest moving planet at this time would have been Saturn.

    So could the quatrain read:
    Putin, the foreign agent who divides (and rules)
    An angry aspect of Saturn with Mars
    Horrible! Foreign!
    With the Oscars and the Latins (Catholics)
    The Greeks will bring about an unusual blow/knock-out

    Thank you for your work and if I am fortunate, thank you for reading even if I am miles out. It was cathartic to write this, and yes I will light a candle on the 12th and close my eyes, listen to Celtic harp music and think of peace.

    1. Wow, Caitlin, this is a stunning interpretation of Nostradamus. We didn’t discuss Nostradamus at the event, but I believe you are right. The Greek Orthodox Church would fit. We are also so close to Palm Sunday in all Christian churches and Holy Week. The date-stamp of the Oscars is also terrific. When Nostradamus was reading a future issue of Time magazine in his mind’s eye, he may have seen headlines and pictures which made sense to him (Grees) and The Oscars was utterly meaningless to him, so he grasped for Thoscans, which he did know. As to the wishes, hopes and prayers for peace in Ukraine, yes. This is exactly what the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is about. Neptune in Pisces is about Christianity, but we don’t have to be churchgoers to move with Christ’s message of ‘Do unto others’, the golden rule. And Neptune is about quantum mechanics too. What a lot of people would call metaphysics, magic or miracles. I will join you, over here in Australia, when the moment is right.

  27. Thanks so much for the reply Jessica, as always. Great session yesterday. Wishing you the best the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction has to offer. x

    1. Thank you! I just realised who the King of Cups was in Australia. It is Anthony Albanese, a Pisces, who is campaigning to be the next Prime Minister. The election date is close to being announced.

  28. Hi Jessica – thank you so much for your guidance and insight. So much of what you predicted is coming true! My question is around a new venture. My husband and I are opening a glamping business. Can you please recommend some days in July or August this year for an optimal grand opening? Thank you!

    1. Thank you for validating the prediction. Glamping is a very wise investment and you will find it becomes high-tech for you, if you stay the course and continue to pursue it beyond 2026, when Uranus (the technological revolution) goes into Gemini (short journeys). Avoid Mercury Retrograde in Gemini and Mars Retrograde in Gemini for the same reason. You have Cupido at 10 and Jupiter at 26 Gemini, which is superb for a glamping venture, in general, but you do not want those stuck/backwards cycles going across. So skip Saturday 30th April until Monday 23rd May for paperwork, signatures, scheduling (unless you have Plan B and C for delays or changes) and again, Tuesday June 14th to Sunday June 19th, when Mercury backtracks through Gemini again. The next window to be cautious with is Sunday 4th September 2022 until Friday 17th March 2023. You may find that delays or rescheduling with the travel industry affect your bookings, for example, or the delivery of equipment. Having a back-up plan and reading the fine print on any contracts is a wise move then. For an actual grand opening, use transiting Pluto at 26 Capricorn, exactly in aspect to your fortunate natal Jupiter at 26 Gemini, from Friday 5th August to the end of that month. Friday 19th, Saturday 20th August also find the Sun at 26 Leo, in a perfect sextile to your Jupiter at 26 Gemini. Your husband may have factors at 26 degrees too; have a look as he is half the equation. The Tarot can help you if you don’t have his chart (or he doesn’t have that degree showing).

  29. Hi Jessica

    Thank you as always for enlightening us with your work. I have decided to retire this year, taking advantage of a lifetime mortgage which will give me the freedom to do this, legal paperwork will be signed off on 14 Apr …so am hoping the Jupiter, Neptune and Pisces lineup will be lucky for me to start dream. Does my chart indicate I am on the right track? Thank you.

    1. You want to retire on a lifetime mortgage, so the issues here are Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio in your chart. You are not logged in, so unfortunately I can’t see it. Take a look yourself and you will soon see if it’s a ‘yes’ from astrology to this. The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces is only about money if you are Aquarius or Leo, only about your mortgage if you are Sagittarius, and only about retirement if you are a Gemini or Libra. (This is in your solar chart). If that’s a yes, though, go to your natal chart to see the same story told twice.

  30. Thank you so much for the free event. I so appreciate all of your events and insight. I was a bit surprised it was mainly about Tarot as I thought we would learn certain dates and what to expect but I really appreciated learning more about the Tarot. I pulled a hangman. I always have a hard time with these cards as I feel I am not very good at figuring the meaning out and find it hard to concentrate when I am pulling them as I am not sure if I am “tuned in”. I am currently waiting to hear about a job interview so it is probably apropos tho! I actually am feeling in limbo and really could use the money right now but am also a little nervous because I just finished a degree in this teaching field (esl) and am not sure how ready I am. But the only way to know is to just dive in I suppose. I just moved and do like where I am living right now. Thanks again, Jessica as I always look forward to your events and posts.

    1. Maybe you missed the dates I gave during the event? The exact conjunction is now, through April 12th – and Jupiter in Pisces is alongside Neptune in Pisces until May. The Smith-Waite Tarot was created using astrology, so it’s the visual mirror of your chart and it is personal/private so more useful to you. The Hangman shows the limbo of waiting for the job interview result. If you go back to the card you will see that The Hangman has a halo or aura around his head. That is you, suspended, but being powerfully enlightened. The fact that you have to wait, gives you a ‘Eureka!’ moment or wake-up call and you’ll be a better and happier person for it. At a certain point you will get the energy to haul yourself up and break free of dangling. You have Cupido Retrograde at 27 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. Cupido is your passion for your work, and other people’s passion for the work you do. However, ‘Retrograde’ tells you that every so often things get stuck or go backwards, just like Mercury Retrograde, and that is what is happening now. It does not last. And while you are dangling, you become a slightly different person. More aware and more insightful!

  31. Thanks for the event Jessica. It was a treat to have been part of. Eagles routinely circle the sky out my window, catching the thermals. A majestic sight, even if they are just pinpricks in the sky.
    Your insights are very welcome. On top of my Pisces stellium, I have more than a few planets within orb of the upcoming 23º conjunction.
    For the tarot portion; I drew first Sun then Moon. My initial thought was – same but different. Lo and behold, that’s the first line of Moon card description. Too funny.
    Kind regards, Patrick

    1. Thank you very much. Those eagles may tally with transits by Jupiter to your chart, or transits to natal Jupiter, so it can be interesting to check the timing. The Sun is the next generation, Patrick. Your own or other people’s children or teenagers. Sometimes, imminent pregnancy. It can turn up if you are taking on a young intern at work, or if your son wins a scholarship, or if you are made a godfather. It is linked to Leo, which does not feature in your chart, but is also quite literally – the Sun. The next generation carries you. I am sure you saw Sagittarius hidden in the card as well, through the horse and rider. You have a stellium in Sagittarius. The Moon hides Scorpio in the lake; it was illustrated as a lobster, not a scorpion, but looks just like. The two towers sometimes show property – houses or apartments – Scorpio’s financial interests. These things are personal, though, so I will leave it to you to interpret as you are a natural psychic.

  32. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you for sharing so much wisdom in such a compassionate fashion. I can sense how much you want to ease the individual and collective suffering in the world right now and help us all make better decisions through astrology and tarot. And Alicia is so kind and patient through all the ups and downs of bringing these events to people all over the world. I sincerely appreciate the efforts of your entire team.


    1. Ah, thanks Meg. Alicia does make these events special and is ever patient with the wonderful world of computers. I look forward to seeing you at a future Meetup.

  33. Hi Jessica,
    I thoroughly enjoyed my first Zoom session. My thanks to you & Alicia. As I already have the Smith Waite Tarot deck. I used it as well as the one on your website. Very interesting results.

    The only horoscope factor I have regarding the Jupiter – Neptune Conjunction, is Sun 24 Taurus.
    I have two questions please. The first is, what do you interpret for my finances from this point on? I’m a day trader. And second, when will be the best time for me to buy a property of my own. Thank you. JT1605

    1. Thank you. I will pass that on to Alicia in Bondi Beach this morning. I’m glad you have your own deck and used it during the event. You are a Sun Taurus with a Taurus stellium in your Second House of finance, charity, business, valuables and property. As a day trader you are in the right job. You might want to start tracking the Moon in Taurus and Scorpio (opposite Taurus) to see how it pans out for you. Perhaps you already do that. Essentially, you are in an unstable, unpredictable cycle which is very hard to give guarantees with. Uranus (upheaval) is in Taurus until 2026. This sometimes rewards you, as it will when Jupiter goes into Taurus. May 17th 2023 until May 25th 2024 is a potential boom for you, with epic solutions and tremendous opportunities. You’ll get the lightning bolts of Uranus and the thunderous booming of Jupiter, in a very wild ride indeed. Your own tracking of the Taurus and Scorpio transits by that stage can really help you, as can your own Tarot deck. You would expect to see the Pentacles/Coins cards turn up with information for you. As always, it’s you, not me, who makes the decisions about your money and property, but it sounds as if you have the right chart and deck to work with, to guide your own choices there.

  34. Hi Jessica, your reading of my situation is epic, even with the limited details I provided. I could not say more because of legal constraints on my company as we move our operations. But your insights are amazing. And I can work with that. Thank you so very much.

  35. Hi Jessica,

    Have a lot going on in my life at the moment with family, marriage and life in general. Am hoping for a new life with my new partner. Could you let me know what this means for me with the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction please, I have the following:
    Saturn 23 Sagittarius
    Mars 26 Taurus
    MC 20 Scorpio
    IC 20 Taurus
    Diana 20 Aquarius
    Hygeia 21 Gemini
    North node 22 Libra
    South node 22 Aries

    Thank you for such interesting articles as always! x

  36. Hi Jessica! Thanks for all you do for us! I don’t have anything at 23 degrees in my chart. What do I have to look forward to with this or upcoming transits? Thanks again!

    1. You were born with the Sun in Leo (only just) and an average mix of Taurus-Scorpio factors in your natal chart, which show money saved, or money made. You have been shown two or three ways to make money, or save money, in April. You should get on with it, as quickly as you can, by mid-May. Even before the 30th of April would be preferable. This may be cryptocurrency; the world of the NFT; the chance to reconfigure a lease; a last-chance option to sort out your pension or superannuation before the laws change – it will be intensely personal to you. Time is of the essence though. If you were shown an obvious source of help or support recently but let it go, think about going back again.

  37. Hello Jessica. Unfortuneately I was not able to make the Zoom event, but reading the comments I can tell it went very well.

    I do have a question which is where you talk about having Taurus and Scorpio factors. Would you mind providing your thoughts on the implications for those of us with only say Scorpio or Taurus, but not both in these times. For example I only have Scorpio factors.

    Also, on a personal note, the only 23 degrees in my chart is Vulcano in Libra. I am in the midst of countering some power plays at work and I wondered if this aspect might help or hinder me. Many thanks.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Virgo with a Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House of joint finance and will make or save money from May 2022 until October, and then from January until May 2023. You must have done something right 18-19 years ago, as you are owed, karmically, and will receive advantages, favours or strokes of luck which make a difference to your bank account, house or apartment, shares, charity or business. It will happen very quickly from mid-May 2022 throughout June. Vulcano at 23 Libra is a symbol of self-control making you potent in a duet or duel. It is usually a love affair or marriage. If it’s a work power play, and you consider this man or woman the enemy, then your ability to handle your own emotions but come up with a strategy, will work really well for you this April.

  38. Dear Jessica, Unfortunately I missed the session ( I awoke at 4am ready, then slept through it GAH!) Am I able to hear a recording of it? Following, my experience was very challenging in my personal life for the 23 degree conjunction (I have Sun
    23° pisces – My Birth Chart Pisces 42′ 51″) . What advise could you offer for my personal life and also my career where I feel like I am making good headway with the expansion of my business and internationally. Will I succeed with this? Many thanks,

    1. I’m so sorry about the time difference issues. There is an audio recording of this, linked to this story. You are a Sun Pisces with Jupiter and Neptune in transit by conjunction. This is your time to shine. To stand out. To relaunch. In fact your chart in 2022 and 2023 is about self-promotion. This will help your business. If you want to date (you don’t say if you are single or married) then your new look and profile will help you find suitors. This begins right now in April 2022 but picks up again in May 2022 and remains there until October. You then receive the second wave of this First House weather from January-May 2023. In both charts I use for you it’s about the First House. Rebirth, renaissance, self-promotion, relaunch.

  39. Hi Jessica and thank you for sharing your insights.
    I’m a Libra with the sun in 23 degrees libra. Could you please explain how this group of planets at 23 will impact the years ahead?

    Thank you

    1. You are not logged in, so I cannot see your birth chart. However if you are a Sun Libra person, you shine at your brilliant best in attention-grabbing marriages, professional partnerships or other duets. When you find yourself as half of Sonny and Cher, French and Saunders, Bonnie and Clyde, you gain the spotlight. You also dazzle in a duel. Like Thatcher on a tank during the Falklands War, you glow in the dark when you are fighting what you consider to be the good fight. With transiting Jupiter approaching an opposition to your natal Sun at 23 Aries, in the First House of image, reputation, appearance and branding – and this Full Moon in Libra, in your solar First House of the same, we’d have to say what happens on April 15th, 16th, 17th is about a mirror being held up to you. Who or what you see reflected there inspires a hard-work relaunch of yourself later on in 2022 or 2023.

  40. I’ve noticed that the war in Iraq began on March 20, 2003, quite precisely 19 years ago. Could you comment on this in regard to the 18-19 year cycle you have written about? Debts owed? Thank you.

    1. That’s interesting. The lunar node cycle and karma. We are back to the Taurus/Scorpio nodes, which are about world trade, sanctions, boycotts, the sharemarkets and the big question – values. What price a human life? We are seeing this play out now in Ukraine but it was also there in Iraq. It is also there with COVID-19. Politicians are putting prices on human life. It is an extreme, intense time when sitting governments have to look at their value systems, but (down here in the real world) we, as people, will also have to figure out our values. It was the same in the Second World War, when we also saw a huge pile-up around Taurus-Scorpio.

  41. Hi Jessica,
    Would this be a good time to start planning a house purchase for next year? I still feel unsettled in my job situation but also want to put down roots. I have no Pisces factors but do have Uranus (Libra) and Juno (Sagittarius) at 24. Please advise.

    1. You are a Sun Scorpio who is right to think about 2023, not 2022, for a house purchase. You have Saturn (slow, stuck, sombre, serious) in Aquarius in your solar Fourth House in 2022 and it’s all too hard. From March 2023 Saturn departs and Pluto, your ruler, moves into Aquarius. Pluto will remain in your Fourth House of property for many years, so the idea of putting down roots is correct. When we look at your natal chart we find Saturn actually in Cancer, at 4 degrees, in the Fourth House, so you were born with an obstacle course regarding real-estate, family, home town, homeland, and need the astrology to really help you. When Pluto moves to 4 Aquarius and makes a quincunx to natal Saturn at 4 Cancer, you will have to deal with the structures you have built up to protect yourself and make yourself feel less exposed and vulnerable, either with your property situation, the family, the household, your town or country. Doing that will change your life. So this is much more than a house purchase. It is actually a massive shift on every level. This happens, first, when you reach February 2026. So you may actually purchase far later, or purchase in 2023, but then find by 2026 you have big questions to face regarding the property itself, the local area, or your country. That is really worth bearing in mind when you research your options now. Pluto aspecting Saturn is like the plates shifting. The Fourth House is much more than just another home; it is also about emotional, spiritual and purely felt matters, which influence enormously how ‘at home’ you feel in the world.

  42. Hi Jessica, thank you for posting the talk here, I was unable to connect with meetup before the time so much appreciated!
    I have 23 Neptune and 24,25 MC Asc and will be returning from a long beach break with family at Easter. I’m wondering how this transit impacts my chart, if first and tenth houses are affected? Best wishes

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Aries so experiencing the classic internal reshaping that takes place before a second debut, relaunch or rebranding. You can’t promote yourself online and present and package yourself assertively unless you are settled within. This is a matter for your soul, psyche or psychology. Everyone is different. Some people need to re-examine the Roman Catholic church. Others need a hypnosis book. Still more need a therapist. Whatever you choose it will deliver you into a ‘new you’ phase in 2022 and early 2023.

  43. oh my, so exciting! Would love to know if/how this affects me? As you can see I’ve got some hot spots at 22. So ready to get on/over this whole awful pluto period!! thanks so much xx

    1. Thank you. You have the Sun in Cancer and have Neptune at 9 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. 2022 is about expanding, exploring, enhancing and maybe resolving (if you need to) those matters. It is most evident now, on the Jupiter and Neptune transit of your solar Ninth House, and will be happily life-changing when transiting Jupiter goes to 9 Aries and makes an historic trine to natal Neptune. That is February 2023, which may be on your calendar sooner rather than later. Your Ninth House also describes the worldwide web, academia and publishing and of course these often involve foreigners and foreign countries too. Neptune is your escape from the real world. You will have an opportunity to escape through a pin on the map, different accent or passport in April, May 2022 which helps set up February 2023.

  44. Hello Jessica, unfortunately I missed the zoom meet up; which isn’t uncommon- I always have tech problems.

    I wonder what you can tell me as I’m back in Melbourne after 9 months in Europe. I returned to short medical matters and the shipment of my goods as I finally determine which country should be made home (again); Australia, Spain, England (I hate the weather), hence eliminated my beautiful Scotland.
    I just interviewed for a job in Melbourne, where I’d pretty much decided isn’t the place for roots. Now I’m thrown .. finances would be better here as settling up in Spain will be tough – I’ve already done 12 years of tough & had enough. An ex-Uk based Taurean love came back into my life earlier this year, he too likes Spain (no commitments). I’m a Scorpio with no children or much of a family so pretty much fly solo; seems at odds to most of what I read for my chart.I feel I sit more with sag.

    Anyway, I have 23, north node Gemini, south north Sag, and Cupid’s in Leo.

    Are you able to shed light on career, love and home, please. I waver between a corporate job for much needed money in Aus (if I’m offered), try for one in the UK or develop my ‘other’ skills for an alternative life in Spain.

    I hope I’m not too late for a reply, here.
    Best wishes, Kim

    1. Kim, I am sorry you missed the event. You have the classic Sagittarius-Gemini nodal axis in your chart which shows your past life was spent travelling short-haul and long-haul. You have incarnated to master that in this lifetime so have arrived with COVID-19 and are torn between Australia, Spain and the United Kingdom. You are a Sun Scorpio who will be led to the right place, by the right lifestyle, and the right work – unpaid work, paid work or academia. This will take place shortly after Jupiter changes signs on May 11th 2022 and Mars also changes signs on May 25th. The issue is your health and wellbeing, primarily, and COVID-19 denial is rife at the moment, but the time has come to allow destiny to present you with the right work, and the right healthcare and minimal risk to the virus. This shows up in your solar chart with Jupiter, Mars (until July 5th 2022) and Chiron all encouraging you to land in a place which is less about the actual home or romantic options, than the right work style and lifestyle situation. This Jupiter cycle with all its opportunity and problem-solving ends on October 28th so you don’t have long if you want to make your decisions in 2022. This Jupiter-Neptune conjunction at 23 Pisces has set up what is known as a T-Square with your nodes at 23 Sagittarius and 23 Gemini so there is no easy way out (now) as what you were doing, 18-19 years ago, has delivered some karma. It is linked to short journeys you took then, or a foreigner or foreign country. The wheel spins. Yet you will find answers from May. You have a huge stellium in Virgo in the Sixth House of health, wellbeing, lifestyle, workload, daily routine which will slowly but surely be helped along by transits in Taurus, by the mid 2020’s, but the time to decide is now. It is terribly important to look at the future of the pandemic, free health care, health insurance and the rest during 2023, 2024, 2025 when Saturn will oppose Virgo from Pisces and billions of us will be caught up in the heaviest phase of the pandemic, if not another epidemic in the wings. Home is where the heart is but you have to honour your Virgo stellium and Sixth House here.

  45. Hello Jessica, I was unable to attend the event, and am sorry I couldn’t as I am fascinated by this conjunction and what it means for me. I am a Sun Pisces and also have Saturn and Chiron in Pisces. Additionally, my Descendant is 23 Taurus and Ascendant 23 Scorpio. Not being heavenly bodies, I”m not sure how this influences things. (Also, my North and South Nodes are 27 Taurus and Scorpio respectively – not sure if that is also significant). I feel as if this conjunction should be pretty significant personally for me – but not too sure how to read the signs (it is already near the end of April 12 – so is it already over?). Thanks so much for your insights – I love learning from you.

    1. I am sorry you missed the event, but an audio recording is available. As a Sun Pisces with an Aries chart signature you have two chances at a relaunch in 2022. Now until mid-May you can reposition yourself, aim for a new look, persona and the rest. That’s the solar chart part of your transits. If you were really born at 9.30pm on the dot (unlikely) then this also aspects your Ascendant so it’s the same story. Relaunch. The second chance comes when Jupiter slowly but surely moves through your natal chart, from mid-May to October and then from January to May 2023. You don’t even have to try with this cycle, really, things just happen. And the egg hatches you all over again.

  46. Dear Jessica Adams,
    Thank you so much for your recent reply to my message. I apologise to reach out to you further for I am feeling a deep sense of not knowing where to turn to. I feel stuck and I have been recently turning to the tarot to draw the Queen of swords often. I believe this may have a connection to Psyche and so I notice it is currently in a square to my natal Sun. In addition I am aware of the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces and so would be grateful to understand how this may be interpreted. So many emotions seem to be happening recently and unsure for the way forwards from this.
    Thank you for your consideration of this message, it is much appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you with any information of support or guidance you may wish to offer.
    Take care,
    Kindest regards,

    1. The Queen of Swords is connected to Psyche through the butterflies, correct. The Queen of Swords is probably you, though it may be a powerful woman in your world. It can be a female boss or an aunt, for example. If it’s you then you are currently trying to draw a firm line with people who are crossing it. Psyche and Venus are the two female archetypes we associate with ‘drawing the line’ and also female strength and power. So if you are facing someone like this, you need to understand she will quite pointedly push you back if you cross her lines. If it’s you, then you are doing a grand job of keeping someone/something at bay but you also need to look at alternative strategies and tactics that are not so heavy to carry.

  47. Hello Jessica, You already kindly looked at my chart for Jupiter/Neptune, and also my concern about Saturn in Pisces coming up, thank you so much. Now I’ve finally spotted that Saturn is conjunct Chiron in my chart at 24 degrees, and this seems really urgent for me to understand. From what I’ve read, this can be a very painful, long transit that many say is about taking responsibility for managing one’s own wounds. Many relate it to inner child/emotional wounds. Today as this transit arrives, I’m aware of emotional issues but really feeling concerned about my actual achilles tendon injury and what the course of recovery looks like. The tendon snapped on January 7 when I was exercising/dancing. It was extremely painful, it still is and I’ve been mostly immobile all this time, with worse pain returning in the last couple of days. I’m told 6 months to recover – that would be around early July – does my chart support this timescale? I’m very interested to know your view on how Saturn conjunct Chiron relates to the injury – I think your interpretations may differ from stuff I’ve read. Thank you again.

    1. There is a lot of nonsense written and broadcast about Chiron. He is not a wounded healer. He is a maverick teacher. Saturn crossing Chiron is a double lesson and it will take longer than you want, in life, but what you learn, is passed on to others. Chiron at 24 Aquarius is in your Eleventh House of groups and friends, so all your life you have tried to get away with the so-called unthinkable or impossible, in your social life, or in clubs, teams, associations or – perhaps dance groups. Chiron should not have existed. He was a centaur. He should not have taught music, but he did. Saturn in conjunction with your Chiron has slowed you down. Stopped you from exercising/dancing and thus taken you out of the social milieu you moved in, or away from any groups. Chiron was in fact wounded in the leg, but he did not get up and start healing people with an injury. And there was much more to him than that. He was a herbalist as well as a music teacher and an archer. Saturn always makes you wait, so the time-scale is correct. Have a look at Chiron in your flipbooks and on search. Instructor. Not ‘wounded healer.’

  48. Hello Jessica,
    I am a member. You mentioned anyone with 23 degrees in their chart in the last weekly prediction.
    I have 23 degree Sagittarius in Saturn. What does this mean ?

    1. You have Saturn at 23 Sagittarius in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. For your whole life, that will be an obstacle course and learning experience. The recent square from Jupiter and Neptune at 23 Pisces, and the aspects from the lunar nodes at 23 Taurus and Scorpio, suggests you can now benefit from a new way of looking at travel, travellers, tourism, tourists, export, import, the worldwide web (in foreign countries) and even academia. You have put up defences and protection for yourself for a very good reason; this area of your life has never been particularly easy. Some of those walls may need to come down now or be reconstructed. It goes without saying that you are in the United Kingdom and very close to Ukraine there, but also major questions about the pandemic, which is of course carried through airports and ports.

  49. Hi Jessica, thank you for your insightful article. If you have the time, can you please shed some light on my chart? Is it correct to say I have 23 in Neptune and Cupido? I’ve recently started having a creative presence online. And not sure if it’s related but last night I had a dream of a captivating seascape/marine life seen through a portal, that was positioned in the sky. It was just stunning.
    Apologies if it’s all over the place, but I feel that everything is somehow connected.
    With gratitude.

    1. Cupido at 23 Gemini is opposite Neptune at 23 Sagittarius in your chart, so you fall in love with short journeys, become enamoured of website, publishing or educational based challenges, and have a complex connection with a brother, sister or cousin. At the same time you escape from reality through foreigners and foreign countries. It’s your holiday from the real world. This is never a particularly simple path to take, as the two are in opposition, and there will always be a fair bit of juggling and squeezing involved to make it work – especially with travel or transport. Your creative presence online began perfectly on time with this transit but it may always stretch you too. The dream was psychic – you saw through a portal in the sky – that is your subconscious talking to you about airlines, flights and the current pandemic. How will you make it all work?

  50. Thank you so much for talking so much about this in full!! Was out of town and missed Zoom event – but I’m trying to understand my 23 degree factors and how this would be amplified during this time and tried writing it all out but having some confusion. IC at 23 Capricorn, MC at 23 Cancer, Moon in Pisces. MC = highest achievement/ may or may not be career. Cancer 4th house is your home, ppl, place, that holds you. IC = where you come from. Family tree, culture, country. Capricorn 10th house – career, university or status-marriage decisions. Am I correct in saying – the meaning behind my “angles” (IC & MC) are in opposite zodiac signs (Cap & Cancer)???

    Could you give me some clarity as to how current transit affects my 23 factors and Moon in Pisces??

    Thank you so much in advance, on the west coast here so I hope I’m not too late! Thank you for all your knowledge and help!!

    1. I am sorry you missed the Zoom event but an audio recording is available. You’re not too late at all for this discussion. You are a Sun Virgo with Pluto at 22 Libra, very close to 23. I won’t use your IC and MC as your birth time is 9.00am, or a round hour, which may be guessed, not 100% accurate. Of course, it may be that they cut your umbilical cord at 9.00am but experience has taught me to set the angles aside with round-hour times. The Pluto placement in Libra in your Seventh House of duets and duels is very important though. 2022 and 2023 are fantastic years to make ‘two’ work. You could make a battle or contest work, of course, but a happier use of this transit, with Jupiter and Neptune recently quincunx your Pluto, and an ongoing cycle in your solar Seventh House of partners, is to take at least one duet and make it Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. You could actually do it with two or three duets if you wished. Sexual relationships, professional working partnerships, platonic friendships – just find what works. This will be an empowering time when a little self-control will give you a tremendous new sense of control and potency with and through the other person. People do sometimes marry on it, or begin a new relationship.

  51. Thank you Jessica, you are so spot on in your reply and have summed up my struggle for a long time (over a decade) – ‘ You can’t promote yourself online and present and package yourself assertively unless you are settled within.’
    I’m finding that all the therapy, acupuncture, astrology hasn’t got me there any faster. It seems that it is a process that unfolds mysteriously. I’m wondering if I should focus on the planets in my first or twelfth house at this time?

    Thank you for your generosity and insights, in all your replies you are a shining a light in these challenging times.

    1. Thank you. I am glad the reply is useful for you. You actually need to find the right path in the Twelfth House. Therapy and astrology have not worked. It may be hypnosis, meditation or even prayer. While this transit is ongoing it is worth finding it, and then the exterior can do justice to the interior. Dream counselling is another aspect of the Twelfth House. My friend Jane Teresa Anderson is the expert there.

  52. Dear Jessica,
    thank you for your engaged and engaging analyses, as ever.
    I have my nodes 24 degrees Taurus/Scorpio and Apollo at 23 Libra, Vulcano at 24 Libra and Minerva 24 Virgo.
    I feel the air of change around me, both in career/vocation, home location and other.
    I have just finished performing in a brilliant play about Catholic Conservatives (hello Pisces) where the camaraderie plus quality of script and production has made me wish strongly to return to acting and do far less of the teaching I’ve been doing the past 7 years. My humble share portfolio may help? or I may simply become very frugal on a less well paid job that lets me sometimes leave it for theatre work in a way that teaching commitments don’t let me. Also, have managed to fit in directing an unconventional beautiful theatre piece.
    I am also, after 13 years of celibacy, feeling I have some potential for intimate relations again, and the desire to share my life again on this level, but wonder if this is ‘on the cards’ for me.
    All and any thoughts are most appreciated. Fanny.

    1. Thank you so much. The play about Catholic Conservatives was your Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces. I’m amazed by the many different ways this transit is manifesting for readers. It’s made you want to go back to the theatre. You also want to find a lover again, Fanny. You are a Sun Aquarius who is being taken back to the past, actually, as your highest aims, goals and ambitions from 18-19 years ago are now coming back to you. You are owed, or you owe, on some level and it concerns your calling or vocation. Not always paid! That is the South Node transit in Scorpio in your solar Tenth House calling you back to the past, to repeat the past in some way that helps you to settle the past as some matters were unresolved in 2003, 2004. This tallies with your natal chart in terms of sexual and financial relationships. Again, we go back to the past and the years 2003-2004 for some kind of closure. The long-term future involves the most liberating, exhilarating and unprecedented potential lovers, starting in 2026, although the question of children, godchildren, nieces, nephews, grandchildren will never stand still or be predictable from that year. Even sooner, it is entirely possible that you would fall into a sexual relationship in 2022, 2023, but it would go backwards and forwards, and sometimes stand still. Do not risk your share portfolio on a dream please. You are a teacher and currently in a good place financially, so the time/money/energy equation is working out well enough for you to explore acting, but I can see Saturn up ahead, going into your Second House of income and this is not going to be a walk in the park for Aquarius, dealing with Saturn in the solar Second House with all his obstacles and waiting games in 2023, 2024, 2025 at the same time that the whole planet is dealing with economic karma going back to the Second World War. So you see – it’s not the best time in your life to throw away a paying job for one which may or may not pay. There are many ways you find your path with the theatre and some of them involve new technology, in the local area actually, and particularly involve ‘the word’ as you will see in May, June when your next path opens up for you. Use the Tarot to validate, Fanny, but that is the timing I am seeing.

  53. Hi Jessica,
    Putin stated yesterday on April 12 that he intends to continue the war with Ukraine until his goals are reached. How does 5hat agree with the expectations that the war will end around this date due to Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces?

    1. Vladimir Putin can make all the statements in the world, but the door is still open to an Easter miracle (the Pope actually led prayers during the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces). On an astrological level, with Pluto in Aquarius from March 2023 (power in groups) and reality checks in Aquarius (the heavy truth about groups) now, here we have a man alone, at a very long desk, with no visible group of his own. Ukraine has allies, friends and a global community. Putin really does not and so is, astrologically speaking, a man out of time.

  54. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for your fantastic seminar on this transit.

    This conjunction will occur in my natal 1st house and will trine 23′ Chiron in 5H Cancer (which is also conjunct Mars at 24′, and SN 20′).

    I also have Minerva 23′ Aries, Vesta 23′ Gemini, Diana at 22′ Sag, Fortuna 22′ Cancer, Aesculapia 22′ Taurus – I am new to exploring these planets, so I’m hoping if you have the time, could you help me understand a bit better how the current transits are affecting me and how I can make the most of them?

    I left another comment asking this question on the other Jupiter-Neptune blog, so please disregard that as I hadn’t seen this one. Thank you so much for all the fantastic content and wisdom that you share.

    Kiara x

    1. Thank you so much Kiara. I use a different house system to you, so need to spin your chart. In the Natural House System the Jupiter conjunction with Neptune in Pisces takes place in your Twelfth House, not your First House. You are a Sun Taurus with an Aries stellium in your First House, natally. You won’t really experience much from your Twelfth House (mediumship, religion, Tarot, meditation, hypnosis, therapy) as you’re hardly there very often. You do inhabit your First House of appearances, self-promotion, branding, profile quite a lot, though, so once Jupiter goes into Aries in mid-May and slowly but surely forms conjunctions with your Aries factors, by 2023 you will be a new woman. New look, possibly new name or title, new persona or profile. This shows up in your solar chart too. Transiting Uranus with all his radical change in Taurus in your solar First House of image.

  55. Hi Jessica, I really find your blog so fascinating. You will see the news today that a Russian ship has been sunk by a Ukrainian missile called ‘Neptune’! Just after the conjunction on the 12th. I find the interplay between the astrology and real world events so interesting. I hope this is a turning point for Ukraine. Thank you for your fantastic insights and the hope that you offer many.

    1. Thank you. Yes, Ukraine used Neptune missiles. Strange but true. Unfortunately this does open up the Black Sea, Turkey and the Dardanelles to future issues, which was in an old prediction I wrote about Ukraine in March (it should be on Search). I don’t think the Neptune missiles are really Christian, are they, but there is a second story going on here and we may not see it or really understand it. Neptune can be quite mysterious. Literally under water. Invisible. Unfathomable. Watch Easter, though, as this is an astonishing time for the power of Christian prayer in all faiths. Again, Neptune is really Mysterious Ways, to quote the U2 song.

  56. Hello Jessica,

    I’m sorry i’ve missed the Zoom meetup this time around but looking forward to listening to it this weekend. I believe everyone here really appreciate your guidance and i for one thank you for your updates and predictions.

    I would like to seek some guidance using my birth chart, I am unsure of my next move in life, i have always been involved in the yachting industry (last 20 years) and i feel that i should be doing something else altogether. I left my previous company mid last year and have not been working but active in practising yoga, learning about spirituality, meditations, astrology and i find myself very interested in the mystic arts. From beginning of this year until now, i have been busy organising, helping, paying for my parents (health, life etc) and renovating the family home. I have a strong feeling that i need to do this for them now.

    I have 23 factor in Cupido, Leo and i’m a Sun Leo with stelliums in Virgo, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius. I set up my own company mid-last year which has lain dormant (It is in Bali, Indonesia) and i am due to head back there by 3rd week of April to decide to extend the paperwork for the company or terminate it. It is costing a fair bit of money to keep the company and without any projects i am unsure if i should proceed for another year. The projects i have planned since the company’s inception has either been cancelled or deferred by the clients.

    How do you see this transit affect me? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance – Clarice

    1. Thank you Clarice. I hope you enjoy the audio playback of the Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces Conjunction. You are on the path, as far as that conjunction is concerned. You also have to take care of your parents and home renovations. You also have a company in Bali and have tried to do that in a pandemic, thus the cancellations or delays. You are a Sun Leo with a stellium in Sagittarius in your natal Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. A stunning series of trines from Jupiter with all his opportunities and solutions will take off from mid-May, and be with you until October. It will resume January-May 2023 and enable you to sort things out very successfully with Bali or another country/nationality apart from the Balinese. See what and who comes your way in May, June 2022 when things move quickly. You will also learn or teach in the area of mysticism by mid-2023 and happily so. It may be formal or informal education. Have a look at the Tarot to see what Bali offers, or any other country. This story is shown in your solar chart as well. You have Jupiter going into your solar Ninth House in mid-May and again, the accent is on pins on the map. There is karma with the family and the family home to complete, which I am sure you know, going back 18 or 19 years. You owe, or are owed, and the circle has to close, which it will do in 2023. I hope this helps.

  57. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for another insighted article. Since Jupiter moved in Pisces I experience in the most sensitive way almost everything going on around me. It’s like I feel more. Yoga practices are more deep and in general my sensitivity has increased. This has revealed certain wounds I carry and thankfully advising a psychotherapist has highlighted many of them allowing me to treat them therapeutically and compassionatelly. I would like your insight on what or/and where you think there will be an acceleration in my life. I need to address this highly sensitive period in the most healthy way. As you will see in my chart I have asteroids in Gemini which opposes planets in Sagittarius and I am concerned for the months Mars will enter Gemini.
    Your insight would be most valuable and welcome.

    Thank you

    1. Thank you. Mars just moved into Pisces and your Twelfth House as well, so we have Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune all in that space in your chart, ruling yoga and therapy. The Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius stelliums in your chart are in your Eighth, Tenth and Eleventh houses and that is where you live most of the time. Joint finances (family or partnership, usually) is Scorpio. Friends and groups are Aquarius. Ambition, goals, and leading roles are Capricorn. We now have transits in those three signs with the South Node, Pluto and Saturn there in 2022. So the transits in Gemini are not as important; your focus might be on those three stelliums and houses this year.

  58. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I sincerely hope it will be a better year for me, you and everyone in this world. I’m looking forward to some new experiences.

    Take care – Clarice

  59. Wow, thank you so much, this really resonates. I am currently trying to brainstorm ideas for a name for a new business venture I have recently committed to beginning, so I expect everything you predicted to be true. I appreciate your advice, and am going to take a bit more time to understand Aries/1st house energy, which has always kind of both intimidated and impressed me but so far I’ve overlooked. Sounds like there will be a lot going on for my solar return this year, as it will fall on the same day as the lunar eclipse – I’m excited! Thanks again 🙂 x

  60. Hi Jessica! Thank you again for the event! I’m beyond excited to learn more about Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces and cant wait to see how it plays out. Thank you for all the posts on your site. I love learning astrology from you. I know I will be affected due to my Sun in Virgo 23 degrees, along with Uranus, Pluto, Mercury, Hygeia,, Apollo and MC all opposing Saturn, Chiron, Ceres and IC in Pisces. Pisces is in my 4th house so I pray Jupiter brings a miracle…:-). I’m still in legal dispute with bad landlord over environmental toxins in my apartment. Neptune in my 4th has been crazy difficult with illusion, delusion, mold issues, water leaks, etc…again, bad landlord. I pray this conjunction brings resolution in my favor. Not to mention, I’d love a new job so I’m hoping with my sun at 23 degrees in the 10th that kickstarts a new project, new client, new job. Hopefully, you will agree a miracle is on order from the universe 🙂 I do know when this is all over I will bid on your next charity event reading. I was so sad I couldn’t bid on your Ukraine fundraiser, that was so generous of you, thank you for doing that it was amazing!!!!! Thanks for being my inspiration and astro light!!! Sending you lots of love and blessings! Thanks again!

    1. Thank you very much. I use a different house system to you, so Pisces rules your Twelfth House natally, not your Fourth House. The issues with your landlord are down to Bacchus at 27 Cancer in your Fourth House under opposition from Pluto, hovering around 27 Capricorn for the first time in 248 years. You are a Sun Virgo so really concerned about your health and have every right to protest about mould in the home. You will save or make a lot of money after May. Not long to go. You will profit or just find yourself with an amazing deal, May-October and again January-May 2023, so this may include your apartment, or a new home to move into. The actual source of the bargain which saves you money, or the origins of the money you could make, is not clear, but the Tarot on this site can show you. You will be in a financial position to get what you want from an apartment – one that suits your health-conscious Virgo self.

  61. Dear Jessica, Do you think Ukraine will get what it has been begging for – Nato to close the sky? It’s just inhumane how much bombing Ukrainians have been expected to endure.

    1. Vladimir Putin and his supporters want 20th century style war. He is intensely old-fashioned and actually out of date. Far more effective (and more accurate, according to the astrology) is economic closure. For NATO and her allies around the world to shut down Russia and Russian Putin supporters financially. That has already begun. The new warfare is about cutting supply. This is the Uranus in Taurus transit, until 2026. The other warfare now is in hacking and intelligence. That is ruled by Gemini and we are going to see it rise with Mercury Retrograde in Gemini in May, June and (more than anything else) Mars Retrograde in Gemini towards the end of 2022 and start of 2023.

  62. Hi Jessica, The window for a Christian miracle appears to have closed, with the Pope saying he saw no point in his going to Ukraine, and the grotesque image of Putin at the Orthodox Easter service yesterday after having boasted about his Satan (!) missile, and not long after a Ukrainian baby, her mother and grandmother were blown up. I know you say the longer term astrological outlook is for Russia’s retreat, but does that mean the short-term outlook remains bleak.

    1. Yes, I saw that too. It’s very sad. Of course, Christians would say God moves in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform. We saw nothing from the Neptune-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces except the Pope’s own service (no trip to Ukraine). As an astrologer you have to throw up your hands. We just don’t know about that mysterious Neptune world – or the timing of things. Yet, Putin will withdraw. That is clear.

  63. The Ukrainians gathered in the shell of a church, saying Christ is Risen, when all around them is despair, that’s a miracle in itself. Somehow, Spirit is giving them hope. And, as you kindly remind us, the astrology confirms that there is reason for hope.

    1. It’s quite a moment for Christianity, isn’t it. A crossroads like no other, which we’ve not seen since the last Crimean crisis (again, over religion). Every time I am asked about Russia I go back to the Russia-Belarus astrology chart. The economic crisis is so severe that war is just not sustainable. They can’t afford it. On a different level, all the prayer during the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces may well deliver a result that is beyond a mere retreat. Don’t they say, “Let go and let God?” Maybe that’s it. Thank you for your message.

  64. Hello Jessica,

    I am really glad that I found you one day and its amazing what you are doing-how can you see and predict the things and its really happens.

    Could you have a look ay my chart and comment key events what is happening now? Do you see my difficulties or big changes with my family this year? We have never had anything similar what is happening now and it looks that it is the end or we shouldnt start it even. My husbands birth date 1984 April 9th, 6:05 PM (GMT +3).

    Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you. Your husband is a Sun Aries and you are a Sun Taurus with a Taurus-Scorpio chart signature. Just be aware of a financial, house, apartment, business matter going backwards and forwards, or sideways, now until June. Get everything in writing and have Plan B, C and D so that you are covered for delays, changes or even cancellations. This also applies to life after September 2022 when you hit your second retrograde cycle in your Second House of finance. It’s similar in your natal chart too. You have Uranus (the unpredictable) in your Second House of finance, as well, so the more you can do to keep things flexible, the better. This is also relevant because your husband is a Sun Aries and so he also has this pattern in his Second House of banking, debt, income, rent, mortgage and the rest. You may want to treat this as a process not an outcome in May, June and try to stitch together a life budget that will give you room to move, as you will need to zig-zag in the next year or so. Later on you can make up for anything you feel you need compensation for, as Jupiter will go into Taurus and both you and your husband will save or make money. But that’s later.

  65. Thank you Jessica for your outstanding work. Please can you kindly look at my chart and give me some feedback on how this transit could effect me. I’m in a legal custody for my daughter which started at the grand conjunction, is this case likely to come to an end soon? Thank you so much


    1. Leann, thank you. Now, you are a Sun Scorpio with a huge Scorpio stellium and three factors in Leo in your natal Fifth House. There are a few stories all taking place at the same time here. You have Jupiter and Neptune transiting Pisces and your solar Fifth House until the middle of May (when Jupiter changes signs to Aries) and then the planet of solutions, opportunities and breakthroughs is back, October-December 2022. You should be optimistic, hopeful and positive about a good outcome for your daughter. Jupiter tends to produce win-win outcomes, in difficult situations, so that everybody feels there’s a fair result. You would expect this to be building for you between now and the second week of May 2022. At the same time you also have Jupiter going into Aries, where he will trine your Leo pattern in the natal Fifth House, starting in May 2022 and culminating in May 2023. So this is a slow build towards a helpful outcome for/with your daughter. If you were chiefly concerned about the financial side of the story, that’s really a Scorpio matter in your Eighth House (if you were to gain money from your daughter’s father) and that’s different. That would take you all of 2023 to complete, karmically, because it takes the South Node all of 2023 to exit from Scorpio. Purely from the point of view of parenthood, though, you will be a happier parent by mid-May 2022 and again from October until Christmas 2022. If your question was about the whole family, that’s a Fourth House matter and you wait for Saturn to leave Aquarius in March 2023, and get out of your Fourth House in your solar chart. Pluto enters your Fourth House in March 2023 so if the issue was your daughter’s family on your side, and his side too, and the actual home/your own family unit, then you’d be waiting until March next year for the end of limiting, restrictive tests and trials (Saturn) and the start of a change in the balance of power (Pluto). In astrology we have to figure out what you are actually asking. The Tarot can help validate the above for you.

  66. Hi Jessica,

    I try not to post too often as I don’t want to add to your workload and the time needed going through the posts more than necessary. I know you have many many replies to your articles – but I felt I really wanted to do this.

    We were all hoping for an Easter Miracle in Ukraine under the auspices of a rare Jupiter Neptune conjunction, maybe an intervention from the Church, or a ceasefire to allow civilian evacuation, or perhaps peace talks. Both Easter Sundays, Western and Eastern passed and it seemed like nothing had happened but as you say God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.

    It was reading a BBC article on the “Ghost of Kyiv legend”
    when it came to me that maybe the miracle/miracles had happened but like Jupiter and Neptune they were slow moving and took place over several days. (I think Jupiter and Neptune were near conjunct to within a degree between the 8th and 17th April – I think)

    To quote from the article
    “A Ukrainian military expert who requested anonymity told the BBC the Ghost of Kyiv story “has helped to raise morale at a time when people need simple stories”.”

    The miracle was in the morale of the Ukrainian people, their faith, their belief in a just cause and the right to democracy, and also their bravery. This morale has steadily increased, particularly over the close Neptune Jupiter conjunction.

    I don’t think many people would have believed at the beginning of the war that the Ukrainian forces could not only resist the armies of a stronger and larger aggressor but actually manage to drive them back. The attempt to take Kyiv has failed and the Russian forces have re-deployed to the east and south. The Russians have also lost many troops, tanks, equipment and senior Generals. This abominable war has not gone their way.

    Morale, faith and belief are not tangibles. They are within us and motivate and affect our actions and the outcomes. I think this is Neptune.
    Jupiter has magnified and strengthened that morale, particularly over the days around the 10-12th April.

    On 9th April a photo was taken of a traditional Rooster jug, sitting on top of a kitchen cabinet in a bombed out building in Borodianka, perfectly intact. It was widely shared and became a symbol of resistance and resilience.

    On 13th April the Russian ship Moskva was hit by 2 Neptune missiles and later sank.

    At about this time I believe President Zelenskyy made a plea during one of his nightly addresses to the UN and asked them to do more. We don’t know what has happened behind closed doors but something seems to have been agreed as some civilians have been evacuated from the Azov steel works in the last few days.

    Also this war has brought the world together in condemnation.
    Aid and arms have been sent to Ukraine from many countries.
    Nato may expand as Finland and Sweden are likely to join.
    Traditionally neutral countries like Austria and Switzerland have also supported Ukraine.
    The weather has not been good for Russian advances with the ground not being frozen enough for heavy Russian artillery and tanks and now the ground is soggy as a lot of rain has fallen.
    Most remarkable of all I think is President Zelenskyy himself. He is not a politician but an actor and comedian by trade. He has an actor’s ability to communicate and the observational skills and intelligence of a comedian. He has used these abilities in his discussions with world leaders and also his nightly addresses to the Ukrainian people which have raised spirits. He is very much the right man at the right time. A wartime leader as was Churchill.

    So in the words of another hymn

    Dear Lord and Father of mankind,
    Forgive our foolish ways!

    Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,
    O still, small voice of calm.

    The miracle was not in the earthquake, wind or fire but was in the still small voice of calm. The faith, the belief and the morale.

    1. Thank you so much for your post. God does work in mysterious ways, and you have found some remarkable examples in Ukraine. The call to Christians at Easter resulted in powerful global prayer. Jupiter in Pisces has now made his second pattern – a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn. Today, May 3rd, Pope Francis announced he would fly to Moscow to meet Vladimir Putin. So we wait and watch. There is another possibility here; it may be that Putin is seriously ill. The New York Post reports he has cancer. Others have suggested Parkinson’s Disease. If this is the case then Pope Francis may have quite another role to perform. Mysterious ways – absolutely. When it comes to Neptune in Pisces, astrologers really have to respect that most of all.

  67. Hi Jessica I’m really new to this but wondered if you tell me are we likely to sell our old house and move into a newly converted barn anytime soon. My partner is waiting for the right time to make a move but that time is a long time coming! Thank you. I am trying to understand how all this works

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Capricorn in a terrific property cycle, which began days ago, and speeds up in June. Your best chances in 12 years of selling and moving are here until October, then resume in January-May 2023. The financial waiting game, restrictions and limitations now will be over from March 2023. You can use the Tarot on this website to validate the timing I am giving you. Just follow the steps.

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