The Aries Eclipse Podcast


The April 20th Eclipse and You

April 20 2023 Eclipse 1024x788 - The April 20th Eclipse and You
The Eclipse of 20th April 2023 (AstroGold)

The April 20th 2023 Eclipse

This is a Solar Eclipse at 29 Aries 50 and if you have anything in your natal chart at 29 degrees, of any zodiac sign, it will be overshadowed, cast in the shade and partly obscured by this eclipse. Don’t judge or act until the Moon has passed out of Aries. You would not drive with a broken headlight on a road where the lights are down. In astrology an eclipse is similar.

Twitter logo 300x244 - The April 20th Eclipse and YouTwitter, Substack and Facebook Blind Spots

The first thing to say about the New Moon Eclipse at 29 Aries on 20th April 2023, is that it’s about your face. Actually, your face and head. Both are ruled by Aries. And both show your profile on Twitter, Substack, Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, YouTube and the rest.

The Cover-Up That Conceals

An eclipse is always a cover-up. It conceals, it never reveals. In Aries in your First House of image, beware of your blind spot. You may want to wait until the Moon has passed out of Aries and into Taurus to proceed with (say) investing or signing up.

Eclipses are neither good nor bad, but they are best avoided. Allow a day either side.

What Eclipses Do

You can be blinded by a big distraction or diversion and fail to see the facts when they are staring you in the face. Murky truths are very common. Someone or something which is the whole story, will be obscured.

Who or what is overshadowed, is usually the core of the matter. Who or what is relegated to the shadows, or overshadowed, is essential – but you won’t know about it and will not see it.  Shady people and deeds often chime with an eclipse.

Eclipse Timing – Days or Weeks

An eclipse event (the cover-up) may happen within days of the actual date, so be aware of that. In fact you can allow ‘the month of an eclipse’ as a whole, as so much skullduggery or subterfuge happens around the actual day. It’s one big cover-up and a sequence of events around the concealment.

Rather than ‘fly blind’ and proceed by guesswork and feel your way, you may want to judge or act a few days after the eclipse has gone from your horoscope.

Your Sun Sign and Public Chart

In your private (natal) birth chart, this eclipse falls in your First House of image, brand, profile, appearance and packaging. Your digital mirror.  I will talk more about that in moment, but first – this is the public story.

Aries: Face, name, reputation, title, profile, image, wardrobe, appearance, style, persona, aura.
Taurus: God, Buddha, religion, self-help, Tarot, therapy, mediums, psychics, dreams, hypnosis, scientism.
Gemini: Groups, friends, allies, clubs, teams, bands, societies, associations, communities, circles, Twitter.
Cancer: Success, ambition, position, mission, status, career, unpaid vocation, calling, academic career, C.V.
Leo: Foreigners, foreign countries, publishing, academia, travel in the mind, emigration, the worldwide web.
Virgo: Legacies, wills, inheritance, mortgage, life insurance, superannuation, pensions, shares, business, charity.

Libra: Husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, partners, professional partnerships, enemies, opponents.
Scorpio: Health, wellbeing, lifestyle, mental health, workload, unpaid work, housework, academia, daily routine.
Sagittarius: Courtship, the bedroom, pregnancy, abortion, infants, adoption, schoolchildren, teenagers, Millennials.
Capricorn: House, apartment, land, property investment, family, ancestors, heritage, history, origins, culture.
Aquarius: The worldwide web, media, speech, the post office, communication, neighbours, siblings, cousins.
Pisces: Income, salary, bank, loans, credit cards, sales, purchases, valuables, charity, property, investments.

ARIES II Rawpixel scaled e1729296743559 300x294 - The April 20th Eclipse and YouDo You Have Aries Factors?

For personal or professional reasons, you have to ‘front up’ and be ‘front and centre’ throughout your life, sometimes locking horns with others. Aries the ram is a dominant creature in the sheep flock hierarchy. Rams are competitive and can fight. They threaten each other. They seek dominance to be first to feed at the trough. The size of a ram’s horns places its rank.

People with an Aries stellium may marry difficult partners or be born in argumentative or highly competitive families. They may enter professions where only a few people make it, or only one person can win. Politics and sport are common, as is the military, but big business is another obvious example. (Aries image: Wikimedia Commons).

Aries Rules the Face and Head

Aries rules the head (the horns) and the face. It describes ‘facing off’ and so also points neatly to what is called social media, though in fact it’s where all the major political battles of the early 2020s have been fought. The Los Angeles Rams and the battering rams of ancient warfare are useful Aries symbols. Find out more about Aries here.

Eclipse Prediction: Watch Facebook

On the Jupiter-Sun conjunction in Aries in early April 2023, Twitter and Substack expanded their coverage of your face. You gained from opportunities to make money from your Twitter or Substack account. The self-promotion and showcasing of both these websites increased to take in video (Twitter) and even banking (Twitter) as well as a notes feature (Substack).

Prediction: To try and keep up with Twitter and Substack, Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook will launch a new offer. He will do it on or near the eclipse and there will be a cover-up. Substack and/or Twitter (Elon Musk) will also obscure the truth.

Eclipse Locations are Cover-Up Clues

Eclipses can be total in some places, partial in others. The bigger the blackout over an area, the bigger the cover-up or the larger the amount of missing information or hidden truths.

On Thursday 20th April,  Western Australia will experience a total solar eclipse. Timor-Leste and  Indonesia, will also experience totality – when the moon fully blocks the light of the sun. This may very well be a security issue for all.

Charles and Camilla – Eclipse Subterfuge

Charles III has scheduled his proposed Coronation for 6th May 2023 and there is a Lunar Eclipse the day before, on 5th May. Charles married Diana near two eclipses (it is very common for the subterfuge to happen in the days surrounding the precise astrological moment).

Hidden in Plain Sight

A photo montage from the Daily Mail, easily the best newspaper in the world for royal coverage, shows Camilla Parker-Bowles, hidden in plain sight, being overshadowed by Diana. We did not know and could not see the truth about the wedding, because it happened near two eclipses.


Stormy Daniels, Trump and the Evidence for Eclipses 

Way back on 17th July 2017 I published a prediction about the Trump White House, using eclipses. Now that Stormy Daniels has triggered the arrest of Donald Trump, it’s enlightening to see how close those eclipse dates were. The Stormy Daniels story is a New York story (as shown in this brilliant New York magazine cover) – so the astrological chart at the top of this feature is timed for New York.

Quote:  “Eclipses conceal, they never reveal. So allow time to pass before you take action or pass judgement on these important matters.

An eclipse is exactly what you might assume. An unclear, patchy or obscured period. It is neither negative nor positive.

It just does not show you, what it normally should. On a world scale we will see cover-ups involving the British royal family, but also the American White House family.”

Well, the British royal family was Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein. Also, I suspect, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Remember this was 2017.

As CBS News reported, the Stormy Daniels timeline peaked around Leo eclipses. Leo rules courtship and the bedroom.

January 12th 2018
The Wall Street Journal publishes an article detailing a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels. President Trump’s lawyer, Cohen, says Trump “vehemently denies” having an affair.

Cohen also sends a statement he claims is from “Stormy Daniels,” saying the stories of an affair are false.

The eclipse fell on January 31st 2018 with the Moon at 11 Leo in opposition to the Sun at 11 Aquarius.

The Summer 2018 Eclipses and Trump

Summer 2018 Eclipses and Trump

Later, on July 27th 2018, we had an eclipse with the Sun at 4 Leo and Moon at 4 Aquarius. Just a week prior, on July 20th 2018, CNN published a recording of a phone call between Trump and his lawyer Cohen, discussing payment to the Stormy Daniels camp.

Still deep in the Leo (bedroom, courtship, pregnancy) eclipse cycle we arrived at August 11th 2018 with the Sun at 18 Leo and Moon at 18 Aquarius. On August 21st, Cohen pleaded guilty to eight federal charges of tax evasion, fraud and campaign finance violations relating to Stormy Daniels. He tells a Manhattan federal court, Trump told him to make the payments.

Subscribers to The Sun Sign School can drop into a Zoom on the weekend of Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th April to take a closer look at The Aries Eclipse of April 2023. We’ll look at your public chart and private chart – and the Tarot.

Sun Sign School


Image: Shutterstock

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242 Responses

  1. Hello, Jessica! I have Mars in 29° Taurus 11′ 49″. I have relationship and money concerns. Looking at more than likely ending a marriage. I have been stronger than I’ve ever needed to be over the past year, defending who I am as I’m being reborn spiritually. I am about to break another ancestral cycle, not settling for something less than I deserve. I feel this Solar Eclipse – New Moon in my sign of Aries is going to be critical. Your thoughts would be very much appreciated, thank you so much, dear Jessica.

    1. Thank you. The eclipse isn’t critical, but it will catch your Mars at 29 Taurus in the Second House of personal income, possessions, houses, apartments, business, sales, shopping and charity. You may be quite blind to the numbers or facts around that eclipse, or just find things are being covered up around you. It’s a semi-sextile but it’s also exact, so if you can judge or act any time, you may want to put this forward. You have Pluto at 0 Libra in the Seventh House of marriage, separation, divorce and remarriage and it’s no surprise you are making these decisions; transiting Pluto is at 0 Aquarius, trine natal Pluto, for the first and last time in your life. This will take time, but by 2025 you will really notice how much stronger you are and how much more confident you feel about your own power. Pluto takes a long time to hover around 0 Aquarius so it’s a prolonged trine, but rather like resistance training or weight training, it will transform you. When Jupiter eventually goes to 0 Gemini and trines Pluto at 0 Libra, you will have an opportunity to form a very different sort of new partnership.

  2. Hi Jessica, Thank you for all this information. You’re amazing.
    Since Aries rules the head and face now, would getting a consultation on needed dental work be okay to do on the 20th? After reading this, I’m thinking it might be best to cancel until after mercury retrograde in June. Or am I looking at it wrong and should go ahead. Thank you. G

    1. Thank you. You have a Virgo stellium in the Sixth House, which rules dentists (and health) and a terrific series of rolling trines from Jupiter with all his famous ‘best and greatest’ impact, from mid-May 2023 until May 2024. So if you’re not in a huge rush, you may want to think about the second half of 2023 and first half of 2024, astrologically speaking.

  3. Hi Jessica
    Great article! My son has a birthday on the 20 April with his sun @29 Aries, MC @29 Pisces and In the 11 house 29 Aries.

    1. Thank you. If your son has the Sun at 29 Aries in his First House of image, branding, name, face and profile – he may want to steer clear of rushing to judgements or taking action about that, on the eclipse. I would allow a few days either side. It may be something as basic as putting his photograph online. If he can act any time he may want to do it later.

  4. Wow ! ‘What a tangled web we weave….’ It will be fascinating to see what comes to pass on the world stage in the USA, Australia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Indonesia, etc. It seems the focus for me from my chart is on 3rd house issues – courtship and children. My long time (10+ years ) relationship broke apart 2 months ago, but he has continued to court me. His mom and his kids are part of the complexity as I don’t want to hurt any of them either. I’m quite torn with respect to whether to allow him to get closer again, am very much taking my time to sort it through. Part of me wants to reunite, the other wants to start fresh with someone new. Of course, if issues are revealed a few days after the eclipse I will need to re-assess again. I do seem to have 29 degrees in Leo, if I’ve read it correctly, so if you have further insights that would be great. Thank you !!

    1. Yes. This looks like a security issue, given the eclipsed nations, and Aries is of course ruled by Mars, the ruler of the navy, army and air force. Your Third House is not about courtship and children, for the record. However, your Panacea at 29 Leo in the Fifth House of sexual relationships and children is very much involved. The Fifth House is very definitely about the bedroom, courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. Panacea suggests you pursue solutions, remedies and answers as a lifetime pattern, and always have to decide if these answers are ethical or moral, because they take care of issues, but may have a fuzzy morality. A classic example, which may never have affected you at all, is abortion. It solves the problem of an unwanted baby but many people have issues with the ethics. I am sorry your relationship broke up. He wants you back. You are not sure. You will find this is on your mind from June through Christmas as transiting Pluto goes to 29 Capricorn. The actual eclipse is best avoided. You just won’t have the visibility you need to make completely focussed decisions and judgement calls. So wait until at least the 22nd when the world has caught up with itself, to open up to the idea of big choices, later on. You will be helped in this in May. Jupiter goes to 29 Aries and trines your natal Panacea which is a terrific help. His children are obviously your concern and this is when you will really understand what it means to have Panacea in Leo in the Fifth House, as there are no simple answers to what is right or wrong. Only your answer. The Tarot can help you there.

  5. Interesting read as always. There has been so much information on the RF lately because of the family drama. One of the things I read from one of the many Royal biographers is Camilla was invited to the wedding and Diana knew she was there. A different biographer wrote that Diana & Camilla were friendly until after she and Charles were married. Several writers wrote about Diana’s mental state and Charles friends encouraged him to re-connect with Camilla for support because he didn’t know how to handle Diana. It’s well known that Diana threw herself down a flight of stairs when she was pregnant and the Queen stepped in to get her help. Maybe the subterfuge surrounding them was Diana’s unknown mental health issues from being neglected as a child by her parents. Just a thought.

    1. Thank you. The nearest we will ever get to an autobiography by Diana is Andrew Morton’s books about her. My friends, her astrologers Debbie Frank and Penny Thornton appear there and I guess they know more than most people about who she really was and all that she went through. Diana really suffered with her wellbeing and our hearts go out to her, even all these years later. Nothing has ever changed the facts; Camilla Parker-Bowles and Charles committed adultery and both divorced their partners to remarry and from Diana’s point of view, it was there even at the ‘tea-towel’ stage of the wedding. Too late – the tea-towels had been printed, she repeated the joke to Morton.

  6. Hi Jessica,

    I look forward to your articles. They provide a perspective on events across the globe. Those patterns are fascinating to observe.

    I have an Aries stellium. I’ve recently embarked on a completely new journey vis à vis work. There is no money in it as of now but it has potential. In fact, I have not been earning for the past few months. Could you give me a heads up on what you see based on my chart please? Thank you.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Leo with a large Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House of joint finance, shared property, business and charity. You’ve not earned for months and are in fact going through one of the most unpredictable, challenging cycles of your life. Uranus in Taurus and the North Node in Taurus are travelling in opposition to your Scorpio factors. You’ll get a break from July when the North Node leaves Taurus and the South Node leaves Scorpio and the big stretching and heavy lifting is over. You have a Virgo stellium in your Sixth House of work and lifestyle, wellbeing and daily routine, including Jupiter, which is terrific. You will thoroughly enjoy May 2023 to May 2024 when transiting Jupiter goes to Taurus, trines every Virgo factor you have and even trines his natal position.

  7. Hi Jessica

    I have the Sun at 29 degrees Libra – in a conjunction with Saturn at 0 Scorpio. (23/10/53 birthdate -7.15am – not a premium member ). There is skullduggery galore in my workplace , all starting 2 years ago with the CEO retiring, a transition which was on the verge of being implemented that didn’t happen, capable managers being sidelined and treated badly. The current CEO and Asst CEO are suspicious,
    – we are given contradictory instructions and unrealistic demands are place on staff – its always someone else’s fault! A new Board who don’t know what pressure staff are under as the CEO plays the political game is defensive and does not tell it how it is. We are expecting a new CEO to be appointed before the end of the year.. We are hoping for someone who is up to the task, and supportive of staff. Do you think things will be improve?

    thank you

    1. Okay, so you are experiencing transiting Pluto at 29 Capricorn in your Tenth House of work, square your natal Sun at 29 Libra in the Seventh House of duets and duels. You are seeing a duel with your CEO and Assistant CEO, against you. The worst is over. Pluto left Capricorn in March and although he goes back to 29 Capricorn, the overpowering, the dominating and controlling you put up with, is fading fast. Pluto is going backwards in a collapsing system. You will see replays and rewinding, but the potency and charge of Pluto has gone. The Tarot is free to use on this website; have a look at 2024, when the complete Pluto in Aquarius replacement begins. You should also collectively be using your power as a union, as Aquarius rules groups.

  8. Hello Jessica,

    I follow your site for almost a decade and I am curious about what happened related to one of your positions in a former post (US Astrology 2023).
    Quote: ” When Uranus goes to 17 Taurus and is in a conjunction with Psyche and Ops at 17 Taurus from April 6th to 23rd there will be sharemarket instability, electrical storms across America and yet more shocks to the stocks. ”
    Today is April 15th. 2023 and nothing happened (yet). The sharemarket is all about happy happy, joy joy ! All hands on deck , full steam ahead!
    Also, no sign of “March to June 2023” radical market correction.
    Could we understand what is happening as a radical market correction …to the upside? I know we have in front of us a Mercury Rx period (April 21st – May 15th, 2023) and this thing is troublesome to say the least.

    Thank you in advance for your answer,
    Keep up the good work!


    1. Thank you Valeriu. I checked the article you talk about (US Astrology 2023) and no such prediction appears. As for March to June 2023 radical market correction, that appears in a number of forecasts and we have the rest of April, May, June to go. If you can find the link to what you mention, would you mind providing it? Cheers.

  9. Interesting about the 20th April Jessica

    I have prospina at 29 Gemini and the north and south nodes at 29 Aries and Libra.

    1. As the eclipse falls on your nodal axis, in the signs of profile, image and also – duets and duels – with any of these matters, give a definitive action plan or judgement a wide berth. It also picks up the Gemini zone of your chart which rules the internet and siblings. There may be two unrelated stories going on here or one big story pulling in (say) a partner and a sister. In any case, just assume you will be in the dark and give it a bit of time before you make up your mind about particular situations.

  10. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for this insightful look into the eclipse I have an Aries stellium and factors of 29 in Aries. I have just moved to Hobart from Perth WA. Last we checked in was early January, when I was looking at either moving back to the US or to Melbourne to start up a business with a fellow Gemini. As you predicted back then that business deal became complicated, and I decided not to move forward with it. It would defiantly have required a re-negotiation in March, as you had said, and outside advice. Instead, the opportunity to move to Tasmania came up very quickly last month. Leases were all signed last month, so I feel that should not fall under the eclipse, and my arrival was nicely timed for the Jupiter-Sun connection. This move represents a completely new start for me and am thrilled to be here. However, I still have goods to move, and movers were scheduled to pick up goods in Perth for shipping on April 21. I’m thinking it would now be wise to pick a different day for that or even postpone any more logistics till well after the eclipse. Thanks for any thoughts and advice, big picture and small picture. I’m looking forward to joining your Soundwalks in Hobart once I settle in!!!

    1. Thank you for validating the prediction. Welcome to Hobart. You are being caught up in Mercury Retrograde, though, in the sign of Taurus, which rules goods (possessions). The eclipse itself is in Aries so has nothing to do with your possessions, in either your public or private chart. Just cover your bases with the move and allow for possible delays or changes. That’s only sensible with Mercury Retrograde in Taurus. You are very lucky to have a Cancer stellium and will really enjoy your new home once Jupiter goes to Taurus in May 2023 and begins to slowly form sextiles to your Cancer factors in the Fourth House of home, home town, homeland. He is there until May 2023. It would be great to see you on any of the Six Hobart Soundwalks; you might like the astrology stroll, which goes from The Domain to The Botanical Gardens.

  11. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for this article. I know to avoid the eclipse but am a bit concerned because I have lots of factors at 28 and 29 degrees including my nodes in Scorpio/Taurus, Sun and Aesculpia in Cancer, Uranus in Libra, Chiron in Aries, and Ceres and Psyche in Taurus. I pulled The Empress when asking about what I needed to know for this solar eclipse. Looking forward to discussing the eclipse further at the Zoom session tomorrow. Thank you!

    1. It’s a good idea to use the Tarot for astrology questions, so The Empress is useful. She is picking up Uranus in Libra and your Scorpio node, both of which are connected with sexual relationships. You can see the Venus symbol on a grey slab, of which the Empress (you) has no apparent awareness. Who or what is hidden here, or who/what is the mystery in the love life history? That is the eclipse showing you what is not seen. I’ll go a little bit further into the eclipse at The Sun Sign School weekend Zoom. I’m sure you know Libra rules former partners and the chance of reviving an old relationship; Scorpio is very much about the sexual side of life. This is quite personal for you, but in general, don’t act or judge about (say) an old lover on 20th April. Allow a day either side.

  12. Hello Jessica. Thank you for this post.

    I have a Venus 29º Capricorn and the Nodes 28º Taurus and Scorpio.
    My part of fortune is right in the line of fire of this eclipse at Aries 28°

    I’d be grateful for your impressions.

    Thank you,

    Kind regard,


    1. Thanks Patrick. I don’t work with the Part of Fortune, but the eclipse will put a professional relationship (Venus in Capricorn) in the shade so it is very difficult to accurately judge it. Venus tends to produce quite complicated connections and in Capricorn it’s about your career, unpaid work or academic career. The eclipse will just catch the Taurus-Scorpio axis of your chart, too, so your finances, property, business, charity, sales, purchases are also in shadow. It can be so hard to see under those conditions so you may prefer to defer judgement. Allow a day either side of the eclipse for the world to catch up with itself. Later on you’ll likely have an ‘Oh’ moment and be pleased you didn’t do too much.

  13. I have 4 planets at 29. Any suggestions on how I should proceed? Lay very low?

    1. It’s not a bad idea to reserve acting or judging too dramatically about the areas of life thrown into shadow by the eclipse; Capricorn, Gemini, the IC and MC are all picked up, so this is clearly your career; unpaid work; academic career. Gemini also rules siblings and cousins, for the record. I suspect this is about work, though, and likely the internet side of it. Give it the 19th, 20th, 21st to be on the safe side and just assume you’ll be in the dark or staring something in the face but unable to see it!

  14. Thanks for this article Jessica. It’s particularly interesting what you say about Substack and Twitter. I see I have the eclipse in Taurus and Libra from my chart, but I wondered if you could see anything more specific from my chart? I’m having a lot of relationship problems now with the father of my son and I wondered if the eclipse would affect things further?

    Thanks as ever for all your insight

    1. I’m sorry you are having issues with your son’s father. You are a Sun Taurus woman with a Libra stellium in your Seventh House of former partners, marriage, separation, sexual relationships and divorce. You have Seventh House transits in your public chart too, just as a Taurus. This is karmic in nature and is really about life as it was 18 or 19 years ago. The names and faces may have been different (depending on how long this man has been in your life) but you should be able to see that you owe, spiritually, or are owed. This is the South Node in Scorpio cycle in your solar Seventh House of duets and duels. The good news is it ends in July. The circle closes. July is important as you then enter the South Node in Libra cycle so it’s a changeover month in terms of your priorities and a great deal will be sorted out as the South Node goes to 29 Libra and is in a conjunction with natal Saturn. You have Saturn at 29 Libra and the eclipse will oppose this, so avoid judging or acting regarding this man on April 20th and I would give it a few days either side.

  15. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for your post. I always look forward to reading your articles.
    You are spot on with the influence on Scorpio below.

    Scorpio: Health, wellbeing, lifestyle, mental health, workload, unpaid work, housework, academia, daily routine.

    I have a 10 day holiday coming up instead of traveling I decided a while back that I would stay put slow down and take time for self care and save money. I am catching up on doctors appointments and spending time on my gym routine and meditation practice – all things that fall to the wayside with the daily stress of work. It’s good to know I am in sync.

    I have been wondering about the April (New Moon eclipse) and the May (full moon eclipse). I have Diana
    29°Sagittarius 29′ 58″ what does this April eclipse mean for me?

    1. Thank you. Your timing is really good with your health, as apart from the Aries New Moon eclipse, you have Jupiter in Aries and your Sixth House of wellbeing until mid-May 2023. You are having a holiday at home and sorting out your wellbeing. The actual eclipse will leave you in the dark with foreigners and foreign countries; the worldwide web; publishing; academia. Just give it a few days if anything or anybody comes up, as you’re unlikely to see the facts of the situation.

  16. Hi Jessica, thanks for another great article. I have Chiron 29 Pisces and Ops 28 Leo. Would you be able to tell me what this means please. Thanks for all you do.

    1. Sure. Chiron in Pisces in your Twelfth House describes your lifelong tendency to stretch the known limits with religion, self-help, Tarot, spirituality, therapy, mediumship, Buddhism, meditation, hypnosis, scientism and so on. You get away with the so-called impossible, outrageous or unthinkable. Ops at 28 Leo in your Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne is about your can-do approach to issues – you are practical, smart and successful with your solutions to the inevitable challenges (say, with children or partners). Skip the eclipse for judgements or action plans regarding the above; you are not seeing the true full story.

  17. Great read Jessica!
    I am currently going through a rebranding with my business. Still at the behind-the-scenes stage..not yet launched but definitely involves a new look and feel to my existing website as the marketing consultant wants my “face and head” to be more visible (on the front page). I have another marketing session to discuss this rebranding on 19 April.
    I have ASC @ 29 Gemini and DSC @ 29 Sagittarius and other factors at 28 i.e. Sun @ 28 Virgo, Minerva @ 28 Cancer and Chiron @ 28 Aquarius.
    What could this 20 April eclipse be telling me? I am thinking it is about my business? Yes? No?

    1. Thank you. Skip April 19th, 20th, 21st for major judgements or decisions based on what you are seeing – because you won’t be seeing, who or what you really need to see! Gemini is the internet; Sagittarius is the global web; Virgo is work – so you can see why you may prefer to wait until the eclipse has passed the planet by, before you choose.

  18. Hallo Jessica,
    ich bin eine Jungfrausonne mit Waage AC. Ich habe auch eine Waage Stellium und Ops auf 29 grad Widder im 7. haus,was bedeutet dieser Planet für die Finsternis für mich?

    1. Much as I love Kraftwerk, I’m afraid I can’t understand your question. Sorry – but I think you are telling me you have Ops at 29 degrees. If so, the eclipse picks up your chart. Avoid acting or judging dramatically on eclipse day.

  19. Dear Jessica, amazing insights and I can’t wait to read your blog posts every time it is posted. My Sun and Mercury are at 26 Aries but I have Pluto at 29 Leo and Fortuna at 29 Scorpio. Would love to hear your impressions about this with the eclipse and mercury retro around the corner. Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you. Pluto in Leo in your Fifth House is about your need for tight controls with the bedroom, courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. This is lifelong. It can also show huge passion and sometimes obsession. No other word for it. Fortuna at 29 Scorpio is square Pluto, in your Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships, but also legacies naming you, and the will you make out in favour of others. It is also a lifelong trait of yours to find it hard to square the same. So this is the chart of someone who has a chequered history in relationships, or as a parent, or with choices about other people’s children. The eclipse will cast all that in the shadows, so to speak. So defer judging or acting until you know much, much more about the situation. It may be a godson (say) or a marriage and mortgage choice.

  20. Hi Jessica, I’ve been wondering what this eclipse will bring or hide .. I have Diana at 29 degrees Aries and have a presentation I have to do at work on line on the 20th which I cannot change ! It would be great if you can give any advise how to manage this.

    1. Having a presentation to make on an eclipse in your First House of profile, is a classic eclipse outcome. Eclipses are neither negative nor positive, they just show what cannot possibly be known or seen at the time. For all you know, someone who wants to offer you a new project or role may be watching and this could work out for you later, though you would not know this on the day. Eclipses are ‘can’t know/can’t see’ and as you can’t change the date, just get on with it. Beyond that, though, if anyone talks to you about (say) a new business card or you are speculating about relaunching on Substack, you’d delay it. Some things you can control.

  21. Hi Jessica,
    I’ve been a bit worried about this eclipse for a while. My ascendant in Aquarius and descendant in Virgo are both at 29 degrees and natal Diana is also at 29 degrees. I think my natal saturn is also at 28 degrees. I’d be very grateful for any sage advice and wisdom you can provide. Hopefully my career is positive and not negatively affected.
    Love and light, Fishie.

    1. Fishie there is no need to worry about an eclipse. Astrology is life gardening. Just manage the garden. This is actually about your profile and appearance. It may be a full-length mirror in the bedroom or your plans to ask for subscriptions on Twitter. This is shown by the Aries, First House patterns and also the Ascendant tie-in. So don’t assume on the eclipse. Judge later.

  22. Hi Jessica, it’s a great article. Also thanks for the advice you’ve given me years ago, which helped me navigate through most of the rough tides of 2022 and 2023 so far. I have aspects in my birth chart and my birthday is on the 22nd, and I’m also planning to hang out with my boyfriend for the night. Can you give me some advice on what to watch out for with my aspects and how can I make sure my birthday turns out to be alright?

    1. Thank you. I am glad astrology helped you navigate. Happy Birthday. Your DC (Descendant) is at 29 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships, so this is actually your boyfriend. Eclipses are neither negative nor positive; they just show a block on the facts. This eclipse will be about him or the relationship so you may want to put off any big decisions, action plans or assumptions. You just don’t have all the information you need. Later on you will realise what you were not seeing. And it may be quite positive; it’s just common sense not to assume anything on an eclipse.

  23. Thank you Jessica for this article and your insights.

    After going through major life shifts I think I need to lie low for this eclipse. I’m hoping it doesn’t affect me as there is too much going on in my life.

    I really don’t need another challenge now.

    Thank you for all you do for your readers. We appreciate you so much Jessica

  24. I am a Virgo sun and I only have Mars at 29 degrees Libra. Pluto is still squaring it and I have been suffering a bully for the past years. Nobody seems to assist. How this eclipse will affect me?

    1. Pluto is actually no longer square natal Mars at 29 Libra, as he is in Aquarius. He retrogrades to 29 Capricorn after he moves backwards in June, but the bully in question has lost his power. The dominance is over. What you will see is someone who is on the way down. Until then, this eclipse will catch your Mars in Libra in the Seventh House of duets and duels, so just bypass choices about (say) a partner or an opponent. Judge later.

  25. Hi Jessica, thank you for this article. I have 29 at North Node in Cancer and 29 at South Node in Capricorn. Looking at how this affects Caps related to home etc…. I would appreciate your interpretation of how this period will affect my chart. Thank you as always!

    1. Thank you. The eclipse will overshadow choices about your home, house, apartment, family, household, town and country at one end – and at the other, your career, unpaid work and academia. It is typical of eclipses that we don’t even know (until much later) what may have been going on. That’s why the standard advice is to defer judgement or action, if possible.

  26. Hello Jessica, thank you for another amazing article. I am a Leo Sun with Leo in Uranus at 29°. I also have Ops and Aesculapia at 27° in Aries. How can I best be prepared, as my marriage is in serious trouble (so many secrets of his Gemini infedelity) and I am working SO hard at building my own financial independence in the publishing industry (I live abroad – I am an American translator who has lived the past 35 years in Rome, Italy). Thank you in advance. ANY suggestions would help in this precarious moment of my existence.

    1. I am sorry your husband has been unfaithful. You are trying to make it in publishing, as a translator in Rome as well. The translation work is not in this eclipse, but your husband certainly is. Uranus in Leo in the Fifth House is about regular upheaval with courtship and the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. Uranus is at 29 Leo and so has been aspected by transiting Pluto at 29 Capricorn, in an historic pattern. You can’t avoid change on this transit as Pluto is about transformation and Uranus is about the revolution. This will take you June-December 2023 to sort out, and part of 2024. You are being offered freedom with him/from him and perhaps with any children or adult children involved. It takes great insight to see that, but Uranus in the natal chart is always about the permanent offer of a separate and independent life, breaking with the past. Regarding this specific choice, skip the eclipse. Don’t assume anything until it’s gone past. Later on you will realise how distracted you were from the main story. And it may have nothing to do with him. It may be about, say, a niece. Or a work experience teenager. Have a look at transiting Pluto quincunx natal Uranus which is what you are experiencing; you will have transiting Jupiter at 29 Aries very soon, trine natal Uranus, which gives you a terrific opportunity to alter things to your advantage. The option will be there by mid-May at the very latest.

  27. Dear Jessica, after reading your latest blog, I was uncomfortably aware of the fact that I seem to have quite a few factors at 29 degrees – or 28, since you say that one should look at factors a degree either way. I have my Moon at 28 degrees in Sagittarius, Mars at 29 degrees in Libra, Chiron at 29 degrees in Pisces, Minerva at 28 degrees in Sagittarius and Prosperina at 28 degrees in Aries.

    Taking the advice you had given to another reader, I asked the Smith Waite Tarot what this eclipse season will entail for me and drew the Three of Cups. This statement jumped out at me:

    “This card is about planting the right things at the right time, in the right place, then attending to them until they come to fruition. Life gardening is very important, though, as it’s not enough to just celebrate and move on.”

    But I’m unclear as to what the message is – I’d be most grateful if you could take a look at my chart and see whether this refers to my freelance work (which has taken a huge hit with little to no assignments coming in), my finances or my family life.

    My family is my heart so if I’m to ‘plant’ something that could enrich their lives, I’d be so very thrilled. My only concern is that from what I read on your website, eclipses are about cover ups. So does that mean one should lie low and not take any action?

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share your insights. I always feel so privileged when I read your replies!

    1. You do have quite a large pattern at 28, 29 degrees so the eclipse will leave you ‘sixpence none the wiser’ as they say. You are not seeing or clocking what is there in front of your eyes. The Three of Cups shows three women celebrating together but they seem quite ignorant of the incredible harvest of fruit and vegetables all around them. They are dancing and drinking, but they don’t see the resources to be used. The Tarot card here has nothing to do with your freelance work, unless you work with two other people – although it does pick up your future finances. It’s certainly not your family. Have a look at others involved in your life, as you all need to switch your gaze to potential money-spinners or money-savers for the future and use them.

  28. how will the eclipse affect me with Uranus 29 degree Leo 00′ 27″ ? I’m a new member and fascinating by your writings. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. Well, you have a lifelong tendency to attract upheaval and general episodes of unrest, regarding the bedroom, courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. So this may be unwanted pregnancy. Single parenthood. Disrupted marriages or sexual relationships. Unrest regarding a niece (say) or a great nephew and so on. Uranus is always reliably unpredictable. This eclipse will cast shade on Uranus in your chart and it will be very hard to see what is actually going on, so defer judgement or action, if you can do so.

  29. Hi. Another great article!
    I think it’s funny the eclipse is 4/20 & weed is now legal everywhere. Being high certainly can block/alter seeing what is present.

    I have 29 Venus in Gemini in my 4th house. Picked astrology reading this morning: Descent and 3rd house. Also Aries stellum.

    Dog thing (because Cerebus): Last week I saw a sweet Irish film about a widow who believes a stray dog is her deceased husband. Days later I met a woman (investigative & Hollywood reporter) who is a very lonely widow. Just mentioning it because of the synchronicity. (You commented about a dog I adopted-he was rescued after his owner died & you mentioned Cerberus (my kids’ stepmom was dying at the time-she’s now passed).

    Anyway—hope all is well with you. These times are interesting to say the least.

    1. Cannabis in widespread, legal use is a classic example of transiting Saturn in Pisces in the Twelfth House, alongside Neptune in Pisces, also in the Twelfth House (sleep, dreams) but in opposition to the Virgo factors in the Sixth House of health, in the charts of millions. In astrology terms it’s not a good time to become ‘stoned immaculate’ as they said in the Sixties! Perhaps it’s the quality of the substance. Anyway, the cycle is with us in 2023-2026. You have Venus in your Third House, not your Fourth House, using the Natural House system. Your Cerberus/dog synchronicity is interesting! Thank you.

  30. Hello Jessica. Yet another eclipse is nearly upon us. Am I the only one who feels like we still haven’t learned the facts of the November 2022 eclipse?

    I have Proserpina at exactly 29 Aries, which is interesting considering her ties to Pluto. Also, I have Juno at 28 Leo if that is close enough to be included in this eclipse. Should I expect anything unusual? I plan on skipping it as much as possible, but it is squarely in the middle of the work week, unfortunately.

    Many thanks for all of your hard work and guidance!

    1. Yes, you are correct about the November 2022 eclipse. Unfortunately eclipses conceal forever. We can be suspicious and ask questions (forever) but some things will never be known, once an event has passed. This eclipse will indeed be in quite a rare conjunction with Proserpina at 29 Aries in your First House of branding, self-promotion, online profile and your reflection in the mirror, or on Google. People usually don’t even know an eclipse is taking place. The knowledge block or information block is so thorough that you are unlikely to notice anything at all. However, you can avoid going down a blind alley by stepping back from any major judgements or actions regarding your image. Ordering a business card for example or launching on Substack. Juno at 28 Leo in your Fifth House is within orb of the eclipse. Juno is commitment; Leo and the Fifth House are about courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. As this is also a ‘don’t know/can’t see’ area you may want to pull back on judging or acting regarding the same as the eclipse is with you.

  31. Hi Jessica,

    I have two planets in Aries, and ASC at 29 degrees.
    I left my previous company but I do wonder if I will head back there again, as ASC keeps reminding me that was on the brink will be resuscitated.
    Any input from your end will be so appreciated.


    1. Joanne, the main story here in your chart, professionally, is Venus at 28 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career, trine Ceres at 29 Virgo in your Sixth House of work and wellbeing. Pluto recently passed 28, 29 Capricorn which is historic. You left your previous company (Pluto transforms). What you suspect is right, but for different reasons. You could easily go back, as Pluto retrograde will be with you from June, and circle back to those same degrees. What is different for you this time is the loss of the old power and control questions. Pluto retrograde is moving backwards and getting stuck. He is also moving across a crumbling structure or a date-stamped situation which will not last. So even though there may be repetition here, or replay, or rewind, the ‘charge’ has gone. Have a look at the Tarot to personalise this. Venus is a complicated relationship with an employer, employee, colleague. In Capricorn it is always about career. Ceres is about compromise and deal-making; power-sharing. In Virgo, it is always about your service and duty to others, but also your duty to your own health on every possible level. These two patterns in your chart have always been there; occasionally they are triggered by transits; Pluto has come along to do just that.

  32. Hello Jessica
    I have reached a crossroads currently as to whether I should Pursue My degree in maths or do something in the world of theatre, upon reaching this eclipse I have Node at 29 Taurus and Vesta at 28 Virgo R, Should I wait until after the eclipse to make a decision in regards to the action?

    Otherwise, continue your great work, Jessica!

    1. Thank you. Yes, skip the eclipse to be on the safe side, as it aspects your nodal axis in Taurus-Scorpio (finance, income) and what we absolutely ‘know’ on an eclipse – we never do. Your career choices are really about Capricorn in your chart though, which is ambition – and Sagittarius, which is about academia. Chiron at 18 Capricorn and Ceres and Mercury at 19 Taurus are almost in an exact trine, which is good news for professional changes later on; transiting Jupiter goes into Taurus May 2023 to May 2024 and will move across that trine with all the timing, good fortune, improvement and growth he is known for. Your future will brighten remarkably in mid-May as Jupiter makes the change and then by 2024 you will have been given more than one opportunity to get away with the so-called impossible (Chiron) professionally (Capricorn) but in a way that allows you to compromise (Ceres) over income (Taurus) and negotiate or sign (Mercury) easily.

  33. Interesting read, Jessica. Your predictions are pretty amazing. I’m worried about my partner–he has melanoma on his scalp and is scheduled for surgery 12 May. He has a visit to an oncologist on 1 May to find out if it’s localized or has spread, so both are within the retrograde, although the date was set prior to retrograde shadow (don’t know if that’s important, but have been told it is). He’s 26 degrees Aries (16/4/1957), with stelliums in Aries, Scorpio, Virgo, Leo, and Pisces. Will the eclipse be a factor? I realize the surgery, et al is several days after, but wonder about timing.
    Thank you for any insight.

    1. I am sorry to hear your partner must have surgery to remove the melanoma. Mercury Retrograde is certainly about delayed or reversed information, but the zodiac sign is really important, and this one is in Taurus. Nothing to do with surgery. Please don’t worry. Mercury Retrograde in Taurus is about currency, money, the economy, house prices and so on and it runs until 1st June. It’s good that your partner has a Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of health, as between May 2023 and May 2024, Jupiter in Taurus will trine his Virgo factors giving him the best possible opportunity to improve.

  34. Hi Jessica, Thank you as always for an insightful read. Just finished your Zoom with the Sun School and while I am still finding my way do enjoy digging into the patterns.

    While looking at the eclipse points I start to see more and more areas light up which leaves me more in the dark.No pun intended.
    I have Bacchus @ 29 Sag; Fortuna 29 & Neptune 28 Scorpio; Minerva 28 Cancer; Moon 28 Taurus; Ops 28 Aries
    I pulled the Temperance card online, which while I see it as very Aquarius was interesting as I am seeing a Holistic Healer on the 19/4 to try and help with my headspace which is a bit like the Wheel of Fortune lately and all over the shop.

    1. Thanks for coming along to The Sun Sign School Zoom. Your Temperance card was about the eclipse and you have Fortuna and Neptune in Scorpio in a conjunction at 28 and 29 degrees, as you know. That shows up in the card, as the eclipse catches that, at 29 degrees in Aries. The figure in the card is pouring water between cups, standing in water; pure Neptune. Your Scorpio-ruled Eighth House is about joint finance, shared valuables and property, mutual business interests and so on. Neptune suggests issues about boundaries. Who gets what, and what belongs to whom? Fortuna suggests that you influence other people’s destiny without knowing what you are doing; Fortuna is blindfolded in mythology. So this brings in the usual eclipse ideas about not seeing/not noticing/being blind to things. When it comes to the 20th, you may prefer to wait until you make up your mind about what you’re sharing, dividing. giving or receiving out there.

  35. Hi Jessica, Amazing insight as always.
    Last Christmas my beloved brother and I had an discussion. He doesn’t speak to me. What can this eclipse mean for us! I have mars at 29 pisces and jupiter at 29 cancer.
    It’s been hard to improve my family’s life.

    1. Thank you. You were born with Apollo at 1 Gemini in the Third House of brothers and sisters. Pluto is at 0 Aquarius, moving to 1 Aquarius, for the first time in 248 years. Saturn recently passed 1 Pisces in March. These are quite rare cycles and they are triggering Apollo, who was the brother of Diana, in your chart. You will have to show leadership regarding your brother; you can find out more by looking up Apollo, Third House, Gemini and perhaps Diana as well. As for the eclipse, just bypass judgements about the family, your home, property, the household on the 20th and allow a day either side.

  36. How do orbs work in the eclipses? I have Saturn in Capricorn at 28 48, I believe. Would that be picked up? Also, the Hobart soundscapes you mentioned in a comment here are intriguing. Are they music or narrative or both?

    1. In modern astrology we use the same degree (zero orb) or one degree’s difference (one degree orb) as there are so many factors in the chart. Your Saturn at 28 Capricorn counts, with this eclipse. Capricorn rules your career, unpaid work or university career – skip big judgement calls about that, when the eclipse makes a square from 29 Aries. And the Hobart Soundwalks will begin soon. They’ll be scripted podcasts with music eventually. This is the ‘test’ part. You’d be very welcome to come along.

  37. Hi Jessica,

    I have an Aries stellium but nothing at 29 degrees. What should I avoid doing this eclipse?

    1. Avoid any decision or action plan regarding your image, brand, face, name, title, profile, self-promotion, publicity. There’s no sky fall, but if you can make choices about (say) cosmetic surgery or (maybe) starting a Substack account any time, make it another time.

  38. Dear Jessica,
    hope you can help me with understanding Venus at 28 scorpio, and Cupido at 29 Scorpio in relation to this Eclipse. Thank you so much.

    1. You were born with a Venus-Cupido conjunction in Scorpio (sex and money) in the Eighth House of shared property, family legacies and joint bank accounts. You fall in love with love, but you also fall in love with people who split the bills with you, or merge with you in terms of business, charity, property, valuables and so on. Skip the eclipse for decisions about the same; it will throw this into shadow near 20th April.

  39. Hi Jessica !!

    Thanks for the great article again
    I am in mid of changing a job and getting my first home
    I have Moon 29 Degrees in Cancer and Ceres 6 Degrees in Sagittarius 29
    How this eclipse will impact me


    1. Thank you. How will the eclipse impact you? Just what you’d expect. The Sun and Moon will square your own Moon at 29 Cancer in the Fourth House of family, the household, property, home town, homeland and garden. Skip the 19th, 20th, 21st for decisions about your first home. You won’t see and can’t know what is actually there. So if you can make a big choice any time, make it earlier or later.

  40. Hello, Jessica. I love how you’re really taking your time with folks. Personally, I’m discouraged because every promising transit since starting with Sedgwick in 2019 has been a bust for me. Every single one. This recent Day of Miracles brought me art show rejections; no acknowledgment from the climate group; clarification from the estate attorney that cemented my sister’s distrust of me and revealed that it will be at least a year before we go to court and there is no money anyway; etc. In short, the real miracle was how it all knocked me to my knees and made me pull all of my energy in, away from hopes of an inheritance, hopes of art sales, hopes of acceptance by my family, and away from looking to astrology for an understanding of why. With no hope of inheritance, we cannot afford to move somewhere less expensive. I cannot afford gas money much less astrology software. We have nothing extra to save. And the attorney keeps ringing up charges. I can’t bring myself to work on art or other creative efforts. Nothing sells and the whole idea was to prove my worth to family and they are all dead or done with me. So, I am getting the apartment clean, scrubbing the floor with a wash cloth. There is a small sesame seed of an idea that may grow, but I don’t really like the idea of putting anything ‘out there’ any more. The night after the Day of Miracles, in my pseudo sleep, all of my little lies, bits of gossip, outrageous defamations, slights of financial hand, misuse of funds, biting words, racist thoughts, online condemnations, betrayals of trust, etc. from the full length of my life, were paraded before me. “Poor, mistreated, goody-two-shoes” was set straight. Now, I have no idea what to do but clean the apartment. I have been exposed, shamed, and humiliated to myself. I have no credibility even to myself. What possible face would I put up for the world to see?

    1. The Jupiter-Sun conjunction in Aries was in your First House of self-promotion, image, brand, name, face and identity. It delivered you two golden opportunities to make money from a Twitter and Substack account, if you were happy to take subscribers. So, nothing to do with an art show, a climate group or your sister. It did what it promised: Jupiter (opportunity) and Sun (exposure) in Aries (your face) in the First House (going upfront). Your act could go there. The door is open and will stay open until Jupiter leaves Aries in the middle of May. For the other issues, the rest of the chart will talk to you, as astrology always does. The Tarot can help you get there faster.

  41. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you for sharing your insight as always. With Chiron at 29 Pisces and Ops at 29 Leo what am I looking at that might be concealed? Any other concerns or perhaps positivities I need to be aware of?

    1. What is concealed or just not seen by you (a different thing) will relate to Pisces matters: God, religion, anti-religion, Buddhism, spirituality, psychics, Tarot, hypnosis, dreams, therapy, self-help, counselling. This is normally where you get away with the so-called impossible or unthinkable. Skip the eclipse as you will not see, nor know, what is there. Ops in Leo in your Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne is about your lifelong quest to find solutions for the same. So, for example, a lover or a godson. A class of younger people you teach. Again, skip the eclipse.

  42. Hi Jessica, I have the following in my chart, could you help me understand?

    29° Leo 02′ 01

    Ops 29° Taurus 24′ 24′

    I have been really struggling at work with people being disloyal with a rival business/group and this group constantly getting one up on me, I can’t seem to do well no matter how hard I work, is there anything I can do or anything I should prepare for with this eclipse with these factors in mind? Would really appreciate your advice, thank you

    1. Sure, nothing to do with your Leo or Taurus factors. Work is Virgo, Capricorn and groups are Aquarius. I am sorry you are going through it. So don’t worry about the eclipse at 29 Aries as it won’t have any impact at all on your career. Psyche at 5 Virgo in your Sixth House of work is the issue. For the first time in 29 years, Saturn is at 4 Pisces, right opposite, moving steadily to 5 Pisces. Saturn in opposition to Psyche tests your duty and service to other people; your work ethic; your commitment to the job. This does not last. Psyche in mythology was also tested – by Venus. She came through with flying colours and achieved immortality. So you are going to find your projects, plans, output and achievements are forever. If the issue is other women, it would not be a total surprise as Psyche was a female who threatened other females – notably Venus and sometimes her sisters. The good news is this is temporary. Have a look at the Tarot and follow the steps to find a way out.

  43. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for this blog. I have a 29degree Cancer. I have been going through a rough divorce – still not settled. More information keeps coming out. I’m curious to know how this eclipse will affect me? I am just coming out of Pluto from Capricorn as well, it doesn’t feel as though he lost any of his power to be honest. I’m still hoping that happens. Thank you for all of your answers.

    1. Thank you. Skip the eclipse with matters relating to your house, apartment, family, household, home town, homeland. Give it a day or two before making assumptions. I am sorry you are having a difficult divorce. Your ex-husband is losing his power and dominance for different reasons, in slow stages. You’ve learned what to do – and what not to do. He is learning he can’t do, what he used to do. Pluto retrogrades to 29 Capricorn from June, and yet he’s moving backwards, getting stuck and resting on a collapsing situation with a use-by date.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I published this prediction on the 4th of January 2023. “Donald Trump is going, going gone from power, politics and the world stage – only he can decide when and how to sign off.” And – “When Uranus goes to 17 Taurus and is in a conjunction with Psyche and Ops at 17 Taurus from April 6th to 23rd there will be sharemarket instability, electrical storms across America and yet more shocks to the stocks. Reuters 9th April: “Crisis jolts Wall Street bankers” and April 14th (CNN) “The banking crisis will tilt US into recession” and April 14th (Financial Times) “US Stocks Slide.” So there you are. Date-stamped astrology.

  44. Thank you Jessica for this explanation. It puts things in perspective and I have been having thoughts about a godson, my own children living afar as well as reference letters for youths who spoke with me last week. I was planning to write each this week, but will put that back till next week.

  45. Hi Jessica,
    Trying my luck again to hopefully get your wonderful insight, I have been enjoying reading your blogs feeds my mind and soul. Please could you help me get a picture of how it will look like in my career, I have been unemployed since last year and really hoping for favourable outcomes soon. Thank you for all you do!

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you are between jobs and still waiting. You have factors at 3 through 24 degrees of Virgo (work) and Capricorn (success) so fortunately you have a chain of good opportunities for paid work, academia and/or voluntary work ahead. Jupiter is moving to 3 through 24 degrees of Taurus for the first time in 12 years and will trine your Virgo factors and Capricorn factors too. It’s a lifestyle change and C.V. reshape for you.

  46. Thank you Jessica!
    Always coming back on your site – top tier worldwide astrology analysis!


  47. Hallo Jessica
    I have Uranus 29°Leo 17′ 41 in my horoscope. Can you pleas explain. I am just sealing my apartment and i am worry because its a hard market just now. And I have also already bought a new place to live at. It feels for the moment that i am stuck.

    Thanks for the ability too ask question and fore you proficient answers.

    1. Thank you. The eclipse will cast a shadow on your courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. So, for example, your boyfriend or your daughter. Judge or act another time. The apartment sale has nothing to do with that; the issue is Mercury (negotiations) Retrograde (backwards) in Taurus (finance) until 1st June. Mercury is on a loop until then, but you should be far happier from the middle of May, when Jupiter (solutions) also goes into Taurus.

  48. Hi Jessica, I’m trying to sell my apartment. But the person leaving in this apartment (renting the apartment) is blocking the visit – she is always canceling the visit. Any chance to sell this appartement soon or should I postpone time to find a solution with this person? Thanks a lot.

    1. We have Mercury Retrograde in Taurus, so negotiations (backwards and stuck) about income. If you want to sell you could start now, but assume stop-start and the chance of reversal by 1st June, when the cycle ends. If you can sell at any time you may prefer to do it after 1st June when Mercury has finished his loop in Taurus in your Second House of income.

    1. Thank you. This is the first version of it, yes. We won’t have the final version until after 1st June when Mercury is no longer retrograde in Taurus, but UNICOIN fits the cycles.

  49. Thank you Jessica for your impressions. You are right about the checkered relationships and I also have godchildren as well as teaching young ones. I drew the Moon card and the long explanation did not add to the complexity but gave clarity to my doubts and possible actions, which I will wait out and see this week. Have a good week Jessica. Thank you.

  50. Hi Jessica, Great information about the upcoming eclipse & also the detailed information about the Mercury Retrograde shadow periods, which I have often found so confusing with pre/after shadow times. I have stelliums in Sagittarius & Aquarius. Mercury 29° Sagittarius, Hygiea 29° Aquarius. I’m just wondering how this will affect me at this time & into the future? I have been trying to work out what to do with my life going forward. I have been feeling very restless for the last 10 months, even longer actually. I would love to change career, move house, but I have to be practical & smart with the currant financial situation & the ongoing ridiculous rental situation in Melbourne. The fact that my current job gives me full security with employment, a place to live & I’m saving money. The only negative to those positives is, I am not happy here, no support from other staff members at all & that’s how it seems how it has always been before I was here. I am emotionally & physically exhausted. I looked at over 100 rentals from August 2020 to June 2021 & was not successful getting a new rental, as I am single with my now, amazing 16 year old dog. I can’t to go through that again & render myself unemployed & homeless. June 2021 was when I had my current situation I am in present itself to me, I’m so grateful even if I don’t sound like it. I have had huge, huge changes in my life since mid 2020, all of them have been major transformations of my life, (thank you Pluto), some really brutal. June 2022 changed my life forever & I don’t know who I can trust anymore, all but one of my siblings. I love your podcasts each week too. Many thanks, take care Jessica & enjoy your week.

    1. Thank you. I am glad you are enjoying The Astrology Show Podcast. Skip the eclipse for judgement calls or action plans, as it picks up several areas of your chart including overseas travel, tourists and foreigners – as well as exported plans (Sagittarius) and also groups and friends (Aquarius). Your other questions have nothing to do with the eclipse and are about Virgo matters; being exhausted at work. They are also about Taurus and Scorpio matters; tough rental issues. You are a Sun Capricorn with Aquarius and Libra stelliums. You will be offered (again) accommodation options by mid-May which require action as they won’t come again. Yes, even with a dog. Your life will change when you realise that groups and friends are your key to everything, and again, you would have been shown some open doors since March. These will stay open until June, then reopen in 2024 and from 2025 you will understand what it means to be so heavily Aquarian; you are here to plug into the hive mind, people power and circles of allies and mates who give you space and support you. That is very important. Your Descendant is in Virgo in the Sixth House of work, lifestyle, wellbeing and work-life balance. You will find a good solution to your issues there after May 2023 and by May 2024 as Jupiter trines your Descendant for the first time in 12 years. Melbourne’s rental situation is ridiculous, I know, but there are choices for you out there; keep an eye out for these in the next four weeks and open up to broader possibilities, perhaps, than you have accepted so far.

  51. Dear Jessica, i see this great post is very busy about this 29 degree eclipse.So I will try one more time to see if I can get a response (thank you again), It “sandwiches” a couple of my 28 degree placements and lots of 0 degree placements! Help! Any advice is greatly appreciated! I got the king of cups in tarot and then i asked for some more clarification and got death. Feels like Pluto?

    1. The King of Cups in the Tarot is the man who is out of touch with reality, in his own little world, inaccessible and unlikely to change, unless a miracle occurs and he takes a rare chance to shift his position and meet you halfway. So he is your eclipse story. You have the North Node at 28 Sagittarius in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. You can see the King of Cups is floating in the sea with a ship in the background. This is a tourist, traveller, migrant or overseas connection and your Tarot is telling you to avoid judging or acting regarding him on the eclipse.

  52. Hi Jessica,
    once again you hit the mark with this interesting article.
    In my natal chart I have Ceres at 29 Pisces and Salacia at 29 Capricorn. Actually I’m dealing with economic difficulties related to the house where I live and tax authorities.
    What can I expect from this eclipse?
    A virtual hug. 🙂

    1. Thank you. Finance is Taurus and/or Scorpio in the chart and you have tax and house issues – you have patterns at 2 through 27 degrees across the Second House of personal income and Eighth House of joint finance. This becomes easier in two stages. Firstly from May, when Jupiter with all his solutions, enters Taurus for the first time in 12 years. Secondly from July, when the lunar nodes move off Taurus and Scorpio and you can stop stretching quite so far (and being stretched). The eclipse has nothing to do with your money, but everything to do with your career, unpaid work or academic career (Salacia at 29 Capricorn in your Tenth House) so you may prefer to suspend judgement when it falls.

  53. Thank you for the clarification, Jessica. I think several of us are confused about when to forcast from the Public chart and when from the Private chart. The Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Aries was in everyone’s Natural House System’s First House of self-promotion, image, brand, name, face and identity. But you have said that this 0 Aries chart is our Private chart. I assumed I should act on my Public chart which has Aries in my 10th house of career, which was in climate science and is now in art. Although I have accounts there, I don’t have a following on Substack or Twitter. I have offered subscriptions on my Substack. I don’t even get likes or comments. So, I hear what you’re saying about opportunities but I’m not seeing them ignite anywhere.

    1. I’m making some tutorials for absolute beginners at The Sun Sign School this week, so you can move between your private chart and public chart. Your private chart has Aries on the First House cusp; your public chart has Cancer on the First House cusp. The recent Jupiter-Sun conjunction was privately about promoting yourself; publicly about success. You have been offered the typical Jupiter opportunity of monetised subscription on Substack and Twitter and the rest is up to you. That’s a classic Jupiter transit. I would expect Facebook to step up this week and compete with the other two, as it is lagging behind, but that may be best avoided as the eclipse suggests something is unseen or undisclosed there – again in Aries – again in your First House of profile, in your private chart, and in your Tenth House of ambition, in your public chart.

  54. Hi Jessica, thanks for illuminating the astrology so generously, and offering so much on your site. Giving real life examples like this of eclipses in action really puts some flesh on the bones of understanding what the bloody hell all the fuss is about, all around the world, and since the dawn of time.

    In my own life I might have turned a corner in my health the last 4-5 weeks and the future starts to look lighter without chronic debilitating health complications, which has been dominating my activities for the past decade. It’d be foolish to expect a total and immediate recovery, but even a remission is a welcome shift in dynamics. So, I have been reading your replies and comments on Virgo factors. I especially love the analogy of astrology with gardening, and managing it. But gardening, like cooking, has sooooo many experts, I find myself listening to the soil and looking for traces of who has visited my veggie patch teaching me how best to manage it. Tarot is perhaps like that personal listening in, and I am grateful for your inclusion of Pamela’s cards to use.
    Last week I drew Four of Coins both times I consulted. Perhaps Pluto leaving Capricorn is an opportunity to ditch some of the heaviness of career/wellbeing stress? I’ve really been meeting my muses creatively lately , and having vivid dreams.

    P.s. my love and I ‘ tune in ‘ to your podcast every week, with a cup of tea on the sofa, and from today, in front of the fire! Reminds me of ye olde radioplay rituals , but with the convenience of podcast. Thankyou ! !

    1. Thank you. The Four of Coins is about Taurus and/or Scorpio factors in your chart and suggests security – more than enough – a solid feeling of wraparound wealth and comforting abundance. There is also a need to relax the grip and be more flexible, as the real estate and property market, or business sphere, needs a closer look. You have a Taurus stellium in your Second House of personal income and Jupiter with all his solutions and opportunities will move into Taurus from mid-May and remain there until May 2024. So your Tarot and astrology agree. Just remember Taurus is a fixed sign and if you are too fixed about hanging on, and holding on, you may miss what is happening with the real estate or business sphere, as I’ve said. I am glad you are enjoying the podcast.

  55. I’m a Sun sign Leo with my rising sign in Leo at 29 degrees ( d.o.b 15/8/60). This seems to be fairly ominous. Is it? Should I be concerned?

    1. Eclipses are neither negative nor positive, they just blot things out or screen them. This one aspects your Leo Ascendant in the Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. If your birth time is strictly accurate, then all your life you are seen through the lens of being single, dating, having a particular marriage pattern, having children (or not) and catering for children or teenagers, younger adults in some way. This is the area of your life which will be hard to see clearly, so avoid judging or acting regarding the same, as the eclipse unfolds.

  56. Thank you for yet another wonderful articel. I have aries north node and jupiter in aries both in the 8th house and ive been feeling a sense of impending doom for a while now, especially concerning my fathers health. I have a bad feeling about this eclipse and that it will somehow affect my father. (he is an aries sun & has been having heart issues). especially with pluto in the mix one starts to feel so on edge.

    1. Thank you. I am sorry your father has been having heart issues. Aries is not your Eighth House; it is your First House. Your Eighth House (in the Natural House System I use) is ruled by Scorpio. You have Pluto at 7 Scorpio and transiting Saturn is slowly moving to 7 Pisces (Saturn trine Pluto) so there will be a fundamental change in the way you control the financial side of your life, in regard to your father. This can only happen every 29 years as Saturn moves so slowly. Eclipses are neither good nor bad. They just cover things up. This one is in Aries in your First House of branding, image, appearances and profile. So just skip choices about those matters, while it is here. I hope your father has better health.

  57. Hi Jessica,
    I hope all is well. I’ll be traveling on April 20th for meetings whereby I need to make some decisions. I have 29degrees in MC, IC and Apollo. Is that bad? Is there anything I should be concerned about around this date apart from holding off on my decisions until a few days later if I can. Thank you Jessica.

    1. Eclipses aren’t bad (or good) they just conceal the facts, which are revealed later. You and everyone involved at these meetings on April 20th will be operating with the usual screening effect of the Moon-Sun blackout. If it’s no big deal to make decisions once the Moon is out of Aries and into Taurus, you may as well do that. Eclipses tend to have a ‘Doh!’ Homer Simpson effect later on; you realise you were missing something, or sometimes you just realise you were duped.

  58. Dear Jessica,

    Thank you for your amazing predictions! I’ve already seen some of the things you’ve mentioned in past comments come to play in my own life — your work is very much worth the subscription!

    I have the south node in Aries, and that is my only Aries factor, but I know this is a big one with the nodes changing soon. Will the eclipse (or any of the recent astrological changes) have any effect on me in the coming days/weeks/months?

    1. Thank you for validating the astrology predictions. If you have the lunar nodes in Aries-Libra then the issues in 2023, 2024 are very much about ‘me’ as opposed to ‘we’ and ‘us’ because Aries is about the self – and Libra is about the couple or pair. The partnership. You may want to let this eclipse pass you by in terms of judgements about that. Later on, the transiting nodes go to Libra-Aries from July 2023 and by 2024 you will realise that you are required to balance karma from life as it was 18-19 years ago, about much the same things. A typical example is the woman who divorces her husband and resumes life under her maiden name, or the woman who marries a man and changes her name. The Tarot can tell you more about how your nodal axis is most affected by these Aries-Libra transits.

  59. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for this blog. I have Vesta at 29 degree in Aries 9th house. I’m currently figuring out what to write about in my exam paper in international relations. I will meet with my tutor on the 20th to discuss my paper. Is there anything I should consider?

    Any input will be appreciated☺️

    1. Thank you. You are living your chart. Vesta is about one male/plural females and as she is at 29 Aries (but not in your Ninth House, in your First House) this is about your degree, academic reputation and profile – as a result of your studies. Yes, there will be something you are not seeing, or do not know, about the same. So you may want to defer judgement or action plans.

  60. I have 29 cancer sun but also my Jupiter return (23 aries ) is on the eclipse – I take care of a 93 year old on hospice visiting her every day for the last four years…. Wondering if this is an ending…or perhaps a beginning for my home business that I’ve not had much time to work on – I get sales every day but I haven’t had time to refresh and refine my designs —thank you for the eclipse news – I have a feeling you will probably say this is about a new haircut or something about my face because it’s aries but that doesn’t resonate because I spend all my time at a care home and locked away in my house doing a home business – haven’t looked in a mirror in a long time ! Being around death takes away your beauty concerns and youth! Cheers for all you do than you

    1. Thank you. The eclipse will square your natal Sun at 29 Cancer, in the Fourth House of family and home. Just let it go without doing too much, or deciding too much, as you won’t have the full picture about your situation. The Jupiter Return is good for branding and self-promotion, but won’t be affected by the eclipse, as it’s too wide. In modern astrology we use no more than one degree’s difference. Jupiter in Aries, natally, is not just about your reflection in the mirror. It is also about your name online and in fact, Twitter and Substack just delivered for you. Did you see?

  61. Jessica, you responded to me a few months ago..update is Mom has passed. It is challenging right now concerning living arrangements. Do I move in to Mom’s house to continue caring for a disabled sister or do I move the sister into my smaller house and pray we can work out the space, etc OR is it possible another house will appear within the next 60 days? Will I be able to afford it? Money has been pouring out. This eclipse on the 20th will be opposite my 26 deg Jupiter. You do have m y chart. I am overwhelmed with the crossing over of Mom, care for sister and LIFE. The past 3 years have been tough. Thank you and continue to do the great work you do.

    1. I have replied to you elsewhere, using astrology, but also suggest that you find some time and space alone, light a candle (or light a candle online, which you can also do with some websites) and ask your Mom and other family and friends in spirit, to help. You will have clear guidance so follow the signs. She may be able to directly show you, or another family member (acting for all of you) may help. The eclipse is not opposite Jupiter by the way, it’s too wide (modern astrology only uses 1 degree orbs). So set that to one side. You also need healing. Have a look at ‘healing’ on Search and try some of the short audio sessions there. This works out very well long-term – see my other comment.

    1. Vesta is at 29 Gemini in your Third House of siblings, cousins, short journeys, media and the internet. You have a lifelong pattern of being drawn to one male/plural female situations with the same, and it can happen that women or girls compete with each other for male approval and attention. There is a story taking place this week, regarding that, which will be hard to read – if not impossible to read. So, you may prefer to judge or act later.

  62. Dear Jessica,

    I mean to add this to my previous comment. I do have Saturn at 29 degrees Leo and Minerva at 17 degrees Aries, so more factors involved than I thought! Wondering how the eclipse and other astro events might affect me. Thank you!

    1. The eclipse will aspect your natal Saturn at 29 Leo in the Fifth House of the bedroom, courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. So this may be about a partner, a godchild. A former lover, or your daughter, for example. Assume you can’t see what or whom you need to – and swerve around.

  63. Hi Jessica, I have Pluto at 29 Virgo, inheritance is unlikely, my family are not financially well off, my husband may inherit something but that’s unlikely to be any time soon, we do need to update our wills in due course. The mortgage has already increased due to the Liz Truss 2022 effect and we fixed pretty quickly once it was clear rates were going up so managed to avoid the worst increase possible. Is that what this eclipse will be about or is it about something else? Thank you xx

    1. Pluto at 29 Virgo is in your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing. Paid work, unpaid work or academia – and your health on all levels. You have a lifelong need for quite tight control here and the eclipse will overshadow this, so you may want to defer judgement and action plans until it’s passed you by. It may be as simple as a professional plan or a decision about, say, health insurance. Long-term, you will be happy to know that in 2024, Jupiter in Taurus will reach 29 degrees and trine Pluto, so there will be an historic opportunity to make changes with your lifestyle in your favour.

  64. So much has happened in the past 6 mos. You have my chart. Mom passed which was bittersweet. Now the decision weighing me down is (I need you guidance) do I move my disabled sister (she lived with Mom) into my home or do I move into where they lived together OR will another home present itself that would work better for us? Their home is one level and bigger than my 2story. Financially it is going to be stressful either way..movers, storage, etc. I feel a bit lost and unsure of life right now. That is not me! Maybe I am just coming down from all the caretaking but I do not have a lot of time to make a decision. I am aware of Merc Retro, Eclipse, etc.. but sometimes landlords do not care about that. Any guidance would be so appreciated. Thanks, have a good week. Bonnie

    1. Bonnie, I can understand why you need guidance about your disabled sister’s life. Do you move her in, or do you move into her home? Is there another home option? The first thing to say is that Mercury Retrograde is in Taurus, which rules your income (rent, for example, and the cost of property decisions). As you know, Mercury is about negotiations, paperwork and agreements. Retrograde is forwards, backwards and stuck. This ends on 1st June. I am not sure how urgent that is; you say you don’t have a lot of time to decide. If you must go ahead before 1st June, read the fine print and make sure you have Plan B and C as a fallback position. You have a Gemini stellium in your Third House of sisters, so this does work out really well, long-term. From May 2024, Jupiter moves into Gemini and your Third House and that is the best cycle you could possibly hope for, regarding her. So in a way, whatever you decide to do now, is part of that future fulfilment and solution, regarding her. As this is an extremely personal decision for you, I suggest you use the Tarot and follow the steps. You know what your priorities are and each choice has different things to recommend it. Beyond 2026 when Uranus goes into Gemini and your Third House of siblings, there will be a life for both of you which is far more independent and very different. Right now, though, just be aware of that Mercury cycle and see what the Tarot is telling you about your choices. Only you can judge.

  65. Hello Jessica, hope you are well. Thanks for another great post – I have 6 factors at 28/29 degrees:
    Pluto & Venus, 29 in Virgo
    Ceres, 29 in Cancer
    Salacia, 29 in Capricorn
    Moon, 28 in Leo
    Aesculapia, 28 in Scorpio
    The card I drew for how this weeks eclipse will impact me was the Magician – not sure if that makes sense, is it something that could relate to career opportunities, given my 6th and 10th house placements?

    Thank you

    1. Marls, The Magician is about your Salacia at 29 Capricorn in the Tenth House of ambition, achievement and success. Salacia shows how you operate in two worlds at the same time, neither of them real. You can see The Magician holds one arm connecting him to the universe while the other points to the earth, but there is nothing regular or normal about him. So that’s you this week. This is about your career, unpaid work or academic career and it suggests plenty of mysteries and unknowns. So, just for a day or two, you may want to suspend judgements.

  66. Hi Jessica,
    You mentioned that eclipses conceal, and it sounds like that is forever. Are there any transits that ‘reveal’ that would make it possible for events hidden by an eclipse to ever come to light, or are things hidden always concealed forever?

    Thank you so much!
    Always enjoy reading your blog,

    1. It’s quite true, eclipses conceal forever, Janet. Diana, the Princess of Wales, was unlawfully killed near an eclipse. We will never know the full truth of why her seatbelt was off, along with the CCTV cameras. The alleged sacking of Lee Harvey Oswald on an eclipse (he next went to Dallas, Texas) is still surrounded by questions. They even exhumed him. We will never know the full truth, though we can guess at what happened pretty well.

  67. Thank you for another great blog article Jessica! I missed last Sunday’s Sun school zoom session and just finished watching the recording (many thanks to you and Alicia for making these available when we can’t attend the tutorial). Like many others, I too have a few factors at 28-29 degrees:
    – Proserpina at 29 Cancer
    – Diana at 29 Leo
    – Fortuna at 29 Virgo
    – Juno at 28 Scorpio
    – Bacchus at 29 Sagittarius
    – Chiron at 29 Pisces
    I pulled the Ace of Swords as my Tarot card for this week’s eclipse.
    Can you please help me to see how this eclipse might affect me this week?
    Thank you for your insight you generously share with us all, learning about astrology was never more exciting!
    Warm regards,

    1. Thanks Olga. I am glad the Zoom recording from The Sun Sign School was useful. I like it when people pull a Tarot card because it makes it so much easier to explain the astrology. This is about your Fortuna at 29 Virgo in the Sixth House of work, unpaid work and academia. There will be a change at the top. It may be you; it may be your employer, say, or a senior figure. The ‘crown’ is up for grabs. There may be a psychological shift in the seniority or authority at work, or at home (if you don’t work) or at university (if you study). It may be literal, so there is a sacking or replacement. Suspend judgement and action until the dust has settled and the eclipse has gone.

  68. Hello Jessica, I have Pluto at 29° Libra in my 1st house, right between my Ascendant and Saturn. I find myself a bit scared of transits hitting my Pluto, wondering if you could advise me on what to expect this time?

    1. Pluto is not in your First House, it is in your Seventh House of duets and duels. Astrology is not here to scare you. To have Pluto in Libra in the Seventh House means you look for quite right control of your partners, your partnerships and also any conflicts or differences. You want to run those situations, or run the other person. The eclipse will catch that in your chart, through an opposition. Don’t judge or act about a duet or duel on the eclipse. This is actually an important theme for the year. Pluto (in transit) goes to 29 Capricorn so you experience Pluto square Pluto. This is about power and empowerment; self-control and control. To compromise with/about the other side, or your other half, will take a lot of time and energy but you can do it. Do not enter into any new partnership, of any sort, without being aware of the balance of power between you. Check paperwork carefully for same. When the lunar nodes go to 29 Aries/29 Libra in July 2023 you will find life as it was 18-19 years prior will karmically affect the situation with your duet or duel. Using those memories can help you towards closure then.

  69. Hello Jessica! I see I have got aesculapia at Scorpio 29. What could this mean for me? Just came back home to see if my mom sorts her finances since she’s a widow, I lost my dad at 8years old and recently things have been very slow for everyone at home, just I’ve been trying to understand my path, things been back in forward, specially in career, so I could go potentially study masters, abroad and try to understand my path. Since things are confusing back home it sometimes can take out my focus. Thank you!

  70. Hello Jessica! I see I have got aesculapia at Scorpio 29. What could this mean for me? Just came back home to see if my mom sorts her finances since she’s a widow, I lost my dad at 8years old and recently things have been very slow for everyone at home, just I’ve been trying to understand my path, things been back in forward, specially in career, so I could go potentially study masters abroad and maybe live with my boyfriend since I’m 24 years old already, it’s like I’m always dependent on my mother, I’ve always been looking for independence, always tried but it feels like I’m always connected to something of past Doesn’t let me fly, or open doors in the media/art/business sector. Since things are confusing back home it sometimes can take out my focus. Thank you!

  71. Good evening Jessica, I have Psyche at 29 Leo and Mars at 29 Capricorn, Ops at 29 Aquarius and Ceres at 28 Libra. How will I fare in the upcoming eclipse please?

    1. The eclipse at 29 Aries will pick up courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne (Leo). It will pick up your career, academic career or unpaid role (Capricorn). It will pick up friends and groups (Aquarius). It will also pick up duets and duels (Libra). So, several areas of your life at once are unclear. They may be connected, on the day, in a wider story. Children (Leo) you teach as your profession (Capricorn) may start an issue about your coaching the football team (Aquarius) and involve your old boyfriend (Libra). However this pans out for you, steer clear. Don’t judge or act when the story is so hidden.

  72. Would love to know more about my own chart as well as what this eclipse means for me. I’m fairly new to astrology and would love to hear your insights. I’m a scorpio sun and aries moon with aries in my 5th house. 10/24/1999 in los angeles california 10:30 am. Not sure if that helps!

    1. You are a Sun Scorpio, which I can work with. The rest of your question does not make any sense to me, as I use a different system. You have historic opportunities (Jupiter in Aries once every 12 years) to make so much more of your working life and wellbeing (Jupiter in your solar Sixth House) until 17th May 2023 (when Jupiter leaves Aries). You have likely already accepted 1-2 terrific options but there may be a third. You can also expand on the former.

  73. Dear Jessica,

    I trust that this finds you well. Thank you for yet another enlightening post. I have my moon in Aries at 29 degrees and I am definitely feeling this eclipse already all over. The past few days and in fact the whole of April already have transformed a new but so far steady love interest into a very suspicious encounter from my perspective. Moreover my career is also at a crossroads in between changing positions but due to bureaucratic issues this is also put on hold and I am starting to question my choices here. Is there any impressions relating to my chart you can share in terms of both areas of life and the upcoming eclipse to find a smooth way of interaction?

    As always very appreciative of your work and thankful for any advice you might have. Hope you get through it smoothly too.


    1. Lilian, you have Venus at 26 Leo in the Fifth House of the bedroom and courtship. Neptune has been/still is at 26 Pisces, making an exact hit. Neptune is well-known for distorting the picture, creating issues about boundaries, and increasing confusion about ‘everything and everybody, all over the place, all the time.’ So you were wise to be suspicious. You will be much happier with lovers when Jupiter goes to 26 Gemini in May 2025. That does not stop you dating before then; it just suggests taking it all more seriously, then. Your career is on hold because Pluto is on hold. It will sort itself out from June 2023 onwards and you will see a reshuffle of rights, roles and responsibilities from 2022 or early 2023, repeat itself. The Moon at 29 Aries in your First House of profile, appearance, image, brand, name, face and so on – suggests you would be wise to skip the eclipse for judgements or actions regarding the same.

  74. Hi Jessica, thank you for your great article. I have quite a few placements and I’m trying to work out what they mean for me in terms of caution in the particular areas effected. I’d be so grateful for your insight please. I have Pluto at 29 Virgo, Salacia at 29 Capricorn, Jupiter and Venus at 28 Scorpio and Mercury at 28 Sagittarius. I drew the tarot card 3 of wands when asking what the eclipse means for me. With thanks, Alexia x

    1. This is about work, career, finance and foreigners, Alexia. Quite a few things at once. So dodge eclipse day and the day either side for judging or acting – it’s too unclear. The Three of Wands is exactly about that. A figure (you) staring at other parts of the world for possibilities. That’s fine but don’t decide near the eclipse.

  75. So interesting to read your blogs, your comments, learning each time.
    There is a war in Ukraine as everyone knows
    Then the Americans have slowed down there deliveries of arms and help to this country as they are facing a possible other war front in North Pacific and in South Pacific with China.
    The Russians are all over the world to find allies to support them.
    You mentioned that China will aim at attacking Taiwan but this, which could start a 3 world war, will not happen. I feel concerned as I am currently moving to Austria for family matters. Probably for a few years. Helping family members. I hope it is not a wrong move. Can you let me know your thoughts.
    I am a Sun Libra. I have Salacia at 29 Sagittarius, Jupiter at 28 Aquarius, and South Node at 28 Virgo. And North Node in 28 pisces ?
    Can you let me know your thoughts ?
    Thank you.

    1. Russia is on a hiding to nowhere, as she is not part of a strong group of friends and allies – the power is with genuine friendships and networks with Pluto in Aquarius to 2044. I don’t think the ‘bonding’ with China is particularly convincing. Watch NATO, the UN and the EU – the Commonwealth – which have been together for years. You will move by November 2024, if you’re going to do it. The eclipse will catch your zone of foreigners and foreign countries, friends and groups, work and wellbeing – and your inner life. As it catches a lot of life areas at the same time, just sidestep big decisions and actions on eclipse day and give it 24 hours either side.

  76. Hi Jessica

    I’m a new member and still learning how to read my chart so I’m not sure how this eclipse will impact me.

    Hoping you can assist as I’m in the process of negotiating a property purchase and wondering if the timing is not good due to a potential concealment?

    Looking forward to your insight on this.

    Cheers RL

    1. Thank you for taking out Premium Membership RL. Not so much the eclipse, but Mercury Retrograde (communication, backwards) in Taurus (finances) in your Second House (property, business, banks) is with you. So allow for delays and changes between now and 1st June. Read the fine print and get everything in writing. Give yourself wiggle room as there may be all sorts of hold-ups or flux and Mercury will go over your Taurus factors. In general you are very lucky with property, though, as you were born with Jupiter (innate good fortune) in Cancer in the Fourth House (houses, apartments, land and belonging).

  77. Hello Jessica! I see I have got aesculapia at Scorpio 29. What could this mean for me? Just came back home to see if my mom sorts her finances since she’s a widow, I lost my dad at 8years old and recently things have been very slow for everyone at home, just I’ve been trying to understand my path, things been back in forward, specially in career, so I could go potentially study masters abroad and maybe live with my boyfriend since I’m 24 years old already, it’s like I’m always dependent on my mother(a cancer sun), I’ve always been looking for independence, always tried but it feels like I’m always connected to something of past Doesn’t let me fly, or open doors in the media/art/business sector. I also would like to help my younger brother whose a Taurus. We both like arts. Since things are confusing back home it sometimes can loose out my focus. Thank you!

    1. Aesculapia is any situation, organisation or person which comes back from the brink. In Scorpio it is always about sex, death and money. In the Eighth House, often about marriage and mortgage; divorce settlements; family inheritance; relatives’ legacies. At 29 degrees, you will find this matters more in 2023, as the eclipse catches this (don’t judge or act, regarding the same, on the day) and later, Pluto goes to 29 Capricorn and aspects this in your chart. This has nothing to do with your career, MA or boyfriend, but it’s very much about your mother and her finances, which you say you are sorting out. Patric Walker used to call the Eighth House ‘matters of a joint financial nature’ and it’s very much about her, less so, about living with your boyfriend. There will be a big focus on this all year, with questions about who/what is in control. Self-control will help you manage. But – skip that eclipse. Allow a day either side.

  78. Jessica, I’m a Leo sun and just had you had predicted the theme for April has been travel and foreign countries. I’m taking a month long trip to France and working remotely. I also tried to use the Jupiter-Sun conjunction and started a food related social media account.
    I don’t have anything at 29 degrees but have a couple placements in Aries. Wondering how this eclipse will affect me.

    1. The Aries eclipse will fall in your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries are you are in France. Skip judgements, assumptions or action plans regarding same on the eclipse.

  79. My natal Moon and Venus are conjunct at 29° Aries in the 5th House, and Sun in Pisces at 28° in the 4th House. I’m feeling very positive about the upcoming eclipse! Much of my work has to do with presenting the Sacred Feminine and Right-Brain values, and I also work with new technologies that are globally game-changing.

  80. I thought I might also mention that I have Saturn placed in Capricorn at 27° 47 minutes in the 2nd house, and I know that Pluto has backed into Capricorn again. Additionally, I have Mars in Cancer in my natal chart. Any insights will be truly appreciated!

    1. You use a completely different astrology system to me so I’m afraid I don’t understand your question.

  81. Dear Jessica, amazing insights, thank you for taking the time to put these together! My North node is at 28 Aries and my DSC is at 1 Taurus, not exactly but close enough for me to question how this could manifest. I tried to launch a Youtube channel a few days ago that got suspended almost instantly. I have a feeling it has to do with these eclipses and mercury retrograde around the corner. I would love to hear your impressions! Thanks so much

    1. You launched a YouTube channel on Mercury Retrograde and it was suspended. Moral of that story; don’t do it. I’m pretty sure I posted the Mercury Retrograde warning dates last year in 2022, covering April through June. Try again in June. Your North Node at 28 Aries in the First House is just one degree off being hit by the eclipse. Skip eclipse time for your First House concerns; profile, reputation, appearance.

  82. Hello there Jessica. Back again. And thank you for your previous responses. I am confused all over anew again, though that is nothing new. I looked up my chart for the eclipse time, and have gone through the other queries here a few times to see if I could pick up on something. I do have Vulcanus/Virgo 29 degrees and Ops in Gemini at the same. But what I really am curious about and trying to decipher is all the trines and squares on the ascendant and the nodes? There seems to be a kite and a rectangle shape. It just looks really interesting. The more I try to work it out the more confused I seem to be. I ask because it seems to be aspecting a lot of the big players like Saturn and Jupiter and Pluto and Neptune? If I flip the chart does it seems like thats a lot of action in the 8th house? I really should understand this all so much better. I feel dyslexic when it come to this sometimes. What am I not getting? And apologies for all the questions and expectations.

    1. Just use the same degrees to spot the patterns. Scan the chart and find everything at exactly the same number. You have Ops at 29 Gemini in the Third House and Vulcano at 29 Virgo in the Sixth House. Decode that using this website. Takes minutes. Accept that the transiting (travelling) eclipse Moon-Sun at 29 Aries will make that unclear. Don’t act or judge, regarding same. This is about the internet (Gemini) which you can never square with work (Virgo) and may explain why you are confused by information coming to you online – as on this website. That’s perfectly okay, but avoid acting on the internet/work on the eclipse because you will find the real story is concealed.

  83. Hi Jessica,

    Is this eclipse extra significant because it is at 29 degrees of a sign? I have Mars at 28 Aries and the nodes at 29, North node in Sagittarius and South Node in Gemini. What should I lookout for? I am anxious not to make any wrong moves especially when it comes to my career, can you please advise, thanks

    1. The eclipse is no more significant at 29 than any other degree. Eclipses are pretty simple. Whatever they catch, by any aspect, at the same degree – is unclear. So you avoid judging or acting, regarding the same, in any major way, while the eclipse holds. You have a Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries pattern at 29 and within one degree orb. So this is about foreigners and foreign countries. The internet. Siblings and cousins. Your image. They may be connected stories on the day, or quite separate, but just skip assuming anything. A classic example would be a foreign embassy (Sagittarius) asking you to go online (Gemini) to fill in a passport ID form (Aries). You’d wait a day or two. Double that, if you’re getting a passport to visit your sister!

  84. Hi Jessica, yet another great article. Reading how they conceal never reveal makes me reflect back on eclipses of the past that had a big impact on me but also kept me in the dark and as you point out I am still none the wiser as to what was really happening at the time. I have Mars in Taurus at 29 degrees, Chiron in Aries at 28, Uranus in Libra at 28, Diana in Pisces at 0 and Vulcano in Leo at 0 – I assume we look at 0 degrees, the other side of 29 degrees as well? I drew the High Priestess in tarot when asking what the eclipse meant for me and am hopeful this is a positive sign for the medium term future – I cannot wait for the Nodes to change in July, the last time they were in this position all those years ago I also hated my job and felt as such a loss just as much as now and wanted to change careers, and last time when they changed I had an amazing opportunity career wise and I am hoping for something similar this year as well.

    1. Thank you. Drawing a Tarot card is wise. The High Priestess in relation to the Aries Eclipse is about your Chiron at 28 Aries, just one degree away from an exact conjunction. Chiron is the tutor, mentor, guide, teacher of astrology. He was a music teacher among other things. The High Priestess is you, as educator, or a clever woman in your world whom you look to for tutorship. Chiron in Aries is about titles, so this may be about qualifications (letters after your name; a degree) or a professional title. A great deal is screened off in this card. In fact, a decorated screen is the backdrop for the priestess herself. She cannot see and does not know what is going on behind the scenes. So this is you, or a woman who is the instructor, near this date. Don’t judge or act until it’s over.

  85. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for the awesome article, I enjoyed reading it. I was looking at my charts and noticed I don’t have any 29 degree placements. How will the eclipse impact me since I don’t have any 29 degree placements?

    Thank you

    1. It’s a general ‘Can’t see and don’t know’ message for you and everyone else, regarding Aries matters – the face, the head, title, appearance, profile, reputation, self-promotion, personal publicity. So as I’ve said in the story, it’s probably going to be Facebook. It may be Substack or Twitter. This is the biggest-scale example of an Aries issue, most likely to present a cover-up. Why? Because it’s a massive global drama right now, thanks to Elon Musk, the world’s second richest man.

  86. Hi Jessica, thanks again for this informative post! I am reposting, maybe you will kindly reply. Should I be aware of anything regarding this upcoming eclipse? I was so looking forward to 23 March 2023 as I thought my life would become much easier. My mum (stellium in scorpio) was diagnosed with advanced cancer last September. It was such a shock to the whole family and still is. Ever since, I have tried to keep my job (HR threatened me to terminate my contract on Friday for non return to contractual location). This is due to my boss who has been harassing me for years now and wants me back permanently in the UK. I went into the office the whole month of March even though lots of my colleagues got COVID and I told them that I could not take the risk of getting COVID due to my mum being immuno-depressed. You had mentioned in a past comment that I should get a new job by end of May 2023. I keep applying for new roles in my home country but so far I keep getting negative responses. I feel very overwhelmed with having to care for my mum, being threatened at work to be dismissed, keeping my mental health in check and looking for a new role. Any tips/guidance would be most welcome. Many thanks.

    1. Yes, on 23rd March 2023 Pluto left Capricorn and your Tenth House of career, academic career and unpaid work, so the power-control issues disappeared. You were in a powerful position because your mother has cancer and your colleagues had COVID-19 so your boss could not force you back to work. Astrology can’t make you do anything – it can only set up the options. You may have found legal opinion on your side as you are your mother’s carer; she is at risk of dying from Covid if you are infected by your colleagues. You yourself would have risked Long Covid. So the ball was in your court but you didn’t play it. I know you are going through a great deal of shock recovery, which is really tough. (Please see ‘Healing’ on search for some excellent free audio sessions online which will help you). Human Resources have said they will end your contract as you don’t want to go back to the United Kingdom to live permanently. Have you sought legal advice? You don’t say where you live, but if you have a UK contract and your mother has cancer – and there is proof of Covid in the workplace – you would gain from seeing a lawyer. The end of the Pluto transit in Capricorn is the end of your boss’s harassment of you. He has lost his power to do that. You are a Sun Cancerian with stelliums in Libra, Cancer and Virgo. The eclipse is best avoided, as it is for everybody, but it doesn’t personally trigger your chart. You have had, and will continue to have, solutions and opportunities with your career up until May 16th. The issue from your chart is the two countries. That’s what you need to focus on – home and away – and if you can possibly do it, just settle on where you are and stop thinking about dual nationality or work permit. Life will be a lot easier with your lifestyle, workload, wellbeing, home life, family from May 17th 2023 until May 25th 2024, as Jupiter goes into Taurus and sextiles your Cancer factors in the Fourth House and trines your Virgo factors in the Sixth House. If I were you I’d start making a few calls and looking at a few websites, regarding your legal position but also the two-country issue. Are you in a union? Your union would give you advice about Human Resources threatening to sack you given your mother’s illness. In between all this, get your quite understandable anxiety under control by using the resources I mention in the feature on healing. You need time out, every day, maybe twice a day, with the headphones on.

  87. Can u shed light on indian stock markets

    Lots of things going on, especially political and street protests

    1. Your biggest issue in India is COVID-19 in its new variant and the dual issue of the old Hong Kong Flu virus (1968-1970) back again. This will destabilise life for some time to come. You can’t buy health. Invest in Corsi-Rosenthal boxes.

  88. Hi Jessica, Thank you very much for your reply. I really appreciate it. Wow, you can’t make this stuff up. I’ve had a few coincidences the last few days. I have found a 4 leaf clover every morning for the last 3 mornings. That was no shock to me, but it has been a few months since I have found any 4 leaf clovers. Last night I saw an owl in the tree when arriving back home after walking with my dog. Tonight, just as I was asking myself, what was the owls message last night? I kid you not, I immediately stopped walking, as I realised who was looking at me from the power line above me. It was the owl! If that isn’t a message to keep my eyes open for what is coming up & to be careful making choices. Trust you gut feeling. The last time I saw an owl, it was a definite warning to keep my eyes open & know who was trying to hoodwink me. At the time, It wasn’t the person who I thought it would be. Thanks Jessica. Take care.

    1. An owl is Minerva in the chart. Minerva is always pictured with an owl – in fact she holds one in The Louvre. You have Minerva at 4 Gemini in your Third House and Saturn is at 4 Pisces (Saturn square Minerva) since 14th April. You can find out more about Minerva in your online library.

  89. Thanks for your thoughtful response, I did not realize that I was using a completely different form astrology, and therefore presenting something that cannot be understood. (What an exciting opportunity to learn an entirely different form of astrology!) . It appears the issue is House placement, though I’m not certain. I will have to look further at your website. I have just discovered you and was excited to see your insights! . I’ve checked your current planetary placements for April 18 and they match the same chart I have for this date. Anyhow, I’ll see what I can learn about the unfolding of a significant solar eclipse at 29° Aries, with the Moon and Venus at 29° Aries in my natal chart – seems relevant. Thanks so much for your time!

    1. All this is in your First House of appearance, reputation and title – and I can see your company is named after you. So just skip the eclipse for choices about the same. You won’t know and can’t see what’s actually there, so leave it until the Moon’s gone into Taurus.

  90. Hi Jessica, I have MC and Psyche at 29 Aries in the First House. What should I be wary of? I am looking to sign off on an apartment this week. I might have to move quickly as there are many people interested in it. Thanks for your insights!
    All the best,

    1. Emma, the apartment has nothing to do with the eclipse, but Mercury Retrograde in Taurus does. Get everything in writing and read the fine print.

  91. Hi Jessica, I’m grateful for your insights as always.

    I have my descendent at 29 Aires and my venus at 7 Pisces which you mentioned in my weekly horoscope, do you have any insights fo me, please?

    Thank you

    1. If your birth time is strictly accurate, your Descendant (DSC) is Aries in your First House, so just sidestep choices about your title, reputation and appearance on the eclipse while it holds.

  92. Dear Jessica,
    Highly appreciate your website and your articles. Can you help provide insight as my Vesta and Psyche are both at 29°. is there anything in particular i should watch out for? thank you.

    1. Vesta and Psyche both suggest complicated women, and complicated situations with women – so just steer around. You won’t see and won’t know. The irony of eclipses is people ask ‘What should I watch for?’ and quite honestly, you won’t even see it. Vesta is about several girls/women and one male. Psyche is about female in-laws.

  93. Hi Jessica,

    I have a few questions cause so far its been a very slow, bizarre kind of year on all counts.
    First, is there some kind of “reverse” or “opposite” mode in Astrology cause for me when something is announced, predicted or envision it never actually happens and 90% of the time the exact opposite does.
    If I’m due for a promotion..I lose the job….If I’m suppose to receive some kind of financial support, it disappears or I lose it….if my relationship enters a “pink” momentum then it turns into conflits, fights and arguments…so I really don’t get it and in this particular moment when everything is suppose to turn for the better….there is a dead stand still in the entertainment industry in Hollywood…so no job and no income since January, then new business opportunities have came up for the past 6 months but nothing has materialized and then my father past away a few days ago…..everything that I have plan for different reasons is getting delayed, re shuffled but I know exactly where I want to go and what I want to do…
    I’m positive and really looks at the better of everything all the time but this is getting really annoying and having to wait and wait for things to move is really getting on my patience.

    Please advise.



    1. Okay Thierry, so there is no opposite/reverse in astrology. I don’t predict promotions, financial support or pink relationships; I use the kind of astrology that predicts opportunities not deliveries, so you won’t have read that here. No job or income since January is hard and I sympathise. Most of all, you just lost your father, which must be very tough to go through. Let’s see what is going on. You are a Sun Pisces man with stelliums in Pisces, Aries, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn. You do in fact still have opportunities to make or save money, right up until May 16th. I don’t know if your father named you in his will, but that would be an obvious example of a Jupiter opportunity. A suggestion; be more open to what comes rather than knowing exactly where you want to go, and what you want to do. Your fixed vision may be stopping you from other, superior, options because you won’t veer from your goal. In other words, your horoscope may have a better idea than you do about what is going to work for you in terms of career and income in Hollywood. (Or anywhere). You will be given a huge new chance with the internet, publishing, education, academia and the media from May 17th 2023 until May 25th 2024. The doors will open several times for you to use your way with words and ideas – to send the message, or sell the message. You will experience Jupiter with all his growth, expansion and benefits in Taurus, passing right over your Taurus stellium in the Second House of ‘money saved, or money made’ and along the way he will trine your ambitious Capricorn stellium in the Tenth House of success and trine your hard-working Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of duty. So this is being set up for you. I hope getting over the loss of your dad is not too hard for you, but from your chart, Thierry, if you take what is on offer (or who is on offer) the best is yet to come, after a very difficult start to the year.

  94. Hi, – On the Jupiter-Sun conjunction in Aries in early April 2023, Twitter and Substack expanded their coverage of your face. You gained from opportunities to make money from your Twitter or Substack account. The self-promotion and showcasing of both these websites increased to take in video (Twitter) and even banking (Twitter) as well as a notes feature (Substack).

    Prediction: To try and keep up with Twitter and Substack, Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook will launch a new offer. He will do it on or near the eclipse and there will be a cover-up. Substack and/or Twitter (Elon Musk) will also obscure the truth.

    Thanks for your interesting blog posts! What does this mean for a person that is not on Twitter, FB, Substack or IG? Much appreciation! 🙂

    1. Thank you. Well, all Jupiter does is offer the opportunity. There is a fantasy among some astrologers that it delivers the reward. It will only do that, if you took the first cycle opportunity and worked towards an outcome. So this is actually one of your last few chances to make money from your profile and circle on Twitter or Substack. You missed the chance to buy a $100 share in Substack unfortunately but they may re-offer it. You have to remember it’s also only for people interested in self-promotion, branding, their title, reputation and appearance – to a huge audience. And that may not be you. Jupiter and the Sun in Aries in the First House can only do what’s on the packet!

  95. Thanks Jessica and much appreciated. Loved the link on your Twitter account to the Julie Burchill articles too.

    1. Thank you. Yes I miss Julie Burchill. I’ve not seen her since her birthday party, but hope to be back in England in 2026 when at last politicians will control travel!

  96. Hi Jessica

    I well remember those 2018 eclipses & it’s fascinating to see how it has all played out. The body language in the marriage photo of Charles & Diana struck me, how Camilla is completely turned towards the couple (more so than anyone else in view) & it seems, if you were to wind the picture back a few frames, that Charles is looking directly over towards Camilla. And yet it was concealed! As you say, eclipses conceal and never reveal, but as with Charles & Camilla, someone is always “in on it” – how would you go about deciphering that? Or does it just have to play out?

    I am interested to see how all the eclipses this year land for me as each falls within a degree of my sun, ascendant, Diana and Pluto. This coming one is opposite my sun (within a degree), which also conjucts a dear male friend’s Juno. I understand this synastry can symbolise marriage & closely committed relationships. I am already married & we have boundaries in place to keep our friendship platonic but the depth of feeling runs strong. The friendship between us is more or less hidden within plain sight anyway so I am interested to see if the eclipse impacts that. I’d love to hear your thoughts & I’m grateful for your blog posts, horoscopes & fantastic podcast. Lx

    1. It’s amazing how Charles III leans towards eclipses – and here comes the proposed Coronation. With your own eclipses – they are best avoided. They cast a very long shadow in history and can put people on the wrong path so easily or get them on the wrong track for years. And the mystery always remains in the history and can really complicate lives.

  97. A question thought re: so much Neptune/Pisces effects

    I know movies/film fall under Neptune—what about reading? (Novels, stories)

    I’m trying to get back into sustained reading (I think too much internet has given me ADD)—is that also considered an “escape” in the Neptunian sense?

    My greatest goal is to get back to reading like I did when I was a kid (the librarian in would give you stickers & display the amount of books read so it was a big, lovely thing in my world long ago.)

    1. A true Neptune escape is like deep-sea diving. You enter another world entirely. So Tolkien or C.S. Lewis, Rowling or Le Guin might appeal to you.

  98. I have literally been worried about money for about 6 months now. With no reason, I was actually doing great in that arena! So, I couldn’t figure out why I was so worried and couldn’t stop worrying! Hello, solar eclipse! I got my property tax statement today. My county took my property value from $230,335.00 (yes just over two hundred thousand) to $2,541,690.00 (yes two and a half MILLION). And when I called they said it is not a mistake!! I can not pay for this even if I don’t eat! I’m going to lose everything I have worked for my whole life???

    1. Classic Mercury Retrograde in Taurus, along with an eclipse. Who did you speak to and did you get their name? You also need to do all this in writing, so use e-mail and keep a paper trail. People and computers make stupid mistakes on Mercury Retrograde and Taurus rules money and property. The eclipse also bounced off your chart, from the First House, which rules your name. Check they are not confusing you with someone who also has your name. I am sorry this has worried you. But your astrology chart says this is probably an error on their part. Common sense should tell you a home does not increase in value by that much, even in this peculiar times.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I saw that too. Facebook, multi-millions and an eclipse. Classic cover-up. Anyone who is still on Facebook needs to know that an eclipse conceals, it never reveals! You are a Sun Libra with a Libra stellium so 2023, 2024 is all about your Seventh House of partnerships. These may be purely professional or sexual – like a marriage. You have until mid-May to benefit from solutions which increase the balance between you and your other half, or the other side. The Seventh House can also rule feuds, conflicts and contests, so if you are doing battle, rather than being one half of a pair, there will be answers there too. From mid-May, Jupiter leaves your solar Seventh House, but quite quickly, from July, the South Node enters your natal Seventh House, so the story rolls on. This is about fairness, justice (perhaps the law), harmony, symmetry and an even set of scales. This is tremendously important to you and may be played out through male-female balancing acts or through ‘different but equal’ themes in relationships, say, between you and people from other classes or races. The South Node going into Libra in July will be immediately obvious as you will recognise themes from 18-19 years prior, coming back. Possibly with the same person, but likely with a different face, raising similar issues.

  99. Hi Jessica,

    I just passed this morning solar eclipsed. I have 29 Neptune in Sagittarius and i woke up with headache with blocked sinuses. Its like the effect of eclipses directly hit my body.

    Currently i’m facing unclear sharing responsibility with someone else in the office. As of yesterday suddenly there is a change that my boss expect me to take the wheel and responsibilities. How i should take this news since eclipses is conceals and never reveals?
    Much thanks

    1. Fortuna at 28 Virgo will do it. You do have Neptune at 29 Sagittarius, but your boss gave you more responsibility as the eclipse at 29 Aries was in aspect to Fortuna at 28 Virgo in your Sixth House of work was overhead. You even wrote “take the wheel” and Fortuna holds the Wheel of Fortune. Can you wait to find out more? Virgo also rules your health. So make that the priority. Backtrack a bit and make your workload and wellbeing the total focus this weekend if you can. Fortuna in Virgo means you blindly control the fate and fortune of other people without seeing what you are doing. So your boss wants you to do that. Dig deeper. How exactly would you be responsible for others? Big question.

  100. Hi Jessica,
    I have Venus at 29 Degrees and Taurus sun at 23 degrees with a leo rising. I haven’t felt the eclipse that much but I do feel like I am craving a lot of change, independence and just kind of feel all in limbo.

    1. Nobody will feel an eclipse (or even have felt it/seen it/experienced it) because the whole point is, we have no idea. Your Taurus Sun gives you a chart with Pluto in Aquarius transiting your Tenth House of ambition, position and mission. It began in March and is with you for 20 years. You need more power and control at work, academically or with unpaid work and Pluto asks you to find the willpower to empower yourself and ‘be the change.’

  101. Hi Jessica

    Thank you for the interesting post!

    I don’t have anything at 29 degrees but do have an Aries stellium and it’s been a hectic and crazy week on the work front with lots of unexpected “surprises” including an early promotion that my boss and I had previously discussed to take effect in August. Money was not what we discussed (much less in fact) when I joined in February. I didn’t push back because I’m thinking of leaving because the hours are way too much on me, I physically can’t do them for much longer without doing serious injury to my body. I think my best are opportunities are through mid-May while I have Jupiter right?

    Also we were discussing worker safety this week with US and UK senior executives and I brought air purifiers and basically quoted your Hepa/UV-C light tweets 🙂 and told them we needed them! While I usually work remotely (about 98% of the time) other office workers are on a hybrid 3/2 schedule and our warehouse and store employees are on-site 100% of the time. Hopefully we’ll have them soon thanks to you!

    Thanks! Jennifer

    1. Thank you Jennifer. The promotion is your new title (Aries rules title, appearance and reputation in your First House) and of course you have Jupiter in Aries passing through with all his benefits and opportunities. Congratulations. Yet – you can’t stay because your health is at risk from the hours. You have Jupiter at 5 Capricorn in your Tenth House of success, ambition and achievement, so you are right – transiting Jupiter at 5 Taurus will trine natal Jupiter soon enough. If you wanted to bargain for less hours and stay, you would use that – astrologically speaking. Similarly if you wanted to pursue a new job elsewhere. We find Jupiter at 5 Taurus in early June and Mercury Retrograde has gone by then. Have a look at the Tarot to personalise the reading. I am happy to hear you are educating your executives about HEPA-UV and protecting your office workers and employees at the store and warehouse. In fact, I’m thrilled. At least at work, your people will be in a space where 99% of Covid, flu and colds are eliminated, according to the manufacturers.

  102. Hi Jessica, I missed out on a new position earlier this year which ended up working out for the best as I’ve been experiencing some challenges with long Covid. The company called me on Wednesday to say that a position has become available and asked me if I am still interested. I am definitely interested as my current workplace is quite toxic, but I am worried about my health and losing access to the large amount of sick leave I have at my current workplace. The timing of this opportunity around the eclipse also has me concerned. Can you please shed any light around this situation for me? Thanks Jessica.

    1. I am sorry you have Long Covid. You have Capricorn factors at 9, 13 and 26 in your Tenth House of career. This sounds like the long cycle of Mars in Cancer because he opposes your Capricorn factors in your private chart – and in your public chart he is in your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing. He’s just moved to 14 Cancer and was right opposite your Proserpina at 13 Capricorn this week. You are right to make your sick leave the priority and actually your wellbeing as a whole, never mind the time off. This cycle does not last long, but while it is there, make this an excuse to find out more about Long Covid, what to do, what not to do and how to own the situation. Rather than let it get to the point where you must take time off (far from ideal) how can you change your lifestyle in order to run your own wellbeing? That’s what Mars in Cancer is asking you. The eclipse at 29 Aries did not trigger your chart, so there was no cover-up, nor blind spot, but you do have to sort out your career.

  103. Hi Jessica, I’ve been feeling very flat, tired and easily annoyed over the past few days. Could it be because of factors in my chart at 3 and 4 degrees?

    1. Yes, Saturn is transiting 4 Pisces and the North Node is at 4 Taurus and South Node is at 4 Scorpio. That’s a lot of 4 degree factors. Saturn inhibits, restricts, confines, denies access in, forbids exit out, tests, weighs down. So you are allowed to feel tired because putting up with that, takes a lot of energy. Search ‘Healing/Healers’ on my website to find brilliant free audio sessions which readers recommend to give yourself a break.

  104. Ripetide eclipse got let go yesterday from my job odd thing is energy was right. Hoping I land sunny side up… insight be great.

    1. I am so sorry you lost your job. There will be another story, behind the story, you are not being shown or told. Uranus is at 17 Taurus and your North Node is at 17 Virgo. Virgo rules work. Uranus rules freedom. Taurus rules salary and any payout on redundancy. Uranus can only be at 17 Taurus once in your adult life so this is a big crossroads but it has also liberated you. Do you land sunny side up? Yes. Transiting Uranus trine North Node is about the world turning upside-down, but in order to get you to change. That change will ultimately be seen by you as necessary independence giving you far more room to move. Use the Tarot to personalise this prediction.

  105. Hi Jessica,
    I joined a few months ago and am still learning how to decipher my birth chart! I have 29 degrees in Capricorn (my sun sign), Virgo and Scorpio. Wondering how to work out how this eclipse is affecting me. Any help appreciated! Thank you

    1. Patterns at 28/29 in your natal chart suggest that when career, academic career or unpaid work events happen (ruled by Capricorn) they affect three areas of your life at once and are dramatic – life-changing. Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn placements in your Sixth House of workload, Eighth House of finance, Tenth House of success and Ninth House of foreigners and foreign places, suggest another country or nationality is frequently tied in. What that eclipse did was cover it all up. So you would have suspended judgement or action that day. Looking ahead, July 2023 finds the South Node at 29 Libra and North Node at 28 Aries, so life as it was 18-19 years prior will begin to affect your job, unpaid role or course at that time. You owe, or are owed, karmically, so the transit of the nodes will remind you what happened before as karmic settlement begins.

  106. Hi Jessica, I’m in the midst of my Jupiter return and have Sun in Libra at 29 degrees. I’m still learning. Could you please share what area of the chart (career, house, etc) the eclipse will affect (I realize it’s in effect for a while). Thank you.

    1. Okay, the eclipse has been and gone, so what you did not see – and could not know – was about your duet or duel. Your marriage or conflict. Your professional partnership or your rival. Fortunately you didn’t act or judge dramatically so didn’t go trotting off on the wrong path, regarding same. Later on, in July, the South Node goes to 29 Libra and karma from 18-19 years prior will appear in relation to your other half or the other side. You owe, or are owed, from that period and there will be a chance to balance the karmic books with this man or woman.

  107. The healing meditation sources you provided last week could not have come at a more opportune time for me, thank you Jessica. I am truly grateful for the wealth of information you are kind enough to share. Since my job was made redundant in February 2022, I have applied for a multitude of jobs, to no avail to date. In the meantime, I have undertaken various courses to help improve my employment prospects. I had high hopes for a breakthrough after Pluto left Capricorn in March but after being rejected time and time again, I am slowly spiralling into despair. May I trouble you to share your thoughts on whether there is any relief in sight for me please or shall I brace myself for yet more disappointment when Pluto retraces its steps in Capricorn from June? Any glimmer of hope you can provide to keep me going would be greatly appreciated please.

    1. I’m glad the different healing meditations and hypnosis audio sessions were useful. You have been without a job since February 2022. You’ve studied to upgrade your skills. You thought Pluto leaving Capricorn and your Tenth House of career would fix it, but you’ve been rejected again. You worry that Pluto going back into Capricorn will be the same again. Okay, so Capricorn/Tenth House and Virgo/Sixth House need to be considered separately. The former is ambition for the top job; the latter is service and duty. You actually have patterns in both. Uranus is at 28 Virgo in the Sixth House of wellness and workload; your Descendant is at 29 Capricorn in the Tenth House of highest success. There are a lot of aspects at 27, 28, 29 which might explain what you have been through. Pluto was going over 27, 28, 29 Capricorn for the first time in 248 years and triggering your Ascendant at 29 Cancer; Hygiea at 27 Capricorn; Descendant at 29 Capricorn, and so on. Not to mention factors in Libra. You are also a Sun Sagittarius woman so having the same house (the Sixth House) picked up twice by Uranus, a symbol of rejection. If you search Uranus on here and in your flipbooks you will read all about ‘The Rejection Dance.’ I expect you mentally rejected as many job interviews or possible roles, as you were rejected for! So what’s the point and when does it stop? It stops when you change. I am not sure what your rules are, for yourself, regarding work. I expect it’s tied to money. Why wouldn’t it be, given that you also have these unpredictable, erratic cycles with finance showing up? It’s not your fault, as you know. The national and global economy is unstable. A good (fresh) start with Jupiter in Taurus and your Second House of banking, from mid-May, would be to stop juggling and start a new life budget. As everything about your lifestyle, daily routine, work ethic and way of life suggests freedom and independence are everything, you may want to put a price on being your own person. It is possible you are looking at the money first and the actual work second. If you were to invent a new way to handle the current lack of certainty in the economy that allowed you to ‘take’ whatever comes without constantly being challenged to cope, then you would have time and energy for others things. You would also have more choices with your day and how to use it. Part-time, job-sharing, financed study, hybrid paid and unpaid, and so on – all suit the kind of chart patterns you have here. Whenever people are constantly rejected in love (say) or constantly rejecting, it is because they do not want to be restricted or confined in any way. So there is a lot of that going on here. Ask the Tarot ‘Where am I now and what can I do?’ Work the card with your imagination and see what you can do. The person in the card will be yourself. If you were to draw the Two of Pentacles, for example, you would use the illustration to see what is possible with the bank. With your rent or mortgage. With any investments. You would also look at the local economy and ask yourself where you can be indispensable in times of huge instability. Who or what do people need most? The pretence that we are back to normal after Covid is just that. The message that life is ‘same as usual’ is way off the mark. We are all living on a constantly moving financial escalator. The trick for you is to figure out a way to ride the escalator that puts you back in any sort of work or study; meets your needs; helps you find room to move. That last one is usually what this entire transit is all about. Look at your patterns at 27, 28, 29 and ask yourself where you’re not changing. Pluto retrograde will return the same faces, places, issues or spaces from 2022, early 2023 to you so you can take a different approach this time. With Jupiter in Taurus on your side from May 2023 to May 2024 it is completely different and if you are clever you will find that what works for you with finance, business, retail, and so on – is also something other people will pay for too.

  108. Hi Jessica,

    I have Uranus at 29°. Any idea what this could mean? Looking forward to May 2023! Oh, and is registration for astrology school ongoing or will it be closing soon? Thanks!

    1. The eclipse has passed and typically, you won’t know what/who was important. It did pick up natal Uranus at 29 Scorpio in your chart, so this was about your bank, house, apartment, business, charity, insurance, legacy, and so on. Fortunately you knew it was here so bypassed decisions and judgements. The Sun Sign School is always open for subscription and you could see us at the Zoom Pop-Up this weekend, if you are close to a London, New York or Sydney time zone. Thank you.

  109. Hi Jessica,
    I found out I had COVID for the first time, the day before the eclipse. I usually use masks, air purifiers etc so it was disappointing after 3 years avoiding it, and I was in isolation for my Jupiter return. My natal Jupiter is square my Sun so does this mean my Jupiter returns will never be straightforwardly great? Transiting Saturn was also conjunction my Diana, which makes sense cos naturally my freedom was curtailed while isolated! Though I did have good news about being eligible for a Victorian homebuyer scheme. My IC is 11 Taurus, my Mars is 14 Taurus and my Juno is 14 Cancer so I’m hoping when transiting Jupiter in Taurus is around 11 to 14 degrees that it may be a good time to buy…Thanks.

    1. I’m very sorry you had Covid and I’m sure you were disappointed after three years of avoiding it. You were born with Cupido at 8 Virgo in the Sixth House of health and transiting Aesculapia just went to 8 Pisces. Aesculapia in opposition to Cupido. He is of course the symbol of healing. In opposition, temporarily against you and your love (Cupido) of being healthy. Your Jupiter Return at 23 Aries in your First House of title, appearance and reputation was your ‘opportunity to take an opportunity’ and only you can say what happened. Jupiter at 23 Aries square Saturn at 23 Cancer natally means you will always get a test, along with the open door. The Victorian homebuyer scheme is the test; Saturn in Cancer in the Fourth House of property. If you want to buy, the best possible transit for you will be Jupiter at 23 Taurus, sextile natal Saturn. You have Cancer factors at 14 through 28 degrees, of course, so it’s up to you to choose which transits you prefer. The Tarot can personalise that for you. Get well soon. There are some good resources on here if you search ‘Healing/Healers’ which readers recommend. All free.

  110. Thank you Jessica! I appreciate your well wishes, and continued awareness-raising about air purifiers, UVC etc. I’m only in my 40s so was shocked how breathless I’ve felt with COVID. (I’ve been prescribed medicine.) Some friends and strangers alike have mentioned they’re no longer testing for COVID or reporting positive RATs which I think is madness. I think this pandemic really highlights different people’s value systems. All the best.

    1. Yes, COVID-19 is similar to AIDS and smoking. In both cases it is about personal responsibility for infecting others, or endangering others. We are in the same Saturn in Pisces cycle that opposes the Virgo (health) placements of billions. I am sorry you have had to go through the infection. It is outrageous that the solutions are here and politicians are not implementing them, but this is also a good example of why we have to DIY. The days of assuming your Prime Minister, Premier or President would look after you are really in question; the evidence suggests they don’t; the onus is on you to insist on HEPA and/or UVC at work; at home; at play – or a ventilated, outdoor life. The astrology was right about Covid last year. It did in fact return with WHO concern in March 2023. This is it. It’s Arcturus.

  111. I have had discussions around a new work contract this week involving a current payrise, and received email promises on the 19th April regarding future progression up the pay scale (as agreed when i accepted the job) but nothing is being put into contract with regards to a future pay increase.
    Due to the timing of this around the eclipse is this reliable or should i be cautious?

    Also the atmosphere in work this week feels like the place is about to implode!! Management and staff are so unhappy with many leaving/handing in notice over the last few months. Having only maneuvered into this new role 8mths ago it feels disappointing to see and feel i have made a mistake, but appreciate the efforts being made to secure a pay increase for those on lower pay.

    Will there be any improvement over the coming months and can I trust management on their word to treat staff fairly? as I am very much in support of department pay restructure across the board for all staff.
    A lot of people I have spoken to this week (Including my sister- an Aries) have all felt incredibly down so I wonder if this is due to the eclipse and things will pick up in time. I do hope so!

    Thank you

    1. I am sorry you are going through this situation at work regarding your pay. It is not the eclipse. It is classic Mercury Retrograde in Taurus. Mercury is negotiation. Taurus is salary. Retrograde is backwards and stuck. The situation plays out by 1st June when the loop closes. If you look up Mercury Retrograde 2023 on Search you will see the dates were given last year. You have a line-up at 22, 23 Taurus and Scorpio (the finance signs) and will be thrilled when transiting Jupiter with all his solutions, growth, expansion and big answers goes to 22, 23 Taurus in 2024 and opens doors to all kinds of improvements, at quite historic levels, as he can only do this every 12 years. Even before then, Jupiter just entering Taurus in the second half of May 2023 will cheer you up and give you ‘Reasons To Be Cheerful’ as Ian Dury once suggested.

  112. Hi Jessica,
    I did post a comment after the Zoom on Sunday, with a question about my Card and the Eclipse, but I understand how many comments you have at any given time… 🙂
    I was just reading the write-up on the Sun Sign School site for last week’s Zoom about the Two of Cups – it mentions ‘Comment below’ but I can’t find where to comment? I’m not sure if its my browser or a javascript issue – or maybe Mercury Retrograde!
    Anyway, I have been thinking about that card this week, Harry & Meghan, and to me, my first thought was “he is taking that cup back, not handing it to her”. I’m not sure what, if anything, that means.
    I’m also interested in the announcement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr this week announcing that he is running for President. I looked for his chart on Astrodienst, and found that all 10 of his siblings have their charts linked, but his is conspicuous by its absence, which is weird, when he is by far the most ‘notable’ of that cohort of the family tree.
    This week it was also interesting that Elon delayed the launch of his rocket, then launched on Eclipse day – and it blew up! I wonder what we aren’t hearing about that.
    I have also been pondering the next virus wave you’re referred to, and I wonder if it somehow relates to AI? I have been reading on chat boards and various other techy places that AI has been ‘set free’ and is a lot more advanced than we are aware of. April 19 was being touted as Singularity Day by some on Twitter (I have no idea what that really means…) and the Poster Boy for AI – Elon again – has been warning that AI is a potential threat, which would seem to be inconsistent with his business plan?
    Not sure you’ll even have half a chance to read this before the Zoom – but looking forward to it.

    1. Thank you for being part of The Sun Sign School. Yes, Mercury Retrograde is with us, so there is an issue with Comments which I hope will be solved next week. There should be a space for people at The Sun Sign School to write their questions and comments, shortly so I can reply – especially as we only have an hour at the Zoom sessions on the weekend pop-ups. There is a lot going on in the news at the moment, from Robert F. Kennedy to Elon Musk but the Artificial Intelligence question is premature. It does not get solved until Jupiter goes into Gemini in May 2024 (the solutions with the internet) and from 2026 when Uranus goes into Gemini there will be radical changes with AI which work in our favour. Not in the favour of robots.

  113. Hi Jessica, thanks for the insights regarding the eclipse.Im a Capricorn sun with gemini ascendant, my moon is in Libra. I broke up with my 4 years libra partner back in dec and also lost my job which after 19 years working there. was wondering if this eclipse gona affect me some how.

    thank you so much

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you have lost your partnership and also your job. You must feel as if 2023 is your biggest challenge in a long time. This has nothing to do with the eclipse. The issue is actually having children (or not) and the partnership has gone because you have decisions to make in 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026 about parenthood. So it’s not about you. It’s not about the Libra ex. It’s not even about marriage per se, or common-law marriage. It’s about necessary choices to welcome pregnancy, adoption or step-parenthood – or to avoid that. You do have time to figure this out and that relationship, as it stood, was not part of that journey. There will be new opportunities from May 2023 to May 2024 which show you how much more is possible, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically and sexually. From July 2023, your life 18-19 years prior does come back to you, in career terms, as you find a familiar theme (or even the same faces) repeat and by 2025 you will have achieved closure. This does sound like your firm or company and you will feel the circle is starting to close, soon after the South Node changes signs in July.

  114. Thanks Jessica! I submitted the homebuyer application when transiting Jupiter was within 1 degree of my natal Jupiter. Then I pulled the Ace of Pentacles when I asked what I need to know about it so I’m feeling really positive. I also tried the guided healing meditation, and appreciate your tip about it. All the best.

  115. Hi! Not sure where to post this question. I listen to your podcast every week. I’m a sun Taurus and for the last weeks you have mentioned issues with a group. This has been so true for me. I am in a new project with new people, and I really feel as an outsider in the group, and kind of undermined. I wonder, is this related to Saturn? And will these diffuculties become any easier? I was looking forward to a nice spring with Jupiter entering Taurus, and lighter times, but sadly this really gets to me. Thank you for your fantastic work!

    1. Thank you. I go into the situation for Sun Taurus women on The Astrology Show Podcast in more detail, but you are correct, you have Saturn in your house of groups and friends. I am sorry you feel like an outsider with these new people at work. You will find the situation is much easier May 2023 to May 2024 as Jupiter goes into Taurus and begins to form monthly patterns with the Moon in your groups sector. A woman or maternal man who is part of that circle will show they care and that makes a difference. You will find more happiness with groups, circles, teams, communities, clubs, societies which are outside work.

  116. Hello Jessica! I’m extremely blown away. On the 20th April exactly I got an offer for the University I wished to enter, not a easy one to enter. I still cannot believe it. Please do let me know if it’s good to have received on that specific day or it doesn’t really matter. After two years of hardship and feeling lost. I feel this could be perhaps a great door to new beginnings to improve my career and help those around me in near future, like my family foe example. I am just now thinking if I will be able to pay all my fees and everything since my mother still haven’t fixed all her finances, from my dad who passed. We are hoping we can save something from what my dad left and help me pay my fees, and the rest to help my mom. It’s been long process, since no one has still come with any interesting offer. We have been waiting since end of last year. I was trying to apply for a part time job and try saving some money in my island back home where I live for the summer before I go to Uk for University in September, but I feel is very limited options in terms of job opportunities sadly. All this time, I have been helping my mom instead in everything I can, I have been also learning with her. I’m learning things everyday with her. Thank you Jessica.

  117. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for your insight! How will the May 5th eclipse affect me?
    NorthNode 02° scorpio – Scorpio 21′ 22″ R

    1. Thank you. A financial, charity, business or property matter will cross your radar on the eclipse. Allow a day either side for world time zones and sleep zones to line up. Once you see it on the radar, avoid judging or acting until it passes.

  118. Hi Jessica,
    My question is about May 5 eclipse combined with Mercury retrograde. Found a very nice condo and would like to put an offer probably May 8 or 9 as you advice to allow a day or two before and after the eclipse. However Mercury is still retrograde. Would appreciate your view on putting an offer on a house during this period? Also is it more important when you sign the sales and purchase agreement or when you put the initial offer? Would appreciate very much your response on this important question.
    Thank you!

    1. Well, it’s up to you, but an eclipse is a cover-up and blind spot. Mercury Retrograde is negotiations, going backwards. I can’t decide for you, I can only pass on the astrological wisdom of the ages. I hope this works out well for you.

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