New Moons, Full Moons and You

Every New Moon and Full Moon in July and August 2024 has a story to tell in your astrology chart as we see Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Leo cycles begin.

New Moons, Full Moons and a Journey

A New Moon is always a new beginning. A Full Moon is always the challenge, to that new beginning. In this feature I will look at July and August 2024 and the New Moons and Full Moons, going across Cancer, Capricorn, Leo and Aquarius.

This is just like setting off on a journey. Take your time as you head off.

I’ll talk about how this affects your personal birth chart, as well as the impact on your Sun Sign chart, in this special feature.

If you would like a Tarot session, based on your sign decan, as well – subscribe to The Astrology Show on Substack.  It’s the new video version of the #1 podcast.

Full Moon Picryl Clavis Artis 300x278 - New Moons, Full Moons and YouThe Rules – New Moons and Full Moons

Always include the day before/the day after any New Moon or Full Moon when you’re judging the impact, to allow the world to catch up with itself, as people are on different sleep cycles.

The Lunar Cycle of July 2024

July sees the New Moon at 14 Cancer on Friday 5th July. This is followed by the Full Moon at 29 Capricorn on Sunday 21st July. The New Moon will bring a new beginning in one area of your life which is set to expand, improve enormously and deliver rewards – between June 10th 2025 and June 30th 2026.

The Full Moon will bring a bridge to cross. Once you cross it, there will be life-changing decisions about this from September 3rd to December 7th. When the Moon is in opposition to the Sun, ancient rules about conflicts are proven in the astrology. You will be at odds with yourself, or at odds with others. (Image: Picryl).

Do You Have Cancer Factors?

If so, June 2025 to June 2026 is a boom time for your real-estate investments or a big problem-solver for your house, land or apartment if you need that.

What’s coming up for you as Jupiter goes through Cancer will include successful renovations; stunning redecoration; a new home that delivers; improvements to the garden; a big lift for your town or country; a sense of homecoming.

The New Moon and You

All of this will be started in the smallest way on the New Moon in Cancer on Friday 5th July. So, for example, you may withdraw your superannuation/pension and put it into a high interest account, planning to buy an apartment in the second half of 2025.

You might take the first steps towards getting your house ready to be rented out, with a view to travelling back to your homeland in 2025-2026.

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Your Sign and the New Moon in Cancer

Where is the green light and fresh start for you on Friday 5th July? To personalise this, draw a Tarot card, Garden Oracle card and Astrology Oracle card and give yourself a three-way reading. Ask ‘How will this New Moon most affect me?’

A New Moon has always been the birth of the new in astrology. This goes back centuries. (Image: Picryl). The Sun and Moon, or father and mother, are in the same zodiac sign, at the same degree. Joined. They are in a conjunction. This is a conception or the seeding of what will be born. How are you affected?

The shared household. Your mortgage. Second homes. Your extended family including godchildren. Your birthplace. Your adopted home. Your homeland. Your nationality. Your citizenship. Ancestors and heritage.
Newspapers, magazines and newsletters. Television and radio. Microphones and telephones. Brothers, sisters and cousins. Neighbours and neighbouring places. Short haul travel. Commuting. Connections.
Credit and debit cards, interest rates, the NFT market, collectors’ items, funding, loans, debts, houses, land, apartments, shopping, sales, business, wills, shares, superannuation, pension, insurance, charities.
Photographs, YouTube clips, cosmetic surgery, liposuction, diets, make-up, hairdressing, public relations, publicity, titles, qualifications, reputation, public face, Google profile, your personal brand.
Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychologists, psychiatrists, dream interpretation, the Tarot, meditation, solitude, sabbaticals, group therapy, the chakras, the aura, religion, spiritualism, spirituality.
Private membership clubs, teams, units, societies, associations, the United Nations, the Commonwealth, NATO, orchestras, ensemble casts, ballet companies, bands, charities, groups, old friends, new friends.
Promotions, headhunting, awards, scholarships, voluntary titles, the Curriculum Vitae, goal setting, peak achievement, the system, the establishment, the hierarchy, society, rank, status, corporations.
Universities, colleges, publishing houses, libraries, Latin, translators, maps, atlases, globes, globalisation, immigration, foreigners, foreign travel, the worldwide web, the airline industry, multiculturalism, visas.
Property prices, mortgage interest rates, wills, legacies, inheritance, taxation, accountants, banks, shares, cryptocurrency, possessions, investments, charities, business, handshake agreements, benefits payments.
De facto relationships, common law marriage, engagement, weddings, separation, divorce, pre-nuptial agreements, professional partnership, lawsuits, enemies, the opposition, dating websites, separation.
Sleep, calendar, breakfast, lunch, supper, vitamins, exercise, doctors, surgeons, nurses, complementary health, psychiatrists, psychologists, housework, pets, vets, gardening, jobs, unpaid jobs, student lifestyles.
IVF programs, fostering, fertility, contraception, abortion, one night stands, impotence, erotica, dating websites, serial monogamy, love affairs, children, teenagers, Zoomers, youth, generation gaps.


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The Full Moon Sunday 21st July

The Full Moon at 29 Capricorn on Sunday 21st July will trigger transformation in one area of your life from September 3rd to December 7th. Which area?

The full list is below. As soon as you see the list next to your sign, you will no doubt recognise this as a long-standing concern. That’s because you’ve had so many challenges in this zone of your horoscope, for so many years. Well, this long transit since January 2008 is almost over.

Remember: the Full Moon is always a critical time. A bridge to cross. Allow more time and space then. Make notes on what or who does not add up but act later. (Image: Rawpixel).

Image, reputation, appearance, height, weight, fitness, body language, presentation, packaging, name, title, self-promotion, identity, profile, wardrobe, shoes, hair, skin, face, social media, head, headshots, talking heads on television, branding.
Finances, property, charity, business, shopping, selling, insurance, business, shares, exchange, barter, bargains, discounts, profits, losses, banks, values, principles, ethics, morals, taxation, theft, shoplifting, greed, philanthropy, crowdfunding.
Brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbours, the internet, the media, communication, languages, vocabulary, speech, literacy, slang, scripts, microphones, telephones, public transport, regional holidays, local travel, neighbouring borders, cars, bicycles, motorbikes.
Property, real-estate, home, family, ancestors, extended families, history, heritage, roots, origins, renovations, redecoration, patriotism, clan, local accent, local vocabulary, mothers, grandmothers, matriarchy, home cooking, home town, homeland.
Courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares, pretenders to the throne, pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, fostering, godchildren, adoption, children, teenagers, young adults, the generation gap, youth, one night stands, sexuality, dating, mating, I.V.F. programs.
Daily routine, mental health, physical health, workload, work ethic, schedule, diary, food, drink, drugs, doctors, surgeons, nurses, alternative practitioners, exercise, healing, service, duty, paid jobs, unpaid jobs, volunteering, housework, staff, employers.
Marriage, de facto relationships, separation, divorce, legally binding partnerships, professional duets, platonic partnerships, enemies, opponents, barristers, lawyers, judges, juries, the law, sexual equality, marriage equality, the scales of justice.
Inheritance, wills, legacies, mortgages, taxation, pre nuptial agreements, divorce, separation, marriage, de facto relationships, all sexual and financial relationships, all family-based agreements about property or possessions, trust funds, prostitution.
Foreigners, foreign countries, emigration, travel, migrants, tourists, globalisation, the worldwide web, academia, publishing, translation, languages, space exploration, airlines, NASA, cruises, maps, multiculturalism, colonisation.
Success, ambition, mission, position, institutions, the establishment, High Society, corporations, companies, the professions, academia, vocations, roles, goals, achievement, the hierarchy, your curriculum vitae, retirement, social mountaineering.
Friends, groups, networks, social media, people power, communities, the collective, communes, societies, associations, charities, clubs, teams, cults, allies, the United Nations, NATO, brotherhood, sisterhood, diversity, bands, political parties.
Hypnosis, dream interpretation, Carl Jung, therapy, counselling, religion, spirituality, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the Tarot, spiritualism, psychics, psychologists, solitude, meditation, self-help, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the I-Ching.

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Do You Have Capricorn Factors?

The bridge to cross for you will be about your career, unpaid calling, status, rank, position, mission, academic career and/or position.

It will be about the system, the establishment, the profession, the industry or the business. The corporation or institution. It’s the structure and those at the top of it.

You can expect the reshuffle, to end all reshuffles, from September 3rd to December 7th if you do have Capricorn factors. The power and control issues which have seen so many mergers, promotions, demotions and departures since 2008 will no longer apply. The politics will be over.

The Lunar Cycle of August 2024

The New Moon falls on Sunday 4th August with the Sun and Moon at 12 Leo 33. The Full Moon falls on Monday 19th August with the Sun at 27 Leo 14 opposite the Moon at 27 Aquarius 14.

The Full Moon is most important and will trigger decisions in one area of your life from December 8th 2024 until February 23rd, 2025. Which area?

The Full Moon in Aquarius

The shared household. Your mortgage. Second homes. Your extended family including godchildren. Your birthplace. Your adopted home. Your homeland. Your nationality. Your citizenship. Ancestors and heritage.
Newspapers, magazines and newsletters. Television and radio. Microphones and telephones. Brothers, sisters and cousins. Neighbours and neighbouring places. Short haul travel. Commuting. Connections.
Credit and debit cards, interest rates, the NFT market, collectors’ items, funding, loans, debts, houses, land, apartments, shopping, sales, business, wills, shares, superannuation, pension, insurance, charities.

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Photographs, YouTube clips, cosmetic surgery, liposuction, diets, make-up, hairdressing, public relations, publicity, titles, qualifications, reputation, public face, Google profile, your personal brand. (Image: Rawpixels).

Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychologists, psychiatrists, dream interpretation, the Tarot, meditation, solitude, sabbaticals, group therapy, the chakras, the aura, religion, spiritualism, spirituality.
Private membership clubs, teams, units, societies, associations, the United Nations, the Commonwealth, NATO, orchestras, ensemble casts, ballet companies, bands, charities, groups, old friends, new friends.
Promotions, headhunting, awards, scholarships, voluntary titles, the Curriculum Vitae, goal setting, peak achievement, the system, the establishment, the hierarchy, society, rank, status, corporations.
Universities, colleges, publishing houses, libraries, Latin, translators, maps, atlases, globes, globalisation, immigration, foreigners, foreign travel, the worldwide web, the airline industry, multiculturalism, visas.
Property prices, mortgage interest rates, wills, legacies, inheritance, taxation, accountants, banks, shares, cryptocurrency, possessions, investments, charities, business, handshake agreements, benefits payments.
De facto relationships, common law marriage, engagement, weddings, separation, divorce, pre-nuptial agreements, professional partnership, lawsuits, enemies, the opposition, dating websites, separation.
Sleep, calendar, breakfast, lunch, supper, vitamins, exercise, doctors, surgeons, nurses, complementary health, psychiatrists, psychologists, housework, pets, vets, gardening, jobs, unpaid jobs, student lifestyles.
IVF programs, fostering, fertility, contraception, abortion, one night stands, impotence, erotica, dating websites, serial monogamy, love affairs, children, teenagers, Zoomers, youth, generation gaps.

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Do You Have Aquarius Chart Factors?

This bridge to cross will involve your friend, your group and any clubs, teams or communities which affect you (for example, a band). It will involve social media.

What happens on the Full Moon in Aquarius on Monday 19th August will trigger a deep change (even a total transformation) between December 8th 2024 and February 23rd 2025, during Aquarius weather. If you want to see a video about all the Full Moon and New Moon events ahead, with a Tarot reading for your sign decan, subscribe to The Astrology Show on Substack. 

The New Moon in Leo and You

Which area of your life will see a green light on the New Moon in Leo on  Sunday 4th August?

The shared household. Your mortgage. Second homes. Your extended family including godchildren. Your birthplace. Your adopted home. Your homeland. Your nationality. Your citizenship. Ancestors and heritage.
Newspapers, magazines and newsletters. Television and radio. Microphones and telephones. Brothers, sisters and cousins. Neighbours and neighbouring places. Short haul travel. Commuting. Connections.
Credit and debit cards, interest rates, the NFT market, collectors’ items, funding, loans, debts, houses, land, apartments, shopping, sales, business, wills, shares, superannuation, pension, insurance, charities.

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Photographs, YouTube clips, cosmetic surgery, liposuction, diets, make-up, hairdressing, public relations, publicity, titles, qualifications, reputation, public face, Google profile, your personal brand. (Image: Rawpixels).

Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychologists, psychiatrists, dream interpretation, the Tarot, meditation, solitude, sabbaticals, group therapy, the chakras, the aura, religion, spiritualism, spirituality.
Private membership clubs, teams, units, societies, associations, the United Nations, the Commonwealth, NATO, orchestras, ensemble casts, ballet companies, bands, charities, groups, old friends, new friends
Promotions, headhunting, awards, scholarships, voluntary titles, the Curriculum Vitae, goal setting, peak achievement, the system, the establishment, the hierarchy, society, rank, status, corporations.
Universities, colleges, publishing houses, libraries, Latin, translators, maps, atlases, globes, globalisation, immigration, foreigners, foreign travel, the worldwide web, the airline industry, multiculturalism, visas.
Property prices, mortgage interest rates, wills, legacies, inheritance, taxation, accountants, banks, shares, cryptocurrency, possessions, investments, charities, business, handshake agreements, benefits payments.
De facto relationships, common law marriage, engagement, weddings, separation, divorce, pre-nuptial agreements, professional partnership, lawsuits, enemies, the opposition, dating websites, separation.
Sleep, calendar, breakfast, lunch, supper, vitamins, exercise, doctors, surgeons, nurses, complementary health, psychiatrists, psychologists, housework, pets, vets, gardening, jobs, unpaid jobs, student lifestyles.
IVF programs, fostering, fertility, contraception, abortion, one night stands, impotence, erotica, dating websites, serial monogamy, love affairs, children, teenagers, Zoomers, youth, generation gaps.

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Do You Have Leo Factors?

This begins a new phase in your life with the world of pregnancy, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers and younger adults.

This may be your son or your godchild. It may be your stepdaughter or a primary school class that you teach. (Image: Rawpixels).

In other cases, the issue is contraception, step-parenting, the sex within marriage or a de facto relationship and all aspects of courtship and the bedroom, with one eye on parenthood questions.

If you have Leo factors in the Fifth House of your chart, then this New Moon may result (say) in a first date or the first time you go to bed with a new boyfriend. It may see your son being accepted into a new school for 2025.

The Bigger Picture of the Lunar Cycle

 Big events on a Full Moon and New Moon affect all of us through trickle-down. The signs involved will tell you what the issue is, affecting millions. Even billions. For example, on the Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th 2023, American Republican Kevin McCarthy was elected speaker of the House.

McCarthy is against taxpayer-funded abortion, except when the life of the mother is at stake, or in cases of rape and incest. Cancer, of course, rules mothers and babies. That abortion issue is going to influence the entire 2024 US election.

A Full Moon can have long-term impact. There is always a global ripple effect. This one, which began on the Full Moon in Cancer last year, is ongoing.

When It’s Global and Personal

The global can be personal on a Full Moon. If you have anything in your personal birth chart at 16 Cancer (where the Full Moon fell, last January 6th 2023) then issues about pregnancy, fertility, parenthood, contraception – were felt across the US when McCarthy was promoted – but for you personally, you may have dated someone who strongly did/did not want children. That’s just one example.

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Always Watch the Sign 

The sign of any Full Moon or New Moon tells you what’s most important. The zodiac sign is the key along with its house, or life area. Here is a good example –

The New Moon on January 21st 2023 fell in Aquarius, the sign of the diverse group. (Image: Rawpixel).

This is typically a group where women are equal to men. It’s a community of allies and friends who give each other space, in terms of their sex, class, nationality and so on.

The New Zealand Labour Party voted for a new leader to replace Jacinda Ardern on that New Moon.

Chris Hipkins came in and became the new Prime Minister of New Zealand. Later, he and Labour lost the General Election to the National party.

Those are just two examples, but in both cases, it is the sign involved that tells you what dominates one country and will have a domino effect around the world.

If you have anything in your chart at 1 Aquarius then that New Moon was personal for you. So, there may also have been issues about a group and its direction, or a circle of friends and how they were being led.

Summing Up – July and August 2024 

What you are about to see is a series of New Moon and Full Moon patterns in your horoscope which will have long-term impact. That’s because they fall in Cancer, Capricorn and Aquarius. All those areas of your chart will see life-changing events in the months and years to come. Go in slowly.

Main Image: Rawpixel


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116 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,

    This seems like a big milestone. I have Cancer, Capricorn and Leo factors. I would love to invest in a bigger home but it seems impossible as of now. The building I currently live in is going through an overhaul of sorts led by new members and a new committee. Maybe the price will soar. I hope the career shift indicated is also something I can benefit from. I’d love to get your take on my chart for the coming two months and anything I should stay open to or be careful of. Thank you.

    1. As a Leo with a Scorpio and Cancer stellium your focus needs to be longer than just these two months. Your Eighth House, which rules inheritances, wills, legacies, sexual and financial relationships, family-based property agreements and so on, shows up in your personal and natal chart. Take it slowly and take your time, as there is a lot of learning to do here, either about taxation, your superannuation, the property market or the law. Professional advice could be useful as Saturn hangs around, as does Neptune, in Pisces until January and February 2026. Your building situation is a good example of this. You have a nice overlap with Jupiter in Cancer, though, so the second half of 2025 and first half of 2026 do indeed see a successful move; an increase in the value of real-estate; a homecoming you want and need; overdue improvements with the family or household and so on.

  2. Hello Jessica , thank you for the blog and very interesting g topic indeed . My life around new moon and full moon has been quite strongly emotional last few months and since April this year it’s been very intense even in my dreams . I been struggling to wake up run past the strong emotions including things I have forgotten and now all resurfacing even in my dreams . it’s coming in between my looking for my next job sans being emotional and trauma with anxiety hovering in my body .Like you mentioned to me last time since jan 2008 my career has been on a roller coaster ride since Lehman days . I am hoping it’s going to be done with sooner . I checked seeking advice from tarot and the nine of pentacles came for me . Can you please advise me on my charts and what’s coming up for me . Much appreciate your insights . Thanks so much RA

    1. Thank you. The Nine of Pentacles or Coins is a terrific card showing a lady of leisure with a lot of money. So if you were asking ‘What kind of job will I get?’ or ‘Where is my next job coming from?’ your answer is a rich woman who can afford to hire you. Does this show in your chart? Yes. Jupiter semi-sextile and also quincunx factors in both your income zones. In fact that’s Jupiter’s bird, more or less (the eagle) in the card, on the lady’s hand.

  3. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for this write up. As a Capricorn, I’ve been feeling extremely rattled these last few days like there is an internal tug-of-war that’s going to eventually show up externally in the world at large and that I’m not the only one feeling this but it’s a common phenomena. I can’t ascertain if it’s coming from the outside in or developing inside and will manifest outwardly. Maybe both. My sense is it’s a slow build-up of energy (pressure cooker anyone?) and the 2 full moons are definitely giving us a BIG sign that the dam is going to break somewhere at some point.

    1. The two Full Moons in Capricorn, opposite the Sun in Cancer, are really pulling quite hard on Capricorn women in particular. The Moon is female and here she is in your sign, pushing against the Sun in Cancer, which rules mothers, the family, home, the homeland, the home town and so on. Capricorn of course rules career, professional life, academia and unpaid roles. The British election is a good example of the strain. As you say, people are feeling rattled. They are worried about their jobs, but also concerned about what happens to women and girls, when Labour gets in. A Full Moon is typical of any D-Day situation and in fact, D-Day took place on one. Even if the issue has not been family or career (say) what has been happening is a domino effect. Other people and their issues, whatever they might be (they hate their job, or their brother is a problem, or they are jealous of successful peers, or a bad builder is ruining their home plans) seem to be playing out their issues on everyone else. So further down the food chain, you get a particularly challenging situation, created by somebody else and their own little inner struggles. One Full Moon down, two to go. But yes, from this, at the end of July, will come some whopping decisions.

  4. can you please tell me what significant changes my life might take according to my chart factors thank you, I just got divorced and purchased and renovated new home to move to. I’m also interested in a new person.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sagittarian with a huge Libra stellium in your Seventh House of marriage, divorce and remarriage. This is the most useful and fated cycle in 19 years, with karma from 18-19 years before, coming to pass, with your former husband. It is also there with any new partner. You achieve closure, spiritually, in January 2025. That is a key turning point either with a person you are already dating by then, or with a new potential partner, with fulfilment by June 2025. The South Node in Libra is a major part of this transit, as is Jupiter in Gemini. Both gather speed in January as one finishes is cycle and the other reboots.

  5. Hi Jessica,
    Wow, what a fascinating article. I have Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Leo factors in my chart and would like to know how these will affect me between July and the end of this year.
    I am particularly interested to know about where to buy a property (either in the UK or the Netherlands) and how these factors will influence new relationships (I am widowed and have been for some time).
    Many thanks you for insights.

  6. Hi Jessica,.
    I have Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Leo factors in my chart and would like to know how these will affect me between July and the end of this year.
    I am particularly interested to know about where to buy a property (either in the UK or the Netherlands) and how these factors will influence new relationships (I am widowed and have been for some time).
    Many thanks you for insights.

    1. Marianne, you are a Taurus so we start with that. You are in the best possible position to buy a property from this point forward as Jupiter with all his luck, opportunity and solutions is in your solar Second House of finance and assets. This runs to June 2025. In your natal chart, you are on a clear run, with Jupiter in Gemini, ruling neighbouring places; the regions next door. Only you can decide to buy in the UK or the Netherlands but consider places where you would automatically count the country, town or county next door as part of the appeal. You will be given the opportunity to expand your household to include a man and his family when Jupiter goes into Cancer; second half of 2025 and first half of 2026; if you last the distance there would be the option of being a stepmother when Jupiter goes into Leo; second half of 2026, first half of 2027. This picks up your solar and natal chart.

  7. Thank you Jessica! Your insight is really helpful. The nine of pentacles on your tarot speaks of snail and I remember you mentioning in the past that this time job search is like none other than last 29 years .Do you see the it will be sooner I am kind of getting a little bit anxious and worried . Please advise me .Thanks in advance RA

    1. Start a relationship with the Tarot, the Garden Oracle and the Astrology Oracle on my website. Relax into trusting your intuition, using them. This will help you find work of all kinds; study if you need to; adjust and adapt to suit what employers want from you. Your birth chart and solar chart both say the same thing to reassure you – you will find your way through this. Another thing you can do, is divide a sheet of paper into what you can give (talents, skills, special qualities) and what you need (security, a role you enjoy, an income). Read it aloud once you are happy, as often as you wish, and ask your family and friends in spirit to help.

  8. Thank you Jessica, l did a 3 way reading for my self, tarot – six of pentacles, garden oracle – the choice to rebuild (mind blown) and astrology oracle – cupid and third house. Im a cancer sun and Capricorn moon, lost my mom to covid in July 2021, resigned from my job in November 2021, had intense issues with my father after my mom passed which still haven’t stabilised, then I went through a divorce which started last year November and is about to be finalised on the 27th of June, I’m a single mom with two kids and run 3 businesses but lately struggle financially, will I ever get a break or is this doom and doom cycle still for long in my chart?

    1. The Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle have been designed to work together (and also with your natal chart) so you will get a detailed prediction for yourself. The Six of Pentacles shows a rich person giving pennies to the poor. The Choice to Rebuild is either you, rebuilding your finances having given/donated – or you, rebuilding your life having received money. Cupid in the Third House is about neighbours, siblings, cousins. You say you are struggling financially so there will be a gift, donation, handout or benefit. That helps your ‘choice to rebuild.’ Will a sibling or cousin (even a neighbour) help you with the children’s expenses? That is one possibility. Turning to your chart, it is December, January and February which promise to transform your finances.

  9. Hi Jessica! I have my nodes in cancer/Capricorn. I’m also strongly Leo. Any thoughts for me?

    1. The lunar nodes on the Cancer-Capricorn axis will be triggered, ongoing, until you reach the second Full Moon in Capricorn. Your lifetime concern is with home, home town, homeland and family – versus your own best chances to succeed in life. A classic case is the migrant who is homesick for all she has left behind, who nevertheless finds greater chances to make it, in a new location. I have had many readers over the years with a Cancer-Capricorn nodal axis. Another example is the person who chooses to go back to his home town and homeland; his extended family; his heritage, culture and history – turning away from a perfectly good career elsewhere. On a smaller scale we find choices about buying apartments or houses here; issues about renovations; questions about who and what feels like home and how to get back there. Being strongly Leo is far less important now than having that Cancer-Capricorn nodal axis and this is long-term. Jupiter goes into Cancer in 2025 and remains until 2026. The year 2024, until December, is about signing off from Pluto and Ceres in Capricorn.

  10. Jessica I hope you are well

    On the 12th June my company announced to merge the company with its parent company meaning we are all one.

    The company has been very brief with the changes but my gut is sensing further changes, not sure what it means for me but hoping the hard work I have been putting in over the past year or so will mean my position is high regarded and will benefit me for the future.

    1. Thank you. A company merger is typical of Ceres in Capricorn and Pluto in Capricorn, both retrograde. Your own Capricorn factors will show if this serves you. Neptune at 5 and Mars at 6 Capricorn in your chart are there in terms of your ambition to get to the top. We also need to look at Virgo, which is about being a working person who serves – rather than an aspirational climber. You have Ceres at 2 Virgo and Diana at 10 Virgo. The latter is the key. Transiting Mars went to 2 Taurus on 12th June and was exactly trine Ceres at 2 Virgo. Pluto was close at 1 Aquarius. So focus on being born with Ceres in Virgo, as you are here to serve others by doing your duty in meticulous detail, on a daily basis. You have a history of being made to compromise and share with others in terms of your work, unpaid work or study. Striking deals and accepting bargains (particularly over shared control) is what Ceres is all about. You are right in sensing further changes. When we see other slow-moving, historic transits go to 2 degrees, your willingness to ‘trade’ with other people and the universe will come into play. December 16th to 26th this year finds the North Node at 2 Aries and South Node at 2 Libra, aspecting your Ceres at 2 Virgo. February 2025 finds Pluto at 2 Aquarius and that’s the big one. It looks like you will make your key decisions about your company, the parent company or actually the the entire profession, at the end of this year and start of the next one.

  11. Thank you Jessica for this article. I feel that the different moons you describe are aligned with my projects.(a baby and a move back home).I’m a Leo sun, scorpio rising and Capricorn moon with Jupiter in Cancer. So looking forward to take advantage of my Jupiter return.Do you agree with my interpretation?

    1. Yes, the baby and return to your home town are both Cancer matters and here you are, choosing to do both as the Sun transits Cancer, and you head towards a New Moon in Cancer. You will have your own Jupiter (born luck) in the family, house, apartment and home town zone crossed as this Cancerian traffic goes through, and ultimately your Jupiter Return, which is the biggest and best, taking you into 2025. By 2026 you will be so happy you took every opportunity and offer.

  12. Hi Jessica,

    Things are changing for sure…just wondering how my Leo asc/sun/venus/uranus…. also scorpion nept/moon and cancer mercury will fare!

    Thank you so much

    1. The Ascendant is the least important part of the chart, as it is only your window dressing or shopfront and actually, so many people get it wrong. As always in modern astrology, it’s the stelliums which count. You have a huge Leo stellium which is under transit from Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn in Aries, Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Aries in 2025 and beyond. The time has come to find out what part children or young adults are to play in your life. You don’t say if you are a parent or not. Will you foster, adopt, have a stepchild? Will your godchild become far more central? What about a son or daughter you might have now and their future? It’s all about that and it will have a huge impact on you, particularly when Jupiter goes into Leo in 2026, into 2027.

  13. Hi Jessica,
    I have factors in cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Leo. During the full moon a few days ago 2 of my daughters had major issues I had to deal with and were very emotionally draining. Both were because of other kids. Does this mean more is to come with these issues, I was hoping they were finishing with? Thank you

    1. I am sorry your daughters had issues to deal with. This will take you into July, to resolve, as you are in Cancer season, and it rules motherhood, and does not peak with a second solution until the 21st of July, when you make a second decision. This may be about one or both daughters as you have the Moon and Diana both at 28 Capricorn and the Full Moon at 29 Capricorn is opposite the Sun at 29 Cancer, just one degree away. It will work out for you and in fact some of the fulfilment you have as a parent next year will come as a result of what you sort out now.

  14. Thank you Jessica! appreciate your advise and kind words . I will check the the garden oracle and astrology oracle . and also work on myself . The garden oracle & astrology oracle is it to be used similar as the tarot ? Thank you for your work and the knowledge you share in this time of so much of shift . Much love RA

    1. This website really benefits from the people who stop to offer questions or comments, like you, who help to create an atmosphere unlike any other I’ve found on astrology websites. Even though the site itself is so brilliantly created by the people at Asporea and helped so much by Alicia Fulton, from The Astrology Show, it is the readers who elevate it. In this psychic atmosphere, even on the screen, you will get good results from reading The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle just as you do the Tarot. Find time and space, have a journal to hand and start working your way through the simple steps.

    1. It’s a pleasure. Thank you for being a Premium Member. I am really lucky to have such great readers who are overwhelmingly so kind.

  15. Hi Jessica and thank you for this article? I have a Stellium in Cancer and am a Sun sign Leo. Any thoughts on looking at my chart?

    1. Lucky is the woman who has a Cancer stellium because she will gain from real-estate, land, her garden, house or apartment – from June 2025 until June 2026. In comes Jupiter in Cancer and with it, the expansion, growth, sweeping improvement and solutions you need.

  16. Hi Jessica,

    I want to change jobs I have been under a lot of stress from last year July. I have cancer, leo and libra stelloum. My dad has fallen sick , My husband lost his job and it feels endless.

    1. I am sorry you are having such an awful time. Venus at 29 Leo and the Moon at 29 Aries in your chart, put you in the endings/beginnings zone. People with 29 degree factors are going through Neptune at 29 Pisces, this Full Moon at 29 Capricorn, then Pluto going back to 29 Capricorn in September-November. The good news is, it stops. You will find 2025 is a relief and a release. Pace yourself in June-November and actually, I would include life to December 7th, as Ceres has to go to 29 Capricorn too. Take a deep breath and keep going. As you have known all your life, you hit chapters which close the book. Then a new book is written. It’s quite dramatic. This feels personal because it is – Aries rules your job title, your image, your profile and presentation. This is you as a wife, but also you as a daughter. You knew yourself in a particular light with both those labels and now the labels are changing. Leo rules your sexual relationships and no doubt your marriage has been affected. You don’t say if you have children or want them, but that would also be affected by these 29 degree patterns. Then we have your Sun at 1 Leo being opposed by Pluto at 1 Aquarius for the first time in 248 years, so if you think this is unusual – it really is. It also stops. Turn to your friends, old friends and new friends you could make. They are your luckiest, biggest and best asset until June 2025. There is also a group you could rejoin or join which will make a marvellous difference to you. But…this does end. And you will be reborn in 2026, 2027.

  17. hi Jessica I drew king of pentacles. I have no factors in cancer at all. I’m sun leo. I would like to do more studying but am at crossroads. childcare or nursing. I’m 60 this year. Ty. mm

    1. The King of Pentacles is a rather stuck male who has accumulated plenty of money and assets and needs you to negotiate. You are a woman so this is not you; it is an older man who is secure, well-off and yet strangely stymied by the growth around him. You want to study, teach, nurse and so on. He is your answer, because he has the cash. You will need to approach him on his own terms to extract it.

  18. Dear Jessica,
    We are coming to the end of a big and tiring renovation. We have four teenagers (one step, very difficult relationship right now). I have seen a bigger house that we can get at a steal, but our current house is not quite ready to sell so we’d have to rely on a bridging loan while we finish off the current house. Do we need more stress? Will the new house make family life easier? Will we be missing a real bargain if we don’t move quick on it? I’d be so grateful if you took at at my chart for timings and themes. Thank you thank you.

    1. The Ninth House is about digital media, academia and publishing. The Page of Wands holds a nascent project. Salacia talks about a holiday from reality. Enough dreaming or escaping and more ‘doing’ is the solution here. If you are older than a page (girl or boy) then this is about a child or young adult in your world.

  19. Hi Jessica

    I have a Capricorn stellium, I work at a small law firm, so would this be a reshuffle of those in charge (I am not)? Or would it be more to do with my own position or the industry as a whole?

    Julie xx

    1. If you have a Capricorn stellium then Ceres and Pluto in Capricorn, along with the Full Moon in Capricorn (the second in a row) will change everything. Julie, the rights, roles and responsibilities within your small law firm will alter between now and Christmas. Sometimes it’s formal (a departure, arrival or promotion) and sometimes it’s not written down, but will hand more control to a particular person, as control is taken away from another. This also works in your whole industry. So you will see promotions and elevations; perhaps a take-down or come-down if someone has been abusing his power and so on. 2025 will feel very, very new to you.

  20. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for the article, it somehow explain why I feel that this period and the next months are so intense for me. I have a lot of Capricorn, some Aquarius and Leo factors, being a sun sign and the new moon Leo on 4th August will conjunct my Neptune at 12 Capricorn, full moon Capricorn on 21st July will conjunct Minerva at 29 Capricorn and also the full moon in Leo will be at the same factor with Apollo in Virgo, Vesta in Taurus and Chiron in Cancer at 27.
    A lot of changes are happening on my project, department which will probably will impact me. Also, my father has a health issue in this period and I feel somehow overwhelmed. Tarot provided me: tarot – four of pentacles, garden oracle – taboo, astrology oracle – ceres and 12th house. What I wish in this period or at least after these 2 months to establish myself, to have a clarity in both career and family area. Any kind of insights will really help me. Have a lovely day.

  21. Hello Jessica,
    Had a typo on my previous comment, hope to see only this one.
    First of all, thank you for the article and for all the things you share, it somehow explain why I feel that this period and the next months are so intense for me. I have a lot of Capricorn, some Aquarius and Leo factors, being a Scorpio sun and the new moon Leo on 4th Aug will conjunct my Neptune at 12 Capricorn, full moon Capricorn on 21st July will conjunct Minerva at 29 Capricorn and also the full moon in Leo will be at the same factor with Apollo in Virgo, Vesta in Taurus and Chiron in Cancer at 27. A lot of changes are happening on my project, department which will probably impact me. Also, my father has a health issue in this period and I feel somehow overwhelmed. Tarot provided me: tarot – four of pentacles, garden oracle – taboo, astrology oracle – Ceres and 12th house. What I wish in this period or at least after these 2 months to establish myself, to have clarity in both career and family zones. Any kind of insights will really help me. Have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you. Along with other challenges at work, your father’s not well. You’ve wisely used the Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Garden Oracle to give yourself a reading. This does work and can be quite specific; I predicted Julian Assange’s release in 2024, back in 2021, using this same method. The Four of Pentacles shows you financially secure with more than enough money and the property market behind you. Or, perhaps, this is your father. It depends on the question you asked and the deadline you gave yourself. The Taboo is his eventual death and the will he has made, naming you. It is also your own will, naming others. We all have to go sometime, don’t we, and yet the last will and testament can be taboo – we can’t talk about it. Ceres in the Twelfth House is the deal you make with yourself, about religion, the Tarot itself, spirituality, therapists, counsellors, hypnosis and all inner pursuits. Looking at your chart, which is the ultimate confirmation of what is going on, you have Diana at 0 Scorpio in the Eighth House of inheritance, property and finance. Diana is a symbol of freedom and independence. She begged her father to release her from motherhood and marriage, actually. For the first time in 248 years, Pluto is at 0 Aquarius, so transiting Pluto square natal Diana. This is the challenge to change, and although it is temporary, it will dominate 2024 and 2025. Take a deep breath and face facts with your money and perhaps his. That is a strong first step. It will give you the over-arching clarity you need for every other issue.

    2. Thank you. This is a late reply as you posted on 25th June, so apologies – this post has been popular. I am sorry your father has a health issue and can see why you feel overwhelmed. As a Sun Scorpio with stelliums in Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius you have a career shift, primarily. You will find a rather stuck situation ends in January 2025. Ongoing, from 2025 for some years, your lifestyle, daily routine, self-care, service, duty and workload will be at the heart of a holiday from reality. A vacation from the real world. This falls into place from November, December this year as you sign off from Pluto and Ceres in Capricorn. The people politics is over. The situation with your father is about the basics of inheritance, legacies and wills and much as we never want to look at this, we have to, when there are transits to Scorpio and the Eighth House. In fact, facing facts and figures in a practical way can sometimes be a relief. None of us live forever. What you will notice most of all is the power of friendship, coming through. A potent, influential and quite formidable friend (old, revived or new – since 2023) is crucial in the years to come.

  22. Hi Jessica, thank you for another interesting and timely post. Definitely feeling this one personally in two different areas; my career and the different roles I have had in my profession, and secondly my romantic relationship. Looking at my chart, do you see much scope for career advancement in the next few months? Secondly, things feel a bit stuck/stagnant in my current romantic relationship, and I’m thinking about how to rekindle the flame. Do you see much hope/change here? Thanks always for your incredible insights

    1. You are a Capricorn with a Capricorn stellium and will sign off from years of challenges and changes in your career, in December. September-November brings the last gasp of people politics, even with those you dismissed years ago – there will be a flashback. From that point, into December, there will be a sign-off. A closed chapter and then in December, a firmly slammed book. It’s very interesting. Your relationship is a pretty low priority on the horoscope list; it’s all about ambition, position and mission. You can wave goodbye to the most intense and long period you will ever know in your chosen field.

  23. Hi Jessica,
    It sounds like the next few months are all change!
    I’d love for any insights on my career, home and love life. Work has been hard this year with lots of politics and I’m feeling at a bit of a cross roads. Ditto with home and I’m a very single Pringle waiting for the next Jupiter cycle for some much yearned for romance.
    Love and light

    1. Fishie, I’ve not heard the term Single Pringle before. Of course, Pringles are very tempting. So when can you tempt someone? Jupiter in Cancer is your next big cycle. The planet of opportunity will be trine your Scorpio stellium, which rules sexual and financial relationships. At the same time, in your solar chart, Jupiter in Cancer goes through your Fifth House of intimacy. This cycle begins in the second half of 2025 and you have until the first half of 2026. As for work, your Ops at 28 Virgo in the Sixth House of jobs has been opposed by Neptune at 28 Pisces and is still under transit from Pluto Retrograde, coming back to 29 Capricorn in September-November (pretty close). So when does all the work politics stop? December 2024. How different will 2025 be? Completely, utterly different.

  24. Hello Jessica. Thank you as always for sharing this post with us. I too have Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, and Aquarius factors. My young adult daughters have their suns at 01 Cancer and 23 Aquarius. They and we all seem to be a good place after some tumultuous years and that has brought me much relief. But that compels me to focus more on professional aspirations. I’m getting an abundance of work in my current area and that’s been great toward helping my husband and I reach our goals and plans with property and relocation in 2025. But I want to shift into other, more personally satisfying work for myself in the years ahead and feel I’m on the verge of something new and better….yet am struggling to identify what exactly that would be for me or to make substantive progress in any particular effort or organization. Clarity is its own obstacle, it seems. I don’t know where or how to direct my energies and end up feeling stuck and rudderless. I would so appreciate your insights, once again.

    1. Thank you. You are a Capricorn woman with Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Aries stelliums. You will find January 2025 is the turning point when stuck situations involving work end. The real potential of so much opportunity to improve your lifestyle and gain from career benefits will then be unleashed and if you take all the chances you are offered by June 2025 you will find that not only has the loop of 2024 ended, you can also move forward into promotion, a new position or enjoy an upgrade where you are. When in doubt, use your stelliums. You are ambitious and know how to honour a hierarchical organisation where work experience girls come in on the ground floor and become the CEO or President. You can skilfully play that game and big corporations and institutions need people like you to rise in the ranks. You are a global thinker and likely already have one foreign country and its nationals close to you. You are strongly motivated by salary, shares, pay rises, bonuses and so on because Scorpio stellium women want the kind of marriage where property talks as well as the bedroom. In fact, sex and money go together for Scorpio stellium women. Finally, Aries knows how to self-promote, knows how to brand herself and will be front-and-centre and upfront, for anything she believes in. An Aries stellium type flies the flag or wears the armour for the larger entity. All up, you would be a gift for a certain kind of organisation. Old trick – write down a list of what you can offer on one side of a sheet of paper. On the other, write down what you want. Write down the deadline. Read it aloud and ask your friends and family in spirit to help you. When you see cues, follow them.

  25. Whoa , Jessica!
    That last fully moon certainly knocked me out… my mum had to be hospitalised ( ICU), I could not work obviously as a consequence and if I do not work I do not earn… I then got really ill myself and blacked out while at the hospital with mum…
    My car went boom (its fixed now thankfully) AND the man Ive had a crush on for a long time now turned up with another woman in tow recently. Make it stop please … I do believe that the Universe never shuts a door without good reason ; so as always Im super grateful for the healing and care my mum has recieved (we have really good healthcare here in India thankfully)…my question is .. do I expect continuation of the same theme till the forthcoming full moon?
    I have my Ascendant at 29deg cap.; Pluto at 29 deg Virgo and Descendant 29 deg Cancer. Ps wrt the Sun Sign school, I have been reading and studying Astrology since childhood… and giving and doing tarot readings since my Uni days.. I have also had contact with Spirit since childhood. However I am fascinated with the system you use and want to learn and understand more about that ; ergo…! I have learned so much from you and have in turn been able to help so many through sharing your wisdom.

    Thank you.

    1. I am sorry that last Full Moon in Capricorn, against the Sun in Cancer, hit you so hard. It also hit a couple of friends and colleagues of mine in astrology. You have had a rotten time, right down to the man you fancy, choosing another woman. Your whole answer is something you already spotted. You have a number of factors at 29 degrees and of course Pluto is going back to 29 degrees and the next Full Moon will be at 29 degrees. Neptune is currently on 29 degrees. As you might suspect, this is a cycle of endings. You are being asked to end the old way of living, looking after yourself and working. In other words, this is Neptune at 29 Pisces in opposition to Pluto at 29 Virgo in your Sixth House of lifestyle, wellbeing and daily routine. The dating issue is separate to this and is shown by Uranus at 14 Libra in your Seventh House of marriage and de facto partnerships – the North Node at 14 Aries opposed this recently. You are welcome to learn my technique of psychic astrology at The Sun Sign School whenever you wish. It works. In fact, I used it in 2021 to predict Julian Assange would go free in 2024. People who are mediums as well as keen astrologers find it’s particularly useful for accurate forecasting. Kimberley, life does get better. Just wait for Jupiter to go into Leo, and pick up your Leo stellium. Wonderful.

  26. Hi Jessica, per my chart, it looks like I am going to have an interesting summer with my Capricorn and Aquarius stelliums, and natal Cancer 2nd & 3rd house, Leo 4th , Virgo 5th, Aquarius 10th and Pisces 11th, all at 19.14 and 19.37 degrees. Finally, I have Sagittarius at 14 in my 7th house. Should I make up with a Taurus or move on? thank you for your insight.

    1. Your Aquarius stellium is by far the most important factor and it will be so for 20 years. You are here to supply or feed the group, with energy, time, commitment – and whatever it needs. You can do this with many groups, actually. Groups need you. They may not entirely know it yet, but by the time you find your power (composed of willpower as much as anything else) you will really plug into the communities and circles involved and also feel as if you have been plugged into the mains yourself. The Full Moon in Aquarius is a bridge to cross, upcoming, but it will put you on quite a potent path in December, January, February with these people.

  27. Hi Jessica,
    It’s days I’m thinking about writing to you and now you post this blog that basically touches on all the major themes in my life rights now. I’m a Sun Leo, with Aries (Moon), Cancer, Scorpio (Asc) stelliums. However, There is one topic that is taking most of my mind space right now and is related to my health. Out of blue I experienced issues connected to female reproductive organs and especially last full Moon was really bad, I was in pain. I did a lot examinations and doctors don’t see any big issue, just something I have to keep an eye on. I’m more relaxed but stress and paranoia have taken over, unfortunately. I don’t have a partner or children yet but really want to. Can you please look at my chart and let me know your thoughts on how I can best navigate this situation? I remember in the birthday Leo horoscope from last year you actually mentioned that there will be some professionals really looking inside my body, when this happened I immediately thought of what you wrote. If you have time to touch on other topics: citizenship and property (also present in my life rn) would be great. Thank you

    1. I am sorry you have had issues with your health. Female reproduction is a Leo/Fifth House matter. Yes, I did predict that you would need a professional medical once-over last year, in the Leo horoscope. That’s your Pluto and Ceres Sixth House transit, which ends for good (and I mean, for good, literally) in December. You have a stellium in Leo including Psyche at 2 Leo and for the first time in 248 years, Pluto at 2 Aquarius is in opposition to that. So yes, this is a double cycle. General health challenges and fitness challenges for you as a Leo, and the intensely personal matter of ever having children/how to have them in your life. You want to marry and have children. What this Pluto transit will do (over many years) is ask you to consider all the options in terms of courtship, the bedroom, step-parenting, fostering, adopting, taking on a partner’s young relatives – as well as natural motherhood. Pluto is a slow-moving planet and this transit pushes you back into your Leo qualities. You are a monarch to a younger court; have to set an example; need to lead in a dignified way; must rise above pretty much everything; show a younger generation how it’s done. You can do this by teaching or you can do it by having children yourself. I think when Jupiter goes over your Leo stellium you will have solid, good choices about the same, so that’s 2026-2027.

  28. Hi Jessica, I’m Leo stellium with Capricorn, Aquarius and Cancer factors. My personal life has been feeling stagnant and to shake it up I’m moving to a different city in a few weeks. I’m hoping the change in scenery and meeting new people will be for the better. Would love your insights.

    1. You want to move to a new city and you are a Sun Leo with the lunar nodes in Aries and Libra, so you have either been here before, some 18-19 years ago, or you have travel and relocation karma, once again from 18-19 years ago, that is coming back. You want a new sexual relationship and Pluto in Aquarius will bring that choice in December, January, February.

  29. Hi Jessica,

    I have had a very difficult year so far. Lots of money going out on things like my car a new HVAC unit. I’ve been sick with something viral for the last 3 weeks, flea infestation in the yard and house and the worst is I lost one of my fur children Humphrey in February. This has been one of the most difficult times of my life with all of it piling up on me. Am I going through a weird astrological time? If so, can you tell me when might things get better? Not sure how much more I can take.

    Thank you,


    1. This sounds awful to go through Kara and I am sorry you lost your Humphrey. Looking at your solar or Sun Sign chart first, you are a Sun Taurus woman who has the South Node in Libra in her Sixth House of lifestyle, workload, health, daily routine, cats and dogs, unpaid work, housework and wellbeing. This can result in stuck situations where nothing changes. It ends on January 11th. This does not mean you have to put up with illness, fleas or more animals leaving you – but it does mean that it takes longer than usual to get rid of what you don’t want. The purpose of the South Node is to train you to be happier, believe it or not. Because you can’t change anything about other people, or the world at large, you have to change on the inside. You can also use the repetition of a situation to learn from it. Knowing what is coming next, which always happens with the South Node in Libra, means you can actually use it to explore; to educate yourself. You have a stellium in Virgo in the Sixth House so it’s the same life area in your birth chart. Factors at 10 to 20 Virgo are being opposed by Saturn at 10 to 20 Virgo. This only happens every 29 years and it is notoriously hard work. It ends for good in March 2025. Again, that doesn’t mean you have to expert more of the same. It does mean that you have to remember how strongly Virgo you are and use your strengths, Kara. The strongly Virgo woman can be a formidable powerhouse when she masters the tiny details of daily life.

  30. Hi Jessica, i would welcome some guidance, having recovered from breast cancer I returned to the UK to visit my parents recently and my mum let me know that she is also going through her own health battles, she didn’t tell me sooner as she ewnte end to focus on my recovery, I would love to take my children back to see her again and don’t know how soon I should be planning this. financially it may need to be early 2025 but is travel in late 2024 better. Is there anything else with finance or home you could help me / direct me , many thanks, Vickie

    1. Congratulations on recovering from breast cancer. Now you want to take the children to see your mother who is unwell. For financial reasons you are unsure if it should be 2024 or 2025, Vickie. You are a Sun Capricorn woman who has karma to fulfil with your mother and in fact, the whole family. This goes back 18 or 19 years, so you may owe her (for example) or another relative may owe you. This is usually spiritual and not financial, but it can show up as money lent, say, or given. The karma ends on January 11th 2025. So your chart is actually mirroring what you say you want to do. You’ll go in November, December, January, February. A male member of the family is important here. As I wrote that, my bottle of Schweppes soda water just popped of its own accord, so I’d say that’s a bit of a hint.

  31. Hello Jessica,

    thank you, I asked how will this full moon affect me and draw the Moon, Recycling relationships, Ceres and Eleveth house.

    I feel it is now or never to emigrate, shall I give up my job for new adventure, am I never finding partnership, been single 16 years.

    What do planets tell, Jaana

    1. The Full Moon is talking to you about friends and groups with some deals and compromises there. Nothing to do with emigrating. I assume you were asking about the Full Moon in Aquarius on 19th August, which falls in your Eleventh House. The Moon itself in the Tarot has shown up as you and another person, like you, but so different, making choices about where to live or work. This is probably a friend. The Recycling Relationships card also fits. This friendship will reinvent itself Jaana. Checking on your birth chart, you were actually born with Psyche in Aquarius in the Eleventh House, so your friendships survive tests and trials, to exist forever.

  32. The new moon in Leo on 4 August falls exactly on my Natal Moon at 12 Leo. It is very close to my North Node at 10 Leo. Does this have significance and if so how? Thanks always.

    1. In modern astrology we use orbs of 0-1 degree so that New Moon is not making a conjunction to your Moon or North Node, but there will be a general trend towards conception, birth, new sexual relationships, new teaching posts, Christenings and so on – around you. The Fifth House can also deliver abortions, miscarriage, children leaving home, teenagers being accepted into universities (or not) and so on. None of this applies to you. Thank you.

  33. Hello Jessica, please can you help as I’m a bit confused; my moon is at 12 Leo, so conjunct the new moon on 4th August. Would you please let me know how I might be affected, thank you.

    1. The New Moon falls at 12 Leo on the 4th of August, right on your own Moon at 12 Leo, so you have the transiting New Moon in conjunction with your natal Moon in the Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. This is a new beginning. You were born in 1966 so will not conceive, but there is a conception, or coming together, with yourself and another person; a plan; an organisation. At the heart of it will be your love life, or your involvement with babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers or Generation Z, the Zoomers. You could hear that you are going to be made a godmother, for example, or the man you are interested in may tell you he’s dumped his girlfriend (and he has an adult daughter). It’s on that level.

  34. hi Jessica, hope to get your interpretation of the upcoming full moon in Aquarius on how it will affects my chart? I’ve got IC, Psyche, Salacia and Hygeia in Aquarius. Also what does it mean for a Sun Leo? you mentioned in this article that it will trigger personal relationship. what should I look out for? Thank you so much

    1. The Full Moon in Aquarius takes place on 19th August at 27 Aquarius, opposite the Sun at 27 Leo. The Full Moon falls in your natal Eleventh House of friends and groups. It opposes the Sun in your natal Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. You don’t have anything at 27 in your chart so it’s not a big deal. In your solar (Leo) chart, you will find it is similar; it falls in your Seventh House of former, current and potential partners and is opposite your First House of identity and image. Don’t pursue anything in these areas on the Full Moon. It’s too hard. it’s a big stretch. Don’t go on a first date, for example, or try ‘The Talk’ with your boyfriend. Yet long-term, the decisions you end up making about a partner or ex-partner in December, January, February will owe a lot to this Full Moon. What you feel, emotionally, will cast a long shadow into the future.

  35. hello Jessica , I am quite keen to know your thoughts on Saturn retrograde coming up in few days . Will really appreciate your insights and your knowledge around the space. Thanks in advance Best Regards RA

    1. Thank you RA. I was chatting a bit about this on The Astrology Show. Basically, there is a double act going on with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. As both are completely different, one area of your life is about walls and gates – the other is about no walls or gates at all. You are a Sun Gemini who has this transit in your Tenth House of career, unpaid work and academia. So, ongoing, you experience this sharp contrast between restriction and limitation, then everything and everybody all over the place, everywhere. In the podcast I used the analogy of a lock on a canal. It’s like having the lock, then the torrent of water, then the lock again…Saturn is of course the lock. Retrograde or backwards, you must now sit and wait with a situation from 29th June until 15th November. Down come the barriers. On December 7th Neptune, currently retrograde, goes direct. So that is a big clue about November, December as the start or restart of something in your career. A project, a role, perhaps a more crucial matter. Until then learn to sit and wait with Saturn, but also navigate with Neptune.

  36. Hi Jessica
    I am hopeful after reading this as I have factors in each of those signs you mentioned.
    I have been offered regular shifts at my local school, and I am studying early childhood teaching. After a many, many difficult and stressful years, I finally feel like I’m turning a corner.
    Financially things could definitely continue to improve especially as I would love to start travelling with my children as a solo mama.
    Do you see any potential for more money/travel opportunities for me with these lunar cycles?
    Thank you x

    1. Being a single parent, teaching and studying early childhood are all classic Cancer and/or Leo indicators and you have factors scattered in both signs. The best is yet to come for you when Jupiter goes through Cancer and Leo, starting in the second half of 2025. You are a Sun Taurus woman who may want to avoid travel in 2024 as Ceres Retrograde and Pluto Retrograde (hard work) are both in your travel sector. You want more money which will come, effortlessly, as you save or make a small fortune by June 2025. So yes, you are on the up.

  37. Hello Jessica, do I read it right that on 5th July the new moon in 14 Cancer will trine with my Venus and Mars, both in 15 Aries? I am still trying to grasp the chart reading. What does that mean for me beyond the Sun Taurus factors of new beginnings in connections, commuting and neighbours? Many thanks!

    1. The New Moon at 14 Cancer on 5th July will be square your Venus and Mars at 15 Aries. This is a situation you cannot square about your image, profile, public face, title and reputation. It’s not awfully important in the grand scheme of things. You may want to skip that period for, say, cosmetic surgery, weight loss or self-promotion.

  38. Hi Jessica, I find the accuracy of your insights astounding and decided to become a premium member. This article is filled with so much food for thought!

    As a few others have mentioned, the recent full moon in Capricorn on June 21 hit me hard. A relationship I had been in for nearly a year and that looked like it was heading for long-term commitment and moving in together unraveled quite suddenly that night. Or it felt that way to me, at least! (His birth info is 9/23/71, NYC, NY, time of birth early morning, but don’t know exact.)

    My fourth house, in general, has been challenging the last few years, losing both my mother and father within five years, and the childhood home I was raised in. I’m quite nervous about Pluto moving back into Capricorn in Sept., but also wondering what the new/full moons in August hold for me (natal Mars at 12 degrees Leo, natal moon at 28 degrees Leo) and given my Leo/Aquarius factors, how Pluto’s eventual move back into Aquarius will impact my 5th house. My dating life has been almost non-existent prior to this relationship and wondering how best to work with this long-term transit.

    I so appreciate the time and thoughtfulness you take in answering so many of these questions. Sincere thanks!

    1. Thank you for becoming a Premium Member. I am sorry the Full Moon delivered a break-up. You are being hit very hard, also losing both your parents within five years. We begin with your solar or Sun Sign chart, which always matters most. You are a Libra woman and you have been going through Chiron and the North Node in Aries in your Seventh House of marriage, de facto relationships, separation and divorce. You have also been going through Pluto in Capricorn in your Fourth House of family and household. Chiron is a symbol of experiments – stretching the boundaries – bending the rules. The North Node brings karma from 18-19 years ago, as you are owed, or you owe, on a spiritual level. Pluto is about a deep change in the balance of power. Its gift is empowerment and put simply, you are now the authority in your own family, whereas before either parent was head of the clan. Turning to your natal chart, the Full Moon fell at 1 Capricorn on 22nd June. This did not hit your horoscope, but it may have hit your former boyfriend’s (without a time it is impossible to tell). Something else has been happening, though. Your IC and Pluto at 19 Libra in the Seventh House of ‘split or commit’ have both been triggered by Ceres at 19 Capricorn and Saturn at 19 Pisces. The IC is your sense of place and belonging and Pluto is your control. You will ultimately find that the purpose of this man’s actions in June 2024 was to shape your destiny as a mother (or not) for years into the future. We include becoming a stepmother in that. It will be a very long cycle (20 years into the future) and ultimately you will realise that if this has not happened, then that would not have happened. A new boyfriend with a child from a previous relationship is not out of the question but you may not want children or young people in your life – it’s personal. You don’t need to be nervous about Pluto going back into Capricorn. In your solar/Sun Sign chart Pluto will be in your Fifth House for two decades. In your natal chart, you have a stellium in Leo at 3 to 28 degrees which will be picked up by major transits, both challenging and wonderful, in the years ahead. Jupiter in Leo in the years 2026, 2027 in particular will present you with an opportunity to be queen to a younger court of heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. So take a deep breath. What happened is part of a far, far bigger picture. And of course your parents in spirit will always keep an eye on you; they are just a thought away.

      1. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I was fortunate to have a close relationship with both my parents and your kind words put a smile on my face.

  39. This is interesting and somehow relieving.
    I thought the moon was associated with only emotions, but it also affects real life situations… As a person with many Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Leo factors, I’m hoping that things that have been frustrating me all year will get better, especially since my natal Moon is in Cancer.

    1. The Moon is a symbol for women and mothers and the Moon moves across the same cycle as a woman’s period, which of course affects conception and birth. The ’emotion’ link to the Moon is that maternal instinct is based on feelings, not facts. The Moon also rules Cancer, a water sign and water is about emotions too. You are strongly Cancerian and have a stellium there. You may or may not be a mother, or ever become a mother, but your great need to care, to protect, to shield, to feed, to nurture and to shelter may be expressed through (say) an umbrella held for a group, or an instinctive need to help a godchild, niece or nephew. Cancer is also about patriotism and love of town and country and again, this is emotional. It defies logic. What you have been going through since 2008 is the long, slow opposition of Pluto in Capricorn so a great many things you held dear have been challenged or blocked at every turn. It ends in two stages; November and December. Next year will feel so very different. The pressure goes.

  40. Jessica thank you for this article. i have cancer, capricorn, aquarius and leo factors too. I am absolutely exhausted since last week. I can hardly move (!!!). I got ten of pentacles when I asked tarot how the moon will affect me! i will be delighted to hear back from you Jessica to tell me anything you see in my chart for summer because its very quiet right now and a bit boring!!!!! thank you!!!!

    1. The Ten of Pentacles is a picture of three generations surrounded by money. This is Scorpio/Eighth House and you have Diana at 27 Scorpio. Uranus goes to 27 Taurus, opposite this, shortly. So there are choices about how to spend it, share it, inherit it, or leave it in your will – or perhaps how to manage money right now, or property, between older and younger people.

  41. Hi Jessica
    I wonder if you could take a look at my chart? I have stelliums in all of the signs you listed and Saturn at 29 Taurus. I’m guessing I’ve got some change coming? Funny though l feel ready for it. It’s been pretty tough the last year. Thank you for taking the time to answer the comments. I look forward every day to checking the site and trying to learn a little more every day. Best wishes Selina

    1. Thanks Selina. You are a Sun Pisces with Taurus and Aquarius stelliums. Privately and publicly, until January 2025, you will be fully engaged with questions about your money, house, apartment, charity, possessions and business. You have transits in your Second House in both your natal and solar chart which suggest life as it was 18-19 years ago is having an influence. Taurus in your chart is about your values. What you will, or will not, sell your soul for. Who or what is so precious, that it is priceless. The Full Moon in Taurus on 15th November is a bridge to cross in that regard, then you sign off from the most stuck situation the following January. You are also strongly Aquarian and all your life will supply a group. This dates from childhood, as you gave a Peanuts style gang (or the Brownies) what was required. Now, you have your last year of Pluto and Ceres in this chart zone, your Eleventh House, in your solar chart. This is the last time you will ever have to deal with the politics in a group, no matter if it is a good cause or a purely social network, like Substack. It ends on 7th December. December, January, February suggest that friends and groups now become quite different for you, as you realise how powerful they can be, and this in turn makes you appreciate your own power.

  42. Hi Jessica
    I have a Capricorn Moon a Leo and Aquarius stellium. I have been embroiled in a long standing legal issue with and ex and in November there will be a final court hearing to split property funds. I have been trapped in this cycle since 2016. I feel lost. The last Leo weather of 2017 really impacted my life in a negative way and I wonder if the upcoming transits will finally bring independence and freedom for me? I would love to relocate abroad and start afresh. Thanks Jade

    1. I am so sorry about this Jade as a long legal battle of nine years is tough to go through with your ex. We start with your solar or Sun Sign chart. You are a Sun Leo who has been dealing with Neptune (no boundaries) in Pisces (confused) in your Eighth House of joint finance and property, since 2011. In your natal chart, you have an Eighth House stellium, or unusually high number of factors, in Scorpio. Your 5 Scorpio Ascendant, 5 Taurus Descendant and 4 Mercury in Leo form what is known as a T-Square. A T-Square is tight, tense and can be troublesome. Scorpio rules joint finance and property and the Ascendant is your name and reputation. Taurus rules your own money and the Descendant is your partner. Mercury is paperwork and in Leo, it rules courtship, the bedroom and any children. In future think very carefully about combining a sexual relationship with money or property. The T-Square will be crossed by Pluto at 4, 5 Aquarius in the late 2020s which might be the time you repeat the same story. The final court hearing sounds solid. Put a price tag on freedom, space, independence and more room in your head (as he will no longer be living there rent-free). That price should be worth paying for you. You will in fact emigrate as it’s too tempting not to, and will be abroad for years. Given the fact that you have this approaching Pluto trigger to your T-Square you may want to end this, completely, with him – on every possible level – so it does not linger. What is out there for you long-term is a power couple but there is no need to tie up your home and money with anybody else.

  43. Thanks for your insights and for reminding me to follow my own intuition and with your new post I’ll dig deeper and learn my chart better. It wouldn’t let me reply to your actual comment Jessica, but I wanted to thank you for your guidance.

  44. I have 16 Cancer, Leo, Aquarius, and Cap placements. A physical attraction developed with a friend the beginning of last year but nothing came of it because he didn’t want responsibility of other kids aside from his own and I have teen at home still. It was awkward so we went separate ways. We’ll check in with each other every once in a while. His dating life was active, mine not so much lol. Fate seems to be somewhere in there highlighting 16 cancer.

  45. I forgot to add to comment that I asked how with this full moon affect me as a teen mom and I drew Jupiter 8th house, empress, ans grace under pressure

    1. Jupiter in the Eighth House is abundance, opportunity and solutions through a sexual and financial relationship. It can also show up as a family-based property relationship. So, sharing the rent with a boyfriend – or inheriting from a parent. Jupiter shows a big open door to something so beneficial in the future. The Empress is similar. This is you luxuriating in a lush garden, reclining on lovely furniture. You are leaning on an evergreen relationship. Grace Under Pressure suggests this too. The pressure is the potential chaos of the river spilling over in the Empress card and the fact that the corn and wheat must be harvested. Does your natal chart and solar chart also show these themes? Yes. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman with a Scorpio stellium. Your biggest and best opportunity in 12 years to reconcile with your former partner or be with a new one, is here by June 2025. At about this time Jupiter goes into Cancer and will slowly trine your Scorpio factors.

  46. Hi Jessica, thanks for another great article. I have a Leo stellium and am not sure how those full moons will affect me except for the fact that my son and his finance are in the process of buying their first home .. completion in the next couple of months. . So he will be moving out sometime in the next year after they’ve done renovations .. their wedding is next year too. Feeling quite emotional about it all .. although I am very happy for them obviously . Big changes at home and all that . My daughter has a similar chart to my son .. both have huge Aquarius stelliums , can you see her meeting someone soon too? Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Leo woman with a large Leo stellium, so Queen to a younger court. This happens to be your son, his fiancee and your daughter. There will probably be a grandchild when Jupiter goes into Leo and your Fifth House, which is 2026-2027. Sometimes a child can arrive in other ways (as a godchild for example) too. Your entire lifestyle will change for the very last time, now through December. Then in 2025 you realise ‘That was then, this is now.’

  47. Thank you, Jessica. This is a lot to absorb but sounds momentous. I have quite a few of these factors so I’m not how this might play out? Any insights would be gratefully appreciated!

    Big thanks

    Sun – 23° Virgo 15′ 17″
    Moon – 00° Pisces 26′ 40″
    Mercury 02° Libra 17′ 26″
    Venus 07° Scorpio 22′ 06″
    Mars 19° Capricorn 07′ 49″
    Jupiter 17° pisces 07′ 44″ R
    Saturn 04° Sagittarius 20′ 36″
    Uranus 18° Sagittarius 31′ 16″
    Neptune 03° Capricorn 02′ 24″
    Pluto 05° Scorpio 36′ 59″
    Chiron 21° Gemini 16′ 53″
    Juno 07° Sagittarius 08′ 11″
    Vesta 13° Aries 53′ 09″ R
    Ceres 19° Libra 03’14”
    MC 21° Capricorn 28′ 28″
    IC 21° Cancer 28′ 28″
    ASC 18° Aries 52′ 40″
    DESC 18° Libra 52′ 40″
    Diana 27° Libra 55′ 21″
    Fortuna 02° Gemini 08′ 25″
    Minerva 11° Aries 06′ 57″ R
    Bacchus 09° Sagittarius 40′ 17″
    Apollo 17° Leo 59′ 14″
    Aesculapia 09° Leo 06′ 29″
    Hygeia 29° Gemini 03′ 10″
    Panacea 24° Taurus 58′ 39″
    Ops 01° Pisces 08′ 30″ R
    Salacia 19° Aquarius 47′ 48″ R Proserpina 00° Virgo 51′ 17″
    Cupido 29° Scorpio 44′ 23″
    Vulcano 26° Leo 04′ 52″
    Psyche 22° Leo 07′ 30″
    NorthNode 21° Aries 04′ 32″ R
    SouthNode 21° Libra 04′ 32″ R

    1. You are a Sun Virgo man and the key to 2024 is a stuck, circular situation affecting your finances and property which ends in January 2025. Does that show in your natal chart as well? Yes. You have Cupido at 29 Scorpio in your Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships but also property-based family relationships. This is typically a marriage and mortgage, or the legacy you leave to relatives, as well as any will made out to you by your parents, say. Pluto goes to 29 Capricorn from September and signs off in November. Ceres goes to 29 Capricorn before signing off in December. So, that Full Moon appearing at 29 Capricorn will be a bridge to cross for you. Cupido shows you where you love/what you love – short-term. And it also reveals why you are loved. So it’s pretty clear that a big chunk of your life is about these kinds of financial, property, charity or business relationships. And perhaps the possessions as well. You will be given a challenge to change, from this Full Moon onwards and it looks as though some kind of deal will be struck in November, December.

  48. Hi, Jessica! I have Capricorn (stellium), Aquarius and Cancer factors, as well as Apollo in Leo. Does anything in my chart stand out to you as we approach the upcoming New and Full Moons? Thank you!

    1. The Cancer-Capricorn axis of your chart is most important. You are in a terrific position to take full advantage of the biggest and best trends for an apartment, garden, house, home patch – in years – from June next year. What and who does not add up now is actually part of the motivation or spur for that. The Capricorn weather has been highly political, populated with insecure rivals who feel they don’t have the control any more. They will matter not a lot, after December, when you tidy away the last of the Pluto and Ceres transit. Your entire profession has been transformed by the internet, apart from anything else, since 2008 but also rising younger generations. That has produced a real ferment and not everyone has coped. You are wise enough to know that and to detach yourself. People not worth your time and energy are null and void from December when the last major Capricorn transit ends. This applies even if you very much left them in the past.

  49. Hi Jessica, I also have cancer and Aquarius factors in my chart. Life has been feeling incredibly heavy since the recent full moon. I really want to know about career opportunities, life isn’t as fulfilling recently and I’m trying to manifest my next move but it’s not clear yet! Or maybe it’s just the menopause;)

    1. You are a Sun Taurus woman going through Pluto in Aquarius in your Tenth House of career for the first time in 248 years. It is here for the next 20 years so you are feeling the first pull towards powerful people and organisations. There will be opportunities in December, when Ceres enters Aquarius, and January, February 2025. The rule of this transit is that you are offered empowerment through the use of willpower and control, through the use of self-control. If your current job is not delivering the reins, you may find yourself pulled towards a job that does. The larger transit is people power transforming everything for the common good. This is very, very new though it was hinted at in 2023 and will become a permanent part of all our lives from November, just near the US election. The menopause is just what it sounds like – the pause. Women become powerful once it’s over as they are born again into the second half of their lives, as different people. Mothers, or potential mothers, no more. So yes, that’s part of it. You have Panacea at 5 Capricorn in your natal Tenth House (same life area) and she is a symbol of your ability to fix, cure, solve – professionally. She was the daughter of Aesculapia who was the pre-eminent Roman healing deity. This lines up with your solar chart trends. Jupiter goes to 5 Cancer in opposition in 2025 and will trigger Panacea in Capricorn in your chart and your life.

  50. Really love this article Jessica and the breakdown of what it means for each sign, I would love to get your take on my chart on what you see for me over the next few months. I don’t have any children and currently single but an ex who is a cancer keeps popping up I do still like him so not sure what will happen there. X

    1. Your Cancer ex-boyfriend will be sorting out his relationship with you until December with major questions for him about who or what is in control of the agenda. There may also be another woman on his mind for the same reason. This is the end of quite an intense period for him and he will need time and space to figure out who and what matters most. September-November will re-run some issues for him from the past, regarding you or a second female.

  51. Hi Jessica, as always thank you for sharing your gifts with us. I have a lot of Aquarius factors and Diana at 1degree Aquarius in my chart as well as Cancer and Capricorn factors. Can you please give some insight into how these new moons may affect things for me? My parents are both unwell and we are currently looking at aged care options for them as they are living in their own home. As the ‘unmarried daughter’ I feel some pressure to change my living situation to take care of them rather than finding a care home that is closer to me and my sister. Previously, I had a psychic tell me that if I ever moved in with my parents to care for them, I would never find a partner as the ‘emotional space’ in my life would be filled by my parents. I’m torn as to what I should do and any insights from my chart would be most welcome.

    1. Thank you. The rule with psychics or even ‘psychics’ is simple. Are they good citizens, successful and doing well in life? Do they have a proper first and second name? How do you feel after the reading? Motivated and at peace or worried? If anybody claiming to be a psychic does not tick the right boxes, dismiss the reading. Your parents are unwell and you’ve been told if you move in and care for them, you won’t find a partner. Okay so let’s look at your two charts, solar and natal. You are a Sun Aquarius woman so have been living with radical changes in the family since Uranus went into Taurus and your Fourth House of relatives on May 15th 2018. This may have been one or both parents and/or your sister. Uranus is a symbol of revolution, freedom and independence. The upheaval sets everybody free, though it truly is an upheaval. The cycle ends April 27th 2026 overall, so you have late 2024, 2025 and early 2026 to surf the waves of change. Going to your natal chart, you have Saturn at 13 Cancer, again in the Fourth House of family. Neither of these Full Moons in Capricorn directly trigger that, but what you do have is transiting Ceres at 13 Capricorn, right opposite Saturn. It started in March 2024, returns in July and again in October, when the cycle ends. I think March, April this year would have been particularly challenging as you also had transiting Saturn at 13 Pisces trine natal Saturn. Saturn is a symbol of difficult reality checks, being made to accept the restrictions and limitations of life – for a time. Saturn goes back to 13 Pisces in October, so we’d be looking at October 2024 (with both cycles) as a month to give yourself extra time and space to deal with family matters. The cycle picks up again in December, near Christmas, then it’s gone. I’m not seeing anything else to deal with so please don’t think this pressure goes on forever. It’s July-December 2024. You were born in 1975 so will be 50 next year. You have plenty of time to find a partner. Your parents are unlikely to live beyond 100, like our late Queen Mother as their health is below par. So please treat this as exactly what it is – temporary challenges which you will overcome. You are the only person who can decide if you want to look after them or have them in a care home. And whichever choice you make, you are going to be given an opportunity to pair up with someone in 2026, 2027. Again this shows in your solar chart and natal chart. If you need to give yourself a psychic reading please use The Astrology Oracle, The Garden Oracle and the Smith Waite Tarot on this website and just follow the steps. Deep breath and a cup of tea. You have Pluto at 9 Libra sextile Cupido at 10 Leo. You will always have emotional space (and physical space too) for someone. And they will also, for you.

  52. Jessica, this deeply spoke to me. I have Cancer, Capricorn, Leo and Aquarius factors. Do you see anything important from my chart? I am finishing a long degree these upcoming months and cannot make up my mind about where to live afterwards.

    Thanks so much.

    1. You are a Sun Scorpio with Pluto transiting your Fourth House of home, town, property and belonging. You are allowed to feel things are moving beneath your feet, as Pluto rules deep transformation. Your choices will be far easier in December, January, February when Aquarius weather rolls and you can see what is possible. Later on, when Jupiter goes into Cancer from June 2025, you will realise what wise choices you were inviting as the biggest and the best is possible from that point with a house or apartment.

  53. Mrs. Adams, I have a smile from ear to ear. You’re replies date/time stamps lol all equal 8. June 29= 6+2+9= 17/ 1+7 is 8. 12:50 1+2+5=8. 2024 2+2+4=8. Makes sense to see those #’s at this point. You’re absolutely beautiful!! Thank you!

  54. Hi, Jessica! How interesting your article is. I’m a Cancer Sun at 16° degrees, my Moon is at 14° Aquarius and I have a Stellium in Capricorn.
    I would like to lnow how all this New and Full Moons affect my life.
    Many thanks in advance! Ana

    1. Thank you Ana. Your stellium in Capricorn is the key to this. You are signing off from years of politics with rivals in your profession; people who want what you have; transformation in the profession itself. It ends in December. You are then free to pursue your ambitions without always having to use steely self-control. In fact you can use your hard won experience in your chosen field to go further.

  55. Hello Jessica-
    I’ve been going through varying degrees of challenges since 2008. More recently a terribly emotional and physical injury in 2020 (a broken femur) which I’m still dealing with and hope for full recovery … with optimism , expecting this cycle will be improving asking the Tarot how the full moon will affect me in the coming months. I drew the Ten of Cups and think this may be light in the coming days. Please look at my chart and advise how the stars might help manifest healing. I’m Leo with a Capricorn rising, and have been experiencing many highs and lows. Thank you ever so for the opportunity to interact.

    1. I am sorry you have been in such slow recovery from your broken femur. You are a Sun Leo woman who has lived with Pluto transiting in Capricorn in your Sixth House of work, health, fitness and mental health since 2008. During that time you have been confronted with probably far more than a broken femur, but that is serious enough. 2024 is the last year of feeling controlled by this, or being controlled by (say) aspects of the health insurance, pharmaceutical, hospital or surgical industries. I say that because Pluto signs out of Capricorn and your Sixth House in September-November. Ceres (currently in Capricorn) signs out in December. Is this related to your Ten of Cups card for the Full Moon? No. The card is picking up the fact that the Sun was in Cancer (household, clan, home) right opposite the Full Moon. And Jupiter with all his hope for the future, growth and rewards will be in Cancer from June 2025 until June 2026. So the Tarot was correct but it is ducking the question of your femur. You do in fact have a stellium in Cancer so a sense of belonging to a partner and to younger generations is central. Jupiter will go through Cancer making a series of delightful conjunctions here, from the middle of next year and you will see how the picture in the Tarot symbolised what is actually going to happen for you in the real world. The injury itself will cease to be an issue in 2025 (for whatever reason) and in fact that is also the year, in your birth chart, that the Virgo stellium you have in your Sixth House (same life area) is left alone by Neptune and Saturn, currently in opposition from Pisces. Good thing too.

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