Be Your Own Psychic Astrologer

How to use Tarot, The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle with your chart to make accurate predictions years ahead. Case study - Julian Assange and a 2021 forecast that came true.

How To Be Your Own Psychic Astrologer

Using your astrology chart, The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and The Smith Waite Tarot, you can make specific predictions about your future. You can ‘divine’ or try divination, to obtain answers before you make decisions. In this feature I will show you proof that this method works. I will also show you how it’s done.

Using the Divination Cards and Astrology

Using the cards on my website, I saw Julian Assange going free. My prediction that Julian Assange could go free in 2024 has drawn a lot of comments on Substack and Twitter. In case you missed it, this is the original prediction, made three years before the news broke.

December 11, 2021

“Julian Assange in 2024 could go home.”

Julian Assange and Psychic Astrology

I was replying to a Twitter question from Tara Buffington, who is a Tarot reader and occasional tutor at The Sun Sign School. We are also Substack colleagues. 

When Two Psychics Talk

This is a record of our Twitter conversation. When two psychics talk, there is often a straight telepathic connection, even though Tara Buffington lives in America and I live in Australia. Back on December 11th 2021, I was using The Garden Oracle, The Tarot and The Astrology Oracle and needed a second opinion.


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Psychic Astrology Is Not A One-Off

Sceptics will say the Julian Assange astrology forecast was a lucky guess, but this is not a one-off as you can see in this ITV interview about my Covid prediction, on This Morning, now seen by over one million people.

As many of you know, a virus was date-stamped on this website to January 10th 2020, a year before it occurred. It turned out to be the virus we now know is Covid.

Back then I used scrying with astrology, as a method.

These days I prefer to use The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and The Smith-Waite Tarot – with an astrology chart. In this feature you can find out how to repeat the method for yourself.

How To Predict Your Future

You must be a Premium Member to access the three card decks, and also to have your birth chart, but you can try trial membership from as little as US $7 for one month and use the cards and your chart immediately.

You will need a good hour, and peace and quiet, to do give yourself a reading. It also helps to develop a consistent and regular relationship with The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and The Smith-Waite Tarot on my site. Use the cards, often.

Once you relax into knowing it works – without even hesitating when you draw the cards – you will find that your journal (an important part of the process) shows one accurate hit after another. This is targeted prediction.

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Personal Readings With Me

Why read for yourself when a professional could read for you? Well, it can be expensive.

Personal readings with me are restricted to celebrities (whom I never name) or public auction, in aid of BBC Children In Need and other charities, like Ukraine.

The price for a 45-minute Zoom reading with me at auction is typically over £3000 or USD $3800 or AUD $5700.

Even though it takes time, this is why becoming your own best astrologer and psychic, using the decks and chart on my website (all Premium Members have instant access) is more affordable.

This is the same method I use for famous clients and for myself. So what are you waiting for? If you have a burning question, try the cards.

Locate the Present First – Then Predict

First of all, draw a card from The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and The Smith Waite Tarot (one from every deck) to build a picture of the present. Locating the present accurately is the first step.

You are tuning into the times. This is important because if you are going to call the future, even three years ahead (as I did for Julian Assange) you need to be absolutely right about the present.

This also gives you confidence in your ability to predict. The more often you do this, the more relaxed and certain you will be about the cards.

Example Reading – Cat

A Sun Sign School subscriber I will call Cat agreed to act as my test client to show you how a reading works. Cat (not her real name) often comes to our Melbourne and Sydney events.

She had been through a bad experience with a big Australian bank and its health insurance. Wasting $5000 on ‘protection’ she had found herself feeling short-changed. They refused to pay on her emergency trip to hospital. They tied her up in red tape.

She cancelled her membership with this well-known bank but had some weeks to go.

As you will know, there are a bewildering range of doctors, dentists and specialists to choose from. Who would be best? And would she get her money’s worth from her rip-off bank health insurance? That was the aim of this reading.

Cat’s Present Cards and Her Chart

The best way to read these three very different cards, is quickly. Ask ‘What is the most important thing happening in my life now?’ The three images will look like three frames of a film, or three different films you are watching at the same time.

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How To Use Oracles, Tarot and Astrology 

Cat begins with the 1-Card Spread at The Garden Oracle. Her card is True Justice. Correct. An important person in her life has just been released from years of imprisonment.

She then goes to The Astrology Oracle. Same question.

The answer was quite unrelated to The Garden Oracle, so Cat was seeing two films at the same time. Her cards were Descendant and Seventh House. She had just arranged to spend a month with her potential husband. Again, correct. These are the wedding cards.

The Tarot card was the Wheel of Fortune. Unrelated to either card, it still showed a new film – also true. Cat was having extreme ups and downs with education and academia.

This is an important point. All three cards can be true, confirming you are tuned in, but may tell unrelated stories.

Asking the Big Question

Set a time-frame when you ask your question. For Cat, determined to get at least some value from her (sacked) health insurance company, she asked ‘What is the outcome of me booking appointments before my insurance runs out?’ She meant, would it be good for her health, and would it also be worth it 3 EDUCATION 203x300 - Be Your Own Psychic Astrologerfinancially!

The Tarot said ‘yes’ financially. She drew the Four of Coins, showing herself sitting pretty on money. The Astrology Oracle showed Ops in the Twelfth House.

This is the house of meditation, therapy and hypnosis. Ops shows solutions. Cat checked her health insurance: she was covered for psychologists and made a note to call them.

Cat’s last card was Education, from The Garden Oracle. An acupuncture consultation was covered by her insurance. Definitely educational.  Satisfied, Cat said she’d go ahead.

The Chart and the Cards – Finishing a Four-Way Reading

 A quick way into the astrology chart to see how it lines up with the cards, is to find the house that is relevant to the question (and the sign). In Cat’s case (health) it was Virgo and the Second House. This is the full list here.

The Current Planetary Positions always on my website will show you at a glance, which house of your chart is being triggered. And that will also show up in the cards. This is exactly what happened when that Julian Assange psychic astrology prediction gave us the year 2024 for his return home to Australia – way back in 2021.

The Twelve Houses of the Horoscope and the Twelve Signs

Aries/First House: Image, reputation, appearance, height, weight, fitness, body language, presentation, packaging, name, title, self-promotion, identity, profile, wardrobe, shoes, hair, skin, face, social media, head, headshots, talking heads on television, branding.

Taurus/Second House: Finances, property, charity, business, shopping, selling, insurance, business, shares, exchange, barter, bargains, discounts, profits, losses, banks, values, principles, ethics, morals, taxation, theft, shoplifting, greed, philanthropy, crowdfunding.

Gemini/Third House: Brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbours, the internet, the media, communication, languages, vocabulary, speech, literacy, slang, scripts, microphones, telephones, public transport, regional holidays, local travel, neighbouring borders, cars, bicycles, motorbikes.

Cancer/Fourth House: Property, real-estate, home, family, ancestors, extended families, history, heritage, roots, origins, renovations, redecoration, patriotism, clan, local accent, local vocabulary, mothers, grandmothers, matriarchy, home cooking, home town, homeland.

Leo/Fifth House: Courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares, pretenders to the throne, pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, fostering, godchildren, adoption, children, teenagers, young adults, the generation gap, youth, one night stands, sexuality, dating, mating, I.V.F. programs. Image: Rawpixel.

Virgo/Sixth House: Daily routine, mental health, physical health, workload, work ethic, schedule, diary, food, drink, drugs, doctors, surgeons, nurses, alternative practitioners, exercise, healing, service, duty, paid jobs, unpaid jobs, volunteering, housework, staff, employers.

Libra/Seventh House: Marriage, de facto relationships, separation, divorce, legally binding partnerships, professional duets, platonic partnerships, enemies, opponents, barristers, lawyers, judges, juries, the law, sexual equality, marriage equality, the scales of justice.

Scorpio/Eighth House: Inheritance, wills, legacies, mortgages, taxation, pre nuptial agreements, divorce, separation, marriage, de facto relationships, all sexual and financial relationships, all family-based agreements about property or possessions, trust funds, prostitution.

Sagittarius/Ninth House: Foreigners, foreign countries, emigration, travel, migrants, tourists, globalisation, the worldwide web, academia, publishing, translation, languages, space exploration, airlines, NASA, cruises, maps, multiculturalism, colonisation.

Capricorn/Tenth House: Success, ambition, mission, position, institutions, the establishment, High Society, corporations, companies, the professions, academia, vocations, roles, goals, achievement, the hierarchy, your curriculum vitae, retirement, social mountaineering.

Aquarius/Eleventh House: Friends, groups, networks, social media, people power, communities, the collective, communes, societies, associations, charities, clubs, teams, cults, allies, the United Nations, NATO, brotherhood, sisterhood, diversity, bands, political parties.

Pisces/Twelfth House: Hypnosis, dream interpretation, Carl Jung, therapy, counselling, religion, spirituality, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the Tarot, spiritualism, psychics, psychologists, solitude, meditation, self-help, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the I-Ching.

Next Steps With Your Psychic Astrology Reading

For the ultimate fourth opinion, beyond the cards, the chart has a wealth of information. If you are a Premium Member you can use my website to decode the horoscope (just use Search) or go to your flipbook library.

Continuing with this example, Cat looked up her Virgo factors in the Sixth House and noted them down. The heavenly body, and the first number (or degree).

Using Current Planetary Positions

Go to Current Planetary Positions on my website and look at where the planets, asteroids and all the other factors are, today. Right now.

Astrology is a numbers game. What is at exactly the same degree, as what you have in your chart? What is being triggered? It will only take you seconds to scan the list and see what lines up.

Cat found Fortuna quincunx Pluto in Virgo in the Sixth House of health. She also found Bacchus semi-sextile Apollo in Virgo, in the Sixth House of health.

Astrology is a lot more work than cards. However, Cat was amazed that her chart had two perfect line-ups, both hitting her health zone. She thought it was worth the time to do more reading and find out how that deepened the card interpretation. (Image: iStock).

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Making Choices With the Cards

Actually choosing the right acupuncturist, doctor, dentist and so on, can be a case of trial and error. The three-card method is something Cat used by herself, without me, to ask ‘What will be the overall outcome of me booking with X?’

This did take her quite a long time, but she was pleased to quickly see the cards say ‘Yes’ to a particular specialist. Or a definite ‘No’ on all three counts. She decided to use the cards/chart method to select her next health insurer.

You can do this with dating. House purchase. Tenant selection. Just about anything!

Learn Psychic Astrology

If you would like to learn psychic astrology from myself and Tarot expert Tara Buffington, subscribe to The Sun Sign School for US $100 and learn at your own pace over 12 months.

Other tutors include Princess Diana’s two astrologers, Penny Thornton and Debbie Frank, along with high-profile media astrologers like Stephanie Johnson (Harper’s Bazaar) and bestselling authors including Paul Fenton-Smith and Maggie Hyde. The well-known Tarot professional and novelist Daisy Waugh is also a tutor.

You can meet some of our tutors in person, if you are in Australia, at free events – or on Zoom.

Main Image: Shutterstock











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37 Responses

  1. Hello Jessica, Thanks a lot for the mind boggling blog . this made my day and also you mentioning about Assange release was just perfect . I was near the court in April 2019 as I used to work around there then and during lunch time saw the massive press and to hear he is released was a sigh of relief. I was myself going thru a lot in April 2019 and lot more truth came out since 2019 in my life . so the news of release was good news indeed felt like a closure for me too coming !
    I played with the cards and asked questions around current situation – and the sun first house , Choices card and Hanged man came thru which is about image and presentation and stagnant phase . Then I asked about next move and again the sun , 12th house ,managing overload and ten of pentacles came thru so clear vision and seeing the possibilities/choices . I also asked about what and where is my next job and Imman Coli ,8th house , domestic bliss vs freedom , page of pentacles came thru . This intrigued me so I checked partner/marriage question and the Ops 8th house ,balanced partnership and 6th of wands came thru .. what I have got from the cards is its been a stagnant current phase and with clear vision and more options will come thru and there is some sort of marriage partnership in the future . I am not sure though how to interpret the cards for the next job . am I interpreting it correct and can you please advise me for the job cards how to decode it . thanks a lot for your insights and I might be keen on learning to read and physic reading really makes me curious about my own skills . I was basically looking for if there is change or shift in my career . I want to thank you for this very interesting blog and how to use the tools and support in some testing times . Appreciate your insights thanks in advance . Kind regards RA

    1. Thank you, it’s very kind of you to say. You have drawn Sun First House, Choices and the Hanged Man as your three cards, to describe the present. You then drew an awful lot of cards, about all kinds of matters. The most important issue is, were your first three cards accurate? If they were, then your next move is hibernation and solitude, because you are overloaded. Your next job will involve financial negotiation (in your career) or it may be a different job altogether, but you will have to negotiate the salary. Marriage is definitely indicated. Did you set deadlines and timelines? If not go back and draw the cards again.

  2. I am going through some transformational period with people at work especially with my boss and I don’t see that I will be working here longer than end of July… I will so much appreciate your feedback… Am I learning some lessons over and over again and am not understanding what boss is and…. I really need my Jessica Thank you

    1. You are a Sun Scorpio woman going through the transit of the North Node in Aries in your Sixth House of work, along with Chiron in Aries, also in your Sixth House of work. This whole cycle ends in January 2025. Until then you have to deal with lessons ‘over and over again’ as you say, but this does end. In your natal chart, you have Panacea at 10 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. You have Ceres going backwards over 10 Capricorn but again, the cycle ends on 7th December. Ceres is about cutting deals, negotiating the power, figuring out a compromise. So ask your boss. And expect to sign off from this in December, January, as a general trend.

  3. Hello Thankyou for this very interesting article, so good!
    Always wondered about the numbers matching up. e.g. Sun 23. Is 12 considered the opposition?
    – What other numbers do you look for?
    – Which are the most important? e.g x degrees from 23 is x, that is a conjunction, x degrees is a semi sextile etc.
    – The most important of these, in order from most to least important is a, b, c etc.
    (Do odd numbers get rounded up or down?)
    Thankyou very much. Wondered this for a long time.

    1. Thank you. In modern astrology, look for exactly the same numbers, or degrees. The degree is always the first number, so the Sun at 8 Libra 18, is the Sun at 8 Libra. The rest shows minutes which honestly doesn’t matter in 99% of cases. Once you find matching numbers, look at the aspect. I have written a feature about this which will appear next. You can also learn about aspects at The Sun Sign School.

  4. Hi Jessica,

    My dream project arrived and it has been a long time coming. Over two years to finalize the details with the funder. The timeline to complete is 18 months between April 2024 – September 2025. During the two years waiting to finalize, I lost my momentum and drive to do said project. What do you see for me now in July 2024 onward? When will I be back in the flow of the universe? I feel I lost my confidence and inspiration.

    Thank you for so much for all you do. Your guidance really does help. With much appreciation, Sarah

    1. This is unusual. You had to wait so long for your dream project that now you at last have the money, you don’t want to do it any more. Sarah, you are a Sun Leo woman who has a couple of transits in your work zones. You have Ceres and Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn in your Sixth House of everyday labours and tasks. You also have Uranus in Taurus in your Tenth House of highest achievement. From this you can bank on an end to your backwards/stuck/stop-start progress as both these Capricorn retrogrades will be out of your life in November, December. As you were supposed to start in April you may be behind but if you genuinely can’t get going, one solution is to rethink, rewrite, reinvent, reimagine, recreate. That uses the ‘re’ of the two retrogrades well. Then you could actually put your shoulder to the wheel from 7th December and finish this in time for September 2025. In your birth chart, a quick look at the Tenth House and Sixth House shows a whopping stellium at 0 through 28 Virgo, in the Sixth House. This is the same chart zone, of course, but privately one of your issues is your mental health or physical health. Virgo and the Sixth House rules both the work and the fitness to do the work – or not. These Virgo factors of yours are challenging you until July 2026, as you have Saturn, Neptune and then the North Node in Pisces, in opposition to them. So it’s a really good time to figure out a lifestyle until then, which will accommodate your body as well as your mind. Sarah, you are so strongly Virgo that you ‘live’ in your Sixth House and it may be that you only find yourself excused from daily labours (including the housework) when you have a doctor’s certificate. Don’t let it ever get that far. You need absolute, total escape on a regular basis, no matter if it’s riding or paddling on the beach with headphones on. However, you also know yourself that you need to have your physical and mental health placed first. You’re not a machine and can’t do this without a huge reappraisal of that. Do think about the ‘re’ recycling idea and see what the Tarot, The Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle tell you.

  5. Very interesting article, Jessica. I have been using your website’s tarot regularly and will now try the other cards too.

    I won’t go into too much detail, but I have been undergoing serious psychic attacks for a few years now. They intensified at the beginning of this year (I guess due to Saturn transiting Pisces in opposition to one of my Virgo placements). My protections and ability to deal with the attacks were getting better until very recently when I noticed that Uranus had transited to within the orb of opposition to my natal Sun.

    I hope it’s ok to ask the following here. Will things get even worse when the opposition is exact, and how long will it be until Uranus moves on from the relevant degrees? Will I have to deal with these attacks until the Pisces weather is truly over in July 2026? Or is it mostly just Saturn transiting Pisces causing these issues?

    Any insight you can offer would be much appreciated. Thanks very much.

    1. Ian White at Australian Bush Flower Essences is a worldwide authority on the use of Angelsword, Grey Spider Flower and Fringed Violet for stopping psychic attack (usually witchcraft or black magic dressed up) and also for repairing holes in the aura which let the attack in. I sympathise as astrology and Tarot are professions where we attract spells the way plumbers risk bad smells. You have nothing in Pisces or the Twelfth House of your chart, so are not a natural contender for this sort of thing. The Twelfth House is where we find your chakras and aura and it is also where you are wide open to interference from the lower astral and from those who mess around with it, dabbling in the occult. No, nothing will become worse and in a moment I’ll talk about what to do, to stop all or any psychic attack in future. You are not waiting for 2026 for Saturn to vanish from Pisces in order for this to go away. It is absolutely true that Saturn in Pisces in the Twelfth House by transit is a tough teacher about psychic attack, witches, group rituals and spells. He is also a tough teacher about religion. Yet once you learn, the knowledge will be with you for life. So learn from the experts. Dion Fortune is one. Ian White is another. Paul Fenton-Smith, who is a tutor at The Sun Sign School is another. The whole point of Saturn transiting your Twelfth House is to educate yourself forever and gain from this, forever. Jesus taught to love your enemies. ‘Bless them that curse you.’ Christianity may (or may not) speak to you. Perhaps Tibetan Buddhism does. It is very important to find a strong faith you trust and know to be right for you. This protects you, now and always.

  6. Hello Jessica, I just thought I’d throw this idea out to you regarding the US election and possibility of a replacement for Joe Biden. I read your substack re Gavin Newsom not having any Aquarius factors. Would you take a look at the chart of JB Pritzker – Governor of Illinois and a definitive money man…curious as to your thoughts for his viability as a replacement candidate.

    1. Thank you. I can see a post on my website coming on. The Knight of Pentacles or Coins wins this. I drew that Tarot card a long time ago. Does Pritzker fit the card better than Newsom? His family owns Hyatt. That’s certainly a money man. He’s worth $3.6 billion at latest count. So I like the way you’re thinking…but for reasons I will explain in the upcoming feature, Newsom is a better fit for the knight.

    1. Pamela Colman Smith sometimes shows figures in her card who could either be a man, or a woman, but her knights are always men. Gretchen Whitmer certainly is a dark horse, and the card shows a dark horse – but this is a bloke. The Knight of Pentacles resembles Gavin Newsom who founded a winery (look at the fields in front of the knight) and wrote a book about using the digital world. That is a symbolic MacBook Air in the knight’s saddle. He is dyslexic and relies on audiobooks; again that looks like an audiobook in the saddle. Most of all, the Pentacles or Coins are about money. He is an extremely successful businessman. My spirit guides have pointed out that the Knight of Pentacles has green leaves showing in his helmet. San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair) by Scott McKenzie does rather spring to mind! Thanks so much for your comment, I will update the Substack column now.

  7. Good morning Jessica,
    I never have too much luck with being able to get into the zone for this kind of thing. I have a delivery question: My piscerean partner (1976) is out of work and has been struggling to gain any employment for a long time. Each time he’s been offered a job it has been on an eclipse and sure enough, they fall through or worse. I was wondering if I can use a delivery window to assist this as it’s really affecting his mental health, or is that really nothing to do with me as that’s his destiny? I hope you’re surviving the wintery blast in Tasmania with a warming cup of tea.

    1. Thank you. I am actually in Melbourne at the moment, not Tasmania, but definitely drinking tea. I am sorry your Pisces partner has been going through this. You’d like to help him. Your window for helping partners is Virgo Season and that’s not until August, September. If you have an annual chart all the dates and details will be in there. Is he a handyman? A gardener? (If you have a garden). Could he learn property or home based skills? What he does to your home could make him gainful employment on the side while he is waiting for his next job. His finances next year are completely different. He will no longer be stuck.

  8. Hi Jessica,

    As a regularly user of your Smyth Waite tarot cards… this was really interesting. For my where I am at right now… I drew the World (just about to go overseas to live somewhere new for two months).. and the descendent and 1st house and the moneywoman. I feel like this is accurate

    And then my question – will I marry again in the next two years – I drew the Moneywoman again, Uranus and the fourth house, and then the nine of pentacles.

    Would love your interpretation of this…

    Thanks so much AJ.

    1. Thank you. The World in your Tarot confirms you are going overseas. The Money Woman is yourself. The Descendant and First House show an image change when you are abroad, likely because you date someone or have another sort of partnership or duet. Will you marry? No. But you will be rich. The Money Woman and the Nine of Pentacles both show you happily wealthy. Uranus in the Fourth House is your household and home life, unpredictable, free, liberating and not remotely settled. So that’s not marriage, AJ.

  9. Dear Jessica, so relieved to read your comment on psychic attacks, I feel grateful for being able to read deeply personal comments and your wonderful and individual answers. Thank you both (@Samantha) for that. It seems the great Job opportunity I had in April/ May, was lost to another psychic attack I had, and it was a very dark time. End of May I contacted a lady I know in Germany, and she worked on the attack, but it was too late for the job, and as it happens again and again to me, it such a good recommendation on Fringed Violet etc. and that was really a highlight for me today. I started to draw the cards and I must say I love the Garden Oracle, is always seems so positive to me, when I read it. My question was – what is the most important thing in my life happening now. I drew with Garden Oracle the light, with Astrology Oracle Midheaven and the 11th house and with Tarot the 9 pentacles. This seemed to fit with the explanations, and in my solitude week and definetely a call to action (Job) then I asked what the outcome of my job appliances is until Nov 2024 and the Garden Oracle showed State of Flux, with the Astrology Oracle Saturn and 3rd house and Tarot the 7 pentacles. Also fits, from my beginner view. Saturn seems to show my main issue fear at the moment so I asked how can I avoid uncontrollable fear and the North Node and tenth house showed – so interesting for me now, and suitable – In the end my outcome of the question, is not to stop my job hunt and move away, sell my car, etc…but continue and stay put, but don`t let fear overcome me, continue applying slowly but surely hoping for success. And definetely have a look at the Australian Flower essences, as I am attacked over and over again, and I think that is mainly causing the down feeling currently. So big thank you and what do you think? Sorry, for the lengthy question. I always want to write clear for you, but it sometimes so difficult to put it in words from the inner to the outside… Kind regards

    1. Thank you. Psychic attack is very common since witchcraft went mainstream along with what I call badstrology. Bad astrology based on lunar rituals which attract the lower astral. I am sorry you are going through it but Australian Bush Flower Essence has a good reputation for healing the damage to your aura; stopping fear of attack and protecting you from any further issues. The Light in The Garden Oracle shows you that you are already on track. You are using divination correctly and answering your own questions, too. The Light can refer to Christianity as Jesus Christ is famously portrayed in The Light of the World by William Holman Hunt. See if the painting talks to you.

  10. Thank you so much, I felt so much better this morning after I read your response to S. and felt much clearer and lighter, as if a veil lifted, my first impression of the painting is wonderful, warms my heart, I will have a close look, take care

  11. Hello Jessica Thankyou for the psychic attack clarification . I am grateful to Samantha and Tracy for putting it out there something I was so hesitant to ask . I asked the tarot is there a psychic attack on me ? and the cards came as death recover and restart and Neptune and 8th house came thru . I am not sure what these mean . in the past I have had someone done things to me which was revealed to me later only in 2019 via reiki . I been having this sudden fear and anxiety something I thought I am not so been for a long time . How do I check if there is a psychic attack via the cards . Can you please advise and guide me including looking at my charts . Thanks in advance RA

    1. You asked The Garden Oracle, the Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle if you were under psychic attack. That’s a very good idea. You drew Death, Recover and Restart and finally Neptune and the Eighth House. Even though these three decks on my website are very different, they always work together. The person or group behind the attack is ‘dead’ to all intents and purposes. Of course he, she or they may actually have died. You are being advised to recover from the attack and restart. Neptune in the Eighth House describes the sexual and financial relationship involved or the family-based property arrangement. A will or legacy is often at the heart of the attack. Anyway, it’s dead and buried. Now recover and restart.

  12. Thank you Jessica ! This is extremely helpful and I was gobsmacked with your response on the property arrangement family based / will legacy . My maternal side family ancestral final out of court settlement after a year long struggle of stressful very intense tough conversation finalised on 22 feb 2 pm court hearing which just got done this year and its been a crazy few long years with maternal side . it was strange I was there in march when they actually did the ancestral property legal divide and even then the maternal extended family was unbearable for me and my mom . I have never been in person involved just happened to visit ancestral town after nearly 7 years and that too on the day of division . I am the oldest of the grandchildren . I pulled the tarot cards for how do I recover restart from the psychic attacks and the cards ace of pentacles true justice Fortuna and 5th house came thru . this is very interesting indeed . it was this end of may when I asked my mom to write down her list after the astrology delivery session with you and the lawyer mentioned more than 6 months to longer for the court decree will take time to arrive . and lo and behold she got it by end of may this year . she is a gemini sun and she was super happy that’s its actually came thru in less than a month and the property can now finally be under her name transferred . so in a way the astrology delivery did happen for her ! I want to thank you for all the insights suggestions and feedback you provide in some interesting times ! Appreciate your work immensely . Thanks a ton ! Best Regards RA

    1. Thank you RA. Yes, the Tarot created by Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite can be gobsmacking, as it has shown you. And thank you for confirming that Astrology Delivery worked for your mother. You are in a better space now, which is good news.

  13. Hi Jessica,

    What an interesting article and thank you for the guidance on how to do the tarot readings. When I asked about the present, I pulled The Hierophant, Venus in 3rd, and Inner Child. I asked about the future potential of relationship with a man I’ve been talking to recently. I got Strength (ironic since he’s a dentist), The Nonconformist, and Jupiter in the 4th House. Any advice on interpreting these cards in a 3 way reading?

    1. You are interested in dating a dentist (or more) and drew Strength which references a dentist. The Tarot moves in mysterious ways. The future potential is good. You could move in together or blend families. There is a question here about your children, lack of children, stepchildren, godchildren. You have three factors in Leo and Leo the lion is on the Strength card. Leo also rules heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. He could help heal some issues there for you. The Nonconformist suggests just what it says; this is not 2.5 children and a white picket fence. The potential is there for real growth with a house, apartment and younger generation but it will be unconventional.

  14. Thank you Jessica! I asked the Tarot how to get over the psychic attacks and the emperor the light and north node and 12th house came thru . it’s fascinating as I been going thru my own last few many weeks of internal deeper conversation and understanding soul’s journey and its been a lot of solitude overload of other personal dramas and the job seek and yet very much I been seeking the Light ! Thank you for your help and feedback I wish/ hope to meet you in person some day . also I love your voice tone and the way you share the immense knowledge around the subjects you discuss . Best Regards RA

    1. I hope we also meet in person some day. From 2026, for years into the future, I will be abroad, so perhaps I’ll come to your city.

  15. hi Jessica I’m hoping to study nursing I drew ace of cups. pl, what do you see? sun leo. marshall j

    1. Nursing is only associated with the cup through breastfeeding. Were your ambitions intended for mothers and babies, or small children? If so, the card is telling you, yes.

  16. Hi Jessica, loved your teach in this article. The step by step approach is simple and easy to use, but.. the analysis will probably take me ages. So reaching to my fav astrologer. My question was “Will I sell the business within a year?”. I drew the following cards – Queen of cup, Cleansing, Venus + 8th House. I would say that this is very intuitive – I need to plant my feet on the ground, stop procrastinating and work on the process. However, when I look at the Current Planetary Postion, I am confused. Do I look only at the heavenly bodies and degrees (based on this question) in Libra(7th house) and Taurus(2nd house), which is opposite each other? Current planetary position has Jupiter in 11 Gemini and my chart is 26 Libra. Is the timeframe of a year realistic? Please advise. Once again, always grateful for your advice Jessica. Warmest Regards, Nancy

    1. Nancy, thank you. One card will do for the Tarot and it works very well with one card from The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle. The cards will also echo the chart. This reading is about a sexual and financial relationship, or a property-based marriage. Perhaps, a business-based partnership with a man. So he is the purchaser or he is tied to the business itself. You were given the Eighth House in the cards, so look to your own Eighth House to see the parallel. You have a stellium there in Scorpio. Fortuna is at 29 Scorpio. Pluto will sextile Fortuna September-November so you are indeed going to make choices based on sex as well as money.

  17. Thankyou for your response. Yes, I meant the numbers as in the main numbers – not the minutes or seconds. I look forward to the article on aspects, I’ve wondered since I found out about them what your take is on them. Thankyou

    1. Aspects are such a huge subject, they are probably a book on their own. There is a brief guide on my website, but I may look at a future flipbook on the conjunction, semi-sextile, sextile, square and so on. Thank you.

  18. Dear Jessica,
    I may be a little late for a response on this fascinating blog. Thank you, your numerology blog response to me was so very accurate. I am still amazed how astrology can be so precise in our day to day lives. Thank you for helping us all and guiding us with your precious time.
    I asked the Present question: What is the most important thing happening in my life regarding my properties (Commercial & residential) as I am being held back due to problems with a high profile commercial tenant?
    The cards I drew were:
    The determined man 52
    Salacious/8th house
    High Priestess
    I would be enormously grateful if you would help me understand this more clearly incorporating my chart.
    As always an enormous thank you. X

    1. Thank you. Your present situation is your tenant, or one of them – a determined man. There are a couple of quite unreal situations with the finance, property, bank or charity, too. Neither of them are what most people would call the real world. Finally, a wise and clever woman has the answer and it’s in the degree she has earned, or in the legal papers. This may be you, or an impressive female academic, professional, businesswoman and so on. That’s the ‘now.’ From here you proceed to the future.

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