Kamala Harris, Inauguration and Astrology

Triple checked prediction, Kamala Harris and Inauguration Day 2025. What's your take?

Kamala Harris, Horoscopes and Tarot

image from rawpixel id 11073033 jpeg 300x200 - Kamala Harris, Inauguration and AstrologyI’ve made a few published astrology and Tarot forecasts about the U.S. election, but I’ve not looked at the Harris horoscope for four years now.

Four years ago, here, it was in fact possible to talk about her being ‘the girl most likely’ in September 2024.

And so, here we are.

She may be the next American president.

The Inauguration Chart

Something I’m chatting about at The Astrological Society of San Francisco is the Harris horoscope (verified as AA data) and the line-up with the January 2025 Inauguration chart.

This is also AA data, because we know for a fact, what time and date to expect the formal swearing-in of the new leadership. Here, using AstroGold software, are the two charts compared. So what are we seeing here?

Always look to the Sixth House (service and duty, workload) and the Tenth House (the top job) for presidents. Unfortunately Donald Trump gave us two completely different birthdates so his charts were never fit for purpose.

Harris Inauguration - Kamala Harris, Inauguration and Astrology

Harris and Her Health

image from rawpixel id 4046097 original 300x200 - Kamala Harris, Inauguration and AstrologyFortunately Harris likes astrology and we have reliable data. That makes it easier to call the future.

She has Salacia at 19 Capricorn in her Tenth House of top jobs. Mercury is at 18 Capricorn on the big day. Transiting Chiron is at 19 Aries in the First House of titles, reputation and image. Transiting Panacea is at 19 Cancer in the Fourth House of country, nation and house or apartment. The transiting Moon is at 18 Libra. This is a Grand Cross. 

She was also born with Aesculapia at 19 Virgo, drawn into the pattern, again in the Sixth House of duty, service and workload. What I find fascinating about these charts is the elephant in the room. Her health on all levels. Presidential candidates never talk about that and in fact, Presidents seldom do (Joe Biden being notable here).

The Solar Chart

There is no doubt there is a cross to bear here. It’s quite extraordinary to see a Grand Cross at 18 and 19 degrees of the cardinal signs; Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, Aries.

What does the solar chart or Sun Sign chart say? It’s always Queen.

Well, this is a Sun Libra woman experiencing Panacea and Mars in Cancer in her Tenth House of career, success, ambition, position and mission. The top job. This is the same for every Sun Libra woman on Inauguration Day.

There are exact aspects here. In the solar chart we always look for exact aspects between transiting factors. Panacea is about a solution, cure, remedy or answer which has moral grey areas and (ethically) fuzzy patches.

Duets and Duels

Margaret Thatcher Wikimedia Commonsjpg - Kamala Harris, Inauguration and Astrology

Panacea is at 19 Cancer and is aspected by Chiron at 19 Aries, in Kamala’s solar Seventh House of duets and duels. This is her Vice-President and her husband. It is also her Republican opponent.

Mars is at 24 Cancer, trine Juno at 24 Scorpio in the Eighth House of sexual and financial partnership. This is her husband (again). Juno is about commitment and very much about marriage; who or what you wed yourself to.

There is a semi-sextile to Proserpina at 24 Gemini in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. This is about a go-between operating between America and the rest of the world.

In a moment, I’ll look at the strangely fated way Margaret Thatcher appears in the charts.

The Sixth House

The Sixth House of duty, service, workload and wellbeing (you must be physically and mentally fit to work) shows a large stellium in Pisces in the Sixth House for Libra on Inauguration Day.

Venus is in a conjunction with Ops at 17 Pisces.

This is an amazing thing to see in the chart, for any Libra, but particularly for a woman with ambitions to lead the nation.

We also need to know that Douglas Emhoff is a Sun Libra.

So, these solar charts are the same on Inauguration Day. He was born on October 13th, 1964.

Douglas Emhoff

image from rawpixel id 9652249 jpeg 300x200 - Kamala Harris, Inauguration and AstrologyVenus is about the female with complicated relationships. Husband, son, lover, daughter-in-law are all common examples of this in a woman’s personality and life.

In a straight man’s chart, it shows his wife or lover.

Kamala Harris Douglas Emhoff Dreamstime 200x300 - Kamala Harris, Inauguration and Astrology

Ops is the woman who saves the day, rescues the situation, and…incredibly, she is the asteroid most associated with Margaret Thatcher, having been discovered in the year that Thatcher came to power.

You could read the entire solar chart for Libra (Thatcher was also a Libran) on Inauguration Day and sit there for hours checking the Pisces aspects in the Sixth House of duty and service, but this rare line-up of Venus and Ops is enough. It’s here for Harris and Emhoff, together.

What are the takeaways here? Remarkable parallels with former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. A health issue, not discussed for either/both of them. And it’s all about the marriage.

What does the Tarot say? The question is, what is the most important story in the life of Kamala Harris on Inauguration Day 2025?

As always, clear the present before you ask. If the Tarot is specific and accurate about your most important, current situation, then it can be relied upon to call the future.

If at first you don’t succeed, try again. The card should be breath-intake, wow-factor, accurate. It will also line up with the solar and natal chart. (The rule of ‘thrice predicted’ or triple-checked).

The Wheel of Fortune

The most important story for Kamala Harris on Inauguration Day 2025 is the Wheel of Fortune. 

RWS Tarot 10 Wheel of Fortune 173x300 - Kamala Harris, Inauguration and AstrologyLife is random and every high is a low in the making; every low is a high in the making. Philosophers and comedians have all written books about the endlessly spinning, up-and-down nature of existence. Thus, the books in the corners of the card. Here we have both readers and writers, and four hidden zodiac signs.

You can see Taurus, Leo and Jupiter (the eagle) in this card, just as you see them throughout Pamela’s deck. Aquarius, the wavy line logo, is hidden at the bottom of the wheel. The snake is a symbol of the asteroid Aesculapius in astrology. You can also see Virgo the Maiden in the top left-hand corner.

The books suggest the Ninth House or Third House. Most of all, the asteroid Fortuna (daughter of Jupiter) is what this Wheel of Fortune is all about.

Every low point becomes a high point. Every high point becomes a low point. Some people believe W.B. Yeats, who inducted Pamela Colman Smith into The Golden Dawn, was the secret third Tarot contributor hinted at by Arthur Waite. His most famous poem is The Second Coming, written ten years after Pamela’s deck arrived. It begins:

‘Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold’

It goes on to mention other images you can see in The Wheel of Fortune. (What may be a falcon is in the top right-hand corner).

Here we find the ‘lion body and head of a man’ in his poem at the top of the wheel. The creature does look to have slow, solid thighs. The ‘shadows of the indignant desert birds’ can be seen in the dark cloud behind the falcon. Yeats mentions ‘twenty centuries’ which is twice the X card, the tenth in the Major Arcana. This is a powerful card. Was Yeats inspired by it?

This illustration by Pamela Colman Smith is laden with symbolism. Where do you start? It’s for personal interpretation. You may be a Leo (bottom right-hand corner) affected by a Taurus (bottom left-hand corner).

Planets in Virgo

Perhaps you are experiencing transits by Jupiter (the eagle in the top right-hand corner) or you have planets in Virgo under transit (top left-hand corner).

The world of books may affect you as a librarian, student, author, teacher, editor, academic and so on. The other creatures in this card are also rich with symbolism. The Egyptian sphinx is the keeper of a riddle, at the top of the wheel. She is holding a sword. The snake is said to be Typhon by some, but it could just as easily be the serpent entwined around the Rod of Aesculapius.

A canine creature – with human and devilish stylings – an Anubis – supports the wheel at the bottom, just as the sphinx holds it at the top. The wheel itself resembles a horoscope of sorts, but you can also see some capital letters here. O, R, A and T are spaced in the First House, Fourth House, Seventh House and Tenth House position of the traditional horoscope.

The Lion

The Four Evangelists are the source of the Lion, Ox, Man and Eagle, but for you these might have quite a different meaning. It really depends on your religious background. This is one of Pamela’s cards which lends itself to being moved around or stage-directed. How might you spin the wheel in your favour? The snake, falling downwards, is a reminder of Snakes and Ladders. In the game of life, there are ladders to take you higher and snakes to take you down.

The familiar clouds are there – is this Pamela peering into the future and seeing cloud-based quantum computing, and are these four creatures using a MacBook Air rather than a book?

Fixed Signs

The clouds are heavy and grey. Into every life, a little rain must fall – but rain also makes fertile soil for later growth. The readers and writers in the four corners are the real clue to the Wheel of Fortune. The hurdy-gurdy nature of life leads us to turn to our astrology books, Tarot journals, philosophical tracts, Bibles, self-help libraries or Shakespeare (who referenced Fortuna in his work). This card should send you to your personal birth chart for clues. The fixed signs in particular, Aquarius, Leo, Taurus – are important. Perhaps you can also find the Tarot itself with these letter spaced around the outside – O, R, A, T.

Now, over to you.

What’s your take on the solar, natal and Tarot forecast for Kamala Harris in January 2025?


Images: SolarFire/Dreamstime/Rawpixel/Creative Commons/iStock/Shutterstock

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18 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, What an amazing insight into Kamala. Im so proud of her and really hope she wins and becomes the first woman President of USA. Im also proud of the fact that she’s a sun Libra and so am I. Just like her I feel like an underdog and unseen in my current workplace, under appreciated to what I have to offer. Im hoping just like Kamala’s life has changed so dramatically, one day mine will too and I will have any opportunity to showcase my skill and what I bring to the table. As a mom to a teenage daughter , I want to be a role model she can look up too and be proud of one day. Im driven and committed and hope things turn around and I get rewarded to all my hard work.
    These are exciting time, thank you so much again for your in-depth analysis.

    Thank you Priya

  2. Hi Jessica,
    What a brilliant write up, well done you. So in depth and extremely detailed. I think so many of us our cheering Kamala on and hoping this amazing woman can take on and put an end to the trump madness. I know you have written many times about the women who will take him down.
    My question is around the scheduled debate between them on the 10 September in Philadelphia. Can you shed any light on this date and debate? will trump even turn up?
    Thank you for your time and have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you. The scheduled debate has been arranged on Mercury Retrograde so it may be cancelled, see a date change or be affected by technical issues. Sometimes there is an X factor beyond this; transport issues, for example.

  3. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for another great write up.
    Any thoughts about Saturn 16 Pisces conjunct Venus at 17 Pisces on Inauguration Day?



    1. Thanks Madco. Pisces rules religion – Christianity and its rivals, including agnosticism. Kamala’s husband and children are Jewish. This is another relationship test signal on Inauguration Day. And that applies no matter what Harris chooses to do with her campaign. Saturn is heavy restriction and a gated situation. Venus is, again, complicated bonds.

  4. It’s interesting that you say the debate might be cancelled. I had a feeling when it was scheduled, Trump might not show up.

    1. It’s a Mercury Retrograde cycle so many people are already grappling with; cancellations, technical issues, rescheduling, people being late and so on. So if it’s happening to all of us, then…

  5. Great insight, Jessica. Wheel of fortune not always is the good luck card, I’ve found… it really is about cycles, ups and downs but is not the “Yes” card like the Sun or Six of wands. Hopefully America will have a President which is chosen by people, not party elite… Kamala hasn’t gone through democratic party base of voters choice, so unfortunately she is not ideal for Democracy as a value, she has been nominated by the leaders of her party and this is sad for the American people and the West in general. Librans are quite unpredictable people in my experience, let’s see if Pluto coming to Aquarius will help democracy thrive !

  6. Wheel of fortune can be about the future you set for others by your actions. Blind fate. Considering her bombastic speech at DNC and her promise of USA hegemony I don’t see how that squares with Pluto in Aquarius. So this staged personal high won’t last.

  7. Hello Jessica, this is my first comment on your website. I have been following your publications for a long time, and first of all, I want to say that I am impressed by your professionalism. Your predictions are very interesting and accurate.

    I have a question: what do you think about the planet Eris? How do you use it in a natal chart? Do you give it any significance? I

    1. Thank you. I don’t use Eris as she is not part of the Roman family tree of astrology that began with Mercury, Venus, Mars and the rest. It’s rather like using a card from a deck of Happy Families in the Tarot pack. It doesn’t fit.

  8. I feel that Harris’ partnership with Walz is an important part of her appeal to the American electorate. He’s not a San Francisco ‘liberal’ but such a classic midwestern dad . Do you see this as a winning relationship?

    1. Harris-Walz is a classic Libra pairing and she is eminently Libran. Different but equal. As you say, he has been carefully chosen to balance her. Crucial to his success is his son Gus Walz, another Libran. He has a non-verbal learning disorder, ADHD and anxiety and is part of the diversity of the Democrats’ community. Pluto in Aquarius is here. The power is with the people and the control is with that diverse community. Showing it and being proud of it, is crucial in this transit and so actually, Gus is a big asset. Voters relate.

  9. I respect your viewpoint. Astrology isn’t for everyone, but it can offer an alternative lens to view political events and personalities. The goal is to spark conversation and offer different perspectives on Kamala Harris’s inauguration.

  10. Hi Jessica,
    Love this for the world. Books are prominent to me here in the wheel of fortune because people need knowledge and critical thinking skills so that humanity can thrive.
    I see that devil under there hanging around because I don’t believe this will be easy for the democrats. Country before party voting from republicans will definitely help but the devils there. If the democrats can be more like the snake to manage the republicans then we should see progress.
    That’s the energy now and it’s so positive we can’t go back. It’s an excellent campaign.
    Thanks so much for exploring this.
    Cheers Nat

  11. Hi Jessica…I am not an astrologer and know little about what it all means, but from what you’ve said in the past it seems that Trump is going down and out–it is amazing to me how far he’s gotten with hate and chaos. It was always the adage that at some point you have to go positive, and yet…here we are. Trumpism is very scary for the U.S. and if he does get in I cannot imagine what will become of us. As far as health for Kamala, am unsure what that means…is there something to suggest that her health will impact the election? I have realized that until Trump is gone from this earth he will continue to have these crazies who follow him. It is very disturbing and makes me wonder about the sanity of so many who live here. Too many! I hope that women rising up as you have predicted will prevail and take us in the right direction.
    Thank you for all your wonderful work!

    1. Yes, Donald Trump has been on a decline for some years now. The chaos is manufactured by America’s enemies, primarily the Kremlin, which works very hard to destabilise countries like the USA. It’s also been busily meddling with the UK as well. None of the madness is accidental. It is engineered and of course social media is cheap, if not free; it is a dream come true for the Kremlin. All they have to do is find enough low-paid people in Russia who can type in translated English, to generate the chaos. This lovely fantasy came (almost) true in America but time is ticking. Pluto goes from Capricorn in November and with it, goes the problem, which began in 2008. As for loose talk about the heavily defeated (already) Trump ever being in the White House again, it is important to note that Democrats benefit from that, as it scares people into voting. They show up. And they vote hard against. Secondly, the media needs the clicks, as that is how it sells advertising and gets you behind the paywall. The astrology is nice and clear. You don’t get rich white men who treat women as second-rate citizens, in power, when Pluto goes into Aquarius. They go down. And down.

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