Mercury Retrograde 2025

All the Mercury Retrograde dates you need for 2025 to avoid scheduling finances, travel or even dating when life is chaotic.

Preparing for Mercury Retrograde One Year Ahead

In this feature I will give you the dates for Mercury Retrograde rescheduling, delays and (sometimes) chaos. I will give you information which is specific to your own birth chart as well as general forecasts to help you plan ahead.

January 1st to 3rd, 2025

anete lusina GOZxrAlNIt4 unsplash 300x200 - Mercury Retrograde 2025This is the tail-end of Mercury Retrograde at 6-22 Sagittarius, the sign ruling foreigners and foreign countries. The rescheduling with travel, tourism and emigration (even issues like people smuggling across borders) will be replayed one final time.

If you do intend to fly or cruise in the entire period, which begins on November 7th and 8th, 2024, be prepared for stop-start and perhaps cancellation. This may be due to extreme weather, strike action or other factors.

If you have anything in your natal chart at 19, 20, 21, 22 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of tourism, migrants, globalisation, export and multiculturalism then the paperwork, digital communication or transport may be affected.

March 1st to 3rd, 2025

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces transits 26-29 degrees of the sign on March 1st – 3rd.

If you have anything at 26-29 Pisces in your natal chart, then there will be a period of hold-ups or reversals (until April) with your religion, self-help, counselling, Tarot, mediumship, spirituality, hypnosis, meditation, retreat and other inner pursuits.

March 31st to April 16th, 2025

Again, Mercury will be retrograde from March 31st to April 16th, 2025, going backwards and forwards over Pisces from 26 to 29 degrees.

On the world stage anyone from His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the Pope may be caught up in the shemozzle.

Always put the ‘re’ prefix in front of terms pertinent to Mercury on this transit.

So, we can expect retracted statements, rescheduled trips and a lot of rethinking.

What Is Mercury Retrograde Good For?

MercuryRetrogradeMuhammadHamzaDreamstime 300x169 - Mercury Retrograde 2025

Contrary to what a lot of Zoomers will tell you on TikTok, Mercury Retrograde is not some kind of doom and gloom period that should send us under the bed covers.

It is what it says. It is communication, transportation, negotiation and information – backwards. This can be very useful if you are beta testing a product launch and want to test it for snags.

It can be quite creative if you are preparing the first, second and third draft of a project. The idea of ‘Take two, take three, take four’ is close to Mercury Retrograde. Oscar-winning films don’t always appear on a first take.

March 4th to 30th, 2025

Mercury Retrograde transits Aries at 0-9 degrees. If you have anything in your natal chart at 0-9 Aries, then your attempts to promote yourself, defend your reputation, push forward in a contest, lead the advance in a fight – all go back and forth.

This period will be chaotic for the armed forces and for military operations in general, worldwide.

It does not suit peace negotiations as people will go back on their word.

April 17th to 26th, 2025

Same issue. Mercury goes backwards and forwards over 0-9 degrees.

This is an extremely risky period for world peace as Neptune also enters Aries, ruled by Mars the god of war. This is a rare and historic transit and any country trying to negotiate now will pay the price later.

Neptune is confused and confusing. Neptune goes into Aries on 31st March. Bangladesh has six factors in Aries in her astrological chart. Watch Bangladesh.

Mercury Retrograde in Leo is Coming

Leo Navy Gold RP scaled e1721543918466 300x274 - Mercury Retrograde 2025This always brings rescheduling, stop-start and cancellation with dates, sexual relationships, adoption, pregnancy, schools, universities and all matters affecting courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. It is always chaotic for the Royal Family.

Mercury will be retrograde from June 30th and July 1st 2025 (depending on your time zone) until August 25th.

From July 1st until August 25th 2025, the Royal Family will be caught up in shambles. In your own life, if you have Leo factors at 4-15 degrees, be wary of commitment talk with a new partner; the process of christening a baby; prescriptions for Viagra or contraception; school holiday planning.

Financial Muddle With Mercury in Scorpio

Neon Scorpio RP 300x297 - Mercury Retrograde 2025

If you have anything at Scorpio 20-28 degrees then joint finances, property, business, charity and valuables will be caught in a loop when Mercury is retrograde at Scorpio 20-28 degrees. This takes place October 21-28, 2025, then resumes November 20th to December 11th, 2025.

Some Wall Street astrologers deliberately use this time to buy cheap shares and resell quickly at a profit. The share markets will resemble a jumble sale October 21st to December 11th.

If you make a will or a legacy is released on Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, expect U-turns and waiting games. It’s the same with a marriage and mortgage. All this is ruled by Scorpio. They call it the sign of ‘sex, death and money’ in astrology.

Mercury in Sagittarius October 30th to December 17th, 2025

Sagittarius Nahhan Dreamstime 284x300 - Mercury Retrograde 2025When the planet of communication, information and transportation goes backwards in the sign of tourism and immigration, you can expect long queues at Heathrow. Perhaps, airline strikes. Very likely, extreme weather to cancel flights. Very possibly, more COVID outbreaks on cruise ships.

Mercury goes retrograde over 0-6 degrees of Sagittarius from October 30th to November 19th, 2-25. Then again, December 12th to 17th, 2025.

If you have anything at 0-6 Sagittarius in your birth chart you would obviously plan your foreign negotiations another time or have Plan B and C if foreigners are coming to stay with you.




Images: Dreamstime/Rawpixels/Unsplash





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13 Responses

  1. Greetings Jessica

    I read the words Mercury Retrograde and get a lump in my throat. I’ve two things lined up for 2025, a relocation to a new home and hopefully reaching the end of a very long drawn out workplace injury. Hoping both position me well financially for the future? Can you please enlighten me as to what my chart says about this and how it affects me in the coming year. Grateful to you for all you do. Thankyou

    1. No need to cry over Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. It ends on 11th September, give or take a day, depending on your location. You are moving and getting over an injury. You also want more money. You will benefit from quite rare opportunities to have more, do more and gain from more with your health, fitness, mental health, wellbeing and body/mind connection by June 2025. Expect a chain of chances. You already had several, actually. You will be in a new home from 2025 and it will be an escape from reality. Ongoing, wherever you live from 2025 is a holiday from what is normal or usual; a vacation from what most people would call the real world, in terms of real estate. You will make some dramatic decisions about money in December, January, February which change the balance of power you have with other people or large organisations, like a bank.

  2. Morning Jessica,
    Just woke up 2.38am Sydney time after a dream with you saying ” we have a fated connection on the 13,14,15 of this month ( September) and please read the following ( it was like sending the words to me psychically because there was no paper or email/ screen.), it may probably make no sense but you need to read it “, ( all your words).
    What I read from you in my dream you mention ” my name ,the suburb I live in, selling property, moving, the work I do and something about a car.” At this stage I wake up ( I think shocked or startled). I did try to go back to sleep to see if I could re enter the dream but I couldn’t.
    No sure what it all means but there it is and I just wanted to share this with you. Thank you.

  3. Hi Jessica, my question is not about Mercury Retrograde and so I hope it’s okay here. My Ceres Return will soon take place. Grateful if you could share details of its significance. And, is it a good time to launch a business venture? Thank you.

    1. Ceres at 12 Capricorn in your natal chart goes back to 12 Capricorn, in your Tenth House of success, achievement, ambition, position and mission. So, this is a familiar event in your life; a compromise over control. This may be about the power shared between yourself and your employees; employers, professors, classmates and so on. Perhaps companies or corporations. It is common to see mergers, demotions, promotions and departures. There can also be a silent shift in power. Is it a good time to launch a business venture? The boring answer is, it depends what kind of business. And you don’t say. But – Uranus at 27 Taurus is in opposition to Bacchus at 27 Scorpio in your Eighth House of finance, business and money so you may want to wait until that transit is over, as any opposition is a really big ask.

  4. HI Jessica,
    still wondering about the U.S. election and the continuation of Trumpism here. I feel fairly certain that Harris will prevail but Trump’s continuing influence is like poison. I do not wish ill on anyone but I also know that until he is off the stage this craziness will continue…he brought all the darkness to the surface for everyone to see, but as far as I can tell it hasn’t abated. He has done us a service but when will we take action? (or when will people come to their senses?) It seems that all the signs are pointing to a new way of seeing things, and the rise of the people and women…I am looking forward to that. Will these retrogrades effect him and his followers?
    Thank you for all your insights,

    1. Thanks Nikki. As we know, there is no point in looking at any natal chart put forward for Donald Trump, as he broke the rules by giving two completely different birth dates to the authorities. He is also a convicted felon. The chart for America is reliable, however. When will his power wane? Well it already did. He lost to Biden; was impeached; was even apparently felled by a bullet. What you are watching is the slow end of Pluto (power) in Capricorn (the men at the top). Pluto is now retrograde for a short time and this is Donald’s control, visible for the last time. It will be rather like watching the last days of any dictator. As an astrologer, you would be almost disappointed not to have a figure like him, or the actor the Kremlin put forward as Vladimir Putin. It is time for the script to change though and the actors to exit stage left.

  5. HI Jessica,
    Thank you for your latest article on Mercury retrograde. Would it be possible to give me some more information as to what it looks like for me/my chart in terms of work and family relationships? Many thanks.

    1. You are a Sun Libra with a Gemini and Libra stellium, Mihaela. The family situation which has been so relentless for so many years, ends in two stages. Firstly in November, when the power and control question vanishes, then in December, when the final deal or compromise for 2024 is over. You will be amazed at how different 2025 feels (and beyond). Work cleaves towards the internet, increasingly in its new form and other cutting-edge developments with I.T. and communication in general, including the media, but also your telephone. This feels like a natural fit for you and you will gain from expanding your use of the digital world in new, bigger and better ways until June 2025, when at the same time you realise the revolution is here. As a professional, student or part-time professional you will find an exhilarating and liberating new way to connect.

  6. Hi Jessica

    Not often do I see anything on Bangladesh, the place I was born and lived the first 11 years of my life. Where do you obtain the country’s birth chart and what date/time is used? The country of course has a very recent turmoil and supposedly the people won, yet it feels it’s done on a whim and things resolved too swiftly ..

    Thank you.


    1. Bangladesh has three astrology charts and is an Aries in two and a Sagittarius in the third. When you say ‘the people won’ you are talking about an Aries country. So either of the first two charts are contenders here. They are pretty close (all this from Nick Campion’s Book of World Horoscopes) with 26th March 1971 and 17th April 1971 being offered up. Uprisings are always Uranus transits so which chart suits Uranus in Taurus, right now, the revolution vested in finance and economics? It’s the second chart, set for 17th April 1971 at 12.00 in Dacca. Uranus has been passing over 27 Taurus and in this chart we find Ceres at 26 Taurus, pretty close and in opposition, Aesculapia at 26 Scorpio, again just one degree off. The turmoil will continue; people value freedom and independence more than money, there will be shockwaves until May 2025 (although that month may actually be peak disruption) as Uranus does his ‘French Revolution/American War of Independence’ number on your country. If there is a new constitution at any point, Bangladesh gets a new chart. That might not be a bad thing.

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