Republican Astrology Predictions 2025-2026

The Republican party astrology chart shows a major split coming in 2025, 2026. Ukraine and Trump Russia are the story. So might be a Watergate moment. Expect shockwaves.

Republican Astrology Predictions 2025 and 2026

A crisis involving Russia and/or China is coming to split the Republican Party in July, August, September 2025, May 2026. It will pull in Ukraine.

This is a storm – a battering – which involves Donald Trump, no matter where he or Melania happen to be, by then. And no matter what happens to them.

Watching July 2025

Richard Nixon 300x200 - Republican Astrology Predictions 2025-2026Any time we see transits at 7 degrees, we see drama for the Republicans.

On August 8th, 1974, Richard Nixon resigned after Watergate.

Hygiea was at 7 Taurus. Mars was at 7 Virgo.

The Republicans were born with Chiron at 7 Capricorn, Cupido at 7 Cancer and Panacea at 7 Taurus. It’s a hotspot.

China and Russia

Trump Russia Shutterstock 300x199 - Republican Astrology Predictions 2025-2026In July 2025, Jupiter goes to 7 Cancer.

This is a perfect storm as in the same month, Saturn is at 1 Aries and Uranus is at 0 Gemini,  both triggering the foreigners/foreign spot in the Republican chart, at 0-1 Sagittarius.

Russia and/or China are involved in this drama. And certainly Ukraine.

China was born with Bacchus at 1 Sagittarius in her September 21st, 1949, chart. This is a champagne moment for her in terms of America. Russia in her 25th December 1991 chart has Proserpina at 1 Sagittarius. She’s a go-between.

Russia and Ukraine

image from rawpixel id 10993914 original 300x200 - Republican Astrology Predictions 2025-2026The split within the Republican Party over its foreign policy (to put it politely)  is shown by Ceres at 0 Sagittarius and Proserpina at 2 Sagittarius in the  chart, opposing Saturn at 1 Gemini.

July 2025 is a major Republican rift waiting to happen and it will pull in Trump Russia and possibly China.

The Republican party has always been heavily split when it comes to foreign affairs. Ronald Reagan and Russia is one example – as is Ronald Reagan and Germany, which I’ll look at in a moment.

As I publish this in 2024, this Republican drama pulls in Ukraine. It’s a moment of revolution within the party. Ukraine has the ‘critical foreign affairs’ one-degree hotspot in Sagittarius/Gemini  across two of her charts.

(All data used on this website comes from The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion, held on AstroGold.) So what we see in one horoscope, tallies with another.

Reagan and Russia

The big ‘foreigners and foreign countries’ axis in the Republican Party astrology chart, comes from its anti-slave trade origins. Back in 1853 this was about Africa and Europe. The Gemini-Sagittarius stelliums in the chart say it all. What happens abroad, is always at the heart of this party.

On June 12th, 1987, President Ronald Reagan made his famous speech, demanding: “Tear down this wall!” This was The Berlin Wall Speech. It was Reagan’s call on Russia to get rid of the Berlin Wall dividing Germany.

This historic moment in Republican Party foreign relations, took place with transiting Chiron at 21 Gemini, in opposition to natal Jupiter at 20 Sagittarius in the party’s birth chart. Any time the Republicans see cycles across Gemini/Sagittarius, foreign drama unfolds. And it’s about to happen again.

Republican Party USA - Republican Astrology Predictions 2025-2026

Tapes, Recordings, Texts, Emails

Lincolns Spies Their Secret War to Save a Nation - Republican Astrology Predictions 2025-2026Just as we saw with Watergate and Richard Nixon, the Republican Party problem has always been about tapes, recordings – and in the modern age – texts and emails. We could add hidden cameras to that. Again, this goes way back to the days of President Abraham Lincoln.

According to Douglas Waller, author of Lincoln’s Spies: Their Secret War to Save a Nation, secrets written with quill and ink served as much purpose in the Civil War as musket and cannon.

The clash between Saturn in Gemini and Ceres in Sagittarius in the old Republican chart has been there (circling foreigners and foreign countries) since 1853 when the party was formed.

Gemini of course rules the words – the phone calls – the parchment, the cassettes or the messages. Sagittarius has always ruled foreigners and foreign countries. Crucially, the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of the Republican party astrology chart also suggests spies. Then – as now.

This drama I am seeing within the GOP, a year before it happens, will blow up with shock after shock, when Uranus goes to 0, 1 Gemini.

Our eyes should go to July – September 2025 (the first wave) and then May and June 2026 (the second wave). Uranus will turn the Republicans’ world upside-down.

The Republican Party Chart

Thanks to Deborah Houlding for checking my preferred chart for the Republican Party here.

It rings true for all major events, including the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the alleged assassination attempt on Donald Trump and the  resignation of Richard Nixon.

What we’re seeing here is historic and striking. It will mean a complete reconstruction of the Republican party becomes necessary.

This astrology is watertight. Unlike Watergate.


Images: Shutterstock/Creative Commons/Rawpixel

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48 Responses

  1. Hello Jessica.

    Does that mean, there´s a strong probability wthat Trump will be President?

    Kind Regards.

    1. No. I always quote Status Quo and Evelyn Waugh when talking about Donald’s past, present and future. Thus, Down down deeper and down. And Decline and Fall.

  2. Hi Jessica: Thanks for all you do. Like everyone here, I appreciate these “heads up” blogs. My question is, how will this shock within the Republic party affect the US stock market? And if the stock market is strongly negatively affected, how do we protect ourselves?

    1. Good question. It depends on the kind of stocks you hold and the extend to which they might be wrapped up with Republican Party-Russia collusion. And of course, China. Any company which did not pull out of Moscow when Russia invaded Ukraine is a safe bet for a vulnerable stock. I am sure you don’t invest in such companies anyway, but they obviously stand out as problematic.

  3. Wow, Jessica! Sounds explosive! How is it Ukraine is involved here? Thank you. x

    1. We know today, as news has broken about Donald Trump’s Covid aid package to Vladimir Putin and his multiple telephone calls with him.

  4. Since there are many republicans, like former VP Cheney, publicly endorsing Kamala Harris, there has to be a split. Republicans are losing elections, lost the senate, barely got the house last time, hopefully lose both this time. It will mean that Maga is not working. But I cannot imagine what they do. Maga is a creature unto itself. It has nothing to do with traditional conservative –financial conservative values of the the old republican party. So, is there a split? Do we see a centralist party emerging, then left and right parties?

    1. The issue for the Republicans is foreigners and foreign countries, according to this chart. I would say the Kremlin is behind the implosion. Perhaps, the Kremlin with China. Hand in glove.

  5. Hi Jessica, thank you for the article. Do you have any astrology insights into the future of the Middle East? Many thanks in advance, C

    1. The borders on the map will begin to change, radically, from 2025 and beyond 2030 this is a revolutionary new set-up. That’s Uranus (the new world) in Gemini (the neighbours) coming from the middle of next year. The actual religious war is down to the Saturn and Neptune in Pisces cycle, which goes back centuries. It ends next year. Pisces rules Christianity and its rival religions. So here we are. Fairly sure I filed a prediction about big religious trouble, some years ago if you want to search Neptune in Pisces/Saturn in Pisces…

  6. Hi Jessica. Thank you for this, this is really interesting. I guess we live in interesting times. In a previous article I think I remember you saying that Melania is Donald Trump’s “controller”. I always got the impression she just wanted to get on with being a rich man’s wife and found all the political stuff tiresome. Does that mean Melania is involved in actual policy decisions etc? It would be interesting to know more about her and Donald Trump’s relationship. Many thanks.

    1. Donald has been cultivated as a Kremlin asset for a long time. You need someone to run that. She seems as good a candidate as any.

  7. Will this mean that the racist, fascist, misogynist, and otherwise horrible elements will be purged from the GOP party? I have never voted or identified with them in decades past. But this lot is just insane and dangerous. Will they finally be purged?

    1. The chart is quite specifically about China and Russia and traitors within the Republican Party. Yes, there may be a purge, if certain people are not already out of the picture by 2025.

  8. Hi Jessica,
    I am also concerned about the Middle East–we seem to be bound and determined to support Israel whatever they do–this is long-standing policy, but I wonder if we can continue with this considering the human rights violations they are committing. They are breaking international law. I hope when you talk about borders changing that this means a home for the Palestinians and not more land stolen by Israel. Very interesting that I just this morning heard that Donald has been calling Netanyahu and telling him to not to have a cease-fire. Also interesting what you mentioned about a Kremlin asset…makes sense to me. But what doesn’t make sense is why he is free to walk around–the U.S. has to know what’s going on, or are all of them complicit?
    Thanks for your insights.

    1. Astrology is just about historic cycles repeating and irrespective of the rights and wrongs of the atrocities taking place in the Middle East on both sides, astrology stands apart from that and simply talks about neighbouring countries going through radical change. This is the Uranus in Gemini cycle which I wrote about a while ago The year 2031 will finally bring a complete change in terms of land, borders and international law. As for Donald, the Democrats know he’s a Russian asset but will no doubt be waiting for October to pull a large rabbit out of a hat.

  9. On Oct. 5, 2024, the New York Times ran an article titled, “Behind Trumps views on Ukraine: Vladimir Putin’s gambit and Trump’s grudge” explaining Trump’s solicitation of advice from Putin the “spymaster” on Ukraine and Trump’s callous disregard and distrust of contrary information from US advisors, including intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Why? Because the FBI was uncovering how Russia had assisted the Trump campaign and thin-skinned Trump deflected any adverse information depicting him as a “loser”. Instead, he preferred information that glorified him and the source of that information had to be without reproach on other matters too, like Ukraine. Thus, Russia’s manipulation continued with the maniacal and egotistical US president Trump and it will continue if he is elected again. But it appears that the heavens are not aligned for Trump to enter office again. Women are rising. Liz Chaney, Trump’s nemesis is a great example. Conservative and former Republican to her core. She is now campaigning with Kamala Harris declaring Trump a threat to democracy. These are very interesting times in US history!

  10. Jessica – March 2025 has some very interesting and heavy planetary alignments. What do you expect around that time? With the placements we should be expecting something at a global level. Just hard to pinpoint what that could be.

    1. March 2025? Neptune’s ingress in Aries is the most important event of that month as it is rare and historic. The internet will take Virtual Reality, avatars, our robotic online selves, Artificial Intelligence real-time translation and the rest – quite mainstream. People will escape from their sex, age, skin colour, hair, weight, height and the rest by paying for access to spaces where a whole wardrobe of selves is possible, speaking a range of languages. Welcome to the new non-reality. The harder people try to slip away from their name, passport, address, age and other personal details – the harder governments will try to nail them. That’s Saturn coming into Aries, shortly afterwards. Really look at this, as it comes in. Examine it extremely carefully, particularly in reference to Voter I.D.

  11. Hi Jessica, check this out: Peter Thiel and Mark Andreessen and the billionaire tech bros from the Silicon Valley are trying to set up an alternative USA right under the noses of the US government, using crypto as the currency. This is going to get ugly next year: Check out Praxis, The Next America, the First Network State.

    1. Interesting, except cryptocurrency is unlikely to have the same impact after 2025, when Uranus (the revolution) leaves Taurus (money). There is no other historic, important transit in either Taurus or Scorpio, the Wall Street signs, from that point. And the other cycle that is going to scupper any plutocrats is Pluto in Aquarius, out of Capricorn in November. Men who want total control tend to lose it, for whatever reason, as women rise.

  12. Oh my gosh! Jessica, today in the NYTimes is the headline Trump spoke to Putin up to 7 times since he left office. You said above, in the comments, dated October 3rd: “As for Donald, the Democrats know he is a Russian asset but will no doubt be waiting for October to pull a large rabbit out of a hat.” What do you think? C.

    1. Thanks so much for reminding me about this, in the comments section. As a psychic, I was led to see Watergate and secret recordings/emails about this Republican Party scandal with Russia. And it is in fact, Bob Woodward, who is pulling the rabbit out of the hat. I have to thank my guides for steering me on this one.

  13. Hello Jessica,
    Have you seen ‘The Apprentice’ by Ali Abbassi about the attorney Roy Cohn mentoring a young Donald Trump as a shady estate agent until the final building of the Trump tower?
    The film is quite instructive, both horrifying and obscene, funny and tragic.
    The ‘formidable’ attorney gives him 3 rules:
    ‘Number one: attack, attack, attack
    Number two: admit nothing and deny everything
    And number three: no matter what happens, you claim victory and never admit defeat.’
    Sounds like Donald Trump’s intimate motto.
    Is there really karma for people like him?
    Thanks and take care.

    1. This sounds like a film I’d be interested to see. When you ask ‘Is there really karma for people like him?’ there is karma for all of us.

  14. Dear Jessica…as early voting starts in the USA, the financial markets, betting circles and Wall Street are predicting that Trump is gearing up for a sure-fire victory. This hurts and makes me feel really low. The last few days have not been good news for Democrats at all and following Kamala’s interview on Fox, the odds are now favoring the Republicans tremendously. Just wanted to hear your thoughts on this please. Thank you so much…

    1. Pluto is in Aquarius from November 19th and power goes to women. This will be the case in both the Democrats and the Republicans. You can’t stop history and astrology. This cycle is known to change nations, in favour of female leadership, and reconstructs society to allow women to rise – years into the future. Boudicca, Elizabeth I and Catherine the Great all did so. Same transit. The result will be fuzzy, as Mercury Retrograde is with us, so expect false claims of victory, legal challenges and the usual ‘re’ scenario. Long-term, though, for whatever reason, this is the end of the old white men at the top, of the old white system. Pluto in Aquarius will have its day.

  15. I’m hoping and trying to trust the astrology and praying too. I see Trump completely in decline but I know you said that Trump would not be seen by the election. Will he be truly not make it to the 5th of November or is it possible he won’t be there at all as in his mind will be gone and the push to get Vance as his replacement which is what the GOP is truly planning.

    1. For the record, I’ve never written or broadcast that “Trump would not be seen by the election.” The Decline and Fall, to quote Waugh, is ongoing, however. He has been in decline since the Covid infection of October 2020, which I predicted, and of course the impeachments, also predicted with astrology and date-stamped. It goes on. The downward trajectory is shown by the end of Pluto in Capricorn. The power goes from the old white man at the top of the old white male system. So that’s from November 19th and of course I include the Kremlin in that. Keep watching 2025 though.

  16. Thank you for the hope you are giving your readers. It certainly looks like a tie between Harris and Trump, which is mind-boggling. She should be out so far ahead of that creep. I am going to keep on being optimistic because of what you say the planets are doing. xoxo

    1. The comfort of astrology and history is that the Pluto in Aquarius cycle takes place every 248 years and we know what happens. Donald is following exactly the same pattern as Nero and Henry VIII. It’s best described as stumble, stumble, fall and go. It always happens when Pluto has his final days in Capricorn (patriarchy) and enters Aquarius (people power, including women). I agree, Harris should be far ahead in the polls, given that Trump is a felon, but then again – this is a Mercury Retrograde election. Take a deep breath. This is all going to be remarkably similar to Bush versus Gore, but also the last election, also on Mercury Retrograde, when Donald and Mike claimed victory even when Biden and Harris had a landslide. Too funny. But stay strong. Democracy is coming back.

  17. Hello Jessica-
    You give me so much hope of a better election outcome. It will be rocky but so be it. Can you look at my chart and see if you think there is a move for me because of unacceptable political outcomes. I have been looking to downsize near like minded people and now question if the universe has blocked this in anticipation of something more satisfying and lasting.
    Best to you, blessings,

    1. I am amazed at how many readers say they will leave America, should Donald Trump become the President. The nation is counting its votes on Mercury Retrograde, and going through Electoral College, the same – which does mean chaos, unfortunately. However, as 2025 appears, Mercury corrects his motion and Pluto (the power) is well and truly in Aquarius (the people, of whom half are women) for two more decades. This is quite a famous cycle which always sees Decline and Fall for the man at the top but also any system blocking female power. Vikki, you want to downsize by moving and find some allies too. You are a Leo woman with a Cancer stellium and will have a superb opportunity to do just that in the second half of 2025 and first half of 2026. Who knows where Donald and Melania will be by then. Henry VIII found himself excommunicated and slowly being usurped by a little girl who would become Elizabeth I. The new home, if you want it, will be bigger and better than your current space. This shows in both your natal and solar chart.

  18. Thank you Jessica- this is so helpful! — Realizing the election will be messy, and patience is key. I can’t imagine living under the lunacy of 45, it is just unbelievable it’s gotten this far. Yes, so many would leave and find out the challenges of immigration.

    1. Thank you. If you look at the same Pluto cycle for Nero, you see the slow take-down too. And I am sure people were asking how on earth Nero could have survived. Boudicca destroys Roman London and nearly takes back the country. Then Rome burns. He is accused of treason. There is an assassination plot against him. There is a rebellion against him. Finally he commits suicide. All of this happened as Pluto went out of Capricorn and into Aquarius, from 60AD.

  19. Always appreciative of your expertise and insight Jessica. As I re-read (often) your post here and elsewhere (including the recent one on Nostradamus), I keep thinking of the political machine surrounding Trump that will be in power if he wins. It’s one thing to take down Trump (or have Trump leave office by one means or another) but quite another situation to be left with JD Vance and thousands of Republican radicals holding the levers of power of the US federal government. If Trump wins and is put in power and then resigns, dies, is impeached and removed from office, or however is to be taken out of office, the remaining entourage that comes with him does not leave federal government. Everyone gets to stay. That’s how elections work in the US. The VP rises to the top and the thousands of political appointees spread throughout leading federal agencies stay. These people are just as threatening as Trump since they are implementing Project 2025 which contains broad policy strokes aimed at taking America back into a draconian societal and political hellscape guided by fundamental Christian law (akin to Sharia law in the Muslim world). As VP Harris says, Trump is an “unserious man” but with serious consequences. Jessica, what do you see in January 2025? And what about JD Vance, Trump’s chosen VP? It’s four years of a Trump-Vance Administration with or without Trump that will take America back.

    1. Thank you. The key to your question is Vance and the Republican party radicals. Even if Donald were to win the White House and then die, resign or be removed, you say the entourage remains. You also mention Project 2025. I can only refer you to Pluto in Aquarius and the history books. Every time this 248-year cycle occurs, replacing Pluto in Capricorn, we see system change and also change at the top, away from anti-women leadership. The earliest evidence is Nero in 60AD. There is usually ‘Decline and Fall’ to quote Waugh or Gibbons, depending on your preference. In the case of Nero, he was defeated in the British Isles by Boudicca and she nearly drove Rome out. In 64 AD Rome burned. In 65AD there was a conspiracy against him. In 68AD he took his own life. Christianity, a female-inclusive religion, rose slowly the whole time and would eventually take over Rome altogether. The power of the Virgin Mary from 60AD echoes the power of Bloody Mary in another cycle, which began with Henry VIII and his decline and fall to be replaced by women. You can look everywhere and not see a single female with any kind of power in the Trump-Vance effort. This will be the second time he has tried to have power without a female Vice President. It does not work on Pluto in Aquarius. There are many more examples…Catherine the Great is another one. None of this should obviously stop anyone from voting of course.

  20. Jessica,
    Thank you so much for this article. I commented on another political one, I guess the intrigue catches my interest. And being next door to the US, it is best to try to watch and take it in, but mostly try to cheer on all of the American people, who seem to be passaging through a more potent version of themes going on in many countries, including here in Canada.
    Watergate is interesting, I hadn’t realized it was also an apartment complex, but I once came across the detail that Alan Greenspan used to live there, he wrote famously about the role of the gold, its importance role in economic freedom, and that money un-tethered to gold effectively confiscated the value of the people’s savings. Interesting contrast with the QE during his tenure. A watergate or watershed moment sure is coming for the USD and paper money around the world, it would seem. Nixon put the dollar off its remaining gold backing in August 1971, right, so maybe gold will play a role. Nixon’s election too, was a great landslide, but rarely do current media remind of this. Like others, I always had a feeling he knew what happened to President Kennedy, and that there was more to Watergate than we know. I think you wrote in another piece, the ancestral Kennedys have a role or space in this election. It does feel like strings are being orchestrated from beyond the veil, in ways that will probably surprise all of us … a third path, maybe.
    As for my personal chart, ah, I too have Ceres in Sagittarius,15 degrees, and Juno right on 20 Sagittarius. I am Sun Taurus at 15 degrees, my rising sign is Sagittarius too, 9 degrees. Does this mean foreign drama for me too, or can this drama be good drama?
    Thank you once again for all that you share and provide … it is especially heart-warming lately to see your responses to those who are suffering burdens of mental ill health, in their own well-being or loved ones. I value the meticulous deep dives you do, to gather all that you do.
    Keep well in these times,

    1. Thank you Cathleen. Watergate is also, in astrology, Neptune (the water) and Saturn (the gate) and they will both be in Aries in May 2025. Aries doesn’t rule currency, it rules identity, but digital ID is open to corruption, of course. Nixon and Kennedy is best understood by understanding the Oswald brothers and actually, the last recorded conversation. ‘What the Sam Hill is going on?’ Lee Harvey Oswald’s brother asked. Sam Hill, like Nixon, was a candidate who failed and failed again. Your chart is Sagittarian enough to be in stop-start, rescheduling with foreigners and foreign countries in November, December so plan B is a good idea. And thank you, for your thank you.

  21. Hi Jessica. Thank you for so generously sharing your expertise. I’m increasingly concerned about China and Taiwan In the coming years. I read your predictions about China and 2025/2026. Do you think events During that time would preclude China from trying to take Taiwan, as Russia has tried to take Ukraine?

    Thank you.


    1. The ‘neighbour revolution’ is Uranus in Gemini. Uranus is radical change. Gemini is the neighbours. China and Taiwan are obvious contenders, Lauren. Then again China has other neighbours too. The China chart shows Pluto at 27 Gemini. You don’t have to be a professional astrologer to see why Uranus going to 27 Gemini will see a sudden shock – not just with Taiwan but also with Japan and the Phillipines. Fortunately we can check on the last transit we saw, last century, to have hints about what might happen. Well, that was 1948 and the neighbours – literally within China – were at war. Communists versus Nationalists. We may be up for another Chinese Civil War. In fact The ROC government relocated to Taiwan in 1949 while fighting a civil war with the Chinese Communist Party. So everything comes around again. In the first instance, never mind seizing Taiwan, China is likely to see a massive rift within, once Uranus goes back to 27 Gemini.

  22. Thank you, Jessica. I am particularly concerned about the US being involved in potential conflict. I am American and have a son in the military.

    1. I understand your concern about America if your son is in the military. We’re not seeing any of the classic world war indicators from either the first or second global conflict. You will have good news within the family from the middle of next year into 2026 and welcome a new arrival at home, in the household or within the family circle who is a great blessing all round. He may, for example, bring home a new partner who is a boost, or a lodger may arrive with all kinds of gains for you.

  23. Thank you, Jessica. I am grateful to hear none of the past signs of world war are showing up. Especially in light of the fact that Kamala Harris has likely just lost the presidential race. I cannot help but feel we will ultimately have a president Vance. We will see.

    As for the good news, you are spot on! My son is getting married next week, and I would not be at all surprised if a baby follows. Many, many thanks.


    1. Lauren, congratulations on your good news and I’m so pleased the prediction was spot on. Let’s see if we have President Vance. There is something peculiar about all these Mercury Retrogrades.

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