Astrology Delivery at the C*I*A*

Astrology Delivery for 2024 and 2025 at the Cosmic Intelligence Agency or C*I*A*

Astrology Delivery at The Cosmic Intelligence Agency

For those of you who attended the Zoom session on Astrology Delivery at the C*I*A* or Cosmic Intelligence Agency, this follow-up feature will answer your questions and help you achieve some, or all, of what you want.

This Is Not Manifesting or Cosmic Ordering

First up, this is not manifesting or cosmic ordering. It’s not creative visualisation.

It’s a nicely proven new way of using the world’s oldest timing – your horoscope – to target your goals. The key is your own commitment. You will need to draw on your own psychic ability to help yourself get some or all of what you want, to understand the gateway to success.

Part of that psychic ability is enhanced by Pink Noise. 

Quick Recap

Sagittarius Season bookings are made on October 17, November 2, November 21, November 30. Use the Tarot cards you drew in the Zoom (or draw four new cards) to show you the gateway on every date. Final delivery by January 8, 2025.

Capricorn Season bookings are made on November 11, December 21, December 30, January 8. Final delivery by January 28, 2025.

Aquarius Season bookings are made on November 19, December 7, January 19, January 27, January 30. Final delivery by February 18, 2025.

Gemini Season bookings are made in 2025. Book on May 21 and May 27 with final results by June 21.

Your Questions and Comments

I am happy to take your questions and comments, time allowing, at the end of this feature. Thank you.

Testimonials from Readers

There are too many testimonials about good results from readers to include here, both from this website and on X-Twitter. People have reported weight loss, large sums of money, overseas holidays and even a place at Oxford.

Here are a few testimonials – you can see the original comments here.

We began this experiment with you a year ago, so please search Astrology Delivery to follow the process and read every comment. The method changed along the way. Over time I have made it more streamlined.

Thanks to Zane Stein and Lynette Malone at The Astrology Collective for helping to trial this process.

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Example: Booking in Sagittarius Season

Using your solar chart, based on your Sun Sign, your first booking is in Sagittarius Season 2024 with results no later than January 8th 2025.

Jessica Adam and Rachel Wells Your Birthday 2025 Moon Calendar 213x300 - Astrology Delivery at the C*I*A*

Astrology Delivery asks you to book (or write/draw your goals) on every new day a planet enters a zodiac sign. You then play Pink Noise to increase your extra-sensory perception and draw one Tarot card from my website, to show you the gateway to what you want, until the next booking date.

Allow 24 hours either side for world time zone differences and sleep cycles. So, you could book (write or sketch your goal list in your journal) on October 16th, 17th or 18th – for example.

There is an extra note about this booking – the process will go backwards and forwards and perhaps involve a cancellation or change. This is because Mercury is retrograde.

Some of these booking dates are a New Moon. You can track these in our new, free, lunar calendar for 2025, here.

Jessica Adam and Rachel Wells Your Birthday 2025 Moon Calendar

Which Area of Your Life?

Continuing with the Sagittarius example, this is the area of life to book, on every date above.

Aries: Foreigners, foreign countries, emigration, travel, globalisation, export.
Taurus: Finance, property, charity, business, valuables, collectors’ items.
Gemini: Husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, professional partners, duets.
Cancer: Health, wellbeing, workload, lifestyle, mental health, unpaid work, study.
Leo: The bedroom, courtship, babies, infants, children, teenagers and younger adults.
Virgo: House, apartment, family, home town, homeland, heritage, household.
Libra: Media, internet, short journeys, communication, siblings, cousins.
Scorpio: Money, houses, apartments, philanthropy, priceless objects, shopping.
Sagittarius: Image, profile, appearance, reputation, portrait, name, title.
Capricorn: Therapy, Tarot, religion, spirituality, self-help, hypnosis, quantum beliefs.
Aquarius: Friends, groups, clubs, brotherhood, sisterhood, teams, societies.
Pisces: Success, ambition, position, mission, social status, kudos, achievement.

The Booking Seasons

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You can book Sagittarius Season, Capricorn Season, Aquarius Season and Gemini Season at the C*I*A* event on Zoom. So, four areas of your life which hold potential for delivery.

You can modify the booking or simply repeat it on every booking date. You can remove it, if you achieved it.

The pink noise and Tarot is an important part of success for those who found some, or all, of what they wanted. You have a better chance of achieving your wishes if you follow the rules.

The natal chart can play a part, as you’ll know from the C*I*A session, but this is a solar chart/Sun Sign house technique.

Thanks for coming along and to Julija Simas for organising the session for you. With 60 people booked it may not be possible to answer every question in the time permitted, so please leave comments here and I will do my best to answer you. Again, the Tarot link is here. 

If you are curious about the way the method was developed since 2022, just hit Search on this website and explore Astrology Delivery. Thanks to the many readers who participated as we have modified this together over almost 12 months, with some jaw-dropping results.


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47 Responses

    1. The recording will be sent to you shortly and you can hear the areas of life, one more time. Thank you.

  1. In the past, I pulled the next gateway card at the next date. Was I doing it less ideally or is this an updated process? Thanks!

    1. Good question. When I do a group session on Zoom (which I did with The Astrology Collective, before the Cosmic Intelligence Agency) I change the method by allowing people to select a Tarot card months ahead. Usually you select a Tarot card on the day of your booking. It works both ways. The Tarot operates in the future in any case, so it doesn’t matter if you are months or hours ahead of time. Please let me know when you have your deliveries.

  2. Good morning Jessica,
    Many, many thanks for this amazing technique of booking and CIA delivery! Using your wisdom I have been able to fully lease a property to an amazing tenant! I wish to mention, that this property has never reached its full potential, in the 10 plus years that we have owned it!! There have been other boons as well, I have lost weight, and gained more energy, even though I am almost 70!
    I am looking forward to refining your method in my world, listening to your new CIA podcasts, and booking, booking, booking..the trusting and awaiting delivery. All blessing, dear Jessica. May others find the time and willingness to book-bless their own lives with delivery just waiting for them, tailor made for each of us, in the Quantum

    1. Thank you so much for confirming your Astrology Delivery results, Susu. It’s taken ten years but you finally leased to an amazing tenant. You have also lost weight and gained more energy. Let me know more results as they come in.

  3. Hi Jessica, thanks for the webinar yesterday! Can you please clarify what you mean when you state “using your solar chart based on your sun sign”? It sounded like we’re not supposed to use our natal chart? I am a Capricorn sun born 1/20/68. Do I use Capricorn for bookings? Also, I used Placidus my whole life until I discovered your site. It blew my mind that I have so many placements (8) in Scorpio. Does that stellium overshadow my sun in the 10th house? I have always struggled with my purpose even though I am a Capricorn and the transformation I have been going through with Pluto for the past 18 years, not to mention Uranus & Neptune…lots of chronic physical issues all of my life. At this point after a lifetime of searching, I feel my path is more of a spiritual one and am hopeful with Pluto moving on soon but I also have significant debt. Do you see the possibility for a fresh start next year? I don’t know where to begin with trying to create a new vocation.

    1. Yes, Astrology Delivery only works with your Sun Sign and solar chart. It’s not based on your natal chart. It is quite true that when you make a booking, there may be transits to your natal chart which nicely agree with what is going on (and that may explain your success) but I set the method up for Sun Sign astrology, because it was only that, which showed patterns for people like Barack Obama and Taylor Swift – doing well on cycles which hit their solar charts. You are a Sun Capricorn woman who is heavily Scorpio, so you live in your Eighth House of sex, death and money a lot of the time. You are also in debt. Use Aquarius Season to make a booking to get out of debt. Your first due delivery date is February 2025. There will be a second chance towards the end of next year, depending on how large your debt is.

  4. Thank you Jessica first the CIA astrology delivery session. I do so love your informative sessions. I can’t wait to start ordering, in my last year of being 59 ,I am looking for an adventure, a calm loving home life, a promotion and kindness.
    wishing everyone good luck with thier orders.
    Going to do another experiment with family and friends.
    last time, I got a free holiday to las Vegas, still waiting for a promotion, I’m not giving up 🙂

    1. Thank you. I’m thrilled that you received a free holiday to Las Vegas for your last Astrology Delivery booking. You’d like a promotion. As s Sun Virgo woman you are absolutely in the right place and time to make a booking, halfway through next year.

  5. Hello Jessica, unfortunately I missed the CIA blog and zoom session. As a member am I still able to get a copy of the recording please? I can’t believe I missed it.
    Thank you. Kim

  6. Hi Jessica,
    I think I remember you publishing an Astrology Delivers calendar when you started writing about it a couple of years ago. Then it disappeared. Then I thought I read something about a calendar for 2024 which I missed purchasing. Or maybe I’m confused with something else.
    Is there a calendar that gives the dates of astrology delivers? I don’t even know if this is possible. I’d be willing to pay if there is.
    I only have one more booking date until I finish a Capricorn session from 2024 for a house.
    Thank you,

    1. Chris, I think the issue is that you are not a Premium Member so are missing Astrology Delivery, which was free to everybody during the trial period and is now part of membership. A new 2025 Astrology Delivery Calendar will be given to all members at Christmas, as the usual present this year. So just take out a subscription in December and you can either print this out as a poster to stick up at home, or park it on your computer desktop. The calendar will explain the booking and delivery process and of course the Tarot is free to use on my website, thanks to U.S. Games Systems.

  7. Hi Jessica Could you tell me which group delivery dates I should be using for Sun in Cancer please as I cannot find an explanation anywhere thank you.

    1. I did chat about this in the Zoom session with the Cosmic Intelligence Agency. The final delivery dates for Sagittarius Season, Capricorn Season, Aquarius Season and Gemini Season take place when the last horoscope factor leaves that sign, during a stellium transit. So that’s Mercury out of Sagittarius on 8th January 2025. Mercury out of Capricorn on 28th January 2025. The Sun out of Aquarius on 18th February 2025. Please let us know when you have achieved your deliveries.

    1. The Cosmic Intelligence Agency is the place to go for recording requests and you need to contact Julija Simas who organised the day. They are also known as the C*I*A* and can be found here. Thank you.

  8. Hello Jessica. I participated in your CIA session (though had to watch the recording). I’ve done other zoom sessions with you about the Astrology Delivery method and followed the topic here on your website. I have received some of what I’ve sought – so thank you! One question I have now is about the methodology. In the CIA session you had us select Tarot cards for each of the ingresses. I’ve done that and noted them. In previous sessions and guidance on your website we selected cards on the same days we did our bookings. So, with this new approach, on the actual dates for each of the upcoming seasons, what exactly are we supposed to do for the booking? I understand the directions provided (in the CIA session and previous ones) to mean that we should listen to pink noise while we make a list of things we seek in the designated area based on our sun sign…but should we also then go back to the Tarot we selected during the CIA session and contemplate how the image/themes/elements shown would provide the gateway (or, formerly described as the pathway or obstacle) for what we want? Thanks so much for clarifying. All best wishes.

    1. Thank you. I am glad you received some of what you wanted, from Astrology Delivery. Sometimes the ‘some’ part of ‘some or all of what I want’ is so good, it’s almost enough. I have adapted the technique since we first began trialling it 12 months ago, thanks to readers’ feedback. There are two options. Choose a Tarot card at a live Zoom group session (I have done these with The Astrology Collective and the Cosmic Intelligence Agency) or wait until the actual booking day, and choose a card by yourself. Both work. And yes, you use Pink Noise. When you are ready to book for, say, Sagittarius Season (a few weeks away now) just go back to the Tarot cards you drew at the Zoom with me, and refer to them as the access points. So, for example, if you drew the Page of Pentacles back in October, as the gateway to what you want for an Aquarius Season booking, you’d just go back to that for reference as you make your list. Let me know when you receive your deliveries.

  9. Hi Jessica, I hope you are well. I have a question, I’ve been practicing ordering since last year – I feel like I’ve had some near misses but no concrete successes which makes me think I’m not doing it properly, the cosmic ordering dates – are they for a specific timezone? If I’m ordering in the UK could it be that I’m a day out every time? Last year I asked for a new home and we found a near perfect home only for the sale to fall through a few month later – a near miss…
    Best Wishes JND X

    1. Thank you. This isn’t Cosmic Ordering, so do leave that idea behind. I’m sorry your almost perfect new home fell through, but you did get close. The dates are designed with +/- 24 hours timing either side to cover the US, New Zealand and the UK so your issue was not timing. It may have been something else – hard to say without knowing how you proceeded with the Tarot – but start with the idea that this is not Cosmic Ordering, nor is it Manifesting, nor The Secret. That will help a lot.

  10. Hi Jessica

    Can this be done as per the advice in the article above – and the advice in your previous article on Gemini season earlier this year, or are you saying that people need to listen to the C I A recording for these latest seasons from Sagitarrius onwards.

    Thank you

    1. If you ordered a 2024 report you will have all the Astrology Delivery dates for the rest of the year, included there. If you didn’t, then you will need to have the C*I*A* Zoom notes. Premium Members will receive a complimentary 2025 calendar with new dates, for Christmas. Thank you.

  11. Hi Jessica – I wish I could have made this event but could not. How can I get the recording of the event? Please and thank you.

    1. Please contact Julija Simas who managed the event, at the Cosmic Intelligence Agency. Thank you.

  12. Hi Jessica – loved the session. Two quick questions. When a card is used as ‘gateway’ what does that mean?

    1. The Tarot card will show you how you achieve what you want. So, for example, if you draw The Sun, this shows a child or young adult and this infant or teenager will be a ‘yes’ for you in terms of finding successful delivery. The Tarot cards are like clues. They can also act as confirmation. If you wanted a new sexual partnership for example – a permanent one – then you might draw a card like The King of Wands, which actually shows you the man in question. When he turns up, you realise the Tarot was validating him for you.

  13. Hi Jessica:

    I have a question about the areas to make a booking. In the Sag season, my area is Taurus—sun sign—8th house.
    What would the area be for the other seasons—Capricorn, Aquarius, and Gemini?

    Also, what is the difference between a solar chart, and natal chart?

    Thanks so much.

    1. If you are a Taurus woman, then Sagittarius Season is about your Eighth House, correct. So you can book for money, property, valuables, business, charity. You’re just about ready to go, now, with your first session. Capricorn Season will be about foreigners and foreign countries. Aquarius Season will be about success and achievement (so your career for example). Gemini Season in 2025 will be about finance, houses, apartments, possessions. A solar chart is based on your Sun Sign and uses its own house system, with your Sun Sign on the cusp of the First House. Your natal chart can use over 30 house systems and is based on your time, place and date of birth. I use the Natural House system. The former shows your public self. The latter shows your private self.

  14. Hi Jessica, I hope you are well. I missed out on the CIA session (I will contact to try and source a replay). I come today to ask for help if possible. I’m having a horrible flare of tmj/jaw clenching – an issue I have had for most of my life. Unfortunately sub-par dental care (and being a child of the 80s!) means my jaw and skull didn’t form in the correct ways so my teeth don’t meet properly. I’m also an intuitive and someone who feels everything. I do so much work daily: meditation, quantum theory, chakra cleaning, Hypnos, aura, talk to spirit… you name it I do it. I cannot seem to turn off/release whatever is lurking!! My stress response seems to just go there. I can’t take medications, nor do I want to, and have a stressful life (son with a chronic disease and have been ill myself over the last 5 years with Covid, Epstein Barr and Meningitis). I’m doing my very best but something has to give. I’m going in for dental work tomorrow (much needed) and have recently found out I need more work to replace work done 2 years ago that wasn’t as good as it should be (was a very reputable place though – very disappointing!). My health gets in the way of my own business (intuitive coach and energy healing) and family life. I’m at my wits end!!! Any help would be so appreciated. Many thanks x

    1. Yes, do get in touch with Julija Simas at the C*I*A* about the chance to purchase a recording of the Astrology Delivery event. I sympathise with you about jaw-clenching and T.M.J. as it is common with mediums and psychics. The reason for this is that when we sleep, of course, it is easier for us to go into the spirit world and my personal theory is that we have ‘conversations’ there which we don’t remember. We wake up having ‘spoken’ or ground our teeth all night. Bad dentists don’t help and as children or teenagers we had no control over that. Okay, so you want answers. One is a splint. Maybe you already tried that. If not try again. Chemists and pharmacies sell splints for bruxism or jaw grinding/teeth clenching over the counter. Look at the reviews online. You may also be wide open to spirit at night or even under psychic attack. Looking at your natal chart, you have Vesta at 0 Virgo square Uranus at 0 Sagittarius. This is a lifelong pattern, describing health, medical and work situations (Virgo) where one male is in a harem situation with two or more females. So, a male dentist with a female assistant and yourself in the chair. On a work basis, this may be a man who is a prime client for yourself and a bevy of women life coachers or healers. I would say your son is a candidate for Vesta as a chronic disease and it may be yourself and one or more other women (your mother?) who is there, vying for his approval or – to be top dog. Have a look at Vesta. Women are often quite blind to what is going on. In Virgo, Vesta suggests this is about your own Covid, Epstein Barr, Meningitis, T.M.J. but also your chosen job as a healer. The square to Uranus in Sagittarius suggests who or what you cannot square. Uranus is regular upheaval, in the interests of freedom. In Sagittarius that is foreigners and foreign countries; the worldwide web; academia; publishing. There is a lifelong pattern of being unable to make the two things fit. The broader reach of Sagittarius is emigration, migrants, foreign languages and so on. Do you have a foreign spirit guide? Many healers work with Tibetan Buddhists or Chinese sages. I think you can dig quite deeply into this if you want to. How are you making the square situation more intense for yourself? You also need to be aware that it’s time for deep change. Pluto goes to 0 Aquarius from November and will immediately trigger the usual 0 degree square in your chart. So your needing transformation is correct. It will take work but it can happen. On the mediumship/healing side of things I strongly recommend Linda Williamson’s books. It is possible you have spirit people in your life that are disrupting your sleep cycles. The wider issue? Look at your son, male experts and male clients.

  15. Fascinating insights into the intersection of astrology and intelligence! It’s intriguing to see how cosmic patterns might influence even the most secretive areas of life.

    1. Nice idea, but the C*I*A* with star asterisks may in fact be a completely separate organisation. Unless U.S. military intelligence is suddenly romping through Washington with an Ephemeris.

  16. Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply, I am so appreciative. I’ve had a splint for a long time and generally it works well – I could use an upgrade though. I will look into the foreign spirit guide, and try to look from the outside in to see how I may be making things more tricky for myself. I know that when I take big spiritual leaps I tend to have big physical symptoms – whether I am actively seeking an upgrade or not! Also when I’m trying to push forward in my business, roadblocks appear! Maybe the way I ‘do’ my spiritual work is not working for me on a physical plane level? There is something about it that doesn’t square, as you say….
    It will be very interesting to see what the Pluto transit brings about for me… I have been questioning everything about what I thought I knew about my experience with universe/spirit. In terms of Vesta, it’s been a lifelong thing for me (my Dad wasn’t/isn’t interested in my life, lots of men at the top of work, women friends disappearing when they found a partner, my own Taurus partner is boss of mostly women at his job and I’m left to pick up the home pieces!).
    So much to take away and muse on, thank you again x

  17. Hi Jessica,
    I’ve finally had a chance to watch the recording of the C*I*A Zoom. Thanks so much.
    I’m intrigued about the 2 different ways to do Astrology Bookings. I do find keeping up with different dates a bit challenging with how life gets hectic at times. So i tried your suggested booking technique and pulled a Card for each date listed for Sagittarius Season, in the session.
    I’m a Sun Cancer, so the focus for me is work/workload, but I found it interesting that this list of touch-points coincides with so many things that I am changing now that aren’t my usual ‘Cancerian’ way of dealing with things.
    I will soon be working with a specific type of guide. I am trying to break toxic and damaging childhood programming.
    The Cards I pulled really bode well, I think:
    18th October – 2 of Swords
    3rd November – 8 of Swords (I pulled this about a minute after you pulled the same card from your deck)
    22nd November – 3 of Swords
    1st December – 7 of Pentacles
    6th December – 9 of Cups
    15th December – Queen of Cups.
    This sequence of Cards very much mirror where i’ve been and where I am hoping this treatment will take me.
    Blessings to you Jessica,
    DinP xx

    1. The Zoom sessions I do for Astrology Delivery with the C*I*A* and The Astrology Collective are obviously sped up. Instead of selecting a Tarot card on every booking date over a number of months, you choose them all in 1-2 hours. If you are a Cancerian then this is about mental health and physical health as well as work. You are in the right space to fix childhood patterns. The Queen of Cups is you or a woman in your life and this/she will turn up just before Christmas. That’s a key access point to get what you want. Report back, please. Thank you.

  18. Hi Jessica, I want to double check what the book dates are because I see that on the CIA you say17th October, but elsewhere it was 18th October and I could do it either side of thr 18th. I did it on the 19th. Then I see either November 2 or the 3 but also the 7th. I saw different dates as well I think for December. Please confirm the actual dates and whether I can do it the day before or the day after. I am on South African time.

    1. The dates are different, depending on if you are a Premium Member or not, and have a natal chart from me (or not). I’m able to drill down into far more detail for people with personal horoscopes, which I mentioned at the C.I.A. session on Zoom. The main story is still the solar chart, though, and the dates are identical for the big picture. If they vary (17th or 18th) it is because the C*I*A* are in Australia and some readers are in Los Angeles, a day behind. I hope that helps. You made a booking on 19th October, which is fine. Just keep going. If you want to start a new booking, for Capricorn Season, then commence within 24 hours of November 11, December 21, December 30, January 8. That would be for career, with results in 2025 – for example.

  19. Hi Jessica, thank you for your help. My next dates would then be as follows :
    3rd and 22nd November
    1, 6 and 15 December
    I am a premium member.

    1. Yes, November 3rd and 22nd are Sagittarius Season booking dates. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 3rd and the Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22nd. Two waves to catch. The 1st of December, the Moon enters Sagittarius. Another wave to catch.

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