Goodbye Pluto in Capricorn

How does the welcome exit of Pluto from Capricorn on 19th November 2024, affect you? The final sign-off in the process is Ceres exiting Capricorn on 7th December - about three weeks later.

Enjoy the End of Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto is out of Capricorn for the very last time on Tuesday 19th November 2024 at 3.40pm in New York.

He has been sliding in and out of Capricorn since March 24th 2023, so you will have noticed some improvement in two areas of your life. I will look at the first one now. It’s your career, academic career or unpaid vocation. You may have been a volunteer, for example, or a carer.

Pluto Out of the Tenth House

In the Natural House astrology system, you have had Pluto in your Tenth House of ambition, success, promotion, demotion, redundancy, sacking, resignation and reshuffles since January 27th, 2008.

So, that’s about 16 years of power and control issues. They end in two stages for you.

The first is Pluto’s exit from Capricorn, as you’ve read, in New York, on Tuesday 19th November (always allow a day either side, for different world time zone and sleep cycles).

That stage will be followed by a sign-off, with Ceres also gone from Capricorn. She is Pluto’s equal in astrology. They are both dwarf planets.

PLUTOSOLARSYSTEMDREAMSTIME 300x200 - Goodbye Pluto in Capricorn

Ceres leaves Capricorn on Saturday 7th December in New York. Again, allow a day either side for different world time zone and sleep cycles.

What you are seeing here is the end of power and control issues in your professional life, business sphere, academic world and so on – from 19th November – with an end-game compromise and deal, on the 7th of December.

If you have anything in your birth chart at 29 Capricorn this is personal and you may see people step down, sideways, leave, depart (for other reasons) or yourself go up, out, and the rest. This is within your workplace or your general career.

On a world scale we will see enormous transformation at the top of government and business. As I’ve said, it is a two-step, 19th November and 7th December, give or take a day.

Ceres in Capricorn Improvements

The worst is over with the Capricorn story in your charts. However, you would have seen some Ceres in Capricorn improvements in 1-2 areas of your life in 2024.

She moved into Capricorn alongside Pluto on February 8th this year and has been there ever since, completing her task (balancing) on December 7th.

In an area of your life where you felt controlled, frequently taken over, always in a push-pull situation – you have in fact seen progress. Ceres, in Adrian Room’s Classical Dictionary (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983) is defined thus:

“Her name may well derive from the root of creare, “to create’, ‘produce’, ‘beget’ which is most suitable for such a ‘productive’ goddess.

So, in 2024, in this relentlessly challenging area of your life, where you so often felt dominated, you were offered creations, productions or products which helped.

Situations and Events – Not People

You also find situations and events take over and dominate with Pluto in Capricorn. So it’s not particularly dodgy men, or the women who copy them. Pluto often shows up as something bigger than everybody, which is beyond common control. The best example I can give you is the result of an election or referendum. Another is Covid-19.

That last example was something I predicted on this website. Covid resulted in hybrid work. This was in 2017, so three years before the pandemic. Do you remember reading this?

The New Job Sharing and Time Sharing

“By the time we get to 2020 you are going to see job-sharing and time-shared jobs become a fact of life. Along with drastic changes to retirement age, I am sure you can see why the new financial realities of life will reshape how we work. The nature of all this is so sweeping that we can only speculate it is about some larger change in the world.”

Astrology Does What It Says On the Can

Astrology predicts the future. Or – it should do. This comes from the same 2017 prediction, three years before Covid-19. Again, this was about the arrival of this major Capricorn weather in your life. I’ve not changed a word.

“January 2020 could easily see class-action lawsuits peak if multinational corporations have betrayed the pension plans of the generation approaching retirement age or if other work contracts are scrapped. January 2020 is very much about the contract between worker and business.  Using astrology it would be possible to narrow this period of pressure and intensity down to January 12th, 2020 – even though I am writing this on 17th December 2017 it really is possible to see that far into the future with astrology. We’re going to see corporations called to account. They will have to pay their way, one way or another.”

“I am sure you know Virgo is also associated with the body. Our physical condition and physical state.  January 2020 will also be a time of reckoning for any corporation at risk of class-action lawsuits by people whose health has been endangered by (for example) big pharmaceutical companies. This is Gen Virgo again, born 1966, 1967, 1968.”

Do You Have Capricorn Factors?

Enough of 2017 predictions about 2020 which came true.

At some point in the 2008-2024 cycle, when Pluto passed over the same degree as your planet (say) or asteroid (for example), you saw a power play in your work place, with a status marriage or family position, with your industry, field, business, profession – with your academic career.

Somebody or something took over – or tried to. If you pushed back you became stronger. If you gave in, perhaps because you had no choice, it will have had lasting impact.

image from rawpixel id 14571202 png 239x300 - Goodbye Pluto in CapricornCapricorn rules the Tenth House of your natal chart, using the Natural House system. Howard Sasportas, in The Gods of Change (Arkana, 1989) writes, “In some cases under this transit, changes in career may be forced on to us through involuntary redundancy or other such circumstances.”

Pluto in your Tenth House has also operated through men undermining you; men ignoring you; men belittling you. Pluto is a male dwarf planet and he is a symbol of men in your career who may feel ‘dwarfed’ by you trying to cut you down to size. Sometimes women ape Pluto and act like him, but in general, it’s men.

Pluto transiting your Tenth House, ruled by Capricorn, may also have seen you trying to give control and power to people who then tried to power-trip you in return. It happens.

To understand Pluto, remember he was found and named in 1930 when Fascists and Nazis began to control Europe. Don’t forget how Britain pushed back and won. That’s Pluto, if you have the willpower and self-control to resist. You have been through resistance training in your profession, business or other chosen field 2008-2024.

Pluto People in Your Career

Rex E. Bills in The Rulership Book (American Federation of Astrologers Inc., 1971) describes Pluto as ‘poisonous animals’ and for so many readers I have replied to on this website, over the years, toxic people have been the issue in their chosen field or profession. Amazingly, Bills also lists ‘bastards’ in his book. Some more choice key words? Well, this is in alphabetical order, but I am sure you will identify some of the culprits.

The funny thing is, Pluto people always imagine they are undercover, but they never are. We can usually name names, by the end of the transit through our career sector!

“Beelzebub, blowflies, cess pools, committees, concealment, contamination, corruption, dictators, foulness, godlessness, grotesque, hidden forces, idiots, imbeciles, imps, laziness, Lucifer, black magic, mysteries, nonentities, nuisances, odiousness, perpetrators, perverts, secrets, slime, smut, treachery, underhandedness, vampires, vileness, weasels, weevils, witchcraft and worms.”

Goodbye to Pluto in Capricorn

Writing in Aspects in Astrology, Sue Tompkins (Destiny Books, 2002) has a different take on Pluto. “Some of the key words for Pluto are transformation, death and rebirth – words that astrologers like myself reel off, as if talking about breakfast cereal.”

Which area of your solar chart, or Sun Sign chart, has been Plutoed? And will stop being Plutoed, in a two-step ending, on November 19th and December 7th 2024?

image from rawpixel id 662907 jpeg 300x214 - Goodbye Pluto in CapricornCapricorn – First House 

Image, reputation, appearance, height, weight, fitness, body language, presentation, packaging, name, title, self-promotion, identity, profile, wardrobe, shoes, hair, skin, face, social media, head, headshots, talking heads on television, branding. Filters on photographs, YouTube clips, cosmetic surgery, liposuction, diets, make-up, hairdressing, public relations, publicity, titles, qualifications (letters after your name), reputation, public face, Google profile, your personal brand. Defamation, slander, honorary positions, job descriptions (for example, Dr. or Professor), marital status (Ms or Mrs), armour, accessories, posture, first impressions, portraits.

Sagittarius – Second House

Finances, property, charity, business, shopping, selling, insurance, business, shares, exchange, barter, bargains, discounts, profits, losses, banks, values, principles, ethics, morals, taxation, theft, shoplifting, greed, philanthropy, crowdfunding, credit and debit cards, interest rates, the NFT market, collectors’ items, funding, loans, debts, houses, land, apartments, shopping, sales, business, wills, shares, superannuation, pension, insurance, charities. Piggy banks, savings accounts, borrowing, staggered repayments, cash in hand, swapping, secondhand goods, eBay, auctions, gold, jewellery, investment purchases, antiques, bargains, wheeling and dealing. She who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing, selling out, being firm on price.

Scorpio -
Third House

Newspapers, magazines and newsletters. Television and radio. Microphones and telephones. Brothers, sisters and cousins. Neighbours and neighbouring places. Short haul travel. Commuting. Connections. The internet, the legacy media, communication, languages, vocabulary, speech, literacy, slang, scripts, microphones, telephones, public transport, regional holidays, local travel, neighbouring borders, cars, bicycles, motorbikes. Speech therapy, deafness, sign language, literacy, reading and writing, handwriting, stationery, the mail or post office, town criers, gossip, social media websites like Substack, advertising, copywriting, scriptwriting, speechwriting, debating, songwriting, voiceovers, crosswords, Scrabble.

Libra – Fourth House

Property, real-estate, home, family, ancestors, extended families, history, heritage, roots, origins, renovations, redecoration, patriotism, clan, local accent, local vocabulary, mothers, grandmothers, matriarchy, home cooking, home town, homeland. Your shared household. Your mortgage. Second homes. Your extended family including godchildren. Your birthplace. Your adopted home. Your homeland. Your nationality. Your citizenship. Ancestors and heritage. Air BnB, landladies, landlords, tenants, house auctions, interior design, land value, the village, the neighbourhood, the town, the city. The council and the government, as they affect your home. Emigration if home is rejected. Gardens.

Virgo Book Shutterstock  300x250 - Goodbye Pluto in CapricornVirgo – Fifth House

Courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares, pretenders to the throne, pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, fostering, godchildren, adoption, children, teenagers, young adults, the generation gap, youth, one night stands, dating, mating, I.V.F. programs. Viagra, The Pill, one night stands, impotence, erotica, pornography, mistresses, dating websites, serial monogamy, adulterous love affairs, children, teenagers, Zoomers, youth, generation gaps, sexual assault, rape, incest, sexual abuse, threesomes, menage a trois, female sexual dysfunction, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transvestites, cross-dressers, honeymoons, marriage guidance counselling, vows of celibacy, multiple infidelity, miscarriage, activities shared by young and old – riding, music, books, plays.

Leo – Sixth House

Daily routine, mental health, physical health, workload, work ethic,  industry, profession, business, trade, schedule, diary, food, drink, drugs, doctors, surgeons, nurses, alternative practitioners, exercise, healing, service, duty, paid jobs, unpaid jobs, volunteering, housework, staff, employers, sleep, calendar, breakfast, lunch, supper, vitamins, exercise, doctors, surgeons, nurses, complementary health, psychiatrists, psychologists, housework, pets, vets, gardening, jobs, unpaid jobs, student lifestyles, inherited conditions, prescription medication, job-sharing, unemployment, shift work, the working class, trade unions, staff, cooks, cleaners, nannies, butlers, maids, chauffeurs, dogs, cats, vets, domestic birds, hygiene, the bathroom, the kitchen, computers, smart phones.

Cancer – Seventh House

Marriage, de facto relationships, legal separation, divorce, legally binding partnerships, professional duets, platonic partnerships, enemies, opponents, barristers, lawyers, judges, juries, the law, sexual equality, marriage equality, the scales of justice. Legally defined common law marriage, engagement, weddings, separation, divorce, pre-nuptial agreements, professional partnership, lawsuits, enemies, the opposition, dating websites, trial separation. Wedding rings, engagement rings, first wives or husbands. Professional rivals, legal battles, religious-based law and justice, battles, wars, on/off relationships, love triangles, sexism, equal marriage.

Gemini – Eighth House

Inheritance, wills, legacies, mortgages, taxation, pre-nuptial agreements, divorce, separation, marriage, de facto relationships, all sexual and financial relationships, all family-based agreements about property or possessions, trust funds, prostitution. Property prices, mortgage interest rates, wills, legacies, inheritance, taxation, accountants, banks, shares, cryptocurrency, possessions, investments, charities, business, loans, handshake agreements, benefits payments. Mistresses, menage a trois, funerals, funeral directors, death, murder, trust funds, trustafarians, living wills, euthanasia, murder mysteries, the marriage vows – ‘Until death do us part.’

Taurus Book Shutterstock 300x250 - Goodbye Pluto in CapricornTaurus – Ninth House

Universities, colleges, publishing houses, libraries, Latin, translators, maps, atlases, globes, globalisation, immigration, foreigners, foreign travel, the worldwide web, the airline industry, multiculturalism, visas. All foreign countries, illegal immigration, travel, legal migrants, tourists, globalisation, the worldwide web, academia, publishing, translation, languages, space exploration, airlines, NASA, cruises, maps, multiculturalism, colonisation. Multilingual experts, racism, religious differences, colleges, universities, student exchange programs, gap years, round-world trips, cruises, Eurostar, borders, geography, history, the Classics.

Aries – Tenth House

Success, ambition, mission, position, institutions, the establishment, High Society, corporations, companies, the professions, academia, vocations, roles, goals, achievement, the hierarchy, your curriculum vitae, retirement, social mountaineering. Promotions, headhunting, awards, scholarships, voluntary titles, the Curriculum Vitae, goal setting, peak achievement, the system, the establishment, the hierarchy, society, rank, status, corporations. Linked In, job interviews, owner-business, the Chief Operating Executive, staff, work experience, the ladder, getting a foot on the ladder, starting on the ground floor, working class to middle class, to upper-middle class, social climbing, going up in the world, trade unions versus management, social status (through marriage or de facto partnership).

Pisces – Eleventh House

Friends, groups, networks, social media, people power, communities, the collective, communes, societies, associations, charities, clubs, teams, cults, allies, the United Nations, NATO, brotherhood, sisterhood, diversity, bands, political parties. Private membership clubs, the United Nations, the Commonwealth, NATO, orchestras, ensemble casts, ballet companies, bands, charities, groups, old friends, new friends. Socialising and social media like Substack. Trade unions, boards of trustees, boards of management, sports fans, music fans, brotherhood, sisterhood, swimming pools, pooled resources, groupies, the human family, equality.

Aquarius – Twelfth House

Hypnosis, dream interpretation, Carl Jung, therapy, counselling, religion, spirituality, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the Tarot, spiritualism, psychics, psychologists, solitude, meditation, self-help, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the I-Ching. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychiatrists, dream interpretation, oracle decks, silence, solitude, sabbaticals, group therapy, the chakras, the aura, religion, spirituality. Introversion, prayer, reflection, the Roman Catholic confession, the soul, the psyche, the spirit, reality, Quantum Physics, the Multiverse, alternatives to reality, past life hypnosis.

card pluto 213x300 - Goodbye Pluto in CapricornPluto’s Gifts and Rewards

Pluto’s gifts and rewards are – empowerment. Self-respect and strength. Perhaps, an increase in physical strength. Greater influence. Bigger reach. Debbi Kempton-Smith, writing in Secrets From A Stargazer’s Notebook (Bantam, 1984) comments, “Pluto shows you where you will find your treasure, for it is the Ultimate Jackpot. You must aim very high and act with noble intentions and a will of steel. Make a mistake and Pluto will French fry you.”

It’s been intense, hasn’t it? I’m sure you can see how the Pluto in Capricorn cycle of 2008-2024 coincided with the ascent of the Kremlin, putting up a series of actors they called Vladimir Putin, together with Donald Trump.

Every country experienced Pluto in Capricorn 2008-2024 and it will be fascinating to see who and what leaves the stage, on those two big bumps in destiny. November 19th and December 7th 2024.

In Britain, the people voted for Brexit and were given a Prime Minister who had opposed it. There was even talk of having a second referendum, to overturn the first result. That’s Pluto in Capricorn.

A Pluto Ritual for Pluto People

Writing in Making the Gods Work for You (Three Rivers Press, 1998) Caroline W. Casey looks at a Pluto ritual, which you may want to try.

“If you are having difficulty in any relationship, and there need to be conversations that seem impossible to conduct in a grown-up fashion, Pluto says, “Try working in a deeper domain. Do a ritual.”

“Go to your room, light a candle, and imaginatively summon the other person’s spiritual supervisor. In your mind, have the conversation you wish you could have face to face. Experiment with an open heart. Upon next encountering that person, entertain the possibility that the invisible conversation has truly happened at an absolutely authentic energetic level.”

I’d be interested to hear from people who do this and who have results, particularly around the key dates of November 19th and December 7th, 2024. And – how did Pluto affect you? Let us know in Comments.

Images: Dreamstime/Shutterstock/iStock/Rawpixel/Justin Tabari






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181 Responses

  1. I feel optimistic about Pluto in Aquarius!

    The comment about someone in your workplace will resign change etc! Well the MD just resigned a few days ago!

    And a change of image for me started this Friday as I start my journey on dealing with my weight and feeling better

  2. Hi Jessica this is so fascinating! Should I be looking at my Capricorn placements or my Aquarius Sun sign? In what way might it affect the Twelfth House? Thanks for your time and fascinating post

    1. You have stelliums in Capricorn and Aquarius so are about to change your world, in four short months. You will see reshuffles, mergers, departures, sackings, resignations, retirements (perhaps other sorts of departure, like death) within your field. Your business, industry or profession will be like musical chairs. Then the chairs get taken away. It’s in motion near December 7th. At the same time you find yourself discovering how much power there is in a group. That results in a huge choice by February.

  3. Hi Jessica,

    As usual a great article with lots of interesting insights.

    I was wondering about this transit and how significant it is moving out of my sign as I’m a Capricorn sun with a stellium in both Capricorn and Aquarius!
    So am I being affected by this and in what way?
    I would be so grateful for your insights and feedback

    Thanks a lot.


    1. Reham, if you have stelliums in Capricorn and Aquarius, you are about to find the end of some men (probably men, perhaps women copying men) and the end of the system that propped them up. This would be within your industry, profession, field or business. They may be arrested, be sacked, resign, become ill, die or otherwise be moved sideways or off the planet altogether. This is very common on this cycle. With them, goes the structure that allowed them to peak. There is also a lesson for you about your own power within your field. You likely have some, or a lot of it, depending on how hard you worked. If you shared the power; empowered people; gave them the controls – then you will now be quite high up in the game. If you misused your power to manipulate people, play the industry, try to belittle or undermine, then it may be you who takes a dive. I am sure you didn’t. My readers tend to be decent people! The Aquarius shift is towards a group of friends and allies who understand that together we are powerful as long as one group does not take over another group. So, for example, you can have trans men in there, but not at the expense of real women in sport, for example. Aquarius is about sharing the space equally and understanding that the collective has to work communally, not by any one ‘special, special, special’ interest group taking.

  4. Here it comes, the end of Pluto in Capricorn and the end of the Plutocrats. Date stamp today – 18th Nov, the day Australian Journalist and commentator Alan Jones was arrested for indecent assault.

    Most of your followers won’t know who Alan Jones is but he has been for the best part of 40 years a powerful man in the Australian Media. He is also renowned for being a misogynist and having a high level of contempt for women. He has made a number of anti women comments including nasty remarks about Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. In 2012 he claimed female leaders were “destroying the joint”

    It is then extraordinary that in the final hours of Pluto in Capricorn that a Plutocrat such as Alan Jones downfall reaches its Zenith. As Pluto moves into Aquarius tomorrow which marks the beginning of the rise in women in power, there would be a feeling amongst a number of Australian women that justice is being delivered at last.

    1. Yes, I saw that too. Alan Jones in Australia (and Elon Musk in America/the world) are both falling as Pluto also falls from Capricorn. Alan has been arrested over allegations he indecently assaulted young men. He’s a Plutocrat. He’s now 83 but was a powerbroker in politics. As The Guardian says, his radio career was marked by controversies, including comments that the prime minister Julia Gillard had lied and that her late father had “died of shame” as a result. In 2019 he also made comments about the New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern, saying someone should “shove a sock” down her throat. Women rise on Pluto in Aquarius and here it comes. Thanks for raising this it’s excellent evidence of the way astrology works.

  5. Hi Jessica, This article resonated so strongly for me. Pluto in Capricorn has been so painful for me in terms of the men who have been in my life and their effects on my life. It was one man after another who overpowered me. The day after Pluto entered Capricorn to stay in late 2008, I began a relationship with the man who would go on to be my exhusband and father of my two children. The past 16 years have been extremely painful to deal with his anger, verbal abuse, and miserliness with our children. I learned to manage him, but even that is so much emotional effort that drains me.
    I also pursued a career as an actress, having many opportunities in Hollywood from 2010 to 2015, where I came in 2nd place in major auditions with huge directors or for major television shows, but I would never book the part. After five years of working with a controlling male talent manager, I fired him. He then blacklisted me from agents. I was never able to get traction again to create a career. During Covid, I dated a man who I thought was wonderful, but turned out to treat me with verbal abuse, much my ex husband had. And finally, my father, who had a heart attack in 2008, and I stayed at his bedside as he recovered, has been repeatedly critical, unkind, and cheap with myself, my mother, and my children.
    During these 16 years, I learned to become resilient and to keep getting back up.
    I am now in a relationship with a man who seems to completely embody Capricorn – he is a high-powered corporate executive. We met on zoom one week before Pluto first left Capricorn, and we met in person two days after Pluto entered Aquarius. He is a Sagittarius who is always on the road, and that has been hard for me as I want to build a steady and stable relationship.
    I hope that Pluto in Aquarius will be different for me, both in terms of men no longer holding power over me, and in terms of me finally finding financial freedom and success. Am I being naive?

    1. Thank you. I am so sorry you have met the very worst of Pluto through your husband – past. You had children as well, which makes it so much more difficult. You have also been in Hollywood, experiencing Pluto, and have left that acting career behind. Your father has also played Pluto for you. With factors at 0 through 24 of Capricorn, you have experiencing many years of Pluto conjunctions to your natal factors. You are a Sun Capricorn woman with Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces stelliums so there is method to the universe’s madness. You have been forced to go inward to discover religion, Tarot, meditation, Buddhism, hypnosis, therapy, mediumship and other forms of inner work, like hypnosis or counselling. Had you not had so many rotten experiences, this would not have been as important. You are also now releasing Capricorn ambition (often for the right husband, or the right career, or right status) in favour of something quite different, which you will realise by February 2025 is the group. You are looking for money, success and a husband, I assume, and so still chasing Capricorn, but what is actually happening in your chart is completely different. Friends come up. Groups come up. Inner work and spiritually changes – hugely – and 2025 looks like a far more fulfilling and satisfying time, as the high stakes and intensity of the Capricorn path vanish. It just won’t matter so much. It’s quite interesting. I would bet on a group involvement that is spiritual, psychic, therapeutic or religious. It would either step up in importance in your life shortly, or be there for the first time, drawing you in.

  6. Hi Jessica, I have so much to thank Pluto for. His departure from Capricorn leaves me feeling like I am losing the harshest, yet (in hindsight) most loving Mentor.
    I entered 2008 as a virtual Pauper and today, I say “thank you” to Pluto for teaching me how to use my Aries strengths to survive, to be successful and to be able to leave a legacy for my Family. The lessons were never easy and there were heartbreaking losses also, but the results have been so uplifting. My wish also, is that I have remained humble. I have Chiron 2°….
    Salacia3°….Ops7°….Fortuna 29°…..In house 10.
    Also, thank you Jessica for all of the fantastic work that you do for us.

    1. You have been Plutoed but also given more power, clout, influence and reach by Pluto. So you have done it tough but also stepped up and been given the gift. And thanks so much, for your thank you. Fortuna at 29 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career is the last thing to go. Pluto crosses 29 for the final time tomorrow/Wednesday in New Zealand. Then Ceres goes to 29 Capricorn in the first week of December. So you are now well and truly at the finishing line for the transformation of your role at work, with unpaid work or in academia. The most powerful people and organisations which try to take over, will be no more from this point.

  7. Hi Jessica!
    I’m already feeling this at work…one of the top male exec was silently let go of this past week.
    May I please ask for what to expect in the coming days and months for me personally? What changes should I expect?

    As always- thank you!

    1. Neptune at 0 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career puts you right in the zone for a reshuffle of rights, roles and responsibilities near November 19th and again by December 7th. Those historic transits by Pluto at 0 Aquarius, Ceres at 0 Aquarius, Venus at 0 Aquarius hit your chart around those dates. This is a game of musical chairs. There may be more departures, arrivals, demotions, promotions and mergers. Or nothing on paper, but the actual power structure (unwritten) shifts. Within that game find your chair.

  8. I am so happy to have survived this Plutonic era (cap rising).

    Surrendering, Evolving and Growing a deeper awareness of the human condition has been humbling…. that has been key in staying self sufficient.

    Let’s see how Pluto in Aqua challenges us

  9. Thank you Jessica. I have been reading your posts since 2016 (Brexit and Trump) – it was almost as if a pall was over the planet.
    On a personal level, the Pluto Capricorn transit has been tough for us – like Sisyphus with the proverbial rock. Thank you for enlightening us with your content. Really appreciate it.

    1. Thanks so much. Yes, Pluto can feel like rolling the rock back up the hill, repeatedly. All those retrogrades. Nearly over!

  10. I sent a message few minutes ago under ‘Roxana’ but I just realized that I was not logged into my account on jessicaadams platform. Here is my message again. thank you.

    “Hi Jessica,
    Your articles have been incredibly insightful, especially regarding Pluto in Capricorn. As a Capricorn sun with strong stelliums in Capricorn, Pisces, Libra, and Sagittarius, I’ve been deeply resonating with your analysis.
    I’m reaching out because I’m at a crucial transition point. The Pluto in Capricorn themes you described manifested powerfully in my career, leading to a necessary job departure last year. Now, as Pluto prepares to permanently exit Capricorn, I’m particularly interested in your perspective on navigating this shift, especially with Pluto moving through my second house.
    Would you be willing to share some guidance on how to best work with this energy for career reinvention and financial stability? Your expertise would be invaluable in helping me understand this important transition.
    Thank you for your time and wisdom.”

    1. Thank you for logging in. You are a Sun Capricorn woman with a Capricorn stellium in your Tenth House of career, ambition, social status, rank, success, academia, unpaid vocation and peak achievement. You had to leave your job last year. The worst is over, which I am sure you know. You have factors at 6, 9, 20 Capricorn which Ceres needs to cross, so that you can come up with a different way to operate in your profession, chosen field or business. That’s your birth chart. In your solar chart, November-January is probably a new job, or jobs plural, if you are up for that. A stuck situation ends in January. The whole November-January period is about a different way to bank and budget. Going back to your natal chart, the sign-off from the same old game with the same old social climbers/takeover merchants is gone in two stages; 19th November or thereabouts, then finally from 7th December. They may be sacked, for example, or depart for other reasons. It happens. Pluto people have a reputation for trying to manipulate and fiddle, and hang on very tightly to their power. It comes to nothing when Pluto leaves Capricorn and your necessary job departure is probably a result of particular types of men, or women imitating a toxic kind of male behaviour. It’s going, going, gone.

  11. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for your insightful articles as always. I have had many deaths in my family since 2008 and gone through a couple horrific lawsuits regarding inheritance and property. Several lawyers, trustees and even family members have basically stolen from me and my sister. I am wondering how Pluto leaving Capricorn will affect my chart and if there will be any justice or recourse for me and my sister.

    Thank you!

    1. I am sorry you’ve been put through this. How awful for you and your sister. Something that happens on the Pluto changeover is Shakespearean in nature. People are hoist by their own petard. “Hoist with his own petard” is a phrase from Hamlet that has become proverbial. The phrase’s meaning is that a bomb-maker is blown (“hoist”, the past tense of “hoise”) off the ground by his own bomb (“petard”), and indicates an ironic reversal or poetic justice. So, that’s from Wikipedia. Your issues have been the Taurus and Scorpio patterns in your chart. They stem from the Eighth House of inheritance. You will be free of this in stages, firstly from mid 2025 and completely in 2026. Those responsible will indeed end up being hoist by their own petard. You have Gemini, Cancer and Leo patterns which suggests you will be moving on to quite different matters and happily so. You and your sister will go from strength to strength with Jupiter in Gemini and from mid 2025, it’s a completely different sibling relationship which sets you both free. The family expands in 2025-2026 and you will benefit enormously from the new arrivals (say, babies or an uncle’s new girlfriend) as well as far more options with your house, apartment, land, holiday home and so on. You then move to the next stage, which is the huge amount of fulfilment from babies, children, teenagers and younger people, with great improvements in intimate relationships too, so that’s Jupiter in Leo from 2026 into 2027. None of this has anything to do with money. But you cannot buy what is emotionally and spiritually enriching and it’s coming. The family problems you mention will be fixed when Jupiter goes into Cancer, mid 2025 to mid 2026. Take the solution when it is presented.

  12. Quite honestly, it’s scary…. as a Leo, Pluto is moving in my 7H for the next 20 years. He will transform everything, and my Taurus AC is reluctant to such things.
    At the same time it will cross my MC sooner or later. Jessica, do I need to be worried about my father? I read somewhere that the MC represents the father and with Pluto crossing this point, what if this means that my father dies? 🙁 It’s been a scary thought ever since the arrival of Pluto in Aquarius was approaching…

    1. Pluto transiting the solar Seventh House is as associated with power couples as it is with being power tripped by (say) boyfriends or (for example) their old wives or girlfriends. Astrology gives you a choice. So you choose what and whom you want to go with, basically. The transit of Pluto has to unfold; that is the rule of astrology. The trick is to spot manipulators and takeover merchants before they come in to land. In fact you may already have nipped something or someone in the bud last year or this year. The MC or Midheaven does not represent your father. Pluto does not uniformly show death.

  13. Hello Jessica,
    I’m quite new to this and struggling to get my head around how to understand my birth chart. I’m really hoping Pluto in Aquarius will improve things for me and my family as we’ve had a very rough time especially re: health (mental and physical) over the past 9 years – not me, my children and husband. I’ve tried to stay positive because we are lucky in so many other ways, but it’s been so very tough at times.
    Could Pluto in Aquarius affect anything to do with this because from what you’ve said it all seems to be connected to the workplace and as someone who is self employed and works alone I feel a bit like it’s not going to be very relevant to me? However, as I have stelliums in Aquarius does this mean I am affected after all?

    Thank you 🙂

    1. That’s okay, astrology is a big subject and it takes time to get to know your chart. You and your family have been through a lot of issues, so why is that? You have Scorpio factors at 7 through 28 degrees, is your answer. In fact you have a huge stellium in Scorpio in your Eighth House, which rules your joint bank account and any house or apartment, held with your husband. It is the part of the marriage vow that runs, ‘Until death do us part, for richer for poorer’. Uranus has been in opposition since 2018, moving from 7 degrees onwards. He goes in mid 2025. So does a long period of instability, an unpredictable situation with your finances and ‘the challenge to change’ just about every year. In fact from 2026 it’s a whole new world. This has not just been about numbers in accounts or budgets; it has reached into the marriage itself. So the biggest thing you will notice is that whatever has been such a zig-zag graph for you with each other, but also with your bank account, becomes a graph you can actually predict – starting next year. In fact, Jupiter in Cancer will form a series of trines to your Scorpio stellium from mid 2025 until mid 2026, which will help you to successfully reshape the marriage with one eye on the big ticket items; property, investments, insurance, superannuation/pension and so on.

  14. Good evening to you Jessica, I have Mars at 29 Capricorn and my son has his South Node at 29 Capricorn. Any words of wisdom? Life has been tricky for a long time and I am hoping that a corner can be turned. Thank you for your endless wisdom.

    1. You are 29 Capricorn people who will turn the corner. Thank you for your kind comment. The last gasp of Pluto at 29 Capricorn with the mop-up operation of Ceres at 29 Capricorn will really put 2024 into the past for you by New Year’s Eve. Your son is tied to you karmically and you knew each other in at least one past life.

  15. Dear Jessica,

    It has been a tough several years, with disappointments with work and some stressful legal issues.

    May I ask what you see in store for me now that Pluto is leaving Capricorn?

    Many thanks for your kind insights!

    1. You are a Sun Capricorn woman with a huge Capricorn stellium so have really been through this – to Pluto and back. You also have an Aries stellium so are a gladiator by nature; used to the arena and the contests (you versus lions or other gladiators) and actually born to be upfront, front and centre. With the North Node leaving Aries in January and Neptune, with Saturn, going into Aries (from May 2025) this is a role change. It’s rather like being an actor who always gets the gladiator parts in films, who is allowed to use her abilities in a different part. This may be professional or unpaid, Lou, but it will be part of life by 2026. You are also very likely to reimagine your appearance and invent a new look.

  16. Good Day Jessica,
    Since 2008 I have worked hard in a chosen career, yet always seemed to be at mercy of the whims of ambitious men ( and the women who act like them). Within my group, always tried to shield the worst of the impacts to my team members, and speak truth to power, but rarely felt my words/actions had impact. Really hoping Pluto in Aquarius will make voices like mine become amplified, vs stifled. Do you see positive opportunities for me in work and home? Would really love to retire soon and volunteer in my community and help my children. Thank you for all the information you give us all.

    1. Pluto has no doubt empowered you, made you pretty strong and rather influential. It may not be until 2025 that you realise exactly what has happened to you, professionally, over the years. I’ll bet you had more impact than you have been allowed to see. Plutocrats (usually men) whose fragile masculinity is threatened by female might, do all they can to render you invisible, or minimise you. Don’t be fooled. You will discover the truth, likely in December and January. You want to retire and volunteer and put energy into your children. The second half of 2025 and first half of 2026 looks delightful as Jupiter with all his solutions, opportunities, growth, hope, improvement and expansion moves into Cancer and your Fourth House, which rules the family, but also your house or apartment, the garden, your town and country. Whole new world. You are strongly Cancerian and will really feel it.

  17. Hi Jessica, I have Pluto in Libra. What does it mean for me? I hope Pluto in Aquarius will bring me some financial security. Thank you.

    1. To be born with Pluto in Libra, is to be frequently obsessive about love, sex, partnership, engagement and marriage. Also divorce and separation, it has to be said. You find your control and your power (or lack of it) through your other half, or the other side. You are in a stuck karmic cycle with a partner (of any sort, could be professional or platonic) which ends in January as the South Node also goes out of Libra. The cycling or wheeling around stops. Money isn’t Aquarius. Money is Taurus and Scorpio. With factors at 7 through 28 of both signs, you have been hit with Uranus in Taurus since 2018 which is famously unpredictable, erratic and unstable. So no wonder you want security. It comes once Uranus pushes off from mid 2025 and life will seem predictable again from 2026.

  18. Hi Jessica,
    I have quite a few Aquarius stelliums too so was wondering what the next 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius will be like for me. Will it affect my career in any way?

    1. If your career involves a group, club, team, society, band, union or other community of diverse people, then Pluto will change your life. If you have an Aquarius stellium, then real power is about to enter your life. Power is often financial on this cycle, but is also tied to fame, influence and connections.

  19. Thank you for this. I love Caroline Casey’s Pluto chapter. It’s my fave in the book. Her rituals work. I’ve used it many times since 2011, which is when I first read her book. This Pluto cycle has been insane. I was saddled with a disturbing secret (my father was accused of sexual abuse of a child) and I was torn up because I felt he might very well be guilty (based on my gut instinct, intuitive messages and actual memories). It took a long time to come to terms with my real feelings, and when I finally did and spoke about this with others, I learned of more allegations. It’s a story that’s in development still. Then due to unavoidable and unfortunate circumstances, I wound up having to spend too much time with another Pluto type. I’ve stood up to him but he’s got no conscience. So whatever happens, he finds a way to get his way. It’s slightly better that I stay away but there’s darkness there I am certain will be revealed at some point. To say Pluto empowered me would def be an understatement! Oh and not to mention the health scare I’m having right now with Pluto opposite Apollo. I appreciate the Ceres factor. I would not have linked that in. Curious to see how this all develops. Thanks for all you do, Jessica.

    1. Thank you for confirming the Caroline W. Casey ritual worked repeatedly for you. The Pluto transit has shown up for you with your father. I am so very sorry you have been through it. You have met Pluto again through another man. You have a stellium in Cancer (the family) in the Fourth House of relatives and of course Pluto was in opposition to that, for many years. This sometimes shows up as a transformation of your apartment, house, town and country as well; so emotionally you can feel overtaken or surrounded, but also with (say) the property developer up the road, or the government in your nation, or the state of the ceiling. In any case, this transit is nearly over. Ceres will have helped, but as December gets going, it’s time for the past to become the past.

  20. I’ve been Plutoed from 2008 until just recently and have found guidance through the whole era through your website and articles, Jessica. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you have been Plutoed for such a long time. I also hope it made you stronger and more potent; I am sure it has.

  21. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for the fascinating article. I have Capricorn, Scorpio and Aquarius stellium, with Minerva at 29 degrees Capricorn and the last 6 months for my career were exactly and still persists as you described, very intense for me, full of people with power, especially men, jobs departures, managers with full control, top management departures, etc. I probably still have to wait until 7th December for a sign-off and hope that in January I can find another project and move to a better place. Thank you so much and wish you all the best!

    1. I think we need a support group of people who have been Plutoed. Minerva at 29 Capricorn in your chart has been dealing with Pluto at 29 Capricorn and he’s about to push off. You will always be a font of wisdom in your professional, field or business, though. That never changes. Have a look at Minerva in art and sculpture; that is a part of you which operates best in your career, academic career or unpaid vocation. You are the woman whom others go to for answers and advice. Minerva is possessed of a very particular kind of feminine wisdom which saw her beating Neptune in a battle of wits. Yes, you need Ceres to go to 29 Capricorn and then you have the sign-off from this period. It wouldn’t be a huge surprise if there was more musical chairs in your work place or wider field. Uranus at 29 Taurus trine Minerva towards the middle of next year suggests a liberating few weeks when a sudden electrical storm comes out of the blue and works well with your role as wise woman. It may appear as a person, organisation or event which is wholly unexpected but sets you free.

  22. I really appreciate your site. Its has been very helpful to me. I wish I understood astrology better. I also wish I could find my birth time…

    I am a Capricorn, but always felt more like an Aquarius.

    I feel as though I’ve always had toxic (dark triad) people in my life, whether it be managers (female), relationships with men, and/or the family/people surrounding these men.

    I am now the manager after the first retired and the second was fired recently. The only reason I accepted the position was to avoid having to work under another toxic person and because I care about the firm I’ve works for for 25 years, but more importantly, because I care about my colleagues. I worry that I am in over my head, as I am basically doing the job of two people. We can’t hire right now, but I hoping this will change next year. Otherwise, I fear I must consider another job due to exhaustion and stress.

    My current partner of five years is a functioning alcoholic narcissist (Pluto in Capricorn?) with a dark triad ex-wife. I have been raising his wonderful son. He’s off to Uni next summer and I’m considering moving on from his father. Especially since he is not interested in dealing with his own issues let alone working on our relationship. I am also tired of his and his ex-wife’s games that indirectly and directly impact my life and stress levels.

    Will Pluto in Aquarius assist positively with my career and relationship?

    I have colleagues with green cards that I am really concerned about. Will they be deported?

    Will I get through to my partner who says he doesn’t want me to leave, but whose actions say otherwise? I guess he’s more of a dark triad as well..

    Thank you for reading.

    1. Amy you must be carrying a lot on your shoulders with that classic Pluto in Capricorn scenario at work – but you also have a really difficult partnership with an ex-wife hanging around. I had to look up Dark Triad. So, The dark triad includes malevolent personality traits: Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy. ‘Cor blimey vicar’ as they say. It certainly sounds like the Pluto archetype. Machiavelli stated that The Prince was above and outside morality and could use religion to realize his ends. This sounds extraordinary like Donald, who is above the law in 2024 and is chatting about God a lot. If you have any of these extremely difficult Pluto traits in your partner, employers and the ex-wife, you must be completely over the transit. So what is going on? Well, a huge stellium in Capricorn in your Tenth House, for a start. So Pluto has been in residence 2008-2024 and now you are at the end. Capricorn is about career, but also social status and rank, bestowed by marriage or partnership. So this is the success story in the ‘good’ relationship. Good in this sense being, high up the social scale. It is very common to come up the mountain, become elevated in the system and ascend the social strata on Pluto in Capricorn in the Tenth House, then question why you started in the first place. You look at the mountain (say, Everest) and wonder if you still want to be there. As Pluto and then Ceres go to the very end of 29 Capricorn and leave, you clearly have decisions t omake. These will cluster around the New Moon in Capricorn at the end of December 2024 and more choices, less life-changing, roll in January 2025. You are a Capricorn with an Aries and Aquarius stellium so are in fact well overdue for a reboot. January seems important for your job; the choices you make or which are made around you in your work place but also wider industry or profession, get you off a stuck revolving door. Your lifestyle and workload options are terrific until mid 2025. After that you may be up for the most radical changes in many years; revolutionary in fact, and these would be ongoing past 2030. You often end up doing the last thing you or anybody else expected on this transit. It is liberating and exhilarating. Quite different. The Aries-Aquarius combination suggests a leading role with a group, club, society, association, band, team, union or similar for years into the future. This may be paid or unpaid. You would be in the front line, front and centre and your name and face would be very much identified with this powerful community of people. You will fix the issues with your partner from mid 2025 to mid 2026 as well as the baggage, or actually be out of that situation and be looking at an opportunity to be with somebody else, as Jupiter goes through your solar Seventh House. Again, mid 2025 sees Uranus go out of your solar Fifth House (the son) so for whatever reason, it’s a watershed.

  23. Hi Jessica
    Very interesting article thank you!
    I have had a terrible time with Pluto in Capricorn in my second house. I have lost my businesses twice along with my house my car and everything I owned. This happened not once but twice and was absolutely awful. I’m now longing for stability in finances and business. I have started another business. Can you see anything in my chart that can give me peace of mind that this is going to happen once Pluto is moved to Aquarius? Thank you

    1. You are a Sun Leo woman with a stellium in Scorpio at 0-21 degrees in the Eighth House of banking, business, property, joint finances and shared resources. So along comes Uranus at 0-21 Taurus for the first time in your life, in opposition, and you lost your businesses, house, car and possessions. I am very sorry about this awful episode in your life. Uranus oppositions are ‘the challenge to change’ which is putting it mildly. Jupiter (opportunities, expansion, solutions) goes into Cancer in your chart into the property, house, apartment, land, real estate and residential sector, in mid 2025. This is great for you as it will trine your Scorpio stellium into mid 2026. There are big answers here. Uranus is also out of Taurus from mid 2025. So this looks like a turning point. Do use your Tarot to personalise this reading. Developing a steady relationship with Tarot, The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle on this site will also give you a stronger sixth sense and that’s invaluable in business.

  24. Hi Jessica, thank you for this article. Looking at my chart, you have answered many of my questions which has inevitably come true. As someone else posted here, Pluto in Cap has been a double edged sword ~ a combo of ups and downs and when we face trials and tribulations with the tenacity and perseverance addressing change with change, the period of 2008 to 2024 has been a huge mix of high success and some solemn and hurtful experiences with men in power. Patience is a virtue and it has yet shown up again that biding your time will eventually reflect the truth. I am a Cap with 29 at South Node and a stellium in Cap, Aquarius, Sag, Scorpio and Pisces. I don’t want to be eclipsed out again by powerful men for doing meaningful work and contributing to the success of the org over powertrips. I am at a phase where I can phase in my career end of 2025/mid 2026, take a break and go into consulting again and focus on fam, health and my personal aspirations which earning living. How does Pluto in Aquarius help here? Thank you!

    1. Yes, Pluto is a double-edged sword. It sounds as if you have earned a new lifestyle. You have that Capricorn and Virgo combination which shows both the trials and tribulations with Plutocrats (men in powerful positions) and the next stage, which is a completely different daily routine – which suits fewer hours. This starts to show up after 7th December, looks real by 30th December and with Uranus going to 29 Taurus, trine your 29 Capricorn node, will be liberating, exhilarating and quite revolutionary in 2025, 2026.

  25. oh, God. there’s not going to be another pandemic or horrible event like nuclear war or civil war or famine? covid completely destroyed my life due to my lupus and emphysema, and maybe I “gave in” to pluto by masking and getting 3 jabs. I hope through prayer and manifesting I can make it so no more terrible things happen and reverse whatever I manifested by “giving in” to covid. in my defense I watched it kill my uncle, cripple my aunt, and give my sister a cardiac arrest and arterial dissection in her brainstem that permanently disabled her.

    I just want to live work and write and maybe get to see people I miss one last time

    1. Not sure why you are seeing such a bleak future here. I am sorry Covid had such a devastating impact on your people. It killed the father of my godson in New York at the very start. I’ve seen it go on in my world too. So we are on the same page. Writing in general is favoured by Jupiter in Gemini now until mid 2025, then Uranus in Gemini from mid 2025 past 2030. The new technology will be incredible in expanding the mediums for writers.

  26. Dear Jessica,
    Thanks again for a wonderful article which resonated so much with what happened to me this last 16 years.

    Beginning with my career, in particular the years 2018-2022, were full of pain for me because of men, colleagues and superiors who constantly undermined, ignored and belittled me.
    I had to be strong, not loose my cool, but it has been extremely painful and I got anxiety attacks.
    Even my private life became non existent from late 2008-until now, or I met frequently men who were not available or left very soon, or felt intimidated from me somehow.

    Anyway, I hope Pluto in Aquarius will be a better period for me. Can you please indicate what it will mean for me?

    Thank you.

    1. I am sorry you ended up with anxiety attacks after the Plutocrats temporarily took over, Juno. You’ve not logged in though, so I can’t see your chart to chat about future trends. Men do feel threatened by powerful women on this cycle; it goes against everything they know. However we also find that classic story of women becoming stronger on it, so it is that strength that ultimately puts them up where they belong. Pluto in Aquarius over 20 years will be better for everybody.

  27. Thank you for a very interesting article. I thought I was alone but see that many other (women) have also had several horrendus years.

    I have written about my stalking/digital identity theft issues before, or perhaps hinted at them, anyway, where whatever I write/wrote is stolen and repurposed. I will live forever on the Internet and in false stories against my will.

    I have been belittled, ignored and rejected by (dark triad) men (and women) for years, (divorced 2006, so in my marriage and especially afterwards, but it went up 100 notches in 2008) and experienced several years of off and on redundancy, which forced me to reinvent myself from an MBA to a teacher, studying full time while also working full time, but ultimately, I was sacked at age 64 and was forced into retirement.

    Also failed miserably at businesses, probably due to bring overburdened with everything else (also have four kids).

    Have also experienced the complete loss of my social life and became socially isolated, due to the false rumors.

    I’m mainly writing about the suggested method.

    Several years ago, I learned how to create a bridge of light and to meet people on the bridge to work out our issues. So, since March this year, I’ve been trying to talk with the digital stalkers, but I feel that I have failed in getting them to understand the harm they have caused me. At first, I thought it was a form of telepathy but soon understood that it was a spirit guide as the mediary. Unfortunately, their sprit guides were not always of a higher vibe. Lesson learned… One of the individuals is represented by one of the lesser known asteriods, located at 29 CAP in my chart (not one of the asteroids you use – it’s more like me using asteroid Angel to represent me because my nickname is Angel).

    I also have a CAP stellium, but only of asteriods.

    I wonder what can be expected when this person in particular goes into my 11th house. More of the same false stories/been used as a pawn but rejected? Or is this bullcrap going to finally stop?

    1. I am very sorry you had a stalker. This is one of the guises Pluto can wear. He is an archetype of male obsession. Thank you so much for passing on your method of dealing with this. The bridge of light technique is not one I know, but it sounds as if you have been taught this, by a medium, or perhaps picked it up through books or websites concerned with the spirit world. I don’t use any asteroids that are not in the original Roman family tree of planets, I’m afraid. I hope you find release and relief from what sounds like a really tough time.

  28. Excellent reading, as always, Jessica!
    I am very happy to say goodbye to Pluto in Cap. Whatta mess we’ve had, especially women dealing with the patriarchy.
    Based on my Natal chart – Pluto wrecked havoc in my 6th House (two near fatal events, and one extensive leg break, and all the recovery that entails) and/or my Natural Chart in my 10th House, where I have done well, but I am exhausted. Time for a change! And I am hoping that Aquarius brings a bit of lightness, thinking and doing outside the “normal box”, taking a leap of faith and finding out, that’s the leap I needed to take!
    Love checking out your thoughts on things, and inspiring me to look a bit deeper into my chart and where I am headed!

    1. Thanks so much. You have an Aquarius stellium in the Eleventh House, in the Natural House System. So you are here to supply the group. This becomes central, now until February 2025, as you realise how powerful a circle of friends and allies can be. Perhaps you already know about this, or it is just starting to become obvious to you. Pluto will enter your Eleventh House for 20 years, within just a few hours. This is rather like having a house guest who is intense, controlling, dominating – and yet who offers to empower those who did not have that control, before. He is also here to bring about total transformation partly through power and control issues. So your Aquarian side is about to really come to the fore. The book Modern Astrology 2050 is free to download here this month. Have a look at your Aquarius stellium if you’ve not done so.

  29. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for this article. It’s such a relief to see Pluto leave Capricorn. It was really intense.
    I almost died from cancer while dealing with sibling rivalry (Capricorn sister) and just got estranged from family.
    It’s been 16 years of hard work, service….I’m welcoming Pluto in Aquarius with excitement and a bit of anxiety…I’m a Leo and
    the opposition makes me nervous but, as usual…I’ll be fine 🙂 Your support has been VERY helpful during that transit and I want to send you love and gratitude for that.

    1. You are a Sun Leo woman with a Scorpio stellium and actually, your issue was Uranus in Taurus. You have been through a series of oppositions from transiting Uranus to your natal Scorpio factors in the Eighth House of family finance and property. So Pluto was there when you had cancer (and triumphed to become stronger; Pluto was in your solar Sixth House of health). However, the larger issues have been entirely down to Uranus in opposition. That ends next year. From 2026 it is a rapidly vanishing memory. You will enjoy the trine from Jupiter in Cancer mid 2025 to mid 2026, helping your Scorpio Eighth House stellium along. That is a rare opportunity to expand what you own or earn, or increase what you have and hold – be it money, a house, an apartment, art, jewellery and so on. This shows up in your Leo chart as well, so it works on both levels. 2025 is a vast improvement. Thank you for your kind comments.

  30. Hi Jessica,

    This is all very interesting and I appreciate you for sharing so much information. The part about a power play at work really resonates for me. I experienced this over and over during this time period. Having a job taken away that I loved and was good at and basically having to start over in a much lower paying job and the supervisor was a piece of work. Then getting the highest paying job of my career and a position I was good at and had a lot of expertise in only to have a change in leadership and the 2 people who came after were determined to get rid of me because they were extremely insecure and did not have similar expertise. So, I fought and fought for years until I could not take the daily harassment any longer. I left and took a huge pay cut, which has been extremely difficult. And…I went to work for a university where I get to help students.

    Could you tell me what this shift in planets may mean to me in terms of money, career, staying where I am (if I will ever get paid what I should there)? Even though I love my job things have been very hard and stressful financially.

    Any insight/advice will be appreciated.


    1. Thank you Kara. I am sorry you were Plutoed like this. Unfortunately Pluto people can drive us out of our careers, or see us ending our contracts. As you say, insecure people who feel threatened were part of the problem. I think this may have been Saturn in Capricorn as well as Pluto, actually. You had that transit too. Saturn types are quite frightened by nature. Anyway, enough of the past. You are a Sun Taurus woman with a Gemini stellium who will completely transform her career over some 20 years, starting with a huge first step, between now and February 2025. Your ultimate path will be digital, in the media, in publishing and/or the communications side of academia and education. You were born for the late Twenties and will come into your own. Saving or making money will be easier between now and mid 2025, so take the opportunities. From mid 2025 quite sudden, wholly unexpected and quite liberating events will offer you a chance to be heard and read, using everything you have learned since you were small, about connecting with others. This goes on for many years. You were born for this, as Chani Nicholas says.

  31. Hi Jessica

    Thanks for the great article !!
    I have Stellium in Capricorn and for the last 10 years I have been in and out of my job
    Can you please look into my chart and share your thoughts on how it will impact my job and family.


    1. You have the South Node in Virgo in the Sixth House and a huge stellium in Capricorn. Pick up Modern Astrology 2050, which is free this month, and look at your past life in the army, navy, air force and/or domestic service. This has had a huge bearing on your job situation in the last few years. Within hours, and then again near 7th December, you will see a dramatic shift in the way the controls are used in your chosen work space, field, business or industry. It will never again be quite so intense.

  32. Always interesting reading! I am a Gemini with no planets in Capricorn but stelliums in Aries & Gemini. 4 weeks ago, out of the blue my job has been made redundant. Everyone around me is shattered and I finish tomorrow but I am seeing it as a wonderful opportunity to finish writing a book and start the next chapter, I’ve been accepted into an artist residency (which I applied for on a whim, not expecting a yes). It’s like the planets are aligning in the best way to propel me forward! So Thankyou Jessica for all your insights and knowledge

    1. Congratulations on your new artist’s residency. You have been up-ended into a completely different life, so redundancy is not the issue everybody else assumes. You are a Sun Gemini with a huge stellium in Gemini and are gaining from Jupiter in Gemini until mid 2025. It is of course the sign of the writer and broadcaster, but also communication through other mediums. Uranus in Gemini from mid 2025 will suddenly liberate you, out of the blue, for many years into the future and the digital world will probably play its part.

  33. Pluto has been transiting my 6th house during its passing thru Capricorn. Given its long walk since 2008, I must say I may have become used to it. I did have some wonderful years 12 to roughly 6 years ago and I think they had something to do with several conjunctions in my 6th and a very enlightening trine with Mercury in my 10th. However, when Pluto first entered Aquarius last year, I noticed a shift in the way my work was starting to change for me. From March to June I was in a job that required me always being on the road, which I loved. Then in July I changed to a different job, which required me to be in a chair, in front of a computer, all day long. Besides, there was a co-worker who thought about himself as a boss who really made my life miserable, until I quit in the last weeks of January 2024. Then, I remained happily unemployed, painting!-something that resonated with what you said about Ceres also in Capricorn. But then between April and May I found my current job, that it’s exactly the kind of job I was hoping for in terms of flexibility and time management. Even though from some time in August to last week I was required to be in presence at a project, today I was told I was probably going to be, at least once a week, on the road again! I know those first degrees of Aquarius in my natal chart are still in my 6th house, so I’m expecting something else in terms of one-on-one relationships and partnerships when Pluto crosses into my 7th House…

    1. The co-worker who thought he was your boss, sounds like Pluto in Capricorn. You had to quit in January this year. You have a stellium in Capricorn so live in your Tenth House much of the time, and have done since childhood. So aiming for the top – status, success, elite privileges at the peak, the highest marks, the most elevated roles – is pretty normal. Or it was, until Pluto began the transit of Capricorn when you have seen one transformation after another. This ends in two stages, within hours as you read this and then on 7th December with a sign-off compromise with others, an organisation, or even with your entire field or industry. You will also notice a genuinely ‘new year, new start’ atmosphere on the New Moon in Capricorn just after Boxing Day. Your past lives involved service, duty, perhaps the armed forces, being working class, possibly as a maid or manservant. Are you aware of that? Have a look at Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to download this month and look at your Virgo-Pisces nodal axis.

  34. Hello Jessica, I’m cancer sun with stelliums in Virgo, Libra, Gemini and Taurus. Pluto in 7th house since 2008 has been really tough, going through two very difficult marriages and messy divorces, experiencing challenges with bosses (male and female), not getting opportunities in companies despite lots of hard work and dedication. But I have grown and learnt so much from it all. I feel relief Pluto is now moving into a new house, although a little worried about the potential challenges in 8th house. Really hoping there’s some easier, happier times ahead. I’d really like to make a positive difference while on this earth, and hoping I can fulfil my dreams and ambitions in the years ahead. Can you offer any insights based on my chart? Thank you so much for sharing your gift and super interesting articles, as always.

    1. Cancerian women have had a very long Pluto transit in the solar Seventh House of duets and duels, and not only that, you also had Saturn there for a good couple of years too. You also had Pluto making a T-Square to your Libra factors (duets and duels) in your natal chart, and also your Aries factors (name, reputation, profile, image) too. So you have been squeezed. I am glad you realise you have been made stronger and in fact are probably quite formidable these days. I don’t know if you realise that. Pluto going into your solar Eighth House of finance and property will show up as big decisions, November-February and I think December will be important in terms of your former husbands, perhaps, or with the family. There may be other complicated ties there, which have an impact on your bank account. The key is to choose who and what empowers you, which I am sure you know. You have a Gemini stellium and your life should and will be about the internet, the media, education, academia, publishing – take your pick – from this point on. You were born to connect and communicate but the transits have never elevated this as strongly as they do now, into 2025 and actually past 2030. Thank you for your kind comment.

  35. Dear Jessica Adams,
    Thank you for writting such a insightful article on the transit of Pluto through Capricorn. I was just curious to ask what I am to expect in this change from Capricorn to Aquarius. For recently I have been feeling I am being more dominated by people around me. Things have been feeling quite restrictive recently and I am unsure for how best to manage life at the moment. May I ask for what the stars are to be saying. During the Pluto in Capricorn era I felt deeply connected to astrology and even contemplating becoming a professional in this field yet I have recently lost faith in myself to believe this is the right path for me as I have lost a sense of direction. Does anything show family in the charts at all? I lost my dad in 2020 and things have been challenging since. Sorry to reach out to you but any information of support or guidance would be much appreciated. Take care, kindest regards, Bea x

    1. Bea, I am sorry you lost your father in 2020 and understand that dealing with the loss is ongoing. You have five factors in Gemini in your Third House, and this should be your focus, as Jupiter transits Gemini and your Third House and you have until mid 2025 to take full advantage of quite rare opportunities to expand your life online, with the media, within education (particularly as a writer or broadcaster) and even with the simple business of being heard and read in a circle of people now around you; a book group for example. From mid 2025 Uranus enters Gemini and you will have many years of quite sudden, liberating and exhilarating changes which make a tremendous difference to your life online in particular; or you may shun the internet in favour of other ways of getting through to people. So if you feel without a direction, turn your attention to your Gemini side. The book Modern Astrology 2050 is free to download this month and has a long section on this stellium in your chart. It goes into more detail about the impact of siblings and cousins on you (even if a sibling or cousin was miscarried before you arrived) and certainly any ongoing influence from a brother, sister or cousin who is here now. That is very much part of the story, Bea.

  36. Hi Jessica,
    I am Sun Scorpio, Pisces rising, Moon Libra with stelliums in Scorpio (Mars, Venus, Sun) and Libra (Pluto, Uranus, moon, mercury). Jupiter in Pisces and Saturn in Cancer.
    Been in constant change on professional/finances front from 2008 with ups and downs, dependencies, power struggles, trickery, unexpected events, bad judgment and stuck finances. I largely quit the corporate world last year and am working on recovering the stuck finances and secure financial freedom to live life with different rhythm (out of rat-race, seeking, conquest, etc). Been a struggle still and am curious as to what’s in store in coming months/year.
    On personal front, went through a complete upending of life trajectory with rough/shock events from 2017 onwards, which all are now showing signs of leading to a better beautiful outcome in a peaceful life in harmony with loved ones. Equations are changing, worries lessening, and joy is returning. Does this jive with what you see in my planetary positioning and upcoming transits?

    1. Thank you. The Scorpio stellium and your Sun in Scorpio are the main stories here, not because of Pluto, but because of Uranus. Uranus in Taurus has been in opposition to Scorpio placements in your birth chart since 2018 and remains until mid 2025, with a final sign off by 2026. So your finances, house, apartment, business interests, valuables, insurance, superannuation/pension, the contents of your will and so on, have been subject to the most unpredictable and sudden changes for many years. Without a chart I cannot see what degree your placements are; should they be in the late twenties, then you are still going through this, yet 2025 brings a sign off at 29 Taurus, against 29 Scorpio. Shock is very common on Uranus oppositions and I daresay Covid-19 arriving in 2020 was enough of a shock to qualify. In any case, you are now in a position to take opportunities to make so much more of your money, either saving it, or making it, into mid 2025, as Jupiter in Gemini is passing through your solar Eighth House of joint finance and shared property. Tremendous solutions there.

  37. hey Jessica, I have pluto in virgo 7th house. partner has pluto in virgo in 5th house. resding previoys letters on yiur forum i’ve been plutoed since 2015! lost nothing parents, to covid, ostracised, moved houses. I’m trying to keep my head above water. what more can I do or can’t do? Ty gmatta

    1. I am sorry you have been Plutoed. You were born with Pluto in Virgo, which is in your Sixth House using the Natural House System. Even without a birth chart here, it is possible to let you know that you are, by nature, drawn to quite tight control of your daily routine, lifestyle, health, wellbeing, workload, unpaid work, housework, medical care, voluntary work and study. You find your power when you use yuor willpower and harness your self-discipline to a detailed, quite methodical way of going about your daily tasks. Covid would have hit you like a brick and this is ongoing as of course even if you are well, you still have to live with a circulating pandemic. Moving house is also part of the challenge because it entails a completely new lifestyle. Much of this is down to the transits in recent years. It is very likely you have had transiting Neptune in opposition to natal Pluto, and perhaps transiting Saturn (or it may be in opposition now). Uranus has been trine natal Pluto or will trine it next year. Depending on the degree of your Pluto, if at 28, 29 Virgo, then transiting Pluto may have been trine in the last year or two. So one way or another you are being asked to transform how you eat, what you eat, how you exercise, how you work – the lot. And that’s possibly been the case in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 as well. The intensity of this cycle ends in 2025 when the transits move off natal Pluto.

  38. I am a Capricorn sun and Capricorn rising and I have wanted to quit my job so many times since starting in June (in fact I did resign but was convinced to stay, that they would make changes to make it better) but everything has been a struggle and conflict. Yesterday (the 18th) my throat began to ache, today I cried at work from the frustration of carrying the weight and doing the work of four people so we’ll see how tomorrow goes…if I can actually drag myself to work. When will it end, I can’t wait. Capricorn’s have been through a lot and I’ve been constantly striving, although 2008 was actually a great year and positive turning point for me but there have been up’s and down’s ever since.

    1. Capricorn is the mountain goat who starts at the bottom and climbs her way to the top, slowly and cautiously, trying not to put a foot wrong. You have five factors in Capricorn in the Tenth House, at the peak of your chart, so have lived with the realities of your ambition for many years, right through the Saturn in Capricorn cycle (very tough) and now, towards the end of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle, when power and control have dominated every step. I am sorry you are now physically affected by doing the work of four people. This transit ends in two stages; within hours (as you read this) then with Ceres’ last stand in Capricorn, until 7th December 2024. Virgo is the sign that rules workload, service and duty and you have Pluto at 29 Virgo, so you are going through transiting Pluto trine natal Pluto (Pluto is currently at 29 Capricorn). No wonder your throat aches and you have been in tears. Virgo rules the Sixth House of health, wellbeing, mental health and fitness – in the context of the job, the unpaid work or study. You will be empowered when you make the change that is coming and this will either be right now, or when Ceres goes to 29 Capricorn (transiting Ceres trine natal Pluto) when I would expect there to be a deal on the table with your job, or a deal with the world in general, without the job. It will never be this intense again.

  39. Hi, Jessica. Thank you. I am quite new to astrology and I am still working on the basics to the extent that I have time. I don’t have capricorn in my sun or moon sign or my stelliums or anywhere in my birth chart, but I have certainly been feeling blocked for quite some time now professionally. Do you see any of the transits making a change in my trajectory?

    1. You have Aesculapia at 24 Capricorn in an exact conjunction with Diana at 24 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career, and Pluto has been at 24 Capricorn long enough to block you. Ceres has to pass 24 Capricorn and then that’s your second test, finished with. It should be obvious to you as early as 7th December that 2025 is going to be very different; this may be because of the capitulation of someone who previously tried to thwart you, or he/she/they may resign; be sacked; depart for other reasons. You can also see the restructuring of the profession in your favour, for example.

  40. Hi Jessica, I have Pluto close to my ascendant, and have lived my whole life being opposed for no reason, power struggles initiated by most despite my mild unassuming manner. How do you see this move of Pluto affecting my life? I am also concerned about my special needs Leo son, with sun, Jupiter and Venus in Leo and moon at 1 Aquarius. He seems disturbed and distracted lately, and I could think of Pluto conjunct his moon and opposing Leo placements.

    1. The Ascendant is far less important than people think. Power struggles would be something else, quite apart from the Ascendant, even if Pluto is involved. It’s just your face, name and size. (The Ascendant is fixed at birth, when the cord is cut, and so it’s the general impression of you; first thoughts about how you look). Your Cancer stellium with Saturn and Mars in the Fourth House of family, household, house and apartment is the story here. You went through a chain of Pluto oppositions to this since he entered Capricorn in 2008. The worst is over. Your son is obviously indicated in the Cancer stellium. You will be pleased to know Jupiter goes into Cancer, mid 2025 to mid 2026 and opportunities, long overdue, for improvement, solutions, growth and expansion will appear. You could easily renovate or repair your home very successfully, or move somewhere bigger and better. There will be sweeping answers for your son, ongoing. Jupiter goes through Leo the following year, mid 2026 to mid 2027 so again, your son is a happy focus and in fact he will have his Jupiter Return then. He is special needs, which I understand, but he could easily find a very special companion then.

  41. Hi Jessica. I very much appreciate your expertise and time. Reading this article was an eye opener for me as I went back to 2008.

    In July 2007 I married for the second time. April 22, 2010 my last child was born. November 2011 I had a stroke and was diagnosed with lupus. In 2014 degenerative arthritis started and I’m still living with it and have much damage that will require surgeries. In 2017 I left my job of 16 years because of disability. In June of 2018i found out my husband had been having an affair with someone at work. She was much younger, mentally ill, stalked me, and was into dark arts with the help of an older family member. She and my husband both lost their jobs. It was a terribly painful, disturbing and dark time. The marriage had not ended, for several reasons . Yet. But it will.

    You are right, we need a support group!!

    Thank you!


    1. Pluto leaves Capricorn in an hour or two. This is a good time to find a prayer, ceremony or ritual that appeals to your beliefs and to bid this transit farewell.

  42. Hi Jessica, thank you for this interesting article. When Pluto now moves to 0 Aquarius it will semi-sextile my Aesculapia at 0 Capricorn, trine my Sun at 1 Gemini and oppose my Vesta at 0 Leo. How will this be impacting me in 2025. Thank you so much!

    1. Pluto shows up as powerful people and organisations which are potent, influential, rather controlling, somewhat dominating and here to change you (and everybody else). You may know such types personally or they may never meet you at all, but exist online or at a distance. The trine to your Sun in Gemini is very important as later on Uranus goes to 1 Gemini from mid 2025. This is about the media, internet, publishing, communication, education or other connection hubs. Your life will in fact transform if you go with what is on offer into 2025. And you will know what it feels like to have proper clout.

  43. Hi Jessica,
    I’m sun Aries with stellium in Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius. My career is in the pharmaceutical industry. I’ve been made redundant in June, have applied for countless of jobs (some for 50% paycut) and still have no joy with getting a new job. Please could you kindly take a look at my chart and see if there’s a light on the horizon soon.
    Thank you.

    1. I am sorry you lost your job. You are being Plutoed, of course. There will be compromises and deals with yourself and other people until around 7th December. So take on board who and what is on offer, even if it is going to represent a trade-off or carve-up in terms of your profession, unpaid work or study. This does get better and feel less intense and relentless from 7th December as Ceres changes signs. Then, around the 30th of December the New Moon suggests a new beginning for you in 2025. You have a large Gemini stellium (media, internet, digital, travel, transport, communication hubs) and Jupiter is going through Gemini, very luckily for you, until mid 2025. So there are solutions there. There are opportunities. Take a deep breath and divide a sheet of paper in two columns. One is what you can offer and it may not even be the stuff of your C.V. at all. The other is what you need. Private stuff. Read it aloud to the mirror or light a candle and ask your spirit guides and helpers to point you in the right direction. Write/state a time-frame. Then follow what comes. This can and does get better and in fact your Gemini side is ready and waiting. Have a look at this part of yourself in Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to download from here this month.

  44. I’ve been so bogged down by my poor mental health from work related bullying and harassment a few years ago and my treatment that I didn’t notice that I was dragging myself through some great projects at work this year. I’ve just had the best end of year performance review OF MY LIFE despite still not feeling back to my old self quite yet. Looking through my chart I see my Mars in Taurus at 29 will have been trine to Pluto as it exits Capricorn. I remember a year ago you said things would improve near the end of this cycle and I have held onto that hope and wondered what miracle would happen to turn things around but you were so right! Although one aspect I’m still heart broken and at a loss from having to leave my sport that I loved a few months due to injury and no longer feeling comfortable, and haven’t found something to replace it or somewhere to train with the same sense of community so am hoping that Ceres and Pluto in Aquarius will give me a helping hand with that going forward. I say this all the time but your work gives me so much clarity and hope. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for confirming the psychic astrology. I am glad things turned around for you. With your Gemini, Cancer, Leo patterns you are on a Jupiter roll now. Until mid 2025, you gain from the internet and/or media with new solutions and opportunities. From mid 2025 to mid 2026 you will buy your dream home; do very well from real estate; renovate successfully. From mid 2026 to mid 2027 there is huge expansion and improvement with the world of children, teenagers, young adults as well as in the bedroom.

  45. HI Jessica. Thank you for another interesting article. I’m glad to see the last of Pluto in Capricorn, it’s been two steps forward, one step back mostly. Instability with money and career, and a very rocky time in periods. I’m choosing to be optimistic about Pluto in Aquarius, even if my industry, publishing, seems to be on shaky grounds at the moment. I have a book coming out Dec 5th, and hopefully that will do well. Publisher is a dream to work with. I have a new project with another publisher that, if it’s approved, will be with me for at least the next three years. Stable income which is nice. Some delivery results right there!
    I have Ops in Taurus at 00, Psyche at 00 Libra, and also Mercury 01 Libra and Uranus 01 Virgo. From my chart, I can see that I have quite a number of planets in the early degrees of other signs, in the next few years. I’m guessing this means that Pluto from now on will be quite prominent. I would really appreciate any input you can see from this. Thank you!

    1. You have the Pluto 0-1 Aquarius transits to pick up on your finances, partnerships and work. Powerful people and organisations, incoming. The other key is Jupiter at 0-1 Cancer in mid 2025 which picks up Uranus in Virgo. That is a rare opportunity to be free, independent, your own person – with your paid work and unpaid work.

  46. Hi Jessica,

    Similar to other people’s experiences, I am happy for the end of this Capricorn nonsense. The constant pressure in the workplace from all the toxic masculine energy really got to me. In 2021 I was bullied out a job that I really loved by my new Manager. I had been working at that workplace for almost 10 years. It really messed with my mental health. I quit that job and tried to turn the page. But the next two workplaces were not any better, with plenty of Capricorn toxicity. My physical and mental health plummeted rapidly. I quit work in 2023 to seek recovery and transformation, including a career change. I have started a Masters degree to help with the career change. My mental health is really good now but my physical health is still all over the place (my naturopath is confused as well). I’ve also become a bit of a recluse, barely leaving the house.

    I was hoping to get back to work in 2025, but still concerned about my physical health. Will Pluto in Aquarius be useful for my return to work? Are there any other factors in my chart that are blocking my progress at healing/transformation?

    Thank you so much 🙂

    1. I am sorry you have been through such a dire Pluto in Capricorn transit. You have a Virgo stellium at 2 through 16 degrees so the larger issue is your Virgo side. Are you in touch with that? Pick up a free copy of Modern Astrology 2050 from this site, in November, if you’ve not read it yet. Health problems are best considered by subconscious feelings about working, serving, doing your duty, putting others first, executing tasks perfectly (or near perfectly) and so on. You have a T-Square from 15 Virgo to the other mutable sign placements at 15 Gemini and 15 Sagittarius. That is part of the story. You can find a lot of information about this in your library here and in features, if you want to hit Search. So…Pluto matters, but the real issue is Virgo in your chart. This is a good time to start digging for answers.

  47. Dear Jessica.
    Thank goodness for Pluto leaving Capricorn. I am a Capricorn woman (born 15 January). I started my current job in 2008 and am still there. My health this year has been never ending with seeing medical people for this, that and the other. I’m so hoping that post-7 December that there will be hope for my health on the horizon.
    My work is not overly exciting and I’m really only doing it for financial security until retirement, when I can finally have the time to do lots of things I’ve wanted to do.
    I don’t know my time of birth but if you see anything to note that would be great. I live with my father so we’re company for each other and I take care of him. All the best and keep on doing your marvellous work.

    1. As a Sun Capricorn your health zone is ruled by Gemini in your solar chart. You are in the best cycle for solutions in 12 years as Jupiter transits Gemini until mid 2025. Living with your father fits the karma of life 18-19 years before with the North Node in your solar Fourth House of family and property. You are owed or owe, spiritually, from that time and have landed here, with him. The situation changes again in May 2025 when Saturn and Neptune go into your family and property zone. More on that in the Capricorn birthday report.

  48. Thank you for your response to me on August 5th this year. I’ve reread it a couple of times…it’s very valuable. Thank you for putting the time in.

  49. Thanks Jessica. I had a dream last night I bumped into an old friend and we held each other and cried we were so happy to see each other. It felt wonderful I felt so relieved. I hope you have seen positive solutions and outcomes in your sixth house fellow Leo.

  50. Thank you, Jessica, you are great at what you do and so generous with your knowledge and advice. Much appreciated, can’t wait for positive change.

  51. Hi Jessica, I have followed your website for years and look forward to reading it on a daily basis. I remember reading in late 2007 that being a Capricorn that from 2008 my life was about to go through significant change. I remember thinking “Yeah sure”. Throughout the years I have been constantly reminded of that and all I can say is I survived. Husband jailed, I had to employ a lawyer to stop people blaming me for his wrongdoings and trying to remove me from my position, daughter happily married then suddenly divorced because he cheated, I had so many knockbacks for promotion in my career that I stopped trying and have just been biding my time. Not everything was bad, it never is, but the bad times have been major. One foot in front of the other as they say – it got me through. I now have a sense of hope and optimism for us in the future with Pluto almost gone from Capricorn. It honestly feels like a weight is being lifted.

    1. I am glad you feel a weight lifted. It’s only been a few hours since Pluto has gone from Capricorn for the very last time and already I am hearing from people with significant developments which show some kind of turning point. You have a Grand Cardinal Cross in your chart at 1 Capricorn, 1 Cancer, 1 Libra, 1 Aries and so Pluto transiting at 1 Capricorn triggered the cross. Cancer rules the family and Libra rules marriage – Capricorn rules career as you probably know. You will in fact find a great deal is fixed or answered when Jupiter goes to 1 Cancer which is mid 2025. So you are right. Light and tunnel are here.

  52. Hi Jessica. I had to walk away from my career in 2017 because of Pluto people and chronic illness. I’ve made a quieter and healthier life for myself now and I think I have finally rid myself of all the resentment around the loss of my former life. My health — while considerably better than it was — continues to disable me and I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to return to any kind of job. I am one of the ‘shielders’ in the UK, still masking and avoiding crowded places due to immunosuppression. It’s been such a hard ride emotionally for those of us who were left behind after everyone else returned to ‘normal’. Can you offer any insights for me as we move into the new weather? Thank you.

    1. You were born with the South Node at 22 Virgo in opposition to the North Node at 22 Pisces, from the Sixth House of illness and workload, to the Twelfth House of the subconscious, the soul and the spirit. So you have been here before, with the same issues. It is common with people who had past lives in monasteries or convents but also had to tend to the sick. You can pick up a copy of Modern Astrology 2050, free this month, from this site, which goes into the Virgo node and reincarnation. You may have been here for the Spanish Flu and the 17th century plagues too. The old patterns of being in service and doing your duty – but at the expense of your health – are being reworked. You are no longer prepared to be ill, in order to do your job. Even though you feel like an outsider because you are N95 masking and avoiding crowds indoors, you are actually experiencing what it feels like to be able to protect yourself, which you could not do, in the last incarnations. If this is ringing any bells then it may be worth exploring past life hypnosis. The Pluto people you mention will be hoist by their own petard, if they have not been hoisted already. The next couple of years will sort a lot out for you with your health, but also your need to work (because you do, paid or unpaid, or study too). The North Node goes to Pisces and South Node goes to Virgo from January 2025 so it’s going to stretch right across the house of the subconscious and house of health and work. That part of you which is far below the surface is worth looking at. When faced with Pluto people you fixed the dilemna of having to work/not wanting to work by a really extreme solution, which was work disability. Fortunately this transit is over now and eventually 2017 will not matter to you as it does now. And in the future, too, you will find other ways to do your duty by people – or animals – which you very much need to do. That’s the astrology here.

  53. Hi Jessica, I am a bit confused how Pluto will affect me going forwards and in particular (though possibly not connected to Pluto) if there will be any improvement in various health issues that have been affecting me? I would really appreciate your insight on this. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my request.

    1. Health issues are always Virgo and the Sixth House. Pluto has been transiting some hotspots in your chart. You have Virgo factors at 0, 2 and 5 and Pluto has been at 0 Aquarius and is now back at 0 Aquarius, proceeding to 2, then 5 of the sign. So you have to transform. Not just change. And it’s not just adding on, or using partial solutions. This transit is all or nothing really, so whatever you have to do for mind, body and spirit it will be transformative, deep and require quite a lot of self-control and willpower. It’s rather like being diagnosed diabetic and going on Ozempic to quit alcohol and lose half your pantry. It’s also like giving up full time work because it’s not good for your mental or physical health and having a hybrid career. Only you know what your problems are but it will be complete change.

  54. Good morning Jessica,
    I’m very excited and a bit anxious as to what Pluto in Aquarius has in store for me. I do have both Leo and Aquarius stelleniums as well as cancer stellenium. I finally got some relief in 2022 when I was able to switch jobs in healthcare it was very toxic those last few years and am now much happier but still feel stuck since it’s still a long commute and still a few Plutos there as well, ittakes away time from my family. I do have a sun Scorpio 5 year old son and a sun Scorpio husband. Any insight? As always thank you for all your support!

    1. Thank you. Pluto in Aquarius is very new and so women who we had a glimpse of in 2023 and earlier in 2024 are now front and centre, as Pluto in Aquarius people, helping women rise. I don’t think anyone had time to focus on Nancy Mace or Jay Graber before, but now look. They are transforming the USA and in the long-run will help to transform the world. In your own life, you would have seen power enter the space with friends and groups in 2023, and again been shown what mutual control could do among a community, earlier this year. This has not even really started, though. You are a Leo with a stellium in Aquarius so in your natal and solar chart alike, starting right now, you have many years of changing the group, and being changed by the group. New technology will play its part in this from mid 2025 and if you all harness your individual skills, talents and abilities for a common goal, even if it is quite a towering one, could very well pull it off.

  55. Hi Jessica,
    These past 16 years have been horrible from 2012 to present but in different ways- ( relationship , finances, loneliness, career stall ) and recently I had a health scare last week where I could have died (they performed an emergency operation on my large intestine that had a tear in it due to Diverticulitis – I had no idea I had that diagnose in the first place).

    I’m wondering what Pluto in Aquarius will bring for me as I’m so tired of struggling. Thank you.

  56. Hi Jessica, I just posted my question before this one but realized I wasn’t logged in so here it comes again:

    For the past 12 years life has been a roller coaster with a lot of trials in the following areas : relationships , finances, career stall , loneliness and most recently , health. Last week I went into the ER with severe stomach cramps only to find out that I had an undiagnosed Diverticulitis infection that lead to my large intestine getting a tear. This led to an emergency operation where I got even worse two days later (I thought I would die) and then having it to slowly but surely turn around so I could finally come home , yesterday. I’m so tired of the uphill battles I’ve been enduring and wonder if things are going to get better in the above mentioned areas of my life at all now that Pluto in Aquarius is here? Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Yes, you are logged in now and I can see your natal chart. Thank goodness you are through your emergency operation. That must have been very nerve-racking but you are now at home. You are also looking back and wondering about your past battles. You have factors at 2, 3, 17, 19 Virgo in your Sixth House of health and work. The factors at 17, 19 were caught by Jupiter (and will be caught by Jupiter) and Ceres. These two transits are associated with luck, benefits, opportunities, solutions and big answers. So you caught your infection at the right time and you were saved by the bell – for what now looks like a new lifestyle and way of working that will be to your total advantage. Ceres is about enforced compromise, deal making, bargaining and negotiation. Here, you are doing it with the universe and also with yourself. This is very much about job satisfaction, or lack of it, and the intervention of the body, in taking you right off your path and towards something else altogether, which will of course be laid out in 2025. This is about lifestyle as much as anything else. The tiny details of everyday routine existence, from the bathroom, to walking the dog, to turning on the computer, to what you have for lunch…the lot. Woven into this is a big question about your sense of duty to other people, or your service to others. Paid or unpaid. You have all this to do, but what do you do for yourself and should you not be first, always? You have a huge Libra stellium as you probably know and need partnerships, plural. This may be a squash partner. A work duet. Perhaps a sexual relationship or marriage, although it will take up huge amounts of energy and time in your life, as you will spend so much of it, balancing the scales, then rebalancing them again. Yet it is out there for you; the new double act or the rebooted duet. Jupiter in Leo will make it possible in 2026 and then Jupiter in Libra in 2028 makes such a central two-way street the main story, very happily so. In the meantime, you have to recover on every level. You took yourself out for a reason. What was it? Have a look at your Libra side in Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to download on this site, this month.

  57. Goodbye Pluto, absolutely! Cap Sun, Cap stellium, it’s been a bumpy 16 year ride. Whilst there’s been plenty of lows, there’s also been some highs (surprisingly- 2016-2019 brought lots of amazing travel for me which I am grateful for). Looking forward to less turbulence, hopefully. Any further insights would appreciated and thanks so much for the wonderful post(s)!

    1. Thank you. Yes, bumpy ride sounds right for Pluto in Capricorn. The travel would not have been Pluto, though; that was Saturn in Sagittarius (foreigners and foreign countries) doing you a solid favour. You are a Sun Capricorn with an Aries stellium and so know how to use your name, your look, your self-brand in order to get what you want. You could easily be a one-person operation, for example or the face of what you do. You can also help groups, teams, clubs, bands, organisations, association (those key circles) by being the person who is upfront, front-and-centre with them. This is all about to become far more important from May 2025 when Saturn and Neptune go into Aries and your First House, for some years. A relaunch of your name or face is likely then, a relaunch of your old title and role, or a completely new cameo in which to present your profile.

  58. Hi Jessica,

    Like so many other readers, these Pluto in Capricorn years have been really difficult and intense and am looking forward to this Pluto in Aquarius chapter. This blog looks a bit like a ‘me too’ movement for having survived Pluto! 🙂 I was hoping you would let me know how any upcoming planetary shifts will likely affect my chart please?

    I’ve felt really stuck with my love-life and living situation (want to buy and own my own home – but housing and even renting affordability on feels impossible).I think this is linked to the node cycle/Uranus/Neptune?
    I can see that Ceres will conjunct my natal Venus soon and that Pluto will soon cross my Fortuna placement and is opposing Hygeia but not sure what this means.

    Last year, when Pluto went into Aquarius, I made a series of major life-changing decisions after ending a relationship: moved back in with my parents and lost my job and income stability and am still in the process of recovering and rebuilding my life again. I am hoping that this time, there’s some good news and better times ahead to look forward to. Any insights would be much appreciated.

    Thank you very much!

    1. Yes, we should have badges made, saying ‘I survived Pluto in Capricorn.’ It has had a pretty dire effect on astrology, which is my profession. And now it’s over for another 248 years. You want your own home after losing your job and going back home to your parents. You are now in recovery mode, which I understand. The higher purpose of this was to get you and your parents closer together, of course. Sometimes fate moves us around for a bigger reason that only becomes evident later. You are a Sun Aquarius woman with an Aquarian stellium and about to experience real power in your social life, with friends, and with groups for another 20 years. You will be set free from the real-estate and domestic situation in mid 2025 and from 2026 the years of uncertainty are over. You also need to try Astrology Delivery; you have a free calendar on this site as part of your membership. This will help you find a home or other residence. You will be given the biggest and best opportunity in many years to form a good partnership when Jupiter goes into Leo, so that’s 2026-2027. Of course you could have the relationship before then, but it would be later that it becomes a big commitment.

  59. Dear Jessica,

    I am one of the lucky 200 who were fast enough to purchase the astrological report with the 2025 forum. I read it immediately, and—wow! The report resonates fantastically, as if it was written specifically for my plans. Today is November 20th, and I have just received a large sum of money for a one-time project (TV production and broadcasting) that I completed in September. It is the largest amount I have managed to earn in 20 years. Simultaneously, an old love has re-entered my life—a love I dream about at least twice a year since 1999 (yes, I’ve been dreaming about her for 25 years)!

    When I look back on my life, I can say those years were the happiest in my life (during a transit of Pluto opposing my natal Venus), but it didn’t last. She got married, moved to Germany, and had two sons, but her marriage has been very difficult since 2008 (her partner cheated and behaved like a true plutocrat). She left her husband six months ago, and he turned friends, sons, relatives—everyone—against her, which she finds mentally and physically exhausting. And at this very moment, when she is at her lowest, she reached out to me, leaving me in a state of euphoria. Everything feels unreal and magical. I sincerely want to help her; in fact, I want to be her best friend. (Her Venus in Aquarius is in an exact trine with my Apollo in Gemini; her Ceres in Aries is in an exact sextile with my Juno and Venus; her Ceres also trines my Mercury in Leo; her Mars in Virgo conjuncts my Minerva and sextiles my Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Cancer.) I hope this time the relationship lasts, as transit Pluto is approaching a trine with my factors in Gemini, including Venus, Ceres, Ops, Juno, and Mars. (I don’t mind waiting until June 2025, when Jupiter enters her 7th house, because I hope I am her devoted choice. Jessica?) She is a Capricorn Sun, with a significant Virgo stellium. I mention this life episode because the 8th house, aside from being financial, is also the house of deep intimacy (which I almost obsessively crave lately). Conclusion: I felt the effects of Pluto entering my solar 8th house immediately!

    On the other hand, Jessica, I would like to ask for your guidance on resolving a life dilemma regarding the launch timing of my book and the production of my TV show. (The TV show is essentially a promotion of my book, featuring popular actors and singers, where I will present the “main characters” of the book—the most successful entrepreneurs from my hometown, essentially their fictionalized biographies. Even a well-known astrologer will participate interactively in this TV show.) I am torn between two potential launch dates for the book and TV show:

    The first date I am considering is May 18, 2025. On that day, transit Jupiter will conjunct my natal Mars in Gemini, with transit Chiron (Aries) in the solar 10th house forming a sextile. Why mention Chiron? Because, at this event, I plan to launch my own app—my unique writing style powered by artificial intelligence. Essentially, I want to brand and monetize the writing style from my book. This, of course, sounds crazy, bold, and unprecedented. But that’s where transit Chiron comes in, additionally in a trine with my natal Fortuna in the 9th house of publishing. Mercury (Taurus) in the 11th house will trine my natal Pluto/Uranus conjunction in Virgo, while transit Neptune (Aries) in the 10th solar house will sextile my natal Apollo. Transit Uranus (Taurus) in the 11th house will trine my natal MC in Capricorn in the 10th house. And, on top of all that, I will be experiencing an exact second Saturn return!

    What worries me, however, is the fact that transit Jupiter (and natal Mars) will be in opposition to my natal Fortuna. So, should I choose this date or wait a few more months until transit Jupiter reaches the exact degree of my natal Sun/Jupiter conjunction?

    At this point, I must tell you, Jessica, that your “astrology delivery” is an absolute sensation. So, I’m waiting for Pisces season to make my reservation (since this involves publishing and broadcasting). Please help me resolve this dilemma about the launch dates, but don’t forget that the love story I mentioned earlier is no less important.

    Thank you.

    Best regards from Bosnia and Herzegovina!

    1. Thank you very much for ordering a report. I look forward to answering your questions closer to your birthday. You have a book and TV show in mind and possibly the right woman is back in your life. You are a Cancerian with a huge stellium in Gemini and Cancer. So you are on the proverbial roll with the media (Gemini) and the web (also Gemini) as Jupiter goes across Gemini. It will change your life from mid 2025 when Uranus goes into Gemini. The second half of next year also sees rare opportunities to have so much more from your home life, house, apartment and household (Jupiter in Cancer) which may in fact be blending domestic arrangements with the woman you fancy. I don’t have her chart and of course astrology inclines, it does not compel. But you are in a terrific cycle now through 2025, 2026. She has Venus in Aquarius so is in fact suited to a friendship which feels more like a marriage. Her involvement with the group, or groups, plural and her friends is increasingly the main story for her. Perhaps it crosses over with you. May 18th 2025 is a Jupiter T-Square to the nodes; Jupiter at 24 Gemini is square the North Node at 25 Pisces and square the South Node at 25 Virgo. This is what they call – fortunate pressure. It would be more likely to concern a colleague involved should she or he have mutable sign factors at 24/25 which are trickier. Have a look at the Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Garden Oracle to personalise this reading in terms of choice of date. I do think your AI and app ideas will take off, or spawn an even better idea, for many years into the future.

  60. Jessica, this rang so many bells for me. I had a couple of toxic bosses. One of them, a woman, quit in a huff and two months later at my annual mammogram I discovered I had breast cancer, which I can only put down to the stress she put me under. Luckily it was caught early enough so I only lost half a breast. Then the boss who took over was much worse but even so I managed to survive until the Covid shutdown when he laid me off. By then I was glad to be out of it. Happily, I picked up a really nice job later that year but it’s a government department and has been ordered to lay off staff. I have been told I am one of them. A pity really because I don’t feel old enough to retire. I work in journalism and there are no jobs going, sadly. But at least Pluto is over.

    1. This sounds like a Pluto transit that has made you formidably strong. You have Pluto at 1 Virgo in the Sixth House of work and health. Mercury is at 1 Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance and property. So, born with an exact Mercury-Pluto sextile which at 1 degree has been under transits from other planets too. Now you are being laid off as Pluto goes to 0, 1 Aquarius. The other aspect here is close; Pluto at 1 Virgo sextile your natal Sun at 0 Scorpio, just a degree off. So again transiting Pluto is picking up natal Pluto. You actually have a huge Scorpio stellium as I am sure you realise. The other factor here is transiting Uranus in Taurus in opposition to that; you have been made to ‘unfix the fixed’ in terms of your money, apartment, house, banking and so on. I am sorry you have been put through it, but I would also expect that when Uranus is out of Taurus mid-year and Jupiter goes to 0, 1 Cancer (mid year as well) there is a completely new direction for you and one that is long overdue and very welcome. Jupiter will trine every factor you have in Scorpio through to 2026. It is entirely possible you will use your Scorpio stellium in a property, charity, business, finance, insurance, retail field to great effect. Pick up Modern Astrology 2050 from this site, free in November. See what it says about your Scorpio side. And you will also find that your toxic bosses are hoist by their own petard, if this has not already happened to them.

  61. Not sure if it’s a placebo effect, but I feel the hectic pace and burden of last few weeks has ceased a bit since Pluto left Cap (my Sun sign) for good two days ago. Last year was terrible but I felt empowered enough to hit the pause button amid awfully toxic work environment. I was over-Plutoed for more than decade, but it made me rethink a lot of stuff and step by step build my inner strength. And finally this past spring I quit after a long sabbatical to recover from burnout. At one point I came to conclusion I feel grounded enough I don’t need work to make it happen. Then I started the therapeutic and somatic work, and it’s the biggest gift I could ever give myself. Still figuring out what’s the most beneficial career choice for me and if there’s anything you can suggest for me to focus on Jessica, I’d be super thankful. In Sept (when Pluto came back to Cap) I took the offer to work part-time on my own terms in a different dept but the same institution I used to work for, it’s been hectic and chaotic, but got better just now. Also, I feel the Ceres impact too in Cap: I got back to painting, and writing too, creating in general. All these synchronicities in astrology never fail to amaze me.

    1. It will take a while for the Capricorn transits to subside. The big one was Pluto – gone. If you go back over your emails, texts, correspondence you will see two or three really obvious pointers to that. Pluto was underground. Much of your toxic work place or profession was also underground; men operating in the dark, or women aping men, out of sight. That’s history now. In fact it will be interesting for you to see what happens to particular people or with particular organisations by 7th December when Ceres finishes the cycle off. Your Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces stelliums tell the story. You are ambitious and always were, but now you can be ambitious without tiny tyrants trying to manipulate and control from the top down. They’re over. In fact you will see your ambitions take off in a new way close to 30th December. You are also being plugged into a group, team, club, society, network, band, party, tribe where you feel you were born to be the enabler or facilitator. That’s life changing by February. Rather like being the England coach in 1966 or Brian Epstein with The Beatles, the same year. As a strongly Pisces person you will notice the end of solitude, or a very particular kind of solitude, from May 2025. It’s been years of living inside your own head, soul and spirit. That’s over when Neptune leaves Pisces, and Saturn too.

  62. Hi Jessica,
    Could you please help me understand where Pluto has been transitting from my chart. I have sun Cancer, Moon Virgo and Rising Pisces. My north node is also virgo. Over the years i have felt a shadow of my true identity which only distressing events have been able me to fight back and come into my form however, i have also had major setbacks in the last few years with my finances and career. Specifically, i have had career successes where my transits have been aligned (looking at my horoscope on your website, this has been able to confirm when i have had luck and progression in my career) however, i am once again at a standstill. Any insight over the past and future would be very welcome! i appreciate your website, horoscopes and blogs giving me much needed guidance when navigating these turbulent waters over the past years!
    Many thanks 🙂

    1. Without a chart all I can do is read your solar chart, but it’s good basic weather forecasting. You had duets and duels since 2008 where power and control were major issues. When you used your willpower you were empowered. When you let others take over, you were overpowered. That’s over now. What is very new is a financial or property decision, made by February, which you may want impartial professional advice over. It may be business, a home and so on.

  63. Hello Jessica,
    I tend to check my sun, moon and rising signs for clues but not great at reading transits. My question is with pluto moving into Aquarius and my north node in Aquarius, how might that affect my chart? Pluto in Capricorn has been rewarding but extremely difficult in so many ways. Thank you so much for these forums !!!!

    1. Your Cancer, Leo and Capricorn stelliums show the biggest changes. You will buy a home you love, successfully renovate, see overdue improvements with the family circle, expand the relationship with your town or country. – or find other ways to be so much more fulfilled by your place and your people – from mid 2025. You will enter into the most important phase of many years with children, teenagers or young adults from 2026 into 2027 and understand your role is to be Queen to a younger court. The end of Pluto in Capricorn will be felt now and by 7th December you can sign off from a situation where you were belittled or undermined by others, an organisation, or even an entire profession. Dwarfed no more.

  64. Hi Jessica, I am so happy to see the back of Pluto in Capricorn. The past 16 years have been tumultuous for me in terms of opportunities to advance significantly in my career only to be thrown back by deceitful powerful people who took advantage of my enthusiasm and ambition. I went above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that my boss always looked good, anticipating problems and taking scoops of my free time to put out fires. I was Communications Director in a global role. Their response was to undermine me at every twist and turn. I stayed far too long. Now I am running my own business which is much more satisfying but of course it come with different challenges, particularly less security. I am very humanitarian-driven (stellium in Aquarius) and my business is all about helping people to understand and work alongside AI not only to get tasks done but to have a less stressful, more enriched life. How do you see Pluto in Aquarius affecting me? I am a natal Sun Taurus with Pluto in Leo. I have both Jupiter and Uranus at 24 Cancer. Thanks so much for your compassionate approach to your tribe and for your compelling insights! Warm wishes, Emma

    1. Thank you Emma. You were Communications Director and undermined by some bad people. The word ‘undermine’ is Pluto in action, as Pluto ruled the Underworld and also mines. These people and their power are over; there is just another fortnight to go when Ceres in Capricorn finishes the job. They will have to compromise or face the consequences and may be sacked, resign, or be removed for other reasons. Aquarius, Gemini and Leo stelliums are good things to have in 2025 and beyond. Your twin interests in humanitarianism and AI will take off now for many years into the future with new inventions landing with a thump in mid 2025. You will in fact be a powerful supply force for a group which pools resources and changes everything. That will be in hand by February. You will enjoy Jupiter in Leo too, in 2026-2027 when the bedroom, as well as a younger generation of children or Millennials, show you the biggest growth, expansion and improvement in years.

  65. Hi Jessica, thank you for this blog (all of them really, you truly are a world treasure)! “To Pluto and back” a phrase you used to one of your followers likely describes my 19 year journey too, although I suspect the suddenness at times had to also involve Uranus and my Scorpio Stellium had to play a big part too. And although I do not have a Cancer stellium both of my children have played so prominently in my life decisions that perhaps my Mars in Cancer (or their signs that align with my own (karmic?) has been the a part of the answer. My daughter and I are exact degrees and signs but reverse for MC/IC, (Scorpio/Taurus) and her Scorpio Sun is also conjunct my MC. My son’s Neptune conjuncts my Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn, his moon conjuncts my Mars in Cancer. We also share exact degrees, although not signs, but I haven’t figured their angles, in at least four other instances. My second husband and my children and myself all share the same degree number in our nodes (but not signs). The Pluto in Capricorn years have been particularly hard on all of us. My daughter has suffered a lot these past few years as a Scorpio Sun, Moon and A/C Capricorn. A previously high performing student, she switched colleges 4 times, and went through heart-wrenching relationships and a couple of bad job experiences. My Leo, Cancer Moon, Taurus rising son, has never had a meaningful romantic relationship, fearful of what that entails. Both kids struggle to make ends meet, yet are in decent jobs, but with this economy, continue to struggle. My husband and I continue to be their safety net, at a significant financial cost. My husband (second) was in a business partnership that ended poorly, the corporate partner took everything that my husband had built over the years, leaving us with nothing for his retirement. Although we had a strong lawsuit we were legally advised against pursuing it because we didn’t have the financial means to go against a billion dollar company that would drain us dry. My husband and I sold our home and lived off our savings to make ends meet to get through the one year non-compete. One and a half years later, he has a new business which is doing good but he still cannot retire and he is nearly 80! At the beginning of this Pluto in Capricorn cycle (2008), I separated from my first marriage of then, 24 years. It was a battle. I was also dealing with a lot of health issues, single parenting young children, my employer had transferred me across the country, I had no support network (friend group/relatives) and was in charge of some high profile matters. When I retired a few years later, the employer did not recognize me for all that I had accomplished for the organization that I had worked for decades! It never occurred to me about the Pluto in Capricorn factor but I knew I was in an extremely heavily dominated male industry. I also knew that I had succeeded because my ideas were different and that difference was enough for them to adopt for real results, just not to give credit. But that’s that. Turning the leaf…
    I’d like to think that Plutos transit into Aquarius will be lifting to me, my family, and others in this world. Can you look at my chart and tell me, what do you see as it relates to me and my family? As well as my career? As always, thank you!

    1. Thank you. Pisces, Scorpio and Aquarius dominate your chart so 2025 is the start of transformation. Your issues with the family, your husband, your business partner are down to Uranus (not Pluto) in opposition to Scorpio factors in your Eighth House of joint finance and property which began in 2018 and will vanish in mid 2025, to be completely gone in 2026. You have also been forced to be alone, turn to God, turn to the Tarot, therapy, hypnosis, meditation, mediums – whatever worked. That’s been years. This ends next May. The transformation ahead is about friends and groups, not family or husbands. Power is now in the space with a community of diverse people and you are about to find out how influential you can be, in and around this group. There will also be more networks ahead, for around 20 years. By February you will realise this is changing your life.

  66. Another amazing article, Jessica! Much appreciated! I’m joining Pluto recovery group.
    I’ve been in a very difficult relationship/marriage since 2003/2006. My husband is a very Plutocratic , a generation older man.
    Changes at work over the years, the latest being my direct manager emailed us about his resignation at the exact time of the Pluto move! Is there a light at the end of the tunnel for me? Thank you very much!

    1. Your manager quit on Pluto quitting Capricorn – great timing. And thank you for the compliment. I am sorry you are married to Pluto as well. You have Scorpio, Pisces and Aries stelliums so the constant challenges with the marriage (Scorpio rules marriage in the Eighth House) end in mid 2025 and are completely gone in 2026. The solitude and introspection which have become part of life for many years also end in May. You have learned a lot about meditation, God, goddesses, hypnosis, therapy, Tarot, mediums and the like. It is almost time for this to be over. You will have a rebirth in terms of your appearance, title, reputation, profile and portrait online from May 2025 as well. Lots of changes in one year, all around the corner.

  67. Jessica,

    I am so eager to feel some relief as I have been looking for ways to improve my life since I have shifted my focus from homeschooling my children for the last 8 years to now trying to improve our finances, access to healthcare, and personal health (physical and mental). The recent election has caused so much sadness, anger, and disappointment as it reflects how little of the values of people in America align with my own. Is there anything in particular that I can look forward to with Pluto leaving Capricorn? Thanks so much.

    1. Your Cancer, Pisces and Gemini stelliums are the key to a very different sort of future. Cancer rules your country (America) unless you emigrate, so mid 2025 to mid 2026 sees new hope, solutions, expansion, optimism and sweeping answers for you in relation to not only the US but also your own apartment or house. Jupiter can only transit your Cancer stellium and Fourth House every 12 years so snap up the opportunities which begin to appear in June 2025. From May 2025, just before, Saturn and Neptune leave Pisces so you will no longer be so focussed on being by yourself or dealing with your mental health, as anxiety and depression are common issues with Twelfth House transits, along with other mental health concerns. Next year looks like a game-changer, once you reach May-July. Your Gemini stellium suggests opportunities to have more, do more and gain more from the internet, media, education or publishing – ongoing – with a radical change, again mid year, which is liberating and exhilarating as you gain new independence with the world of words, ideas and images.

  68. Hi Jessica, hope you’re well! I left an earlier comment but I don’t think it saved so here I am again.

    Thank you so much. This article was spot on and I now understand what’s been going on over the last 16years! I worked for some horrible men who used me for my talents, my voice was stifled, I felt I just couldn’t be myself, my marriage is on the rocks (we fought constantly), my husband refuses to own his mistakes and blames every fight on me, all I want to do is work our marriage out but seems all he wants to do is run. I lost my zest for life, could not manifest or meditate, lost friends, had family trauma and felt restricted throughout. My fear of public speaking was amplified and I could not find a way out. My ability to express myself was restricted.

    On the day Pluto moved into Aquarius I LITERALLY felt lighter! I still do. But I didn’t know why. I was just happy. Joyful. I felt like I did when I was in my twenties. All of a sudden it’s like the fog just…lifted. I could NOT explain it. Until I read your article.

    Thank you SO much for shedding the light on what’s happening but I really would love to know what this new era means for me personally! I’m a new member and if you do personal readings, please could I book a session? THANK YOU!!

    1. Thank you. I don’t give personal readings, but auction them for the BBC every year and just recently a Zoom session with me went for over £2000 so they can be an investment. It’s interesting what you say about your experience of ending Pluto in Capricorn. The day Pluto went into Aquarius, many readers here, on Twitter and on Substack report feeling lighter. They are also reporting specific events. For example, a woman whose career had been dominated by a Plutonian, found quite a powerful businessman friend of hers, mention him in an email. She is now in a position to tell her influential pal, all about the Pluto type. She has ‘hand’ in the game, if you like. Looking through my notes, I can also find basic things, like the massive rise of Bluesky (against Twitter and Facebook) and people suddenly hearing from key organisations who want to elevate them, which had previously undermined them or belittled them. Those are Pluto words, by the way. Pluto rules mines underground and is a dwarf planet. You are a Sun Sagittarian with a Scorpio and Aries stellium so unfortunately had Uranus in opposition to your Eighth House of marital finance and property, 2018-2024. It ends mid 2025 and is gone forever in 2026. Pluto was also square your Aries stellium in the First House of image, profile, name, reputation and portraiture. Online this is of course your voice but public speaking comes into it; you were temporarily blocked in coming forward. You will fix the issues with your husband by mid 2025 and from that point, for many years into the future, be liberated. That’s the Jupiter and Uranus transit in your solar Seventh House ahead. The oppositions pushing against your Scorpio side dwindle too. In May 2025 the final issues about being heard, read, listened to and seen vanish.

  69. Hi Jessica
    Thank you for such and illuminating explanation of how i have been plutoed since 2008 when during the GFC I was forced to sell my house as I couldn’t pay the mortgage due to redundancy, had to start renting again (and am still renting now), was made redundant, lost a partner when he two timed me with a woman he met online and subsequently married, go through a terrible bereavement of my dear grandpa and have my entire family (mother, siblings) turn on me and decide not to save my house from having to be sold. I then encountered Pluto men and women in my family, my industry and in my personal life for the next 16 years up until now, who tried to control me and gain power over me and generally dominate me, some of them in a most spiteful and back stabby way. I have spent a fortune renting since 2008 and have been prevented at every turn to get ahead. On a good note i built a small business from scratch and still have it although at times it has almost gone down the gurgler. I am still standing, wiser, more resilient and much more psychic and intuitive and aware. I am still battling those family members who still seek to keep me poor and rob me of a future Trust family inheritance/estate. I try to distance from them. I hope one day to be able to buy a small home for myself and I hope to keep my current business afloat and keep working. I am now in my sixties and fast approaching the pension, but will keep on working I suppose, until I either don’t need to if i am so lucky, or until i can’t work anymore or i die – whatever comes soonest. I don’t want much – a small garden to potter about in, some peace, rest, walks on the beach, a small house paid off and to live quietly with my dog and also time left in my life to treasure my adult son and help him navigate life whenever he reaches out and needs my support and friendship and motherly input. I am beyond hoping for a relationship with a man again and have become a bit of a social hermit, but if someone lovely should suddenly pop into my life, that would be grand! I want to get involved in the community where i buy the small house at the beach and gain a few friends, as a few have died, got lost or just moved on and i get a bit lonely without my friends. I am hoping that Pluto in Aquarius is going to be friendlier and that my nodes sort themselves out and my stelliums behave themselves. I worry about Uranus weather and Neptune influences and I hate Mercury retrogrades as it affects my business and heavy astrological weather generally as that is when things go wrong usually…I worry about the future when my mum passes and i will have to navigate my siblings rivalry and meanness over the estate, i know that is coming up at some stage…

    1. You are a Sun Aries woman with a Pisces, Capricorn and Taurus stellium. The slow-moving outer planet transits of Pisces (Saturn and Neptune, now), Capricorn (Pluto, the culprit) and Uranus (since 2018, the revolution) have been moving across your chart and your life for many years. You will find, latterly, that the time spent alone and with your God, Buddha, your chakras, aura, hypnosis, counsellor, Tarot and the rest, was meant to be and in fact it would not have come any other way. The unusual isolation stops in May 2025 when Saturn and Neptune leave Pisces and your Twelfth House of introspection and solitude, as well as the soul, psychic capacity, spirit and psychology. The transit of Pluto in Capricorn is obviously over. There is now a two-week window until 7th December for final negotiation or deal-making with others. The other transit, Uranus in Taurus, ends in mid 2025 and is completely over in 2026. You will enjoy the solutions and opportunities of Jupiter in Cancer, mid 2025 to mid 2026, which suits a new home, renovations, home repairs, a revamped garden, land, your home town and homeland, be it New Zealand or somewhere else that appeals. Jupiter will trine your Pisces stellium and sextile your Taurus stellium. Even the opposition to your Capricorn stellium will be beneficial, as they called him The Greater Benefic. Much further on in time, yes, there will be an opportunity to form an equal partnership with a person who balances the emotional scales with you.

  70. What a journey the last 16 years have been, with deep transformations that the Pluto in Capricorn offered me. From relationship challenges with overpowering men early in the transit to empowering myself in relationship area and building a relationship with the most kind and loving partner. The last three years have been marked by challenges in my profession and this time around with toxic women exhibiting the same male toxic and overpowering behaviours I experienced in the early years of the transit. This year though the energy has really shifted just what you said in the article, and they kind of left me alone, which was such a big relief. While I am much stronger and wiser etc, I am still slightly tired and emotional particularly about the last two years at work. If you could please share what’s in store for me with Pluto entering Aquarius?

    1. Toxic women are a feature of the comments I am seeing about Pluto in Capricorn. I have revised my take on Pluto. He is of course a male archetype but we are seeing so many accounts of females copying that kind of somewhat poisonous takeover merchant. I am sure you are glad this cycle is over. Your chart shows you are a Sun Sagittarius woman with stelliums in Capricorn and Aquarius. Your chosen work place, field, industry or profession has just a few more days to go, before there is a final sign-off for particular situations, people or organisations – that is 7th December. You may in fact see some of these people hoist by their own petard. I do like a quote from Hamlet. As you are so strongly Capricorn you will really feel the change on December 30th as it is the first New Moon (new beginning) in your career without Pluto, for 16 or so years. No more people politics or power players. The other huge change is already creeping in. You were born to feed a need in a group of allies and friends, acquaintances and amigos. The group may already be there. There is no politics at all; if there is, it tends to be shown the door, as the group itself depends on harmony, tolerance, space and a mutual understanding that the collective goal is the thing. By pooling resources, everybody gains. A band is typical. So is an organisation like The Wilderness Society, or Mumsnet. Everyone has to play nicely! Through the collective you are involved with by February 2025, or more to come, you will find how powerful you are and how potent a circle can be.

  71. Hi Jessica, the end of Pluto in Capricorn for me meant being offered a settlement to leave my job. Having been pluto-ed for nearly the duration of this job by my (female) boss (and before her, by most of the bosses I’ve had since 2008), I was convinced it would be her to leave. Anyway, now I’m at a significant crossroads and would love your thoughts on what the future holds for me. Thank you

    1. I am glad you are done with the Pluto cycle. Just a few more days to go, until 7th December, as Ceres must finish her transit in Capricorn too. She is Pluto’s equal. Women can indeed play Pluto, aping men in their takeover tactics, against other women, so you are now at the other end of it, and no doubt feeling very glad it’s finished. You have a settlement to leave your job. You are also not logged in so I’m afraid I can’t see your chart. The Tarot can help you with next steps, on this website.

  72. Hi Jessica

    Thanks for all your words,it really helps in these tough times.I have a whole lot of capricorn in my life and birthchart,and its been very hard since 2017.I would buy a reading if I could but cant see where.I am wondering if you see ant relief in my chart..many thanks

    1. Thank you. I only give personal readings for VIP clients who shall remain nameless – and once a year I donate a reading for BBC Children In Need, at auction, which just passed. You are welcome to bid next year, although a reading typically goes for £2000-£3000. I am happy to look at your chart to see what’s ahead. You are a Sun Capricorn with stelliums in Capricorn, Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius and were hit extremely hard by the 2008-2024 Pluto cycle. Having been put through so many difficulties with your career, unpaid work or academic career, you quite naturally turned within for comfort. So, you have often been alone, looking to meditation, Tarot, hypnosis, angels, chakras, auras, religion, therapy, counselling, self-help and so on. The really big change for you is with friends and groups. This is only just beginning but by February 2025 you will realise how comfortable and natural it feels, to give a network of people what they need. You may already know this club, team, band, circle – or it will come into your life. It is quite powerful; a force to be reckoned with. There is no favouritism or discrimination based on sex, race, age or class. This is your future for a decade and more. You may stick with the original group, or move to others, but it will transform your life and bring you into your own.

  73. Hi Jessica, i commented earlier but now commenting once more with my birth chart on display in my account. I want to understand how Pluto has been affecting me through my chart and what’s to come? I have had particular difficulties in my career and relationships over the years. Thank you again for your amazing blog and taking the time to respond!! ☺️

    1. Thank you. You are a Sun Cancer, with stelliums in Cancer, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. Pluto has been in opposition to your Cancer factors since 2008. You have had ongoing obstacles regarding your home town, homeland, family circle, house, garden, apartment, real estate for many years, but they are over now. The clean-up operation is now through 7th December. Make sure your health insurance is up to date commencing January 2025 when the lunar nodes move into Virgo and Pisces. This is only common-sense anyway, but double check what you are covered for then. You will be liberated by the most exhilarating new developments online from mid 2025, for many years into the future and play your part in a web revolution, either professionally, through unpaid work or study, perhaps just for fun. This is your Gemini side coming to life in a new way. To find out more about your Gemini stellium, pick up Modern Astrology 2050, which is free on this website for Thanksgiving.

  74. Hi Jessica – Happy Pluto in Aquarius and thank you for answering all of our questions. Pluto in Capricorn has felt like a world of extremes for me – and I don’t mean in a good way. Nothing seemed to make sense. One of my favorite quotes of yours was for my weekly horoscope that said “You spent 2008 – 2023 using pants of steel to push past incredible hurdles.” I love that description. I am a Taurus sun and I am worried that I have never brought in a good salary though I do love my current job. Should I be trying something else like my own business? I am also longing for a sense of peace (aren’t we all) which I am not feeling especially since the election. I know December 7th is a key date. Do I just need to give it time? Thank you again! Thanksgiving is coming up here in the U.S. We are thankful for you!

    1. Thank you for the compliment and happy Thanksgiving. You are a Sun Taurus woman with stelliums in Taurus Cancer Virgo and Aries. The financial instability that began in 2018 ends in mid 2025 and is completely over in 2026. You may in fact start your own business. You will enjoy mid 2025 to mid 2026 as big opportunities to improve your home life, any real estate, the family circle and your household appear. Jupiter will transit your Cancer stellium then. I mention your own business because increasingly your reputation, title, profile and personal brand come up in importance, from May 2025. So you have some interesting choices here.

  75. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you so much for this! Me my husband and our daughter live in New York and with the election wondering if we need to move back to Europe or can we survive this! Pluto in Capricorn has been quite painful for me, and I’m not sure if Pluto in Aquarius will change that. I am a Taurus Sun, with stelliums in Gemini and Pisces, and Pluto in Libra. For the past few years, things have been especially difficult, particularly since Covid hit. I’ve been working hard to find my footing in my career (I’m a designer) and still hold onto hope that perseverance will pay off eventually.
    Lately, I’ve been freelancing, but that’s becoming increasingly uncertain, and I’m afraid nothing new is on the horizon. As the main breadwinner for our family, I’m especially concerned about covering bills and staying afloat. I would love to continue in design, as it’s something I really enjoy.
    Then there is, our daughter (April 18, 2012: Aries Sun, Pisces and Sagittarius stelliums, Pluto in Capricorn) is finally catching a break in school and will be applying to high school late next year. I hope she can get into the school of her choice as she works very hard, seeks knowledge, and needs the right environment to thrive and be happy. She is a huge focus of mine.
    Given all of this, I’m wondering if you see any light coming through for us. I’m feeling a bit helpless. Will I be able to secure more stable work that I enjoy? And is there hope on the horizon for my daughter’s future? I’m also trying astrology bookings for myself, hoping to catch some luck. I would truly appreciate any insights you may have and thank you again for everything you do. With gratitude, n

    1. Thank you very much. Astrology Delivery is worth a serious try. You should be on your way now with your career booking (Aquarius Weather) and your money is the middle of next year (Gemini Weather). You have Gemini, Taurus and Pisces stelliums and were born with the Sun in Taurus. As a designer you can surf the waves of change with AI and other innovations online and the latest and greatest in digital invention, and have no doubt had a couple of successful experiments. This really takes off for you when Jupiter goes into Cancer and your solar Third House, at the same time that Uranus enters your natal Third House. So that’s mid 2025 to mid 2026. You may also switch mediums from that point. The situation with your daughter is karmic in nature and after January 2025 you have the South Node in Virgo in your solar Fifth House of parenthood. Life as it was 18-19 years ago will play its part in 2025, 2026. The karma of the nodes is usually quite obvious. There is a feeling of ‘That was then, this is now’ and situations are made whole or complete, spiritually. If there was anything wrong, unfair or unjust 18-19 years ago with the world of babies, infants, children, teenagers – it will be corrected, through her. Good luck with your Astrology Delivery career booking. Please let me know when you get some or all of what you want.

  76. Hello Jessica, Thank you so very much for answering my long query and that is very good news and confirms what I have intuitively and analytically figured out this past year with the help of astrology, Tarot, my own psychic clair-senses and some common sense. Thank you for your generosity of spirit and all that you do to help us all. Blessings to you and yours for an abundant and joyful Christmas and best wishes for your New Year xxx

  77. I realized I started a job in a high-pressure place in what I realized was a declining profession. As in many female-dominated fields, passive-aggressive behavior was the norm along with secret vendettas and mobbing. Take pity on an outsider, for the usually got it the worse (and they usually moved on quickly). I was well-scorched by the dynamic yet rose above it in term of accomplishments and learning new (and rare) skills. I also learned about lateral aggression and how workplaces with low mobility and homogenous employees, grouped with poor leadership, breed toxic workplaces.

    To my surprise and after a change in management, I was temporarily a division head and offered the permanent position. However, I was so exhausted by the place that I got a new job last summer and turned down the handsome title and salary. Instead, I’ve been working on restoring myself and pivoting from my profession. I look forward to Aquarius in Pluto since I’m now working in a place with more of a diverse community focus and plenty of directions to go within the organization. What a ride all of this has been!

    1. You have almost acquired a PhD in people politics with Pluto in Capricorn. You are quite right, women can show up as Pluto too. I remember back in 2008 I was professionally involved with a fairly shameless female who took over a project I started then claimed it was her idea. You had passive-aggressive behaviour and mobbing to deal with, but managed to push back, own your space and take the Pluto gift, which is transformative empowerment and everlasting self-respect born from iron self-control. Others admire it too. What does your chart say? You are a Virgo woman with an Aquarius stellium. For the next 20 years you will be plugged into quite powerful groups of diverse tribes; men and women, black and white, old and young and so on. You have already started with your current role. In both chats, solar and natal, it will be Jupiter in Cancer from mid 2025 to mid 2026 that brings you the most incredible expansion, growth, overdue improvement and fulfilment. It will either be with this network or another. There may also be overlapping circles. If you want to know more about your Aquarian side, pick up Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to download here this month.

  78. jessica, hi, I’ve been left out and ostracised by doing one particular course and I think ones in senior management are in on it. have pluto, uranus and vrnus in virgo 7th house sun leo. i pulled the empress tarot card. i want to succeed and be happy. I’m tired struggling about this continuing problem.
    any solution?! please? g.a.

  79. hi Jessica, I’ve been left out of group meetings! I’ve been revisiting my past. idk why difficult people come towards me pretend to be friends but ruin me,bif I’m not stringvrnoughvto back off. I drew empress tarot card. I have stelliums in mutable signs! virgo, gemini and leo. solution please? g.a.

    1. The Empress is rather a nice Tarot card to draw, but it depends on your question. You don’t say what your question was, or the time-frame. You can start again if you like. Just follow the steps.

  80. Loved “transformative power and everlasting self respect born from iron self-control.” In terms of others noticing, I had a few colleagues reach out to me with near-identical professional scenarios and I could sense they needed some guidance and advice for their impending transitions. Thank you again for your insight and also guidance!!

  81. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions! In my line of work as a designer, I value creativity and craftsmanship the most, things that AI or online tools are unable to fully replace. Does this mean that if I don’t fully adapt to digital tools, I won’t be able to succeed in my work and I am done?
    Regarding my daughter, what does it mean when the South Node is in Virgo in my solar 5th house? Is it considered positive or negative? I’m also unsure about the karma from 18–19 years ago, as nothing particularly significant happened to me at that time. Will there be any insight into her future based on her own chart, (April 18th, 2012)with her Sun in Aries and Stelliums in Pisces and Sagittarius? I will for sure let you know of progress in Astrology bookings, fingers crossed! Thank you so much again! xx n

    1. Yes, you need to adapt to the new wave for digital, publishing, academia, media – or you will be stranded by Uranus in Gemini. It begins halfway through 2025 and is with us for years. AI is not the whole story as there are innovations not even thought of yet, on the way. The South Node is ‘you owe, or are owed’ in terms of courtship, the bedroom, babies, infants, children, teenagers and a younger generation. So you have a balance sheet from 18-19 years ago which will become apparent from January 2025 and not before. The nodal cycle is still two months away.

  82. Dear Jessica,
    I wondered if you could shed some light on my chart if I have a grand cardinal cross… I am not sure if that is right. I am feel like I have been carrying a cross/burden all my life in all honesty. Its been a tough year I am hoping pluto shifting out of Capricorn will help I have no job now hope the new year will bring something good.
    Thank you for all your insight and guidance. Understanding myself better through astrology helps so much xxx

    1. No, you do not have a Cardinal Grand Cross. Not in modern astrology, anyway. You do have an opposition from the Moon at 13 Aries and Pluto at 13 Libra. So your ‘need to be needed’ is expressed through your appearance, title, reputation, image, branding, profile. Yet it automatically sets up inner conflict with your equal need to control sexual relationships, de facto partnerships, marriage, divorce or separation. So the ‘me’ factors clash with your ‘we’ factors. Not all the time, but when you have transits at 13 Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn the old patterns tend to come up. The Seventh House where you have Pluto can also describe professional partnerships or platonic double-acts and duets. Again, your passionate desire to own these, or take them over, is in conflict with your equal needs, regarding your reputation, title, appearance, image. Nothing to do with your job, unless you were in a dual career (Fortnum and Mason, Marks and Spencer, Torvill and Dean, Bonnie and Clyde). Your job situation will change in two stages. There is a sign-off from a stuck, circular, repetitive scenario in January. Then in May there is the start of a new era of many years, when your paid work, degree or unpaid work will be a holiday from reality. Initially it does come with restrictions, but once you are into the second half of the 2020s you realise ‘That was then. This is now. This is a vacation from the everyday.’

  83. Hello friend
    How will this affect me with wanting to sell the family home and relocate to another place , country even and where should I be going

    1. You are a Sun Leo woman with an Aries stellium. Starting in May 2025, you are in the most important emigration cycle in many years, as Saturn and Neptune both move into Aries and your solar Ninth House of foreign relocation. May is an important month as a financial cycle for you ends then. Also starting in May 2025 is an image relaunch. So putting two and two together, this seems to be about the possibility of settling abroad, with a new job title at the very least – and the chances rise again in 2026. You might also study at a university/college in another country, and gain letters after your name. That would be another example of a typical Aries transit relaunch. I am reading your solar and natal chart together here.

  84. Hi Jessica,

    I’ve been following you for awhile and just resubscribed, just makes it easier to see your predictive house system! I love reading your comments to your subscribers in general— one can learn a lot

    I’ve been trying to suss astrology for awhile having had two sorta physics-level astrology reader friends in the past (no lie), but I myself am still a rookie

    I sort of echewed a more materially stable life for a more spiritual / Buddhisty one quite young— much to the chagrin of my intensely conservative Catholic family. I ran away as a 16 yo, was poor but eventually happy (for a traumatized person, sheeze my youth was rough as a homeless kid but I powered through it). I finally began to stabilize w the help of excellent mentors and then Pluto in Cap hit in middle age (again, not like it was a cake-walk prior.)

    My family began dropping like flies earlier, I’d lost my mom as a baby and then two sibs on either side of Pluto going into cap. Then only parent. A few years later my sorta defacto mom/ maternal aunt.

    At the outset of actual Pluto in cap I came into some money upon the very distressing loss of my dad, who I had an extremely tense relationship with due to him being him and my being unconventional— yet a deep! love was there. All that was now left was my remaining sibling who I Ioved and trusted implicitly even tho we were polar opposites— she was super conventional and eventually became a bit of a religious fanatic the likes of which my family had yet to see, even being quite conservative

    Well, also around the onset of Pluto into cap I got very sick with a weird ‘invisible illness’, let’s just say I grew up playing in the forest down the road from Lyme CT and was diagnosed as chronic. Suddenly it hit, and it hit hard and went on for years

    My only remaining sibling tricked me right out the gate about what my dad actually left me and because I was so trusting, it went on for years. She knew I was sick but never seems to believe people who are sick (me—no exception)

    I valued the relationship so much I left 13 years go by before I got a lawyer and it has nearly killed me to do so (no joke, lol, physical symptoms have way amplified).

    Meanwhile my ex moves back in as a friend in 2020 to share bills and shelter from Covid, but quickly flips the script when my little business finally failed (because sis won’t admit there’s anything left from dad just to help me keep it squeaking along?), and he has now has taken over my house and life, and is being awful, vindictive and controlling because of the initial breakup (I broke it off)

    They are both Scorpios. Yep. Pluto peeps.

    Aren’t Caps supposed to be too smart for all this? Lol. Maybe we are too naive when all is said and done

    I’ve read you saying that these kinds of Plutonian control-freaks will bite the bullet now that Pluto is out of Cap. I still love and want to protect them both and always will, but they have really done me deep, down to the bone, damage— it’s kind of unbelievable. Fourteen years of the sister and 5 of the ex. I’m roadkill squared.

    Do you have any specifics for me re: oppression giving way. And— I’m thinking too, if and when I can, buy a larger piece of property I’ve had my eye on i.e. change or at least add locations if I can ever reclaim the help from my dad. Do you see this as possible, and when is most auspicious? It’s actually not just for me but I’m intending to share w a like-minded community. Maybe a pipe-dream tho

    Also I love your insight into world politics and that DT may still be in for a dethronement. I’ve been stalking you mainly on that topic lol

    Thanks a lot for caring about people, it’s your livelihood but I can tell by your passion you really care about humanity

    1. Thank you for this and your kind words. Fourteen years of your sister and five years of your ex, has left you with a lot to process now that Pluto is out of Capricorn. What happened to you was Pluto going across 6 through 27 degrees of Capricorn, hitting the Cardinal sign placements in your chart – Cancer (family), Libra (partners), Aries (your identity). Capricorn itself rules your career, of course, and your status in society. You have been Plutoed and now is actually the mopping-up operation. This happens between now and 7th December as Ceres also goes through Capricorn. She is equal to Pluto. What you will see is power and control redistributed. This may be because you uncover information about a person who loomed large, but is instantly dwarfed by what you discover. And perhaps you kick them out of your life once and for all. It may be because of manipulators or players, who actually shoot themselves in the foot and by their own grave errors, lose their power base. This is blinkers off time. You may also see outright events – jail terms, illness, resignation, sacking – by 7th December. You want to buy property? Try mid 2025 to mid 2026 when Jupiter is in Cancer and goes through your Fourth House of land, houses, apartments, communal housing and real-estate. Jupiter is a tremendous help with all his opportunities.

  85. Good Evening Jessica:
    I could write a book about my experience having Pluto impacting my personnel and professional life. I got an early relief in Aug to early Nov thou using your advise (Taurus/Scorpio and Virgo/Cap) but I’m not done with it yet and can anticipate hurdles coming up in December and until mid 2025. By the way, I am using Sag Delivery schedule, keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you very much as always for your continuous commitment to bring awareness, enlightenment and hope to your community! Your feedback is highly appreciated.

    1. Thank you. Pluto is gone from Capricorn and all that remains is Ceres, for the final sign-off by 7th December. So as a Capricorn stellium woman, you will already have seen the demotion, departure or disappearance of particular people or organisations which loomed in your career, industry, business or field. You may have woken up to the fact that they no longer matter to you – they are dwarfed in importance or power. That can happen. You may also be seeing a take-down or come-down, either because you are coming up, or because their time is up. This is still progress in motion and you have a couple of weeks to go. It’s very common for a clique or an individual to have a tight stranglehold in a profession, to protect their own power – on Pluto in Capricorn. It can blight a company or department. Even, a whole industry. Even a whole country as we have seen. This happened to you. It’s going, going, gone. So enjoy the difference. Around December 30th the New Moon in Capricorn will show you just how much has changed and why 2025 is so completely new for you.

  86. Hi Jessica. Thank you so much for this post. I will be extremely happy to see the end of Pluto in Capricorn. I am a Libra with a Capricorn stellium and Mars in Capricorn in my tenth house. The past ten years have been challenging, but this past year takes the cake for worst by far. Do you see things getting easier once we have shifted? My husband is a Cancer and has had similar work upheavals and the resulting health issues that come with chronic stress. I am exhausted, to be quite honest. I feel like I am crawling to the end of this cycle. Please answer if you are not too backed up. Cheers, Jessica!

    1. You will already be seeing a completely new situation in your chosen field, career or academic space. People who took it upon themselves to run your sphere, undermining you, are now disempowered. They look barely any more powerful than you at all. In fact, they (or their associates) took a knock just a few weeks ago and you need do nothing. They are dwarfed in their field, which also happens to be your field. You may also have seen power players and manipulators hit by a new turn of events where they self-sabotaged in public. Again, you need do nothing. They self-undermined. Organisations or hierarchies, corporations and institutions which ran you, by ignoring you, or belittling you, are now open to backing you. They realise your power. That’s very new. This is all within just a few days and I don’t think you will fully appreciate what has happened until December 7th (first stage) and December 30th (next stage). 2025 is your first chance to pursue your ambition without others trying to tightly hang on to their power base by thwarting you. What a relief and release that will be. No wonder you’re knackered! But you have Christmas to recover, repair and then you will relaunch just after Boxing Day. Your husband signs off from the most stuck work situation in 19 years in January. The loop or circuit ends.

  87. Hi Jessica
    I am so looking forward to pluto changing signs. As a Taurus sun moon with Leo ascendant and stelliums in Pisceas Leo Capricorn and Aries and pluto going into my 10th House I am hoping that the future is going to be calmer and I will no longer experience any legal issues… neighbour boundary claims, fake damage claims and a builder taking money then going into administration. I have been trying to sell a property since Feb 2023 reducing it 3 times (neighbours wanted it but couldn’t afford so fake complaints). Will they stop causing problems maybe move? I have a claim against my bank who state they do not have to follow their procedures. I plan to sell a farm building & plot in 2025. (planned to build a holistic and respite care holiday complex but appears not meant to be) I am exhausted dealing with it all, am a full time carer and in remission from Breast cancer and have ongoing health problems. Does my chart show some closure with the clean slate I crave? A new clean start abroad would be fab? Is there any further awful transits in my chart which will affect my future? Were there issues from my past life that has brought this into my current life as I am 64 and tired of the continued challenges and stress I crave sugar so comfort eat. Life has been hellish since work place bullying in 2005. Jealousy seems to be an issue as women have never been supportive and men cheat, lie and let me down. I would really appreciate some help and suggestions/feedback to help me with my future as career looks like the home of pluto for me. I am also hoping that I do not have to keep on fighting for my disabled Leo 20/8/1987 UK daughter’s rights and get her settled with carers in her own home. Thankyou Jenny

    1. This sounds like a Virgo/Sixth House issue, Jenny. You are a full-time carer in remission from breast cancer. You are 64 and have a disabled daughter who needs you, but you are exhausted. You have also been in legal battles. Sure enough you have the North Node at 24 Virgo. The North Node shows the most recent past life. The South Node is at 24 Pisces, in opposition to that. Your last incarnation found your religion, or the religion of those in charge, preventing your good health or recovery. You may have been in a convent or monastery for example and not been able to escape from a contagious disease or virus. It’s complicated! In this lifetime you have come back to see what can happen when you look after your own health and medical care without religion. It’s highly likely you knew your daughter in the last incarnation. The path of Virgo North Node is to learn to put yourself first and other people second, because you are the machine that has to operate if the whole system is to function. This is all coming around again as from January 2025 the North Node moves into Pisces and the South Node moves into Virgo. Your comfort eating of sugar is a good example of a classic Virgo node issue and it won’t stop by a miracle. You have to stop. Again, this is the usual Sixth House path of needing to be responsible for your self-care as you are the machine that needs maintenance. You have a farm building and land so I assume you are a farmer on some level. If so, then the Sixth House is even more central as farming is about the minutiae of daily life; the rituals and routine from dawn to dusk. So, the cycle of the nodes in Virgo-Pisces which can only happen every 19 years is coming, to ask you to find out how best to run your machinery. You are angry and need to look at research on anger’s impact on health. Virgo is about research and homework, study and discovery, the mind (Mercury rules Virgo) over matter. So there is another good reason to call a halt on your usual patterns and habits and step well back to see what you are doing to your own health, mental and physical. If you are curious about this past life of yours, pick up Modern Astrology 2050, free, from this website until November 30. You may even be able to find a likely year that you were last here, very possibly with your daughter, who may have been (say) quite a different family member last time around, or even a monk/nun within a monastery or convent situation. Another clue is any foreign country or culture which calls you, even though you have never been there. You can and will sort this but it needs to begin as soon as possible. You can certainly emigrate to a neighbouring country within the United Kingdom or possibly emigrate to France, but there is no point in doing that unless you have the good physical and mental health that you incarnated to enjoy. The door is open to that but it takes a bit of work first.

  88. Hi Jessica, Thank you for all your wonderful posts, I found your work so fascinating & Iam learning so much from you.
    I have been caring for my Mum & Dad since July 2012, having lost my only sibling in July 86
    My Dad sadly passed in Dec 2020 & my Mum passed exactly 1 hour before Pluto entered
    Aquarius my sun sign on 19th Nov 24. I suddenly felt like an orphan something I hadnt even thought about previously
    I have also had contact from a former sweetheart, do you think we might re kindle this time.

    1. Thank you, I am glad you are learning about astrology and how to use it. You must be feeling the loss of your parents keenly, especially with Christmas so close. Neptune at 9 and the Moon at 13 Scorpio are in your Eighth House of inheritance, legacies and wills. Saturn has been trine at 9 and 13 Pisces (exact now). Take your time with this, as it will take its time with you. Saturn is associated with the sands of time that pass very slowly through the hour glass. You wonder if you can get back together with your ex. It depends on your godchildren, nephews, nieces, any children of your own – his children, and similar. That is where the biggest and best opportunity in 12 years is, until mid 2025.

  89. Hello Jessica- I want to see if you can give me any indicators based on my chart as to what is the best month to get surgery. I am in a lot of pain, but also want to set myself up for the best way forward. I have surgery options for Jan, March, or May. I am very new to astrology, but I appreciate everything that you are teaching me. Any insights to the 5 stellium in my sign would help me learn what this means. I run my own company and carry a combination personality of both transactional and emotional. I feel a bit depressed especially given this political disappointment and also my husband’s illness. I am carrying the weight of the world and have been my whole life. It is exhausting- I hate to ask for advise on such a open chat, but I do not see a private area for this. Thank you in advance for all that you do to open your heart and your mind to others based on your knowledge.

    1. Thank you. Your question is private and confidential. I am sorry you are in pain. Your husband is also ill. You also feel your whole life has been burdened. When is the best time to have surgery and what can you do about the other issues? You are a Sun Capricorn woman with stelliums in Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces and Scorpio. The most important stories are told twice in your solar chart and natal chart. The Sixth House of workload and wellbeing is the standout. You have Jupiter in Gemini transiting your solar Sixth House, then Uranus goes into the same space, from July 2025 until 2033. That is a lifestyle and health revolution, preceded by a really useful period of solutions and opportunities. January or May look good for surgery. In May you have a number of transits in Gemini in your solar Sixth House of health including Jupiter, the problem solver of astrology, but also the Sun, a New Moon (new beginning) and Mercury. When we go to your natal chart, where Virgo rules your Sixth House of health, we find a situation 18-19 years ago offering you your karmic dues. So, for example, if you nursed someone back to health then or raised funds for a charity looking after sick children, you will find the universe has an obvious way of settling scores with you and offering you closure. You are about to change a lifetime pattern of working a particular way, seeing illness (mental and physical) in a particular way, operating with some quite entrenched patterns. If you have been labouring with the weight of the world your whole life, that is too long. Get to know your Virgo side. Get to know the Sixth House, because you live there a lot of the time. Try to see that despite the awful pain, for which I am very sorry, and the work of looking after your husband, there is strong motivation now to radically change just about everything. It will set you free and it will happen quite suddenly when Uranus enters Gemini from July 2025. Being liberated from (and liberated by/through) is the key phrase for this transit and Uranus transits typically happen like electrical storms when everybody and everything is illuminated. The situation with your husband will no longer go backwards and forwards when Mars is out of Cancer, retrograde, which is the second half of April 2025. In fact substantial solutions about him, involving him, will come when Jupiter also goes into Cancer, for around a year, from June 2025. All this takes place in your solar Seventh House of marriage.

  90. I just wanted to compliment on your post on substack on Pluto and Ceres in Capricorn — it is empowering! I have a feeling of no longer being held to certain ideas, organizations, people and groups. I feel it is kind of dissolving my own ego — things don’t happen exactly because I make them happen — groups of people come together at the right place and time and viola. I have Uranus at 9 Capricorn and Chiron at 10 Cancer. I am looking forward to December 30 new moon. Happy holidays! N

    1. Thank you. The end of Pluto and Ceres in Capricorn is a big one. I’ve had a big response to the Substack post too, so I am glad you have found it. Substack is actually a good example of the new Pluto in Aquarius empowerment. Amazingly, you don’t have to labour away for Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg providing free content and a free marketplace of your friends and family. Substack makes you money but also gives you creative control, as you have seen. There are far more important things going on for you, though, according to your birth chart. The penny has dropped. You don’t ‘have’ to go on as you were. In fact some quite dramatic decisions are rolling. I think you’ve just been shown what it feels like to be power tripped by people who are completely out of touch and you’re just not going back there. With Uranus in Capricorn you may be about to make some quite radical, revolutionary, not to mention rebellious choices. About time too. You need to claim and own your power and it begins with seeing what you missed about yourself, before. Sometimes stepping back can give you insight and you will realise what you just were not fathoming in 2023, 2024.

  91. Hi Jessica, I too found this very interesting. Am definitely feeling like end of cycle/new cycle starting. Am not sure how to tell what is impacted – though it feels like work and personal life balance. Have Stelliums in a few signs but Capricorn seems strong (5).
    Any thoughts on where/how this is impacting me would be gratefully received.

    Thank you

    1. You are a Sun Aquarius woman, Karey, with an Aries stellium in your First House of reputation, appearance, physical type, title and name. Your exterior can do a lot of work for you. Your surface matters quite as much, if not more, than your substance. This will be a central story in 2025, 2026, 2027 as Pluto goes through your solar First House and you experience Saturn and Neptune in your natal First House. Your career or unpaid work will probably carry the transit. People become models, flight attendants, politicians, wrestlers and other ‘upfront, front-and-centre’ people on these cycles. They marry partners who invest hugely in the way their wife or husband appears. It’s all in the soundbite and the look. This kicks in during the second half of the 2025 when you will realise that November 2024 was the start of a lot of clues and hints. You will relaunch yourself and come to rely on your exterior rather a lot in future, to achieve what you need.

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