Elon Musk – Psychic Astrology and 2025
Elon Musk is the world’s richest man and it shows in his astrology chart.
His Second House of personal wealth shows Fortuna at 27 Taurus in opposition to Jupiter in the Eighth House of joint finances at 27 Scorpio. Bingo.
The Elon Musk Natal Chart in Detail
This is a B rated chart from the Astro.com database. The data comes from a biography which neither he, nor his mother, have ever contradicted. So here we have the birth chart of Elon Musk, born on 28th June 1971 at 7.30am in Pretoria, South Africa, clearly showing huge wealth potential. (AstroGold software). It also shows why 2025 is going to make or break X-Twitter, his Mars plans and Tesla. I’ll provide dates for that in a moment.
The Chariot in the Tarot
Psychic astrology blends the Smith-Waite Tarot on my website with horoscope patterns. Transiting Uranus moves to 27 Taurus, forming a conjunction with Fortuna, opposition to Jupiter and trine to Pluto in May 2025. That’s a liberating, exhilarating moment in a career full of surprises. Watch Musk Money. Watch his career but also his health (though he may not make this public). This is about life as the world’s richest man, but also the work.
The Tarot card I drew from this website, asking ‘What is the most important story about Elon Musk in May 2025?’ was The Chariot. You can see Starlink with the star on his crown and the stars on the canopy. That’s Musk’s satellite broadband internet. You can also see a computer screen on his breastplate. Starlink and Hyperloop, are also shown in the card. (Photograph: Justin Tabari).
Elon Musk and the Astrology of May 28-31
This is clearly May 28, 29, 30, 31 in the year 2025. The transits pick up the natal chart pattern. I have many psychic readers. Perhaps you are one of them. What are you seeing in The Chariot?
X-Twitter, Social Media and August-September 2025
Elon Musk is at a social media crossroads (which means we all are) in August and September 2025.
He was born with Salacia at 0 Aquarius, Juno at 1 Leo and Saturn at 1 Gemini and he’s going to find all those groups and circles (Aquarius) and all that digital ambition (Gemini) is subject to radical, revolutionary change. As will we…
Uranus goes to 1 Gemini, Pluto goes to 1 Aquarius and Neptune goes to 1 Aries in August and September 2025.
That’s a global shift online, involving X-Twitter, Facebook, Instagram (so at least two of the social media kingmakers, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg) but also rivals Bluesky and Substack.
Again, it is to the trusty Smith-Waite Tarot on my website that I turn. “What is the most important event for Elon Musk in August, September 2025?” I’ll leave the card with you. He’s not the world’s richest man for nothing. Is he going to churn out more cryptocurrency, or just pursue Starlink? The symbols are hidden in the card.
Main Image: Shutterstock.
46 Responses
Hope he has a down fall with Trump soon.
As a symbol of Pluto in Capricorn, it is hard to think of any other person on the planet who has so famously acted out the archetype. This is the cycle which produced Nero, Henry VIII and George III and we now have our 21st century version. Is Elon Musk a Pluto in Capricorn type? Certainly not to the extent that Donald is, but what does interest me is the sudden rise of Bluesky, run by a woman. I have an account there and it is basically Twitter without the advertisements or the rather chaotic design. And it is taking his users by the millions. Bluesky does seem like a good contender for Pluto in Aquarius and if so, it will give Musk a serious run for his money, as his own platform has been used to ‘Pluto’ its users. I daresay a lot of people who were on there for the longest time were not aware of his agenda with Donald.
I believe the CEO of bluesky social is a women. Her name is Jay Graber.
Thank you so much. I think we have our answer about Pluto in Aquarius. Forget Facebook and Instagram (run by Zuckerberg) and Twitter (run by Musk). Bluesky is run by a female CEO, as you say, Jay Graber. She must know her astrology or perhaps she is just one of those successful women who make the right moves, without knowing their horoscope at all. Her timing is immaculate. Watch what happens near 7th December 2024 on the triple line-up in Aquarius.
Hello Jessica,
Thank You for the article on Elon though I am very confused about his true intentions and those impacts upon our world.
If I might gratefully ask a personal question about my fortunate natal Fortuna Jupiter opposition in aspect to my natal nodes in Sagittarius Gemini. Currently transiting Jupiter is hovering near my natal Gemini south node in aspect to Fortuna and Jupiter and will pass once more after retrograde motion. As yet, I have never experienced the Great Fortune of the opposition. Is the Jupiter return a trigger for this fortunate aspect?
The end of May 2025 has the once in a lifetime transiting Uranus square my natal Pluto.
Thanks for all of your great articles.
Thank you GB. Elon Musk is confusing and frequently looks confused. I thought his body language at the Donald Trump rally was peculiar. The only clear thing I can see here is his separation from his son, who now goes by the female name Vivian. I believe that he would have been so overwhelmed by this outcome for his boy, that he would be prepared to back any future president who pushed back against men in women’s sport and so on. That rings true in his chart. Anyway – enough about that. Your chart shows you are a Sun Libra man with Cancer and Capricorn stelliums. The best is yet to come with your house, garden, apartment, town, country, household family. This shows in both your solar and natal chart. Many years of power and control issues vanish in two stages; within hours of your reading this, and then by December 7th. From December 30th a fresh start is possible. From mid 2025 you begin to see vast solutions and big opportunities for your home, any real estate, the extended family circle, those at home, and your belonging to a place and a people. This cycle of expansion takes you into mid 2026 as Jupiter will form a chain of conjunctions to your Cancer stellium.
Hi Jessica, When I look at the card and think of Musk, I see a narcissist escorted by law enforcement away from the White House, by the 7th (VII) of December. The other thing that could stop him, apart from illness, is prison. Here’s hoping.
Interesting interpretation. Thank you.
If Trump is on the way down as you say, would Elon share a similar fate?
Good question. If you behave like Pluto in Capricorn, when Pluto is in Capricorn, you tend to lose your power and the system that gave it to you, when Pluto moves. Has Elon Musk been a Plutocrat, above the law that rules the rest of us? Has he been denying democracy and behaving like a dictator instead? Donald has. He is a more obvious example of Pluto in Capricorn, in a downward spiral of some years now. The jury is out on the extend to which Elon has behaved. If they find evidence that he was secretly using Twitter to manipulate and dominate what should have been a democratic social media space, or even Starlink (in the voting process) then he would immediately qualify as a Pluto in Capricorn man and find himself without any control at all, very rapidly. This would be by 7th December.
Considering that people are leaving Twitter for BlueSky, that might be the proof we need that Elon Musk is a Pluto in Capricorn man.
Correct. Elon is a symbol of takeover, control, domination. He bought Twitter, changed it to X without asking its subscribers (who were there long before him) and started bombarding people with bad advertising. I find it fascinating that Pluto goes into Aquarius and a Twitter rival with a woman CEO is gaining millions of new members every time I check it…
Great post, thank you! That card, WOW…I see Musk departing Mar-a-Lago victorius. Look at the red tiled roofs! It’s an exact match, and Mar-a-Lago has a wall around it just like the card. I have had lunch there, back in the early 1990’s, and I grew up spending a lot of time in PB, where much of the architecture resembles a Spanish style with the red tiled roofs, just like the card. This was never about Trump exactly for Elon, it’s about a power grab of his own to support his plan for how he thinks the world should be. For some good insight into Musk, watch the John Oliver show on him from last December, it’s very eye opening. Our Federal Gov was already under the thumb of Musk in some regards even before this because of Space X and Starlink. Now, Trump knows Musk controls the information (Twitter), and in a sense he has to bend the knee to Musk. Musk could, if he wanted to, use Twitter to take down DT in a flash. This cannot be fun for DT, and it’s also maybe part of why Musk is allowed to have such a say in the Cabinet choices… so who even is the real President? Is Musk our shadow ruler? Regarding Starlink, Musk needed someone more cooperative in the White House for his agenda… I know this from waiting two years for Starlink service in southern Virginia, only to find out from the news that the federal government was not letting him put up any more satellites, supposedly due to concerns of too much space junk. Musk has supposedly been fighting this, and I am assuming it won’t be a struggle any longer once DT is in. Another interesting point is that in the Chariot, Musk is clearly wearing blue, not red. The symbol for Bluesky is also blue wings… and I am wondering if the black and white animals have many meaning themselves, including the role of racism and truth (this phrase “it’s not black & white” comes up for me). A double agent, maybe actually on the side of good, I truly hope. But as you said we are also in the reading, I appreciate that reminder. DT and I have some rough synastry and so my read is colored by animosity, and a big wish to have this man fade from my awareness. I guess the jury is still out on Musk, so we wait and see, and have your key dates on my calendar.
That’s very interesting about The Chariot. You also know the interior of Mar-a-Lago from having had lunch there. Thank you. Elon Musk certainly does control the information on Twitter. So there’s that. This card dates from 1909 but Pamela’s artwork resonates through the years. Something I missed; the river behind carries the Aquarius logo of wavy lines. So this is Pluto in Aquarius in the background. The sword belt around the charioteer’s waist has the symbols of the astrological sign of Cancer and the moon, which rules Cancer. This is of course Elon’s Sun Sign. Thank you for your insight on the card.
There is so much symbolism in this card! It’s interesting what you and others have seen. Immediately I noticed the yellow sky (contrast with blue sky) and the blue water with waves thinking leaving Aquarius behind. I noticed him standing on a platform with a winged symbol (twitter) racing (what chariot isn’t) away. I then considered the number VII, thinking the Seventh House and partnerships with the Federal Government, those he has and those he seeks. The star in his cap can depict Starlink and his desire to travel to the stars (space X). Looking closely at his clothing, it appears to have a peculiar pattern, perhaps a human skull and a chemistry bottle which I interpret to mean science. Elon is cloaked in Science. Trump is not cloaked in science. With that said, Elon has no problem promoting conspiracy theories that facilitate his agenda. The rider does not carry a whip, in fact it looks like a scepter and he has a crown on his head (shadow king?). This chariot is not ordinary either, it does not have horses but rather a black male and white female sphinxes. Tesla is no ordinary car either. Black and white is binary, binary code is used for ordinary computer programming but not for quantum computers. Which leads me to the spinning top and the square small breastplate or medallion? Taking the later first, it appears as though energy is coming from it (as opposed to the star). Energy from an unlikely source and the spinning top? Maybe it is a Millstone? If it is the latter, then he is carrying a heavy burden (for humanity? Maybe to colonize Mars?) Again, so much symbolism…
The Chariot is a richly symbolic card, I agree. I think ‘Energy from an unlikely source’ is something Musk would be intrigued by. Perhaps this is something we don’t even know about yet, in the natural world. Thank you.
I have known nothing about Musk’s astrology but had an entirely different view of him before he went off the deep end in MAGA world. Also surprising his disassociation from this son now Vivian. Perhaps this disappointment has resulted in his personal support of MAGA, along with the noted business interests. I’m noticing what appears to be some sort of propaganda videos recently circulating around his more positive attributes, some questionable of validity. My question is, surrounding his chart, will his vast wealth pave the way for a blessed future with Pluto in Aquarius, as he continues to coddle the president elect?
Musk is not really compatible with Pluto in Aquarius either. It’s power shared between men and women and he has backed Donald, found guilty of covering up sex with a porn star for money. That’s pretty old school Pluto in Capricorn. So he’s a man out of time, in terms of power. Rapidly becoming disempowered by Bluesky which has a female CEO. What does work for him is Tesla and other new inventions which will change the way the world travels. Uranus in Gemini – is absolutely him.
I’d like to add that there are already stories flowing in the media where Trump’s choices are already positioning itself to is alienate the Administration from average voters that voted for him. And Musk is purportedly already alienating himself from Trump. Re Trump, he is pandering to his MAGA supporters who desire a “government takeover”. This is illustrated by his incompetent loyalist-appointments who only desire to break the agency that they’d be in charge of and use it as a weapon to pursue Trump’s personal agenda of revenge. Of course, if they can also receive some personal enrichment they’ll pursue that too. Where is this action helpful to the average voter who cares bout the high price of eggs? Musk, on the other hand, has been pushing his own agenda on Trump, while purportedly overextending his stay at Mar-a- Lago (according to Trump’s closest advisors). The two agendas are not aligned and even Trump’s close advisors are saying that Musk acts like he’s the de facto President and enjoys reminding them of how Trump got there through his money (well over $125 million) and through the use of his super megaphone, a/k/a the social media platform X. So the rift may be starting. Public opinion will quickly wane once people forget the cheap shot, last minute ads depicting Harris-Biden causing a lousy economy. Once the federal government becomes dysfunctional, lives are lost (like children to childhood diseases preventable by vaccines) or another weather event or disaster (natural or manmade) causes unbelievable damage and loss of live that could have been prevented by science or intelligence, you know what will hit the fan in this country! And Elon Musk will be quickly riding away (from Mar-a-lago) in his Chariot even he hasn’t already departed seeing the writing on the wall, or having lost the good graces of Trump. Trump is transactional. The transaction has already occurred (Trump won). Trump no longer needs Musk. Musk now needs Trump for government favoritism. If that doesn’t happen then Musk needs to regroup.
Looking at the astrology here, Musk is a Sun Cancer man who really does fit the archetype. His mother is on Twitter with him. He wants everyone to have more children. The break with his own child seems to have politicised him more than anything else. So he’ll be having Uranus (shocks, breakaways, radical changes, independence) in his zone of groups until mid 2025. If you have been reading rumblings about trouble in the bromance that fits too. Friendship is included in this transit. The Chariot here is very much about Musk alone. No Republicans present. As you say, he seems ready to regroup. Or even abandon the group.
Yes, the Bluesky CEO is Jay Graber.
“Graber” means “grave digger” and I think we know whose she may be digging….
“X” marks the spot!
Hi Jessica,
you mention watching Starlink come.end of May. we are in a position where we are looking into it. I have privacy concerns, but we aren’t even regional and live in a black service area in QLD and our fibre is down for approx 2 weeks whilst Telstra try and find tge ongoing issue in the area. so no wifi calls either. Is there issues popping up or am I reading this wonrg.
This is classic Mercury Retrograde unfortunately and it is here until the first week of January, Kristy. We will see communication issues worldwide now. You may prefer to wait until it’s over before you pay for Starlink or any other new provider.
Hi Jessica
Thanks for the article. While I understand everyone’s strong feelings about Trump, I am happy to see he has put some strong women in his camp on some pretty important positions. I was never a fan but my position changed a bit when I saw how the media and dems really vilified RFKJR and anyone who they deemed a threat meanwhile pumping up people that were really bad people but adhered to their policies and wants. They did it to Elon, Tulsi and I believe they also did it to Trump to some extent. He made it easy for them the first time and this time I feel he is wanting to expose some things. I feel that everything the Dems shouted about was what they were doing (he will take away our rights while they were trying to ban free speech etc.). The wings look like the Tesla emblem to me and Michael Jackson’s song “Black or white” comes to mind with the black and white sphinxes. If you see the lyrics they can apply. I am hoping this is a good sign.
Yes, Donald has put strong women in power. Astrology does not do politics, it does astrology. Pluto in Aquarius means, women rise. And it doesn’t mean left, nor right. Nancy Mace is a Republican who is aiming to get men out of women’s restrooms across the US. So that male takeover of female space, privacy and rights is being heartily pushed back, just as Pluto goes out of Capricorn (total male power) into Aquarius (women rise). I found it absolutely peculiar that a woman leader, Kamala Harris, backed men over women on these issues about males in female sport. What on earth happened? But she did, and here we are. Thank you for spotting the Michael Jackson song, Black or White in the Chariot card for Elon. I hope it’s a good sign too.
I find it sad and patethic that a man like Musk, with all his wealth and power spends gazillions to go to Mars (to rename it Musk, probably) because the world is unfixable? That’s just bull*cks. If he used his advanced technology to clean up the oceans, cleared the space junk that’s floating around us, made Sahara green again, found sustainable alternatives to oil and coal, it would probably cost less then the missions to Mars, and also be a heck of lot more impressive. The super rich who thinks it’s okay to exploit people for power and money really should take a crash course in the French and the Russian Revolution.
That said, it would be nice if someone bought Twitter of him.
I agree. They call him Space Karen on Twitter, which is quite funny. It’s really boring to see him using his money on missions to outer space when he could be fixing the environment. It’s really not that difficult to just buy up wilderness, native forest and lakes, rivers and waterways to protect them forever (and their flora and fauna). Maybe he secretly does this, we don’t know. But it’s not a secret that he backs a sex offender for President. That’s pretty dire. Musk is presenting as Pluto in Capricorn at the moment and having a Pluto in Capricorn downward plunge. People are deserting Twitter in their millions. What is really odd about astrology is that should he have some kind of wake-up call and become Pluto in Aquarius, for us, he would in fact have power again. That means understanding women hold up half the sky. So let’s see.
Thank you Jessica for this great article!
I have no experience with cards. But when I look at the Chariot card, I see a divisive man. He is standing in front of two spynxes of different colors, one could even say opposite by looking at the stripes, the white and the black. There are houses on the right and on the left, again like a division. You say Elon is Uranus in Gemini. double. What will he divide?
On a personal level, I have Fortuna on my Aquarius Descendant, ans Pysche neaby. Hope Pluto will not mess it up
Thank you. Yes, it is a divided card. Musk has certainly been divisive. They call the flight from X-Twitter ‘the X-odus’ which is quite witty. I could never personally bring myself to call it X as it is the brand name of an Indian spray-on deodorant for men. No thank you. A quick look at your chart shows a Gemini and Cancer stellium so you are in the big growth years for the internet and then your home life. Take every opportunity, now through mid 2025, to improve your experience of the web. It may be Substack, Bluesky or something completely different. A better computer, for example, with a camera and microphone that is professional standard. There may be other big new options; a website which embeds your videos for example and gives you massive reach, or a turnaround with a digital media company. Later on from mid 2025 to mid 2026 you will buy a really terrific new home; successfully renovate the existing home; find you can go between two homes and so on. A hugely improved situation with your home town and homeland is also coming; one you can warm to.
I read the card as Elon Musk divides the world or that world opinion is divided on Elon Musk.
I see him being deported back to his homeland, a women brings him down. The return will be a time for him to review his life, and how he has treated his family. He will realize how he has become detached from reality, maybe due to his mental health, and that will not be good, and he will learn of how he is nothing more than human. His extreme wealth will come from his selling off everything, and returning to a simple life, offering him a reprise from his ego.
Now, that’s an interesting interpretation. I do wonder if the twin cities in the background are not American and South African; so Cape Town and Los Angeles, for example. You are certainly giving him a walloping Tarot reading there.
Yes. I agree with you . Kamala not backing women was a real bone of contention for me. She was not taking a strong stand against this and instead bowing to what she thought was a popular opinion. She, to me, was a weak woman and I never understood the woman cheering her on like she was something other than a puppet. She did not care about woman’s rights. She cared only about her agenda. Nancy Mace is a force for sure. The old perception and ways of democrats and republicans has really changed this time around and I do feel the parties changing in so many ways.
Nancy Mace is getting it right. J.K. Rowling is getting it right. Women of the time, you might say. Harris got it wrong and I am amazed she does not use astrology. Maybe she does (but had a not very good astrologer). You have to come out fighting for women against male domination on this transit, or you are all out of time. I agree with you, cliches about the Democrats and Republicans are disappearing. What we are seeing is the new Pluto in Aquarius transit where in fact, binary is over and we have to do multiple views; multiple politics. Democrats may in fact come to see that the Republicans were right about stopping the male invasion of female space, rights and identity all along. Republicans may have to concede some issues to Democrats. It’s very interesting. The new space.
I see the Chariot card here as Musk acting as go-between or puppeteer of Russia and the USA. There have been a lot of newspaper reports of his personal meetings with Putin. With Starlink he might be trying to bring them together, straddle Trump and Putin, or play them off against each other. But to me, those are the two dominions he’s attempting to drive in some way.
Elon is currently battling and bankrupting Grimes in Texas courts and refusing to let her see their three children. I say he is all Pluto in Capricorn. I would love to see him back in South Africa and out of the US. Allegedly, they settled the dispute today with a closed status.
Elon Musk and the custody battle with Grimes really lets us know he is a Sun Cancer man. Beyond the space ships and the money, Twitter and Trump, he is essentially a Fourth House type who lives in his family and mothers zone. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, in charge of the Fourth House is very much about the maternal line. I suspect Mrs. Musk, who is on Twitter too, has far more influence over her son than most people realise. The rules of astrology are, if he keeps on playing Pluto in Capricorn, he’s on a hiding to nowhere by 7th December. If he transforms into Pluto in Aquarius, he might just make it. So let’s see.
Hope you’re keeping well.
The man in the chariot looks definitely in charge – he’s holding the rod and wearing the crown at least. One of my first thoughts when I looked at the Chariot card was of Iron Man. Tony Stark (super rich, tech genius) has a pioneering fusion reactor in his chest which keeps him alive, and powers his armoured suit. The story of the reactor is also interesting – created by three – Stark’s father, and two colleagues, one of them Russian. The colleagues create a new source of sustainable clean energy, but fundamentally disagree about how to use it – father Stark wants to benefit the world while the others want money, fame and glory, then eventually revenge when it goes sour.
Another was of yin and yang, light and dark, two sides of the same whole, West and (or versus) East. The river and trees in the background seem to me to be part of the same landscape yet the buildings on each side seem to be quite distinct in architectural style from each other.
I don’t know why, but I also keep thinking of the moment in the film when Tony Stark reveals at a press conference that he’s Iron Man to the world, in a spur of the moment fit of madness, genius or bit of both. Maybe because the chariot looks a bit like a stage or podium.
And for an unknown reason the music and a bit of the lyrics to a Coldplay song also popped into in my head. Must have played in a shop of somewhere recently – I’m not a Coldplay fan so had to look it up and the song is called Viva La Vida – not Rule the World as I’d previously thought. Interesting lyrics.
That’s all I got. Plausibly fitting or fittingly plausible in this world?
I haven’t done this before but I have a strong urge to do this. I see V11 which can still be split into two dual sections and the card seems to reflect light and dark. I got into my head it Musk be a 7 pointed stat too that I am seeing. Septimal Law. Elohim seems to be rising from a concrete tomb in glorified costume. 4 pillars behind. The Dark “Bureau-cat” below is dreading what comes under the control of his wand and the light “Bureau-cat” looks like they will tow along with the click of his fingers. The wings of Hermes below are framed on his shoulders with his native moon . When the stars in his chariot gain momentum he is going roll right over anything in front of him. ” He chart IOT” His belt tilts toward the light as does the card. The trees are green, water calm and blue, sun shining, buildings upright. Future looks bright. I see the Knights of Templar shield centered below the wings of Hermes and the Sun (is that symbolic of a cazimi) and outlined again by the Masonic cats …I hope, yes I do. the ancient truths will be shared with Pluto in Aquarius. Maybe Elohim is opening this path. I think this a Trump card and Elon is his entertaining uber. Aho.
Thank you. You would be amazed at how accurate a Tarot reading can be, in the hands of somebody who has not tried it before. I like your interpretation of ‘Bureau-cat’ for the two feline sphinxes. Mr. Musk really should be reading this comments section!
It looks like the New York case for trumps 34 felony’s has been cancelled. This dude and musk has gotten away with everything. It’s time for a system change where we actually have a justice system.
Not at all. In fact the judge in New York is in tune with the astrology. He’s postponed sentencing. It’s not cancelled. The timing is in line with Ceres’ switch from Capricorn to Aquarius, which is 7th December. I published that date a while back on Substack. The Independent newspaper has a good report on Donald’s fate here.
Musk is thinking about buying MSNBC. So if he does buy it, it will be another state run media outlet for him and Trump and his rich elitist.
Elon Musk does enjoy making announcements, but he’s making this one on Mercury Retrograde. In fact, most of the Donald-Elon commitments are taking place on Mercury Retrograde. And it’s in Sagittarius which rules foreigners (the Kremlin) as well as global publishing and international digital presence. It won’t stop until January 3rd, 2025.
Hi Jessica,
What do you see happening with bird flu? Do you see a repeat of Covid type lockdown in the US?
The cases popping up seem to be scary and relatively severe. Curious what you see clarvoiyantly but also in the astrology.
I take omens seriously. I found a dead bird near my favourite fish and chip boat, in Hobart, Tasmania, two years ago. It was a struggling sea bird on the pavement. I’ve found dead birds since on our beach – unusual. Unfortunately Covid is still here and of course variants still emerge all the time. In general, Virgo rules public health and we have the South Node going into Virgo in January 2025. In the years 2025 and 2026 the world will once again be dealing with long, karmic cycles taking us back to previous pandemics. The issues then, as now, will be about the role that religion plays in public health. Robert F. Kennedy Junior is a staunch Catholic and against vaccination. That’s one example. These Virgo node cycles go back into the past, in loops of 18-19 years every time. I’ve never been happy seeing this one and that is why I have been ringing the alarm bell since 2019 for people to take control of their own health and wellbeing and spend as much as they can afford on it. The answer for Covid is UV light. The answer for bird flu and other epidemics and pandemics is worth researching and I am off to find more out myself, having been reminded of my dead birds, by you. Thank you.