Bye! How Astrology and Tarot Saw the Melania Exit
On 16th November 2024, the news arrived. Forget Brexit and Megxit. This is a Melxit.
CNN: “Melania Trump unlikely to move to the White House full time as first lady.” And – “Melania Trump will probably not be returning to the White House for the next four years with her husband.” (The Guardian).
Melania will be in New York for 2025, with their son Barron. The Tarot card I pulled for Donald 12 months ago, on this website, shows the exit. That’s her huddled in a coat with the boy. They’re relocating. She’s even wearing a brown coat in this photograph of the unhappy family, below.
The Six of Swords is about refugees or migrants, traditionally. It shows two generations escaping, together.

Melania and Barron Move to New York
Melania be living alone in a Manhattan apartment while their son, Barron, goes to college in New York. That’s a first for a First Lady.
The Tarot card I drew 12 months ago, to call this year as an emotional loss for Donald, was the Six of Swords.
At the time I wondered if this was Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and their children – escaping from her father and attacks on them.
In fact the card is very simple. That’s actually Melania and Barron relocating and getting right away from the threats.
The American astrology chart further down in this feature, chimed with the Tarot when I first looked at Donald’s fate, almost a year ago. Saturn (tests and trials) in Libra (the President and First Lady) was being crossed by the South Node in Libra, which always brings karma. The reading was odd. A money man would be president, which seemed likely to be Donald, but personally there would be real loss. So I called a male president – it would never be Kamala Harris – but also called dark and difficult times for Donald. The Tarot can be like that. And together with the US chart, it told the truth.

The Melania Trump Natal Chart
Melania has an X-rated natal chart (data not fit for purpose) at Astrodatabank, on Professional astrologers use AA charts, or A at a pinch.
Never use X-rated charts as you lose the Moon, the angles and sometimes other key factors too.
Donald’s chart is also untrustworthy, as he has supplied two different birth dates to authorities. He’s also been found guilty of falsifying business records.
I wouldn’t use that data for a reader and I won’t use it for him. So what works? The American astrology chart.
I used this American astrology chart to predict that this ‘money man’ would be in the White House after the 2024 election, looking at Taurus and Scorpio faactors. So, no matter how I felt about it personally – Kamala Harris was never going to win.
The ‘money man’ I called with psychic astrology, way back on 4th January 2024 – turns out to be a hush money man, though.
The Tarot has a sense of humour. So does the American astrology chart, which agreed, precisely. The White House was waiting for someone who was all about finance. It just happens to be $130,000 hush money (as well as a friendship with Elon Musk).

As I publish this on December 14th 2024, Donald is waiting to be charged for the hush money he paid to Stormy Daniels, to cover up the fact that he allegedly had sex with her while he was married to Melania. Barron was a child at the time. Who am I to argue with Wikipedia? All the facts are here.
Donald has no protection from sentencing, until he’s sworn in as president. And that’s over a month away as you read this on December 14th.
So the possible outcomes here are really interesting. Sure, presidents can’t be jailed. But he’s not president yet. And we are now in Pluto in Aquarius season, no longer Pluto in Capricorn.
Power has gone to the people and away from the man at the top. Donald will not be above the law on this transit. And that 12-person jury in New York made up of ‘we, the people’ (including many women) is a nice example of an Aquarius group.
Donald Spirals Down, Down, Down.
Donald continues to spiral down. This has been the case for some years. He rises and falls. Eventually he won’t get up again. He can occasionally pull himself up, but this is a Pluto in Aquarius transit, right out of Pluto in Capricorn – and he’s going to be just like Nero, Henry VIII and George III as it goes on. They get back up, only to plunge again. And eventually it’s just over.

As I’ve mentioned, Donald could technically be sentenced to jail over his falsified documents crime, before he makes it to the White House and being sworn in. That’s just one example.
2024 was always going to be about loss for him. And yet, Kamala Harris was never going to be in the White House either, natch. Psychic astrology can be like that! Further on in this feature I will look at an incredible 2016 prediction from Madalyn Aslan in New York. She’s a friend and esteemed colleague in astrology.
A Money Woman in the White House
The US astrology chart and the Tarot showed ‘a money woman’ in the White House, after ‘the money man.’ So that’s really interesting, given what might take us there – and who it might be. These two predictions were made in sequence, some months apart.
And here’s the natal chart for America, below. The U.S. horoscope in all its glory. That astrology chart for the United States which you know you can trust, even when Donald can’t decide for the authorities, if he was born in June or July.
Reading the Astrology Chart for America
The most accurate astrology chart for America I have found, is set for 2nd January 1776, the first time ‘The United States of America’ was used in official correspondence. No time, so it’s set for 12.00pm noon, but just look at that massive Capricorn and Aquarius pattern.
Power is going from Capricorn (the white man at the top of the system) to Aquarius (women) as you read this. It takes time, is all. But it’s happening.
Melania Trump’s split from her White House marriage to an adulterous man, is the very first sign. The rise of a money woman in the White House will be the next. Next, I’ll look at Madalyn Aslan’s 2016 astrology prediction about the US.
Software: AstroGold. Main Image: Shutterstock.
How Madalyn Aslan Predicted the Trump Split
I am going to end this psychic astrology feature on Donald Trump and Melania Trump with New York’s Madalyn Aslan and her uncanny vision of the future, made eight years ago.
Your comments are welcome. I have so many gifted psychic readers, after all. Here’s what Madalyn saw…
“I look deeper and I see Trump is a young boy. Young soul. Scared. Counting his toy soldiers (his money.) I don’t see him living in The White House for long. He can’t own it, he can’t profit from it, it’s of no use to him. He will be used, and will not last long. He, being used, will also use, that’s the deal. Do his business, in, out, take the money. The worst part is he’s not the worst part. The worst part is those behind him pushing their agendas. Trump is a front man, a salesman to sell the dreams to buy the land, and then to sell it off. He is forever a private property developer, but now with our entire country, and its laws, and people, as a building to be bought and sold. Always a slumlord, he terrorizes tenants until they move out, and then sells the country. I see that this was the plan all along.
Most frightening is how duped we all are. We are completely distracted by Trump’s outbursts while our country is being dismantled before our very eyes – and it’s happening fast. November 9, I declared there would be an attempted coup (early 2021). We will fiddle while our Rome burns.
Confucius counsels: We should feel sorrow, but not sink under its oppression.
In the end, I see a couple, male and female lovers, in The White House. That is not Trump and Melania. The Trumps will not “live” together in The White House as every President and First Lady have done since The White House was built. In the ultimate finish – and it’s no sweet immediate – I see the male lover handing his cup to the female. The male is handing his cup, literally, his presidency, to the female. In the end, the mantle of history goes to the female.”
Copyright Madalyn Aslan/November 14, 2016.
59 Responses
Kamala raised over a billion dollars in a few months. Would that make her a money woman?
Yes, Kamala qualifies as a ‘money woman’. Also known as The Queen of Pentacles. That’s correct. She’s a candidate.
Hi Jessica
The first thing I thought of looking at the US Chart was the imminent Pluto transit to the US Mars at 2 degrees Aquarius. Pluto transiting Mars — some of the things I thought of – increased assertiveness/dominating – perhaps on the world stage. Also brings up a lot of repressed rage. The seeds of civil war in the US sounds quite dramatic. Then later Pluto goes on to trine Uranus and the Moon in Gemini in the chart – interesting to watch it all unfold from an astrological perspective.
What do you think of those transits?
I’ve noted that Pluto-Mars opposition too. Historic levels of rage for America and Americans. It’s an archetypal Leo-Aquarius clash. The king and the knights of his round table. The queen and the people. The president and the voters. I agree with you that the Pluto transits will change the balance of power in the US over time. The nutshell example of Pluto in Aquarius in opposition to Mars in Leo is the New York sentencing of Donald over the Stormy Daniels hush money. The jury is Aquarius. Donald is Leo. Pluto is power. Mars is anger at that power.
So it’s a power shift from Capricorn (old goats at the top irrespective of gender) to power in Aquarius (collective and horizontal irrespective of gender). I’m confused as to why you insist on suggesting this astrological shift means it’s a woman who rises vs a man who falls. That remains as dualistic language and rarely aquarian in nature.
What you describe Jessica is still a vertical distribution of power – you just flipped the genders. This is counter to aquarian flow as water never travels uphill. Perhaps we have 20 years to figure out how to unite our individual masculine (capricornian drive & ambition) with our feminine (aquarian collective flow). If one can do this, they place ourselves as the leader of their own government (self control and wealth of heart and spirit) and learn to bring water to the people without getting wet in the us vs them battles to the top. As within, so without.
You are welcome to re-read the astrology predictions you have missed. They are in your library here too, which is suitable for absolute beginners. Pluto in Aquarius is always the replacement of patriarchy and particularly toxic patriarchy. Thank you.
A day ago, surrounded by smiling Melania & his two daughters, Trump gleefully rings the bell at the NY Stock Exchange. He is also selected as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, featured on its front cover. In his mind, life couldn’t be any grander! Many of us, are waiting for the fall. And though sentencing hasn’t occurred, the Presidential immunity issue remains prevalent (because he tweeted about the matter when he was last president) and his lawyers argue that its wrong to have the hush money case pending over his head when Trump becomes President. So, I went to the Tarot and asked, will the jury verdict in the NY hush money case, under Judge Merchan, be upheld against Trump? I was careful in the crafting of this question (I’m an attorney).My focus was on the jury, as you said Jessica, they represent, “We the People.” But, I know that the judge has extraordinary powers that can toss aside the verdict (and Trumps lawyers are arguing that he use them). I pulled the Nine Of Cups. Fascinating that your comments on the Tarot narrative cited Pluto in Aquarius and the community. Could you please expand more on this card? Also, please expand, if you can, on the concept of rise and fall because clearly Trump has been rising at a rapid pace: President, ringing the NYSE bell and Time Magazine’s cover. And as it relates to NY, Melania is happily there. Thank you.
You’re an attorney so well-placed to ask the Tarot about Donald and this New York sentencing by Judge Merchan. I’m intrigued by your choice. The Nine of Cups. That’s Merchan front and centre with the group behind him. It is extremely important that Merchan pays attention to the juror who is breaking ranks with the rest. They all found Donald guilty of falsifying business records. Now, there is a question about how solid that circle is. Merchan needs to go back to the individual jury members and follow the Nine of Cups’ advice – treat every person as a precious and separate individual, not just part of a circle. As for Trump spiralling, I wrote about this some time ago. He’s been in free-fall for years. He rises, descends and then eventually just plunges. This is the feature.
It’s also important to mention that Shutterstock photo of Melania in the brown coat was first published in Washington, DC on 26 November 2019. They were walking as a family across the South Lawn of the White House to Marine One on their way to Florida. It may be a convenient match with your tarot card to prove a theory for this article, except it came way before the Six of Swords drawn 12 months ago.
It’s great you are a Premium Member so you can read my work on The Tarot and find a nice, simple beginner’s guide to how time and prediction work.
I think it’s exciting with Pluto’s powers in Aquarius. Look at what happened in Syria, what is going on in South Korea and the protests in Georgia. I don’t know how it will be in the USA but it is interesting to observe how Pluto is showing up now. Thank you Jessica for allow us so that we can share and discuss how social events can be understood with help with astrology.
Best regards Inger
Thank you Inger. Pluto in Aquarius is already showing up in America. If you take Pluto as power and Aquarius as ‘the people’ we are now looking at a jury of 12 men and women, from all walks of life, who have the power to influence the way a New York judge thinks about giving Donald a jail sentence. He’s not immune. He’s not president for another month. Syria and South Korea are strong examples of Pluto leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius. Watch this one.
I don’t think anyone cares about Melania or Barron. It’s still a fact that Donald and republicans won and how they will rule, and I use the word rule purposely, is what is scary. History has shown it is a cycle if oppression , revolution and reformation. People still have to suffer first to bring and demand change. Melanie is the least important issue for them.
I know that ushering in change from the Pluto transit into Aquarius will take time – but it’s deeply depressing to see so many people and institutions ‘bend the knee’ for this monster. He is just a symbol of rot and decay in our leadership ( Media, CEO’s, Healthcare) so when he leaves there will be plenty to take his place and make things worse for the common citizens around the world. The fact that so many americans supported that man and all that he stands for is just stunning. When will the ‘people power’ begin to take hold for real? Thank you for all the insights and knowledge. You are indeed a treasure!
The comfort of history and astrology is that you tend to get 50% of the population backing the despot on Pluto in Capricorn, while the other 50% push back and eventually triumph. And they don’t just replace the despot; they replace the whole system. You call Donald a monster. They called Henry VIII a monster. The Terrible Tudor. They called Nero a monster too. Both spiralled down and vanished, to be replaced by female power. That female power was pushed at first by the 50% and eventually it became 75%, 80%, 90% and so on. We are living through an historic time of crisis and transformation. There was no way we were ever going to escape it (and my friend Michael Lutin saw that in his famous Vanity Fair prediction about America). Yet here we are. Pluto is at 0 Aquarius. And this is happening. Watch New York. Watch that jury, many of whom are women.
Hi Jessica,
Have you looked at the charts for the Gisele Pelicot trial? I thought of this as a very woman-reclaiming-power transit, (hopefully), forcing change of rape definitions in France, while holding a huge group of men fully accountable. I know it’s a very hot potato issue for your site.
I’ve not looked at this horrific example of late-stage Pluto in Capricorn abuse of a woman, by men. It’s also an excellent example of early-stage Pluto in Aquarius comeback. This is the Boudicca cycle. She did in fact raise an army and wipe out London after her daughters were raped by the Romans. To this day London has a scorched layer of earth which many call the Boudicca Line or Bouddica Event Horizon. So we’re back here. We also have to look at Donald. Pluto transits are slow and steady, transformative and powerful, they are rather like earth changes. In fact, Pluto in myth broke the earth’s crust. The four seasons were transformed. So this is a force of nature which takes time to unfold, but always does. This will change France forever. Women are rising in France and will continue to do so.
About money women, there a lot of them. To name a few are Mackenzie Scott, Julie Koch, Oprah, Taylor swift, Rihanna and many more. I think there are like 31 money women on the list. I mean you probably could Kamala back on that list since she made over a billion dollars in like 90 days which was crazy.
I think we need to get money out of politics and over turn citizens united. During the next 20 years we really need to make it more of a democracy like almost the Greeks had it compared to oligarch type system.
The American astrology chart indicates the Queen of Pentacles (also known as the Queen of Coins) along with the Tarot and it’s a slow-moving transit, so this will take time. It will be very interesting for America to take her second step into Pluto in Aquarius. Women always rise on it. The first step was Kamala Harris replacing Joe Biden as potential 2025 president. The second step will likely be AOC. We have 20 years to go, as you say, and as Aquarius is about power spread horizontally among the people (all the people, not just white men) I think your vision of a Greek democracy will come to pass.
…Donald continues to spiral down… he rises he falls…eventually he wont get up again… Hit a chord with me. Trump reminds me of my ex husband (31/07/73).
We split up in January 2012 yet he won’t stop the control & mind games – he has to be right, even when he’s in the wrong and when he’s wrong he fights!
Like so many of your readers the past 18 yrs have been harsh. The whole Capricorn in Pluto period I was dealing with and trying my best to ignore my exes mind games, control, deceit, lies and every coercion tactic in the book and felt judged for it. I have a Capricorn stellium, did that make life easier, or worse for me?
What I found difficult was safeguarding our children when my ex was spiralling out of control. I stopped access when my children told me they didn’t want to see him. I had to represent myself in court because i couldnt afford legal representation. My ex could, and played the game well. In court he was believed over me despite police evidence, positive drug & alcohol reports and our daughter point blank refusing to see him. A little Trumpian I’d say?
Our daughter 4/09/05 has refused to see her Dad since 2018. Despite a court order my ex continues to disregard the detail and do what the hell he likes by driving past our house. He sees our disabled son for around 6hrs a month but even that’s hard work for him. Something happened this week that I can’t ignore. I need to stop contact to protect my son. If the powers that be don’t intervene now my ex will take me back to court and cry victim.
Thankfully, my daughter, now a young woman wants to protect her brother and willing to talk to the police about her experiences with her Dad when she was younger.
I’m still traumatised by Pluto in Capricorn. I’m terrified of being taken to court again and having to fight a narcissist who gets off on the power he feels he has in court. Your blog about Trump running out of luck one day soon gives me hope that maybe the ‘group’ which in my case is my daughter & me, the police, school, social services and the justice system work together this time, rather than believe someone who has a name on a birth certificate which he believes grants control over our lives. I’ll continue to protect my son but with Pluto now in Aquarius, will it be as brutal as it was?
I am sorry you have a rotten ex-husband. You were treated appallingly by the legal system. You have a disabled son you are concerned about and now your daughter is stepping up to protect her brother and you. You’re terrified about another court case. You wonder if your ex-husband will spiral down as Donald is doing, despite occasionally rising. We start with the solar chart which is Queen. You are a Leo woman. Neptune entered Pisces and your Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships that year. In 2025 Neptune leaves. He is out of Pisces in March 2025 and completely gone by 2026. So it is all about the total lack of boundaries (Neptune) with your former husband, but also confused and confusing situations involving the children, who are named in your will, and presumably in your husband’s will too. The Eighth House is about ‘Until death do us part’ and ‘For richer, for poorer’ and ‘In sickness and in health’ tied to money, houses, possessions and apartments. Even if that was not part of your pledge to each other, astrology is ancient and the Eighth House is about dowry and legally binding documents. You can find out more about the Eighth House in your library here. Going to your natal chart, you have the Ascendant 2 Scorpio and Neptune at 25 Scorpio in your Eighth House. The Ascendant is just your reputation and image; people profile you in terms of the battle with him and the children. You are seen as a Scorpio type even though you are a Leo. Is this so important? Not really. Image, reputation, cameo, portrait, profile can all be changed. What is far more telling is natal Neptune in Scorpio in the Eighth House. I am sure you can see it’s the same soundtrack played twice. The Eighth House is as much about the children as it is about him – and also any other man you are sexually involved with, or have been. The cycles of time suggest the confusion will end on March 31st 2025, when Neptune leaves your solar Eighth House. We don’t know why. Neptune tends to muddy the waters so everything is all over the place, all the time, everywhere (with the money, the possessions, the house or the apartment). You also have some heavy restrictions and limitations, with Saturn also going through the Eighth House, but these stop on May 25th 2025. You then have a long period when for the first time in many years, matters of a joint financial nature are clear, classified, categorised, contained and controlled. There is a flashback or rewind from October 23rd 2025 until January 26th 2026, when Neptune goes back into your Eighth House, and then the muddle ends. There is also a Saturn rewind/flashback of restrictions and limitations from September 2nd 2025 until February 14th 2026, then that cycle (too) is over for good. The other really important factor here is karma. The North Node goes into your Eighth House on January 12th 2025 and remains until July 27th 2026. You owe, or are owed (probably financially, perhaps with property or possessions) from the last time you had this cycle. Only you know if you must repay or receive, spiritually. That last cycle was 2006, 2007. All these transits in Pisces in your solar Eighth House also aspect your Neptune in Scorpio in your solar Eighth House so the timing is clear. You are slowly but surely going to extricate yourself from this. It improves in 2025. It’s gone in 2026. Neptune is best handled with the equivalent of a lighthouse, anchor, red and yellow flags in the sand, lifeguards, rules, regulations and nets. You can’t avoid having Neptune in the Eighth House natally. Nor can you avoid having Neptune transit your Eighth House, in your solar chart. However, you can have minimal spill, manageable currents, comfortable levels of overflow or flooding – by particular strategies for Neptune. The magic word is Boundaries. Capital B, Boundaries. And with the Eighth House, money, possessions and property will always be involved.
Hello Jessica,
Even though Pluto is no longer in Capricorn, I think some of the negative symptoms of its transit will still negatively impact people under Aquarius. One huge obstacle to Pluto in Aquarius’ revolutionary change is that a significant portion of the American population is either brainwashed by Trump’s authoritarian MAGA movement or still isn’t taking the threat that it poses to societal progress (racial, gender and socioeconomic equality) seriously. As for ‘money woman’, it could be anybody. It could be someone who actually cares about women’s rights, like Democrat Stacey Abrams, she’s rich; or it could be a Republican like Nikki Haley or Laura Trump who’s only interested in upholding the status quo.
The transition of Pluto out of Capricorn into Aquarius is the removal of power from the MAGA and Kremlin system (the tiny male elite controlling the masses) and the replacement of this, with power shared equally among men and women. History and astrology tells us to expect total system change. So MAGA will be as irrelevant as Henry VIII and his Church of England, in time. We have 2000 years of this cycle to track. You can trust astrology. It predicted a money man in the White House, months before Kamala Harris announced her run. It predicted emotional loss for Donald. His wife will not live with him. The third set of predictions? Yes indeed, a money woman in the White House. And that’s not right-wing, nor left-wing. It’s just money.
I have lost all hope on him ever being held accountable for anything he ever did.
It has been a very upsetting time Since the election, I have lost two friends Who live close by and my whole social group ….. I despise the man and from what he’s done to this country and the amount of loss that has happened with family and friends.
I am sorry this has been so upsetting for you. This is not the America we know and love, is it? I just need to reassure you that the comfort of astrology and history is – we have seen this before. And we know how it ends. Nero took his own life. Henry VIII was replaced by women. George III went mad and was taken off the throne. Pluto is at 0 Aquarius. We have 29 degrees to go.
According to a French medium Claire Thomas, D. Trump was Emperor August 63 BC who concentrated power in his hands despite a Republic regime but managed to keep political stability. He was also Edward II (1308, I think), married to Isabelle de France – as a political alliance between England and France – who betrayed him (she was also manipulated by Mortimer) because he preferred his male advisors and neglected and humiliated her. Edward II ended up being imprisoned and assassinated after loosing power in favour to his son Edward III, hence D Trump’s paranoia regarding women, France and much more. His ambivalence regarding power also, August or Edward II?
In fact, she was given 2 past lives only. Not more, contrary to most other “famous” people. Before that she saw the cover of a book written in 1889 about a “Baron Trump ‘s marvelous underground journey” by Lockwood (where he travels in Russia notably) . When she asked what was a luminous tube next to the 2 guards that she saw right away as she connected, they told her it was a time machine. No wonder Trump has Musk – Tesla as a strong allied. Time voyages and transhumanism but no “transgenderism”. Always dual. Too much to say.
I’ve not been able to find Claire Thomas (the French medium, as opposed to the cook) but these are interesting views on Donald’s past lives. It’s striking that he has emerged in the 248-year cycle of Pluto leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius. Just like Nero. Just like Henry VIII. Just like George III.
Dear Jessica,
I am about to start a process of raising a grievance against my toxic boss who bullied me to the point of really not wanting to live anymore. I am angry I am forced into this situation having to go through this process but have no choice now and I am hoping and praying that Pluto leaving Capricorn indicates that what is fair and just will now prevail and this person is held accountable I question if I have anything left in me to fight this. This year has taken me to the brink and in all honesty I have lost all hope that next year will bring anything better. I wonder collectively if we were hoping at a personal and global level to see improvements immediately being rid of Capricorn… Elle xxx
I am sorry you were put through this, Elle. I am seeing bad boss stories repeatedly from people coming out of this long Pluto in Capricorn transit. You’re raising a grievance as this person made you dangerously depressed. Okay, so your chart shows Ceres at 19 Capricorn and the IC at 29 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career. Have a look at Ceres in your online library here. Ceres is notorious for episodes of depression and in fact, the archetype is about dealing with Autumn/Winter in one’s life, and understanding how to cope with change, when Spring/Summer vanish. I daresay the winters at work were pretty dark. The worst is over and has gone forever. Your last aspect was Pluto at 29 Capricorn just a few weeks ago. Your question is, should you/could you fight on? You are a Cancer with a Cancer stellium and also a Virgo stellium. That is a decision for you, but I can cheer you up, by telling you rare opportunities to have more from your home, do more with the house or apartment (maybe the garden) and be substantially fulfilled by your family or household, are coming. Jupiter is ‘best and greatest’ and from June 2025 until the middle of 2026 you will be sitting pretty. This extends to your home town and homeland; there is real growth there and huge improvement. At the same time Jupiter picks up your Virgo (work and wellbeing) stellium so the second half of next year brings a far better job, or greatly improved working conditions. It’s up to you if you pursue The Devil Wears Prada, but for whatever reason, you will be a much happier person from June next year.
I have the same dream twice. I’m at what I assume to be Mara La Go at a party/ reception. Sitting at my table are two women who are from California and I am from Florida. We are talking about how things on the media tend to portray us in a negative light.. There are beautiful young women In attendance, and they are giving me ( & whoever is with me) the stink eye. Even been told you don’t belong here. However, I know Donald Trump somehow (believe it is golf) and he knows I didn’t vote for him, but it doesn’t matter. There’s a presentation, and then Trump leaves. He goes up the stairs and Is in his Master suite. There is a woman with him not Melania she removes a mask of his face to reveal his true face. He is clearly dying. (It ends)
Next dream is exactly the same. However, it ends with him dying and all of the guest are running wild and stealing everything and the next thing I see we are in front of a bunch of files and I’m trying to stop everybody. However, then I see the hidden works of my favorite author a woman poet/writern And I must have it.
If you have any insight, I would greatly appreciate it. Usually, I am very well at interpreting dreams and recognize my archetype. Just busy puppy potty training /doing holiday things rn now so DT is not in the forefront of my mind.
I pulled the Page Of Pentacles on this.
Thank you, Lisa/Lissa. You dreamed of Mar-a-Lago, that peculiar place which has dominated America for years. You saw Donald Trump dying. He is robbed by guests. And you found a book there by a favourite author. You drew the Page of Pentacles about the dream. The Page of Pentacles is either one of Donald’s sons, or it is J.D. Vance. Both are far younger than him (pages) and will have money when he dies, or will capitalise/profit from the association for other reasons. Astrology never predicts death. It’s not possible and in any case it is unethical. What it does predict is ‘Decline and Fall’ to quote the Waugh book. And we are here, now. Staggering and stumbling, with occasional peaks, but mostly a downward spiral as the Pluto in Capricorn power structure collapses all around. There is nothing to stand on any more and nowhere to go. I find that very interesting. Syria and Russia’s loss there is the first stumble. Melania refusing to live with her husband is another. Your dream must have powerfully affected you. Thank you for sharing it.
Would love to know your take on the New Jersey drones.
The New Jersey drones fit the bill perfectly for Mercury in Sagittarius. They will be foreign. They will come and go and then from January 3rd the story will wind down. For all we know they are ‘faked foreign’ too. Mercury can be tricky.
Great post Jessica. I am wondering if the tarot card could be Trump, Melania and son moving away. Perhaps to Russia.
With the planets the way they are and so many moving parts, Trump feels like he is about to topple from the illusion of leadership.
Just thinking out loud.
Thank you for all that you do.
Thank you. The huddled figure in brown is Melania Trump (she has been photographed wearing a brown coat) and the child is Barron. She will be living in her own apartment in New York and not with her husband. Their son is of course going to college in New York. I agree with you, toppling seems likely. This would follow the historic pattern of Pluto out of Capricorn and into Aquarius that we’ve seen with Nero, Henry VIII and George III, among others.
Periodically I have precognitive dreams. I knew that this was one of them.
Just didn’t understand it.
I appreciate you taking the time to assist me.
Blessings to you
Another reader also reported a Donald dream. He is the archetype of Pluto in Capricorn and surfaced in 2008 when the cycle began. So he is a symbol of who or what takes, takes over, controls, generates his own power, manipulates and ‘plays’ us. I find it very interesting that as so many people are having Pluto at 0 Aquarius transits to their 0 degree chart factors, they are taking back their power. You are dreaming ahead of time. You have 1 degree factors, but in 2025, you will also find you can take back control. Your Donald dream may indeed turn out to be simple precognition, never mind the fact that he is a symbol which triggers your subconscious.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for your updates on US politics, interesting as always!
With respect to Kamala Harris, while she did manage to raise a lot of money I don’t think she’s the “money woman”. I never got the impression she really wanted to be President. She almost seemed relieved to not have to be. Always had a sense it may have had something to do with her marriage and think I recall you writing a bit about this back in 2019 / 2020ish. Don’t think the details of her husband life that came out during the campaign sat well with her. It’s just a feeling I get, I guess as compared to say Hillary Clinton. There was no mistaking her desire – it was clear she really, really wanted to be President.
That said could the money woman maybe be Susie Wiles, Trump’s Chief of Staff? The Chief of Staff is a power player and calls many of the shots. She is the first woman to ever hold that position and could mark the start of the changes that Pluto in Aquarius will bring about.
Also read your reply to another poster about the drones. Funnily enough yesterday I pulled a card from the Garden Oracle about them and received “Foreign Influences”. To your point it could be anyone. Part of me wonders if they are there to serve as a distraction and draw attention away from the Electoral College official vote casting (tomorrow 12/17 I think) and Congressional count in January.
Hard to take anything at face value today! Thanks, Jennifer
Thanks Jennifer. Kamala Harris is one of the few American politicians with a reliable AA rated astrology chart so it was possible to see the challenges with her husband and marriage during the campaign, which may have played their part in how she approached it. The astrology was very clear on her mistaken support for men who back trans ideology (and the women who also mistakenly prop that up). Going into Pluto in Aquarius, you cannot have the minority taking over the majority. Unfortunately Kamala Harris bet on the wrong thing. She also bet against Elon Musk who has personal reasons for rejecting trans ideology too. Another astrological mistake. The ‘Money Woman’ following the ‘Money Man’ in the White House is shown in the American chart as well as in the Tarot and yes, it may be Wiles. Wiles qualifies as Pluto in Aquarius, being a woman in power in a previously male dominated field. Your card was right about the drones – yes indeed – Foreign Influences.
Hi Jessica, thank you for the insights you share. In the UK things still seem to be stuck in the Pluto in Capricorn stage. We have a dictator government in charge who are trying hard to drag us back into the EU, against a democratic result of a referendum. They are also so scared of Nigel Farage that they are going to delay local elections in May 2025 to suit there own dirty agenda. Can you give us any hope for the future here. I also dreamed of DT, he was in my house wrapped up in coats and blankets and could not get warm. Strange to say the least. I just hope he does what he says and supports the US. and does away with the woke rubbish. Thank you again for sharing.
The transition of Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius fits the rise of Nigel Farage supported by Elon Musk’s money. Pluto is power, as you know. Capricorn is the tiny elite at the top. The British majority voted for Brexit and got a Prime Minister who voted for Remain. It took years for Brexit to be delivered. Well, here we are in a new cycle and Capricorn hierarchies, pyramids, mountains and mountain goats are history as the power has gone. The new power is horizontal and spread equally between ‘tribes’ sharing the space. So you can’t have any one minority taking over – that’s not Aquarius. History tells us the first 1-2 years of Pluto transition are dramatic and intense. That’s what we’re seeing. When you say ‘Woke’ you are talking about a minority of men who have trans ideology (and women who back them) trying to take over female space. So the 1% are attempting to take the rights and territory of the 50%. That’s doomed to fail on Pluto in Aquarius and in fact, it already is.
Jessica, I think the “money man entering the White House” must surely be Elon Musk.
Yes, many readers have interpreted my Tarot forecast about the 2025 White House as Elon Musk, but he can never be president as he is South African. The money man is Donald Trump, whose office paid hush money to Stormy Daniels, the porn star, to conceal her alleged affair with him when he was married to Melania. Beyond that, of course, Donald has brought in a money man (Musk) to help him do the job. It remains to be seen if the worm will turn in 2025, 2026 and Vance (who worked in finance) will rise. That will be very interesting.
Hello Jessica, Thank yor your insights you share. I would really appreciate your astrology and psychic insight whether the inauguration ceremony will be delayed. And regarding NY case whether judge will sentence T before inauguration.
Thank you. Inauguration is set for 20th January 2025. Mercury is no longer retrograde, but Mars certainly is, in Cancer. There is no reliable data for Donald as there are two different birthdates, supplied to the authorities. Mars Retrograde is notorious for producing reversals and cancellations with house moves, so the White House is right in the middle. Too funny. Sentencing before Inauguration, before presidential immmunity begins, is extremely likely given that Pluto is in Aquarius and the power is with the people. Until you are a president, you are just an equal citizen, same as everyone else. So let’s see what the ‘everyone elses’ do.
Hello Jessica, Just heard the news the Judge orders Trump to be sentenced on 10th January regarding the hush money case. Hope we hear from DOJ regarding the Jack Smith’s report regarding Jan.6th case. It is a shame the case could not go forward due to corrupt Supreme Court who delayed the decision on immunity. .Would very much appreciate your psychic and astrology insight into this. Still waiting to hear on other NY case brought forward by Letia James.
It is a shame Fani Williams has been taken off the Georgia case. T has been trying to wriggle out of it.
All these events take us right down to the wire with Donald’s inauguration on 20th January. I did in fact hear the word ‘insurrection’ when I was meditating so this is important. The core issue is about women. A woman who could have become president but went against the tides of time (Pluto in Aquarius, when women rise) by putting men first. Kamala Harris did not know what a woman was or is. The other crucial woman here is of course Stormy Daniels and this astonishing turn of events where a porn star is at the heart of a conviction. Donald will be the first person ever to have been found guilty by a jury, to enter the White House. Another first – he does so without his wife by his side. The other crucial woman in the story is E. Jean Carroll. And of course the voice of female authority in power is being heard throughout. This hasn’t even started. Pluto in Aquarius only began after voting had stopped. It is with us for 20 years and if you want to gain power or stay in power, you have to empower the whole community. Women hold up half the sky, as Mao noted. If you disempower women for whatever reason you don’t stay in the game long.
Jessica, I’m wondering if you might expand upon these points taking into consideration the recent sanctions that the US imposed on Iran and Russia because of interference in the 2024 election. These were announced (purposefully, I think) on New Year’s eve and sort of flew under the radar. Take a look at the release from US Dept of Treasury – esp implications of the sanctions paragraph at the bottom:
Spidey senses are going off due to this action by the US coupled with an image that I can’t stop ruminating on – Trump’s visit to the White House with Joe Biden’s huge grin and Trump’s hang-dog look, with a roaring fire in the background.
I think the **** is hitting the fan this week.
You are tapping into the quite sudden change that Mercury out of retrograde in Sagittarius (negotiations over foreign policy) shows in the US chart. That press release is interesting. It would be remarkable if the combined brilliance of the Clintons, the Obamas and Biden, with their foreign allies, could not collectively come up with a solution.
Hi Jessica. A note of thanks for helping keep so many of us sane during this absolutely infuriating, sickening time in US history. I pray your previous reader’s comments about feeling Biden is doing everything he can for the good of the US before leaving office, and we will see some of it, is correct. I believe Joe Biden is absolutely capable of all that. He doesn’t get nearly enough credit in my opinion. I am so distressed tonight watching the news of the fire in Los Angeles, and all trump can do is call the governor of California names and appeal to the Supreme Court to intervene in his sentencing. Honestly, I am enraged and sickened at the monumental injustice of this person having won another election. However, some very cool balm on my rage is that I keep getting an image of karma at Donald Trump’s heels. And she is a woman.
I’ve been getting another image since his first presidency, which I am not going to put into words, but I’m going back now to read your post about the assassination attempts. It just doesn’t seem feasible that the toxicity he spews will go unanswered, in whatever way. Lady karma again.
Thank you again for sharing your gifts with all of us. It helps enormously.
Warmest regards,
Thank you Lauren. The Los Angeles fires are dreadful and I am worried about a friend there, as they have lost power (phone, internet) in her area. Unfortunately the L.A. astrology chart suggests at least one fire was pre-planned last year. Your impression that karma is a woman, with Donald, is correct – astrologically and also with the Tarot. The downward spiral he is going through, with Stormy Daniels and E. Jean Carroll vindicated – and his wife Melania Trump no longer living with him – is classic Pluto in Aquarius, replacing Pluto in Capricorn. Henry VIII went through this with Elizabeth I and Bloody Mary! This is just the start. Pluto is here for years in this new sign which is about the end of patriarchy and the rise of the female. My Tarot reading about the White House last year saw a Money Man in power then replaced by or joined by a Money Woman. Lady karma indeed, Lauren.
Hello Jessica, Jack Smith has resigned from DOJ. It is a shame he was not able to proceed with the case through the court. Would very much appreciate your psychic insight whether his report will be published before the inauguration.
We are seeing the Donald Spiral continue. Pluto in Aquarius brings the slow descent of white male minority rule and the steady rise of women. It was in fact the female of the species who once again intervened to show us what the law looks like in America.
Hello Jessica, Jack Smith has resigned from DOJ. Would very much appreciate your psychic insight whether his report will be published before the inauguration.
It now seems we know. Had Donald never squeaked in with his victory he would have been on the wrong side of the law. Incredible, isn’t it.
Hi Jessica, It’s sad for USA that this tyrant will be inaugurated in few days. He will cause destruction. He has escaped jail time. I hope there is
legal intervention to stop his inauguration. I am further hoping that Jack Smith’s report regarding classified documents case is released before inauguration. This man has no moral conscience. A convicted felon who lies a lot will be taking oath on Bible!
The Money Man I predicted is indeed in the White House and already has his own cryptocurrency. The odd thing is, his Vice-President is also a money man – it was his former career. Everyone has an opinion about Donald who has successfully divided the United States in two. When a country is at war with itself, of course, it weakens its chances of fighting a foreign enemy. It’s all a bit yawn-making in terms of what Basil Fawlty would have called The Bleeding Obvious, but you’re not reading what I’ve been writing for years, now. Donald is in a spiral. Don’t be fooled by all the huffing and puffing. This is Pluto in Aquarius. This is Nero and Henry VII and George III.
I believe that Pluto into Aquarius will be more like it was in the 1700s. It took a long time and it took a revolution. Trump has to betray his low income, cult supporters. And he will and then chaos erupts. Until all that happens and you have a new order, maybe a new constitution, you don’t have anything. This is not a stroll. It is a revolution. And it means many will suffer, die and destruction. Much like the LA fires. Totally destruction and then rebuilding. I believe that is what Pluto in Aquarius is. And Trump may not pay until the next lifetime.
The transits we have now are not about revolution. They are about transformation, as the male system of power is replaced by female power. It happens in steady stages. Donald launched a coin. Melania launched a coin. His crashed. Hers rose. Stormy Daniels ensured Donald is the first felon to be president. There is more to come. Every Pluto in Aquarius cycle counts in astrology and history. So this is about Nero and the female power of Christianity, as well as Boudicca. It is about Henry VIII, Elizabeth I and Bloody Mary. It is about George III and the beginning of feminism. Women rise. Not necessarily death and destruction.