Do You Have 0 Degree Astrology Factors?
If you were born with anything at 0 degrees of a zodiac sign, you are embarking on a 12-month journey of new beginnings. No longer prepared to be taken over, or taken for a ride (in one area of your life) you are leaving 2024 for a very different 2025.
For the first time in years, the slow-moving outer planets and nodes are moving to 0 degrees in sequence. In December 2024 Pluto is at 0 Aquarius.
In January 2025 the North Node is at 0 Aries and the South Node is at 0 Libra. In February, Ceres is at 0 Pisces. In April, Neptune is at 0 Aries. In May, Saturn is at 0 Aries. In June, Jupiter is at 0 Gemini. In July, Uranus is at 0 Gemini. There is a Full Moon at 0 Virgo on August 23rd, 2025 too. And sometimes a planet slips back to 0 degrees like Neptune, at 0 Aries in September and October 2025.

No Longer Taken – Or Taken Over
Let’s start with Pluto, which will aspect your zero degree factors between November 20th and December 29th, 2024. That is quite an intense period of around five weeks, when your life will transform.
Old situations will go, in time for 2025. You are no longer prepared to put up with takeovers, or people who take. Pluto is associated with who/what goes on taking and dominating. This painting by Alessandro Allori illustrates that well, above. When you push back against Pluto, you are empowered. You gain the upper hand. And you leave the situation.
What the 0 Degree Cycles Mean

You are correct if you assume 0 degrees is a new, empty space in your life. Zero actually means ’empty’ in Arabic. When you have historic cycles at zero, triggering whatever is in your birth chart at zero, it’s rather like catching a train at Platform Zero at Oslo Airport. Anything can happen. You might see the past reflected there, but you are going into the unknown.
The ‘what’ of the story concerns whatever you have at zero degrees by sign and house. This shows you the life area concerned. It shows you the part of your world that now offers up a big, important, empty new space.
The details are filled in by the particular planet, asteroid, node, angle or other horoscope factor concerned. You can decode all this on my website if you are a Premium Member. In fact, you have a whole library to consult.
We could use Prince Andrew as an example, because I am writing this on 18th December 2024 and he has the Sun at 0 Pisces in his Twelfth House of religion and also therapy. His friendship with an alleged Chinese spy has resulted in him withdrawing from Christmas at Sandringham. So, no Church of England service with the family. He is now catching a train from Platform Zero, in terms of his faith.
Syria, Germany, France, Korea All Have Zero Factors
Countries have big, blank spaces opening up for a new future, too. You won’t be surprised to hear that Syria has Uranus at 0 Gemini. France has Saturn at 0 Taurus. Germany has Mercury at 0 Sagittarius. North Korea has Uranus at 0 Cancer.

2025 Calls You
This all begins with important questions about your power, control, lack of power, or lack of control in a situation which has been with you for a long time. 2025 calls you, once you have decided to leave 2024 where it falls. This will directly concern the area of life where you have zero degree factors. That house, or life department, is where the future calls.
Perhaps you feel you have been ‘played’ or manipulated by somebody who habitually does this in order to give himself power. Some really common examples are – ignoring your emails, breaking promises, hinting at outcomes then failing to deliver, failing to ‘hear’ or read your issues.
These may be the ‘players’ of Amy Winehouse’s famous song. Or, you may have been dealing with a whole organisation. Maybe even an entire country.
Taking Back Control With Pluto
What Pluto at 0 Aquarius does is offer you the chance to become empowered. To recognise your own position, clout, influence and importance. Perhaps, your own popularity. This is what opens up the blank space in 2025.

I just had a reader who wrote about this in the comments section. She had spent years kow-towing (being subservient) and spending a great deal of time, effort, energy and money – in honour of her dead sister’s memory and the husband left behind, her foreign brother-in-law.
Pluto moved to 0 Aquarius on November 20th then Ceres moved to 0 Aquarius on December 9th.
The dead sister cost her another few thousand dollars. Then the brother-in-law let her down at her own Thanksgiving party. It was at that point she woke up and realised it was time to own her power and pull out of the situation. She also realised she had substantial business and financial clout she had failed to use, thanks to her sister’s will.
I’m giving you this example as a very recent zero degree story. The birth chart shows Mars at 0 Gemini, the sign of siblings.
Your story will be different but what is happening as 2024 turns into 2025, is the chance to recognise when you have been giving your power away (perhaps wasting your money, or energy) and instead, firmly taking it back.
This opens up the big, blank, empty new space of 2025. You are at Platform Zero taking a train which could take you anywhere!
Using the Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle
If you are a Premium Member then you have access to three digital card decks on my website which have been designed to complement each other. They work together to give you three angles on the same question. The more you use them, the better you will become at using your E.S.P. (Sixth Sense) to find accurate and useful guidance.
You might ask ‘What is the power being offered to me by Pluto at 0 Aquarius?’ You could ask ‘How will all the 0 degree patterns of 2025 most affect me?’
In January 2025, I am launching The Modern I Ching oracle cards on this website, with an accompanying book for Premium Members, which will give you a fourth online oracle to use, so you can have first, second, third and fourth opinions on important questions like these.
All this will help you go deeply into what is happening (and what could open up for you) as a result of these historic transits at 0 degrees, triggering the 0 degree placements in your birth chart.
Images: Rawpixel/Creative Commons.
120 Responses
Hi Jessica,
I have Proserpina at 0 degree in my 3rd House, but I have no idea what that actually means, ie Proserpina.
Would appreciate it very much if you could explain how that will affect me in 2025.
Many thanks,
I have replied to you elsewhere Marianne. The online library for Premium Members contains information on Proserpina and all the asteroids.
Hi Jessica
Greetings for the Season and good wishes for the new year 2025! Thanks for your website, it’s a daily visit for me and I look forward to your features.
So, to the zero factors. How about natal Saturn (0 Gemini) and Pluto (1 Libra). I tend to think Saturn is “hard”, am I being too hard on Saturn?
Merry Christmas. Saturn at 0 Gemini in your Third House describes the gated situation you were born into, regarding your brother, sister or cousin. You could not escape particular realities about that person/those people, just because of the family you were born into. This does however change over time and it is changing now. Pluto trine Saturn reshapes the walls, gates, bridges, moat and drawbridge – or it reshapes your attitude towards them. This 0 Gemini position is also key as Uranus goes to 0 Gemini in the second half of 2025. So it looks as though your sibling or cousin relationships (sometimes this person may no longer be alive) are overdue for quite radical change which will set you free.
Extremely interesting! Thank you, Jessica. I have Diana 01 Taurus and my husband has his son at 29 Leo as well as ops 1 cancer. I know in the past you have said that 1 degree is also included. He recently had a former employer that was terrible to him and other employees. He left that position in good standing and finished the term but they refused to pay his bonus. They have a history of taking advantage of people and screwing business associates and customers (and laughing about it). With my iron he filed paperwork against them and just recently we discovered it was ruled in his favor and he is owed, not only what he was originally owed, but additional monies and fines. We will see if they actually pay up but could this be part of that?
Did you mean your husband is a Sun Leo? If so this will take time but he will see an end to a waiting game with money in May 2025. This likely means his employer who tried to cheat him of his bonus. It may be another matter. He is owed and you helped him achieve that. He should put his head down and keep going. This has been so boring, wrong and unfair for both of you – but Saturn is not the only planet here. Neptune is also around and Neptune is the holiday from reality. The vacation from normality and the escape from real life. This very much sounds to me like a payout, or the Universe will find another way to repay him. It may be tied to a house, garden, apartment, block of land or real estate and it would be mid 2025.
Hi Jessica,
I have Proserpina at 0 degrees in my 3rd house. How will that affect me in 2025?
Many thanks,
Marianne, Proserpina at 0 Gemini in your Third House shows your role as go-between involving a sister, brother or cousin. Pluto at 0 Aquarius in 2024, then a range of planets at 0 degrees in 2025, suggests you reshape your role as the human bridge. Proserpina in Gemini also suggests you are a natural connection for others online, in the media, with travel or commuting. You are the tunnel. This puts you in quite a powerful position although rather a precarious one. I’ve seen it with literary agents. I’ve also seen it with people who run taxi websites. This central task of yours is the whole story of 2025. You can find out more about Proserpina in your online library.
Hi Jessica, always thanking you for your generous information that has sometimes been the bright light I needed. Since 2006 I have tended to my yougest sister that passed away, Mom passed away in 2021 and other younger sister is waning and I think 2025 will be her last (bd 12-25-52). I have been taking care of their business interests since 2006. I would like to sell all those assets in 2025 and start living my life for me. My living sister has her own income to pay for her care but I have to manage that and also her medical and living needs. I hesitate to complain as I have a wonderful husband, son and his family and niece and nephew, but I am tired of tending to anyone but myself. Will 2025 see me happily living my life? Sending you love and wishes for a happy, joyous Christmas!
Your sisters have been central to your life for many years. Your family is also at the core of your existence. You have a Gemini stellium in the Third House of siblings. (It also rules cousins). You will be given opportunities to greatly improve the situation with/for siblings and cousins until June next year. You have already seen a dramatic uptick in the way things are. From the second half of 2025 you will find freedom from, but also freedom through, your sister/s. This is a long cycle. Uranus in Gemini in your Third House goes past 2030. So long-term, for whatever reason, you will indeed become independent of your sister/s on every level – emotionally, psychologically, perhaps financially. Uranus works suddenly. Out of the blue. Whatever comes to pass will be as unexpected as an electrical storm. From this, step back and try to see that you are being freed from a situation which would have roped you in for years, long-term.
Happy Winter solstice soon- thank you for all you do for the collective! I am curious how this zero degree weather will affect me in 2025? I am Aquarian (9) with Libra (4) and Aries (4), early Leo ASC, multiple critical degrees in my chart and 3 personal planets at 1°. One of my 1° placements is in the same sign/house as an exact conjunction I have with my vertex and Aesculapia. Lots of nice natal sextiles & trines, but a tricky Saturn Rx (that will progress). 2023-2024 were transformative years for me. Retrospectively, it all started in early ’23 when Pluto originally tiptoed into Aquarius. I am enjoying the changes, but there are many of them. I feel that the current & future star map is fatefully supportive for me, albeit intense. Any guidance on how to positively work with this lineup is greatly appreciated, Jessica. Thank you.
Thank you. Starting with your solar chart, you are a Sun Aquarius woman, then in your natal chart, you live with stelliums in Aquarius and Aries. The big focus here is your solar and natal First House of self-promotion, appearances, branding, title, reputation and the exterior. You might call it The Department of the Exterior. You will relaunch yourself in 2025 and go on rebooting and relaunching for many years into the future. Pluto transits your solar First House in Aquarius and as Ceres and other inner planets are also there until February 2025, there is a huge decision waiting for you. It might be weight loss, for example, or it might be your own self-branded online business. It might be a new uniform or contact lenses; letters after your name or an honorary voluntary title. Flicking back to your natal chart, January brings the end of a stuck situation with your image or look, reputation or cameo online. It may involve something as trivial as Facebook, if you are even on there. The North Node leaves Aries and your natal First House. Then along comes Neptune in Aries followed by Saturn in Aries in May 2025. This is a long transit emphasising your use of the web to present a different face or name. You will also experiment with alternative looks for your hair (say) or wardrobe. The new you happens many times over.
00° Gemini 04′ 33″
00° Scorpio 12′ 26″
Any insights on this, please?
Juno in Gemini is the big one. You will wed yourself (commit yourself) to a project using your way with words, ideas and images in a radically new way, in the second half of 2025. It will use new technology; possibly A.I. for a start. Juno will be aspected by Jupiter at 0 Cancer, Saturn at 0 Aries, Uranus at 0 Gemini (life-changing), Neptune at 0 Aries and is already aspected by Pluto at 0 Aquarius. Gemini rules all communication and connection, no matter if you are painting with your foot or hosting a TV talk show. Gemini also rules brothers, sisters and cousins. One of these people will be absolutely central to 2025 and you are going to see huge changes there. Finally, Gemini rules commuting (Uber, for example, or an electric car) but also local, interstate, regional and neighbouring place travel. This is also a deep source of change in 2025.
I so so so much wanted to ask earlier about the Pluto in Aquarius in zero degrees, trine to my Psyche in Gemini 0° ¡!!! And then all these other big planets, mostly making sextiles, and the Pisces zero degree makes a sextile to my DIANA 0°C in Capricorn…
and Virgo Full Moon makes a trine.
I am wondering, if any of these will help with financial situation in 2025?
I began to study energy healing ( mostly Shamanic Healing ) in November, and have gotten good feedback on it. Also my own health is a bit better, finally, but there’s still serious issues which demand thorough diagnostics and proper, right treatment…where I am sometimes scared that it may already be too late and I should do my will instead. ( making a will might be good anyway… )
My partner is, or tries to be, very dominant very often, and it’s really at the point where I am considering leaving him. So that fits with Pluto in Aquarius very well… unless he can make a serious U-turn and become more tolerant about EVERYTHING, not just me.
I am also thinking about relocating, even if not yet healthy. But I would have to be healthy enough or rich enough to afford private health care in the beginning, if I do. So this is one big block on the road…
I have been thinking about Ireland, but also Northern parts of Finland and Scandinavia come to mind… and would love to travel to Siberia, take the famous train and visit Altai-mountain, again, if health and finances allow it.
My wheelchair got stolen in November, which was quite a shock! but I never used it much, as I would need electric one, or one of those “inva-scooters”…
If I don’t get to earn enough on writing a blog or maybe even a book, do you see some crowd funding having success to help me move around and get to doctors? it would be so important to me, and would help with financial situation too, when able to go to places, perhaps finally making an exhibition or something like that.
Would be so glad if you can tell me more about Diana in Capricorn and Psyche in Gemini! ✨❤️
As for the countries – well, I think that Syria may well have it’s second, third or even fourth revolution… And North Korea – well that is an interesting one! Perhaps their revolution comes as they don’t want to fight and die for another country?.
In Germany the atmosphere has been rather gloomy lately imho, and partly very hostile towards foreigners and refugees.
Perhaps Mercury in Sagittarius will open the minds again and at least give some much needed discussion about things?
Thank you for the interesting blog, again! Feeling a bit more hopeful now! Hoping for health and independence and better finances…If I understand right, at least improved health and successful relocation could be possible especially from May -25 on?
And the thing about Ireland – if there’s a need for energy/holistic healer, I could possibly get a start money for a house and starting a business there? With Neptune in the picture, maybe even art as well? ( I studied fine arts, but had my last exhibition in 2011, then I became too sick to work anymore…but hopefully soon again…)
Longing for arts, relocation to greener areas, and some adventures! And of course success in my studies, to get my certificate in October 2025!
Wishing you great holidays and thank you for the interesting blog, as always. ✨☄️✨❣️
Thank you. You have a lot of questions here, but as always, the solar chart is Queen and gives you the core of 2025. The natal chart is second and backs it up. You are a Sun Leo woman with a Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of wellbeing and workload. You spent 2008-2024 in many intense years of total transformation of your health and also your work, unpaid work or study. That ended in November. There was a second sign-off in December. You mention a wheelchair. What you now need to know is that you no longer have to live with various physical and mental health issues hovering. You were offered solutions in 2024 and took them. Some things, you cannot change. You are left with them as Pluto’s legacy in the Sixth House. Yet 2025 already looks remarkably different. You have been empowered by two or three really obvious improvements which mean you can leave some difficult memories behind. This applies to both your workload and your wellbeing. What happens in 2025 in your birth chart echoes this. The South Node goes into Virgo and your Sixth House. You are now due to collect on good karma you created 18-19 years ago, in terms of your health, mental health, wellbeing, work satisfaction, unpaid work rewards and so on. The more you did for others unconditionally at that time, the more you gain. So, for example, you may have donated to a charity which helped doctors in war zones. Now, you gain from the doctor you always wanted. Back then, you may have been generous with others at work, either employing them, or helping them without expectation of any reward. You may have assisted other students or gone out of your way with volunteering. From January 2025, the universe will find a way to return the karma. This is the famous South Node cycle. The more you understand your Virgo side, and the fact that you ‘live’ in your Sixth House for much of the time, the better next year will be. It affects everything; love, sex, finance, success, the lot.
Hello. I am looking forward to the launch of The Modern I Ching cards and many thanks for your insights over the years. Can you have a peek at my chart? 0 Aquarius stellium (8) 0 Taurus in Vulcano. Thank you!
Thank you. The Modern I Ching cards and book should be with you as Year of the Snake begins; if you are in Australia look out for a special feature in The Daily Telegraph, Body and Soul magazine. Your Sun at 0 Aquarius and the huge Aquarius stellium, tell you that the transformation of your social life, friendships, social circles and more formal club, society, team, association commitments has begun. You are being reminded how powerful old friends are. They may be rich, have connections, be influential or high-profile. Perhaps Christmas brings them back to you. Don’t lose the thread. You are also being given access to quite formidable circles, perhaps by invitation. Hopefully you already said yes. Even something as common as Bluesky can start to change your life on this transit. Pluto takes 20 years to complete his rather intense changes with friends and groups but it starts now. You will slowly and steadily achieve real power as you go, if you use self-control and willpower to meet the challenges when they arise. You have known since childhood that you were outside a group but also integral to it; that you were never lost in the circle, but somehow plugged into the circle, which also derived a lot of energy from you. This is now developed in new ways as you are older. The main challenge now is to avoid mixing money, possessions, houses, business, charity and apartments too heavily with friends and groups as there is an inherent inability to square that, in your chart, now being triggered by a transiting square.
Hi, Jessica! This is fascinating, and I am so looking forward to 2025! It appears the only thing I have close to zero degrees is Diana at 1 degree of Taurus–so perhaps some “independence energy” is forthcoming? Are the 29 degree factors also potentially significant? I’m most grateful for any light you can shed. Thank you so much for your insights!
If you are in the 29, 0, 1 zone then you are going through the firm slamming of the book, and the writing of the new chapter – as 2024 finishes off its 29 Pluto patterns and goes into the 0, 1 degree space with 2025 on the way. The ‘what’ of the slammed book and new chapter is shown by the signs and houses involved. At 29 Cancer and 1 Taurus, your chart clearly shows it’s about the house, apartment, any real estate, land, garden or other residence. Perhaps a relative, flatmate, live-in partner or roommate was the core story. In the first half of 2025 you will indeed be far more independent, financially and this is directly connected to the end of a story concerning your rent, mortgage, investment and so on.
Dear Jessica
Could I just quickly check …..I have no placements at zero degrees but I have MC at 01 Scorpio/IC 01 Taurus and Venus at 01 Virgo ….I am a Sun Leo …and currently in an utter tangle with a very controlling (especially financially) ex-husband who after chasing for over a year has finally just given a financial split proposal (which was useless) I have been disempowered for an awfully long time and (with Neptune in my Eight house) no real idea of what the financial picture truly is. Will Pluto affect my 01 placements from his zero position ….and finally give me the empowerment/truth/light that I need?? I have Pluto at 02 Libra so I know something is going to change drastically with that too?? I think we all need a bit of Pluto in our lives at the moment ….many, many thanks to you (and Pluto too) xx
You are in the 0, 1, 2 degree zone with your ex-husband who has frustrated you with useless financial offers. As a Sun Leo woman you need to start with your solar chart and we have delays and brick walls here, as Saturn is transiting your solar Eighth House. This ends on May 26th, 2025. There is a long flashback and repeat from September 2nd next year until February 14th 2026 then it’s over. In your natal Eighth House (same thing – sexual and financial relationships) you have the MC or Midheaven at 1 Scorpio as you know. Pluto at 1 Aquarius is square that, making the money, house or apartment difficult to square, until November 2025. So that’s the same time-frame. There are no quick or easy shortcuts with this situation. Yet once it’s over, it’s over. However there is more to life than chasing your ex-husband for a banking break-up. Both your charts show Eleventh House gains. You are a Sun Leo with Jupiter in Aquarius in the friends and groups zone, ruled by Aquarius. In your solar chart you have transiting Jupiter there until June 2025. Thereafter, Uranus is there. Meanwhile Pluto (in your natal chart) with all his empowerment also transits your sector of allies and circles. You have terrific new friends coming in. Old friendships grow and improve. You join a group which changes your life for the better. You reboot your commitment to an existing group, club, society, team or circle and see how liberating that is. 2025 is Year of the Friend.
Cool! So my Asc and Descendant are at 00 degrees (Leo/Aquarius). I’ve been feeling much more fearless/fierce, especially after all the issues I’ve been dealing with (parent’s passing, husband’s illness, my business). Might this be what you mean? Psyche is in Virgo at 1 degree, which is in orb, as well, yes? I assume that’s health or work focused. I feel as if I’m preparing for battle and I’m actually excited by it. Kinda weird, but I”m gonna roll with it.
Thanks for all you do. Your posts always get me thinking. Happy holidays!
Thank you. Merry Christmas. The Descendant describes your husband, so the transits at 0 degrees, aspecting your DC/Descendant are about him. You are being given power. You already had it but did not own it. Psyche at 1 Virgo is later – further into 2025 – and the transits at 1 degree will allow you to create work, academic or unpaid work achievements which live forever. Psyche immortalises you. This is likely, your business.
Hi Jessica,
thanks for this interesting article.
I recently lost both of my parents within a few months, and I’m very sad. As a medium, do you see them next to me?
In my natal chart there are Neptune at 0 degrees Sagittarius, Ceres at 29 degrees Pisces and Salacia at 29 degrees Capricorn.
I currently live alone in an apartment in a small village, but I would really like to move to the city and buy a new house.
What can you tell me about his?
Compliments of the season to you.
Mary 🙂
You have Proserpina at 27 Scorpio in your Eighth House of family property and money or valuables held by relatives, Mary. When a huge loss like this occurs, for which I am so sorry, you tend to see rare patterns and you had Pluto going to 27 Capricorn in a 248-year cycle along the way. When the time is right you will have clear evidence that your parents are in contact. You will move to the city and buy a new home very successfully and still be happy with the outcome by mid 2026. Thank you.
Happy Holidays, Jessica! I have many factors in 01-04 range. Do you have any additional insights into how this will impact my 2025?
Thank you.
Merry Christmas. You are a Libran woman with a Libra stellium in your Seventh House of duets, double acts, marriages, partnerships and also battles, contests and sometimes feuds. Karma ends in January as the South Node leaves Libra. The ending of a stuck, circular loop in your life is also coming, with or through your other half, or the other side. You can break a circuit in January. This occurs in your natal and solar chart. In your natal Seventh House you have the finishing line for karma from 18-19 years ago. In your solar Seventh House, the same.
Merry Christmas Jessica! With Sun at 0 Aries I feel I’m a target for this article. I’m not sure whether to be thrilled or terrified at the coming year! My career is certainly back at Platform Zero. I’m hoping to return to further study. I also have Neptune at 0 Sag, how might this show up?
Best wishes to you and the team for 2025.
Thank you. Merry Christmas. Transiting Pluto sextile natal Sun, transforms how you shine, how you are seen and how you are visible to others online. Powerful people, situations and organisations do that. So, a C.V. change is typical. Pluto is also sextile your natal Neptune in Sagittarius in the Ninth House of academia. So the stage is set. You’ll make the final decisions very soon. Potent and influential individuals are hovering – so this may be a professor, for example.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for your recent feedback emphasizing my Aries & Aquarius stelliums – a new pen name & role is definitely on the agenda! No 0 placements, but Apollo at 1 in Gemini and Uranus 1 in Virgo. It seems to me these two might add to the new writing projects & freer lifestyle reboot, but as they are in a square aspect not sure what that may indicate (perhaps my prior work & service at odds with writing goals)? Anyway, my overall health & fitness has improved in the past year, am a cautious Novid & have just done annual checkups – seems in good time for the upcoming NN/SN axis change into Pisces/Virgo forecast.
Squares are productive as when you cannot square something you work harder on it. Apollo is your leading role online and in the media and yet you cannot square it with the unpredictable nature of your work and unpaid work. As Uranus goes to 1 Gemini later, the sudden bolt from the blue you were not expecting will ask you to ‘square’ this yet again. Though in an unprecedented way – it’s just not happened before.
Hi Jessica,
Do you mind taking a moment to comment on my chart?
It shows: Chiron 00 Aquarius 54’ 47” and Aesculapia 00 Aquarius 13’ 29”
My chart also shows: Vulcano 01 Aries 00’ 02”, which seems like it’s really close to zero?
I’m curious to know how, or if, these 00s are related to one another.
I wonder also if you have a suggestion for a question I might pose to the three digital card decks on your site?
Like so many, I really appreciate and trust your insights. Thank you!
Thank you. You were born with Chiron in conjunction with Aesculapia in the Eleventh House of friends and groups. Since you were a small boy, it is friends, clubs, teams, bands, gangs, societies and internet circles which have allowed you to see what you can get away with. This is also where friendships come back from the brink, or the friends do. This is now an important story in your life as Pluto is on the same spot. You will find these connections are transformed by January. Vulcano is close and here, you find that being upfront, front-and-centre and in the front lines of life, directly connects you to the group. It’s rather like being the advance guard for a Roman army at times. Or a lead siner in a band. The centre-forward in a grand final. As Pluto then moves to 1 degree in 2025, this also transforms.
Dear Jessica,
I have 2° sun in Aries, Moon in Scorpio, and Hygeia in Gemini. I am launching myself as an entrepreneur in January 2025, as am fed up of the corporate world. I plan to resign from my employee status by June 2025 and expand myself in my businesses. Hope this will bode well for me, since I’m risking security and comfort for freedom.
I have my dependent children and old parents, and is really worried if I can manage the family life and expenses along with the freedom.
You will find the situation with your parents and children turns in your favour mid year as Jupiter goes into Cancer and your natal Fourth House and solar Fourth House too. Jupiter will eventually trine your Scorpio Moon in the Eighth House of family finance and property, opening up your options. For information on your January plan, do use the Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle, as indeed the family will be a key issue there and the situation will go backwards for a while with Mars Retrograde in Cancer.
Dear Jessica, I have so many factors in 0 and 1. Could you kindly look at my chart? I’m married and I have 2 sons, ages 13 and almost 10. I have a job where I work remotely with younger team members and deal with lawyers. All my work is online and through Zoom. I have a product business where I sell directly to customers online. I make and sell my own skincare products. I’m going to relaunch and really market this biz online starting in Jan 2025. All this seems to tie into the fresh start with the outer planets changing signs into Gemini and Aries, which seems to be about the internet and the face. What are your thoughts? Financial stability is what I’m seeking more than anything. I would also love to quit the job and focus on the business. Thanks for all that you do. I’ve been a premium member for 8 years!
Thank you for being a Premium Member for eight years. I appreciate it. You are a Sun Libran with a Gemini stellium which will change your life for some years into the future. In your solar chart you will have Ninth House (worldwide web, publishing, academia) transits involving foreigners which alter everything. In your natal chart it’s your Third House (the media, again – the internet – language translation). You already have quite a few opportunities you did not have before, regarding your online life. You are being shown people or situations which could make it bigger and better. This goes on for months. Later, Uranus goes into Gemini and so new technology, new inventions and innovations will sweep you along, with a tremendous sense of freedom that was not there before. Articulating the message in a different way, using your natural facility with images, ideas and words is the key to the second half of 2025. There is also a different commuting and travel pattern showing up, which may be with a particular company or via a relationship.
Happy Holidays Jessica. I have 5 0 degree placements. Ascendent at 0 Aquarius, MC 0 Sagittarius, Ceres 0 degree Aries, and two 1 degree placements in Virgo and Libra. Plus, I’m a Snake so 2025 is my return year in Chinese astrology. Seems big with all the planetary movement. Could you comment on what this may mean for me? Thank you for all the fabulous content you provide! Merry Christmas and looking forward to 2025. Cheers
Merry Christmas. Ceres in Aries is most important. Your image, profile, brand, reputation, appearance is in the frame in 2025 as you make a sign-off decision in January when the North Node goes to 0 Aries and make a deal with yourself, or others, or just with the universe about how you are seen. Later on, Saturn and Neptune go to 0 Aries, again in your First House, where you front up to life and are in the front line, front-and-centre. It’s very much about your reputation preceding you. And of course, ‘front’ which is a fine English word. A relaunch is coming. It will be an escape from the real world too.
Happy Holidays, Jessica!
Thank you for such an interesting article. I have 0 degrees Mercury in Taurus. I drew the Ten of Cups when I asked Tarot how all the 0 degrees placements affect me in 2025. I would appreciate any insight you can share. Hope Santa is good to you, Nancy
Merry Christmas Nancy. You will be happy with both the people and the place which offers you so much next year, as Jupiter (hope for the future, blessings, the bigger picture) is in your sector of holiday homes, accommodation, real estate, apartments, gardens, houses and particular towns, villages, suburbs or cities. Mercury in Taurus is of course about all that you own, earn or owe – or can have keys to.
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for this great insight. I already feel like things are opening up for me and I’m gaining control in my life. Could you please advise as to Saturn 0 Gemini, Neptune 0 Sagitarius and Salacia 0 Aquarius? I can’t find much on Salacia.
Thank you.
Salacia is Neptune’s wife and shows how you operate in two different worlds, neither of them real. Aquarius is friends and groups so all your life you inhabit social spaces, social media, clubs, teams, social circles which bear no relationship to reality and you have friends who are also out there/over there as well. This is transforming now. Pluto is at 0 Aquarius and quite life-changing situations are unfolding to alter your usual patterns. The Saturn-Neptune opposition is very important in terms of your communication with foreigners and to foreign countries and it changes quite radically mid year when Uranus goes to 0 Gemini. This goes beyond language into culture. What happens will be sudden, out of the blue and be the classic ‘challenge to change.’
Hi Jessica l have a 0 degree placement in Pisces and several early placements. Also Saturn 29 Taurus. Would you kindly explain how that interprets for the coming year? Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and thanks for all of your wonderful insight over the past year.
Best wishes Selina
Selina you have signed off from the most demanding chapter for finance and property in years and are now free to tie up loose ends in 2025 as Uranus is out of Taurus next year too. Since 2018 banking has been unpredictable (for example in 2020 when Covid crashed the economy) but the ups and downs end next year and are gone for good by 2026. Whatever/whomever you farewelled recently is part of that.
Hi Jessica, I am a Sun Capricorn with Mars 0 degrees Pisces and Apollo 0 degrees Sagittarius. After a 2024 that in business felt like a lot of rushing to wait, in the past week some optimistic signals that big changes are coming. Big projects and responsibilities, opportunities to improve the bottom line but still on tight margins. Not easy money at all, but better than the status quo, stagnation. Then I did the oracles as suggested and got (Garden) past, “their reality, your reality” – present, “mother” (lol so true!) – future “the successful man” (perplexing as my boss is a woman, as am I. Was asking about work and my husband’s retired so that’s not it.) and so I checked out Tarot asking again about 2025, and got the Hierophant, which seemed to reinforce the previous reading. How would you interpret this?
A very happy 2025 to you, and thank you so much for your thoughtful responses to previous questions I’ve put to you.
The future is certainly a successful man. You don’t know him yet, or you know him, but he’s outside your life. The Hierophant is about the oracle, the bible, the philosophy and ‘the word’ at work, or in business. You have chosen the same man twice in two different cards. Your professional life is most influenced by a heavyweight male next year. Money is not turning up in any of the cards though so if you want profits you would be asking different questions – looking for solutions.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for all your help with explaining astrology to everyone
Wishing you and the team a very Happy Christmas and a lovely break!
My question as I have a few placements at 29, 0 and 1 degree is – How do these placements interact with each other regarding this new start? And is one placement more important than the others?
Kind regards
Your Moon at 1 Cancer is actually the main story, Jen, as eventually all these planets will go to 1 degree – next year. You are emotionally involved with your house, apartment, garden, town, country and will reshape this next year. You could renovate, move, redecorate, go back to your roots, find your ancestors or reshape the household. You stand to gain in June, July when Jupiter goes to 1 Cancer.
Taurus Sun with Mars 00° Virgo” and Jupiter 00° Virgo
What changes can I expect with this? Thank you!
Well, the changes are already happening with your workload and wellbeing. Pluto is quincunx Mars and Jupiter so the most powerful and empowering people, organisations and situations are here to transform the way you approach your job, any voluntary or unpaid role, or study. It’s the same with your doctor (say) or your diet (for example) and perhaps any mental health issues like anxiety. Pluto is very much on the landscape and you do stand to gain from making changes.
Seasons greetings Jessica and your team,
I have Mars at 00 Aries, Saturn 00 Gemini, Hygeia 00 Scorpio and Salacia 00 Aquarius. Currently dealing with family and home issues, I’d be grateful for your guidance on what this means for me. Thanks in advance.
The family and home issues are down to Hygiea at 0 Scorpio as Pluto is square that. Scorpio rules your Eighth House of family based financial and property questions. This does get better. The intense period is now; 2025 takes Pluto off 0 degrees and mid-2025, Jupiter goes to 0 Cancer, so trine Hygiea and you will have flow – and solutions.
Hi Jessica, First off; thank you for all your precious insights during the year. I always look forward to reading your blog – both the readers’ questions and your answers. It builds a thought-provoking picture that helps me make sense of my own situation. You responded to a recent question from me about three elements at 29 degrees – two in Aries (MC and Psyche) and IC in Libra – and told me that I am a ‘sign-off’ person as 29 is the last degree of a sign.
This is great news as I am more than ready to sign off on the Pluto in Capricorn period. It was a very challenging and frustrating time and having your insights along the way made it more bearable.
I am about to launch a radically different version of myself, professionally, in 2025. There will be some jaws on the floor:) When I was thinking about this post to you right now, I decided to pull some energy into the picture to clarify how I should view the road ahead for 2025 and how I should best prepare mentally to make a success of my new venture. I went to the Divination feature on your website and drew the Chariot tarot card (yes – for the road ahead) and then I clarified this using the Garden Oracle and the Astrology Oracle. Guess what – the Garden Oracle popped out as ‘Aiming for the Impossible’ and spoke of trailblazing. The Astrology Oracle showed: Vulcan and the Fifth House. How would you read this whole picture? Thank you again and I wish you a very enjoyable Christmas and a happy, healthy and exciting New Year! See you there.
Warm wishes, Emma x
Thanks Emma. Pluto in Capricorn and Ceres in Capricorn are history and Uranus in Gemini is landing in the second half of next year, thus The Chariot in your reading. You also drew Aiming for the Impossible with Vulcan and the Fifth House. So there is a relationship in the picture. It’s not just about going between two cities or two countries, or receiving someone who is (and this person would connect you to these two places if so). There is a sexual attraction showing up here. It’s also in your Fifth House. Not so impossible after all. Business, work or academia mixes with a classic male-female magnet. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
This is so interesting! I visit your site daily for mediation. I am a Libra with 00 ASC-Aquarius, 00-Desc-Leo and 00 Ops-Sag. I am struggling to become lucrative in new career which was initiated when my husband became too ill to work. I am his sole caregiver as well, now. I am hoping 2025 will provide lucky breaks after the hard work I’ve put in for the past 4 years. Thanks so much and hope your holiday season is a very nice one.
I am sorry your husband is so ill. You are a Sun Libra woman with a Virgo stellium in your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing. This is karmic in nature and goes back 18-19 years in the first instance, then another 18-19 years prior to that. Look back at your situation with health, the housework, a paid job, unpaid role, study in those time-frames and you will see if you are owed, spiritually, or you owe. 2025 and 2026 will be about seeing that karma play out, in order to settle up and balance the books with the universe. So it may be that you are karmically obliged to look after your husband for a certain time. This shows up in both your charts – the Sixth House is the story. Financially your Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House has been opposed by Uranus since 2018 and this ends in the second half of 2025 and is gone completely in 2026, so the uncertainty will end with it.
Hello Jessica,
I have MC/IC in 0 degrees Aries/Libra. Can you help me understand what this means? I also have planets in 29 degrees, Juno in Scorpio, Aesculapia in Sagittarius and Chiron in Aries. And Ops in 1 Gemini. Which of these aspects, if any, are important?
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Your MC is your Midheaven and your highest peak achievement in life. Your IC is your Immum Coeli and where you come from, in terms of your ancestors. Aries is fighting the good fight, being upfront and in the front line, front-and-centre. The IC shows you had a marriage which was also a professional partnership in your family tree. Ops at 1 Gemini is the most important pattern here as an internet and media revolution in 2025 will set you free to pursue a completely different way of using your way with words, images and ideas.
Hi Jessica, your blogs about 0 Aquarius have been invaluable for me. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions! Any insight on the synchronicity of my 0 Aquarius Venus and Salacia, and my two young adult children one with 0 Aquarius Mercury and the other Mars/Chiron 1 Aquarius?
Thank you. This tie-up with your children is typical of families, as you all go through the same things, at the same time. Aquarius is an ancient symbol of the community sharing resources in order to achieve what everybody wants, independently. This comes to us from Rome, where modern astrology has its roots. So this basic idea about everybody pooling what they have together – tolerance, mutual respect, energy, talent, time, money – is big in your family. You cleave towards clubs, teams, networks, social media, associations, societies and your children have, or will do. This doesn’t mean merging or losing yourself there. Aquarius is always outside. Pluto at 0 Aquarius is showing all of you what power there is in a group. To give you a practical real-world example, there is a New York jury at the moment with the power to give Donald Trump a jail sentence. We, the people, sums up Aquarius. And it’s usually both sexes, all races or classes.
I love this article, I love the idea of a restart and new beginning. Goodness knows I need after the last few years. I have Diana at 0 Pisces (freedom behind the scenes?) and Vulcano at 0 Leo and I was wondering, would either of these be a contributing factor to me never wanting to have children of my own? I also have Vesta at 1 Aries ~ I know you’ve warned about Vesta in the past as a situation where there are several women working with one male, and better to work together than against each other.
Thank you. Yes, Diana in Pisces in the Twelfth House is freedom behind the scenes but also independence and autonomy with religion, therapy, psychics, mediumship, hypnosis, the Tarot and Buddhism. You won’t be pinned down or fenced in by those people, organisations or situations. There is a quincunx to Vulcano in Leo in the Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom and a younger generation. If you don’t want children then the reason for that runs deep. Only you know. Diana will be triggered by a chain of 0 degree transits between now and next year so you may be offered a course in Shamanism; a way out of anxiety or depression (the Twelfth House rules the subconscious); the chance to join a Judaism study group and so on. Vesta will be triggered after May when both Saturn and Neptune are hovering in Aries. This is about your image, reputation, appearance and profile. Time to step back from yourself and see what’s going on.
Hi Jessica, thanks for another great article. I have my north node 00 Taurus and south node 00 Scorpio and also Fortuna 1Gemini. Would you be able to explain what this means please. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas!
The nodes show your past lives and you have been both rich and poor. You may have incarnated from a previous lifetime in (say) The Depression or perhaps during The Gold Rush. In this lifetime you are here to see what it feels like to give without expectation, to fundraise for others, to really appreciate the precious and priceless things of life (art, or collectables). It’s also very much about knowing what it feels like to be skint and then coming back from that. Pluto at 0 Aquarius creates a T-Square in December so you have quite a powerful person or organisation standing over, or a dominant situation. Adding other people to this can help. Maybe you need to delegate. Later on, transits at 0 degrees from Aries, but particularly in Cancer (Jupiter, mid year) suggest upbeat real estate trends, positive property trends, other people’s big moves with renovation, redecoration or relocation – help you save or make money.
Jessica, Thx much for increasing my astro knowledge base, particularly the natural chart and solar chart. Can you look at my chart with saturn rx at 0 degree and sun at 1 degree….thnx! SPL
Saturn at 0 Capricorn in your Tenth House of ambition, position and mission shows the barriers and obstructions since childhood. You were born into a situation, academically, professionally, or in terms of your status – which you can’t avoid or escape. Over time, this ring-fenced Saturn placement reminds you that you have to be patient. And you have been, but now things are changing. Pluto semi-sextile from 0 Aquarius brings powerful people and organisations, or dominant new situations, which ask you to review your ideas about who/what fences you in. The chain of 0 transits to come talks about your C.V. but also your current position or role in life. Saturn by sign and house always shows where the basic realities of life are. You can’t avoid X any more than you can duck Y. What you can do, however, is educate yourself on how to deal. What to do, and what not to do. And that will help you a lot in 2025 as you experience Neptune and Saturn square natal Saturn, and Jupiter in opposition. It’s not a bad year to find out about Saturn in your chart. Your library can tell you more.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you so much for a very interesting article. I have a load of natal placements at 29, 0 and 1 degrees. With so many placements and so much movement happening in so many signs, I’m an unsure as to what to expect. I’d be very grateful for any insight you have.
Wishing you a very merry Christmas
Merry Christmas. Jupiter at 0 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance and property suggests lifelong gains from inheritance, trust funds, richer husbands or boyfriends (for example) or relatives with a house or apartment you access. Jupiter is ‘born lucky’ in astrology and even when things are tough, financially, you are rescued. When things are good, they are very, very good and you stand to profit, save or see advantages in other ways, mid-year, as transiting Jupiter trines natal Jupiter. Even as early as January when the nodes stand at 0 Aries and Libra, you will be reminded how blessed you are with other people’s bank accounts, homes, possessions or shares. Jupiter tends to work best when you are also generous with others. You probably know this already; what goes around and so on.
Hi Jessica, Merry Christmas to you and the team – it’s been a wonderful year of membership and community!
I have Vesta at 0 Virgo and Uranus at 0 Sagittarius, and I always feel the 0 placements quite strongly (especially with Vesta). I’m looking to resolve long term health issues (chronic viral conditions etc) that have impeded my ability to work, parent and live my best life. Can you give me any pointers for getting the most out of these transits? I’ve definitely been in a deep dive this year spiritually, and with my soul and I feel that is only going to continue next year. Thank you also for a previous response where you pointed out the connection with Vesta and my 4yo son who has a chronic disease – I hadn’t recognised the ‘Vesta’ scenario but it makes so much sense!! In our family, with my partner, our daughter, his daycare and health team… Just that awareness is helpful in navigating more positively – thank you so much. I wish you a wonderful festive season 🙂
Thank you and Merry Christmas. Chronic health problems are always about subconscious resistance to work; deep-seated conflicts about being successful or failing professionally; making it, or not making it. Virgo and the Sixth House of workload are always opposite Pisces and the Twelfth House of the unconscious mind. Uranus at 0 Sagittarius is square Vesta at 0 Virgo. With Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus and the Nodes going to 0 degrees, this is crunch time for understanding the way you program your health. Astrology would say a virus does not just ‘happen’ to you, it is part of a way of life, which involves not giving 100% to the work force. Vesta is about male-female politics as you know and if your career involves competing with other women for male approval then your way of dropping out of that may be to have a virus that stops you from even showing up. Housework and at-home caring are also ruled by Virgo and the Sixth House so looking after your son, who has a disease, is also part of that. This is a good year to figure out your patterns and where they come from. Those patterns will need to alter anyway so you may as well take this in hand and consciously manage it yourself. Have a look at Virgo-Pisces in your library and Sixth House/Twelfth House as this is the story of 2025.
Hi Jessica
I have Jupiter and Uranus zero degrees in Libra, and Panacea zero degrees Aquarius. I have Sun in Cancer at 29 degrees.
Any insights would be much appreciated.
Panacea reveals a lifelong pattern with friends and groups where you fix things, remedy situations and heal. It is always a grey area morally and ethically as nothing is ever black and white with your pals or the clubs, teams, societies, associations, unions, bands and the rest. This is now changing, permanently and the balance of power with your friendships and circles is also transforming. A classic example is dumping Twitter for Bluesky or seeing a Christmas decision about the party circuit, or a friendship reunion, alter the dynamic. This story with your social life and groups continues in 2025 so you might say the decision now, is the springboard for more changes. May 2025 finds Saturn and Neptune in opposition to a partnership (of any sort) or a feud, split or contest. Take your time with your husband (say) or former girlfriend (for example) then as what you enter into will have a huge impact. It is the same with any love triangle (say) or a professional duet. You may find you have to put far more energy and thought into this person and how the two of you are to function, as May gets underway. It is very important that you both have space and freedom.
Happy holidays Jessica to you and your team! Thank you for the interesting blogs and time you share addressing our questions. I have a few heavenly bodies at 0 and 1 degrees and am interested in your interpretation of my chart. Thank you again and Merry Christmas!
Mars at 0 Cancer is the big one as Jupiter goes to 0 Cancer in mid 2025 and you renovate, redecorate, relocate or achieve a real estate coup. You are naturally proactive with your homes and were probably a swift Lego builder or tree house builder as a child. Jupiter is about the biggest and best opportunities in years. Your extended family circle and household will also see quite rapid action, to your total advantage, mid year.
Hi Jessica, thank you for your article. I have several factors at 0 degrees – both Moon and Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius, Uranus at 0 Virgo and , aesculapia at 0 Pisces. Can you please provide some insight on how this will impact me. Thank you.
By now Pluto at 0 Aquarius will have empowered you to take control in a new way. That empowerment may have come through recent success; a social coup; powerful people bestowing their approval upon you; the dumping of those who would take your power away in a situation; the realisation that you actually do have the upper hand if you rethink your resources and assets. The Aquarius/Virgo combination suggests that in 2025 you will make new friends or deepen friendships to find real allies. These people are high profile, popular, or successful and if you can deal with the issues about who has the upper hand or control, you will change your life. May is one month when you will find the friends and groups matter most, as Saturn and Neptune sextile your Moon. Concurrent with this is a radical change in the way you work, study or achieve unpaid work which is the revolution which will set you free.
Greeting Jessica,
I have 0 degree Ops?
Any insight on this ?
Happy Holidays?
Merry Christmas. You have Ops at 0 Aquarius in the Eleventh House of friends and groups. Ops describes your tenacity, optimism and capacity for a long game strategy. Pluto at 0 Aquarius is there in December, changing the way you handle your chums and circles, no matter if these are old pals, new pals, members’ clubs or online tribes like Substack or Bluesky. This continues in 2025 as once a deep transformation has taken place by January, you move into May 2025 when Saturn and Neptune will be sextile Ops, then mid-year when Jupiter will be quincunx Ops. This brings out your inner Margaret Thatcher and you will make your friend and the group the absolute priority then, over and above partnerships or family. You’re restructuring what solidarity means between you.
Dear Jessica
Thank you as ever for all of the work you have done this year to share your knowledge and insights. They remain endlessly fascinating. If you have time I would be grateful for your thoughts on how I’m impacted. I’m a Sun Aries with stelliums in Capricorn, Aries and Pisces (just even that knowledge has so helped me better understand myself!).
I have Sun in 29 Aries, Mercury 02 Aries, Mars 01 Taurus, Asc 01 Cancer and Desc 01 Capricorn. After a really tough set of experiences throughout Pluto in Capricorn, I’m feeling a definite change in the air and very keen to understand how all of these new astrological changes will impact me.
In the meantime I wish you a very Happy Christmas and New Year. I hope 2025 brings you love, light and many blessings.
K x
Thank you K and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You have signed off from Pluto and Ceres at 29 Capricorn and left behind at least one situation and person, possibly more, that disempowered you. Looking back you are probably shaking your head at how you let things go that far, as others were playing a situation, or even quite obviously manipulating you. You might say the chess game has gone along with the board and pieces. 2025 is about your money, house and/or apartment and mid-year finds Jupiter sextile Mars. You stand to gain from being proactive about your investment, profit, business, charity or valuables then.
Hi Jessica,
It looks like I have 0° in Leo and Aquarius if I’m reading my chart correctly. Could you please take a look and tell me what this means for me in 2025?
Thank you!
Your Ascendant is 0 Leo (ASC in the chart) and your Descendant is 0 Aquarius. The latter is always opposite the former. You were born into a family where a leading role was accepted for you and as a child or teenager you may have become team captain, prefect or just the younger leader to siblings or cousins. Queen to a younger court is the cameo or portrait you fill so easily and yet it is changing, as Pluto is in opposition and quite powerful new situations, people or organisations ask you to transform how you project your face or name, your identity or persona. All this happens while your other half or the other side is involved. Aquarius rules friends and groups so your partners or even your enemies tend to be team players; group members; sociable sorts whose friends matter quite as much as family, if not more. Pluto going across the Descendant suggests the dynamic between you is transforming. This is the start of a year when in May in particular, when Saturn and Neptune go to 0 Aries, you will find the nuts and bolts of any kind of partnership, or any kind of rivalry/contest, affect your reputation or profile out there, far more than you imagined.
Hi, Jessica, very interesting post. I have Uranus at 0 Libra, Sun at 29 Aries and North Node at 29 Pisces. The second half of 2024 has been way better than the first half and also than the previous years. I’m feeling optimistic about 2025, but would love to know more about what to expect. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
Thank you and Merry Christmas. Uranus at 0 Libra is about a lifelong tendency to attract partnerships (both personal and work) which demand constant change and adjustment, as every time you have transits at 0 degrees, the last thing you expected in your de facto relationship (say) or your professional double-act, is the first thing that happens. Freedom and independence are terribly important to you and/or your partners and this is emphasised in 2025 from May, when Saturn and Neptune are in opposition to Uranus and you realise that you, he or she must find a different way to have space and autonomy. There is no formula. You two will have to invent a new way to operate. This also applies to any ex partner or any triangular situation. The old rules will not apply.
Hi Jessica, firstly I would like to thank you for all your work and generosity. I have learned so much from it and it has given me a lot of insights into some of the peculiar situations I have been finding myself in for some years now.
Now I am wondering whether 1 and 29 degree factors are also affected by the 0 degree cycle. I have sun in 29 Virgo, Jupiter in 29 Cancer and Ceres in 1 Cancer.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Thank you, that’s very kind. You recently signed off from Pluto at 29 Capricorn and Ceres at 29 Capricorn too. You no longer have to stick to the same patterns, attitudes and habits with your workload and wellbeing, the family circle, the household and your home. 2025 looks very new indeed. Ceres at 1 Cancer will be crossed by Jupiter at 1 Cancer mid-year bringing a rare opportunity to sort out the family or household in a new way, with a deal or negotiation which benefits you enormously. It will involve the house, garden or apartment too and remind you that sharing the control can be a good thing.
Hi Jessica, I have ops in libra at 00 degree and Jupiter in Virgo at 00 degree, any insights will be helpful. Thanks for all you do and Merry Christmas!
You were born to be a perennial optimist about partnerships of all kinds, from de facto relationships, to marriage, to work duets. You habitually fix what needs fixing and always win in the end. This goes hand-in-hand with your job, unpaid work or courses; this is where you find opportunities and solutions all the time, thanks to Jupiter in Virgo. The most powerful person, organisation or dominating new situation is reshaping this in December. In 2025 you will repeatedly find you have to put the duet centre-stage and at the same time, you will see gains in terms of your lifestyle and workload. In fact, Jupiter sextile Jupiter mid-year suggests an opportunity for your biggest and best role, project or goal yet.
Hello Jessica , I have Jupiter 00 degree in Scorpio , What does it means , any insight will be highly appreciated. Merry Christmas, thank you
To be born with Jupiter in Scorpio in the Eighth House is to be born lucky with family inheritance so from infancy you were due to benefit from your mother’s side, or father’s side. Later on in life you marry well or gain partners who come with an apartment, a house, valuables…Even when the chips are down you have terrific safety nets and lucky protective superpowers. When you’re in the right cycle to do well, you do very well indeed with money, property, valuables, charity, business – and mid 2025 is the time for that.
Thank you so very much. This is so so so helpful. My home is up for sale. We have had a few false dawns, a sale fell through at the last minute in March this year. But I am trusting that the Universe will know when the best time to sell is and will bring the right house for me and the right people for my current lovely home. 2025 feels like the dawn of a new situation, and a strong focus on not being distracted and manipulated anymore. Taking our power isn’t always easy but once you have faith and confidence that you can do so, the Universe responds. Or at least that is how it feels.
It feels important to say this – I still see our Royals – the ones working for service and duty – being protected. That feels ever important given how fractured the world is at the moment. The next few years will need alot of faith, courage steadfast integrity and commitment.
Love and light. And thanks again for everything you do to guide us to find our own way x
Thank you very much. You want to sell your home and have the North Node at 25 Taurus and South Node at 25 Scorpio – shared property and finance. Uranus at 25 Taurus is the issue here, but this famously challenging cycle does not last forever and in fact Uranus is out of Taurus in July. This is not just about the sale of the home, which has been unpredictable (Uranus is all about that as I am sure you know). It has been about other matters as well, affecting your life budget. As a Sun Aries you will find property trends work for you, from June, and from July all that zig-zagging with your bank account stops. So it’s mid year. You could easily sell before then, of course, but it would be mid year that you actually feel at home – with the next home. Thank you for your comment on the royal family.
Happy Holidays Jessica
I have 3 signs at zero degrees (Jupiter in Scorpio, Salacia in Aquarius and Neptune in Sag) What is 2025 bringing for me?
I have answered you elsewhere, thank you.
Hi Jessica
Been a member now for many years, thank you for your blogs and insightful deep dive into astrology. Looking forward to reading the annual horoscopes next week.
I have 4 signs at zero degrees
Jupiter in Scorpio,
Cupido in Pisces,
Salacia in Aquarius
Neptune in Sag
Where is my life going in 2025.
Will there be a reconciliation (10/Nov/73)
Thank you
Thank you for being a Premium Member for such a long time; I do appreciate it. What we have here is the North Node going to 0 Pisces, South Node going to 0 Virgo, Jupiter going to 0 Cancer, Saturn going to 0 Aries, Uranus going to 0 Gemini, Neptune going to 0 Aries and Pluto already at 0 Aquarius. Exact matches matter most. You have a lifelong history of passionate involvement with religion, psychics, meditation, Buddhism, mediums, dreams, Tarot, therapy and other aspects of inner life. 2025 is all about that. Here comes another one. This may literally become a passionate relationship (say, with your I Ching consultant) or just a heartfelt desire to be by yourself, to fully engage with your God, or your Tarot deck. Your friendships and groups are also central. All your life you have escaped from the real world with your clubs, teams, bands, gangs, societies, circles – social media perhaps – and certainly with your friends. It was like this even at school. Now you are ready for something very, very powerful. In fact it’s already happening.
Have been a premium member for a while and completely appreciate all your work and insights. I am a Cancer woman,Moon in Capricorn, and at loose ends in my life. Spent last 3 years caring for a sick grown son, he is mostly better now, but still lives with us, my husband went back on our retirement plans and still works, I am feeling a bit lost in general, am a basically health 71 year old, love art, literature, music,travel, writing, books, and don’t know what direction to take in my OWN life this next year. Have many scattered thoughts about it. Any insight would be helpful.
I have answered you elsewhere, thank you.
Hi Jessica, Is it possible to have Pluto’d myself and
for the transformation to be in how I gain control
over myself, by letting control of trying to control
what happens externally? My Saturn is at 1 Libra
and the obsession and delays in the 7th house have
been real and tiring. I’m starting to realise I may
have been holding myself back whilst also getting in
my own way with my attitude and beliefs and
seeking validation through romantic partners. So when astrological events talk of endings, could it be of habits rather than connections? Thank you for your time and guidance.
Thank you, I have replied to you elsewhere.
Dear Jessica,
Is it possible to Pluto oneself, and for transformation or ending to be in how I gain control over myself eg letting go of trying to control what happens externally?
My Saturn is at 1 Libra, the obsession and delays in the 7th house have been real and tiring. I am realising I may have held myself back/got in my own way by seeking validation through romantic partners. So when astrological events talk of endings, could it be of habits rather than connections? Thank you for your time and guidance.
I’ve not been asked that question before. Can one Pluto oneself? Can you overpower yourself, dominate yourself and try to take yourself over? I suppose so. I am not sure Pluto is your issue with love and sex, though. You are a Sun Libran with Juno and Saturn in conjunction at 1 Libra. Marriage and weddings are extremely heavy issues for you. Even going to somebody else’s wedding would hardly be a fun-filled celebration. Juno is about the loss of freedom, space and autonomy that comes with marriage. Saturn is the vow itself, ‘Until death do us part’ and ‘For richer, for poorer’ and ‘In sickness and in health’ and ‘Forsaking all others.’ Whatever culture or religion you have there’s a clanging, heavy commitment there. If I were you I would look at other ways of having love and sex in my life. Do you have to commit for eternity? Do you need to make it about the money, the house, the apartment, the children? Really look at alternative ways to be happy. Your chart shows you are free to do that. The standard white picket fence 2.5 children ‘forever’ model complete with cake is not for everyone. For you it is a very, very heavy business indeed.
Hi Jessica. I hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas! Thank you for sharing this article.
I’m curious about my two 00 placements;
Ops at 00 Taurus.
Psyche at 00 Libra, wedged between Vulcan at 29 Virgo and Mercury at 1 Libra.
I also pulled tarot cards for the questions you suggested: Pluto in Aquarious – The Chariot, and for the 00 placements in 2025 I pulled Four of Wands. They sound pretty promising.
Happy New Year!
Thank you. I did have a terrific Christmas although I ate more chocolate than any human being should. Pluto in Aquarius at 0 degrees is picking up Psyche at 0 Libra and at 1, Mercury at 1 Libra. So that’s now until 2025 and it’s about a partnership or pair in your life. Libra rules ‘the two of us’ and your other half, or the other side, is shown in The Chariot. The two sphinx, black and white, reveal that. Man and woman. Equal but different. Opposite but connected. Pluto making a trine shows how powerful two sides can be in a situation. The Four of Wands is of course, another pair. Two sets, of two wands, tied together. This is once again about your Libra placements being caught by Pluto in a trine. Psyche in Libra describes what lives forever and endures for eternity between two people. Mercury is about connection and communication between two sides, two halves, two equals. A great deal is changing.
Hi Jessica,
I have Fortuna 0 Pisces, Jupiter 1 Pisces. Any insight what these two may show up as?
You will change the way you handle religion, psychics, Tarot, mediums, Buddhism, psychologists, psychiatrists, meditation or dreams in 2025. Changing this means progress, long overdue. You just need the right people at the right time and that’s actually out there for you now, if you want to look. It will develop next year.
Glad to hear you had a ‘Chocolate Coated Christmas’ Jessica!
Any insights on how zero degrees Chiron in Aries will impact me?
The card I pulled was the Queen of Wands.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you. Chiron in Aries is about your image, appearance, name, first impressions and ‘type’ and all your life you will hit apparently impossible targets. You will get away with experiments and rather audacious quests, no matter if you pretend to be somebody else on the internet, or you dye your hair pink. The transits to Chiron suggest a new next identity. You will be queen to a younger court. Your own or other people’s children, nieces, nephews, godchildren. So you may teach. Or find yourself leading your own son or daughter. It’s very much about ‘show’ so this isn’t a backroom role. You will be front and centre, as an authority to a younger generation.
Hi Jessica, happy new year. I am kind of freaked out by this article of yours – Virgo Mercury 29, Virgo Juno 29, Libra Ceres 29, Scorpio Venus 00, Taurus Prosepina 00, Leo Cupido 01, Taurus Asc 02, Scorpio Dec 02, Aquarius Psyche 03 – then it moves on to 4s and 5s – I know Venus Scorpio is square Pluto Aquarius, I have Robert Hands book but this does not help much. Anything you can suggest with this stacking up would be appreciated
Happy New Year. I have Robert Hand’s book too; Planets In Transit. It was written in 1976 and it does not use modern astrology, so you won’t find crucial transits by (say) Ceres, who is now Pluto’s equal. You have the 29 and 0 degree placements which show ‘Out with the old, in with the new’. I don’t know why you would be anxious about that. You’re done with 2024. You are moving into a completely different space in 2025, thanks to these transits at 0 degrees, which then slowly move to 1 and 2 degrees. You have a Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of lifestyle, health, fitness, mental health, workload and wellbeing. This is by far the most important story in 2025 and 2026, as you will be asked to repeatedly look at how you do the housework, how you earn a crust, the hours you put in, how you feel physically – everything. Virgo is about the inseparable bonds of the mind, body and spirit and from January 12th 2025 it will become a priority it never was before. To find out more about your Virgo side, do have a look at Modern Astrology 2050 and use the flipbooks which come with membership.
Happy New Year, Jessica! I have Mercury at 0 degrees in Virgo and Ceres at 0 degrees in Aries. If I’m not mistaken the Virgo placement relates to work and health and changes in that area of life. I’d love to understand more about Ceres in Aries too. The past few months I’ve been craving independence from corporate life and wanting to start something on my own. Potentially start a social media account? Do you see growth in this area of life for me?
You are a Sun Leo with Leo and Virgo stelliums and yes, you are about to experience the South Node in Virgo in your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing. In your solar chart, you are at the end of Pluto in your Sixth House too. So 2025 is a farewell to the patterns of many years and the start of a new way of living and working – and also looking after your health and fitness. This will begin around January 12th 2025 and take you until July 27th 2026 to complete. Life will be circular, repetitive and often quite stuck. You will be on a loop. The loop is necessary because it takes time to pick up karmic rewards or pay your karmic dues. Much depends on what you were doing 18-19 years ago. So, Ceres in Aries is not really in the picture. Nor is your Leo stellium. But understanding your Virgo side will really help you. Have a look at your Virgo stellium in Modern Astrology 2050 if you’ve not already done so. This is the cycle when (if you are owed by the universe) you can end a chronic health condition and also see a welcome turnaround with your work, academic career or unpaid work. So hopefully you did for others, even at a distance, 18-19 years ago what you would now rather like to be rewarded with.
Reposting, as it appears to have been stuck …
Kim 30 December Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a says:2024 at 8:19
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Happy New Year to you and your team, Jessica. On the matter of ‘O’ degrees would you please comment on placements? Im a Scorpio with Aesculpia in Libra & Panacea in Pisces. I note a previous comment from you regarding my time of birth at 00.00; I vaguely recall you putting in there sometime ago, as i don’t know the exact time – I believe I was born of the morning.
Thanks Kim. Your comment is not stuck, I just have 17,482 of them in the line this morning as I put the kettle on. Without a birth time it’s best to avoid the Moon, DC, AC, IC and MC in a chart and anything teetering on the edge of 29 or 0 degrees. Looking at your chart now, you are a Sun Scorpio with Pisces and Virgo stelliums. Your lifestyle, workload, wellbeing and way of daily life is set to change enormously in 2025. As a Scorpio you have Saturn and Neptune going into your Sixth House, together from May. This extends to 2026 as well. In your birth chart you were born with a stellium in the Sixth House in Virgo and the South Node is about to go there, within days. Life as it was with work and wellbeing 18-19 years ago will come back to you as you are owed, karmically, or you owe, spiritually – from that time. Get to know your Virgo side. It’s not just about your service and duty to others in 2025, it’s also about your first duty, which is to your fitness, mental and physical health. From May it looks like a holiday from the real world is on offer but it will also involve a waiting game and a ring-fenced situation for you.
Hi Jessica
Happy 2025!
I just read your latest blog on Jessica Adams Astrology and Tarot – Your New Pluto in Aquarius Journey – where you mentioned that if you have Aquarius in you birth chart you will be affected. I have my IC in Aquarius 05 degrees,11th house. How should I interpret this given the IC is not a planet nor asteroid?
If your birth time is accurate (the minute the cord was cut) then your IC is indeed at 5 Aquarius and you come from a family background where a trade union, the Freemasons, the armed forces, a political party, a charity, rock band or other group (perhaps a religious group) was essential. One or more ancestors were all about the group. The IC or Immum Coeli is ancestry, roots, heritage and history. It is what you come from – the most important all-encompassing fact about your background which has influenced so much. This will transform when Pluto goes to 5 Aquarius. There is a mere hint now. Later on it will be life-changing and once again, a group will be involved.
Hi Jessica. I’m hoping I’m not too late to request your insight on my chart. I have Neptune 00 Scorpio and Hygeia 00 Aries.
Thanks in advance. MC
Neptune in Scorpio in the Eighth House is about escaping from financial reality by having a credit card or borrowing money from an organisation like PayPal. The holiday from what is actually there is convincing but of course you know it’s just a temporary vacation and repayment means returning to reality. It’s the same with a mortgage and a house or apartment. It’s not really yours! However you have played Neptune to date, Pluto square Neptune is already with you, so the most powerful people, groups, organisations or quite potent situations are challenging your usual way of operating with money or property, shopping or business. Saturn and Neptune will come along at 0 Aries to form a quincunx to natal Neptune a little later in 2025 so external professional advice from, say, an accountant could be useful. This also picks up questions about your identity, appearance and image which are separate to the money matters. Again, your normal way of handling your face, shape, style, reputation, name is open to question, but take your time deciding.