The Modern I Ching bookcover


New Year of the Snake Astrology

Lunar New Year is here. Year of the Snake replaces Year of the Dragon on Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th January around the world. Be first to try The Modern I Ching oracle in a free Zoom with Jessica Adams and Alicia Fulton, host of the Astrology Show on Substack.

Free Zoom – Lunar New Year of the Snake

Come along to a free Zoom event for Lunar New Year of the Snake. Hosted by Alicia Fulton at The Astrology Show on Substack, you can be first to try The Modern I Ching oracle.

This new guidebook shows you what skins to shed from 2024, to prepare for Year of the Snake. Choose two cards which speak to you and find out how to let go of Year of the Dragon.

The Modern I Ching 212x300 - New Year of the Snake Astrology

The Modern I Ching

The I Ching has been used by Bob Dylan, George Harrison,  Carl Jung and Syd Barrett. It’s been immortalised by Monty Python and Douglas Adams.

It’s also 4000 years old and due for an update, so the book and cards have been created to give you a contemporary take on the original hexagrams.

The Modern I Ching is the perfect oracle to take you into Lunar New Year of the Snake.

It begins on the second New Moon after the December solstice, so exact timing is 7.36am on Wednesday 29th January in New York (adjust for your time zone).

At that exact moment, Year of the Dragon ends and Year of the Snake begins. Which old skins do you need to shed from last year? The Modern I Ching will tell you.

Join Us Around the World

Our Zoom will be recorded, with Jessica Adams in Hobart and Alicia Fulton at Bondi Beach –  but if you want to join people around the world in real time, make sure you are there –

Tuesday 28th January 6:00pm – Los Angeles
Tuesday 28th January 9:00pm – New York
Wednesday 29th January 10:00am – Hong Kong
Wednesday 29th January 1:00pm – Hobart and Sydney

Main Image: Justin Tabari


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57 Responses

  1. Morning Jessica,
    Happy lunar new year and congratulations on the The new modern I ching. I asked the question as you suggested ” what do I most need to shed from last year” I picked “obstruction” and took this as a positive card and am hoping that obstacles are shed and removed this year.
    Have a great day and I hope your good fortune continues throughout the year.
    Take care

    1. Happy Lunar New Year, Marianne. Thank you. You do need to let the obstructions of 2024 crumble away. Continuing as if they were still there, or likely to come up again, is something the I Ching wants you to stop doing. You can continue to use the I Ching for all kinds of questions, not just about shedding skins from last year, as Year of the Snake arrives…

  2. Jessica,

    Thank you for such an amazing zoom event. I learned so much and look forward to really exploring I Ching further. Interestingly enough, I believe all the cards drawn domino into one another. My first I Ching card was Dispersion. My second the Net. You drew the ten of swords for the Ox and as your YouTube suggested, I drew one tarot card – The Star. Always appreciate any insight you can share. I feel 2025 is going to be a year of big change for me.

    Thank you, again!

    1. Thank you for coming along to The Lunar New Year Zoom. You are being advised to turn your back on that scattered situation with a group (a family or circle of friends is typical, or a work group) and leave it in the past. It’s very much about the collective for you. The community or network. This ties in with your birth chart too. Pluto in Aquarius – transformation of the diverse network. Your Net card is similar. What to leave behind from last year? This interwoven web of people, probably online. Or, at least the structure it had. It’s no longer required, as it was.

  3. Hi Jessica, I missed the zoom because of time zone mix up. I did draw two cards – 40 (release) and 59 (dispersion). They speak to me; I looked up the flipbook too. What would be your insights? Thank you.

    1. You were asking what to shed from 2024 – what to lose. You are being told to let go of that situation where you broke free. You may have moved, stopped a diet, walked from a job or relationship or released yourself in other ways. How did you let go and move on last year? That is not something to continue any more. It’s done with and you need to let it crumble in the past. Dispersion is that very scattered situation with a group of people. It may have been your family, social media or a group of friends. Again – this is something to leave behind.

  4. Hello Jessica,
    I’m a wood snake and my daughter is a metal snake. we’re both studying while both making ends meet, sad. do you see things looking up? please. what else does this snake year mean for us too? thanks. hopeful

  5. Hi Jessica, I decided to “test” the I Ching and was pleasantly surprised at the accuracy. My question was about a man that I am currently texting. The card I drew was Closeness. I think this an excellent quick way to find your answer to a question. I have tried service delivery. For whatever reason, it didn’t work the way I had thought. I will try it again later in the year when it is appropriate for my wish.

  6. Thank you Jessica for the I Ching book and Zoom event and Substack content which is a great supplement to everything here. Yesterday I chose from the book the Creative #1 and Forest #19 as my cards and it seems to sync with leaving my old work set up and starting something new, which will be in the wellness space.

    This morning, I drew two cards to guide me on this new moon in my sign and in the Year of the Snake and got the I Ching Strength #34 card and from the tarot got the Ace of Wands. Also confirming the sprouting of my new wellness venture.

    I did have a question as to dates this year that are best for launches. I’m not ready quite yet with my new venture – what might be auspicious in the coming months? Many thanks again!

    1. I’m glad you are beginning to see how the The Modern I Ching can work. Thanks for coming along to the Lunar New Year Zoom on Substack. Another way into divination you may want to try is to combine the Tarot, Garden Oracle, Astrology Oracle and I Ching for four angles on the same question. Like four camera angles. Also, do continually test the cards with your present situation to validate and confirm what you know to be true. That way you will know you are tuned into the timing.

  7. Hi Jessica
    Happy Lunar New Year to you , and thank you so much for the new I Ching cards . I asked the cards the question, what old skins do I need to shed this year ? First of all I drew Increase , we have lived here for just over a year , and I would like to meet new friends , also we have been changing the home as to how we would like it. I feel excited that maybe for new friendships ( I have a balance disability, so haven’t mixed locally so much ), for this year , I will have more confidence to join a club. We are also in the midst of getting the home as it’s needed physically , also for a peaceful comfortable environment?
    My next card was gazing , ( my mum was Anglo Indian ) perhaps this has some meaning ? IGazing into what is maybe going on around me , home , where I live ? Or is this within me ? I have looked up the cards in the flipbook . I would be grateful to see what you think of these cards I drew ?
    Many thanks Berta

    1. Happy Lunar New Year. Shedding ‘Increase’ from 2024 is losing who or what has been accumulating, expanding and growing. Nothing to do with friends, but it will be personal to you. Gazing was part of 2024, Berta and suggests you were watching, speculating, perhaps daydreaming or just looking on – the I Ching is suggesting you may want to lose that. It takes time for the I Ching to give you the deeper message so you may want to go back to that card, especially as your mother was Anglo Indian.

  8. Hi Jessica, Thank you for this great zoom event, unexpectedly could attend. Always learning something. My first card was Dispersion, the second was Surplus. Being a tiger the card was 4 pentacles they all speak to me. I know this year will be great changes. How to recognise the right direction? All the best for this year.

    1. Thank you. The cards work together. The Four of Pentacles is about yourself or another having more than enough. A surplus of money. Surplus is commenting on that from the I Ching. What to shed for your greatest good, and the greatest good of others? The excess held by yourself or another. How, when and why is obviously for you to decide, if you do go ahead.

  9. Hi Jessica, happy year of the Snake. I love the new I-ching deck, it looks great. I drew Possessions and Home as my two cards. Very interesting as I’ve had a lot of upheaval and drama with my house and building work, including a dispute in late 2024 with the neighbours. Would be very grateful for any insights you might have, thank you 🙂

    1. Thanks so much, I am glad you like the deck. The I Ching is telling you to shed your attachment to your possessions and home. The building work and neighbour issues are part of the attachment. On a basic level you also need to recycle or give away some objects. Decluttering and space clearing are required. Over the next few days you will also come to realise the deeper message of the I Ching which can work quite slowly and powerfully.

  10. Hi Jessica, Thanks for the Live Zoom, I enjoyed being in your group. And it feels great that Alicia Fulton is facilitating the work with you. What do you think of this? When I was in the Zoom meeting I chose two images – The Well and Calculations – simply based on my response to the art. (Love the artwork in this deck.). Then I tested the website I Ching shuffle deck and I got Calculations. Please share what you think of all this.
    Thanks again.

    1. Thanks so much for coming along to the Lunar New Year Zoom, Cecelia. Alicia Fulton and I enjoyed it too and we’ll do this again on Substack in 2026. You asked what skins to shed from last year and your E.S.P. told you ‘Calculations’ which you chose from the book and then drew from the deck. This will work on two levels. First of all, lose the numbers from your thinking. It’s not actually about the digits. I have seen this card turn up when people are using statistics to judge a health situation when they should be using other ways to figure out their own facts. It also turns up when money is the focus and yet the value in a situation is not numerical. The I Ching takes time to resonate and it may take a bit of thinking and ruminating to really get it. The Well is the person, situation, place or organisation that goes on giving, but many people also draw from it and you have to share. You also have to maintain the source.

  11. A very Happy Lunar New Year to you Jessica and many congratulations on your new Modern I Ching Oracle. I hope this year is a wonderful year for you. I picked the following two cards when asking what I needed to shed from last year: Abyss and Waiting. I am amazed at the accuracy of the cards, only today after an important telephone conversation have I truly felt the tides are changing and I can see light at the end of what has been a dark tunnel. I have waited nearly five years to reach this point. Thank you so much for all the work you have put in to producing this excellent book. Your help is much appreciated.

    1. Thank you. I am glad you are finding The Modern I Ching accurate. I’ve been hearing some interesting stories from people who have seen immediate turnarounds in their lives within a day of the Zoom event. There is a reason the oracle has survived and thrived for 4000 years. I am glad you are losing the Abyss in particular. The phone conversation was very timely.

  12. Hi Jessica. Thanks for adding to our knowledge by adding these modern I-Ching cards to the divination methods available on your website..
    Can you explain how to select a single or two I-Ching cards online, please?
    I tried to select two today by scrolling down the online book. I found 4 cards that I was drawn to, but fund the interpretations shown next to them influenced my choice in reducing them to two cards.
    When selecting single cards for a Tarot, Astrology Oracle or Garden Oracle reading you don’t see the interpretations alongside the cards you can choose. I prefer this so am I missing something here when it comes to selecting a single or two I-Ching cards, please?

    1. You can use either method. At the Zoom session we offered people the choice. A simple way to learn the I Ching is to ask ‘If my life was a book, what would be on the front cover, describing it in the present?’ Then select one card from the deck on my website. As a Premium Member, you can then pick up the book from the online library here. You should get an immediately accurate card, but if not, re-focus and keep trying until you have tuned in. You can then ask more known questions, like ‘What is my most valuable asset to employers?’ or ‘What is my partnership (or friendship) all about?’ As the I Ching confirms the known to you repeatedly, you can then venture into the unknown – like the future.

  13. Hi Jessica, what a lovely treat you’ve given us to celebrate the year of the Snake!

    I asked what to shed from 2024 & got Friendship and Biting. I’m having trouble seeing both of these things as something to shed. I nearly always find my tarot picks hit the mark, so I trust that these cards have something important for me to learn.

    I have a strong Aquarius stellium (8 factors), so group friendships is a topic that has been coming up a lot at the moment. My personal circumstances have seen me lose most of my friends and acquaintances (some by choice, some not). I’ve also lost access to most of my wider community as well (school mums, work mates etc). I only have 1 friend I can count on and I already feel isolated (except for my family). I really don’t want to shed anymore friendships,
    Can you help me make sense of these cards please?

    1. Thank you. Lunar New Year celebrations run into February, so this is for a limited time only, but I am glad you are making good use of the cards and book. The I Ching works slowly and deeply so you may want to go back and look at Friendship again and figure out why the oracle might think you need to shed someone – or people plural – or perhaps dependence on friends. It is mirroring your astrology chart which is strongly Eleventh House/Aquarian. I think your one friend is the issue here and I understand why you don’t want to shed this person. Perhaps the I Ching is talking about shedding friendship as being so important to you. It mattered, because you lost people, but as you now know, your family is important.

  14. Hi Jessica, I picked Jaws (27) and then Forest (19) as the skins I need to leave behind from 2024. My tarot was three of pentacles.

    I interpret this as, leave behind the interdependance and the transition stage of my work life is behind me, I’m well and truly at my new stage/place Three of pentacles, chose your team mates wisely? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

    1. Yes, that interpretation is correct about the skins you need to shed from 2024. There may (or may not) be financial reward there but you need to make sure the people who are searching for it, are the right people.

  15. Jessica, Thank you for the reply to my question – it is very helpful. A friendship is at a rocky point because we don’t agree “on the numbers” – thus Calculations card. And with the Well card – my friend is viewing this argument from his viewpoint that we need to share everything freely. SOOOO…. Spot on. Best, Cecelia

    1. Aha, the I Ching code has been cracked. In fact your two cards went together. Sharing is often an issue with Well. I hope this works out for you Cecelia. Thank you.

  16. Hi Jessica, and Happy Lunar New Year to you! Thank-you for the beautiful I-Ching cards, and intro (for me anyway) to I-Ching.
    The skins I need to leave behind are Returning and Abundance! Returning I can understand – I have a tendency to dwell on the past and wallow in self-pity (bad marriage, horrendous divorce, insecure finances), so I assume that this is what the I-Ching is telling me – to let go of that. But Abundance? Despite what I just said, I have an abundance of good in my life – love, family, friends – why should one leave Abundance behind? I don’t think I understand that one. Interestingly, I also picked a Tarot card – and turned up the Ace of Cups – also an Abundance symbol. Are you able to shed any light? Thank-you x

    1. Happy Lunar New Year of the Snake. I am glad you like The Modern I Ching cards. It can take time for the full meaning of the cards to sink in. Perhaps one in two cards is a slow grower. Often one is immediately understood. So you need to stop returning to the past of your awful marriage and divorce. You kept returning to that in your mind in 2024 and the I Ching is saying it does you no good. Shedding it is like letting a skin slip off, if you are a snake. Abundance may seem odd at first, because surely it is a good thing, but sit with the message and meaning. The Ace of Cups also shows a cup overflowing. There is too much there. ‘Much too much, too much.’ Think about excess and why you need to stop it as part of your life. That could be interesting.

  17. Hi Jessica
    I loved the Zoom – thanks so much to you and Alicia.
    I’m really loving the I-Ching. I’ve been curious about it for a long time, and got more interested recently after reading the most recent Robert Galbraith novel (though its used for nefarious purposes in that!)
    I drew “Waiting” for Card 1 and “Net” for Card 2.
    I knew instantly what Waiting refers to – I need to stop being a spectator in life. I have not been participating in life for over 20 years, and i feel regret that so much has passed me by. I don’t know how to stop over-thinking and talking myself out of putting myself out there, but i finish study this year, so I will be starting a business after June. Its time to stop procrastinating.
    I think Net isn’t so much about my connection to things – I’m reasonably comfortable with how I connect to the world and how my intuition functions, but I get caught up the other peoples’ nets along with them. Their fears/inadequacies. And I stop myself doing what i want to do because some close to me are afraid or lazy. I need to cut them adrift (too use one-too-many nautical terms!)
    Thanks again Jessica
    Always one step ahead, and always sharing with us all.
    DinP xx

    1. Thanks for coming along to The Lunar New Year Zoom, D in P. I think Alicia Fulton and I will repeat this next year as we’ve had such good feedback. I’ll find that Galbraith novel too. The Modern I Ching is obviously updated for the Twenties but has that powerful overlay of 4000 years of truth-seeking by psychics. So you understood ‘Waiting’ immediately. I think ‘Net’ is more complex but you may have some insights over the next few days. This oracle takes time to really sink in as it works on many levels at once.

  18. I love the new cards, they are beautiful! I drew Obstruction and Gazing, which makes a lot of sense to me as 2023 & 2024 were tough years with a lot of nos and doubts. Ties into with the card for Libra, 5 of cups. But its hard to switch as outwardly so far much of the conditions seem the same.

    1. You will have to change yourself with these cards as only you can motivate yourself to move on. It will happen when the time is right. You need to recover from what happened to you in 2024, first.

    1. DeepSeek is part of that Uranus in Gemini revolution which begins in July 2025 and takes us past 2030. You simply cannot count on the long-term success of AI and AI shares during this time. Jupiter in Gemini is giving DeepSeek some luck until June, but it stops there. The shocks begin and do not stop from July.

  19. Thanks for this article Jessica. I couldn’t attend the Zoom because I was working. Can you please add it to the article for Premium members? Thanks. I drew Home and the 10 wands which makes sense because I feel over-burdened by paid and unpaid work so will shed some obligations.

  20. Hallo Jessica
    I chose these card nr 11 modesty and nr 54 home, but i still think the apply in the year of the snake. Because i still waiting for my apartment to be sold and move back to my hometown. What do you see?

    Thanks for the Ching cards

    1. That’s exactly what the I Ching is telling you. Shed your home from Year of the Dragon and move into Year of the Snake. You will sell your home – and it is now on the market.

  21. Morning Jessica,
    Once again I need to reach out and to tell you how amazing and genuine I am finding the ” I Modern I Ching” .
    This is the second time I have used this taking my time to reflect and word my question which was ” What do I need to do to evolve / change to become my authentic self in 2025″ I chose ” Modesty”. Which is completely apt as it speaks to me of humility, respect, modesty and sincerity etc. All areas that I have been strongly aware of as short comings and something that I needed to work on especially in my personal and working working relationships.
    Sincerely many thanks for adding this outstanding addition to your brilliant website for all to use.
    Bless you and have a great day

  22. Brain fog from stress at the moment is making me struggle to pick a card from this pack and I’m quite consumed by how I’m going to be less reclusive and go about re-establishing some of the fitness in my lifestyle that I really loved so much in the past but gave up in the last two years because of horrible treatment from some members of the community I belonged to at the time. And then I read your Saturday horoscope and you answered the question I was going to ask – so now I have some peace of mind that yes I am still in the aftermath of the last Pluto cycle and I will continue to do my homework with regards to my medical and lifestyle questions. Now I am not panicking I am behind or getting it wrong, it’s all happening as it is supposed to be. Thank you Jessica 🙂

  23. Hi Jessica,
    I couldn’t make the zoom but I asked the I Ching if there will be an earthquake in Los Angeles within the next year. I drew The Jungle…. Just like that Guns n Roses song…..Welcome to the Jungle baby…..

    1. Also Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. “It’s like a jungle sometimes. It makes me wonder how I keep from goin’ under.”

  24. Hi Jessica,
    I hope you see my comment here.

    The new Lurna year just started.
    I am totally broken and I need somewhere to scream & cry without attention in the neighbourhood.
    So I am sleeping in the car – on the street at night alone.

    I am fully aware of Saturn & Neptune are coming into my Fifth house soon.

    Then I read your February prediction.
    today 3 days into the month
    my daughter acted completely strange and calmly in a scary way.
    She has a new boyfriend,
    he introduced her to a religious.

    From a carrying, affection daughter, she became DISTANCE from me,
    she pray “God” for me instead (?!)

    I am totally solo Mother for almost
    20 years ( without any support of any kind)
    After all those years of suffering and pain to raise my children to be decent human.
    Suddenly I am losing my daughter to her new “God” and the new boyfriend.
    the lost of my only sibling 4 years ago, my 2 children are the only reason and purpose for me to be alive.

    I don’t have any strength left in me,
    to go through anymore pain.
    Neptune & Saturn are not even in my Fifth house yet.
    I am still on my own fixing my home with Neptune & Saturn in Fourth house.
    I am drowning fast, Jessica.
    Please help.
    I don’t have anywhere – anything
    to hold on to.

    Thank you so much for your time and kindness Jessica.

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this. There is hope and help for you. If you are in Australia then it will help to talk to someone on the phone. Dial Lifeline – 13 11 14 and Beyond Blue – 1300 22 46 36. Okay, so your daughter is with a new boyfriend and you feel she is distanced for you. She has become religious because of her boyfriend and is praying for you. You feel alone. What does your chart say? You are a Sun Sagittarius woman with stelliums in Sagittarius and Libra. So, yes, you are in a decision-making cycle about your adult children. Your Fifth House, which describes your life as a mum, shows Chiron in Aries at the moment, then Saturn and Neptune will both be there from May this year as you know. The issues you are having right now are your home (which you are fixing) with the family as a whole and those stop in two stages. First, when Neptune goes out of your Fourth House, then second, when Saturn goes out of your Fourth House. So that’s weeks away. You will find the situation with the actual house or apartment ends at the same time that the whole family issue ends too. Moving on to both your adult children, it should be possible for you to make a new arrangement with them after May. If you need help and support to do that, please call the numbers above as they may be able to put you in touch with resources in your community. You can also talk to your doctor about your situation – in fact it would be a good idea – if you are going through such a hard time emotionally and mentally. Take this step by step please. Your chart tells me that the suburb or town nearby has good people to assist you, so that you can start to feel in control again. Did you know you are in the best cycle for finding a new partner in years? The chances of you pairing up with a friend, companion or boyfriend are very high, this year and many years into the future. This will make a difference. First of all you have to take care of your feelings, though. So please make the call. And get in touch with people who can help you. Step by step.

  25. Hello Jessica,
    Across the pond in the USA, President Musk and his lackey Trump are scaring the bejeebers out of the country and many of our longstanding allies. It feels like a demented Alice in Wonderland vibe over here. I would appreciate any input from you on how things may play out. Thank you in advance.

    1. Michael Lutin gave Donald two years. He also successfully predicted Donald would take the White House when most astrologers were calling Kamala Harris. This was Michael’s last prediction (not public, but made to a mutual friend) before he passed. I predicted a ‘money man’ myself in January 2024. I then predicted a money woman, so it goes in that order. I’m sticking to that. The financial anarchy ends when Uranus in Taurus finally pushes off for good. So, 2026.

  26. Hi Jessica,

    I used the Astrology delivery 2025 Aquarius weather that started last year – I’m very thrilled to tell you – I had 2 interviews for 2 different jobs on Jan 30th – and Feb 5/6th i got both offers for both. This is beyond what i had hoped. I made a lateral move within my company and they even gave me a raise. I chose a path that involves people/communication/collaboration – project mgmt.

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