The Numerology of 2022

Why 2022 is the Year of the Odd Couple

For those of you who had more numerology questions after my interview on Studio 10 (Channel Ten) – stay tuned for a lot of remarkable ‘two’ dates in 2022. It begins today, 2-2-2022, but will continue on 22-2-2022 with one common theme: odd couples.

This is something we have found in other two-dominant years in numerology. In fact, People magazine covers show you the story, for 2000 (Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, Madonna and Guy Ritchie) but also in 2002 (Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills). You can expect more odd couples in 2022. Perhaps your own, if you’re dating someone new.

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The Numerology of the Number Two

If you think about ‘one’ as an odd number, then add it with another ‘one’ you end up with two. So this is really where the download 1 - The Numerology of 2022association comes with couples who are composed of very different people. Each one is odd, in his or her own way. When you put them together, you can end up with – all too often – a parting of the ways.

Yet, numerology also tells us that in any 2 dominant year, if enough space and tolerance is extended in both directions, even the oddest couples can stay married. A really good example of this is Brian May and Anita Dobson (left) who actually turned up in a story titled THE ODD COUPLE when they first got together. They are still together in 2022.

It’s the same with professional partners or business partners. Just because you two get together in a 2 year does not mean it has to end in a split. The trick is remembering that numerology is all about the deep symbolism of numbers. Any common phrase with one/two will explain the issues.

So, if you can avoid the essential ‘looking out for number one’ nature of the 1+1 combination in 2 and focus more on ‘it takes two’ and ‘the two of us’ you can avoid the rifts. By the way, if you are ordering a 2022 Astrology Report from me (the reports begin on 1st February 2022 and take you through to January 2023) you can find a numerology report, too, inside.

Odd Couple Hits From 2002

th 1 - The Numerology of 2022Kath and Kim made its debut in 2002 and so did The Bachelor. At first sight, these two massive hit shows have nothing in common, until you drill down to the stars (be they fictional or real-life). These 2002 programs in a two-dominant year are about 1+1 not adding up – except it does. Did you know that Nicolas Cage and Lisa Marie Presley divorced in a two-dominant year? And how about the highs and lows of Bennifer – Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck?

It’s really down to ego and self-interest a lot of the time, to see if a couple or professional pair can make ‘the two of us’ work in a 2-dominant year like 2022. These are quite unusual periods in history, because they have only become possible since the Millennium – the year 2000. As we associate ‘two’ with odd couples, it’s interesting to note that equal marriage (same-sex marriage) only became widely accepted around the world once we passed 2000. So, we are now in the era of Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve. This has never happened before.

Duets and Duels

The powerful dates in 2022 both chime with duets as well as duels in an uncanny way. One is 2-2-2022 and the next is 22-2-22 and even sceptics will be amazed at the Russia-USA ‘one against one’ story which unwinds over time. The fact is, former The Guardian Bush Putin 2002 300x161 - The Numerology of 2022President George W. Bush and Russia’s Vladimir Putin actually signed a treaty – became a duet – in a ‘two’ year. Back in 2002 Bush and Putin lent their names to a nuclear pact.

Now, in 2022, we find Russia and the USA at odds over Ukraine. Nobody is really talking about this in the media, but in numerology terms, we would automatically be looking at the Democrat President Joe Biden-Vladimir Putin war of words, in the context of the Republican George W. Bush in the last ‘two’ cycle. This is a rule in the strange world of numerology cycles. It’s not a science (no, not at all, unless you consider it as synchronicity/quantum reality). Yet, it’s true that duets can become duels on repeated 2 dominant years.

Making 2022 Work For You

Did you know that in 2002, the last ‘two’ year the two big hits in Hollywood both had that number in the title? Lord of the Rings: Two Towers and Star Wars Episode Two both appeared then. If you are interested in surfing the wave of 2022, pierpaolo riondato O5VBFeaf0gQ unsplash 225x300 - The Numerology of 2022remember it’s a rare, historic year in numerology. Only 2000 and 2002 can compare.

If you are in an odd couple, for reasons of marriage, work or just friendship – remember that the key is a two-way street where you can both drive in your own lane. You can’t really merge personalities or blend lifestyles fully in a two-dominant year. The core of 2 is 1+1 and remembering that is really important. You can’t both be ‘numero uno’ in the relationship, but neither can you mix your characters, careers, tastes and preferences. Blending is not really what 2 is about in the world of numbers.

I was asked about the 2022 Australian Election on Studio 10. The theme this year is quite clearly – the odd couple – and the question is – can they last? This just has to be Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and Prime Minister Scott Morrison. I am predicting that there will be chaos involving Barnaby Joyce at the heart of the Liberal Party and National Party (the Coalition) in February, March and April 2022. It could result in a departure or lasting rift.

Is Your Birthday Number Two?

Did you know that you can send an astrology birthday card (with a numerology profile) if you are a Premium Member? And if you ordered a 2022 Report from me (they begin on 1st February 2022) then there is an extended numerology analysis inside. If you are really interested in the weird and wonderful world of numbers, then check your full birthdate to see if you were born under the 2 number.

As Cheiro taught us back in the 20th century, you need to add the date together to arrive at a single digit. So, for example, if you were to add your date and year of birth in a straight line, and end up with 11, you would add 1+1 to arrive at 2. If you really are a Two in numerology, then you will have many odd couples in your lifetime, for all kinds of reasons.

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43 Responses

  1. Great post, Jessica. I love numerology – I have gotten so into it ever since my dad was diagnosed w/Alzheimer’s. I have been seeing numbers and my dad gives me numbers randomly, but also when I need them the most. I look them up and it’s magical. I’m a 1 when adding my birthdate and yes, it’s so true. Any correlation with a 2 year? Especially when 1 + 1 = 2! 😉 Thank you!

    1. That is fascinating about your father who just tells you numbers – with dementia. You and your father are in a 1/2 relationship of course. He has to come first but you both have to share. This year will encourage you both to give space/ask for space.

  2. I’ve always been intrigued by numbers. I have seen the number 222 constantly for years. It shows up every time I look at the clock, on my odometer, on license plates, bill boards, tallies on checks, and so much more. It is so constant it can’t be ignored. I always feel like I should know what it means. But, sadly, I don’t. I feel like its a message of some sort. I am not a 2, no one in my family is a 2 and no one is born or died in Feb. I wish I could figure out why I keep seeing 222 everywhere, every day.

    1. 22/222 are quite different in meaning. With 22 odd couples prevail but if you are haunted by 222 then the message is ‘three’s a crowd.’ This may be a sexual relationship, marriage or other partnership. It can be in the family. Two siblings and a parent, perhaps, or three siblings. Diana, Princess of Wales, Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker-Bowles were caught in a 222 pattern. The trick here is to get it to 2-2 and find yourself an odd couple partnership at work or at home.

  3. Love numerology and this post ! Do you think No 8 is best for a business name ? My life path is 8 but not having much success business wise yet. Also would there be a good time this month or year that’s lucky in numerology -thank you shellyn

    1. You are a Sun Capricorn and in the most challenging financial cycle for 29 years, but it ends in March 2023. You may want to wait until Saturn is well and truly gone from Aquarius before you embark on a big new business plan, yet from March 2023 for many years into the future you could become quite powerful, financially. I’ll go into numerology more later this year – it’s a fascinating subject. Eight is okay for a business if you have many ‘arms’ or wings: it is spread wide, or has a number of staff. If it’s just you, not so much.

  4. Hello Jessica
    Oh dear really worried about that ……
    I am getting married this year 2/4/22 and have 2’s in my birth date and my partner is 12/7/68
    Does this bode badly for us we have been together for 25 yrs

    1. You were born on the 22nd so understand ‘odd couple’ energy which is why you have been with your partner for 25 years. How amazing you have chosen a ‘2’ dominant year to tie the knot. Your whole number is a 5, which is about the group, so the more time you can spend with a group/society/association/community the better.

  5. Wow we got married on 1-1-2000 and are indeed an odd couple. Hope this year brings solace to this tumultuous two and turns us into a team.

    1. Aha, you managed the 1-2 combination. I will go into this more later in 2022, but when you have 1/2/1/2 repeating the message is also repeated. It’s a bit like that Sparks song, ‘This Town Ain’t Big Enough For The Both of Us’. You have to create a space, quite literally in the house or apartment, but also in your lives, where you can be separate individuals even though you are very much paired up.

  6. Thank you, Jessica, that’s a very interesting article, which gave me a different perspective on my experiences. I was always triggered by my natal Pluto in Scorpio at 22,22 degrees by not being sure of its real-life meaning. I often notice something strange happening at 22h22, i.e. receiving messages or emails from men, being with someone and deciding randomly to check the clock, or even getting closer with my love of life but after that never talking to each other again. Therefore, I always looked at this numerology as a warning but the article shed some positive light.

    1. The number 22 is an interesting one and it’s personal for you. It’s the two odd numbers, one and one, together – but they can often break apart – unless both agree to strictly share the ‘coming first/looking after number one’ roles of each. Clocks sometimes give clues like that – it’s synchronicity!

  7. Hello Jessica
    I am currently committed to finding stable nanny work 2 days per week and was considering signing up for an elite client agency since I already have the exposure and impeccable reviews through my current clients.
    Normally I’m used to ‘going it alone’ and finding my own clients, however it’s tough and erratic with the handful of clients I already have.
    In light of this being a 2 year as well, can you please look at my chart and see whether this new arrangement is likely to work? Thank you.

    1. An agency will work but don’t do it until Mercury is out of retrograde – so after February 24th.

  8. Jessica, are so accurate. Husband and I just separated, right around xmas last year. If you asked me a year ago, I wouldn’t have expected it. First started dating in 2002. Fast forward 2022, he a Cap. got approved for his new place on Aquarius new moon (me a few weeks, before with hiccups – mercury retro!). We’re still each other’s best friend and can work together. Don’t have any kids. We’re excited for the space that this will give each other, want to see the other thrive. What do you see either of us?

    1. Thank you. Though I am sorry you and your husband just separated. You are in the 2002/2022 pattern, but you are in the odd-couple-becomes-odder space now and that will work well for you. You can work together and are best friends. See what happens around 22-02-22!

  9. My number is 2. Does that mean I got a chance for having a relationship with an odd partner this year?

    1. Yes, you are in the ‘odd couple’ zone though it may be professional or personal. It can also be family (Kath and Kim).

  10. Jessica, I was married in 2000.
    Me 14.8.65 and partner 14.1.64.
    I feel we are odd couple. Any good news
    TY. Chalk n cheese

    1. The odd couple who get together in a two-dominant year are always tested in the next two-dominant year. It can work out but you have to tolerate each others’ huge differences. One of you may be religious; the other not. One of you may have particular sexual preferences; the other not. This is the year to figure out if it’s worth it to the pair of you, to stay together. And what if your marital goals (say, property or a small business, or children) don’t work out? Is the partnership important enough that you will keep it united, even if what you were both striving for doesn’t materialise? These are all important questions in a 2 year.

  11. Thanks Jessica. I’m born on the 22nd. My ex-husband was opposite to me. My life path is 33/6. I read elsewhere that master numbers have great challenges (which has been my experience) but also greater opportunities for growth. I’m pleased to hear you’ll be focusing on numerology too. Looking forward to reading those articles. All the best.

  12. Happy Valentine’s Day, Jessica! Enjoy this evening with absolutely fabulous company Leo-style. My partner and I met in 2010. We’re finally having a baby this year due around early Sep and making plans to live together. That’s exciting with lots of questions too as we make decisions together. I would say we are an odd couple and I am usually the one nudging decisions. Practicing a good balance between togetherness and space is good advice for me who would love doing everything with my partner. Wonder how and when property/home ownership and finances would work out in 2022-2024 and beyond as I worry a bit that finances could feel like a burden and become a strain on our relationship.
    He 22.10.1980

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Your profile doesn’t have any birth chart, I’m afraid, so you may want to log in again and follow the steps. Thanks Jessica.

  13. I met my beau in 2011 and want to know if this is the year it all comes together for us? I’m am 1 (28March 62) and he’s also a 1 (5 July 51).

    1. You are a 1 and he is a 1 and you met in a double 1 year – which is why you are not married. You are two separate individuals, but that can work very nicely.

  14. I love your posts and I love numerology too. When I meditate, I have a sense that a great change is about to occur, with the rebuilding of an old relationship and the reuniting of family from the past. I have also seen this in a dream state. I have been given a date January 22nd, and it certainly wasn’t this year. I am a little puzzled and hope you might to be able to clarify.The other person’s date of birth was 23 October 1941. Kind regards Beth

    1. Thank you. Numerology is fascinating; I’ll be chatting about 22/02/2022 on Steph’s Packed Lunch. You have seen an old relationship come back and a family reunion when meditating. You have Aesculapia at 29 Pisces in the Twelfth House, which usually shows comebacks. This isn’t a relationship or family comeback but it is the return of someone in the spirit world you assumed had gone forever. I expect this ancestor or friend in spirit is communicating with you when you are in that open state called meditation. Ask for more information from him/her next time.

  15. Thank you so much. My ex father in law communicates with me during meditations and I have seen him visually three times now, each time communicating about my ex husband, his son. He has clearly become one of my guides. He has spoken about reuniting the family, he was the person who gave me the date to mark on my calendar, 22 January.

  16. My see destiny no 2 what is in store for me this year. How much for a progressed chart & numerology?
    Cheers Kathy

    1. I’m afraid I don’t offer personal readings. I sometimes offer them to charity and The Red Cross auctioned my last two readings for over AUD $2000. Thank you.

  17. Hi Jessica. Numerology is fascinating. I wonder what will happen on 22/02/2022 on the world stage? Number 22 is such a powerful master number. And it won’t be until 22/02/2222 where there is a more powerful amount of number 2s. What a powerful date was 22/11/1963 – JFK’s assassination and those 2 master numbers ( 22 and 11) both associated with number 2. You could say Lee Harvey Oswald and JFK make up a very odd couple forever frozen in history. Numerology patterns are intriguing. Steve Irwin born 22/02/1962 and Peter Brock born on 26/02/1945. Both born 4 days apart and died 4 days apart. Irwin – 4/09/2006 and Brock – 8/09/2006. Michael Hutchence was born on the 22nd and died on the 22nd. I could go on forever. Thanks for the insightful article. JC

    1. I had forgotten that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on 22-11 but that is very important. I had forgotten about Michael Hutchence’s date of passing as well. (I knew Paula Yates). You can’t generalise about numbers too much when the years are different, but the appearance of the numeral 2 in any date is always, always about a duet or couple. Famously, it was Jacqueline Kennedy who was in the car with her husband when he was shot (but she avoided any harm) and with Michael, the immediate question was about Paula. There are inevitably questions about duels as well as duets when 2 is the featured number, as it is not just ‘one and one makes two’ but also ‘one against one’. We are obviously now seeing this play out with Russia and America who (everyone forgets) had a nuclear treaty on the last 2 year cycle.

  18. Your duets and duels 22-2-22 Russia/USA piece is playing out on cue.
    My thoughts with the people caught up in the madness.

    1. Yes – and there is a video of me predicting Russia, Ukraine and trade sanctions would dominate us, made about two years ago – it’s on YouTube as part of the Conscious Cafe series. Japan came up a lot in that prediction. Nobody is talking about Japan yet, but she has joined the boycott of Russian goods. This is going to have a massive effect on the sale of computers but also cars. We have to put Ukraine first because this is 1938 all over again. I will be really interested to see if PM Boris Johnson is replaced in May (another old prediction) and we get a UK Prime Minister who will actually do something about the London oligarchs.

  19. Hi Jessica, what does 22-02-22 date have in store for me? i have been seeing a lot of 11:09, 11:11, 22:22, 09:11, 21:11 what does all this mean? I have been seeing this for years now and I can’t tell what the message is here for me.. thank you..

    1. Numerology is very simple. One is the person alone. The person who must be number one and comes first. Sometimes, the country which must be on the winner’s podium at the Olympics. One plus one can easily become one against one. Whenever you have synchronicity around 1 and 2 there are major questions about who is the star; who is top dog; who will win. Very occasionally you find two ‘ones’ making it work as a duet. So, the last time we saw 2 in the year date, in 2000 and also 2002, we find superstars like Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston in make-or-break cycles, but also Bush and America – and Putin and Russia. You obviously have a history of pairs, partnerships, duets – but also duels or contests – with those who think they are number one.

  20. I haven’t been able to reply to your answer, some glitch on the page. Thank you for your insight, looking forward to your thoughts on this year of 2s. Interestingly it’sin this year that I found it ridiculous to put up with disrespectful behaviour and am willing to walk out after 22 years. So many transits hitting my chart, wondering how it will play out. Grateful for your advice always.

    1. Thank you. The numerology is clear. The South Node moving at 14, 18, 15 Scorpio in opposition to the Taurus factors in your chart gives you the timing. Scorpio is sex, money and property as you may know. It also rules death and money, so the will that a wife makes out to her husband, or the legacy a husband’s parents leave to the children. Oppositions like this only occur every 18-19 years so they are rare and important. The bridge to cross for you begins in August and September 2022 and Uranus is also at 18 Taurus in an opposition to the South Node at 18 Scorpio in August so it’s quite unusual, historic for you, challenging but also a chance to create a new life budget. Hang your own price tags on what money cannot buy. Use the Tarot to validate and help yourself.

  21. Sunt născută pe 18.09.1971. Toate cifrele adunate, fie doar data, ziua sau anul obțin cifra 9. Care este semnificația?

    1. You are a 9 and also have 9 appear twice in your birthdate, so it is your dominant number. It is in the way of synchronicity that a cat has nine lives, and a pregnancy is nine months. There are major lifelong issues here about making it – surviving – protecting yourself. You can read more about that in the numerology reports which go out with birthday cards for Premium Members.

  22. Sunt născută pe 25.10.1947 . Oare la ce mă pot aștepta ? Mulțumesc Jessica. Te citesc zilnic cu plăcere . DinaFetesti.

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