The Cancer Birthday Horoscope 2020-2021

Go back to the years 2001, 2022 and ask yourself what you need to (still) resolve or tidy up. What needs to be balanced, settled, and sorted out?

Finance, Property, Charity, Business, Valuables

You really don’t need me, to tell you that you are in a rare and unusual cycle for your finances. We include your house, apartment or lifestyle situation here. Also, any business interests, your pension/superannuation, budget, possessions, charity, company and the rest.

You are going through a sequence not seen in your lifetime. First, Saturn in Aquarius. Then, Jupiter in Aquarius. Finally, Pluto in Aquarius.

Aquarius is the sign that rules your joint and shared financial agreements. Marriage and mortgage are typical. So is child support. Government assistance is also typical. Shared house or apartment arrangements with roommates, flatmates, or partners. The family and particular wills or legacies made out to you by relatives, but also the contents of your own legacies, to them.

It’s time to think about all this, and go on thinking about it, owing to the triple sequence of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto passing through your chart.

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Jessica Adams

Sacred Geometry and Astrology

If you have my ebook 2020 Astrology this feature expands the chapter on Sacred Geometry with video and information about five-way patterns in your personal birth horoscope.

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52 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica , thank you for this Cancer birthday horoscope. I’m an Aries sun Cancer rising Cancer moon and however when I read this I feel this relates to me strongly particularly In relation to my current work situation. Does this horoscope apply also to Cancer rising not just Cancer Sun thanks 🙂

    1. The horoscope here only applies to Cancer Sun people, not Cancer Rising/Cancer Ascendant, because of the system I use. You are strongly Cancerian and children belong in your world. Are they already there? Once we are past these eclipses in Cancer there is a centre-stage place for a child/children which would help you feel as if God is in his heaven, and all’s right with the world. This transit sometimes turns up when people become midwives, or they decide that being a mum is more important than being a careerist. Projects (paid or unpaid) involving much younger faces sometimes turn out to be specially rewarding too.

  2. Hi Jessica
    Asking this cause I have an interest in the situation.. is it possible that a cancer female born 6/07/78 divorce male Capricorn born 14/01/78 in 2020/2021? Or it’s the opposite- they transform the relationship to a better one? Divorce was already on the table in 2019 but that didn’t get to it because of migration and kids. Thank you

    1. The Capricorn-Cancer situation is clearing up slowly and in stages. Skip today’s eclipse and then the second eclipse on July 5th, if you can. Decisions are better made another time. Any communication issues will vanish by August. In August itself there will be a couple of bridges to cross for both of you, but from the first week of September onwards, it will feel as if you have made most of the journey. All that remains is a downhill slope to Christmas 2020 and once Saturn is gone from Capricorn for good, you will both be amazed at how much you are let off the hook. A decision will have been made and you will feel so much more free and relaxed.

  3. Hey Jessica !
    I hope you are doing well. Things have been a bit tough with school this summer. Having to take a very intense Anatomy & Physiology class completely online pretty much sucks. Sorry to be so blunt. It’s already tough because it is only an 8 week semester. Learning the same amount of material in 1/2 the time. I’m trying to roll with it. No choice, but it stinks. My application for the RN program is due September 4, so I had to take the class this summer. Fingers crossed.
    Anyway, at the moment I have no idea who this man could be. I’m curious. In my personal relationships, the ex popped back up. ( birthdate 10/22/84). Same stuff. He misses everything about me, we start talking about things. It gets intense , then he backs off. I still have this connection with him. I can always feel when he is having an especially good or bad day. I dream that he is going to get in contact, and within 48 hours he does. Always. Any insight Is appreciated. It’s just frustrating. Am I just romanticizing the situation? Setting myself up for disaster? I just have no idea.
    I am ready for this new year. Honestly, anything you feel when you read this and check my chart I would appreciate the knowledge. The next 12 months are important. It’s been a doozy of a few years. There has been a lot of good mixed in, but it has been heavy. I’m ready for things to lighten up. So is everyone else in the universe, I realize that. Feels a bit selfish to say that about myself.
    Hope everyone on your end is staying safe, healthy, and happy.

    1. I just replied at greater length to you in another comment. You have a choice with your ex. You have open borders with him, in terms of your aura and his. Your chakras and his. If you don’t want that, then close your chakras and aura. You may also need to cut cords. Of course, you may prefer to keep the connection!

  4. Jessica,
    Sorry, I forgot something. The eclipse is on my birthday. Not sure how I feel about that.
    Okay, I’m done with the questions for real this time. Apologies again.

    1. That’s okay. A birthday eclipse is really a message not to act or judge too dramatically, in any particular direction. It’s like driving with one headlight missing and you don’t want to do that! Wait for the Moon to change signs in a day or two. Your chart is picking up the South Node in Sagittarius in the Ninth House of travel, emigration, export, import and foreign friendships and long-distance connections. You will be spoiled for choice, actually. Try to focus and centre. You will need to select from a region (or local) that really speaks to you, seduces you and motivates you to move outside the zone of mere potential, into the world of amazing new reality. You can spend all year dithering about who/where/when but actually the South Node doesn’t hang around all that long, so try to be on your merry way by 2021 and get your bags packed. Of course, someone could pack a suitcase and come to you…there would be an accent or language difference!

  5. Hi Jessica, not allowing me to reply to your comment somehow. Thank you for your reply. I’m the third person in the situation and not sure if your reply is focusing/ describing on him (Cap) and her (Cancer) or him and me (a Scorpio) with my birthchart. Can you pls tell me. Thank you

    1. I thought there were three of you. Never mind the other two, pull out. If you possibly can, be the first to extract yourself and move right away. This is a three-way system you have created and it is very painful and will not get better without action.

  6. Hello Jessica!
    Thank you for such a great run-down of the year to come. So many things in there that chime for me. Looking forward to moving into 2021. 2018 and 2019 were heavily karmic, eye-opening, a little terrifying at times, and felt never-ending.
    I have Chiron in Aries, as well as other Aries factors, while I am also deeply Cancerian. I will need to think more about this factor and how any strong male influence can be understood and worked with – I am a full-time carer, and trying to start up working from home, so my most obvious male influence is my husband. I do wonder who else is here to teach me. I am really keen and hungry for knowledge.
    I really hope I can get out from under the invisible ‘weight’, that has kept me stuck. There is still so much in this that I need to re-read and absorb (I went to bed after lunch today – my energy level were so low), but I’m also thinking about your words and advice in the Cancer Stellium forum – and wondering if the ‘weight’ I feel stuck with is actually my lack of locking-down my energy? I’m not properly grounded, and I feel unsupported, drained and directionless at times, because I leave myself open to my energy just bleeding out. I’m taking your advice to find grounding meditations 🙂
    Once again – Thank you so much Jessica for your wisdom and insight.
    DinP xx

    1. DinP, you do have some energy work to do. Try Natalie Delahaye’s guided meditations on this website, which are free to Premium Members. These short hypnosis-led sessions are ideal for time out. You will find the teacher, mentor or guide figure you need, probably through religion, astrology, spirituality, self-help. This is about Neptune’s transit of your Ninth House in Pisces. We associate Neptune with inspiration and vision, and those who believe or follow, often have the reality in their heads. It is not real to other people, in the same way that God is not real to atheists. Yet for Roman Catholics the Pope is everything. Neptune in Pisces when not played right can lead to you feeling not properly grounded and directionless. So yes, you need to ground. Find a meditation online or in a library book by a successful medium which will show you how to balance your chakras, particularly your base or sacral chakra and strengthen and protect your aura. That is a good daily ritual. Beyond that, I think you will find your Neptune transit stops being a drain and starts being useful. Your husband is probably draining you energetically. Learn all you can about cording and auras. Just because you are married does not mean you have to live in that kind of energetic situation. Later on, when the time is right, you will find a mentor or guru, either in the real world or via books and videos, from whom you get what you need, which is spiritual grounding and guidance. It’s not for everyone but for you and many others it will be absolutely right. I have seen people turn to Tibetan Buddhism on this cycle.

  7. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for our Cancer birthday forecast. I love the card below. Yes this year I must be myself more.
    Reading about Men, and maybe difficult ones! could it mean a publisher or publishing company?
    As I am almost tempted to push the gardeners’ diary 21 to 22 as they suggested and resubmit
    as they suggested in Sept or Oct this year for publication next year for 2022.

    Or do I use the Chiron energy and publish it myself as I have people around me who are encouraging me to do so, but the bucks fall with me, if you get my drift. and I am terrible at marketing!!! To be supported by a publishing company would be a weight of my shoulders. And self publishing has not really worked out for me before.

    Best Wishes
    Louisa x

    1. I’m glad you love the card. I will tell Richie O’Gorman, who designed it. It would be worth submitting your book to a literary agent and having him/her find a conventional publisher to take it on. I’m talking about the year 2020 here, up until 31st December. The right publishing house would welcome what you are doing. They have designers and publicists so you don’t need to bother. It may be in digital format only/to begin with but if you find agents who repeatedly represent gardeners, or just gardening diaries/books with the same publishers, you’ll be on the right track. Sometimes the best agents and publishers are independent, and outside the mainstream. Have a look at that. Your guiding light in business should be the almanac market. You could also indie publish and pay for the service, but think about your market. If the adult gardening market is flooded, look at that for children and teenagers, for example. That is what I am seeing here, Louisa. And I strongly recommend you think dual hemisphere. Christmas book markets are where the gardening titles are, but it has to be relevant for a freezing British Christmas and baking Australian Christmas to double your market!

  8. Hello Jessica, thank you for this very informative birthday forecast. So much of it resonates with me, it is unbelievable. My boss has been very difficult but since April, I have been WFH so things are more “manageable”. We have been told at work that we can WFH from our home countries for a while which is completely unexpected and welcome (I have Chiron in Aries) so I will take this opportunity to move back home. I have to be very careful with my boss who is exactly as you have described and dislikes me. It would be great if you could please tell me if my move back home is a good idea? Many thanks. Stay safe!

    1. Thank you. You are having a Neptune in Pisces transit and your boss (or another heavyweight male, like a partner) is living that out for you. King Neptune in the sign of Pisces is in a world of his own. Remote from reality. There may be pharmaceuticals, illegal drugs or heavy alcohol use contributing. That can happen. Or he may have sworn off them because they affect him so strongly. Remote working is an excellent idea. Stay in touch across the miles! He is impossible to get close to anyway and he lives in his own universe. Try to relate to him as he thinks and sees reality. Empathise and sympathise even if you don’t feel particularly connected. He is a visionary and feeds off his own very strong reality. So fit into that. He actually won’t accept anything else. This is rather like Walt Disney last century having a vision of Disneyland. A fantasy world full of gigantic mice and ducks. Anyone not getting it, would not have really lasted. So sometimes Neptune in Pisces people are right. We don’t know if your boss is. But working from home gives you distance and he wants distance between himself and others, so that is useful. And here is the really great thing – you can become so grounded, so centred, so down to earth, so focussed – that you are in a really strong position, where you are. One thing to watch is people coming in, or people leaving. We’re talking relocation here or emigration, export or import. That is a big background issue for both of you and you need to put time and energy into the people or organisations coming in, from another region or country, or those actually packing their bags, where you are. Get informed and stay on it.

  9. Hi Jessica, thank you for all you do. I am a Cancer and I can tell I am in an exact same career situation working with a boss that always gives promotions to someone with less experience as I was 19 years ago. While happy for the other person, what I am I missing that I need to learn from this repeat situation? Thank you and stay safe!

    1. Thank you. You have Saturn in Aquarius in your Eighth House of joint finances, the national and world economy, and your own budget in 2020. The answer is really about a financial reality check for yourself and the world. I’d have to guess that the inexperienced or younger person has a lower salary than you, or a lesser deal. Of course it is possible that he or she brings in more business. Something that will help you sort things out, more than anything else, is an update on the economics of your situation, your boss’s situation, and your country as a whole. There is no cure for COVID-19. There is no vaccine against it. We will see random, erratic, unpredictable economies in every country in 2020, 2021, perhaps until 2026. It is not just about Brazil or America, which are worst hit at the moment. It is also about China. Because countries are not being consistent and co-operative in controlling borders, the virus is travelling internationally and that means supply chain shortages, huge deficits (because of unemployment benefits) and the rest. Deep breath! You can and will get on top of this but you are going to have to make some big changes in your own budget, in terms of what is coming in, and what is going out. This holds in 2020 and 2021, as Saturn in Aquarius is here. Long term you also have Jupiter in Aquarius, which is a chance to make good and stay good. You cannot stop the craziness of the world economy, export and import, and supply chain uncertainty. However, you can make yourself the most brilliant money manager it is possible to be. At that point you should begin negotiating with your employer (or another one!) so that there is a financial win-win on the table. It is not personal. It is all about the money. And you do need to be a realist about the national and global situation and find a way to work that, that also works for you.

  10. Dear Jessica, I hope this message comes through to you. Would it be possible for you to do a psychic reading for me please.

    1. Yes of course. Try to get yourself into a flexible position with your money and home in 2020, 2021 and 2022 and be light on your feet, with as few heavy or restrictive commitments as possible. Be open to suggestions and opportunities and try not to say ‘No’ before you have had a chance to really think about who or what you might be missing out on. Saying ‘Yes, maybe’ will work very well for you if you are prepared to set aside your old beliefs about money and work. You will do better if you adopt the magic word ‘pivot’ which is of course all that people are talking about now. Tuning into what is possible, not what used to be impossible, is a really good idea. You also need to give other people the benefit of the doubt as they also want change and again, allowing them to choose their own options, even if you think they are not possible, is the right thing to do. You are going to find the future very liberating and exciting but to get there, you are going to have to take what comes, and be really positive about what you are getting from it – try to see what you are being given. And keep moving!

  11. Hi Jessica. Thank you for the birthday horoscope. It really resonated with me. You mentioned dealing with quite strong men in our lives. I have had this for quite a few years now in my personal life and it just seems that even though its different people, the past 8 years there seems to be a common theme. They have all been quite domineering. It has been quite a rollercoaster.
    I have made some difficult decisions this past weekend but just wanted to know if things will get easier, more stable moving forward.
    Thank you

    1. Well done on making difficult decisions. You still have some sifting and sorting to do, though, as you are living with a lot of retrogrades (stuck and backwards cycles) and it may not be until August that you really feel you can finalise what you were deciding near that eclipse. A fair bit could shift, actually, so be kind to yourself and allow yourself time to reconsider details. The domineering men are going, going, gone. Nothing lasts forever and Pluto people are over in 2020. Lots of them lose their power, vanish or are sidelined near June 30th and there is a second wave in November. Dominant male behaviour is already looking like history!

  12. Hi Jessica, I have a Gemini north node and wondering what I need to focus on specifically for the coming year. Also I’ve followed your advice from last year about relationships and them being an eye opener from jan 10, 2020 right through to December 19, 2020, me and my 8march 1973piscean man have been through a few rough patches this year- are we at a high level a good match? and will there be anymore major crossfires coming up? Thank you!

    1. This is really about the children that your boyfriend did (or did not) have. You don’t mention if you are a parent, or he is. There are some major questions for him about being a father (or not) and perhaps a stepfather if you have children. These fade out gradually as 2020 goes on, but it’s at the core of what matters most.

  13. Hi again Jessica 🙂 !,

    Im a cancer sun, capricorn rising, saggi moon….since I also have a capricorn north node I have been through the ringer in recent years on both the personal and career fronts.. What do you see coming up for me please?
    Love, light and blessings for all that you do and all that you are.


    1. Thank you Kimberley. You have been through a really difficult set of transits, as you have the Sun in Cancer, Ascendant in Capricorn, South Node in Cancer, North Node in Capricorn – and that has been crossed in the heaviest way since December 2017. You are over the worst as the Nodes have moved on from Cancer-Capricorn and Saturn is virtually out of Capricorn with just a few last wobbles until he vanishes at Christmas. What you have learned the hard way has been a core understanding of what home means to you, and what it means to feel at home. This has been about honesty with yourself regarding your house, apartment, local area, country and the rest. You have been made to get right back to basics, within, and are now on track. You took some false leads or wrong roads there and the sheer pace of events as the Nodes wound up in Cancer-Capricorn in January-May 2020 has forced you to get real and get back (to where you once belonged) to quote The Beatles. You go back about 18.6 years when you have Node transits so it may even have you hurtling all the way back to age 18-19. Anyway. You will know what that means for you. Sometimes the issue is not the place but the people, so an entire family tree branch may have been your concern. It happens.

  14. Hullo Jessica
    I wrote to you a while back I am a cancer (27/6/67); and my lady love birthdate is 1/10/1981 in Bangkok Thailand. will we be an item for marriage? Thx 67

  15. Hi Jessica, thank you for your reply once again (sorry still not allowing me to continue on my thread). Yes I did pull myself out at the end of May, though my heart is still with him. It’s rly hard to move on but the pain of living with uncertainty was too much for me. I miss him and rly believed we could do it, and weirdly had hope that after sometime without me, he will realize that he needs to make a move if he wants to be with me. But from the forecast it seems that he will stay with the cancer partner, and work on that relationship for good right? Sorry about this Jessica, but I’m in a very delicate situation and your insight will help me at that moment. Should I move on completely or give him time maybe we’ll be together again?

    1. Cancer wives and girlfriends are in the kind of cycle when they can successfully repair relationships or marriages broken by unfaithfulness, and in fact enrich what they have. So I don’t like your chances I’m afraid. You have been thinking about him, but not about her, and she is in the cycle of her life, as she’s had the South Node, Pluto, Saturn and now Jupiter all in her zone of marriage, adultery, separation and divorce. It’s really her world and you’re turned up in it! Have a look at the relationship patterns in your chart and you will realise that you want freedom, space, independence, autonomy and have been falling in love with an unavailable man because it is the easiest way to get zero results in the commitment department. There are more fun ways to be sexually and emotionally free and you will be so much happier when you open up to that instead. I promise you will not have to get married or have children or stepchildren if you do that! Have a look at your dreams, too, as they may reveal what your unconscious really thinks about being a normal wife and mother.

  16. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for this. As a cancer I can attest to how you have simply hit the nail on the head with how trying 2018 to now has been. After being made redundant at work in February , I recently took a job with a much lower salary and title so that we would not be without my income during these crazy times. Doing what needs to be done essentially. But with a heavy heart nonetheless. As I approach a significant birthday, I would like to a ask if you could please let me know if this is something temporary or will my career trend this way for a while? Will I be able to get to the top as I have desired for so long or is this the start of an unwinding of my career? Appreciate your foresight and advice. Thanks as always.

    1. Thank you for confirming the prediction, N and I am sorry you are living with this Saturn in Aquarius transit, which is always about life lessons involving money. You have done extremely well to take a lower salary and adjust your budget. This does not last and it will not go on forever! You will be on a new career path in 2022, 2023, 2024 which allows you to transform your ideas about money, business, salary, and your life budget. The world will be moving into a radical new digital currency economy by then and you will be working within it as we will be enjoying new freedom with a radically different ‘universal dollar’ which speaks the same language in all countries. This freedom of choice in the new global digital currency market will have a huge impact on the business or profession you choose by 2023-2024 and you will gain. In fact the new world of work will be quite revolutionary with many more people working from home, and abandoned apartments in big cities turning into next-door co-work spaces. This will also shift the way you work, in the years to come. You will be right on top of every trend, just as you are on top of this one and cleverly sacrificed salary. More changes in your values will come in 2021 which will be so much better than 2020. In fact it begins at Christmas. You will get something for nothing, generous exchanges, free loans of what you need, shared access to what you want, recycled options and so on, next year and none of it will cost you a penny.

  17. Hi Jessica,
    I read above a subscriber who is Cancer and is involved with a Capricorn man. I too have a situation with a Capricorn who is opposite to me in so many ways. Our Ascendent/Descendants are inverted within a degree, Moons and Mercuries are in opposite signs, Venus out of sign opposition. We are no longer together. But there is history. Love and war. (I actually know of you because when he had social media he would post screenshots of your site.)

    There is also the man who came from the UK to be with me. We have also broken up. What am I doing?

    And there is my work partner with whom I have travelled for nearly 6 years. Things are changing. We moved from a boutique agency to an international office also in New York. Then Covid. She has found love recently.

    Any thoughts on what will happen with any of these people? And work?

    1. It’s hard to say anything about your people without their chart. As a Sun Cancer person you are well-known for ‘feeling it’ as much as anything else, because Cancer is emotional and a water sign. You are now slowly coming out of the toughest cycle of your life, regarding your Capricorn ex and also your British ex – and your work partner. It takes time, but you are over the peak. You have been living with constant oppositions from Pluto, Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn over a number of years and that can really be hard to deal with. You have done pretty well to get this far. What happens at Christmas means you can genuinely farewell 2017-2020 and have no more of these really heavy challenges you have been through. Saturn takes a while to depart Capricorn but he’s going. The next six months will be so much easier than 2018 or 2019 ever were.

  18. Hi Jessica
    I have read and re read this horoscope as a Cancer Sun. I am married to a Virgo /Sag rising/ Moon Aries. We get along fine. He is not a power tripper, we talk about everything and he has no problem bringing home the bacon and sometimes frying it up in the pan if I am not up to it. It’s pretty easy .He is a wonderful provider. I just can’t seem to understand how this scope works for me. We have 2 kids ( well grown actually 25 & 31) both Pisces so this can’t be my son. Who is this man who is calling the shots? I don’t know anyone like this.

  19. Hello Jessica
    I am a cancer sun with Pisces rising (birth date 15 July 1987). I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer while I am pregnant (in my 30’s) with my first child. I am positive for the future. Is it unusual to have a serious medical diagnosis in a cancer retrograde period? If you could give any guidance as to the future with my health (both mine and the baby) it would be greatly appreciated. The baby’s due date is 4 Dec 2020 but I am sure that will change. Thank you!!!

    1. I am very sorry you have been diagnosed with breast cancer in pregnancy and with your first baby too. I’m afraid I can’t comment on your health or your child’s without a birth chart for both of you. I am sure you have already made contact with support groups online where you can talk to other mothers who have had the same diagnosis who have wisdom and experience to share. The only thing I can also tell you about health is that if you look back to the year 2001 when you last experienced the South Node in Sagittarius in your solar Sixth House of doctors, food, surgeons, drink, nurses, natural healing, fitness – you may find something to learn from. The South Node moves backwards in 19 year loops. There may be a recurring pattern here with your body, or with babies, or pregnancy and you can spot it.

  20. Thank you Jessica. My mother born 5/2/1936 has undiagnosed dementia has been aggressive loss of judgement Personality change and has a Friendship with 20 year younger man who has influenced her to change her will and give him money. She has been incredibly abusive towards me because I have been trying to get her assessed and look out for her. Work terrible since 2018. Relationship With Capricorn rocky. Does it get better? Any advice. Thank you x

    1. I am so sorry. You are having it on all fronts. Your mother with dementia and this man. Your work. Your relationship with a Capricorn. The most important thing you can do in July 2020 is remove any future potential conflicts. Get rid of what could be used to start the next battle. This is obviously about your mother who is aggressive and abusive. If you cannot personally remove anything that would weaponise life, at least assist those who can. In other words help a third party. Sometimes we say ‘blessed are the peacemakers’ and do nothing to help them, but even pulling your focus off yourself and the other side (your mother or this man) and onto the peacemaker can help that person get on with it. Of course, it may be you who decides to be proactive. Beyond that, you have been in grey astrological weather which is moving. It’s like clouds shifting. Eventually the tide will turn and the sky will be blue. Even beyond that, there is a group you will join. You may rejoin it. This group is a like-minded community of people who can move together, as one. People power and pooling resources. It will be a relief and a release and you will use this group (in 2021) to get to where you need to be professionally. It is possible the Capricorn is the conflict and not your mother, but I think it’s your mother and this man. Triangle. Find all or anything that could be used to prolong the pain and get rid of it. Bury hatches or throw them.

  21. Hi. I’m a Cancer sun (6 degrees) and Cancer rising (26 degrees) and Libra moon. I’m not sure what the Gemini/Sagittarius nodes really mean for me in 2020/2021. Can you shed any light? Thank you for your insights!

    1. Only that you are going to see workplace, unpaid work or full-time study repetition from the past – old themes, life soundtracks, concerns and potentials – dating from 2001 and also 1982, karmically. This goes back through time so there may be past life karma involved. This is about your sense of duty and service to an organisation, person or people. It is also about your fitness for duty. (Physical fitness and mental health). You have to have a well-oiled machine to take your place in the greater machinery of a business, corporation, institution, office, university/college and so on. This brings in some very old questions from past lives about being a maid or valet, butler or cook – in a household where you may have been risking your own health or wellbeing by the duties you had to perform, or the people for whom you had to work. In pre-revolutionary France, for example, a valet was also a doctor of sorts, and a nobleman who was ill could put his valet at risk! I am sure you can see why the COVID-19 issues of 2020 tie into this. So you are now doing time on karma, but also more recently too, looking at 2001 and 1982. Questions about whom owes what to whom, and who did their duty by whom (or has not) come into play. And in business there would be issues about what you owe your clients, public, customers – and what they owe you. It all goes around and comes around in 2020, 2021.

  22. Hi Jessica,
    I am 03.07.1980 born. There are lots of thoughts going on my mind constantly about relationships with husband, and everybody else, money , career and life in general. How do I get peace? Is this thinking phase part of the evolution or I am just too ambitious.
    Please help.

    1. You will know what you want to do about your husband at Christmas 2020 and January 2021. You will have a really big solution in November, December 2020 and make your mind up. It will definitely relate to your career! Help is at hand. You over-think because you are strongly Gemini. Do you keep a diary? That will help a lot. Rip it up every other day. You have Venus and Ceres in Gemini and so much of this is about not being heard or read. If you keep a journal or diary you can hear and read yourself, then just get rid of it. Try it for a week or two and see how you feel.

  23. Thanks Jessica. When I read predictions for myself – do I read for Cancer or Gemini – as you mentioned I am a strong Gemini. I will definitely keep a journal and let you know how it helps. Thanks again.

  24. Hi Jessica,
    The site is not letting me reply to your post. Again, I am jul 3, 1980 born. Recently my boss reorganized our team, I feel though my work has broadened neither my salary nor my profile has increased. My boss thinks I should be happy as it’s a recognition of my excellent work??? I feel who needs to be shaken myself or my boss? I feel short changed. Am I not able to see the big picture? Please advise.

    1. I am sorry about any website problems. The internet is our friend, until it isn’t our friend! Anyway I can now reply to you. Your boss is leaving you open-mouthed as you have not only seen the team reshuffled, you have also been given more work and no pay rise or better job title. Your boss thinks you should be happy. Your chances of getting a pay rise or a better paid job are much higher from December 2020 and by 2021 you could have a bigger salary or bonuses which equate to money (some people take discounted gym membership or a good parking space). That is basically four-five months away and you should not feel frustrated in the meantime. Focus on your profile, title and responsibilities. Go back to your boss and negotiate on that. Ask for what you want. Have a fallback position (your secret Plan B). All of this is irritating to go through but it is fantastic training for future professional life and business success. In any case 2021 is much better!

  25. Also I wanted to let you know your prediction on other people’s money has come true as I find myself discussing inheritance and how unfairly I was treated in this matter – and I am being heard attentively. Money is not what I fight for and it’s only money on my mind these days.

  26. Hi Jessica, I’m lady Cap 12,30,70 with my sig.other man
    cancer 7,1,75 of 25 yrs. He did some things behind my back last year with another cap woman. I’m still reeling from it. He claims he it wasn’t what I think and wants to save this relationship but I don’t know if I can trust it. I’d like to but its been difficult. Any insight would be very helpful…… thank you very much for your relentless work.

    1. Thank you. I am sorry that this Cancer man cheated on you with another Capricorn woman. You must have been in shock and you are finding it very hard to trust. him again. It is up to you, but you need to know that he was unfaithful because it empowered him. It made him feel in control. Do you want that? You would be risking the same situation until 2023, so three more years into the future. What you really need is a new agreement. A lawyer might help you if you want that. Otherwise look online for template agreements for pre-nuptials, marriage, civil partnership, common-law marriage and so on. You need something in writing that gives you both equal power, equal control. That is the best way forward if you love him and want to go back to him.

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