Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Friday March 29th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Friday March 29.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Matters of title, reputation, profile, appearances and so on, will take until May 14th, 2024, to resolve. Until then you will find the situation most affecting you is rescheduled, rewritten, relaunched and may even be cancelled. Mercury!

Something more for Friday:

Are you on Substack?

Find me here, if you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology in 2024.

Substack is free and I put extra Tarot content on there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.


April 20 - May 20

Mercury Retrograde is in your Twelfth House of religion, psychics, spirituality, self-help, therapy and the inner life until May 14th, 2024. There is nothing fixed, firm, finished or final about what is apparently ‘done with’ so see it as a first take.

Something more for Friday:

Are you on Substack?

Find me here, if you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology in 2024.

Substack is free and I put extra Tarot content on there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.


May 21 - June 20

Friends, groups, clubs, teams, societies, bands, political parties and other circles (like Meetups or Twitter) are now at the heart of rethinking and reorganising until May 14th so bear the ‘re’ prefix in mind when planning.

Something more for Friday:

Are you on Substack?

Find me here, if you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology in 2024.

Substack is free and I put extra Tarot content on there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.


June 21 - July 22

Your role, goals, mission, ambition and position are now the main focus, with a lot of rescheduling ahead, Cancer. Have Plan B and C if paperwork or digital signatures are involved before May 14th, 2024. Read the fine print and have back-up.

Something more for Friday:

Are you on Substack?

Find me here, if you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology in 2024.

Substack is free and I put extra Tarot content on there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.


July 23 - August 22

Foreigners and foreign countries, publishing, the worldwide web and academia are all sources of delay, reversal or change until May 14th. Mercury is going backwards and forwards and so will outcomes. Allow for that in your plans.

Something more for Friday:

Are you on Substack?

Find me here, if you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology in 2024.

Substack is free and I put extra Tarot content on there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.


August 23 - September 22

Mercury is your ruler so when he is retrograde, or appearing to move backwards and get stuck, you are more affected. Your bank, the share markets, house or apartment, business, charity, shopping or selling is the focus. Plan it.

Something more for Friday:

Are you on Substack?

Find me here, if you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology in 2024.

Substack is free and I put extra Tarot content on there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.


September 23 - October 22

Mercury Retrograde is in your zone of marriage, de facto relationships, divorce, separation, former partners, professional partners and potential partners too. Nothing is a done deal until May 14th; allow for reversals and rescheduling.

Something more for Friday:

Are you on Substack?

Find me here, if you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology in 2024.

Substack is free and I put extra Tarot content on there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.


October 23 - November 21

Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, is now running forwards, backwards and on the spot. This may explain mixed, delays or fluctuating messages regarding your health, wellbeing and/or mental health until May 14th. Plan accordingly.

Something more for Friday:

Are you on Substack?

Find me here, if you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology in 2024.

Substack is free and I put extra Tarot content on there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.


November 22 - December 21

The world of courtship, the bedroom, babies, children, young adults and a younger generation is now in flux. You will see a second or third ‘take’ before you get to your Director’s Cut. Allow for that up until May 14th if you can.

Something more for Friday:

Are you on Substack?

Find me here, if you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology in 2024.

Substack is free and I put extra Tarot content on there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.


December 22 - January 19

Your extended family, household, home, hometown and homeland are of central importance in this Aries weather but have Plan B and C until May 14th and read the fine print carefully. Nothing is settled according to astrology.

Something more for Friday:

Are you on Substack?

Find me here, if you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology in 2024.

Substack is free and I put extra Tarot content on there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.


January 20 - February 18

Your neighbours; neighbouring places; local and regional focus – suggests delays and changes. The Sun, Chiron, Hygiea, Salacia, Aesculapia and North Node are all in this chart zone. And Mercury’s retrograde. Have Plan B and C.

Something more for Friday:

Are you on Substack?

Find me here, if you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology in 2024.

Substack is free and I put extra Tarot content on there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.


February 19 - March 20

Allow for refunds, product recall, meeting rescheduling, paperwork which must be rewritten and so on. Mercury Retrograde in Aries until May 14th is in your Second House of income, shopping, selling, business, charity and property.

Something more for Friday:

Are you on Substack?

Find me here, if you are interested in being part of a more social group involved with Tarot and astrology in 2024.

Substack is free and I put extra Tarot content on there together with astrology content that you won’t find anywhere else.

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