Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Sunday April 23rd

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Sunday April 23.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

People born under your sign, and also your opposite sign, Libra, are experiencing similar financial, business or property trends with you now. For you, it’s probably a time, when the universe delivers up the same situation far too often. The breakthrough you need may come when you swap stories, or ideas, with those who know what you’re going through – an honest conversation with someone born under your same/opposite sign may provide the ‘Eureka!’ moment you need. In any case you will have fantastic solutions and options in May when Jupiter’s on side.

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April 20 - May 20

If you travel after June, or travel in the mind, when Pluto retrogrades, you will be returning to a place, and a situation, which is familiar from other trips, or head trips (travel in the mind) – but you may feel stuck in a time warp, or a chronic ‘loop’ of some kind. Any trip or head trip, which involves a massive exchange of cultures, beliefs, and attitudes (it’s usually overseas, but not always) will now involve some kind of power question. A control question. What’s new? There is actually no more power there at all, not from the people or the place. It’s crumbling.

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May 21 - June 20

Intense new situations involving people from other cultures and backgrounds are normal on this Pluto cycle. Unless you alter your own perspective and behaviour about these people, you’re going to feel extremely challenged. Be creative in finding a unique angle or ‘spin’ on your life online that brings the most peace of mind. Education (casual or formal) will also involve you now, and you may play the role of teacher or student. Publishing is also ruled by the Ninth House. In all Ninth House areas – you now need to be philosophical as self-control gives you control.

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June 21 - July 22

If you treat your career as an excuse to master your own thoughts and feelings, you can develop professional superpowers now, on this Jupiter cycle until May, which will change you (for the better) for the rest of your life. Opportunities galore, Cancer, so set priorities. If you don’t have a part-time or full-time job, then this applies to your unpaid mission in life; your position as a professional, housebound wife/husband/partner; or other roles that define success and status for you. By May you could have a new gig, a promotion or a huge hit. Take the open door.

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July 23 - August 22

From May, you could hit the heights with unpaid work, academia or your career. This also applies to the general sweep of your industry, field or business. Larger forces beyond your control will now produce a highly tempting situation, lasting a few months, or even longer. It’s rather like watching the universe generate organic growth and natural forward flow as redefining what success means to you could be the key. If your old ideas about what makes you feel fulfilled, happy, powerful, rich, or indeed successful, are making you motivated now, then it’s game on.

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August 23 - September 22

The old mindset probably worked well for the old professional situation – but times are different now, and you have been ‘challenged to change’ with Pluto in your zone of paid work, unpaid work and academia. Change your perspective and your attitude. Find another way to experience, and understand, what is being generated. If ill health or injury is preventing you from being full-time or even part-time, then Pluto’s cycle in Aquarius is really challenging, but there are answers. Whatever your story, this cycle will make you a lot stronger. Willpower is the key.

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September 23 - October 22

The only way out with an issue around the bedroom, courtship, heirs, spares or pretenders to your throne – is to drastically rethink your view of the situation, no matter who or what – is involved. As your attempts to try and change your fate are unlikely to work very well on a Saturn transit, your only recourse now is a U-turn in the way you see things. A dramatic attitude shift, in other words. Finding what works for you could be a case of trial and error, testing a different approach each time. You are now parked in the laboratory of life, and the experiment is you!

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.


October 23 - November 21

Scorpio, so much for the duet and duel and its continual twists; you need to look further into your own wants, needs, fears and dreams, so that you can create a coping strategy that actually serves you. Invent a way to see this thing which works! Once you’ve found the appropriate angle on your situation, you may even reach a stage in your life when you are grateful for the chance you have to experiment with your own headspace. The hard work involved in finding the right ‘take’ on that duet or duel in your life, can actually help you. May is a huge turning point.

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November 22 - December 21

Sometimes, all you long to do when you are nursing a secret, is confide in somebody. This is particularly true if that rather sensitive or delicate matter keeps making you feel stuck! The South Node in the Twelfth House makes this difficult, however. Almost as soon as this cycle begins, you will be aware that some issues cannot be shared, and some subjects are only fit for your diary. Religion, spirituality, Buddhism, Tarot, Mediumship, therapy, counselling, hypnosis are all typical Twelfth House concerns. There is a way through, though, if you are prepared to think laterally.

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.


December 22 - January 19

The shift will come with friends and groups, when you reorganise your thoughts about this secret, stuck situation. It’s very likely that you fall into a fixed way of responding, every time you hit the same predictable scenario. This in turn increases the feeling of nodal ‘stuckness’. The fact remains – the South Node will lock you into a karmic loop. Life, the universe and other people will keep you there, as despite your biggest or best efforts, nothing ever really changes. And yet, from July, it does. Just like that. And you will realise you’ve achieved closure.

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.


January 20 - February 18

Your own ability to stand back from the financial situation and see it in a new light (preferably one that leaves you feeling content) is the answer, and experimenting with your new perspective could change everything. Aquarius, you are in really new budget territory, but with research and a plan, your peace of mind, and your soul’s growth and progress, will skyrocket. There are many possible scenarios with property or money. In all cases, though, when it is clear that you cannot change your fate, you can change yourself. If you get it right it will bring huge rewards.

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.


February 19 - March 20

Well, the First House is triggered now, and as it is all about your image, reputation and personal style you need a new plan. Put them together, and you are facing a fascinating period in your life, when you will spend a lot of time and energy testing the parameters of what is possible, in terms of your appearance, public profile and ‘package’. So, this goes beyond hair colours, teeth bleaching, public relations campaigns, or advertising. It’s actually about rebranding, now that Saturn is in Pisces, alongside Neptune, for the first time in your adult life.

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.

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