Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Sunday August 20th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Sunday August 20.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Typically, you will want the freedom to move ahead in your love life, now, without being confined where you were last year, or even last week. The changes you make will also force others around you to take a U-turn though, so be prepared for the consequences of that. Not everyone shares your ideas about what’s truly 22nd century in love, life and sex. Not everyone likes being forced to move position, particularly if they are attached to a predictable life.

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April 20 - May 20

If you decide to stage a one-person revolution in your rebranding by May 2024, and have no regard at all for the chain-reaction it may cause in your digital world, you must prepare for that, even now, Taurus. Your longing for a new place in the Google Hall of mirrors, might just cause the kind of domino effect that can also overturn your own old position.

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.



May 21 - June 20

It’s your destiny to be surrounded by people who are searching for spiritual, psychic or psychological progress en masse now, and they are seeking it through the world of the inner life, which is why this aspect of your existence probably feels so unsettled or unstable. This general instability liberates you, though. It happily sets you quite free.

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.



June 21 - July 22

Pluto Retrograde is here. What happened to the usual dating, mating and relating set-up? The answer is, other people’s desire for whatever (or whoever) is intensely political, is now forcing your world into dramatically different shape. The choice is yours – move with the times, or face being stuck. You are being offered empowerment if you use your willpower.

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.



July 23 - August 22

New technology and inventive ways of pursuing your goals, roles and projects are under way now, in the world around you – at least try to see what they offer you. Uranus in Taurus along with Jupiter in Taurus suggests you have until May 2024 to take full advantage of the opportunities for growth, particularly on a professional, academic or unpaid work level.

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.



August 23 - September 22

This karmic cycle from 18-19 years ago affects your financial position, your property, your business interests and your possessions as you will know if you are a regular reader. Other people or organisations will be closely involved, however, as the cash, home, agreement or resources in question will either be shared, split, borrowed or lent in some way.

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.



September 23 - October 22

This quite liberating and rewarding cycle is about what you own, owe or earn, in relation to the interests of second or third parties. From your partner to your parents, to tax officials and bankers, this cycle involves what you have to share, collect or redistribute with individuals or big organisations. You have until May 2024 to agree to new possibilities.

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.



October 23 - November 21

If you are wedged into a position with a duet or duel, which makes you feel stuck or trapped, you could take drastic action to break free by May 2024. Do try to get second and third opinions on your chances. Your duet or duel is structured a certain way now. If you want to stage a one-woman or one-man advance on the old two-way system, that’s fine – and it may reward you.

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.



November 22 - December 21

Daily routine? A revolution will cost at this time! Nevertheless, if you genuinely feel the time has come for change, you may well decide that radical change is the only way to progress. And perhaps the price will prove to be worth it, in terms of your lack of stability or certainty. If you are pressing for change, you could be forcing an entire revolution, by May 2024.

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If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.



December 22 - January 19

The bedroom? Or – Children? Maybe, young adults? The freedom to make progress when you want to, in a direction that suits you, will matter enormously now. If you are picking up the zeitgeist, or the mood of the times, you may even find that you are part of a larger trend, where people en masse decide to leave their old set-ups behind and go to the next level.

Something Else for Sunday

If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.



January 20 - February 18

Sometimes financial, property, business or economically-led challenges just make you learn patience. Anything from internet banking to changes in the property, business or taxation laws where you live may be stretching you. Probate, for example. Accountants. This is all pretty normal on a Saturn cycle in Pisces, and it does end. It also educates you.

Something Else for Sunday

If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.



February 19 - March 20

Digital connections? Your attitude towards these online issues will also change now, as you either feel trapped by the old position on things and need to move forward – or because suddenly changing circumstances push you into taking a new view. Whether you choose a U-turn in your destiny, or it chooses you, it all means progress now. Don’t look back.

Something Else for Sunday

If you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here – just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.


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