Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Sunday October 24th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Sunday October 24.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

You’re likely to take a more progressive approach to your partner, former partner or even a duel from 3rd November as stuck situations move – or you may find that a certain someone wants to take a progressive approach with you. Why on earth remain stuck where you are? Mercury Retrograde has taken you backwards and forwards with your duet or duel, since September. Not for long.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


April 20 - May 20

Progress is freedom, progress is change, progress is surprising your old self – at least according to the planet Uranus. All of this will now tempt you now, as you navigate your way through the image jungle. Sometimes, progress will appear in the shape of a new professional in your life, like a hairdresser or media consultant. This person will be an agent for change in some way – your chance to take the great leap forward. It’s all done by 2022.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


May 21 - June 20

Typically, you will want the freedom to move ahead in your spiritual life, or with your state of mind (and soul) now, without being confined where you were last year, or even last week. The changes you make will also force others around you to take a U-turn though, so be prepared for the consequences of that. Not everyone shares your ideas about what’s truly 22nd century in terms of therapists, the church, meditation and so on. Not everyone likes being forced to move position, particularly if they are attached to a predictable life. That’s their issue. Not yours.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


June 21 - July 22

If you decide to stage a one-person revolution in your friendships or group commitments and have no regard at all for the chain-reaction it may cause in your world, you must prepare for October and November upheaval. Your longing for a new place in the social media scheme of things, or just your social life, might just cause the kind of domino effect that can also overturn your own position. November will show you how to do it – and how not to.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


July 23 - August 22

It looks as if life until January is pivotal for a duet or duel in your life. If you are determined to hang onto your old relating patterns, then you may be left behind as Jupiter and Saturn, followed by the South Node in January, takes a U-turn around you. It’s your destiny to be surrounded by people who are searching for other answers from you now, and they are seeking it through the world of this duet or duel you have – which is why this aspect of your existence probably feels like such a game-changer. Plan ahead.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


August 23 - September 22

What happened to the usual dating, mating and relating set-up? The answer is, other people’s desire for whatever (or whoever) is an escape path, or holiday from reality, is now forcing your world into dramatically different shape and it doesn’t matter if you are in a duet or flying solo. The dating, mating and relating patterns from many years ago, as well as 2021 – are more obvious, in the old trails around you. A tremendous solution arrives in December.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


September 23 - October 22

This Uranus in Taurus cycle which builds in October, November affects your financial position, your property, your business interests and your possessions. Other people or organisations will be closely involved, however, as the cash, home, agreement or resources in question will either be shared, split, borrowed or lent in some way. Give space and ask for space. This is about personal freedom, independence, and above all – spiritual room to move.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


October 23 - November 21

This rather stuck cycle until January is about what you own, owe or earn, in relation to the interests of second or third parties. From your partner to your parents, to tax officials and bankers, this cycle involves what you have to share, collect or redistribute with individuals or big organisations. From January you stop being taken backwards all the time and can at last affect your world. This is important in October, November as others do huge calculations.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


November 22 - December 21

If you are wedged into a position which makes you feel unfairly stuck or trapped, in terms of your lifestyle, wellbeing or workload -you could take drastic action to break free by November. Count the cost, though, and try to get second and third opinions on your chances. Your everyday world is structured a certain way now. If you want to stage a one-woman or one-man advance on the system, that’s fine – but a revolution will cost at this time. Nevertheless, if you genuinely feel the time has come for change, you may well decide that progress really should be negotiated.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


December 22 - January 19

If you are pressing for change as part of a family, about the family, you could be forcing an entire revolution by November – locally or globally, if they live elsewhere. Are you prepared? The freedom to make progress when you want to, in a direction that suits you, will matter enormously now. If you are picking up the zeitgeist, or the mood of the times, you may even find that you are part of a larger trend, where relatives decide to leave their old set-ups behind.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


January 20 - February 18

Lucrative possibilities in 2022 are calling you, Aquarius. Sometimes financial, property, business or economically led changes on a large scale will force you to snap up an opportunity and that would be evident in March, April. Surf with the waves which come in late December and stay ahead. New ideas, new inventions and advances in technology are very likely to change the picture for you with property at this time. That’s important.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


February 19 - March 20

Anything from internet banking to changes in the property, business or taxation laws where you live could have a welcome impact after May 2022 and you may also gain from new income sources or a better cash flow – bigger numbers. Jupiter in Aries in your Second House of money after Easter is behind you, is worth knowing about. It’s never too early to plan ahead or dream.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.

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