Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Thursday December 21st

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Thursday December 21.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

The Twelfth House of your chart is where you meditate, pursue religion (or reject it), seek spiritual people and organisations, talk to your therapist or counsellor, interpret your dreams, read your Tarot or consult a medium. It can be more complicated than that, too, bringing in C.B.T. or E.S.P. as well. See if you can find out how long you think you will be locked into a situation or even kept well outside it.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


April 20 - May 20

Friends and groups remind you of what an extended holiday from reality you have been on, since Neptune first moved into Pisces on April 4th, 2011. That’s a really long time to be in a bubble, but the bubble also needs maintenance these days. A situation which you find hard to get out of, or hard to get into, has emerged since Saturn entered Pisces on March 7th, 2023. It’s the get-real factor about who or what is not quite real.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


May 21 - June 20

Your career, unpaid role or academic career is an odd combination of vacation from reality, along with (new) reality – since March this year. Managing this is like escaping from the everyday while keeping the everyday very much in mind. Since March, a situation you cannot get out of, or cannot get into, has made life feel very different from 2011-2022. That’s okay but you do need to do some micro-management.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


June 21 - July 22

You are being drawn back to foreign people and places; academia; publishing; the worldwide web. Other people have to live in the real word, but not you. Or maybe not this far. Now, the arrival of Saturn in Pisces (since March 7th this year) has meant that rules need to enter into it. Boundaries is probably the word of the year. They can’t be avoided or escaped from and yet they can also exist within a bigger bubble.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


July 23 - August 22

The Eighth House of your chart, ruled by Pisces, is where you find joint finance, property, business and charity. Saturn and Neptune are currently there. Neptune is the long, long escape from the real world you have known so well, for many years. Bubble Land. Saturn is the reality check about what you cannot get out of (like a contract) and what you can’t get into, either. This needs extra thought.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


August 23 - September 22

The Seventh House of your chart rules your wife, partner, husband or professional partner. This is where life has been a holiday from reality since 2011, but since March 2023, you now have walls, fences, gates and locks to deal with. That’s okay. You can do this. And in fact, the cycle ends on February 14th, 2026. Until then, life is a combination of escaping and accepting. You can split that 50-50, Virgo and it will work.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


September 23 - October 22

Your wellbeing, workload, daily routine, lifestyle and basic health on all levels is in focus again. Christmas tends to do that. You are now continuing your journey through a different world, a parallel universe to most people! It’s not ordinary, real or every day. It’s your own bubble and you’ve been in there since 2011. Now, however, someone or something is wagging a finger, and you have to sort things out again.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


October 23 - November 21

There are new realities and rules with courtship, the bedroom, pregnancy, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers and young adults since March 2023. At the same time, nothing is quite real-world about all this. It has not been real-world since 2011. Adapting and adjusting is a matter of finding the time and energy to create a method or system that will work for you. Boundaries is the word you need to honour, most.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


November 22 - December 21

Your family, home, town, country and household suggests a long 2011-2023 cycle is still keeping you far away from the real world, but ever since March 2023 you have found yourself with difficult or impossible access to something/someone – or an extremely restricted or impossible way out. If you’ve not really come up with a strategy yet, then it’s certainly time. It’s worth it, to sort this out once and for all before 2024.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


December 22 - January 19

The internet, siblings, cousins, the media, short journeys and commuting all require a new approach. What you cobbled together from March-November is not really serving you and of course Christmas it is making it clearer, no matter if it’s the family getting together (or avoiding each other) or your journey home. With a bit of effort, you can create a new system or attitude which lets you escape from the real world too.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


January 20 - February 18

Your bank accounts, cards, income, taxation, accountant, apartment, house, possessions and the rest can’t really be ignored or let go, as left to its own devices this ends up being muddled and even messy. Neptune transits can be like that. Saturn’s arrival since March this year has meant you now have someone or something which is rather heavy in nature. This still has to be dealt with and you’ll feel lighter as a result.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


February 19 - March 20

The First House of your chart concerns your name, title, personal appearance, reputation and profile. Thereby hangs a tale! Dealing with both Saturn and Neptune here, has tested your patience. It’s not a bad idea to plan deadlines for yourself and to look at 2024 and 2025 with your reality goggles on. If Plan A does not deliver for you, as you wish, then do you have Plan B? What about the timing?

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.

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