Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Thursday January 6th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Thursday January 6.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Money or values? There are so many different scenarios that will bring you to these two questions, space does not allow for me to list them all. However, these are classic Second House scenarios – like, an all-night accounting marathon.

Something else for Thursday: Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop? Visit the Shop section here to check out.


April 20 - May 20

Karma after January 19th? Well, try – an internet dating flirtation that goes backwards or a Déjà vu marital chapter. Sex is so personal; I have no idea what will come up for you now. But I do know it will be a) vitally important and b) your chance to get total insight about life 18/19 years ago.

Something else for Thursday: Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop? Visit the Shop section here to check out.


May 21 - June 20

You might be one of those people who thinks about karma all the time – or maybe you’d rather have a cup of tea. It doesn’t matter. For two or three days in a row, now, you’re going to have to look at all this stuff with your duet or duel. Again.

Something else for Thursday: Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop? Visit the Shop section here to check out.


June 21 - July 22

How successfully you do, or don’t, get people in the sack, is sometimes a concern of this cycle, which is long (it runs into February. How well you do, or don’t, handle your post-baby lack of libido. All those couples’ questions are now pre-eminent.

Something else for Thursday: Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop? Visit the Shop section here to check out.


July 23 - August 22

Work? Unpaid work? Study? This cycle will either be an ego massage (“Yes! I could do this in public and not get paid for it”) or a reality check (“Aaargh!) It’s just about pride and ego, of course. But this relentless spotlight on success is useful.

Something else for Thursday: Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop? Visit the Shop section here to check out.


August 23 - September 22

Children? Younger people? Lovers? January can show you what and who you like, and don’t like. And, what and who needs to be appreciated, reworked or set aside. Youth-angled projects can be just as compelling as this of course, so deal.

Something else for Thursday: Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop? Visit the Shop section here to check out.


September 23 - October 22

Well, if you have some kind of talent or skill to express, this will be a key time for all your plans. You will be scored or rated by the world more favourably now. Someone will stumble upon your masterwork, so you’ll be forced to flash it around, or you’ll get on a good career trajectory. It’s close.

Something else for Thursday: Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop? Visit the Shop section here to check out.


October 23 - November 21

Media? Web? Publishing? It’s time to sort out if you are producing something which can and should reach an admiring, wider audience – or if you need more rehearsal. If so, you are in luck as Mercury Retrograde will let you do that for weeks.

Something else for Thursday: Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop? Visit the Shop section here to check out.


November 22 - December 21

If there are still issues about your face, body and hair then you will be amazed at how many possible solutions appear now as the nodes move on the 19th of January. All you need is the faith to follow them through. Some of these solutions close a circle.

Something else for Thursday: Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop? Visit the Shop section here to check out.


December 22 - January 19

Well, what will come from other regions or countries, is less important than life around the postcode – so update yourself on what’s happening globally in the Looking Locally industries. Capital cities miles away from you? No. Look closer.

Something else for Thursday: Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop? Visit the Shop section here to check out.


January 20 - February 18

You can take up more serious space on the stage of life during this cycle. Some people become better-known when Saturn passes through the First House – even finding fame. You can export yourself around the country, online. Of course.

Something else for Thursday: Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop? Visit the Shop section here to check out.


February 19 - March 20

Jupiter in Pisces now? Your name, face or reputation can be your calling card, taking you into areas that were previously off-limits. If you’re already well-known, then your ‘reach’ may go from Rwanda to Russia, if you are opportunistic enough. The world will be more receptive now.

Something else for Thursday: Did you know you can purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop? Visit the Shop section here to check out.

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