Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Wednesday December 13th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Wednesday December 13.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Your ambitions must bear some relationship to the real world, and your real self, if you are going to see your impossibly high ideals come to pass – or if you are going to make to that next lofty level. You can do this by Christmas 2024, in slow stages. Even if you get to the rung below the one you want, it’s a win. Do recognise who and what is so empowering for you.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


April 20 - May 20

Next year is calling. Your boss, colleagues, clients and professional rivals will be at the heart of a change in the balance of power in December, January. What you have in mind, in terms of your ambitions, is so different then. Nevertheless – you believe you’re right. And more importantly, you’ve got what it takes.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


May 21 - June 20

Friends? Chiron is here, to make the impossible entirely possible. In this way, you will quickly show people just how far it’s possible to bend and warp the usual boundaries in your particular friendship circles. The domino effect that results from this can even change your corner of the world.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


June 21 - July 22

Success? Well, this cycle is about playing the maverick, no matter if you have a part-time or full-time job – or study – or no paid work at all. It’s about confronting other people’s expectations and fooling around with the system. April is a key month ahead.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


July 23 - August 22

Independence calls in your career for 2024. If you are retired, unemployed or have full-time home duties, this general message about freedom applies to your most important ambitions. How do you define success? Where are you headed, in terms of your status and achievements? That’s where you’ll now feel like seeing what is possible. And truly it is.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


August 23 - September 22

Chiron in your finance and property zone? The rules with Chiron are pretty simple. In mythology, this centaur was an extremely disciplined character. You now need to work extremely hard at becoming a DIY accounting pro – in terms of what you want to achieve. Can you get away with the impossible?

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


September 23 - October 22

This emphasis on self-discipline and slogging away, with your lifestyle, owes a lot to Saturn, whose orbit lies in your Sixth House of health and wellbeing. Housework too. This peculiar combination of iron willpower, and the need for an escape from reality too, is what you will need, to successfully have it all.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


October 23 - November 21

Health, wellbeing or fitness experiments ? People will react, in exactly the same way they reacted to the Sex Pistols, in 1977. Half of them will excitedly try to copy you, and the other half will shake their heads, and grumble into their teacups. Some people or organisations may even try to say no, so look at that.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


November 22 - December 21

Chiron isn’t about ‘good’ or ‘bad’ love life or parenting decisions. It’s just about staring down the parameters of what other people say is realistic. Thus, it follows that you will now be in a phase when you need to find out what’s actually there. If you want to know when the timing is right, consider April.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


December 22 - January 19

Astrological predictions about the future are made by putting all the planet cycles together and reading them as one pattern. You also need to track the other planets and points to get the full picture though. Right now, there is an overload in Capricorn, your own sign. This is not narcissism; it’s image planning.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


January 20 - February 18

Pluto’s challenge to you now, is to dig deeply inside yourself, for the aspects of your personality which have been ignored, neglected or buried. Now that Pluto is almost out of your zone of the inner self, you can forget about the person you were trying to be and get on with the business of finding out who you really are. January is sign-off time for this cycle.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.


February 19 - March 20

Because the end of one year (and the beginning of another) is often a time of big endings or dramatic new beginnings, it’s very likely that your New Year’s Resolution on the financial or property front will be particularly important. The biggest change in your life in 2024 will be the arrival of a huge April choice.

Happy Holidays!

Premium Members can send one of 24 astrology e-cards featuring the 12 cat and dog signs of the zodiac here.

If you want to add a one-month gift subscription, it’s just $7 and includes a basic birth chart, plus access to Tarot and astrology flip books, the Tarot online and two oracle decks.

Visit the shop here for more.

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