2018 Fire Sign Horoscope Karma

Dear Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - Your horoscope karma is decided by the cycles of the North Node and South Node in astrology. Until November 2018 the North Node is in Leo and the South Node is in Aquarius. Expect familiar, repeated, events, themes, people and developments.

Dear Aries, Leo and Sagittarius – Your horoscope karma is decided by the cycles of the North Node and South Node in astrology. Until November 2018 the North Node is in Leo and the South Node is in Aquarius. Expect familiar, repeated, events, themes, people and developments. These will come back to you from this life, but also past lifetimes which is why things may feel so uncannily ‘known’ to you!

Your Sun Sign chart or Solar Sign chart based on your regular zodiac sign is a useful guide to what to expect. Because we have a lot of heavy Leo weather from July-September I am going to focus on the North Node in Leo as it passes through, in relation to your chart. What follows is an extract from my favourite Penguin astrology book, 2020 Vision.

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The same old issues about your reputation and public profile will be on your agenda at this time. Don’t let that bother you, though. This cycle will give you a chance to relax, and lean hard on previous experience (or even past life wisdom; you may have gone through similar image/reputation issues in a prior incarnation.) Anything which comes up about you now will be easy to handle.

The First House rules your appearance (everything from your hair to your shoes) so all the issues you face in connection with this will seem familiar now. You’ve been around – and around – with these questions before. Not surprisingly, you’ll feel a wonderful detachment about what’s going on. There is classically a ‘been there, done that’ feeling about the North Node, and right now you’ll feel it in connection with anything from haircuts to weight loss, because the First House always concerns you with what you see in the mirror.

You will have a lot of wisdom and experience to draw on now, no matter if you are promoting yourself through your business, booking cosmetic surgery, or dealing with the public eye. Some of this experience will have come from another incarnation you know nothing about! However, you will also have a strong sense of life rewinding, from this lifetime, now. Again, and again, when the North Node is in the First House, you’ll hit repeated ‘image’ issues.

This cosmic Deja vu also be happening with your partner, ex-partner, potential date or opponent at this time. The South Node is in the Seventh House while the North Node is in the First House, which is causing the ‘stuck’ feeling about a certain someone! (For more on this, read the South Node section ahead.)

The two Nodes feel dramatically different to work with, though. The South Node’s influence on your marriage, partnership, disputes, dating strategy or ex relationship will probably frustrate you. The North Node is a much easier force to work with. Matters of image and reputation will not make you feel trapped. Even though you’ll feel as if you’re watching life press the rewind button, you’ll feel wonderfully detached about all those endless ‘Me’ issues.

That detachment can help you make some wise decisions. Even though you will feel as if you’re stuck on a merry-go-round in your love life, or with your battle, when it comes to yourself (the way you’re seen by the world) you now have privileged wisdom to draw on. The insights you have about your name, face, look and public profile now will allow you to make some unusually smart decisions. You should feel utterly calm and confident about your next move!

Here’s an interesting thing about the North Node in the First House – if you have your first portrait painted now, – or even if you appear on TV for the first time or have your first studio photograph taken – you’ll feel oddly centred about it all. That’s because you’re ‘remembering’ something from another lifetime. Who knows – maybe Leonardo da Vinci painted you before!

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Your approach to children (your own, or other people’s) will be helped by your innate wisdom at this time. You will either hit repeat scenarios of situations you have faced many times before – over the last few months or years – or come across something new, which still seems strangely familiar to you. This sense of familiarity, or ‘knowingness’ is one of the reasons it’s now possible to take the world of children in your stride.

Perhaps you really have known your son or daughter in a past life! Or maybe you’re dealing with a ‘same old, same old’ situation as you pursue IVF treatment. If you have other planets in the Fifth House at the same time as the North Node, you’ll find those cycles are coloured, in a useful way, by the intuitive understanding and calm sense of ‘been there, done that’ which is with you at this time. This applies no matter if you are interviewing nannies, managing a difficult grandchild, or organising a children’s’ football team.

You can also get on top of sex at this time! You’ll either hit extremely familiar scenarios with your partner, or if you’re celibate for a while, you’ll find it’s easier to be philosophical – even downright calm, cool and collected – about the sexual jungle out there. The North Node describes the process of watching life from a distance, with the comfort of long experience, or the help of wisdom gathered over many lifetimes. When it comes to sex, don’t be surprised if you have an automatic, intuitive sense about people and situations.

The Fifth House also rules your part-time passions – the interests, projects or plans that keep you occupied on the weekends, and in the evenings (when other people are watching television.) If you fall in love with a new interest now, you might surprise yourself, and other people, with the fact that you seem to know so much about it – despite the fact that you’re a newbie. There is a very good case for past-life gifts, talents and enthusiasms in these cases. Even that lifelong passion of yours will now bring a ‘been there, done that’ feeling, though. Whatever highs and lows your personal plans, projects and interests bring you, there’ll be a strong sense of repetition and familiarity.

The only real risk with the North Node in the Fifth House is laziness – a refusal to develop, to experiment, or even to try! Occasionally people take a back seat at this time, because they’ve seen it all before (with kids, with sex or with their part-time passions.) That doesn’t mean you have to stop living, though. On the contrary, that intense familiarity you have with certain people, set-ups and situations should give you a secure platform from which to get involved at a higher level. If you’re single, for example, and you’ve had a long line of partners, that shouldn’t make you an unadventurous lover. If you are having difficulties with children, sex or your personal passions now, the North Node can help you manage what is going on. It tends to make us philosophical, effortlessly knowledgeable, relaxed and unattached to what is going on.

The central question now is, ‘Should I get back out there again?’ and only you can provide the answer. It may be the case that you have chalked up so many months and years (or lifetimes) of experience with a particular person or situation, that you can’t see the point of going further. If, however, you believe that it’s time to go to the next level, all that intuition and all those hard-won life lessons will help you. Astrologers prefer people to try harder when the North Node is in the Fifth House. And, even if a complicated financial situation is in the picture, thanks to your 2018 Jupiter and Uranus cycles – perhaps it’s time that you admitted the reason you’ve reached this point in your life, is to use it as a launch pad for new angles, new attempts, new possibilities. As always, it’s up to you.

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This cycle will put you in touch with your religious beliefs (if you have any), or with alternative ways of finding your faith in life. It’s about the places, people or promises you seek, in order to find meaning. These may not necessarily have any connection to your own culture, education or background. Travelling to other countries or making connections with people from different nationalities or belief systems to your own, might be the key to a new spiritual awakening for you. In other cases, you might find this wake-up call through science, through the occult, or by returning passionately to a philosophy or faith you’ve visited before.

The North Node describes your karma. People and experiences which are fated to return to you from your previous incarnations, will turn up at this time. Every one of them will educate you about what you believe about the universe and what it means. You might just ‘happen’ to walk past a church service in a cathedral one morning, on the way to the supermarket. Or you might just ‘accidentally turn up’ at a holiday resort which is next door to a mosque. One thing is certain. If you seek in this cycle, you will find. Madonna’s commitment to Kabbalah developed during this period in her life. Are you drawing on people and places from a prior incarnation during this cycle? Perhaps. If there is a sense of familiarity or instant connection around specific individuals or locations now, the past may be returning to you.

During this cycle, the South Node will automatically pass through the Third House of your chart at the same time. This area of your horoscope rules curiosity, knowledge and learning. The North Node in the Ninth House answers this call on a deeper level. Even if you are not a natural student, you can expect to go on a serious quest for knowledge and understanding now. This search for meaning and truth, on a spiritual level, may start with something as simple as the first chapter of The Da Vinci Code, or it may begin with your PhD in Ancient Civilisations. Throughout the period that the North Node is in the ninth house, your curiosity about the universe will be well and truly triggered.

Comparing and contrasting what other people believe is part of the journey. So is questioning your own attitudes, prejudices and expectations. The Ninth House is about faith, though – not facts. In the end, a lot of what you process and absorb at this time will come down to gut reactions, instinct and blind trust. What you seek and find now will have nothing to do with statistics or proof, but a great deal to do with what speaks to your soul and your intuition.

This cycle also rules publishing, both online, and through the world of books. You can afford to be philosophical about developments now because you’ve experienced the same/similar issues before – either in this life, or in one that you don’t remember. You’ll be amazed at how much innate wisdom and experience you can bring to any publishing issue. This is also the cycle in which Madonna published her series of children’s books. So there you are. Your digital life may also be triggered now!

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12 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, Thanks for another wonderful post. I was wondering if I could read the Sagittarius description for myself, as I have a strong Sagittarian influence. Sometimes, I think it is stronger than my Libra Sun! Thanks.

  2. Hi Jess — Hope you’re doing great. Thank you for the fabulous write ups.

    Hope you have the chance to write the Water Sign Karma blog as well. Eagerly waiting to devour it! 🙂


  3. Hi Jessica,

    Hope you had a great birthday. Many happy returns for a fun and successful year to come.

    Your articles are always wonderfully informative and often intriguing. I am especially fascinated by the predictions around this coming period of inner development for Sagittarians, and this article builds on this theme.

    Thanks again,

    1. Thank you! I did have a great birthday and I am very much looking forward to 2019 already. I’ll be speaking at The Astrological Association Conference near Cambridge, in England, later next year. Come along if you happen to be in Blighty!

  4. Wow, this is all very interesting, as usual Jessica. I’m a Sag, and have just started talks with the local high school to deliver Vocational training, for a group of students – most of whom are indigenous. They are learning basic digital design and I thought I would get them to tell their own stories and that of their families! This training is very new to me, though it looks like it might be a way forward! I might start later this year, although most likely it will start at the the beginning of next year? Any hints or suggestions on good dates to make this work?

    1. Perfect. You have the transiting North Node and South Node across your Third House/Ninth House of education, academia and communication, just using your Sagittarius chart. So you are setting up your training with indigenous students with immaculate timing (and it may echo something you did about two decades ago). In your personal birth chart you have a Sagittarius stellium, also in your Ninth House, so you were born to be a student of life and a lifelong mentor for others. You’ll love what happens in 2019 with these journeys, and the ‘travel in the mind’ as they say. It starts in November 2018 as Jupiter (abundance, expansion, growth) slowly crosses every Sagittarius factor in your astrological chart. You’ll become who you are.

  5. Thanks, Jessica. Just had a very stressful week being push to do something at work that I dont like since I was at school. Really feel a bit deja vu! Still trying to build my new career while keeping my current job. Things doesnt seems to move much with lots of resistance with potential long-term working partner/ boss. I hope I can get through this and things will get better in Sept. Any insight will be helpful. Thanks

    1. You’re just a Sun Leo having Pluto, Saturn and Mars Retrograde in Capricorn your Sixth House of work. It doesn’t last. While it is there, though, this pattern may also teach you twice, in your personal birth chart as well. This happens if you were also born with Capricorn factors. You have Jupiter at 3 Capricorn and the recent Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse fell at 4 Aquarius, so pretty close to a semi-sextile. Normally your career is protected, blessed, fortunate, perfectly timed, assisted and supported. It will be again. In fact you will be promoted, win an award, have a hit or switch to an astonishing new job once you have your Jupiter Return, from late 2019 through 2020. For now, though, just be aware that you have heavy weather in your career. It passes. The other person is ‘playing’ Saturn and Pluto with you, acting out the planets.

  6. Hi Jessica, i dont find anyone else to turn to for an honest advice. I am in my second marriage with a one yr baby boy out of this wedlock. Now my husband, who came to Canada with me and just because of me, he has changed totally. He just wants to serve his parents, siblings and their children. He has nothing to do with my baby or me, i just feel like going for a divorce with baby to myself. The problem is the maternity gap and coz of that my already ruined career has ruined completely. I was getting a job when my baby was two months but then my husband said he needs to work yet and didnt support me with the baby care. So i kept on doing that staying at home. Now he tries to dominate me and hardly pays for the living. So my prob is my career that is not getting on track at all with lot of hard word and still giving no results at all and my personal life( my partner), whom i feel so detached with and dont feel like living with him anymore. I always want to go back to my home country, but the issue is i am not earning, how will i manage with the baby and my own expenses at all? Do u see anything in my chart that suggests better times to decide on this whole thing or some better focus on something else that could help me stay out of all this?! Please respond. Thanks a lot!

    1. And relax. You are going through this with your baby boy and your second husband, because of some very old karma. This is karma going back years but also into at least one former life, maybe more. The karma ends in November. The circle closes. The loop is complete. You will have paid your dues and had your dues paid. This very, very tough situation for you is part of that. You have to do what is right on the North Node in Leo cycle. Because of the Leo patterns in your chart this means you hang on until November arrives. After that things will feel and look very different. You will still have work to do. Do you own a bracelet? Why am I being shown your bracelet? It is important for some reason. I am also being shown your husband wearing tennis socks, or sports socks, and the message is, he needs to pull his socks up. Don’t take this personally. He would be like this with the next wife too, if he ever got one! I feel you have a woman in spirit around you – family member – taking care of this. She wants you to see the funny side. Now I see tennis balls. I’d better stop right there! Golf balls? Anyway you’ll get the joke.

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