Well, she’s breaking news all over the world on the weekend of June 6th and 7th, 2021. Welcome to the unmissable Lili.
What does the astrology chart of Lilibet (or Lili) tell us about her destiny with her brother, Archie, and cousins Charlotte and future King George? And how does the Lilibet horoscope show the future of the royal family in around ten years’ time?
The Lilibet Astrology Chart and Karma
Lilibet or baby Lili, is the most senior royal in the current line of succession to be born overseas. She’s an American who has reincarnated with the South Node in Sagittarius (foreign countries and foreigners) and likely has a rich past life history in the 18th century, when America was at war with the United Kingdom. The South Node always shows past life karma.
Reading Lilibet’s Astrology Chart
Lili has a stellium in Gemini so her dominant relationship, all her life, is with brother Archie. For better or worse, this is a complicated brother-sister bond that goes through one or more long periods of separation. In fact, her horoscope shows that Lili’s sibling relationship with young Archie is as central to her, as her father Prince Harry’s fractured relationship with his older brother Prince William. Not for nothing has Lili has been given a middle name in tribute to Diana, Princess of Wales, her grandmother in spirit. Diana was herself the mother to two siblings who would be together. Then apart.
Personality and Destiny in Lili’s Natal Chart
With all that Gemini in her Third House of words, ideas and images – Lili is a natural media and internet presence who (even without the help of Oprah Winfrey and CBS) would make it very successfully on television, or in print. She could easily follow her grandfather Charles, Prince of Wales and other family members including Sarah, the Duchess of York, into becoming an author. She’ll make her start early, too. In fact, by 2033, when Lili is just 11 years old, she may already have made her debut in a book and in documentaries or advertisements – and written her own script or chapter, too.
Chiron and the Moon in Aries
The future adult Lili is forthright, fearless, frank and in your face. Lilibet has Chiron at 12 Aries exactly in line with the Moon at 12 Aries. That is highly unusual. She’s competitive and combative and yet this fierce, upfront, fiery side of her personality is a lifelong issue for her, as Saturn at 13 Aquarius in her house of friends, groups and teams is sextile. It’s very likely that Lili will find a cause or campaign around her Saturn Return, so into her late twenties, and be the face of that. The future adult needs to be extremely cautious with the groups, political parties, movements, cults and organisations which draw her in as their spokesperson or poster girl. Saturn can be quite a difficult teacher, in Aquarius. In fact, in the year 2031, which I’ll talk about in a moment (a critical year for the Royal family) we find transiting Pluto at 13 Aquarius on Lili’s Saturn, so to minimise issues then, she may want to lower the stakes, in terms of the networks she’s involved with.
Lili needs to be very careful about her friends within those circles in her world, even as a ten-year-old child. I only have to glance at an Extended Personal Birth Chart for Lili (you can order one too, for a small person in your life) to know that what she learns at school, about friendship and particular social media channels – is an early version of a lesson for life, about taking her time when discovering who to trust, as a friend. This is particularly important, because she is so in-your-face. Women like that tend to be swept up by organisations who want someone to fly the flag for them, and with that Saturn sextile, it won’t always be simple.
Why Lilibet’s Name Will Never Stick
Children born on Mercury Retrograde commonly become known by at least one other name and sometimes many. The spelling can also change. In fact, this is already happening, as the media have been given Lilibet but Meghan and Harry’s website gives Lili. Born with Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, this is a future adult who could invent all sorts of names for herself, along with nicknames given by the press. The Lilibet astrology chart shows classic Mercury Retrograde muddles.
The BBC relates that Lilibet – the Queen’s family nickname – was coined when then-Princess Elizabeth was just a toddler and couldn’t pronounce her name properly. Her grandfather, King George V, would affectionately call her Lilibet, imitating her own attempts to say her name. The Queen’s late husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, also called her by the nickname. So is this future woman of the 21st century going to be Lili, Lilly, Lily, Lili-Diana, Lili-Betty, or something else entirely?
Lili’s cousin, Princess Charlotte, the daughter of Prince William and Catherine, also has Diana as one of her middle names, as well as Elizabeth. Perhaps that is behind the name-changing of the future, as there is rivalry here.
In fact, the year 2031 could bring a complete split between the cousins and siblings, including Lilibet Diana and Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. I’ll look at the extreme line-up between the charts of Archie, Lili, George and Charlotte in a moment.
Meghan and Daughter
Lilibet Diana Mountbatten Windsor was born on June 4th, 2021, at 11.40am in Santa Barbara, California. The Lilibet birth chart shows some exact astrology with her mother Meghan’s chart.
Lili has Vesta at 13 Virgo. Her mother Meghan has Venus at 13 Virgo. This is a classic sign of competition between two or more females, for male attention and approval. In this case, it’s likely Harry, though it may be Archie. This pattern is lifelong. I’ve already mentioned parallels with Diana, whose name Lili has taken. These things have their own power. Diana, Princess of Wales was in competition with Camilla Parker-Bowles (as she was then) for the approval of Charles, Prince of Wales when ‘there were three of us in this marriage.’. Vesta is a symbol for female rivalry in any birth chart, but always with one man manipulating the situation. So here we have it again. As with all astrology, awareness reduces the issues. The less Lili has to compete with other girls and women for male attention, the better. Even as a child! The Lilibet astrology chart shows echoes of Diana there.
Self-Promotion and Flying the Flag
Meghan also has her MC at Aries 11 and her daughter has an exact Moon-Chiron conjunction at Aries 12, joined to Ops, also at 12 Aries. That is also quite rare, between mother and child. It’s almost an exact conjunction. Meghan’s ambitions (her MC) are tied to self-promotion and ‘flying the flag’ for what she believes in.
Her daughter is part of that me-first mission. Aries thrusts, pushes and pioneers (like the ram). Aries fights. Writing in 1951 in her Modern Textbook of Astrology, Margaret E. Hone summarised Aries as ‘Courage. Energy. Impulsiveness. Leadership. Pioneering.’ So – headstrong. Writing in The Rulership Book in 1971, Rex E. Bills linked Aries to “Forcefulness. Political parties.” That is really interesting, given Meghan’s ties to the Democrats, through her friendship with Oprah Winfrey, and the recent public relations done on her behalf by Hillary Clinton, President Joe Biden and former First Lady Michelle Obama. Are the Democrats in Lili’s future?
The Lilibet Birth Chart and the Royal Leo Signature
The extended birth chart for Lilibet (created at jessicaadams.com) shows a Leo Ascendant. Leo is the royal sign, of course, and Leo Rising (Ascendant) is perfect for someone who must play the appropriately regal role in front of the public. She also has Hygiea in Leo and Proserpina in Leo, too. This shows you why the asteroids are important in modern astrology. There is more to her than a Leo shopfront. She has inherited a sign which we also find heavily emphasised in the charts of The Queen Mother and Princess Anne.
Aries Self-Promotion
With Salacia in Aries, as well as that triple line-up in the sign of the ram, Lili will likely learn about Aries-style self-promotion from her mother Meghan, and all her life, will use herself as the front-runner of any project, plan or campaign. She’ll become a poster girl for something (or someone) when she is older. Her mother may even make sure she does that as a child – for the cameras. Whatever the mission ends up being, by the time Neptune goes into Aries (from 2025) Lili and Meghan are going to be unavoidable if you’re anywhere near a television!

Sibling Rivalry With Archie – For Life
Archie was born on May 6th, 2019, with Mars at 23 Gemini. His sister Lili’s astrology chart shows Mercury Retrograde at 23 Gemini. This is another fated connection. This time, between sister and brother. The Lilibet astrology chart is also tied to Aunt Kate’s, as is Archie’s, because Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, was born with the North Node of karma at 22 Cancer and South Node at 22 Capricorn. That is very close to that 23 degree position for her niece and nephew.
Gemini has always ruled siblings. It rules cousins, too. The Lilibet astrology chart shows sibling rivalry. You can read more about Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor’s horoscope here and what I saw for him at his birth.
Brothers, Sisters, Cousins – and Charlotte
When transiting Uranus (revolution, radical change, independence) goes to 23 Gemini in June 2031, a complete break with the old set-up with her brother Archie and cousins, is coming for Lilibet. The Lilibet natal chart shows an unexpected split between herself, her brother Archie and her cousin Charlotte (pictured left – courtesy of BBC). Born on May 2nd, 2015, at 8.34am in Paddington, London, Charlotte has Venus at 23 Gemini.
Charlotte and Kate, Meghan and Lili
The odds of this happening (above) are astronomical. The line-up between the charts is extremely unlikely. What is really interesting, though, is that George is left out of it. Prince George, the future king, was born on July 22nd, 2013. and lacks that 23-degree pattern in Gemini. Whatever happens when Lilibet is ten years old, does not involve him. It’s the same with George’s brother, Louis, born on April 23rd, 2018. He skips the pattern.
So, however, the known world turns upside-down for Lili, her brother Archie and their cousin Charlotte in 2031, it’s a three-way upheaval. I mentioned that Kate has the North Node at 22 Cancer, the sign of family (and the Node describes karma). She is drawn into this 2031 event. (Thanks to my friend, astrologer Natalie Delahaye for confirming the birth data of Kate Middleton, as she was then.)
Specific Predictions for the Year 2031
Uranus at 23 Gemini, the planet of sudden upheaval, in the sign of cousins and siblings, is in conjunction with the Gemini horoscope placements of Lili, Charlotte and Archie from June 14th until June 30th, in the year 2031.
Ceres is at 23 Gemini a few weeks prior, on May 29th-31st and this indicates a carve-up and compromise between these members of the British royal family. Jupiter is in opposition from 23 Sagittarius from June 17th to 24th, and this suggests travel, residency, citizenship, visa, passport and travel questions. So, this is bigger than the cousins and siblings. It is about America, the United Kingdom and that old ‘Special Relationship’ (which has suffered so much damage under Harry and Meghan). Whatever the nature of the split between Lilibet, her brother and cousins in ten years’ time, it will liberate them, and involve their youthful interests in (for example) America or the Commonwealth as well as the United Kingdom.
Prince Harry and the Year 2031
Harry was born on September 15th, 1984, with the Sun at 22 Virgo. This is very close to that 23 degree pattern in Gemini linking Lilibet’s astrology chart with her brother Archie’s and cousin Charlotte’s. Just one degree away, in fact, which is enough to make June 2031 important for him as well. Uranus at 22 Gemini will square his Sun. We can narrow down these dates to Ceres at 22 and 23 Gemini on May 27th and the days following, in about ten years from now. A square shows ‘what I cannot square’ and the Sun always shows Harry’s place in the spotlight. He’s in the full glare of publicity in May and June 2031, but why?
Meghan and the Year 2031
Turning to the Meghan astrology chart set for August 4th, 1981, we find similar hotspots. She has Chiron at 22 Taurus. Pluto at 21 Libra. Neptune at 22 Sagittarius. This all circles Harry’s Sun at 22 Virgo. Lili’s Mercury at 23 Gemini. Archie’s Mars at 23 Gemini. Charlotte’s Venus at 23 Gemini. Taking Meghan’s natal chart apart, this is about her marriage to Harry and her control of that (Pluto in Libra). It is also about her finances (Chiron in Taurus). It is also about her interest in foreign people and places, which – given she is American – means the United Kingdom. The U.S. media has been obsessive about the Meghan/Harry/William/Kate connection, and from NBC (image, below) to Oprah Winfrey’s favourite CBS, the Special Relationship has been examined through a new, complicated relationship.
America and Great Britain and – Royal Drama
This goes beyond the politics of two branches of the family, as the Special Relationship has huge consequences for world trade and also traditional alliances. May and June 2031 are pivotal, not only for Lili and Archie, with Charlotte – but also in terms of global politics.
Logic would say this is a crisis for Meghan’s relationship with Harry, but crisis does not have to mean more than total transformation. This can be a new arrangement. A New deal. It really depends on what Meghan chooses to do, by then, but you’d have to say that when Saturn goes to 23 Gemini in October 2031, the situation facing Lili, Archie and Charlotte (in terms of their relationship with each other) is extremely serious as all three face an historic crossroads. Charles, Prince of Wales, has his Sun at 22 Scorpio, which is pretty close. Born on November 14th, 1948, this gives Prince Charles an astrology chart which hooks into the wider pattern we see, in about ten years from now – as I write this on June 7th, 2021.
Prince William in the Year 2031
As is the way with the British royal family, there are fated ties all over the place in the charts. Prince William has Pluto at 24 Libra, which is just one degree away from the 23 degree pile-up in Gemini, linking his daughter Charlotte with her cousins, Lili and Archie – and very close to chart patterns involving his brother Harry, his wife Meghan and the future king Charles. With just one degree’s difference from wife Kate’s North Node at 22 Cancer in the sign of family, you’d have to say that 2031 (when Uranus, the planet of shock and radical change, goes to 22, 23, 24 Gemini) is an electrical storm for them all. The fact that the Nodes themselves also move to 22, 23, 24 of Scorpio and Taurus (the signs ruling inheritance, legacy and financial dynasty) suggests karma.
We need to remember that not only does young Archie have Mars at 23 Gemini, he was also born with Pluto at 23 Capricorn and Jupiter at 23 Sagittarius, so partly because of him and his young destiny, the year 2031 looks like a highly unusual milestone, and a decisive political and personal shift, for the younger members of the family, with his sister Lili at the heart. Let’s see what the future turns up for Lili. Whatever it is, you’ll be hearing about it, and reading all about it. Lili was just made for a camera, computer and microphone. (Image above: BBC).
Thanks to astro.com and Solar Fire for birth data.
26 Responses
Hi Jessica
Hope all is well with yourself and thank you for posting on this – I am not a big fan of Meghan and feel sorry that it is possible meghan will use lili for self promotion and publicity ( from the sounds of it!).
Jessica, I read on vesta in lili horoscope and that triggered a question with regards to my chart – I have an exact trine of vesta to my sun (sag to leo).
I have often been in relationships where this two women and one man came into play – either with the man’s mother or multiple women /cheating involved.
How do I minimise this conflict – 5th house to 1st house issues? Walking away every single time as u have suggested seems to be not the answer in this case – is there any other way to handle this correctly?
Thank you for all that you do – ur advice has always helped me – even though as a fixed sign it has taken some time and effort on my part to accept ( eg covid and no travel, RE thinking my career etc).
Thanks in advance and may you stay blessed.
Thank you, I really appreciate your kind message. Okay, so Sun at 8 Leo trine Vesta at 8 Sagittarius is something to tackle. You were born with the Sun in Leo in the Fifth House of ‘heirs to the throne’ and ‘pretenders to the throne.’ You will be Queen to a younger court, all your life, no matter if you have children or not. Godchildren, nieces and nephews or much younger friends/relatives are sometimes the story. J.K. Rowling has devoted herself to Harry Potter fans (she is a Sun Leo). Sometimes Leo Sun people become teachers, tutors, guides or mentors to much younger people. So far so good, but the trine to Vesta suggests that every time you try to be who you are, you hit situations with one or more other girls/women who are placed in competition with you, over a man or boy. This can happen in families where you get one little boy, and his mother, grandmother, aunt and his father’s first wife – all competing for a baby’s approval! It can be painful in love and best avoided. As a general rule, always check out if there is baggage before you buy. Are you dating someone who cannot let go of his old girlfriend, or can she not let go of him? Are you with someone who will try to play you off against other women, for whatever reason? Awareness is half the battle. Don’t go there. If you have to go there, though, and you have a man in a harem situation with you, just side with the women. It works like a charm. You’re in St. Trinians and you’re all together, having fun at his expense. With a sense of humour and a bit of nous, you can get around the worst of Vesta. It goes without saying that when you have transits to Vesta in your chart she wakes up. So it’s not there all the time; just occasionally.
Fascinating article! I notice that Meghan shares some aspects of her chart with her daughter? I was born 7th December 1983 and my daughter was born 35 years later almost exactly on 6th December 2018. I spent my birthday in a state of shock she was finally here. I have had a look at her birth chart and she’s heavily dominated by Sagittarius even more so than my chart. She’s already a little spitfire! My question is, is it good luck to share a sun sign and other aspects of your chart with your child? My other sons are two Cancers and one Scorpio
Thank you. It is common to share the same zodiac sign placement and degree (so, for example Sun at 15 Sagittarius, and a child’s Sun at 15 or 16 Sagittarius. Allow one degree’s difference. The power point will show you where the connection is between mother and daughter. So, when you look at Meghan and Lilibet, there is a pile-up in Aries, in the First House, which rules self-promotion. The astrology is perfectly logical here, isn’t it? The child was being promoted and self-promoting even before she was born (the bump). The nature of the connection in Sagittarius between you and your daughter is foreign people and places. The sort of connection it is (easy, hard work) depends on the planets, asteroids, points or angles involved. It’s funny that you say she is a spitfire. The Spitfire was of course the British answer to the war, so as you also have the Node in Sagittarius (foreign people and places) and the Node rules past lives, I do wonder if there isn’t some European connection there. Time will tell.
I have my vesta in Aries and have read that it’s about freedom and independence. It’s also really close to my moon and north node, which is conjunct my ascendant. I never really thought the vesta was that significant.
Vesta in Aries is not about freedom and independence. Vesta is about gender politics. One male, two or more females, competing for his attention or approval. In Aries it is about self-promotion. Self-interest. Aries rules ‘Me.’
Hi Jessica,
I purchased my birth chart from your website and would love some information on what it means! Can you help me decipher it? Thank you
Thank you. Unfortunately you are not logged in, so I cannot see your chart and am unable to help you.
This is intriguing; interesting to watch how it unfolds. In the future do you think that there will be forever a huge chasm between the U.K. Royal family & Harry’s family in the US ? Can you see any chance of repair? Also, it’s bleak here in the U.K. ; will Boris Johnson and his supporters face accountability as it appears that Trump in the US may do on looking at your future predictions? I can’t see how it can improve in the U.K.; the profit trait of some politicians seems to render them untouchable; it’s like the truth is passé.
Also; it’s been a hard year as have just lost a soul sister friend 3 mths after appearing healthy & fit. Can you see in my chart if a steadier time will happen after some years of stress & now heartache/grief pls; Sun 7* Leo; Moon 7*Taurus; Mercury 17*Cancer… trying to find my way forward. Thank you.
PM Johnson won’t last unless he can call a war-cabinet style government bringing together local leaders to control what is increasingly looking like a border issue – this takes us into 2022. If he cannot give local leaders autonomy then this just isn’t going to work for him, as he is a man out of time – we are in Aquarius weather now – and it’s all about the group. As for Meghan and Harry, they will have to pay for their behaviour when the Duke of Edinburgh was in his last few weeks. That has nothing to do with naming their daughter after the Duke’s private name for Her Majesty the Queen. It’s really about the attack on the family while its most senior member was critically ill. The astrology is really clear on the karmic repercussions of that. In your own situation, which is completely different, you have lost your soul sister and are going through heartache, loss and anxiety. I am really sorry you are suffering like this, but you also need to know that you are coming out of transits which can only happen once in your life. The worst is over. Long-term, by 2023, you will switch to a completely new way of eating, exercising, or helping your mental health (anything from The Mediterranean Diet to hypnosis) which profoundly alters how you feel, how you look and helps you relaunch. So much of what you are going through is tied to your fundamental health, wellbeing and fitness and you will be helped to find alternatives which move you forward. Slowly. There is no rush.
Hi Jessica
Another interesting read, thank you.
My husband, children, step children and I (7 of us in total) all have 22/23 factors. I didn’t realise it was that unusual for a whole family to have factors in common. One has Jupiter at 23 Pisces and I hope that will help her with her substance abuse issues soon with the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction
Reading on Twitter that Doria Ragland also shares the 23 factor, I must review my parents and in-laws charts to see they have this in common also.
Jessica, given most of us have the 23 in Pisces, cancer & Scorpio, will this be a good thing or another thing to be wary of?
Also, with my Mars at 13 Cancer will that prove difficult with the upcoming square?
Too much is going on also with the fam as the eclipse happens at the same day as my step mothers funeral this week.
I appreciate that’s a big data dump from me, but I would be grateful for your perspective.
Warm regards
Sharlene, your stepmother’s funeral is the story here, already. Mars in Cancer in your Fourth House is your role as action woman in the family and the politics that occurs with her passing will require you to slow down and cool down. Mars can be quite combative. Try to reduce the speed and heat as you deal with the outcomes. Further on in time, years into the future, those patterns around 23 degrees will indeed change your family circle around the year 2031 and so you need to watch what you are setting up now, because everything will have to be answered for, in about ten years. The major issue here is boundaries. Not overstepping the mark, or accepting it (putting up with it) if others also go way over the line. Boundaries can save just about everything, Sharlene. Be aware that if you give some people an inch on this, they will take a mile. And always with a smile. So don’t let it happen. If you suspect that you are out of touch with others’ need for you to not cross a line, then become aware and do what must be done.
Good morning Jessica
It was amazing to find this horoscope for Lilibet ‘Lily’ Diana so soon after her birth. Well done.
I would like to say two things:
1) I had a very vivid ‘waking dream’ about the American Civil War on the day Lili was born. It was just like the sort of picture one might find in a Royal Palace come to life. I had no idea why I should have such a dream but now you mention it………….
2) The Sussexes have already registered the domain name ‘Lilibet Diana’ so I wondered whether the name changes relate to the domain name and whether the crises you refer to will be financial. I can imagine a great deal of financial upheaval as the monarchy moves to Charles and William – especially involving the Crown Estates and Windsor Castle in particular……………
Very Best Wishes
Thank you. Yes, the chart for this child suggests karma from the War of Independence or the America Civil War. I didn’t know that Meghan and Harry had registered their daughter’s name as a website. The crisis in about ten years is certainly financial. Have a look at predictions I made for Meghan Markle some years ago. Her mother is also brought into this, if we can rely on the birth data. I’ll add to this story later.
Hi Jessica, Thanks for another fascinating article. It’s very interesting to learn how family charts are connected. I have a lot of 22 degree patterns in my chart and have noticed my family members also have 22 degree patterns (but unsure of most of the birth times): Mum has Saturn in 22 Cancer, Dad has Sun in 23 Taurus, Brother has Mars in 22 Leo, Nephew (with accurate birth time) has Moon in 22 Virgo and Pluto in 22 Saggitarius. Would like to understand how next year’s Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (or anything else) would affect my family, whether the stories are connected and what the story is? Thank you!
Thank you. Yes, families are often connected by factors at the same degree, or with one degree’s orb (difference). Your mother is the central figure here as she was born with Saturn at 22 Cancer in her Fourth House of family. Undoubtedly her own family upbringing was very difficult, at regular intervals, as Saturn tends to produce restrictions and obstacles, thwarting what should happen. It may have been about the house or apartment for her, or her town or country, but it would have been channelled through her parents, siblings and so on. Now, with a family of her own, she also has to deal with Saturn. What happens to your mother (transits to her Saturn) affects all of you, and that makes sense anyway, even without astrology, but here we have a woman who goes over an obstacle course, and as she jumps each hurdle, everybody else’s race is also affected. For more on this look up Saturn, Fourth House. It is worth understanding what she faces in life, as it will help you all.
Hi Jessica,
I have always been interested in astrology, and recently became a premium member of your website. Thank you for all the resources you have made available to us – i hope to gain a better understanding in time. For now, I would love to hear your take on my birth chart. Do you have any advice for me?
Thanks in advance!
Thank you. Essentially you are in the last stages of a long, intense, difficult, rewarding cycle which is all about the duets and duels in your life. Classically, this is a former, current or potential romantic partner. It can also be a former, current or potential duet of any sort, though; two people who share a house but are just friends; two people working together. The duel is commonly two former lovers who no longer speak, or a love rival, but it can also be someone who paired up with you, who did you wrong – so you fell out. What has been going on with just one person or a whole chain of them, is pressure, over a number of years, to completely transform the way you do things. The more you get to fake Libra status (balancing the scales, pursuing fairness, trying for equilibrium, striving for justice) the closer you get to a result. That’s underplaying this cycle, though, which began many years ago. Long-term from 2023, if you can pull this off, with all the massive demands on your willpower and self-control, you’ll have a potent lifetime achievement and in fact be set for life. It’s not easy but it’s worth the continued struggle. Only 2-3 more years to go!
My apologies Jessica. It was the War of Independence I ‘saw’ – with red cut away jackets and white breeches.
All I can say is that the Brits were winning! I don’t know what the dream denoted but it was fascinating.
Yes, I think the British are winning this particular war against America. You really don’t mess with The Firm or MI6, come to that.
Very interesting as always Jessica! I don’t want to weigh in negatively on this issue because the world needs light right now and the raising of vibration but seriously something feels a little off to me here with this naming thing. As you say eclipses hide things they don’t reveal things so I could be wrong but it’s unusual to dislike an institution/firm kit and kaboodle thing so much but also then deliberately connecting to it forever but by circumventing the firm and seemingly going with sentiment (The childhood pet name Lilibet) but accidentally going straight to the top [the queen] sweet sentiment or high level operators with zero nuance? I also wonder why as parents you wouldn’t want your child to have a completely individual identity especially as it’s so hard to forge identity within the royal family something that seems to be a them with Harry’s escape – to create an individual identity. Just odd. As you have advised to people I connect in to my double Pisces and was once a Meghan fan I did a wonderful Lakshmi workshop with Sally Kempton who I think holds high shakti and I got this message that Meghan was a representation of Lakshmi, Lakshmi symbolised by Oprah too, and yet the Lakshmi I felt in this workshop was so charming and pure I wonder how I got it wrong here with my messages because now it’s changed and I feel something different and less pure is at work here something feels a little ‘fishy’ …. can’t work it out! I need a scrying glass maybe?
Now the other thing you just mentioned on Twitter has got me inspired and intrigued. I have alway felt (tuning into my double Pisces again) that the the Wuhan virology lab and the virus location were just too too coincidental. Despite the bat articles and the swat backs about it by every country – if you rise above the rhetoric it’s just ridiculous to think the two things (lab/location/virus) aren’t entwined! I am so intrigued to hear what your psychic friend is seeing under ground at the lab in Wuhan, please tell us more. How will the world deal with this new formidable China. I also wonder if Putin will fall in the “Aquarius weather”
Thanks Jessica you are pretty amazing!
Thanks so much. “High level operators with zero nuance” is too funny. You have a way with words. As a double Pisces you are a natural psychic too. I’m in touch with a few psychics and mediums (all full-time professionals of many years’ experience) who have told me the truth about this episode, using remote viewing and other methods – in the long, long history of the House of Windsor. At the moment, I would say, MI6 is taking the cake. As for Putin, he’s named in Nostradamus, but that’s another story.
Very interesting insights into the British Royal Family and little Lilibet’s future, thank you!
I think it’s only fair that they will have to pay for what they did when Prince Philip was on his deathbed – the distress they must have caused him, the Queen and other family members… It just appears immensely cruel to me.
Might you be able to give me some advice? My issue appears to be just the opposite. I can’t manage to be cruel, even at times when I feel used by family members. I have a very difficult family, they weigh on me quite heavily, yet I somehow never manage to truly distance myself from them. Truly, to deal with them seems beyond what is possible and certainly beyond what’s healthy for me, but still I usually listen to them, try to be the peacemaker and go-between, and in a way it’s like I have to pretend with them. I adjust to their perception of reality when I’m with them. How can I free myself?
And do you know if there’s a chance of finding love for me this year?
Thank you so much in advance!
Thank you. Actually, your issue is really similar to some members of the House of Windsor, so no wonder you identify. You feel used by the family. You are the go-between and faking it, too. Beyond that you also want to start a relationship in 2021. Okay, so family first. Mars at 18 Cancer square Psyche at 18 Libra is the story. Mars (the fight) in Cancer (the family) cannot be squared with past, present or potential love affairs (Psyche) in Libra (partnerships) which never really go away. It’s a bit of a loop, actually. This is a really good time to look at how you contribute to family tension. Mars can be passive-aggressive sometimes and it can be quite unconscious. This takes a fair bit of honesty and courage. You are free to disagree with me, and I understand, but with Mars in your Fourth House, you are the soldier, sailor or pilot who wants to take on combat. And the enemy is the relative. This can be figured out but it takes a bit of time. It does in fact have an impact on relationships and potential future marriage or partnerships, and you have weirdly picked up on both issues in the same question. Have a look at Mars, Cancer, Fourth House on Search and have a look at any paintings of Mars online, from the Renaissance. You may start to see the story.
Interesting to learn today that Prince Charles did indeed plan to issue Letters Patent to reduce the royal family still further and that Harry and Meghan’s children would not be entitled to become Prince and Princess when he becomes King – hence their fury at the Oprah interview because they had turned down the Earl of Dumbarton for Archie assuming he would be a Prince when Charles was king.
Thank you for this information. I was not aware that the Prince of Wales was planning to streamline the family. This makes perfect sense.