

Trump Tarot on Fox – Election 2024

Fox News Jesse Watters interviewed New York Tarot expert Paula Roberts about Trump, Tarot, Biden and 2024. What do you see in the cards?

Trump Tarot on Fox With Jesse Watters

TrumpPalinchakDreamstime 300x178 - Trump Tarot on Fox - Election 2024New York psychic, Paula Roberts (known as The British Psychic) read the Tarot for Donald Trump and President Joe Biden on January 3rd, 2024, looking at the forthcoming U.S. election./

It was great to see Roberts using the Smith-Waite Tarot (which you can also use free on this website if you want to peer into the future yourself).

The reading made headlines around the world and this media coverage on Twitter tells the story, below.

The Trump Loss in the Tarot

Trump Five of Cups - Trump Tarot on Fox - Election 2024

Using a simple one-card reading, Roberts drew the Five of Cups for Donald Trump in 2024 and interpreted it as a loss – without referencing the actual election. You may know the card. Here it is, as it appeared on the Trump Tarot feature on Fox News.

This was Roberts’ card and nobody else’s. Therefore the interpretation is her own. I have many Tarot readers who come to this website, though, so I know you may also want to try your hand at predicting Trump in 2024. My own take on this card is that it shows a mourning woman.

Asking the Question Again. What’s In Store for Trump in 2024?

Tarot Deck Six of Swords scaled e1701571672528 - Trump Tarot on Fox - Election 2024I’ve looked at the election with a single Tarot card (back on September 4th, 2023) but with the question: “Who is in the White House in 2025?” You may remember the answer was – a money man. The Knight of Pentacles.

What happens when I ask the same question again, though. “What’s in store for Trump in 2024?” Because that is a different query. This is the card. The Six of Swords. It shows an adult and child moving or emigrating. They are escaping a difficult situation. The ferryman may be the co-parent, or a stranger.

There is a recent attack by a group (Republican or Democrat, perhaps). Maybe another aggressive group entirely. This is what motivates the people in the boat to depart for unknown destinations. It’s an escape. They are seeking refuge. This may be Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump with a child. It’s the main story.

What’s In Store For President Joe Biden in 2024?

Tarot Deck Nine of Pentacles scaled e1725155903282 300x219 - Trump Tarot on Fox - Election 2024Tarot Deck Judgement scaled e1701571003619 300x245 - Trump Tarot on Fox - Election 2024The Roberts transcript on YouTube describes Trump’s card as ‘A sense of loss’. For President Joe Biden, however, she picked “Lots and lots and lots and lots of money.” This was the Nine of Pentacles

Again, we have to remember this was Roberts’ card and question. Her interpretation. What do you see? Remember, neither man may end up being President at all. Even if Biden’s card does show many coins.

Next to it, I’ve placed my own Tarot card, asking the same question. “What’s in store for Biden in 2024?” I was surprised to see Judgement.

It shows departed souls in the spirit world welcoming the next stage. It’s the judgement of heaven. People rising from their coffins to embrace their evolution.

Now, what do you see for 2024? These 1909 cards from Pamela Colman Smith have a story to tell. By the way, Sun Sign School tutor Katie-Ellen Hazeldine is a Tarot expert and believes neither man will win.

You can read her Substack here.


Images: YouTube/Fox News/Twitter/Justin Tabari/Dreamstime

First published January 4th, 2024. Photographs updated October 19th, 2024.

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87 Responses

  1. I place my bet on Nikki Haley. I also have a strong feeling none of the men will win. Biden might encounter a health problem or impeachment and be unable to go for election, and Trump’s court cases might stop him in his tracks, too. Can it be that the US will have a first woman president?

    1. Really good question. I will go further with the Tarot and the other candidates, like Haley, if there is enough interest in this feature.

  2. Happy New Year, lovely Jessica!

    Thank you for this fascinating article on the American Presidents and their electoral chances. I also feel that the downcast figure in the 5 of Cups card is female (Melania, perhaps, in mourning?). The red liquid spilled from some of the cups could be red wine, of course, but I wonder if it could symbolize blood in this case – rather melodramatic, but could Donald Trump be assassinated or die of a blood-related condition? For all his protestations, I don’t think he seems a particularly healthy man and his tendency to anger may not help his blood pressure.

    The 6 of Swords might be Donald, Melania and Barron Trump, leaving America and having to start anew elsewhere. Again, there seems to be a strong feeling of mourning. Neither card seems very positive for his re-election bid!

    The cards for Joe Biden are fascinating – I see the woman in the 9 of Pentacles card, standing with her arm raised, as symbolizing the Statue of Liberty, emblem of America, with the bird of prey on her hand being America’s Eagle. Could that mean Biden will be receiving his “riches” from America herself, as a re-elected president? Biden’s detractors might argue that it means he is profiteering from his presidency and the country in a negative way. I interpret the Judgement card you drew as relating directly to the 9 of Pentacles card – if Joe Biden is honest and a force for good, he will have spiritual support from his ancestors and Divine forces; if there is anything shady, he will get a wake-up call of a very intense kind.

    It will be spell-binding to see how it all plays out!

    Thank you again.

    Lots of love, light and blessings for a wonderful 2024,


    1. Thank you Angelina. The Tarot agrees; there is loss, sadness, mourning and departure – escaping from a difficult situation – for the Trump dynasty. It’s a woman. So it’s Melania or Ivanka or perhaps another woman we don’t know about yet. Judgement with Biden is yet to be revealed, I think. And we’ve not even looked at others apart from Trump or Biden. The next President may be another face entirely. I’ll see how much interest there is in this feature and come back to it with new readings.

  3. So I looked both at your images and my own Thoth tarot deck for another perspective. Because I’m still learning the cards, I do a lot of word associations for what I see to try to comprehend it on different levels.

    In my Thoth deck, the 9 of Disks is Gain. There are 6 faces on what seem to be coins. Perhaps Cabinet members or global leaders joining together. It does look like they are at a conference. In terms of simplicity, there is also the Venus in Virgo symbol; Love [of] Earth.

    5 of Cups Disappointment. Her card showed cups spilled over, like things are ruined now. The red could be blood spilled.
    Thoth shows cups with some ugly hotel carpet with what looks like the unbalanced vessels not receiving the essence. I see perhaps generational conflicts. Mars in Scorpio.

    For 6 of Swords
    The Waite card is very obvious in what looks to be family leaving a bad situation. It has very similar look to the 5 of cups in my deck. What I called carpet could also be disturbed waters like in the corner of the swords card.
    In thoth tarot. 6 of swords is Science. There are 6 swords stabbing the cross. Attacking faith and science. Mercury in Aquarius. Community Communication, maybe media? Looks like marionette strings in the background.

    The Judgement card really does look the so called rapture they spout off. My Adjustment card, shows the scales in balance and the judge balancing on the ace of swords. The beginning and the end. This is also shown by the Libra symbol on the bottom. Libra also ruled by Venus who was in the 9 of Disks card

    1. Thank you. Ugly hotel carpet is interesting; there may be crime scene photographs at some point concerning Trump and his family or associates. You are reading on a purely psychic level here. The rest I’m unclear about but let’s come back to images of ugly carpets, later in 2024.

  4. Hi Jessica,

    The US Courts are working to remove Trump completely from the ballot! They are truly worried if he runs against Biden he will when! That is what our papers are saying. It’s all crazy!!

    Off topic; do you plan to create any sort of app version of your site!??


    1. The media makes money from continuing to pump the Trump saga, of course. He’s in that long phase of Decline and Fall which began in October when he became infected with Covid-19 and had to leave the White House. So I don’t really know why the press bothers taking Trump seriously, except it sells subscriptions. We’ll start planning apps when Jupiter goes into Gemini on May 26th 2024 and launch after Uranus goes into Gemini from July 8th 2025. Thank you.

  5. Hi Jessica,
    The lack of any comments in this thread is so revealing, isn’t it? Anything surrounding “him” is so politically charged that people, even though they have their opinions, keep quiet just to keep the peace. The cards are explicit. Now we watch. Thank you for going where most of us don’t want to go.

    1. Thank you. History will reveal the part Melania played and it’s a very good lesson for Americans about First Ladies. Very good lesson.

  6. Hello

    I disagree with ET’s comments about the comments in the thread – specifically about people keeping quiet about Trump just to keep the peace. My view is that the topic of Trump has become too boring – he is a boring. Dangerous yes, but plenty of current and ex politicians are dangerous.

    I’d rather hear something about the geo politics of the Middle East and will Palestinians ever get justice. Israel seem to be bent on provoking a bigger conflict in the Middle East and bringing their friends, teh weapon suppliers – e.g the USA along with them. The Israeli’s are losing the propoganda war.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Yes, Donald is boring as he’s taken up so much of our screen time since he became President all those years ago. The earliest prediction I filed about Israel was actually about Covid and borders and looked far into the future. So that is still on this website.

  7. Hi Jessica

    I loved this post. I laughed so much when the news about the tarot reading on FOX came out, so I was thrilled to read your take on it. I agree with what you and the other comments have said though, ultimately the subject of Trump is a bore. The constant bombast and self-aggrandizement surely has to grate on even those who support him. Nevertheless, the threat of his return still induces anxiety, so I am glad of the extra confirmation that he is finished.
    The message from both sets of cards seems pretty clear to me. Trump is over, either he is in mourning and will go away, or it is the country that turns its back on him and sends him away. Meanwhile, Biden is leading this country into prosperity. Despite all the gloom and doom of public opinion, the US economy is doing remarkably well and is strong. I see the Nine of Pentacles either suggesting that Biden will get huge financial support for his campaign, or will lead the country into even greater financial wealth and comfort. Money is a huge issue in US political elections, far more than in other countries, so I don’t see this as a sign that he will be increasing his personal wealth, but saying that he is where the money and comfort will be in terms of campaign support. The Judgement tarot card seems to me to be saying that he will win the ultimate victory. It is the clarion call that galvanizes the spirits and founding fathers of this country to get it back on track after the terrifying and destabilizing specter of Trump. Trump’s re-election threatens the death of democracy. It will not happen and democracy will be revived through Biden’s campaign victory, with the help of the country’s better angels. Whether or not Biden becomes one of those spirits or better angels through the course of it, his campaign will be victorious.
    I agree with one of the other people commenting that I would like to hear more about your take on the Israel-Palestine conflict. I read through your past posts and the concern about the Virgo/Pisces transits and your interpretation of that connecting it with the ongoing threat of Covid, but I wondered whether your conclusions (or at least what I took away from them!), based on the Virgo/Health vs Pisces/Religion axis of transits involved, should be tilted more to the Religion side of things. It seems to me that the threat is the wider spread of religious war rather than COVID-19.

    Thanks as always!

    1. Thank you. I agree with your gut reaction to the cards. And yes, Trump is a boring man. What is in store for him is emotionally painful for another family member. That is clear to see. As for Israel the astrology showed map lines redrawn and borders changed a long time before the war. The cause then was Covid. And so it will be. The health crisis in Gaza is the issue. Bombs hit a few. Covid kills the many. The prediction was very long term. The map will alter.

  8. I just looked at Trump’s card and thought ‘the party’s over’. The figure for me is Trump – that signature blonde coiffure from the 80s. Now cut off from the ‘citadel’.

    The Biden card said to me ‘all very comfy in the Garden of Eden’. Either retirement – enjoying a life of pets and gardening and luxury – or money flowing his way linked to the Middle East. Almost like wealthy people are trying to woo him into being sympathetic to their cause. If so I am not sure it will work. The figure knows they’re being courted and it’s all very tempting on the surface but it’s not buying their heart/soul.

    Neither says obvious winner to me. I don’t know much about Tarot but somehow these two cards feel a bit uncanny. However it is 3am and maybe it’s insomnia talking!

  9. Hello Jessica, I just asked your Tarot about Donald Trump as President in 2024 and got 9 of Cups.

    I note that you talk of the precariously placed cup on the right, but I don’t think it is any more so than say the second cup on the left, but that’s just my opinion.

    Thank you for running this site, I visit it a few times per day.

  10. Hi Jessica , Happy New Years.. Thank you for all you do. I would like to see more readings from you on this Matter!

    1. Happy New Year. I can’t really comment on somebody else’s Tarot reading for Donald Trump but I can go back to the very, very first Tarot card I ever drew about the next President which clearly showed the Knight of Pentacles. A man with money to spend on either the environment and/or agricultural and property development. A visionary and an investor. A man on a mission. A grower, if you like and a wheeler-dealer. It’s very Wild West and colonial Americana. Powerful. Focussed.

  11. I am applying for a senior position I passed the first interview . Do you think I have a chance to get it?
    Thank you very much for your time and attention

    1. You are a Libra with Jupiter at 27 Capricorn and have an excellent chance. If you don’t get this you will be offered another fantastic promotion, new job or project in May 2024 when transiting Jupiter trines natal Jupiter.

  12. I view the Five of Cups as mourning a death. I am convinced Trump doesn’t live out this year.

    Nine of Pentacles is reaping the reward of a life of service. I believe Biden was destined to win the presidency at this time, despite several previous attempts. I have no doubt he will win. Now, does he last the 4 years? Not sure of that. He may step down.

    I see the Judgement card as the Judgement of women whose rights over their own bodies were unceremoniously stripped from them. Many young women didn’t pay attention to politics until that decision. American women will rise up in judgment in November.

    1. I agree it is mourning. The spilled cups indicate who or what has fallen over. You think it is death and Trump will die. The Tarot does not predict death but I respect your views and of course you read Tarot full-time. Let’s see.

  13. There are strong rumours circulating that California Governor Gavin Newsom, will enter the Democratic Primary race for President. He has strong support from many sections of the Democratic Party and would be seen as a good alternative to Joe Biden. What are his chances of not just surpassing Biden but also becoming President? Thanks very much.

    1. Thank you. Gavin Newsom fits the bill for the original Tarot reading I did on the US 2025 Presidency. He could beat Joe Biden as a Democrat candidate. Yes. So this was back on 4th September 2023. The Knight of Coins. Back then I was picking up a money man. Psychic astrology told me, a deal-maker who would want to strike a new US-Canada agreement. Trudeau and Newsom already met on the Climate Emergency. Incredibly we have an AA rated chart for Newsom here.
      Gavin Newsom is a Libra man. He has Saturn and Neptune in his Sixth House of work, duty and service in the sign of Pisces until February 14th 2026. That’s historic and heavy and it would suit the top job. Going back to the natal chart he has a Virgo stellium, also in his Sixth House, featuring Uranus and Pluto, which Jupiter will trine at 21 and 26 Taurus next year. That’s not enough though. The Moon in Capricorn is ambitious and Jupiter trines that too, so it’s looking better – but it is his MC at 20 Gemini which is the kicker. Jupiter goes to 20 Gemini in time for a presidency, should he run. I’ll run a feature on Newsom now I know we have decent data. Thank you.

  14. Melania’s mother just passed away. Could that be the person the Trump’s are mourning?

    1. That’s a good suggestion. Melania’s mother may be one of the cups on the ground that has fallen over. Thank you.

    1. The 2028 United States Senate elections will be held on November 7th, 2028 which is when Whitmer could more easily lead the Democrats or become President. She’s a Virgo on the up and up, from May 2023 when Jupiter (expansion, growth, hope) goes into her Tenth House of success. Then Uranus follows. She’ll also have Pluto landing on her Aquarius factors in the groups zone – so the Democrats. 2028 looks more like it, if she’s going to do it. Thanks for the link.

  15. I look at that card and see maybe trump and his family leavening the country? Maybe things will get so bad for him, one of his foreign cronies will give him a place to run and hide?At any rate,glad he is out of the picture.Last night I was reading LIZ CHENEY’S new book and was so disturbed by the dangers to our democracy-here in the USA.. in the book, how so many politicians,REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT, as well as Liz, say that if trump takes over we will never have another election again.He is a dictator and planning the, when I went to bed my mind was ruminating.I asked my spirit guides to please send me a dream with a hint of 2024 and what is ahead for America. ALL NIGHT I DREAMED OF KAMALA HARRIS! She was hosting a celebration in an old school building. I was part of the party of ladies celebrating with her. I woke up and felt as if Trump will def not win. Joe will probably win but he will not be our president, he will die in office ,maybe very soon after election, maybe even before inauguration?? and Kamala will be our president. I don’t think the American people are ready to VOTE for Kamala, but as she inherits the role, we will be in a safe position at least, from the “dictator.” I have many psychic premonitions,since childhood,I am praying this one is accurate!!

    1. Donald Trump has been on a slow spiral for some years according to the US chart so speculating about him taking over is a bit pointless. He can barely walk. You dreamed Kamala Harris would be President. Thank you for that prediction. You see her inheriting the role, if Biden dies. You have been psychic since childhood. Thank you for contributing this to the discussion, which is being published on Sunday 14th January 2024.

  16. Hello
    Yes please do a feature on Gavin Newsom. As a lifelong Californian, I am always surprised by his strong support despite the unchallenged facts about how much worse life is here in California on multiple measures (most notably cost of living, housing scarcity, crime, homelessness and exorbitant taxes) He seems quite corrupt to me. Just this week he announced a 30+ billion dollar deficit for the state budget instead of the 60+ deficit the LAO office announced because he is borrowing money….slick, slick, slick.

    1. Gavin Newsom is interesting. Does he fit the general Pluto in Aquarius bill? In other words, even without his chart, do his politics respect the equal rights, space and needs of every interest group in the diverse community? Particularly the 50% who are women, who hold up half the sky? He defeated LGBTQ activists by vetoing a bill that would’ve asked courts to consider a child’s gender identity when it comes to custody decisions. This stand against men who say they are women – in favour of actual women – is a powerful signal that Pluto in Aquarius is with him. I’d say Newsom is looking quite possible. I understand your opinion that he is corrupt and also your criticism of his economic management but here we also have a man who is respecting women, gays and lesbians so he’s really doing Pluto in Aquarius quite strongly.

  17. Hi Jessica, I have a breast reduction surgery coming up on 0/18 on a Thursday. Will this be a good day to do so? It’s on the left side, as the right I had a mastectomy 7+ years ago. Immune system seems fine now. Thank you for your talents you bring to the truth seekers.

    1. Without a chart it is impossible to comment on private matters, but there is a free Tarot card option for you on this website. A card like Strength for example would be great to see. Experiment with the Tarot, and get used to reading for yourself. I find it reliable and hope you do too. Good luck with your breast surgery.

    1. I’ll run a feature on Gavin Newsom and other presidential candidates who have confirmed birth times and dates, later in January. Thank you.

  18. Denis asks if anyone has looked at Senator Joe Machin? He’s stepping down, seems to have wealth and is currently in New Hampshire.

    1. Thank you Denis. Unfortunately Mr. Manchin lacks a birth time so the astrology can’t be considered.

  19. Thank you for your astrological insights Jessica. I am most interested in a small vignette you predicted some time ago. Please may you expand on the possibility that Hillary Clinton may become President, despite her protestations that she will not run again. I have been a supporter of hers for many years, and believe it was always her destiny to become President. No one is more qualified for the role, and she is the greatest supporter of women, and the LGBTIQ community; and she has a deep understanding of foreign policy, and humanity generally. Like all good Scorpios, Hillary has a long memory, and plays the long game. I truly feel it is her time in 2024. May you please do a reading if it is Hillary Clinton’s destiny to become President of the United States of America, with sincere thanks.

    1. I predicted Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump in 2016 and was wrong, because the Donald Trump data is wrong. Her data may also be wrong, unfortunately. So it is not possible to predict anything for her. You need the angles (the MC, IC, AC and DC) to predict presidency because they show title change and residence change. Without AA rated data we can’t see those angles. The good news is, we can use the US chart, which has proven itself repeatedly, to see who and what is in charge from 2025. Pluto in Aquarius is your answer. This gives power to all the different interest groups equally. So, black, white, old, young, male, female, straight, gay, rich, poor. Aquarius is about the community which gives no more power to old, rich, white men – than it does to young, poor, black women. Hillary Clinton’s success as a nominee (or not) next depends on her stand on trans. She has flip-flopped on the trans issue but has to tackle it, to surf Pluto in Aquarius waves. The problem for women, gay and lesbian people is the takeover of their space, rights and identity by men who say they are women. That is a red flag for this cycle. Any politician who doesn’t get it, doesn’t get the top job.

  20. Hello Jessica, an unrelated question to this thread, however it relates to the weekly horoscope. I have Ops at 29 Libra. Could you please let me know the significance of it. Thank you.

    1. You were born with Ops in Libra in the Seventh House so have a pattern of fixing difficult situations with or for partners. Husbands or boyfriends, for example. You are the practical optimist who is can-do about resolving quite heavy issues with or for partners. They can be professional partners too. Along comes Pluto to trine Ops and a powerful, dominating, controlling person, nation, situation or organisation will influence that pattern you have. So, for example, you may be dealing with a husband who is not a skilful parent to your son, but along comes a new teacher at your son’s school who change the situation. You may be dealing with a girlfriend who is a self-saboteur and doing your habitual rescue job, when along comes a new woman to whom you are attracted, who is a CEO and quite powerful. So you see…many possibilities.

  21. I love Madeline’s dream. Kamala Harris is well-qualified for the job. I hope she plays an active role in the new presidency once Biden is

  22. Hi Jessica, Sorry for being off topic here but there is no other place to post it where you might see it, so here’s my question: In the weekly horoscope for Taurus, January 15-22, you mention the importance of the 29th degree as Pluto leaves Capricorn to enter Aquarius. I have both Psyche and MC at 29 Aries. What is the significance, if any? Thanks, Emma x

    1. I should actually post a feature on the 29 degree people, and will do so if I have time. Pluto at 29 aspecting Psyche and your MC (Midheaven) is a sign-off from a powerful, controlling, dominating situation, person or organisation. Even a whole nation. If your birth time is accurate, you were born with an unusual conjunction from the MC to Psyche at 29 Aries in your First House of appearances, image, profile, presentation, reputation and packaging. So you have recently been very much at the mercy of other people, or particular situations, when it comes to the person you see in the mirror, or on the mirror of the internet. This may have been a boyfriend telling you what to wear, or a medical condition affecting your face. It may have been Google or Wikipedia framing you a particular way, Emma, or a family member who has affected your reputation. Pluto vanishing from 29 is the end of it all. There will be an echo flashback from September to December, but the situation, person, organisation or nation has lots all its power.

  23. Gavin Newsom would be terrible for our country! He has already ruined California.

    Why do you say Trump can barely walk? I think you are wrong about him on many different levels. Physically he is robust and has quite a lot of energy! He has a very interesting sense of humor. I love his humor, but there are those that can’t comprehend it. It’s why everything he says or does is taken out of context. You either “get him” or you don’t! I definitely get him!!

    I definitely don’t see him going away!

    1. Trump can barely walk (this has been happening since 2020 and the West Point incident) and the camera doesn’t lie more recently either as you can see here The astrology has been clear since I predicted his illness in October 2020. This is Decline and Fall, to quote Waugh. Thank you for your comment.

    1. The timing is wrong for royalty from this point on. Pluto goes into Aquarius for 20 years, starting within days of Queen Mary’s title change. That’s opposite Leo, the symbol of monarchy. Either the financing and structure, the power and role of King and Queen will have to transform over the years or it may be replaced by a republic following a referendum or other political change. This is history talking; the last time we saw Pluto in Aquarius it was of course the French Revolution.

  24. Happy New Year!

    I believe Joe Biden will win; the money represents the US (and thereby world) economy continuing its white hot momentum, and will include getting good ol’ Vlad out of the way, the world will improve and the “evolution-processes” will begin.

    Here’s to 2024!

  25. Wow! Jessica I cannot believe how accurate you are. I had a feeling that my life was being controlled but I chose not to accept it. Even my daughter said that I was living in a ‘gilded cage’….Now I can take back control. Thank you so much! Emma X

  26. Jessica,
    Trump is not sick nor does he have a problem walking! The one video you had a link for shows
    Trump exhausted because he is one of the hardest working Presidential Candidates out there! He came in from one of his long speeches and was clearly exhausted, but made the time to talk to those who were waiting for him before he went down the hallway.
    As far as the West Point “incident” goes from 2020 – I could see that he was being very cautious as he walked down that long slippery ramp. In his own words, “The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery. The last thing I was going to do is ‘fall’ for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!”
    It’s funny because, for not knowing Trump’s true birth chart info, you some how seem to know a lot about him in relation to the US birth chart…?? But can’t seem to acknowledge any of the negative aspects of Biden’s health — which we all can see is evident! He can’t seem to articulate anything that makes sense as he rambles on and sounds very incoherent. He constantly falls on stage and stumbles up and down steps and stairs. The media gives him a pass. Somehow Biden can do no wrong, yet Trump is scrutinized and put under a microscopic lens, ever since he first announced his candidacy, which then became an obsession by the lefty media. I don’t get it!

    1. I predicted Donald Trump’s infection with Covid 19 on the public record in the month it happened, using the US chart. I also predicted his impeachment in the month it happened, using the US chart. I do not use Donald’s chart because he has supplied two different birth dates to the authorities. The US chart works accurately. He is going to decline and fall. At no point have I ever commented on Biden’s health because nobody has asked me. You have asked me. Yes, Biden is in poor health. The US chart shows that too.

  27. That rings quite true, on partnerships. Will be interesting to watch the trine with your insight. Thank you Jessica.

  28. Hi Jessica, Ok, I have picked up the comments in this blog about the 29 degree aspect in one’s chart. I have Jupiter in Scorpio at 29 sextile to the current Pluto transit in Capricorn. And my MC and IC are at 29. How do you see the Pluto transit affecting my chart, please? I have quite a few friends with more than one 29 degree in their charts. Would love a feature on the 29 degree! Thanks so much. Best, Cecelia p.s. the comments in the news today about the British royals having medical procedures makes me want to look at their charts for this Pluto transit.

    1. 29 degrees is important because Pluto briefly returns there at the end of 2024. Pluto transits like this one tend to show up as people, situations, nations or organisations which are quite dominating. They want total control. So your natural tendency to be very fortunate with your finances, property, valuables, assets, business (Jupiter in Scorpio) is now triggered. The sextile is about flow so you will be empowered by what happens. You will be given the reins. I would expect an advantage to you, either because of the family (for example a living will or trust fund) or via a partner (a marriage and mortgage for example). Jupiter in Scorpio in the Eighth House tends to attract benevolence from relatives or partners as a rule. If your birth time is strictly accurate then your IC and MC are tied into the pattern, the Leo IC and Aquarius MC being part of a T-Square to Jupiter. The IC describes where you come from; your relatives, ancestors, home town and homeland. Aquarius is your highest achievement, so for you it is through friendship and group commitment. Again, we have Pluto aspecting that, so perhaps because of all that you own, earn or owe in the coming days, you will find yourself turning to where you come from – who you are, is where you come from, in terms of the family tree and your roots. You most certainly gain but the power of Pluto will really have an impact.

  29. Jessica,
    I think it is a time of trumpets blowing that the people of Earth have been moving through, the world over, as abuses of power come to light … I do not mean of the ones we see on the stage, but from the machinations of a deep state, nefarious shadows, the ones influencing the chess pieces, and taking out the chess pieces that try to advance greater truth and peace and illumination in this world … I think of the leaders of older days, in the 1960s, taken out, so eloquent, soulful, even with their own failings or areas for improvement …
    That judgement card, justice, you often mention it signals also help from the other side, beyond the veil, ancestors, the trumpeter card, it has seven little lines coming out of the trumpet, like the Book of Revelations, seven trumpets. It also has the flag of Saint George, Britain, maybe that’s a nod to the old Empire under the sun, the nefarious City of London banking that has run the world, in so many ways, for too long … the card also has two kind of groups rising up from the dead, from that sleep between lives, with a river between them, but all now on the same page, hearing the truth … aren’t we all finding ourselves mostly divided, on one side or another, no matter the core issue, it seems, two sides … maybe truth about uncomfortable events of the past or ongoing, connected to what these lives taken from us stood for, whistleblowing is coming out, of events like the assassinations or 9/11, of the presence of what people variously call military industrial complex, big pharma, legacy media, even influences like Mossad, revelations which might make of all that grief and horror, a blessing of unity and healing as the truth comes out of the shadows …
    Your chart of America, you have pointed in comments to foreign entities and infiltrations being washed out … President Kennedy knew who they were, and Dr. King too, and RFK and Malcolm X … Dag Hammarksjold too, and Patrice Lumumba, they knew, they stood for good in this world … maybe the next candidate is a bridging one, to a new system … the one given to oversee the healing that came from earlier ruptures …
    And so I wonder less about who will take the seat of the presidency, and more about the charts of the lives of those assassinated, or the dates of their assassinations, and how they may influence from the other side … I wonder about JFK, Malcolm X, Dr. King and RFK … and in Europe, Dag Hammarksjold, taken out … an influence from the heavens on a new UN … and all the African leaders taken out by forces of empire, like Patrice Lumumba … but especially those four from the 1960s … somehow, I sense they are deeply present, and guiding, heavenly trumpets of revelation … it feels all very feminine, and not the women in power now, mostly corrupted it seems, just as bad as many men … show me the woman or man who is abiding in a consciousness of peace, of quantum consciousness, not the war mongering … show me the woman leading in a new way, not the one trying to break the glass ceiling in the same old building … but there has to be a spirit of Lady Liberty and maybe Camelot and also a deep presence of the Peoples of the First Nations too … and Amazing Grace … May we all stay free, in this world, and bind up the wounds among us, as the Greeks wrote, and tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world.
    Well, I just wondered about the charts of these various assassinations … and others too … and how they might connect …
    with thanks,

  30. Dear Jessica, two things I wanted to ask – firstly, a personal question. I have been reading in earlier comments the importance of the 29 degree conjunction – I seem to have Mars in Libra and Chiron in Pisces at 29 degrees. Not to mention, a couple of 28 degree conjunctions (like my Moon in Sagitarius , Minerva in Sagitarius and Prosperina in Aries at 28 degrees). What does this signify?

    The second question is, what is happening in the UK royal family in terms of the astrology – both Princess Catherine and King Charles are in hospital for medical procedures. The former, seems to be particularly affected, with a reported stay in hospital post-operation for upto 14 days. Will everything be alright? Very sad news indeed.

    Thank you so much for your insights.

    1. Pluto is triggering Mars in Libra and Chiron in Pisces. Ignore the 28 degree aspects as there is a time lag between the former and latter. You are proactive with partnerships and also with disputes, and no matter if you are talking about your marriage, work partnership, de facto relationship or your ongoing differences with someone, you are active, energetic, direct, fairly impatient, and would rather push and rush than do nothing. This is about to become a major story as Pluto aspects Mars (Pluto trine Mars) and the best use of the transit is to reboot an existing partnership with new focus and fight the good fight together, or find a goal as a couple that requires tremendous energy. Try not to let Pluto’s arrival at 0 Aquarius bring about some kind of feud or clash as it will be more powerful than you are used to and will linger. In fact, Pluto in general will turn up as a situation, person or organisation which you find intense, relentless, dominating and quite challenging – for all that it can reward you by empowering you. Chiron in Pisces is about your dreams, hypnosis, religion, spirituality, mediumship, Tarot, therapy or self-help. It is invisible and internal. It is where you see what you can get away with. Now, Pluto comes along to form a semi-sextile and again, it will be a potent person, organisation or quite relentless, intense situation which triggers this tendency in you. Finally, the royal family – all is not what it seems. All is not what it appears to be. And Charles is not actually King. A crown went on his head but when he dies the world will discover the marriage to Camilla was never legal nor constitutional.

  31. Hello Jessica, sorry wrong thread but just news in that both Charles and Catherine are in hospital, latter for some serious surgery. Pluto very near Aquarius and these happened to the monarchy. Is this the beginning of the end of the royalty please? Thank you.

    1. The two reported hospitalisations are not the beginning of the end of monarchy, but Pluto in Aquarius certainly is. It takes 20 years and starts within days. It’s really important to remember that Mario Reading predicted a different monarch in his translation of Nostradamus. And he was right about our late Queen.

  32. I have been reading that something big is coming February time and will lead up to the elections. Because of this happing it will put a stop the elections in uk and America. As it will be the wrong time for them to be held.i have read some of your blog and you said a new Covid is coming. Do you think this will be the big thing and we go onto lock down again.

    1. The UK and US elections both stopped? That seems odd. Which astrologer or psychic are you reading? Covid-19 continues to produce variants which create Long Covid and death. Until there is a Clean Air act and/or the arrival of a superior pill (the Japanese are working on it) nothing will change. Individual regions and some cities will lock down again, yes. This will happen when hospital wards and car parks are crammed.

  33. Thank you for your reply.
    I was reading from a page called angel readings. They talk of something big happening soon and this would be the reason why they postpone the elections because it’s not the right time to have them as they deal with this big advent.
    Suspect its scaremongering but it has my anxiety’s throw the roof as you can imagine. I often come back to your page and read your blogs. You calm my anxiety to the point I can get on with my day.

    1. Angel readings? It sounds like rubbish I’m afraid. Anxiety is best managed with Dr. Claire Weekes and her methods, if you can find her books at the library or buy them online.

  34. Maybe an unrealistic desire but do we have a timeline on trumps downfall because right now he’s slam dunking the primaries with no other candidate looking like an option for the GOP nomination. It’s surreal and anxiety producing to see this happening again. Guesstimate on how/when this nightmare ends? What it looks like? Thanks Jessica.

    1. He has been in decline and fall since I accurately predicted the impeachment and the COVID-19 infection as well as the Biden triumph. That’s three date-stamped predictions. I am not giving the ultimate fall because it is against the ethical and moral code of astrology. But it will come.

  35. I did another reading this morning, asking not about specific people for president but rather the Election and 2024 itself. And 9 of Disks flipped itself out upright. Perhaps in congruency with her card, some financial deals with leaders will be made, my Thoth tarot shows 6 disks being figureheads (the planet deities technically). Im trying to think of 6 leaders either in the US or globally that would contribute to this. Maybe it even means donors as I know Biden has gained finances for the campaign.

  36. The one thing no one has mentioned is that currently Donald Trump is on trial in 2 civil cases. He is probably going to lose those cases and end up having to pay in excess of 400 million in damages, maybe more. If he loses it could wipe him out financially. Also there will be criminal trails where if convicted he could face incarceration. Lastly there are motions to bar him form the ballot due to the 14th Amendment article 3, which says that if you engaged in an insurrection or aided an insurrection you can be disqualified from running for office. Donald Trump is a real mess. Lately he has been off the rails, and making outrageous remarks and forgetting things and mixing up people ( he wanted to blame Nikky Haley for not ordering security for Jan 6 insurrection but it was Nancy Pelosi who was in charge of security. He mixed up World war 3 with world war 2 etc. So he is showing signs of cognative decline for sure.

    1. Yes, Decline and Fall is the Waugh book I keep quoting, but cognitive decline and also genuine falls (stumbling, not walking correctly) are there for all to see. I’m afraid Trump is the Pluto in Capricorn symbol for America and the world. And we know what happens on that cycle. My sixth sense tells me that the Democrats and sympathetic government agencies already have exactly what they need to end it for Donald. And they will do that when the time is right. It will of course include the matters you mention here.

  37. Hi Jessica,
    There have been some rumours that Joe Biden will decline to run for President (possibly in August) and that Michelle Obama will run in his place against Donald Trump. Do you think there is any truth in these rumours? And if she is a candidate can she beat Trump? What kind of President will she make?
    Kind regards

    1. Michelle Obama is an ambitious Sun Capricorn woman and she could in fact become a very successful President. It would begin in May 2024, if so, accelerate in June and be quite exhilarating and liberating for her. It would also chime with her husband’s chart, as his wife is destined to bring power again. And yet astrology is free will. Michelle Obama could take a role with the United Nations, for example. Donald Trump, as I have said many times, for many years, is in Decline and Fall.

  38. Hi Jessica
    I really hope Michelle Obama does run, I think she can beat Trump at the ballot and I would really like to see a female American President in my lifetime.
    Have a great week

  39. I hope you’re correct. this is becoming too close to call when it comes to his being elected. I mentioned to you via Twitter/X regarding the sidereal chart for the 2024 election, I don’t know if you saw it, please, definitely look into it.

    1. There’s a fantastic song by Quo, which I am sure you know the chorus to. ‘Down, down, deeper and down.’ Basically that’s your chum Donald.

  40. Not my chum. I’m just concerned about the possibility of Trump being reelected, just a suggestion to look at the sidereal chart.

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