Triple Checked Prediction

How to use Tarot, solar charts and natal charts to accurately predict the future with triple-checking. Presented by the San Francisco Astrological Society.

Triple-Checked Astrology and Tarot

This feature accompanies my Zoom session at the San Francisco Astrological Society on Thursday, August 22nd / Friday, August 23rd, 2024.

I’ll explain how to use your solar chart, natal chart and the Smith-Waite Tarot on my website to triple-check prediction (and get it right).

The Smith-Waite Tarot

Simple Tarot iStockKandybka 300x200 - Triple Checked PredictionI am very lucky to have been given the license to reproduce the Smith-Waite Tarot on my website by U.S. Games Systems. This means you can also draw cards, free, from the 100-million circulating deck here.

This is the Tarot created by Pamela Colman Smith with Arthur E. Waite. They were members of The Golden Dawn and trained astrologers, which is why the cards work so well with your solar (Sun Sign) and natal (birth) chart.

Always read the cards upright, as The Golden Dawn did.

If you don’t own your own deck, you can select the single card readings here.

The Three Systems

SunSignCharts 300x204 - Triple Checked PredictionSolar chart or Sun Sign astrology represents the most popular house system in the world since the Thirties. Made famous by everyone from Linda Goodman to Susan Miller, it places your Sun Sign on the cusp of the First House, uses whole sign houses (30 degrees each) and counts the signs counter-clockwise, in order around the horoscope.

My friend and colleague Stephanie Johnson at AstroGold and SolarFire produced these 12 PDF charts, one for every sign of the zodiac, so you can print them out and use for yourself (based on your Sun Sign) but also friends, family and partners.

The solar chart or Sun Sign chart house system always leads. It is the world’s most popular astrology forecasting method. Normally these charts are only available to Sun Sign School subscribers. If you want to learn astrology and Tarot in depth, consider subscribing for 12 months.

Download Sun Sign Charts Wheels here.

Back Door, Front Door – Slam, Slam in 2024-2025

ShutterstockHoroscope 300x162 - Triple Checked Prediction

An easy way to consider the twelve houses in your solar chart is front door and back door. Planets or nodes enter in the front door and slam the back door as they leave. Take Pluto. Depending on your time zone he leaves Aquarius on September 1st, 2024, then re-enters on November 19th, 2024 – months later.

On January 29th, 2025, the North Node leaves Aries and enters Pisces. The South Node leaves Libra and enters Virgo.

On March 30th, 2025 ,Neptune leaves Pisces and enters Aries.

On May 25th, 2025, Saturn leaves Pisces and enters Aries. Slam, slam.

On June 9th , 2025, Jupiter leaves Gemini and enters Cancer.

On July 7th, 2025, Uranus leaves Taurus and goes into Gemini.

On September 1st, 2025, Saturn leaves Aries and returns to Pisces.

On October 22nd, 2025,  Neptune leaves Aries and returns to Pisces.

Uranus leaves Gemini on November 8th, 2025, and goes back to Taurus.

Retrograde Cycles

12housesoftheHoroscope 229x300 - Triple Checked PredictionThis is rather like having house guests leave and re-enter later.

Retrogrades or apparent backwards cycles of the slow-moving outer planets are where all this door slamming comes from.

The meaning of the twelve houses is something you will now have under your belt, if you are regularly on this site.

If not, this flipbook, The Twelve Houses of the Horoscope, explains all.

It’s one of several flipbooks that come with Premium Membership, or to subscribers at the school. Be my guest.

Ask the Tarot

Tarot Getting To Victory Shutterstock 300x225 - Triple Checked PredictionWith a single-card reading, ask the Tarot ‘What is the most important effect of this transit in my solar chart?’ The card will line up with the meaning of the transit.

You can interpret the card visually, intuitively, without reading its meaning. Often, the cards will show you the sign itself (like Aquarius with The Star, or Leo with Strength). Just as often, the card will talk to you on a psychic level.

So, for example, if you are a Sun Leo and you have Pluto in Aquarius transiting your Seventh House of sexual partnership and potential marriage, you know that this cycle is about powerful new men; empowering new duets, with powerful new men. You draw the King of Swords; so that’s him. Use a journal to record notes over time.

Your Natal Chart

Your natal chart is the hardest of all to read. Solar charts are simple and the Tarot is fast and easy. Yet if you want triple-checked prediction with specific dates, you will use your birth chart.

Your solar chart already told you which house to watch. Which house or life department will Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto transit in 2024, 2025?

Look at the same house in your natal chart. The Natural House System works perfectly with solar charts; they complement each other.

What is being transited in the same house? What do you have in that house that will be hit by transits? In addition, even if you have nothing in a house (an empty house) what transits passing through, will aspect the rest of your chart?

Kamala Harris Triple Checked

Kamala HarrisCarolRobertDreamstime 300x200 - Triple Checked PredictionTo predict the future start with a key date, if you know it. So, Inauguration 2025. Go to Kamala’s solar chart transits. She’s a Sun Libra. Which houses are occupied by slow-moving, important historic transits? What fits?

She has Neptune and Saturn in Pisces in her solar Sixth House of work, service and duty. Also health which is a private matter for her. Candidates don’t discuss their wellbeing.

This is about a potential new role for her, so the Sixth House fits. What about her home? If she proceeds to presidency then she’ll move into the White House. That’s a Fourth House matter.

She has Pluto in Capricorn in her solar Fourth House, until November, when there is a dramatic sign-off. The Fourth House also rules America, for her. Her country. Finally it rules her culture, family tree, ancestors and clan. She’s potentially the first non-White woman in the White House.

Purely, as a Libran, you can see all this. Now, over to you, to draw a Tarot card. What’s the shape of things to come on Inauguration Day in January 2025?

For meticulous, date-stamped timing, you will sit down with the time, date and place of this event and now line it up with the natal chart. That’s what we’ll do in this Zoom. I predicted the future for Kamala four years ago here, using just two of these methods. I’ll leave it to you to use the Tarot on my website to proceed to the third.


Images: Shutterstock/Rawpixel/iStock/Dreamstime.

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31 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,

    I’ve been following your work for years and could really use your insight right now. You’re always so accurate.

    I’ve noticed a pattern in my career over the past 15 years where I keep running into power struggles at work. It’s like I’m always butting heads with people over ethics and doing things the right way, and it’s starting to feel like history is repeating itself.

    I started working in a communications department at a nonprofit in January 2023, and while it’s been a big opportunity, the familiar struggles have come back. Things got really intense in July 2023, December 2023, and by February 2024, I was basically doing my old boss’s job and mine. They made it official in July with a new title and pay bump, but now I’m caught up in a formal investigation at work, and it’s got me really worried. With my organization gearing up for a major campaign, the timing couldn’t be worse. The problem is that this is an organizational failure and I am likely to take the fall. I have called out concerns over exactly what happened for a year. And it happened, and now it’s like everyone blames me for not protecting the organization but I was silenced because of power dynamics….

    I’m trying to figure out if the stars are telling me something with these repeated challenges. Is there a way to break out of this cycle, or am I headed for another big transition? Terrified I am going to be unemployed. The job market is terrible and it’s unlikely this opportunity will present itself to me again. Any insight you have would be so helpful. Fairly confident Pluto, Saturn and Minerva are at play here…

    1. Thank you very much. It sounds as if you have been ‘Plutoed’ since 2008 when Pluto moved into Capricorn and your Tenth House of career. You have a formal investigation at work after many years of power struggles. The issue is not you, it is the organisation, but you are concerned about being a scapegoat. You are equally concerned about job loss. So we begin with your solar chart which is always Queen. You are an Aries and have indeed had Pluto going through your Tenth House of career, in the sign of Capricorn, since 2008. This situation begins in September and ends in November. It has a very short shelf life. It will require you to draw on tremendous self-control and willpower while it lasts. This makes you stronger. You are already strong anyway, having survived so much since 2008, but this last stage of Pluto will permanently transform you so that you are forever resilient and self-reliant and can trust yourself to step up to any challenge in future, although none will ever come close to this. In fact, it’s the end of an era for control issues in your career. There is a final deal or bargain period in early December then from the 7th this is done and dusted. In your natal chart, you have Minerva at 28 Capricorn in your Tenth House. So you are a source of wisdom about your career and also in it, too. This is lifelong and as a schoolgirl you were also the wise old owl. (Owls travel with Minerva). What is happening is transiting Pluto at 29 Capricorn, close to an exact conjunction with natal Minerva at 28 Capricorn. This can only happen every 248 years. You are also moving towards transiting Uranus at 28 Taurus, so Uranus trine Minerva. You will be liberated, set free, given room to move and it will happen very suddenly. It doesn’t really matter if this is within the current organisation or an alternative. (And yes, if not the former, it will be the latter; you will not be without a professional or business life). So this is a sign-off and a sign-on. You sign off from people or organisations which have been trying to undermine you. This is because they are jealous of you. Less emotionally you have threatened them and made them feel insecure. Instead of trying to do better and step up to your high standards they have instead been trying to play games. Pretty boring stuff but utterly predictable on a Pluto transit like this. There is a flashback September-November then it’s gone for another 248 years. The ‘deal’ part of this is Ceres, also in Capricorn, signing off on December 7th. A compromise is coming.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    I’ve tried to figure this out….little stuck. I know Pluto is transiting my 5th house and in my natal chart I have ceres, MC and Diana in Leo in the 5th. I pulled the death card when I asked what the single most important for my solar chart was. Changes with my children? I know there’s no possibly of anything negative with my husband or our partnership. My family as a whole are very happy so I’m unsure what this could possibly mean?

    Thank you eternally for all your help!

    Best wishes

    1. Death is the end of an era with your family, or another family. It is the beginning of the end of the old order, between older and younger generations, and the start of something new up ahead. You are a Sun Libra with a Scorpio stellium in the Eighth House of legacies – spiritual, emotional, psychological legacies passed from old to young. In your solar chart you have Uranus in Taurus transiting your Eighth House until 2025. In your natal chart you have aspects triggering the Scorpio stellium in your Eighth House. So that’s what this is, Emma.

  3. My chart Hygeia 23 Cap, Vesta 27 Cap, Bacchus 17 cap, Diana 00 cap, N node 22 Virgo currently transiting Chiron & asc 23 Aries, desc 23 libra, mercury 23 Leo, vulcano 27 cancer, uranus 27 taurus, jupiter 17 Gemini, saturn 17 Pisces, 18 minerva cancer(natal 16 cancer), sun 00 Virgo, Pluto 00 Aquarius, venus 22 Virgo, moon 22 Aries, mars 22 gemini. Absolutely my plate and mind is full lol. legal/ court coming Sept 21 w/ family member, same job for 12 yrs want a change but don’t know what would make me happy to try next, no love life but crave one that’s mutual love, commitment, and attraction. Oh yeh, single mom trying help son get to his next chapter now that high school is over. A lil hard trying to teach a young man to become a man past 18 yrs when I’m not one. Could you help me simplify all the busy in chart? It’s obvious I got the health in Virgo that is priority, I have great work out classes for stress relief and great gf’s that support in helping me when I need to talk/vent.

    1. I have replied to you elsewhere and focussed on one question – your love life.

  4. Forgot, I pulled card for outcome or how to work through aspects for today and it was 9 of swords. I also pulled card asked what’s the shape of things to come jan 2025 and pulled queen of cups.

    1. You are a single mother who wants to move in with a man, get married or have a two-home commitment. The Queen of Cups shows you needing to get a new relationship on solid ground in 2025; or a reborn attraction founded more in the real world. Does this show in your chart? Yes. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman who has transiting Jupiter and Uranus in her Seventh House of sexual and romantic partners in 2025. You also have a number of factors in Libra in your Seventh House, natally. Both of these are triggered. There are major questions here to ask yourself about independence, freedom and autonomy. Are you choosing a puzzling new relationship in 2025 because you don’t actually want a commitment? Sometimes a confusing relationship with a man is a good way of never acting. Never having sex. Never moving in together. Try to see where you are responsible for things in 2025. Yet, if you were to move yourself and the new (or revived) bond onto solid ground, you would find it works for you, in the right circumstances and place. This will require you to be focussed, practical, realistic, grounded and above all, utterly sensible about what needs to change. And that begins with yourself, actually.

  5. Hello Jessica, Thank you for the blog very interesting as always . I must say the Tarot cards are spookingly spot on . I asked for what’s the timeline for next job and it came with Born Again Salacia and 8th house and Judgement card . I am actually going thru a very intense deep awakening and lots of new perspective to things so lots of shift .
    Can you please advise me what’s in store for me until November 15th . Hopefully the mercury retrograde easing out soon it will be a little less on mentally emotionally next few months . Please advise me . Your insight is much appreciated . Sending lots of love RA Xx

    1. Thank you. Your natal chart will echo the cards you drew, as The Astrology Oracle, The Garden Oracle and the Smith-Waite Tarot have been interpreted to line up with modern astrology. Born Again, Salacia in the Eighth House and Judgement talk about the same thing; your life here helps your family and friends in spirit to evolve to the next level in the afterlife. The Eighth House rules their legacy to you, so you may have been left a house, apartment, sum of money, jewellery, antiques, heirlooms and so on. However you also owe them on a soul level and so what happens here, affects them there. You were asking about a new job. The new job will make a different to (say) a grandparent in spirit. You have a natal stellium in the Eighth House which is triggered, next. So everything agrees. It’s a key position from the spirit world’s point of view.

  6. Thank you Jessica !!
    Would love your wisdom.
    I get confused on what my houses are and how to calculate transits – a total spaz over here. Want to know when new project starts, home life and love situation improves and situation with my gen z kid will get better . Just everything 🙂

    My chart:
    sun – 01° aquarius –
    Moon – 16° capricorn –
    mercury -10° Aquarius
    venus -04° aquarius – Aquarius 36′ 30″ R
    mars -11° taurus – 18′ 29″
    jupiter – 19° aquarius
    saturn – 28° gemini –
    uranus – 27° libra –
    neptune – 08° sagittarius –
    pluto – 06° libra
    chiron – 16° aries –
    juno – 24° capricorn –
    vesta -14° libra –
    ceres -27° capricorn –
    ASC 16° virgo –
    DES -16° pisces –
    diana – 06° sagittarius –
    fortuna – 05° capricorn –
    northnode – 28° Sagittarius 23′ 22″ R
    southnode – 28° Gemini 23′ 22″ R

    Stelliums in Sag, Aqua, Libra, Capricorn & Gemini

    1. Thank you. Basically, the internet is the most important thing here, as you pick up all the experience you gained over the last few years and run with it in 2025 for many years into the future. In fact, some part of the online mixed media world, or the legacy media, will become an escape path for you. It will become your holiday from reality. You were born to do this, as in your last incarnation you were heavily involved with newspapers (say) or even the early days of the printing press in 17th century Europe. The Third House in both your natal and solar chart is triggered now past 2030. The bedroom, courtship, the children (and perhaps other people’s offspring) show up too as a growing concern and going concern in 2024, 2025 with a radical change out of the blue from mid 2025 which liberates you. One of your Zoomers is at the heart of a new state of independence for you/all of you, actually. You sometimes see this when a woman starts dating a new boyfriend or girlfriend and her son or daughter starts to move away, psychologically, becoming far more their own person. The Tarot will show you closer to the time, though, as your situation, is very much your situation.

  7. Hi Jessica,
    I’m fascinated by Uranus moving into Gemini, my natal seventh house next July. The cards I drew for this are Page of wands, stranger in a strange land and Proserpina (+ 1st house). This must be involved in my marriage which is not working anymore, am I right? I live in two cities now due to my work/family. Will Uranus bring a solution to my pressuring life situation?

    1. Uranus will move into your natal Third House, not your Seventh House (using the Natural House System). What will happen with your marriage is shown by Pluto at 20 Libra and Mercury at 20 Scorpio. That’s exact in your Seventh House and your Eighth House. Any time you get transits at 20 degrees by the slow-moving outer planets or nodes, you get triggered with marriage, but also mortgage + marriage, or joint bank account + marriage. So that’s Chiron at 20 Aries, which was there in April and May 2024 and goes back there in October, November 2024 before going back to 20 Aries in February, March, 2025. Jupiter goes to 20 Gemini in April 2025. He even goes to 20 Cancer later that year. You haven’t mentioned any children, godchildren, nieces or nephews. This really matters as the Page of Wands shows up. The boy or girl with a course to finish or a plan to chase. The ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’ is you, correct, and Proserpina in the First House is also you, going between two cities. Something has to give about the money, house and/or apartment this year/next year.

  8. Hi Jessica, I have been following you and your predictions / teaching for some time. Your predictions about Komala Harris have given me lots of hope for the future. With Pluto transitioning out of Capricorn and into Aquarius has made the last two years quite challenging professionally for me. As my internal world, beliefs have shifted in alignment with this transit, physically I am still part of the top down leadership structures and felt stuck for at least two years, really wanting to transition out to self employment but not being able to do it. Is there any relieve in sight? Thank you

    1. Thank you. Top-down structures are on the way out in November (when Pluto goes from Capricorn) and December (when Ceres goes from Capricorn). Well, they go on, but there is no more takeover. No more absolute dominance. This is macro and micro, so it’s about the top-down structure of the Kremlin, but in your own life, it’s about your work. Always lead with your solar chart. You are a Sagittarian woman with Uranus (sudden freedom) in Taurus and the Sixth House (work). You will have a bolt from the blue by 2025, when the transit ends, which liberates you. You could easily become self-employed as ‘freelance’ is a Uranus word. You have Panacea at 1 Virgo in your natal Sixth House (same life area) and in the same time-frame, Pluto goes to 1 Aquarius, so you have Pluto quincunx Panacea for the first time in 248 years. Powerful transformation is coming and will empower you, to remember what you are here to do professionally. So that’s fix, cure, remedy, heal, rescue. This does not sound like being stuck for another year. No, not at all. People and organisations with real clout, dominance and influence will come to bear. As Panacea in the Sixth House, natally, and transiting Uranus in the Sixth House, in your solar chart are also associated with wellbeing, this is also a key health cycle when your physical and mental health is in the picture and you are being shown what it feels like to be liberated by something/someone or liberated from it/them.

  9. Thank you Jessica ! Wow did you ever nail it. My zoomer son leaves for college mid 2025 and is becoming an adult . I work in media as an investigative filmmaker and “break news” with my films – you have written about some of the people in my films on your site in fact 🙂 You are so talented and have such a gift !

  10. Hi Jessica,

    I asked two times tarot what difference countries would bring me, whether move or stay. Both times I got Knight of cups.
    I feel if I want to emigrate now is time.

    What you think, Jaana

    1. This is a man coming to you. A younger man, visiting. He is straight, true, upright and carries a solid gold bond in his heart, to quote Paul Weller. For this card to turn up twice you are being told, unequivocally, that move or stay, this male in your world will make the journey to see you. The traveller, travels.

  11. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for all you do.
    Last fall I was bullied and cyber bullied by someone I worked with. I mentioned it. It was a brit, and you correctly saw they were a duo, and that the bully would lose their job. They did, at least one of their jobs. I was able to make them stop bullying at the time. I belong to an online platform where professionals in my field have their credits listed. This year, someone’s been removing some of my credits. It’s taken a lot of my time to keep getting them reinstated, and some I may not be able to as the platform doesn’t make it easy. (They won’t reveal who is behind these removals. They should’t accept them without proof, but do). To get help dealing with this issue and who is behind it, I drew The World. It makes me think it might be that same person still cyber bullying me. Then I asked what to do about it and drew The High Priestess. I asked how this will be resolved, and drew the Knight of Pentacles. It’s been frustrating dealing with the platform. Could you shed some light? I’d be so grateful.

    1. Thank you for confirming the prediction I made that your workplace bully might lose their job. Now, you are being undermined online. Somebody is removing your credits, which is appalling. The Tarot told you The World was your clue to their identity. (The website does not help you). The culprit is the woman in the card, who you may recognise. She is pulled towards the UK, Europe, Australasia and America and cannot decide which she wants. What to do about it? Ask the clever woman who is an academic or professional, as shown by The High Priestess. How will it be resolved? Financial negotiation. You are still unable to restore all the credits taken down, which is quite wrong. Nose around the issue; you will not be the only one; see if you can find your High Priestess.

  12. Hello Jessica , Thank you for your insight and feedback . Honestly it shifted something within me knowing living life with integrity and authenticity to my soul effects so beautifully for my ancestors .I am not aware of anything that has been left for me though by anyone . I am quite curious on the natal chart in the 8th house and the new job that will effect my grandparent . That’s very interesting indeed . I am not sure how I can get that done . Strangely the evening I read your message I got a random call for a job and which might need a travel beginning of Sep something I never ever thought will come by . in fact it’s in a location where there is a known diaspora of ppl of my culture and Mother tongue is widely spoken outside of India. its an interim role though . I am so gobsmacked . I hope I can and will do my best for my soul purpose . Thank you for everything . If there is any insight you see of any travel out of UK and will be good for me will really appreciate your insight . Sending you much love thanks in advance RA Xx

    1. Thank you for confirming the psychic astrology prediction. You now have a job possibility and it would in fact involve your mother tongue. If you go back to the Tarot card you drew, you can answer your own question, here. Sit with Judgement for a while.

  13. You are the best! Thanks for your generosity. I joined the zoom call for this and found it super helpful and enjoyed how you talked directly to so many of us. That’s it…just thanks, Jessica!

    1. Ah, thanks so much for coming along. And for the compliment, you are very kind.

  14. hi Jessica, how do you interpret dreams? I had the weirdest dream the other night about sandstone carvings full of symbolism in squares that turned to sand and the next one appears.Most of them looked Pictish or neolithic, with spirals, cirlces,celtic symbols.eagles, dragons and many others symbols I did not understand.Then, I was standing on the sea edge which looked like the South coast, surrounded by people stood with thier hands up.There was a lady with long silver hair, in white, who seemed to have the gift of wind as she controlled it. The wind was gushing outwards towards the sea.It was almost like a huge cleansing of the land.I wonder if anyone else has dreams like this recently.

    1. My friend Jane Teresa Anderson in Hobart is the global dreams expert, having written many books on the subject. However, astrology can usually decode dreams; Jung was a keen amateur astrologer as well as the modern expert on the subconscious mind. This sounds like Cancer/Fourth House as you are accessing ancestral knowledge. The South Coast of Britain and the Celts may in fact appear in your family tree. You have Proserpina at 28 Cancer in the Fourth House and Pluto is going back to 29 Capricorn, in opposition. This can only happen every 248 years. You are being taken back to 60AD when Boudicca led the native British resistance against Roman invasion. That same cycle is back; it is the transition from Pluto at the end of Capricorn, into Aquarius, which rules people power led by women. Something about the current situation in England has triggered you. People standing with their hands up is surrender; this may have been the Romans as the tribes in some places vanquished them, as you know.

  15. thank you Jessica, I think you have nailed it.The people were her people and had thier hands held outlet in surrender but in using the wind to strengthen its strength out to the sea.I hope your right as in my world people are not happy about what is happening in the country and are very aware what’s really happening-thank you so much

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