How the 2025-2028 Economy Hits the Next Election
On Tuesday 4th February 2025, as I publish this prediction about the next US election on November 7th 2028, the news is full of Donald and his threats on tariffs.
The prediction I originally made about who would be in the White House in 2025 has come true. A ‘money man’ has indeed got power. And behind him is another money man – Elon Musk.
Elon Musk in the White House
On January 4th 2024, there was no indication that Elon would take over like this. But the American astrology chart and the Tarot spoke plainly. It was never going to be Kamala. And he would be all about the coins. Welcome to the cryptocurrency presidency.
Date-Stamped True Predictions
Another psychic astrology prediction came true as the cycle I am watching for all this – Uranus in Taurus – hit. I use Twitter to publish these predictions and in fact the astrology forecast showed up within 48 hours, below.
Astrology is symbolic. That’s Taurus the bull, skidding on his hooves as Donald was also skidding around tariff decisions with Canada and Mexico, the European Union and the United Kingdom.
Does Your Birth Chart Shows the US Economy Shockwaves?
Economic shockwaves will exist in America for as long as Uranus (upheaval) lasts in Taurus the bull (the bull market and gold bullion). So that’s until 7th July 2025.
There is then a long break from a volatile year for Wall Street, world sharemarkets and cryptocurrency as Uranus goes into Gemini.
The Wall Street Astrology Chart
I use an astrology chart set for the grand opening of The New York Stock Exchange, which is timed and dated on invitations. It works well and I have used it to make date-stamped predictions before.
Psyche at 13 Scorpio in the Eighth House in opposition to Mercury at 12 Taurus in the Second House is the hotspot. When Pluto goes to 12, 13 Aquarius in the 2032 US election, we will see an historic crisis for Wall Street that transforms its operation and location. Donald may be a long-gone memory by then. But what’s going on in 2025, as you read this?
Why the World Economy is Unpredictable to April 26th 2026
The turmoil returns on 9th November 2025 when Uranus comes back into Taurus. It remains until April 26th, 2026 when at last a predictable US economy returns.
America affects everything and everybody, of course. If you have Taurus and/or Scorpio factors in your natal chart, the sudden and wildly unpredictable highs and lows of the US economy will have an impact on you.
It’s an extremely good idea to stay as flexible as possible so you can zig-zag, when the dollar or Bitcoin zig-zags.
Funny Money
The ‘funny money’ substitutes for real dollars, pounds and euros are a classic Uranus in Taurus outcome. So is the N.F.T. marketplace. This is part of the Uranus in Taurus cycle. I’m sometimes asked about the wisdom of investing in the new, invented currencies. Uranus (which has ruled new inventions since 1781) also rules shock. Put a price on your peace of mind if you are investing in funny money. The results by the time Uranus is out of Taurus may not be funny if you’re unlucky.
Election 2028 and Tight, Tight Belts
The government which leads to tight, tight belts is usually the government which falls. That’s going to be the Republicans in 2028 unless they find a way to beat Saturn in Taurus.
When we get Saturn in Taurus we get recession. So that’s 1939 to 1942 – the war years. 1969 to 1972 – an American recession. And 1998 to 2000 which picked up the Asian Financial Crisis.
Of course, it’s worldwide when Saturn goes through Taurus. People spend less. There are flat exports. Prices go up. People vote with their credit cards when that happens so without an economic miracle, the Republicans will be replaced by the Democrats in 2028.
Astrology can be pretty basic. Saturn is the ringed planet. It looks like a stomach with several belts strapped around it (above). Belt-tightening is a key phrase for this horoscope symbol. In Taurus, ruling bull markets and gold bullion, it suggests tough times for tough people.
Dates to Watch in 2025 and 2026
From cutting US foreign aid to poor countries – to seeing a rise in the price of eggs thanks to bird flu – the Uranus in Taurus cycle is about dollars but also food.
When major outer planet transits pick up Uranus in Taurus we see substantial events.
From Monday 10th November until Sunday 30th December 2025 Uranus at 29 Taurus will be sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces. Saturday 22nd December, just before Christmas, finds the Sun at 29 Sagittarius, which may time an electrical storm on the markets with a Wall Street bull on edge.
We then go to Wednesday January 14th 2026 until Sunday 25th January, with Uranus at 27 Taurus and Saturn at 27 Pisces. Mars is at 27 Capricorn on Tuesday 20th January which may time another electrical storm on the markets.

Saturn in Taurus. Get Real.
From April 12th 2028, US election year, until May 31st 2030, Saturn is in Taurus and we will all have to get real about the economy. The Climate Emergency which only half of us ever vote against, will be very real too. Taurus rules farmland and food. Property and real-estate. This is not the only Taurus transit.
Chiron in Taurus. Getting Educated.
From June 19th 2026 until May 5th 2034, Chiron is also in Taurus. Chiron is a teacher. He educates us in all kinds of things. Right through the 2028 election he will give us huge lessons about Wall Street, right through to groceries.
Most of all – about values. What we will not sell out for. I doubt you will recognise the global economy after this dual cycle. What do you think?
If you are a Premium Member and are psychic, as so many of my readers are, you may want to click on the Divination tab at the top of the website and try four cards.
The Modern I Ching, The Astrology Oracle, The Garden Oracle and the Smith Waite Tarot are there for you to use in a unique four-way psychic reading.
The Four-Way Card Prediction
My question, on Tuesday 4th February 2025 was ‘Who and/or what wins the 2028 US election?’
The Astrology Oracle offered Juno and the Eleventh House. The Garden Oracle gave ‘Healing.’ The Modern I Ching supplied ‘Waiting.’ The Smith Waite Tarot agreed with the The Modern I Ching and mirrored this with The Hanged Man.
Juno and the Eleventh House is a commitment to the group. The diverse group made up of men and women, black and white, old and young. Juno shows who or what you wed yourself to. In this case it is the community which pools resources.
Healing and Waiting in the US 2028 Election
In addition to this, Healing suggests quite literally a health insurance and big pharmaceutical company advance – or more symbolically, healing for an individual condition, or healing of a wounded nation. Waiting is just that. Waiting, wins. And The Hanged Man is similar. The dangling man, left in suspended animation, waiting until the time is right to spring into action and make a decision.
The American astrology chart backs this.
She was ‘born’ with a huge Aquarius stellium in the Eleventh House (the diverse community made up of all races, both sexes, all ages, all sexual preferences, all abilities). In 2028, Pluto empowers that. I will be curious to see if Juno shows a female leader or The Hanged Man shows a male leader.
Images: Rawpixel/Shutterstock/iStock/Wikimedia Commons/AstroGold
60 Responses
Hi Jessica,
As for the future, I’m seeing more education in things like homesteading and just general edible gardening. Rooftop balconies full of food. locally collected eggs, local harvested raw honey and edible kitchen windowsill plants 🙂
I wish there would be less focus on plain grassy reserves and more council dollars and community push for edible community gardens with entry for a nominal fee everyone could afford (50c/$1 for example) and pick your own produce. *sigh* I might have a black thumb, but this is what the Taurus in me wishes for everyone to have access too. Have you seen the Netflix movie “Tomorrow”? It’s a few years old now, but perhaps more relevant than ever…
Also, may I ask a question, too? I can’t find employment. I’m so down in the dumps. I’m enrolling to study natural health instead because, well, I have to do something and want to educate myself. Sometimes wondering if the study might just be a waste of time from a financial perspective. Do you see any meaningful employment on the horizon for me? Can’t believe just how tough it is.
Uranus in Taurus moves at lightning speed so the revolution in allotments, market gardens and open air food markets will happen like lightning too. It began in 2018 and has until 2026 to run, in the usual fits and starts you see on this cycle. Fake meat in mainstream supermarkets is a good example too. You’re out of work and you are studying natural health so you can get a job. Does your chart agree? Something that will save you a lot of time and energy in future is developing a steady and reliable relationship with The Smith Waite Tarot, The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and The Modern I Ching. There are now four decks of digital cards to consult on my website. I’m going to repeat what I’ve said before. You have Aries and Gemini stelliums and many years of First House and Third House transits. Your future is your face and name, your shape, style and reputation – your brand – combined with Artificial Intelligence and the cutting edge of the internet and media. This is year one. This will take you into 2026, 2027, 2028 and beyond. You’re the product in many ways. Perhaps this fits your natural health course, perhaps it doesn’t, but your cards will help you once you begin to trust your E.S.P.
Hello. Cryptocurrencies are so devastating for the environment. So much for power to the people. It’s all about the Benjamins. Maybe when Pisces enters Pluto we will have people wake up?
Pluto in Pisces, I think you mean. And it’s pretty hard to beat an adult film star ensuring a president is inaugurated as a convicted felon on his big day – while his wife has no intention of living with him any more. Quite a strong start for 20 years of the new people power.
Dear Jessica, thank you for this update. Also, I know you have covered this elsewhere, but—could you elaborate on how much longer we have to wait until Trump and Elon are no longer wreaking their havoc, and what, if anything, will be left when they’re done?
Watching the shenanigans of just the last few days—with the ridiculous tariffs targeting our friends and allies for no reason, as well as Elon’s attempted takeover of the Treasury that is untethered from even a hint of legality or ethical constraint, has been horrifying in the extreme for many of us.
I’ll admit I’m frustrated: what’s the good of Pluto leaving Capricorn if it happens so slowly that Plutonian monsters are able to destroy absolutely every good thing on the way out? That’s how it feels right now: Trump, enabled by the supine Republicans, is simply wrecking everything worth saving in America—including aid to the impoverished, a leg up for the less fortunate, and what shreds remained of our global reputation—out of a combination of malice, vengeance, greed, sheer stupidity, and whatever other mental, psychological and spiritual disorders infest him. Meanwhile, Elon, especially with his attempted murder of USAID (the international aid agency), is trying to take control of the government while simultaneously trying to curry favor with the Chinese (who are hostile to our aid efforts, and upon whose markets SpaceX and Tesla increasingly rely).
It is impossible to express the full extent of the horror, fear and rage of many ordinary Americans right now as we watch the vandalism of our country and its institutions. It’s everything—the attempted destruction of the public health system and environmental regulations, the cruelty toward immigrants and basically anyone who isn’t the most debased sort of arrogant, entitled white man, the naked kleptocracy; and everything we see is just the tip of the iceberg.
I am hoping and expecting that at the very least, there is a retrenchment in the 2026 midterms in which the Democrats finally get it together and win resoundingly, which will enable them to limit and even reverse some of the worst policies. The question is, will there be anything left to save by then? Will what’s salvageable only exist in the blue states (I am thankful to live in one)? And what, if anything, do you see in my own chart (I have several Taurus and Scorpio factors) with regard to this period? Thank you so much.
Actually, little by little, Pluto in Aquarius is turning up the power with the vast majority who never voted for Donald at all – and as usual on this cycle, the women lead. The first turn of the dial was confirmation that Donald is the first convicted felon to ever become president, thanks to the adult film star Stormy Daniels. That happened on 10th January. Three days later Melania confirmed she would not be living with her husband any more – her time would be split her time between Washington, D.C., New York and Florida. Another woman, U.S. District Judge Loren AlikHan just stopped Trump from his freeze on federal assistance. So, another defeat. These are the first in a chain that runs for some 20 years. Your own chart shows enough of a Taurus-Scorpio pattern to make you as vulnerable as others to the wild swings in the sharemarket which we have seen since 2018 and do not stop until 2026. However you stand to gain from real-estate when Jupiter (growth, expansion, uplift) goes through Cancer and your Fourth House stellium of houses, apartments and land. That starts in June 2025 and you have until June 2026 to take the opportunities. That is the same period in which the Democrats will come pushing back along with Republicans who are against Donald and particularly the Kremlin. So that should make you feel more comfortable, too.
Thanks for posting this makes
me feel a bit more optimistic about climate change. Trump
pulling out of the Paris accord sets us back and his love for fossil fuel !! Living here in California we are seeing climate change first hand !
Donald loves a bit of fossil fuel but Elon wants us all plugged into electricity. The astrology says, Elon wins – long-term. California may well separate herself from the other states after 2026 too. That’s quite a long, independent cycle.
Hi Jessica. What a time! I’m from Canada and as I watch what’s transpiring in the US and wonder what Trumps game around tariffs seem to be about, although I’m actually more interested in Elon Musk and what this person thinks he is accomplishing as an unelected individual. Criminality comes to mind immediately and wondering if this may be connected to the Kremlin.
The Kremlin has always loved the internet because it’s free (or cheap) and historically Russians do adore propaganda. You would have to assume they made Mark and Elon targets as rapidly as possible, for this reason. The key to Elon is his mother. He is also a Sun Cancer man. The second key to him is South Africa. Could the richest man in the world lose his money? Yep.
Dear Jessica,
I’m in deep pain watching the fire in Southern California – 15,000 structures burned to the ground. Do you see California ever recover ? Thank you. I send the very best. Robin
It is very sad. The Californian astrology chart shows the real transformation is January, February 2026, however. Not just the landscape and the buildings, but also the political structure. Pluto is about to trigger California. Total transformation.
Elon wants to be unleashed to do whatever he wants. He doesn’t want electricity. He wants nuclear power, along with all the tech bros. They’re all on the same messaging platform that nuclear is safe. That’s because he knows there’s not enough power in the electrical grid. He has also called for more oil production. Don’t be fooled.
He claims to want to hold others accountable but he has no accountability to anyone. Even if he’s pushed back, he now has access to all the government’s data on everyone. That is terrifying. He uses his power to upend democracies and form a new world order, which he can handily do with mass AI data to manipulate public information. Forget Putin. This is much scarier. I work in tech and believe me, his intentions are not good. He will have access to all military and weapon data. And he and sam Altman are buying up nuclear power. What could go wrong?
I’m more scared of him than trump or Putin or any of his other puppets. Trust me, Elon and the tech oligarchs are not scared of Putin. Everyone’s scared of them.
You mentioned a long recession. I suspect that may be because these tech overlords are successful in eliminating mass amounts of jobs and replacing with bad or mediocre AI?
I mean yay for stormy, but that is nothing compared to Elon and what we’re facing here. Trump being a felon clearly doesn’t matter. I don’t see how little wins like stormy and Melania moving out as even a small dent in the mountain of power Elon just grabbed.
These are very dark days. And did you say Elon wins? That is terrifying!
To begin at the end of your comment, Elon Musk wins on electric vehicles and public transport long-term, yes. Uranus in Gemini will do that for him. I could not find any evidence supporting your claim that Elon Musk is buying up nuclear power, unfortunately. And just to repeat – Pluto in Aquarius is a 20 year cycle. It started in November 2024. So we are three months in. And Musk has just lost $11.3 billion according to Newsweek.
What’s funny to me is that The Simpsons had an episode where Lisa became the first female president of the U.S. after inheriting an economic crisis from the previous administration and she even mentions Trump. You’re right that Kamala wouldn’t be in the White House in 2025, but it did give her momentum for a potential 2028 run (if she decides to go for it). Many have said that 2029 would be a great year for her. If not her, then it’ll likely be another woman. Now I’m hearing that Newsom’s astrology on election night points to a big win. Time will tell, as the next election is still a long time down the road.
The Simpsons’ writers are a good example of E.S.P. flowing where the words are going. They have an astonishing track record. So let’s see who Lisa Simpson might be…
It seems to me that proclaiming that the Democrats would win in 2028 just because the Republicans are going to lose is jumping the gun.
Sure, if you look from the current perspective, then “who else?” is an obvious question with an obvious answer.
But. There is a possibility of the third party in some way. Trump was basically the third party from a certain perspective. When he was running for his first term the Republican leadership was dead-set against him. And he won against his own expectations, if I remember correctly.
Right now, he is the man of the people, whether you like it or not (and you very much don’t). He has won the first term by winning the majority of electoral votes, but Hillary got the majority of the people votes. In his second term he also got majority of the people (those who voted, admittedly). And I suppose that those people treat him as the man of the people. Against the establishment, deep state or whatever happens to be the current fashionable term for that.
If he’s serious about the tariffs (and he seems to be, to my utter surprise), that’s going to work well for America for a short time, while pushing the rest of the world into recession. And then things will suddenly change and that recession is going to bite the America back. Basically, the rest of the world will stop buying things (as people do in recession) and there won’t be a market to export the American products to.
If this comes to pass he will be trapped because the quick solution for that situation just doesn’t exist.
That should be around 2027-2028, according to the economic analysis above. So we’re looking at 2028 elections in a deep recession with no light at the end of the tunnel.
Which are historically the right conditions for the third party.
A third party in 2028 is extremely unlikely, according to the astrology. I am not sure why you think a third party could appear to beat either the Democrats or Republicans in this time-frame.
Thank you for your insight, Jessica. I have been at a crossroads, as I am originally from the UK married to an American and I have one daughter who is thinking of moving back to Europe.
Hubby retires in 3 Years and works remote. I have three children in different states and we are thinking of putting our house on the market in April to downsize and buy a smaller home( no clue where) as we are worried about the economy.
Is this spring a good time to sell or should we wait?
I don’t see a chart here unfortunately and you don’t give me your sign. Try using the Smith Waite Tarot and The Modern I Ching which are free to use on my website. Thank you.
Hi Jessica – as other readers have commented about Trump/Musk I feel intuitively that things had to happen this way due to the timing of Pluto into AQ. The election had to happen this way. While the US watches in horror at the dismantling of the government Pluto is also busy uncovering and unmasking all manner of evil deeds for all involved.
Sunlight is a disinfectant.
I believe closer in than the next POTUS election, the US midterms will be pivotal. I did a four-way reading on the midterms – what is the outcome of the 2026 US midterm elections? Results:
Astrology Oracle: Chiron (teacher) and 3rd House (Gemini, Communication, Computers, Vehicles, Flight)
Garden Oracle: Group Differences #32 (self explanatory I think, but the visual for this card is the SCOTTISH purple thistle)
I Ching – Limitation #60 (boundaries, barriers). The visual is a yellow bird in a cage
Tarot: King of Cups
I looked at transits for Pluto in 2026 using the US chart that you use (Jan 2 1776, Cambridge, MA) and a transit chart for Washington DC. Two things I see here: US natal Uranus at 3 Gemini conj DC chart on – you can’t make this up – June 17, 2026. A big birthday surprise for/about the Donald is communicated. Second I see US natal Pluto trine DC chart’ Uranus in Gemini at 3 degrees on September 17, 2026. More surprises are communicated.
Here’s my take: It will come to light that DJT’s Scottish golf resort has been a giant money launder operation. This will make DJT cut a deal and “sing” to rat out Musk (the King of Cups). One or both end up in jail or seriously constrained. These events heal some of the US group differences.
Thank you for indulging me my amateur musings….
Thank you. I agree with you about the timing of Pluto in Aquarius following Pluto in Capricorn. There are a few confused women on Substack currently demanding that we see Pluto in Aquarius immediately (Donald at the exit gates) but we are only four months into the transit, which lasts 20 years. The classic slow dive spiral that you see is still affecting him. He was inaugurated as a convicted felon. This public disgrace was compounded by a wife who would not live with him. Now, he is being blocked on Gaza worldwide. He’s not just fighting Kamala. He’s now fighting a vast number of powerful nations. And then there is China. While he is spiralling you have been looking at the 2026 Midterms. Good call. What you are seeing is the rise of the electric car and public transport. Elon does get what he wants but it may be because competitors take over too. This is also the replacement of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (all run by Donald’s willing colleages) with Bluesky, Substack and very likely a new contender. It is also possible that one of those social media websites will undergo a revolution and transformation, leaving Donald behind. The group differences suggest dissent within both parties. The Modern I Ching is showing a severely limited or curtailed winner. The King of Cups is a man (always a man) out of touch with reality. I am fascinated by your reading, which you lined up with the US chart. You say you are an amateur but you are reading this like a professional. You are picking up Scotland. Now that’s a wild card. I am now racing for that chart!
Hi Jessica! Living in the US this is a bit scary to be honest, especially since I am trying to figure out a stream of income after my husband’s passing six months ago, supporting myself and two children. Saturn in Taurus seems so constrictive, like a hand around the throat. Maybe it doesn’t have to be that way. My late-husband was a Taurus so I understand the frugality vs my heavy hand. I have a Taurus ascendent. Can you please tell me how this would affect me, and perhaps what steps I could take to get ahead of this? Thanks so much.
I am so sorry your husband passed away. You have two children to support. As a medium I can tell you that he will be looking after you in spirit, as will other family. When in doubt light a candle and have a word with him – and them. When you need help ask for it. The spirit world is always willing and ready to assist but they can’t interfere. You also have to meet them halfway so when you get an obvious sign or piece of help, pursue it. When a door miraculously opens, go through it and try your luck. That feeling of ‘Some things are meant to be, everything is falling into place’ is a classic sign spirit is nudging things in the right direction for you. You are an Aries with Aquarius, Aries and Gemini stelliums. Your Taurus Ascendant is the least important part of your horoscope. Your entire life is going to change from this year forward. You will relaunch your image and look from the second half of the year; perhaps your title or name. You will join or rejoin a group which is quite powerful thanks to the people involved and find friends there who give you the reins. You will discover a neighbouring place to spend time in which makes you feel free. You will also develop a completely different relationship with the internet from this year forward which is quite liberating. So, lots of new chapters ahead for you to write.
Thank you for your psychic insights. I have come to rely upon them heavily these past years. You let us hope!
Do you have any predictions for Texas (like California)? I am wondering if Texas will ever break free from the stranglehold of O&G, republicans etc. Will it undergo anything transformative like California in next 2-5 years?
Thank you for all you do!
I filed a Substack about America and the radical change to state borders, transport and travel between the states and the possible separation of some states – last year. You can find me at Substack here.
Hi Jessica,
An extremely detailed blog. For the Democrats I have seen another post where someone has predicted that Gavin Newsom would get into the POTUS race and will win the 2028 elections – what are your opinions on this? Also can I ask what the ripple effect of this would be in Europe and Canada especially with the rise of the right-wing parties here? In the UK reform seems like they could win the next election and in Germany the rise of Afd is concerning. Is this a case of the world becoming more conservative for a short period of time until progressing?
Gavin Newsom could easily take 2028. He could have taken 2024 if the Democrats had played it differently but that’s another story. Astrology just shows likely trends, not what people do (you can’t make people do anything!) but the man must surely be tempted to push back given how Donald has treated Californians. What you are talking about with Reform and the situation in Germany is the Uranus in Gemini cycle. I have written about this before. Uranus (radical change, shock, revolution) is in opposition to the Sagittarius (foreigners, migrants) factors in billions of charts. The generation which has grown used to zero borders or immigration control, born with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in Sagittarius are going to find Uranus blocking and stopping them, for many years. It begins in July 2026. This includes illegal immigrants whom of course Donald is now deporting, with some already being sent back to India. That’s Jupiter in Gemini, the cycle just before Uranus in Gemini. If you search Uranus in Gemini on my website you will find I was writing about this a few years ago, now.
Hi Jessica…thank you so much for giving us hope…I am one of those unfortunate folks who might be losing their job in as much as 9 days with all that is happening in the country. I am feeling extremely depressed since I feel like I am too old to get a job again, especially one that pays as well as my present job (I have been here since 2016). My husband is unemployed and is in no position to either find or keep a job, as his mental health is floundering. As I grow older, I was hoping to be able to travel, and set up a small business in candle making and soap making, as I begin to wind down in about 8-10 years, but right now, with a mortgage, very little prospect of a job (as thousands get furloughed or laid off every single day and join the unemployment line), I feel like I am staring down a dark hole…please let me know if I should start looking for a job right away and if there is any hope for me to get one…I am worried as I have no retirement savings and don’t know where to start. Thank you so much for all you do…appreciate you so much…
Thank you. I am very sorry your job might be on the line. Your husband is out of work so I understand why you feel like this. You have a mortgage and are seeing job losses all around. You don’t have retirement savings. Okay, deep breath. You are a Sun Aries woman with Aries, Taurus and Leo stelliums. Do not give up on your travel dreams, for a start. You will be offered the opportunity for local or regional travel by June and it will be irresistible. After July 2026 you will find that going across the map, to neighbouring places, is your new freedom and this goes on for many years as you realise how exciting and liberating it can be to explore ‘the place almost next door.’ Going back to work and money, the lack of stability ends in July. You get a long break from not knowing. There is one more test in 2026 and then it’s over forever. So please don’t feel as if you are in for a bumpy ride forever. You are not. You will have to alter your lifestyle in 2025 and 2026, that is very true. This means housework, paid work, unpaid work, your health, mental health, daily routine and regular schedules. I know your husband has mental health issues but your own wellbeing has to come first. Depression is your immediate priority and you need to see your doctor. You also need to find out how other people manage it. I recommend Beyond Blue as a starter website no matter where you are in the world. You are in a very good cycle for house, garden, apartment and land benefits starting in June 2025 and lasting until June 2026 so there will be an answer for you there. We don’t know exactly why but luck is on your side then as Jupiter goes into Cancer and your solar Fourth House. Jupiter will then sextile your Taurus (money and property) factors so you gain, make or save from that point, for around 12 months. I saw a woman with a similar chart to yours who also had to deal with a situation which was not her fault. She moved and downsized and actually ended up preferring the new, simpler existence to the old one. Something you may want to do immediately is take back your power. You can make soap and candles now for yourself or as Christmas and birthday presents. You can begin walking, preferably in a group, which has been repeatedly shown to lower depression. (Google Scholar will show you the research). You can begin to update your online knowledge of how the world of work operates these days. You are not the only one who is looking at possible job changes in America. Far from it. Things have changed out there since you last looked. If you’re not aware of sites like Fiverr for example, it’s time to update. You are going to change your image, brand, perhaps your online name or title, this year. That would have happened anyway but you may as well take that transit and channel it into work, study, service or duty. You’ve been working for the man. What is showing up in your chart is the relaunch of your own separate identity. This may or may not be your main financial gig, but it is quite important and it begins in May. Onwards.
Hi Jessica,
I’m based in California and witnessing this current political scene is exhausting.
I’m also a Taurus sun along with a Scorpio Stellium. How will this impact me personally?
As always- thank you for your guidance!
The reason you feel exhausted by what is happening in America, is that they want you to feel overwhelmed. This is actually an old-fashioned tactic and so often what you see with Donald is basically some old ruse from 20 years ago. Shock and awe, they call it. Rapid dominance is another word for it. So don’t be shocked and don’t be awed. As a Taurus Sun with a Scorpio stellium you are strongly fixed. You don’t like change. So no wonder you feel rattled. I am sorry you have gone through the terrible fires in California. That is part of it. Yet, if you can unfix what is fixed about yourself, you will have an easier time. You may not find meeting change, with change, comes naturally but try it and see how things feel after a week or two. This is especially important in California next year. There is a neighbouring suburb, town or even a whole neighbouring state/country showing up as very good news for you, after June 2025.
I look back at my previous posts and feel quite silly- thinking JD Vance was the money man and convinced Kamala would win! On the one hand, when we talk total system realingment, it means current systems must be destroyed- but it’s so painful! Watching all these things happen, while Democrats seem to be caving- it’s grassroots like us, the people, that are taking up the fight. And as someone in the climate space, it hurts me so deeply that everything seems to be vanishing while disasters pile on.
I remember a long time ago you posted that post 2026 the Climate Emergency will be done- I shudder to think of what will come to get not just republicans, but a critical mass of humanity to work on this, when fossil fuels seem to be ruling the roost.
Any hints of what is coming for me and those of us who are climate weary warriors in 2025 into 2026?
Thank you. No need to feel silly. The predictions I made way back at the start of 2024 went in chronological order. A ‘Money Man’ first, in the White House, as leader. That’s joke currency Donald with the billionaire best friends. The second prediction was ‘A Money Woman’ and that is what I find interesting in 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028. You are quite right that the people are taking up the fight. And your grassroots will prove to be a massive grower. The Climate Emergency is something that personally affects you because you work or volunteer to help the planet. If there is one thing that is true about Pluto in Aquarius it is that power goes back to the world community as, genuinely, a United Nations circle. Pluto is here for 20 years in this cycle and it will empower tiny islands at risk of flooding, as well as massive countries like Africa – alongside the big culprits including China. We don’t know why yet. But we are four months into the cycle and by all the laws of astrology, we will slowly start to see progress. I suspect part of it is the end of gas and petrol. That’s coming from July 2025 when Uranus (the revolution) goes into Gemini (commuting and domestic flights). This also suggests a shake-up of the airlines which would again replace old with new.
Jessica, everyday is getting worse for us in America. Musk and Trump are both on path for The Rise and Fall of The Third Reicht. I believe the migrant situation is a smoke screen to his followers who cannot see the writing on the wall. He is gutting the Federal Reserve. He wants to take the money and invest in foreign lands. Having access now to all of our information puts him in path like Hitler did with his people. He stole all their banking, gave them ration cards and a check equal to all from the government to Make Germany Great Again. They soon found out it was a lie but not for at least a year. I truly believe Musk is the antichrist and this is the reason no one .can touch him. Trump wanting to buy Gaza and make it a resort land is coming close to Israel. In the Bible god takes control when they go into Israel.
Your insight is always so good.
As a Scorpio and working as a construction recruiter I fear the construction industry will fold this year. Again is very strong in America and if you’re over 50 you can forget it.
Thank you
I am seeing a lot of comparisons between Donald and Adolf, but the astrology does not back it up. The only exact same cycle we are seeing is Uranus in Gemini, which is about a global push back against immigration. (Uranus in Gemini is opposing the Sagittarius factors in billions of charts and Sagittarius rules foreign migrants). As for Elon being the Antichrist, the jury’s out on that one! Construction, building, renovation and home improvement, office conversion and building work in general typically increase, grow and are boosted when Jupiter goes into Cancer and you have that, June 2025 to June 2026.
The Democrats have been protesting outside of government buildings the past few days. What is the astrology of that?
Pluto in Aquarius is your answer. The reason I wrote a ton of copy about Pluto in Capricorn, being replaced by Pluto in Aquarius, is that I saw the US election would happen on the former (and Donald got in – the money man as predicted) but quickly go into the new White House with Pluto in Aquarius (the rise of people power and the ascent of women). This cycle is 20 years long. We are four months in. The Democrat protests are part of that small first step. Now watch the rest of the world join in over Gaza.
I have a brother who is LGBT
any hope for him in Astrology?
Amazing to have a brother who is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender all at the same time. I’m joking. What has actually happened in America is that Donald has given power back to lesbians. Men are being told they cannot take over female space, rights and territory any more. Men claiming to be women and entering lesbian (woman only) turf are on shaky ground in America these days. Is your brother gay? Once again, what Donald is doing (or trying to do anyway) is end the lobby which seeks to ‘trans the gay away’ which so many of my gay male friends object to. None of this is any huge surprise in astrology. We are now firmly in the Pluto in Aquarius cycle when no one minority can take over the rights of another. So all attempts to do that left over from 2024 have just started vanishing in 2025.
Hi Jessica
You have many Australian followers and we are unique in our place in the world, culturally and geopolitically. While our history is ancient, the creation of the modern state is tied to the US revolution causing the British to seek new prison colonies. We’re experiencing similar social and political tribalism, racism, angry protests of nationalists vs decolonialists etc. It’s such an extreme vapour in the air.
What does the future hold for us in Oz? Will we make it through? I ask as someone who feels like hope is slipping away.
Thank you
Australia has a completely different horoscope to the United States and Great Britain as you may have guessed, John, and the astrology is really clear on a new beginning which puts power in the hands of minorities, as long as they share the space equally with the usual majorities (white men at the top). Women hold up half the sky on this cycle and in fact that began to unfold with the Teals at the last election. This new election in Australia, which I keep promising to write about, will be held with Pluto (control) in Aquarius (the diverse community) and we are about to see all the tribes reshuffled in a way that makes it clear the reins must be shared. No longer controlled by the usual suit and tie on the top of the mountain. That is clear astrology, John.
Thank you for this blogpost. I am finding it very hard to find glimmers of hope in the current torrent of bad news. You had spoke in prior posts of a great territory change in the middle east, and it’s been boasted that Bibi and Trump want to displace the citizens of Gaza using the us military and take it for US ownership. The tech nerd bros literally taking over our federal govt and necessary systems and checks. There is no one to hold anyone accountable anymore. I felt ‘Pluto’d’ during the last Pluto/Cap cycle. But am really feeling like we are in a mayhem cycle that will harm many and will be unrecoverable.
How on earth will the US recover? I am nearing retirement and fear for our future and that of our children. I asked Tarot ‘Will we ever recover from the last election’ and the card was Judgement.
Thank you. The Israel astrology chart is accurate and psychic astrology predictions I made on this website, which you can check, came to pass in November 2023 about Netanyahu and Israel. May 2025 is the month I gave for a solution and Donald’s shock announcement is part of the problem that propels the solution that month. He is pushing the world into uniting for an answer. You asked the Tarot if we would recover (if you and America would recover) from the last election and drew the Judgement card which shows the Kennedy clan in the spirit world. I find that very interesting because that same card appeared when I asked about Robert F. Kennedy Junior last year (you can check that Substack post too). So it’s about him. We don’t know why yet. Quite apart from Donald releasing files on the assassination of J.F.K. there is a second story going on. Everything that you are seeing now is typical Pluto in Aquarius, following Pluto in Capricorn. It’s Nero, Henry VIII and George III but this time it happens to be Donald. Does the turmoil last? No. Do women rise? Yes. Should you fear for the future and your children? No. But get involved. People power is there to be harnessed.
Thanks so much Jessica – I work in the media – and two weeks in to Donald Trump’s ‘reign’ and we are being run ragged – I am exhausted just thinking of the four more years!!
I would love you take on how Saturn in Taurus is going to impact me financially. I am being hit hard by interest rates – and contemplating selling an investment property – but would be going backwards ie losing money. Will Jupiter in cancer offer me any help on this? When is there an Astrology delivery for me when I can ask for a lottery win?? 🙂
I am keen to try your I ching – but can’t find the link – am i going mad.
To start at the end, The Modern I Ching is here. This is a good time to use four-way divination with four decks. When you have a lot of noise (which Donald, James, Elon and friends are generating) these ancient and traditional systems can cut through the noise, and keep things clear for you. Saturn in Taurus is ahead, true, and it’s prudent to be aware of the belt-tightening which is coming. As a Sun Capricorn you have house and apartment decisions coming, as Neptune and Saturn will both be in your Fourth House of real estate from the final week of May, for the rest of the year and in 2026 too. Chiron is already there, so that’s a three-way transit. You want to sell an investment property and so your solar chart says, yes, you will have to step up and make a final choice from late May onwards. Jupiter in Cancer in your natal Fourth House will help you and that begins in June. Eventually you have Jupiter sextile Jupiter which is excellent, as the transiting planet goes to 16 Cancer in the property sector of your birth chart and makes a great angle to natal Jupiter at 16 Taurus in the Second House – the personal banking sector. By June 2026 at the very latest you will have found luck on your side.
my brother is gay
he’s scared
If your brother is feeling scared and is gay, then it’s time to ring the Gay and Lesbian hotline in New York.
Hi Jessica. How do you think this Trump presidency is going to impact the war in Ukraine?
The Kremlin lost the war on Ukraine in July 2023, as former President Biden said. Yet they refuse to pull out because a state of constant warfare is the strategy, even when they are losing badly, in terms of men and money. As you are a Premium Member you can find out for yourself. Go to Divination and ask the question, with a time-frame, using The Modern I Ching, The Smith Waite Tarot, The Garden Oracle and The Astrology Oracle. For Donald personally, the downward spiral continues. It began some time ago with two impeachments, the assassination attempt, the historic loss to Biden on the prior election, the conviction led by an adult film star, the departure of his wife from the marital home…it goes on.
Hi Jessica I feel so overwhelmed by what is happening around the world at the moment. It seems we are living in really troubling times, Trump and Musk seem hellbent on causing trouble around the world. On a personal note I’ve just used cosmic ordering and the tarot gave The Tower as my card. We have just moved into a new house after years of renting, and I’m now feeling quite unnerved that we have made the wrong decision. My husband who is a Scorpio, and I are struggling to communicate and I’m worried we cannot come together.
Thanks Jessica
The Tower gives you the choice to either reconstruct the home with your husband, or walk away and start again. Much depends on what your question was, and what time-frame you used. I can’t see a chart here so I’m afraid I can’t help on that score. And by the way, it’s not ‘cosmic ordering’ it’s Astrology Delivery. Thank you.
Hi Jessica
First off I wanted to send my deepest thanks for helping me and my fellow Americans cut through all the noise to see what is really happening and how to navigate such scary and unsettling times in our country. For myself, I am unsure how to go forward with my own personal goals, that are somewhat professional and spiritual. I am currently staying home with my kids, homeschooling them both. I have been working on aligning with my authentic self, investing in my health as well as trying to be more intentional with my life, discovering my true values. I am an artist and writer, though my previous jobs have always been in the customer service world. Taking direction from your previous words a few months back, I have allowed myself to harness my Sagittarius Stelliums tapping into the teacher and student aspects of myself and have nearly completed a collection of stories and poems I wrote for my children. They are very much in alignment with what I feel my spiritual purpose is; helping children/people with their emotions/life through imaginative story and play. I feel strongly about my ability to make a fulfilling career from my creative mind, even if it’s small monetarily it will be rewarding. With the current state of my country though, it almost feels foolish to spend money and resources on this goal. I feel as though I need to spend all of my energy on preparing for future unknowns, and keeping my family healthy and safe. Putting these personal goals aside and seeking another path to bringing in extra income. I consulted Tarot and was given the 6 of wands, which feels really encouraging, but I am deep in my head over this and I feel I don’t have a clear lens. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Sending Light and Love to all!
Thank you. America is unsettling now but you should not be scared. Around 257 million Americans never backed Donald out of a population of 334.9 million. And they certainly never voted for Elon. Catch the Pluto in Aquarius wave. This is long-term pushback and triumph, actually. Okay, so you are conflicted between life as an artist/writer and needing to protect the family. You need money to do either. The Six of Wands has shown up. That’s great. It’s stunning success. Only you know what your question was and the time-frame you used. Your Scorpio stellium is financial and property uncertainty, currently. Uranus in Taurus has been clashing with this (in your Eighth House of joint banking and home) since 2018. The clashes stop in July 2025 and are completely gone from 2026. So long-term the endless challenges to change, finish. The most extreme was obviously 2020.
Thank you so much, I am so incredibly grateful for your insight. I am very much an amateur in astrology, but am trying to learn as much as I can. I can usually do ok with others charts, but have a really hard time with my own for some reason. Thank you again.
It’s a pleasure. Happy Lunar New Year.
Hi Jessica,
Thank you so much for all of your insights! I am also very worried about the US and the world with Donald Trump back in the WH. Elon Musk wouldn’t be an issue if Trump weren’t in office and controlling the government with no push back. Can you look at my chart and tell me what 2025 looks like for me personally and whether you think Trump will be impeached / removed from office prior to the mid-terms or by the mid-terms?
Best regards,
Delilah, I have to quote Tom Jones here and ask ‘Why, why, why’ you haven’t logged in. I can’t see your astrology chart unless you’re logged in, unfortunately. As for Donald, please trust the Pluto process. He is in a slow spiral and women are rising.
H Jessica – sorry this is BG Who wrote a comment up above talking about being born in the UK but now living here and I have one daughter who wants to move back because we are all scared. I didn’t give my sign and I had asked regarding selling my house to downsize in April..
I am a Leo, but that’s all I know age 59 born in the UK.
You can tell a lot just from your Leo Sun Sign and solar chart. You want to move back to Britain because America scares you under Donald. You want to sell your house and downsize in April. There is nothing major in your Fourth House of real-estate, but you do have major sign-off transits in your Eighth House of joint property and finance. The first sign-off of an old situation is the final week of March 2025, and the second is the final week of May 2025. So March-June is the closure of many years of escapism, occasional confusion and a constant lack of boundaries with the money or the house. What happens from the final week of May is a new cycle in your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. An important new beginning (first and last time in your life) is in store with people from other cultures and nationalities, with different languages or accents. It takes many years to unfold but the signs are there towards mid-year. This would be a holiday from reality, likely abroad; a departure from what most people would call the everyday real world.