Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Monday February 27th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Monday February 27.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Typically, you will want the freedom to move ahead in your financial life, now, without being confined where you were last year, or even last week. The changes you make will also force others around you to take a U-turn though, so be prepared for the consequences of that. Not everyone shares your ideas about what’s truly 22nd century in banking, business or property. Not everyone likes being forced to move position, particularly if they are attached to a predictable life. Price freedom and then pay it?

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


April 20 - May 20

If you decide to stage a one-person revolution in your 2023 relaunch and have no regard at all for the chain-reaction it may cause in your world, you must prepare for the impact. Your longing for a new place in the scheme of things might just cause the kind of domino effect that can also overturn your own title, appearance or reputation if you are too radical now. Uranus in Taurus is making waves, why this aspect of your existence probably feels so unsettled or unstable. Expect a state of flux with your image.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


May 21 - June 20

This March cycle which ends Pluto in Capricorn, affects your financial position, your property, your business interests and your possessions. Other people or organisations will be closely involved, however, as the cash, home, agreement or resources in question will either be shared, split, borrowed or lent in some way. This cycle is about what you own, owe or earn, in relation to the interests of second or third parties. From your partner to your parents, to tax officials and bankers, this cycle involves what you have to share, collect or redistribute with individuals or big organisations. It’s the end of politics, Gemini.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


June 21 - July 22

If you are wedged into a position which makes you feel unfairly stuck or trapped, with your friend – you could take drastic action to break free. Count the cost, though, and try to get second and third opinions on your chances. Your social world is structured a certain way now. If you want to stage a one-woman or one-man advance on the usual social system, that’s fine – but make sure you are not going to seriously disrupt anyone else, in the process. A revolution will cost at this time. Nevertheless, if you genuinely feel the time has come for change, do it.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


July 23 - August 22

In March, you may well decide that changing a financial, business or property issue is the only way to progress. And perhaps the price will prove to be worth it. Are you prepared? If Leos en masse decide to leave their old financial, business or property set-ups behind and go to a new strategy in March, you’ll be one of them. Out of this could come lasting local, national or even worldwide change with money. Sometimes financial, property, business or economically-led changes on a large scale are key.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


August 23 - September 22

Surf with the waves online and stay ahead. If you don’t, you may end up stranded. New ideas, new inventions and advances in technology are very likely to change the foreign picture for you at this time. This will get you where you live, and it could have a revolutionary impact; surf with the flow! Your attitude towards these global or multicultural issues will also change now, as you either feel trapped by your old position on things and need to move forward – or because suddenly changing circumstances push you into taking a new view.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


September 23 - October 22

Whether you choose a U-turn in your destiny, or it chooses you, it all means financial progress now. Don’t look back. Before this cycle begins in May, you will have a certain position on these economic or property issues -when it comes to banks, you will know where you stand, and how you see things. As Uranus cycles through the Eighth House, though, you are likely to find your original stance changing more and more. Think of it as moving on up, despite the inevitable instability you’ll feel as you move forward. May could already feature on your calendar.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


October 23 - November 21

The difference between your perspective on a duet or duel before this cycle begins in May – and after it has finished – will be extraordinary. You will be forced to retrain your brain, as sudden, unexpected events push you forward, and transform your views on yourself and him or her. If you are in a mental rut with a fixed and unchanging angle on how things are, you will be a prime candidate for just this sort of sudden and unexpected jolt. Yet, it opens a big door.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


November 22 - December 21

If you feel your knowledge base is too limited at this time, you will take steps to change this, as Saturn leaves Aquarius in March and you can open yourself up to new ideas, techniques and methods which take you to the next level with web or media. You could end this new Pluto cycle with more control. Even if you wished to stay where you were, in terms of your former approach, destiny will have a way of moving you on. March has a fated part to play in your life.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


December 22 - January 19

You will leave your old ambitions behind in 2023, as this end-game Mars cycle and new Libra cycle (from July) commonly affects your professional direction, and a change of job – or industry – and a new path is likely now. Or you may stick with your old career but switch roles or projects. Ambitions and goals do not have to relate to careers, of course. This cycle will alter your path no matter if you are retired, jobless, studying, or occupying a full-time role in the home. Then there are your goals outside work – the weekend and evening pursuits you count as your real calling in life. March ends a stuck circuit or loop.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


January 20 - February 18

Uranus in your family or household zone will work in two different ways now. Firstly, it will bump you along with sudden surprises (and even the occasional electrifying shock), which instantly removes you from your old place in the scheme of things and takes you to the next level. Secondly, the way your destiny will be reshaped at this time will take you higher, in the end – and towards new places and possibilities which your old life never permitted.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.


February 19 - March 20

If you feel stuck with your digital role and goals now, you only need to watch, wait and listen until your turn comes for progress online. This may happen because a larger trend sweeps you along (for example, a change in technology or web options, which suddenly makes a step forward possible.) Alternatively, you may find it pays to observe your web world, spotting the rumble in the jungle just as it’s about to hit, and snapping up the new freedom this gives you. At this time, other people in your world will have their own agenda for change too.

Something Extra for Monday

If you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with The Garden Oracle, The Smith-Waite Tarot and The Astrology Oracle.

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