The Trump Spiral Astrology Cycle

Trump is on a downward spiral in astrology and the rise of women has only just begun. Watch this Pluto in Capricorn and Pluto in Aquarius crossover as Kamala Harris runs for president in 2024.

How Women Rise While Donald Falls

I was interviewed by Newsweek and The Sun about Donald Trump and Kamala Harris this month. It’s that time again when the media wants astrology predictions about the election.

Everyone wants the horoscope prediction about Kamala Harris or Donald Trump winning or losing. That astrology prediction about 2024 is about Ancient Rome, actually.

I don’t give winners, because the margin of victory is so small in America. If enough astrologers say Kamala is going to win, thousands of people may not bother voting. That’s extremely risky.

What is true is that Donald Trump is on a downward spiral cycle and women are on a rising upward cycle. In fact women will eventually lead the Republican party.

Now, let’s talk about Ancient Rome and Nero.

Astrology and the 2024 Election

The downward spiral of Donald Trump and male power, is uncannily like that of Nero. This is really important when looking at the astrology of the 2024 election.

In fact Nero and Donald look remarkably similar. If you wanted to argue for past lives here, you’d have a pretty good excuse. (Shutterstock/Alamy).

Trump Shutterstock 300x200 - The Trump Spiral Astrology Cycle

NERO Alamy 252x300 - The Trump Spiral Astrology Cycle


You tend to get a stop-start, but slow and steady rise of female power, on this cycle. It’s the end of Pluto in Capricorn and start of Pluto in Aquarius. Iggy Pop is just one person who has compared the decline and fall of the Roman Empire to the US, saying “America is Rome. Of course, why shouldn’t it be?” Well, you can easily line up Trump Russia with Rome. Same rise and fall.

That Popular Vote and Pluto Power

On November 8th, 2016: Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 2.9 million. More Americans voted for her than any other losing presidential candidate in history.

Hillary ClintonDreamstime 300x200 - The Trump Spiral Astrology CycleOn November 3rd 2020, Kamala Harris became the first woman Vice President in history. Then she announced her run for president on July 21st, 2024. This is typical of the waning of Pluto in Capricorn and arrival of Pluto in Aquarius.

Capricorn is the traditional male system. Pluto is power. Aquarius is the diverse group, among which women have equal control.

You can see why Kamala is a chef’s kiss example of Pluto in Aquarius when compared to Donald Trump. The zodiac sign Aquarius has been associated with the equal group for centuries. The brotherhood and sisterhood of the Eleventh House. (Dreamstime).

These are the dates:

Pluto in Capricorn, Pluto in Aquarius

March 23rd 2023: Pluto enters Aquarius
June 11th 2023: Pluto re-enters Capricorn
January 21st 2024: Pluto enters Aquarius
September 1st 2024: Pluto re-enters Capricorn
November 19th 2024: Pluto in Aquarius until August 21st 2043.

image from rawpixel id 4046097 original 300x200 - The Trump Spiral Astrology CycleNero and Trump

There are uncanny parallels with Trump Russia compared to Nero and Rome. Pluto entered Capricorn in 42 AD. Rome began planning to invade Britain. Claudius ordered his invasion in 43AD: The Roman Conquest.

The push back against male power begins with Pluto in Aquarius in 60AD.  What hit Rome in 60AD? Saint Paul the Apostle arrived in Rome – Christianity rises. (Rawpixels).

Women featured as Jesus’ disciples including Mary Magdalene who saw the resurrection. Saint Paul preached, “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” In a list of of nearly 30 early Christians, at least eight are women. The Virgin Mary becomes a powerful Christian icon.

The other striking thing about this cycle is Mary Magdalene. She was a sinful woman. A prostitute. The Virgin Mary and Stormy Daniels are a real stretch, but not Magdalene. They both find equality, acceptance and real power, on both Pluto in Aquarius cycles.

Boudica and Pluto

You don’t get much further from the Virgin Mary either, than Boudica, but she defeated Nero and Rome in 61AD on Pluto in Aquarius. She burned London to the ground. Even after losing the battle, she inspired years of rebellion. In 85AD Scotland pushed back against Rome.

Pluto Leaves Capricorn

The slow, downward spiral of Nero and Rome is similar to Donald Trump and the slow, downward spiral of Trump-Russia. It’s really interesting to see history repeat like this.

The full dates for the Pluto in Capricorn and Pluto in Aquarius crossover cycle are at the end of this feature.

What happened in 64AD? The Great Fire of Rome destroys 70% of the city.
What happened in 65AD? Plot to assassinate Nero.
What happened in 66AD? First Jewish-Roman war. Romans expelled in Jerusalem.
What happened in 68AD? Nero commits suicide.
What happened in 79AD? Vesuvius erupts, destroying Pompeii.

Pluto and Women Rising

Loss of popular vote to Hillary Clinton by 2.9 million: November 8th 2016.
First impeachment of Donald Trump: December 18th 2019
Trump loses election in a landslide to Harris-Biden: November 3rd 2020
Second impeachment of Donald Trump: January 13th 2021
E. Jean Carroll wins against Donald Trump: May 9th 2023
Convicted of felony as Stormy Daniels wins the day: 30th May 2024
Trump assassination attempt: 13 July 2024

Stormy Daniels 2010 200x300 - The Trump Spiral Astrology CyclePutin and Astrology

This cycle, about the transfer of power to a small number of men, and then the loss of that power, moving across to women, shows up nicely when you look at 2008.

The New Patriarchy, if you want to call it that, began right on time as Pluto entered Capricorn.

On January 26th and and November 27th, 2008 Pluto entered Capricorn. Vladimir Putin became the Prime Minister of Russia on 8th May 2008. The Republicans lost the 2008 election and Donald Trump begins his rise to power inside the party. (Wikimedia Commons).

Pluto and Girl Power

On May 30th 2024, secret payments made by Donald Trump’s staff to porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up an affair, went front page. Trump lost.

E. Jean Carroll cropped 220x300 - The Trump Spiral Astrology CycleGiven that Pluto in Aquarius can give us Mary Magdalene, the Virgin Mary and Boudica, it’s intriguing to see how the girl power of the 2020’s shows up. How about E. Jean Carroll? (Wikimedia Commons).

The other player here is Nancy Pelosi who impeached Trump on 8th January 2021.

What you are seeing here, according to astrology, is the slow downward spiral of Donald Trump against the rise and rise of female power. Just like Nero.

Christianity with its focus on women, became Rome’s official religion in 380. Of course, Nero had committed suicide a long time before.

Capricorn and Aquarius, Defined in 1951

Margaret E. Hone D.F.Astrol.S. wrote The Modern Text Book of Astrology in 1951. Given that Pluto has been associated with power since 1930, what did Hone have to say about Capricorn and Aquarius, around 70 years ago?

Capricorn – Old age. Politician. Discontent.
Aquarius – Humanitarianism. Free thinking. Revolutions.

Pluto in Capricorn and Aquarius Under Nero

January 1st and November 6th 42 AD Pluto enters Capricorn.
March 28th 60 AD Pluto enters Aquarius
June 3rd 60AD Pluto re-enters Capricorn
January 27th 61AD Pluto enters Aquarius
August 16th 61AD Pluto re-enters Capricorn
December 7th 61AD Pluto in Aquarius until October 14th 85 AD

Pluto in Capricorn and Aquarius Under Trump

March 23rd 2023: Pluto enters Aquarius
June 11th 2023: Pluto re-enters Capricorn
January 21st 2024: Pluto enters Aquarius
September 1st 2024: Pluto re-enters Capricorn
November 19th 2024: Pluto in Aquarius until August 21st 2043.

Main Image: Shutterstock. Data: Tables of Planetary Phenomena, Neil F. Michelsen, 2007.


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83 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica
    I am getting in touch as my lovely son was born in 15/05/2008 as pluto was retro in Cap at 0 degrees. Over the last number of weeks he has come to me to ask for support with his mental health. He says he feels he is living in two universes. His NN is at 0 Aquarius. As parents we have done the usual supports, docs, therapy, sports. Medicine has been given to help him, which I dont want but which he wants to try. My difficulty as his mum is that I know that it is the current astrology that is affecting him. Ive tried with all the family to explain astrology transits but to no avail. I was wondering if he is also, like trump on a downward spiral with Uranus and Algol on his sun and if there is anything more I can do to help/support him? He is the most kind empathic lonely teenager and it so hard to watch this transit affect him so much?
    Thanks so much

    1. I am sorry your son has mental health issues. I don’t use Algol. And there is no reliable data for Trump who has given two different birthdates. I would let him try medication, if he wants to try it – depression is being successfully treated with new pharmaceuticals. He is in a long-running solar Twelfth House cycle which is, of course, about the psyche, soul, spirit and psychology. He does actually need to be alone, and alone is not always lonely. The other proven help for depression is walking in a group. Have a look at Google Scholar and the latest research. But trust him with his own choices about which professional help will aid him best. One of his grandmothers can help.

    2. Dear A,
      I am so sorry to hear about your son. I have never responded to someone here, but as your son shares my birthdate (May 15), I felt compelled to do so. I have a family history of mental health issues and while my own issues have not been as difficult as others in my family dealing with these issues, I have still had my trials and tribulations. I have been on medications in the past until I decided that they were not serving me.

      I also had several therapists (one at a time, of course). There were two that I really loved and I had to stop using them, mostly for financial reasons. One of them is still in my area (the other moved away) who I am considering using again for new reasons unrelated to mental health.

      I concur with Jessica that medication can be helpful. In particular, it helped me figure out how I wanted to feel. Medication rolled back the lows, but for me, it also rolled back the highs. That is helpful for many, and it was for me for a decent amount of time, until it wasn’t. But when it wasn’t, there was not a dark time. Just one of searching. And I found that meditation was a suitable method for what I needed going forward. And it wasn’t just my mental health. I found unbelievable joy in it. Not everyone will find that but I did.

      I think real meditation can be difficult for young people in this world because it asks them to do something that even many adults aren’t used to doing. And starting it can often feel like we’re failing because our brains are very chatty. I don’t know if your son has tried meditating, but if he hasn’t, I wholeheartedly recommend it. And if he has tried it and felt like he couldn’t, I encourage him to try again, because I needed a second and third try as well! These days, I can’t imagine my life without it.

      Also of interest being a May 15 baby myself, my NN is at 0 Sagittarius. I am still working toward honoring all that it entails. I hope your son is able to honor his True North.

      Kindest regards from the US,

  2. Good morning, Jessica. I read the above from “A” with interest as I have a nephew who was born 21 January 2004, an Aquarian. He has lost most, if not all self esteem and hasn’t done much with his life since he finished his schooling 3 years ago. I am his Godmother and have tried to show him how much he is worth and do encourage him not to give up. I suspect he is expecting too much too soon. How can I help him?

    1. You are a good godmother and aunt. Every word is heard and it all helps; keep showing him his value and keep encouraging him. Much of what is so hard for him, is in his own mind, and it’s most relentless when he is alone. This ends in two stages on November 19 and then December 7. Pluto leaves his Twelfth House of the soul, spirit and psyche – then Ceres leaves as well. Whomever or whatever seemed to dominate his inner life is no longer an issue from that point. He is the right age, in the right time, and right place to have a really terrific romantic relationship and if he’s not been offered that, or found it, an opportunity will appear by halfway through next year.

  3. Hi Jessica
    Goodness I want this to be right! The nuance between College Electoral Votes vs Popular votes is the key here. Is there a ‘birth chart’ for the College Electoral vote system being established? No point in Kamala having a Hilary-like ‘victory’ of popular vote vs the real seat of power, which is being fought in the 7 swing states.

    1. The individual United States all have a range of different dates and times for the birth of Electoral College so unfortunately it’s hard to pin down. The Pluto in Aquarius cycle has proven itself repeatedly down the centuries as system change and female empowerment so as I told The Sun in the US recently, women will ultimately lead both parties.

  4. Dear Jessica
    The post from A got me to thinking about my brother, who is either 29 Capricorn sun or 1 Aquarius sun, as we don’t know his exact time of birth. He had to have surgery for stomach cancer back in April when Pluto was at 0 or 1Aquarius and is still receiving treatments all this time later. Will Pluto returning to Aquarius possibly mean a recurrence? Ops at 1 Scorpio. Also, I recall very downhearted young man who transformed almost immediately by the discovery of kayaking – maybe another thing for A to try.
    As for the image headlining this article which I’m always startled by when browsing your website every morning- I heard a voice tell me in my sleep a few nights past that “it ends in North Carolina”. The election, perhaps? A battleground state which person whose image I see everytime I browse through your website is supposed to carry and Ms. Harris is thought might flip?
    Thanks, much. I’ve voted, and am quite over politics for a time. Appreciate very much what you do.

    1. Cancer as a medical condition is the Sixth House, and I suspect your brother is Capricorn. The surgery has worked and he is in recovery with ongoing help. This tallies with Jupiter the big helper, in Gemini, in his Sixth House of health for the first time in 12 years. It is here until mid 2025. That is very interesting about your dream message – ‘It ends in North Carolina.’ It’s not the absentee ballot, because that comes in on 5th November, so before Mercury Retrograde. There was an eclipse there I wrote about in 2019 as a major cover up involving Trump Russia. So this may have been seeded – whatever it is – five years ago. This is the original story on that eclipse.

  5. Thank you Jessica for another fascinating blog post. It is encouraging to read your views of history, the present and the future as it relates to women and society overall. Personally I’m on the brink of making big financial decisions related to pension and potential partial cash withdrawal. I’m wondering if it might be financially better for me to take action before, or wait until after, Nov 19? Thank you!

    1. Thank you. Finance is Taurus and Scorpio in the birth chart, but you also look at the Sun Sign chart too. You are a Pisces with Scorpio factors at 6 through 26 degrees. There’s really nothing to stop you taking your money out of your pension scheme, but Mercury Retrograde lands within days, in your career zone. Thus, the process of retiring may be more long and drawn-out than you expected, as November opens on it, and the loop does not stop until January begins. Financially, you may want to look at what you could gain from a particular house, apartment or different property/accommodation arrangement between now and mid 2025 as your luck is in there, quite naturally, as Jupiter transits your solar Fourth.

  6. I am hoping Trump is in a downward spiral. What about astrologers that say Trump will have his greatest peak in March 2025? Does he try for a revolution? This past few weeks the Trump ads are unmericiful; full of lies. They just say anything to put Kamala Harris down. I expect an ad that says she is from a different galaxy and has come to take over the world next. It is that bad. The only hope is that the Democrats are focused on their get out to vote and Trump is relying on Elon Musk paying people to do it. The motivated are on Kamala’s side. Hoping that works.

    1. You don’t even have to hope Donald is in a downward spiral. The facts show you, he is. It’s not Harris who was impeached, lost by a landslide, became a convicted felon and was shot at. You also have to remember the Kremlin’s mission is to divide America and conquer her. They wanted a cheap (or preferably free) way to split the nation along angry lines and they found it, with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. The Kremlin’s policy is very, very old-fashioned. Ancient Roman. It’s just working nicely for them right now.

  7. Trump is old and clearly not in good shape. As bad as it would with him back, I’m more worried about Vance becoming president. He’s not someone who should have that much power. Any insight on how the election will work out for him?

    1. Vance is part of an all-male system that is lumbering towards the edge of the precipice like a T-Rex over the cliff. You just can’t live out Pluto in Capricorn when Pluto in Aquarius is there. Yesterday’s man. It would be different if there was a female presidential candidate and he was the V.P. but with Trump, he is still serving up patriarchy.

  8. Jessica – does the whole family go down? Not just Trump? And what happens to other authoritarians like Xi or Putin? I know you’ve Putin is going down. But he just influenced the election in Georiga.

    When do all of these monsters truly go away.

    1. It’s my belief, that I cannot prove here, that Vladimir Putin died, retired or vanished in 2020. Or at least the most recent actor calling himself by that name. The Putin cast is well-known. In general, Plutocrats decline and fall when Pluto goes out of Capricorn. They tend to stagger down in slow stages along with the system that supports them.

  9. Many thanks Jessica. I will encourage my nephew to do a short course which should distract him and hopefully enable him at the same time.

  10. Jessica

    This is my reply to “A” – whose son has mental health issues. My son too struggled with many issues – both mental and otherwise in 2018. We came here and read everything you had to say about his sign and he was able to make it through – I honestly do not believe he would have made it otherwise. More recently he has started struggling again and he has been coming here daily, reading everything and he has started to stabilize. I would encourage “A” to do the same and I offer my well wishes to her.

  11. I think most of us here in the US are saddened and exhausted by this never-ending political cycle and all of its ugliness. Still in shock that it is this close of a race and that the increasingly vile rhetoric is becoming normalized. As much as I want to check out on the coverage at this point for my own mental well-being, I also don’t want to look away from what is happening and what is at stake in this election. I’ve already seen my own friend groups and family members irreparably divided over COVID and politics in this last decade and I’m so worried for our country. I’m trying to remain optimistic – that perhaps this is much like a deep cleansing. We have to pull all of that ugliness and darkness to the surface so we can truly address it together before we move forward. I truly value your insights on the astrology and find myself coming here daily for reassurance (though I know that’s not your job) that the tide will eventually turn for the better.

    I run my own business and am also hitting physical and mental exhaustion. I simply can’t work any harder than I’m working. Wondering if you might look at my chart to help me understand if quality of life and finances will improve in the coming months. I’ve read this week’s astrology and my natal chart shows mercury, venus and MC in capricorn. I also have stelliums in Scorpio, Gemini, Aries. I am a sun Aquarius. Appreciate all of your work here Jessica.

    1. Thank you very much. Something about astrology is the comfort of history. We know what happened every other time we had Pluto in Capricorn, then Pluto in Aquarius. It is the particularly doomed fate of the Plutocrat (or male dominator) that enables the women to rise. Henry VIII is a good example. He wanted a boy to become the next monarch. When this was impossible he ended it, through divorce or death sentence, with his wives. This in turn sealed his fate in a peculiar way. It would be two women who dominated and Elizabeth I would literally over rule his reign and fundamentally change the British attitude towards women. So here we go again. You are quite right to limit what you are taking in about the election. You are exhausted. You are a Sun Aquarius woman with a couple of Virgo factors in your Sixth House of work-life balance. The good news is, the second half of 2025 begins a wonderful overhaul of your wellbeing and workload not possible in 12 years and by 2026 you will be a new woman. You can’t wait for the really massive improvement, though – you need maintenance now. I could tell you that even May 2025 would be a huge improvement in your cash flow, bills and the rest, but it still would not be quite soon enough for immediate relief. The New Moon on 1st November (soon) is a good excuse to stop, pause, review your life budget, schedule and so on and make a new start with your career. You need a stopgap. Understand this will not be the full and final answer; that comes later and will be terrific. For now, though, you need to reorganise your business and it will be simple around the 1st of November, ongoing through the rest of the month.

  12. Hi Jessica
    My fear is that while you are correct that Trump is in a downward spiral, it might take another term in office to complete it and fully flush him away. I think about the events in 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn. While Pluto in Capricorn ultimately led bankers and male plutocrats to positions of power, the collapse of the banks in and the Occupy Wall st movement appeared, falsely, to flag their demise. Similarly, when Pluto enters Aquarius, Harris losing the election might appear to signal that the people have lost their voice and that Trump and other would-be dictators have won, only for a reversal in which Harris or another woman ultimately regains power in 2028 as Pluto in Aquarius picks up speed and restores voice to women and all the many diverse tribes of people that make up this country.
    I really can’t bear the thought of a Trump win, of having to hear his insane bloviating and dangerous rhetoric a moment longer, and fear what it will do to the global order, so I hope I’m wrong

    1. You went to the Tarot in another comment and drew Justice so you have answered your own concerns. This goes to the courts and the courts will decide, but it will be ‘justice done.’ We have to remember we have a convicted felon running here too with more legal issues pending. On a deeper level, Harris is a Libra, ruled by the sign of the scales.

  13. After I posted my earlier comment, I had a sudden urge to ask the Tarot on your site about whether Harris will win the election and become the President. I pulled Justice. The woman in this card looks triumphant , the scales are balanced having weighed the vote and she is holding that sword strong, true and high, ready for the just use of power granted. I felt full of relief and pride looking at it. So perhaps karma and Kamala will prevail in this election after all!

    1. Libra is of course Kamala’s Sun sign. This echoes what the astrology is saying about this going to the courts, but Justice (capital J) will prevail. And we know for sure this is a Libra woman, whose Sun is in the sign of the scales. Thank you for your angle!

  14. Thanks, Jessica. This is very encouraging. I wish it was more clear to see a Harris win but I understand your reservations for declaring a certain prediction. We do need people to get out to vote.

    The election season is also a critical time for me personally, as there are many opportunities for applications for scholarships or fellowship in the month of November. As someone who aspire to be a successful academic, I try to find the best times to submit my applications. Is there any particular periods I should be careful about?

    1. Astrologers should not predict American elections, because they have millions of readers (2 million visitors to this website alone every year). If I say Harris wins, a few thousand people might not bother voting, because it’s a done deal. If other astrologers with millions of visitors say the same thing, multiply that. The truth is, as The Guardian reported, 0.03% of votes can win the election there. In 2020, about 43,000 votes among Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona – a mere 0.03% of the votes cast nationwide – allowed Joe Biden to win. In 2016, about 80,000 combined votes gave Donald Trump his winning margins in key swing states. All I can tell you is what I told The Sun. Women rise in both parties and women rise in power across America, full stop. If you want to win a scholarship or fellowship, proceed (of course) but check the forms, the spelling, the post, the numbers and so on. Mercury Retrograde is in Sagittarius soon and academia and academics will be in disarray until the first week of January.

  15. I did not know until this post that Hilary Rodham Clinton had the higher number of votes for anyone who “lost.”

    For a recent assignment for a government class, I saw that females in political offices greatly increased after Bill Clinton became president. I was a young adult at the time, and I remember seeing HRC work really hard for changes to our awful health insurance. I immediately felt impressed to see his partner be a woman who was just as capable of holding the office. She was vilified by her opponents, yet she and Bill were able to get the Family Medical Leave Act passed.

    Since the Clinton Administration, increased and steady levels of women have been elected as representatives, and governors. Clinton also appointed record numbers of women in his cabinet until Biden (who’s nearly at 50%). Women were voted in as senators in that same pattern until Trump, and then it plateaued and dipped.

    Although HRC had a series of official losses in her presidential bids, I think her biggest win was inspiring more females to go into politics (and whether or not one likes her). Perhaps this influence helps us through our current nightmare and brings the changes you describe.

    1. Good point about women coming up through the ranks of power, spurred on by Hillary Clinton. This cycle of overlap sees the stop-start arrival of female equality, since 60AD. Christianity is a good example. This obscure cult in Rome which gave women (shock) a starring role – rose and rose.Then it took over the world. Every cycle is different and this one is not religious, but it does show parallels. Women are getting in all over the place, and steadily rising.

  16. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me here Jessica. The insights and astrology guidance are very much appreciated.

  17. Dear Jessica, thanks again for sharing all of your knowledge. One more may be important thing since you once posted an article about the recent year of the Dragon according to chinese astrology and their zodiac signs. We recently are still within the year of the Dragon until february 1st 2025. Both, Harris and Walz are born in 1964, a year of the dragon as well. So both are still within their very year now. That should be of advantage for both of them until inauguration day 20th january 2025 which is till covered by the dragon.

  18. Hi Jessica, I would really appreciate your insight astrology/psychic whether trump will be convicted in January 6th case, Georgia case, documents case. You mentioned in July that the Supreme Court will reverse their decision on immunity. I eagerly await this.

    1. I’ve never published or said that the Supreme Court will reverse their decision on immunity. Donald Trump is part of a wider cycle far more important than he is, which allows women to rise in the decline of patriarchy. We don’t know how he continues to fall, because there is no reliable birth data, him having given two different birth dates to the authorities. He is also a convicted felon and as astrologers we have to be extremely careful with paperwork supplied by that person. What you will see is women continue to rise as he declines; him being a symbol of waning power with the few white men at the top of the world system.

  19. Good morning Jessica
    Thought I’d get in touch about my tarot pull this morning. I always start with a card of the day and do use your website. Today’s was Tower, which I also pulled a few days back. This time I asked for a follow-up as to what the Tower card is referring to and pulled Ace of Swords, which in your explanation says can be about an election. Well, don’t know if you’ve heard but we’re having one in a few days here in the U.S. . So I ask who comes out on top and Six Wands comes up- certainly looks more like Kamala than her opponent so I ask if this person is a woman and pull the Magician. Woo-hoo baby! But wait- there’s more. Times being what they are, I ask if she actually becomes President and turn up High Priestess, which I’m thinking most likely is a big Yes. ? ! No need to answer- just wanted tell you.
    Thanks much.

    1. Thank you. The High Priestess is indeed a woman with more clues in the card. B and J, for a start. The New Moon. The scroll, indicating qualifications. The Trump Spiral Astrology Cycle may even see him jailed. Of course he’s already been convicted, but there is a point of view that he may spend his old age behind bars unless something else intervenes.

  20. I see a tremendous amount of astrology bloggers making predictions for pluto in Aquarius that essentially carry the political trajectory of the past 120 years forward in an orderly and direct manner. In my heart, I can’t help but sense that this is wishful thinking, from an unabashedly progressive community writ large. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, a trickster at heart. We may be wise to expect the unexpected. As much as people in this community breathlessly expect the death of patriarchy, there are signs stirring of what may one day be seen as its rebirth. Take for instance, the recent triumph of the Taliban, a force that was largely written off as a fading death rattle of patriarchy. Nobody expected such a resounding victory, and against the world’s pre-eminent military power no less. We live in a strange time in history when existing dominant institutions of government, commerce and education actually function as the bulwark of progressive ideology. In a realistic historical context, major corporations and governments now spend a remarkable amount of time and effort in service to the ideals of feminism, LGBTQIA+ rights, anti-racism and the like. The ironic thing about the Taliban’s revolution is that for a group so wedded to patriarchy, it was, in the final analysis a grassroots movement. If you look closely at the ascent of Donald Trump, precisely the same pattern repeats. The big money donors, the power elite, have largely moved to back his opponents, from Hillary to Kamala. Small donors, on the other hand seem to be the core of Trump’s support. In media, we are now looking at an unsettling pattern, where lavishly funded movie/television/gaming projects that center on female power and progressive themes fall apart in the market under the withering criticism of a decentralized, self-organizing army of trolls. High-profile failures like The Acolyte and Concord only serve to reinforce the visibility of this trend. Even the Right wing takeover of twitter /”X”, though orchestrated by a billionaire, couldn’t survive and prosper without the millions of active users who tacitly support (or at least tolerate) his brand of politics. On a global level, we are seeing forces of patriarchal, anti-progressive character like Russia and China ascend, while its progressive antithesis in the US and EU appears to be languishing. Even in the middle east, I see this unfolding, and in the most tragic way. Even though much can be said against the colonialism of the power at war with the Gazans, it holds the unfathomably ironic and uncomfortable position of being a champion in the region for the rights of women and queer communities.
    The point is, that although many in the circles we frequent hold an idyllic and rosy view of people power, the face it reveals to us in this cycle may not be what we were expecting. To wit, I have pondered what to do about this, and I am at a loss. I understand that it is in part driven by a generation or more of angry men who have lost trust and faith in the society that has developed around them. How on earth could one even begin to engage with that?

    1. Kemi Badenoch just became the first black woman to lead the Conservative Party in Great Britain. This carries on from the Pluto in Aquarius cycle I have been writing about which began with Boudicca in 60AD. A woman will lead the Republican party. You are describing the last dying gasp of dinosaur patriarchy which is extremely common when Pluto goes to 29 Capricorn for the last time. Musk is a function of that. The future is female. And not necessarily white.

  21. Dear Jessica,
    Why is anyone, including you , still using Twitter? I just don’t understand supporting such a creep!

  22. Jessica, the night is far from over, but Trump is winning right now. Perhaps you were wrong about him going on a downward spiral? Because it seems to me that women rights have lost again. I’m very sad right now.

    1. He is on a downward spiral and will go further down after 19th November. Pluto enters Aquarius then. 2025 is still 2025.

  23. Hi Jessica…as I write this, it seems like Trump will be back in the White House very soon…it is also imminent that his criminal cases will all be thrown out too! Very, very depressing and I can’t see how the USA will survive this…
    On my part, I was expecting a change in the government as well as in my personal circumstances with my job (crazy responsibilities which never seem to lessen) as well as my marriage (mental health of my husband deteriorating and he refusing any help for it)…
    Is anything going to change for the better ever? Very, very sad and heartbroken and not holding much hope in the heart…
    Thank you…

    1. Two things are yet to happen. Mercury is yet to turn retrograde (that’s November 7th) and Pluto is yet to leave Capricorn (that’s November 19th). Women are rising and will continue to rise for the next 20 years. Trump is on a downward spiral throughout. I didn’t really enjoy predicting a money man would be in the White House in 2025, back in 2023. But it does not stop the ascent of women nor does it halt the decline of Donald. Deep breath. I am sorry about your husband. You have a couple of Libra factors and a huge stellium in Leo. The stuck circuit with him ends in January when the South Node goes out of Libra. You have a terrific Jupiter cycle of hope, growth, expansion and opportunity in Leo, from 2026 which also hooks up to your Leo patterns. Your life will change for the better. Enormously so. You have not mentioned children, nor teenagers, or a younger generation but they will be a huge happy part of it. Look forward to January when the ‘stuckness’ of your husband ends. And trust. Women are rising. They will go on rising.

  24. Hello Jessica, I must say I wholeheartedly agree with Pamela’s post above.

    Your prediction last time and again this time is wrong. Trump has prevailed. I believe it’s wishful thinking.

    The people have had enough. I daresay the people of the UK may vote in Nigel Farage in 5 years time if things continue as they are.

  25. Hello Jessica,
    Thank you for this article.
    I woke up this morning discovering that Trump had won 267 electors, that he had claimed victory and that presidents had already congratulated him on his victory…
    I’ve felt disgust and worries even though my intuition had “told” me a while ago that Trump would win so it wasn’t too much of a shock.
    Do you think this is over considering that Alaska, 3 electors, always votes Republicans and that Trump will be officially declared the 47th American president or that complications may arise before an official declaration ?
    Mercury starts retrograding on November 7th, tomorrow…
    Thank you.
    Kind regards

    1. This is not what it appears to be. Mercury is yet to turn retrograde – that’s November 7th. Pluto is yet to leave Capricorn and go into Aquarius – that’s November 19th. It’s true that I predicted a money man would be in the White House in 2025. I did that in September 2023 – see forecast here. But Trump is spiralling down. Women are rising. I wonder who the money man will end up being, in the end.

  26. I have followed you for years Jessica and you have been so accurate with so many things including calling the 2020 election, however I’m not sure Trump will ever really fade away and even if he does we have JD Vance who will follow in his footsteps. Let’s be honest America is a lost country where the empire is ending ( I agree with the fall of Rome bit). A new empire will rise – I’m curious to know who that will be and whom countries like mine(NZ) should tie their apron strings to moving forward

    1. Thank you. Yes, the old America is going, going, gone. There goes Pluto, over the Capricorn cliff on 19th November. It takes patriarchy with it and women now begin to rise for 20 years. So it’s interesting. NZ is traditionally pro female power so I expect eventually you’ll join the dots with American female power. It’s a nice long cycle.

    1. He’s been offered a job by Donald, certainly. But the intent behind my question, way back in September 2023, was ‘Who will be in power in the White House?’ I agree Elon really fits the card perfectly but it has to be the President, given the question at the time.

  27. Hi Jessica. It’s hard to be optimistic right now. I was wondering if what happended means that the US would get a new birth chart, either the moment he won or on January when the inauguration happens? Could that tell us something about the way forward? I don’t think Trump will sit out this period, he’s old and tired, and his minions are breathing down his neck. Lots of power hungry men behind him, wanting his place. The women lost for now, but of course, they’ll be back.

    1. I trust astrology and history more than the moment. So I know we’re not even close to November 19th yet when Pluto goes into Aquarius for 20 years. The US chart is fixed for all time so can’t be changed unless they rename the country (which I suppose could happen, but not yet). You are quite right about power hungry men behind him. The women are rising. We’re at early Boudicca/Elizabeth I levels at the moment.

  28. Hi Jessica,
    I was so hoping your prediction about Donald Trump was correct.
    At the moment he is definitely not spiralling down, but appears to be rising up. I never thought I would see the day that Donald Trump was president again, but here we are.
    Perhaps the money man in the White House is Elon Musk the puppet master behind Trump’s campaign. He won’t be the US President but he will still be pulling the strings behind the scenes.
    Putin is one very happy man tonight.
    And the people of Europe are one step closer to war.
    Bad day all round.

    1. Julie, the spiral down is ongoing and it’s only November 6th. This goes on. And on. Just like Nero. Just like Henry VIII. Women rise and go on rising. The cycle starts, November 19th.

  29. Could Vance be the money guy? is it possible something happens to Trump and he (dies, is assassinated, gets sick, gets deposed, suddenly runs around the White House naked, etc.) It seems to me that Trump may be a liability for Republicans if he implements his plans to execute his enemies, deport millions of people, institute a nation wide abortion ban, installs tariffs and more tax breaks for the rich, etc. Vance would be much more cautious and implement the Republican agenda in such a way as to not incite the masses.
    So is it possible Vance could be the money man (the figurehead hand-picked by the dark money parties?)

    1. Vance was a venture capitalist. So he would qualify as the money man in the White House in 2025. Too funny about Donald running around the White House naked. That is a mental image I will immediately try to remove.

  30. Jessica,

    So, how does it feel to have been so off the mark? I predicted Trump would win, based on my understanding of his astrology and my own intuition. I’ve read your articles, and while you’re usually insightful, it’s clear that personal biases clouded your abilities this time.

    Living outside the U.S., you’re limited to the media narratives that fuel fear and sensationalism. Being here, living just minutes from Trump’s home, I see a side to him that doesn’t come through in the global press—a genuine desire to help Americans. Kamala and the Democrats may have had their “star power” and hidden Plutonian agendas, but there’s more beneath the surface than what meets the eye.

    Perhaps next time, a bit of humility and openness might serve your predictions better. After all, astrology should be about seeing past illusions, not buying into them.

    Best of luck with your future predictions.

    1. I predicted a money man would be in the White House in 2025, two years ago, also repeated 11 months ago, if you would be so kind as to read my website before commenting. And Donald will continue the downward spiral that began with the descent of Pluto in Capricorn, having been impeached, defeated by a landslide and convicted as a felon. The two statements are not incompatible.

  31. Hi Jessica, what do you think – what can happen after November 19th? It is a nightmare that he became US president.

    1. November 19th is the end of power in the hands of a few, at the top of a very old system. Pluto briefly appeared in Aquarius before which is when you started to see things like Kemi Badenoch rising in Britain (she now leads the Conservative Party) and of course, the ascent of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden stepped down. Who would have predicted either? (Except an astrologer). And yet here we are. Pluto has slid back into Capricorn again, just as Donald looks like he is on top of the Capricorn mountain. But here’s the thing. The mountain comes down, for another 248 years, on 19th November. We live in really peculiar times. And we watch and wait.

  32. Hi Jessica. I see most of the commentators are disappointed about how their elections turned out. I am not American so I will not even venture down that path. My country also has a president that I am not proud of. He has decided on behalf of the country that we will continue to be an allie of Russia as we are unfortunately part of BRICS. Also our President has decided to take Israel to the International Court of Human Rights or something along those lines. Members of our community want to boycott Israel and anything connected to Israel. Can you see how Trump being President of the USA and Starmer being Prime Minister of the UK is going to affect relationships with countries like mine?

    1. One of the nice things about this website is that everybody can put the kettle on, sit down and talk about the things that bring us together. And that’s astrology, especially at an election. What you mention about Russia and Israel, the US and the UK is really part of the disappearing present. We are still in Pluto in Capricorn and it has been here since 2008 when Vladimir Putin rose to power. Since that time we have seen exactly what astrology expects: domination by the small number of people at the top of a very old system. Historically it never lasts. In fact it falls apart. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about the Roman Empire, Nero, the Roman Catholic Church or Henry VIII, it’s always Decline and Fall. So you are looking at long-term system change and have to remember you are at the very, very earliest stages of that over a monumental period of transformation when for a start, women rise.

  33. Dear Jessica,
    I guess many a people are devastated by the American election results. I really am. Is a miracle possible yet? Or are we doomed?
    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    1. Thank you Adari. What I published, 11 months ago now, was a prediction that a money man would be in the White House. That is basic psychic astrology, using the Tarot and the American horoscope. The same chart clearly shows women rise and end up leading both parties in the next 20 years. It’s very interesting that black women in Britain and the US are rising in general, increasing their power (Kemi Badenoch, Lisa Blunt Rochester). We also have to remember that Pluto in Aquarius has not yet started properly yet. It’s still in the dying stages of Capricorn. If you mean, are you doomed to seeing power stay with a small white male elite forever? No. Not at all.

  34. Hi Jessica, Trump recently stated that he and Speaker Mike Johnson had a secret plan. I wonder whether they had hatched up a plan to steal the election. What are your thoughts on this? I sense something disturbing about the votes counts whether Putin and Musk had anything to do with them. would appreciate your psychic insight.

    1. Centaur, I agree and my intuition says that there was more at work here to undermine the election then we actually know at this point. I couldn’t sleep last night trying to thinking that maybe Trump and his clan really did do something to undermine the vote. I recall him talking about the “secret plan” and also that “there was no need to worry AT ALL who would win” and with his constant affirmation of this. When it looks to good to be true, this is usually the case. Or, are there really that many people that voted for this nut and his Project 2025 agenda? It is hard for me to accept that there are more “crazy’s then normal’s” out there. I guess the wool was pulled out from under me and I am naive. Very sad time and Jessica, I hope you are right with rise of woman and T spiral! Also, I commend you for being patient with all of us on your website. You never claimed to KNOW who would win, and it is unfair to make harsh comments. We all appreciate your encouragements based on what astrological tools you have to work with!

      1. I did claim to know who would win, actually. A money man. So that was September 2023. I repeated that prediction about a money man in the White House in 2025, in this January 2024 feature, if you want to check. I didn’t name any names. Why not? Because American elections come down to tens of thousands of votes. It is extremely dangerous for astrologers to say ‘Kamala’ or ‘Donald’ because they have millions of readers. Just reading that can keep voters away because they think it’s a done deal. I am horrified that so many astrologers did this in 2024. There is a huge list of them on Skyscript. They don’t balance out. Most have told their readers or listeners about a Harris win. Their combined popular readership or listener base must be in the millions (I have 2 million visitors a year, alone, on this website). That kind of thing is really risky for democracy. Anyway. Thank you very much for your comment. It’s much appreciated.

  35. I think Pluto in Aquarius is about a Trump win. Trump is really like Hitler, using that ugly underbelly of racism and anger to get into power. But just like Nazism, Maga is not going away until he blows it up by betraying them. And then the US can heal. I think they will revolt when he raises their taxes, when inflation goes higher, when interest rates increase. And he doesn’t care, because he is making money.

  36. Most of us, here, in the US are extremely happy and elated with Trump winning and winning ‘yugely’ lol. He has won the swing states AND the popular vote too, we’ve won the Senate, and Congress – the people have spoken and it is a mandate like none other! I hope he does not go in a “downward spiral” that would not be good for our country, the only downward spiral I see is maybe another attempt on his life, God forbid! As far as, Pluto in Aquarius and women – Trump’s first choice was naming Susie Wiles, the ‘Ice Maiden’ (‘the most powerful Republican you don’t know’), as Chief of Staff. He is smart as she is an excellent choice who has lead him to victory as his 2024 Chief Campaign Manager! And, I am sure he will bring on more powerful women into his cabinet because he appreciates strong women. The other problem I see is the over 10 million (some estimate almost 18million) asylees who have flooded the country of which over 300k are criminal elements and need to be immediately deported, plus 300k missing/undocumented children we need to account for. Honestly, Harris n Biden should’ve not allowed that to happen but that is in the past. So, I’m thinking the problem would be ppl against deporting the criminal elements bc the media using yellow journalism with blurring the lines between illegal criminals and legally admitted asylees? Anyway, I’m sure you will pray for the healing of our country and to resolve most of the issues facing our president.

    1. I’m afraid Donald is already on a downward spiral. It is shown in the American horoscope. The leader is Pluto in Capricorn. As Pluto goes down and out in the sign (finally on 19th November) so does the leadership. That is how I predicted, four years before it happened, that Harris was very likely to replace Biden. Donald has been impeached, had a police mugshot, been convicted, is still up for possible jail sentencing in New York, has lost to Stormy Daniels and E. Jean Carroll, been shot at, had two more assassination attempts against him and lost in a huge landslide to Biden and Harris. So it goes on. Many readers have commented that Vance will replace him, should he be impeached again and removed; retire owing to illness and so on. So you see. Down, down, deeper and down – as I do like to quote Status Quo when talking about Pluto.

  37. I believe that prayer changes things. January is over a month away… Secrets don’t stay hidden forever. I can’t predict the future but I can say that in my lifetime I’ve seen many Miracles. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. I like to play The Wait and See Game..

    1. There is actually scientific evidence for prayer too. And there is plenty of time, as you say, to wait and see. Something that is very Pluto in Aquarius is – the collective global community coming together in a powerful way. When we have outer planet transits in Aquarius we see international brotherhood and sisterhood. So international resistance to all that Donald represents – being above the law – is already rising. That is a unique solidarity among humanity and sometimes it takes a spur like this to make it happen. The end of Pluto in Capricorn.

  38. I understand Jessica, what you are saying in each of these responses that I have been reading here now for quite a long time. I tend to agree with you. The power of prayer an

    in collective humanity can and has created change. It is HOPE. I am deeply in involved in the power of prayer and I’m not subscribing to any denomination, and I do pray the rosary although I am a critic of the conservative Catholic Church. they have become too political. I subscribe to a lot of native American beliefs which also run through a lot of cultural beliefs of other religions and faiths and cultures.I see the Spirit in nature I do believe the shift on the 19th has a true basis. I think you have done your best in evaluating the science in astrology. I think you work very hard and I think you did a good job. I think that shift in higher consciousness and the female protections will prevail.

    1. Thanks very much for your kind comments. Today the news came that Donald will be sentenced. So this is part of the spiralling. Native American beliefs are very interesting and although Pluto is not in their culture, deep wisdom about man and nature is. Something is very wrong here. A man is putting himself above the law. He is playing Pluto in Capricorn but he is now yesterday’s man. That transit is dust. And women are rising; Bluesky is rising and has a female CEO. Literally day one…

  39. Hello Miss Jessica,
    I wanted to know if Trump will succeed in destroying American democracy, threats of mass deportation ( with Uranus being in Taurus), and stripping women and LGBTQ+ community of their rights. Will he be stopped now that Pluto is fully in Aquarius?

    1. Mass deportation of illegal immigrants is not going to show up as Donald announced it. He did this on Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius, which rules foreigners. However, once Uranus goes into Gemini from mid 2025, there will indeed be a global push back against immigration in general, as the Sagittarius placements of billions are blocked and stopped by Uranus. I’ve replied to you elsewhere about gay, lesbian and bisexual people.

  40. Hello Miss Jessica,
    Thank you for this insightful post. However I must ask what the future holds. Will Trump succeed in destroying American Democracy, his threats with mass deportation (since Uranus is in Taurus), and stripping women and LGBTQ+ communities rights? Will anything stop him in regard to astrology?

    1. Donald has been plummeting on a steep downward spiral for many years, and keeps struggling to the top, only to come down again. It is this way now and it is only a matter of time. Pluto in Aquarius is a powerful, proven, ancient cycle when the more women have been erased or dominated by men, the faster and harder they rise. Watch the women. Unfortunately for the Democrats, they did not back women (even Kamala Harris could not do this) when it came to men taking over female change rooms, sport and so on – so they lost badly. Pluto in Aquarius is about the big diverse country which affords equal space to the individual tribes within it. However Donald also fails miserably to meet this criteria too, so I am sure you can see why something completely different is on the way into America, from 2025.

  41. Hi Jessica,

    I’m curious about the “spell” that the former president has over so many people. It seems that no matter what he does, his supporters continue to be protective of him. It’s almost as if he is protected by some kind of shield. Does Neptune in Pisces contribute to the distorted reality that so many have about this man? And along with the Pluto into Aquarius contributing to his continued downward spiral, does Neptune into Aries 2025 peel back the curtain of the great Oz to reveal the little man behind the curtain? I’m hoping that as Neptune moves on, the fog of the past 14 years will dissipate, and we all can emerge into a new reality.

    Thank you.

    John W.

    1. Thank you John. If we look at the slow-moving transits that have appeared during the Donald Days, they include Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, as you mention – and Pluto in Capricorn, now moving on. Pluto in Capricorn is your answer. Pluto is compelling, seductive, overpowering, dominating, a takeover merchant and this transit has empowered anyone playing the top man in the old system, to get back up again, even when he has fallen. Thus the impeachments, the bleeding ear, the election failure and the rest. But here’s the thing. Pluto has gone from Capricorn. Ceres is almost out of Capricorn (she is Pluto’s equal in astronomy and astrology). So these two symbols of enormous power are no longer in the sign of the establishment, the elite, the patriarchy. Around December 7th it becomes really clear that the future is Aquarian. The power is with the people and it’s shared across, not from the top down. There may have been some religious delusion contributing to the election of Donald, as Neptune in Pisces can result in mass confusion over God. Yet, it is really Pluto in Capricorn, which characterises this period in history. Beyond Donald, of course, you have the Kremlin, which has also taken over, taken and so on, with one actor at the top of a white male system. By all the laws of astrology and history, what we are seeing here is a Nero-like spiral. And complete system change, actually, because the system that produced Donald and the actor they call Putin, is just not going to last with Pluto in Aquarius. No women in power, for a start. Big mistake.

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