Astrology for Absolute Beginners
If you know nothing about astrology begin with the idea that you are not one sign – you are several in one body! Here is how to find your main signs and find out what they mean for love, money, career and the rest.
If you know nothing about astrology begin with the idea that you are not one sign – you are several in one body! Here is how to find your main signs and find out what they mean for love, money, career and the rest.
You may have an inner conflict to resolve. You may have to deal with polar opposites in your world. The ‘what’ of the message depends on what you have at 11 degrees in your chart.
What do all those planets, asteroids and the rest mean in your personal birth chart? Sometimes called the natal chart this is the key to everything you need to know.
It’s time to make a deal. There is abundance here. Jupiter is about ‘more’ and there is more to be gained, if you are prepared to strike terms.
The whole point of astrology is to help us understand what is going on and what it all means.
We have several life-changing cycles in the sign of Leo, between 2017 and 2019. If you have Leo factors in your chart they will be triggered.
Dr. Who, like all television series, has a birth chart or natal horoscope. Babies are born, and dramas begin – and so it is with the Doctor.
Aesculapia is a symbol of miraculous comeback. The position of this asteroid shows you where you can be like the Phantom – The Ghost Who Walks.
On a total solar eclipse, the Moon covers the Sun. The sky becomes dark and there is always a cover-up.
What happens when someone gives false or wrong data to an astrologer? Here are some common examples of this problem and what to do about it.
Where Saturn has the same degree or even one degree away, it may have a bigger impact on you than other people.
His chart is all about money, trade, taxation and business. It seems fated, too – the Nodes are involved – so we could guess he’s an old hand at finance, in one or more previous lifetimes, perhaps going back to the Thirties.
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