July 24, 2020

Lilly and Psychic Astrology

Dreaming zodiac sign symbols for future dates – which may not be understood by astrologers for centuries – is truly psychic astrology. William Lilly, who predicted the plague and The Great Fire of London in 1666, was a master of the art. How did he do it?

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Millennials or Gen Y in Astrology

Millennials or Gen Y in astrology form radically different groups, so classifying them all as one, is a big mistake. Generation Sagittarius, Generation Capricorn, Generation Scorpio, Generation Scorpio-Capricorn and Generation Aquarius show five separate groups.

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The Ghislaine Maxwell Astrology Chart

Sun Capricorn socialite Ghislaine Maxwell also has Mercury, Mars and Saturn in Capricorn. In July 2020 we have Pluto in Capricorn. What next, following her arrest by the FBI? Why does astrology show specific dates to watch as questions continue to be asked about Jeffrey Epstein and his rich and powerful friends – including Prince Andrew?

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