Vale Queen Elizabeth II
The Astrology of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Queen Elizabeth II, the United Kingdom’s longest-reigning monarch, passed to spirit at the age of 96 at
The Astrology of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Queen Elizabeth II, the United Kingdom’s longest-reigning monarch, passed to spirit at the age of 96 at
Set for the moment she is finally free of the European Union, the new Great Britain will be reborn at 11.00pm on 31st January 2020. People are surprised to hear that countries have astrology charts too. Yet they do (and they work). So what does this one say?
The Full Moon in Aquarius takes place on 15th August 2019 at 1.29pm in Britain. It is the most important Full Moon of the year. It draws in the events of 2017-2018 but also predicts your future, starting The New Age of Aquarius on December 20th, 2020.
Bitcoin, Mastercard, Visa, American Express, The Standard Bank, ANZ, NAB, HSBC, Natwest, the Bank of England and Bank of Scotland all show radical change at the same time in 2019. But why? And how are you affected?
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