2018 Earth Sign Horoscope Karma
Dear Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn – Your horoscope karma is decided by the cycles of the North Node and South Node in astrology. Until November 2018 the North Node is in Leo and the South Node is in Aquarius.
Dear Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn – Your horoscope karma is decided by the cycles of the North Node and South Node in astrology. Until November 2018 the North Node is in Leo and the South Node is in Aquarius.
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Tarot and Astrology for July-December 2018 and a special invitation for British readers.
The Sixth House is very much about daily rituals and the method and order of your regular routine.
If you are a Premium Member, so you can look up your personal birth chart and see exactly what is going on with your own natal horoscope.
If you know nothing about astrology begin with the idea that you are not one sign – you are several in one body! Here is how to find your main signs and find out what they mean for love, money, career and the rest.
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