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Uranus in Taurus and You

What will happen when Uranus moves into Taurus in May 2018? How will you be affected? For Scorpio, this is about marriage. For Leo, it’s about career. The planet of radical change is about to call a revolution.

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Cancer Predictions and Uranus in Taurus

Were you born with the Sun in the zodiac sign of Cancer? If you are a late June or July baby, then both your one-on-one partnerships and your friendships are going to change enormously.

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The Aries Weather

April is about women who may have a man in their life, or they may not, but they are happily alone in their own space. For men, you will find your mother, wife, girlfriend, female colleague/boss or female friend comes centre stage.

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Your Tarot and Astrology Predictions for 2018

Let’s take a closer look – this spread of cards was chosen back in December 2017 – the question was:
‘What is the most important thing each sign of the zodiac needs to know about the year 2018?’

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2018 Love Horoscope

What does 2018 have in store for your love life according to your horoscope? Pisces could easily become engaged. Scorpio needs to stop working so hard. Leo has choices about children to make.

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Decoding Your Birth Chart

If you are a Premium Member, so you can look up your personal birth chart and see exactly what is going on with your own natal horoscope.

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Your Jupiter Luck in October

Your Jupiter luck in October rolls from Tuesday 10th as the planet of opportunity, solutions, growth and improvement enters his new sign of Scorpio.

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SOS Astrology

When you hit a crisis – you’re dumped in a relationship – you’re sacked from your job – you lose someone from your world – the first thing you want is an explanation.

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Your Birth Chart – Mercury Retrograde

How does Mercury Retrograde personally affect you? If you have your birth chart (natal chart) as a Premium Member you can see if these cycles of delay and reversal hit your personal horoscope and plan ahead for them.

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Love and the Last Libra Weather

By December 9th 2017, Mars in Libra will end a cycle with fantastic potential, no matter if you need to settle your differences, start a relationship, or make a commitment to pregnancy or marriage. We’re all affected!

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Monthly Horoscopes by Jessica Adams
Astrology Basics

Astrology for Absolute Beginners

If you know nothing about astrology begin with the idea that you are not one sign – you are several in one body! Here is how to find your main signs and find out what they mean for love, money, career and the rest.

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All About Your Birth Chart

What do all those planets, asteroids and the rest mean in your personal birth chart? Sometimes called the natal chart this is the key to everything you need to know.

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