Hillary Clinton in Astrology
The AA-rated astrology chart for Hillary Clinton shows her marriage to Bill, the birth of Chelsea and the loss to Donald Trump in 2016. What does the 2024 U.S. election show?
The AA-rated astrology chart for Hillary Clinton shows her marriage to Bill, the birth of Chelsea and the loss to Donald Trump in 2016. What does the 2024 U.S. election show?
Some of my Harry, Meghan and Oprah psychic astrology predictions from as far back as 2017 are coming to pass. Read on to find out why the real story in 2021 is about Meghan’s investments, promoted by Oprah Winfrey.
Trump impeachment in astrology sees predictions for 2020 falling into line, two whole years after you first saw them here. Find out what’s going to happen, why and when.
On January 8th, 1828, at Jefferson Hall, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the Democrats were born. Just like any person you know, the party has an astrology chart showing Aquarius patterns that could put her in the lead in 2020.
Who will the President of the United States in the 2020 Election? There is a pattern showing up in the Republican (Grand Old Party or G.O.P. horoscope) which is worth watching. First posted on March 24th 2019, this feature has been updated to include January 2020 polls for Mike Bloomberg./
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