Conservative Party Astrology to 2035
The astrology chart for the Conservative Party shows not just a replacement leader, a replacement party. We can narrow it down to a number of dates in 2024 and 2025.
The astrology chart for the Conservative Party shows not just a replacement leader, a replacement party. We can narrow it down to a number of dates in 2024 and 2025.
Psychic astrology called everything from the collapse of the First Republic Bank (on the day it happened) to President Biden declaring Russia had lost the war. What’s come true and what’s up next?
Would you believe Brexit at Christmas 2019 was predicted in November 2018? Date-stamped on this website? And what about David Miliband to replace Jeremy Corbyn? Read on to find out how the horoscopes worked out.
Hung parliament under PM Boris Johnson? January No Deal/New Deal Brexit? What about The Brexit Party and Nigel Farage? An America-Britain No Deal/New Deal? Read on for UK election astrology predictions 2019
The new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is the only PM in history to have written a book which references astrology. Strange but true. What’s also strange is his 2.00pm birth time. Not true?
Astrology has given us specific dates for all the shocks on the road to Brexit, from the resignation of Prime Minister Theresa May, to the sudden rise of Boris ‘No Deal’ Johnson – and Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party. True and new predictions follow.
Ten true astrology predictions from February-April 2019 which are date-stamped, specific and prove horoscopes predict the future. Do you want to learn how to do this too? Join The Sun Sign School launching on April 23rd.
From 20th February to 17th April you will experience rescheduling, cancellations and delays as we go through the chaos of Mercury Retrograde. It begins and ends with shadows. How are you affected? Why will tsunamis, storms and floods sweep the world?
Theresa May and the Conservative Party are 20 points ahead of Labour as I write this on 19th April 2017. That seems to make horoscope predictions pretty irrelevant. But the public opinion polls have been wrong before – and astrology was absolutely right.
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