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Using Your 2024-2025 Astrology Report

How to get the most from your 2024-2025 Astrology Forecast Report from Jessica Adams. Use it with your natal chart. Try Astrology Delivery. Your horoscope begins on Lunar New Year, 10th February 2024 and takes you to January 29th 2025.

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Top 5 Psychic Astrology Predictions of 2023

Psychic astrology called everything from the collapse of the First Republic Bank (on the day it happened) to President Biden declaring Russia had lost the war. What’s come true and what’s up next?

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Astrology Delivery 2024

Get some or all of what you want in January 2024 using Astrology Delivery, the amazing new way to use your horoscope.

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Covid – True and New Predictions

Astrology correctly predicted the virus a year before it happened, giving the dates of the first death in Wuhan and the WHO pandemic declaration. Astrology also predicted March 2023 would be critical. In that month, XBB 116 (Arcturus) arrived. Why is November 2023 to February 2024 such an issue? And what can you do?

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