Republican Astrology Predictions 2025-2026
The Republican party astrology chart shows a major split coming in 2025, 2026. Ukraine and Trump Russia are the story. So might be a Watergate moment. Expect shockwaves.
The Republican party astrology chart shows a major split coming in 2025, 2026. Ukraine and Trump Russia are the story. So might be a Watergate moment. Expect shockwaves.
2023 Predictions in Astrology The year 2023 is full of highs and lows. The worst phase of Covid is coming from March, but the solution
2023 Psychic Astrology Predictions – The Conscious Cafe The Conscious Cafe in London (via Zoom) has kindly hosted my regular Astrology and Tarot 2023 event.
What Astrology Reveals About Nuclear Power I’ve had quite a few questions from readers in Ukraine and her neighbouring countries about the risk of Vladimir
The Jupiter Neptune in Pisces Event – Q&A Thank you for coming along to The Jupiter and Neptune Conjunction in Pisces event, on Zoom, from
The Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces – Your Questions We now have over 4000 people in our Astrology and Tarot Meetup groups in New York,
The Astrology Chart for China This chart is set for 1st January 1912 at 12.00pm in Nanking, China. It shows the birth of the Republic
The Astrology Chart for Ukraine On 24th August 1991 at 6.00pm local time, Ukraine became independent. The chart is below. She is a Virgo nation.
Nostradamus wrote down Trump as trompe – and Putin as butins. The predictions are fascinating.
What does the future hold in astrology using the charts for Russia and Ukraine?
What does The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on 21st December 2020 mean for your horoscope? Join Jessica Adams live as it happens in a free worldwide event from a caravan named Wanda in Tasmania, with top psychics Tara Buffington in America and Kyra Oser in Canada.
How astrology predicted the exact date – September 25th 2019 – of a brilliant Brexit free trade deal between the USA and UK – 11 months before it happened. PLUS – The astrology prediction about Trump Russia in September 2019, made back on 23rd February, as impeachment begins.
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