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The Liz Truss Astrology Chart

The Astrology Chart for PM Liz Truss The new British Prime Minister Liz Truss told the media in September 2022, that she didn’t think predictions

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What U.K. Astrology Charts Reveal

What does the future hold for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? First published on 11th January 2022. Psychic astrology in action.

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Saturn in Pisces 2023-2026

What happens when you have Saturn in Pisces on your plate? What changes on the menu for you, and the world, 2023-2026?

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Nostradamus’ Corona Predictions

Nostradamus has just proven himself to be the greatest astrologer of all time. How? He named the COVID-19 variants, as far back as the 16th century. So, what else does the master see for 2021 and beyond?

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The Great Conjunction in Aquarius

What does The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on 21st December 2020 mean for your horoscope? Join Jessica Adams live as it happens in a free worldwide event from a caravan named Wanda in Tasmania, with top psychics Tara Buffington in America and Kyra Oser in Canada.

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Your Virgo Planets and the Virus

Do you have Uranus and Pluto in Virgo? (You will, if you are in your fifties). Maybe you actually are a Virgo, or you have another planet or asteroid in that sign. The virus was predicted with astrology specifically for March 9th 2020 back in November 2019. How will you be affected and what is the bigger message from the Virgo factors in your Premium Member birth chart?

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The (New) Great Britain Astrology Chart

Set for the moment she is finally free of the European Union, the new Great Britain will be reborn at 11.00pm on 31st January 2020. People are surprised to hear that countries have astrology charts too. Yet they do (and they work). So what does this one say?

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New! Brexit Astrology September 2019

All the Brexit astrology predictions by Jessica Adams about September 2019 in one place. What has come to pass? What is around the corner in September, October 2019 and January 2020?

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The Astrology of No Deal Brexit

Will Britain opt for a No Deal Brexit even after a “No” to “No Deal” by the Queen? May-June 2019 is a revolution. Here is why April 18th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 26th are the dates to watch for the Shock New Brexit Deal.

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2020 Predictions for Britain After 2020

The ‘Britannia’ astrology chart from 55 B.C. shows women dominate until 2050 and Scotland goes her own way. What does the future hold and how will it affect your life? The astrology timing on Brexit has been accurate all along – so what’s next? And how does it affect you, based on your own chart?

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