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Home Astrology and Tarot Workshop Podcast

This is a podcast of the four special Astrology and Tarot events held around Australia in Summer 2020, exclusively for you as a Premium Member. It gives you examples, diary dates and all the information you need to read your own past, present and potential future.

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2020 Year of the Rat Predictions

What will Year of the Rat bring you? The Rat is about financial partnership and property duets. Marriage and mortgage, or couple’s property investments, are associated with the Rat.

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Pamela's Tarot
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Exclusive Edition – Pamela’s Tarot

The Tarot deck created by Pamela Colman Smith is the most popular kind of Tarot card pack in the world.

In this guide, Pamela’s Tarot, you will find out more about the meaning of the cards, by discovering more about her.

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Your Oracle

Your Oracle

Your Oracle is the latest addition to your personal library of astrology, tarot, energy clearing and other guides.

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Capricorn and Cancer Karma 2019-2020 – Part One

This is Part One of a Two-part series. In this feature, I’ll look at when Capricorn and Cancer Karma started and why it’s here as well as who and what is affected. I’ll also look at how to deal with it, and what history tells us about managing it. Astrology is history.

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The Alan Turing Astrology Chart

If ever there was a man who could never be alone, either in work or love, it was Alan Turing. Yet, Libra is also about ‘fighting the good fight’ and correcting the balance. It is about war as much as love.

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Avebury and Stonehenge Astrology Walk

High-profile astrologers Olga Morales and Natalie Delahaye will guide you around the deeper mysteries of Avebury. What is the story behind the Ley Line energy current there, and why is Avebury associated with just two zodiac signs?

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When the Stars Align – July to September 2019

Part three of a four-part quarterly series about 2019 and the most important astrology alignments, or fated dates, of the year. How will your sign gain? What about your personal birth chart, if you are a Premium Member?

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What Your Indian Guru Sign Means

The astrology of India is similar to the West, in that Jupiter is seen as a symbol of learning, good fortune and growth. Known as Guru, your Jupiter zodiac sign in Indian (Vedic) will be different to the one you know from your Western chart. How can you use it best?

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What is Your Indian Guru Sign?

In ancient Hindu literature Brihaspati is a Vedic era sage who counsels the gods, while in some medieval texts the word refers to the largest planet Jupiter.

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Britain, Brexit and 1066 Astrology

What is really astonishing about Great Britain is that she also possesses other ‘birth’ charts quite apart from 1066 which also gives us the same story about 2019. Global expansion. New exploration. The world map, written in a new way.

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