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Sunday, July 28th, 2024: The financial, property, charity, ownership and business zone of your chart shows you how to pull back, hold off, control and micro-manage yourself. Doing this will actually get you some of what you want and maybe all of it but weigh up the costs.

Something Else for Sunday:

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What it means to be Capricorn

22 December – 20 January

The mountain goat who climbs patiently to the top is widely admired for her/his persistence, stamina and vision. At your very best, this is how you live your life. You set goals and reach them. You rise in high society and shine brightly in corporations, companies or the academic establishment. At your worst, you are a social climber who uses people to get ahead. Doing anything for success is another classic Capricorn Sun downfall – is making it, so crucial?

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Your Week

Capricorn – Uranus and Cupido are now in your zone of sexual relationships, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers and young adults, centre-stage. To this list we add a younger demographic – Generation Z. Gen Z. The Zoomers. This utterly changes the landscape, very quickly. Read your full Capricorn Weekly Horoscope for July 22-28, 2024.

Your Month

The Other Side, Your Other Half July is so important for figuring out the scales of fairness. The scales of equality. The scales of justice. This may have been a partnership or a dispute back in June, Capricorn. The second Full Moon in the same zone of your chart, within weeks, brings you chapter two. Read your full Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for July.
Your Year 2024
Famous Capricorn People Mary Tyler Moore 29th December 1936 Mary Beard 1st January 1955 Sir George Martin 3rd January 1926 Michael Stipe 4th January 1960 Syd Barrett 6th January 1946 Gerald Durrell 7th January 1925 David Bowie 9th January 1947 Martin Luther King 15th January 1929 Kate Moss 16th January 1974 A.A. Read your full Capricorn Yearly Horoscope for 2024.

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