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Sunday, February 16th, 2025: These May 2025 pathways ahead will introduce you to people, ideas and concepts which are so foreign to you that you may feel vastly inexperienced and under-informed. It doesn’t matter. This is a holiday from reality.

Something Else for Sunday:

familyfriends extended personal birth chart e1725850007603 - LeoIf you want to a give a gift that is unique, you can now gift a membership to a friend or loved one here. Just check the ‘this membership is a gift’ option during checkout and you can tell us who to send the membership to.

You can also purchase Family & Friends Extended Personal Birth Charts in the Shop here.


What it means to be Leo

23 July – 23 August

Leo the lion is an ancient symbol of monarchy. At your best, you are born to rule, and have a natural ability to lead, set an example, guide and mentor. A special connection with the world of children or younger people is the shining badge of every successful Leo. The downside of your sign is arrogance and bossiness. The dark side of Leo is also snobbery – looking down on those below you. When in doubt remember The French Revolution and move on.

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Your Week

Leo – If an old friend re-enters your life now – he or she will connect you to a large and lovely network of people. Read your full Leo Weekly Horoscope for February 10-16, 2025.

Your Month

Leo – Your money, house, apartment, business or charity is still heavily tied up with your partner or the family – typically. The Eighth House transit of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces can also be about other complicated connections which feel like a marriage, or they feel as if these are blood ties. Read your full Leo Monthly Horoscope for February.
Your Year 2025
Terrific new friends who are part of a circle, club, team, society or association open up your life by your birthday and later in 2025 you will see a revolution in your social media. As one half of a couple, pair, partnership or duet (of any kind) you will find power now. Read your full Leo Yearly Horoscope for 2025.

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