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Leo Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for July. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Leo Monthly Forecast

Adjusting to Your Lifestyle Changes

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Ever since Pluto went into Capricorn, you have been putting up with work politics, or difficult questions about who is top dog in your profession, university, college, industry, business – or with your unpaid work. January was intense. In fact, it was historic. Now, you are moving into the adjustment/acceptance zone. It takes time. You have a Full Moon on July 21st, 2024, to get past. The rest of the year is about stop-start progress.

You can be Jacinda Ardern, Bill Clinton or Barack Obama on this cycle (all Leo) and have had Donald Trump to live with. It may be that your entire field of operations has been hit by someone who tried to take over your turf, specifically. I am a Leo too and have had to put up with attempted psychic attacks from amateur astrologers. Your profession has its own nuisances, I’m sure. In 2024, not only is Pluto but also Ceres is in your Sixth House of work, is a reminder that no matter how much experience you bring to your job, there will always be people trying to get in the way. And yet, Leo, it only makes you more powerful.

Your Place in the World

Back in 1968 Richard Sterling described Uranus as ‘the planet of sudden change and unexpected events’ and that still holds. Uranus is now transiting your sector of work, high society, the men and women at the top, the pecking order – and ambition. This is hinted at in July, but as you are obviously planning your diary for the next six months ahead already, it is worth knowing more about work. Perhaps, too, your voluntary involvements, or your studies. As you read this I am in Richard’s old house in the Blue Mountains. He was a Gemini who knew how to explain the planets in simple terms. Your career this year really is about – unexpected events.

You will be relieved to hear that 2025 is a big improvement. I quote the brilliant astrologer, Howard Sasportas: “If we haven’t acknowledged our need for some sort of change in our work situation at this time, we may be forced into changing.” A snap promotion, or an equally sudden axing of the boss (to be replaced by someone so new) is possible. The Full Moon on July 21st would be the catalyst, Leo, with the actual developments that change it all, set for September-December.

The Mind and the Body

In astrology, we don’t separate the body from the spirit and mind. So what has happened to you at work (or home) in 2023, 2024 has affected how you feel physically or mentally. This was really obvious last Christmas, into January just gone. It was about the ‘machine’ – being you!

Maybe that is your issue; yourself as machine. Leo, your personal birth chart will reveal what life was telling you, then and now, in terms of your body and its needs. So often if you have Virgo factors in your chart, you can see that the body acted out whatever feelings you had, regarding – work, housework, unpaid work, study. If you won’t drop the pace, your body will make you do that. If you won’t walk away from the wrong role, your body can intervene to make sure you do. It’s on that level, if you have Virgo factors in your birth chart, Leo.

Queen or King of the Zodiac

You are the Queen or King of the zodiac but there have been serious, long-lasting, challenges regarding your place in the hierarchy. So, this year- so far – has been about the politics between boss, staff, colleagues. Professors, students or teachers. If you’ve been the reigning monarch, it can be very hard to accept that other people can attempt to take over. Pluto and Ceres retrograde in Capricorn, the sign ruling your working life (paid and unpaid) have so far delivered some real players, haven’t they? Or – people who think they are.

What will happen after this Full Moon in July, for the remaining year, with Uranus (the planet of sudden, exciting events) in your career, success, ambition, achievement, mission and position zone is exhilarating. It’s not guaranteed, because you have to want it! Yet, Leo, it’s hinted at now. I would describe this as ‘potential all-change’ in your field, or at home, if that is where the chain of command is.

You have to believe in it, reach for it and make it happen. But – Leo – you could either become Queen or King in a flash, in your chosen field, following a bolt from the blue – or accept a new leader. A person who is actually worthy of the title she/he receives. High status that’s earned. The slow exit of Pluto and Ceres from your work and unpaid work zone can be like that.

Accepting a new employer, boss, or other leader might be the only thing you need as the year ends. A change at the top. I’m not discounting you getting to the top, either. It depends on how much you want it.

Do You Have to Serve Somebody?

Wherever you feel you have to serve somebody, though (to quote Bob Dylan) you have been experiencing huge issues about who or what is in control. Who or what has the power.

What you’re going to see after this difficult bridge to cross on July 21st is new room at the top. There are so many ambitions for you to conquer. Nothing can really happen until the pecking order is sorted out, though. And that’s September, October, November, December 2024.

Uranus is about the ‘Wham, bam’ factor in life and it can come from nowhere. It’s a little like King George III waking up to realise he was no longer King of America. When we also find Uranus, which she associates with all that is disruptive – in your sector of achievement and ambition – there’s a story to tell. My money would be on September-December, and it’s hinted at in July 2024.

Pluto in your Sixth House of work, does rather suggest something dramatic as he signs off this year. Margaret E. Hone D.F. Astrology. S. associated Pluto with ‘beginnings and endings’ and all that is revealing. She also associated Pluto with ‘quick, eliminative, getting-rid of action’. This was written in 1951. Peg Hone knew her onions.

Are you a Premium Member? Pick up all the complimentary online guidebooks and digital Tarot and Oracle cards for your own predictions now, if you haven’t already. You do stand to gain from moving, renovating, redecorating, reshuffling the family or household this time next year – and now is the time to create the future. The digital card decks on my website are here to give you a three-way reading, if you wish. Read on for Premium Member Diary Dates.

  • Pamela’s Tarot flipbook guide
  • The Garden Oracle
  • The Astrology Oracle cards
  • The Extended Smith-Waite Tarot


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