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Monthly Horoscopes

Welcome to July!

Are you in Sydney, Australia?

Paul Fenton Smith - Monthly HoroscopesOn Sunday, July 28th, 2024, Premium Members and Sun Sign School subscribers can join me and author Paul Fenton-Smith for a free half-day event – all about your soulmate.

I’ll be recording a special edition of The Astrology Show, while Paul will look at cutting psychic energy cords to previous partners, why your first crush still matters and how to clear a space for a true soulmate to come in. Paul is the 100,000+ bestselling author of one of my favourite Tarot books and you may know him from television.

Tarot Books Paul Fenton 300x169 - Monthly Horoscopes

We look forward to seeing you at Bondi Beach. You are very welcome to bring a plus one, as your complimentary guest.

All event information can be found here.


Here is your monthly forecast with a special extended forecast for premium members of this website. Discover what July has in store for you in the stars. Click your sign to begin.

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