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Gemini Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for July. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Gemini Monthly Forecast

All That Is Foreign to You

2021 gemini 300x300 - GeminiIn July, we see the first of the new Pluto in Aquarius weather really start to reshape your thinking about what is possible abroad, Gemini. This is not just about Pluto in Aquarius (which rules the bigger picture for you). It is also about the arrival of Ceres in Aquarius on December 7th, 2024. Planning ahead is very wise, as in July 2024 you are also heading for a Full Moon in Aquarius, on August 19th, in the same chart zone.

You will teach or study (perhaps both) at a remarkable new level, when you feel the time is right to take things up a notch, with those who are very powerful. Of course, teaching or study does not have to be formal. You do not have to be a professor to pass things on. Nor do you have to be writing a thesis to learn.

Eventually Saturn will go into Gemini’s own chart zone, the Third House of communication, the internet, online learning, the written and spoken word and all the media which educates. Richard Sterling described Saturn as “the planet of Destiny” back in 1968 and so it is. There is a strong feeling of ‘now is the time to plan far ahead’ in July, however you choose to play teacher or student. As you read this, I am in Richard Sterling’s former home in the Blue Mountains. He was a legendary astrologer.

With Neptune also in your house of achievement, we find you (according to Margaret Hone, some seventy years ago) with your head in the clouds, but also at your most inspirational and perhaps spiritual. These are all key words for Neptune. Hone likened Neptune to acting under inspiring urges from the intangible and that’s where we find you this month. The transits you are experiencing in Aquarius are about knowledge exchange, but there is also a different kind of ambition too.

With expansive, open, fortunate Jupiter nearby in Gemini, in your sector of title, image and identity – together with the chance of letters after your name, or a flattering role by 2025 – you will embrace what there is to learn, know and pass – but also knowing just how responsible you have to be. If you do happen to be a teacher, 2024 and 2025 will be an unforgettable period for you, if you use this month. Of course, there are many Gemini people in the media, or on the internet, who also transmit and broadcast, without needing a desk.

Academia, education, informal self-study, workshops, seminars and worldwide web passions – all you can read and watch – show up in a game-changing way next January and February so that may also be on your mind.

The Gemini Jupiter transit right now puts you centre-stage and one of your two twins will now step forward. Gemini is obviously associated with communication, intelligence and also the use of the hands in writing or manual occupations. This is where we find a magazine columnist as much as a storyteller or translator – a linguist or publisher.

All of this happens as Pluto goes through your Ninth House, which is associated with horse trainers, lawyers (the kind who teach the jury), philosophers, astrologers (the prophetic kind), rabbis, barristers, ministers and academics. Gemini, given your multi-tasking and juggling abilities you might pick and choose from all sorts of disciplines to both educate yourself in 2024 and pass it on.

In this sense you are rather like a lightning rod or a conductor for what comes, as well as what is known. Together with that Neptune transit, this is a year to inspire, but also be inspired. Make July the start or relaunch.

Are you a Premium Member? Pick up all the complimentary online guidebooks and digital Tarot and Oracle cards for your own predictions now, if you haven’t already. You do stand to gain from moving, renovating, redecorating, reshuffling the family or household this time next year – and now is the time to create the future. The digital card decks on my website are here to give you a three-way reading, if you wish. Read on for Premium Member Diary Dates.

  • Pamela’s Tarot flipbook guide
  • The Garden Oracle
  • The Astrology Oracle cards
  • The Extended Smith-Waite Tarot


…the remainder of this article is available exclusively to Premium members. 


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