Search Results for: Mercury Retrograde


Mercury Retrograde May-July 2021

Mercury Retrograde from May 15th to July 7th 2021 will bring crisis talks for Eurostar – and global airline cancellations and rescheduling. Patric Walker told Michael Palin what this cycle could do. New for 2021? Covidiots at large until July 7th.

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Mercury Retrograde in 2021 and 2022

When will Mercury Retrograde increase the risk of rescheduling and cancellation in 2021 and 2022? Here are all the dates you need for your natal astrology chart and also your usual Sun Sign horoscope.

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The Light Side of Mercury Retrograde

In The Astrology Show news this week, we take a look the how the media in the UK went giddy over Mercury Petrograde, plus a collection of Mercury Retrograde stories that washed up, dug up or simply popped up on Twitter!

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Mercury Retrograde 2020! Dates and Details

The dates and details of Mercury Retrograde 2020 in depth, for you to plan far in advance and use this cycle to your advantage. How do you avoid the disruption? Includes personal chart specifics for Premium Members.

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Mercury Retrograde October-December 2019

Mercury Retrograde from October 11th to December 7th 2019, always starts earlier and ends later than Google tells you. How will your horoscope be affected? Why is this astrology cycle so famous?

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Mercury Retrograde 2019 and Your Chart

The secrets, tips and tricks of Mercury Retrograde – the most famous cycle in astrology to affect regular mail, email, contracts and travel – in 2019. Grab your personal birth chart and let’s talk about your future (and how to work it). Plus! Sun Sign School special event.

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Mercury Retrograde February-April 2019

From 20th February to 17th April you will experience rescheduling, cancellations and delays as we go through the chaos of Mercury Retrograde. It begins and ends with shadows. How are you affected? Why will tsunamis, storms and floods sweep the world?

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Mercury Retrograde Money! October 2018

I am sure you know that Mercury is the messenger of the gods. In modern astrology, Mercury rules the worldwide web, the media, paperwork and deals. When he appears to go backwards and forwards, we typically see expensive mistakes, wrong statements, and a muddled market place.

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Your Birth Chart – Mercury Retrograde

How does Mercury Retrograde personally affect you? If you have your birth chart (natal chart) as a Premium Member you can see if these cycles of delay and reversal hit your personal horoscope and plan ahead for them.

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Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius 2022 and 2023 If you have any planets or other horoscope factors in Aquarius, then your friendships and group involvements are

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Introduction to Astrology: Murky Retrograde

To really understand Mercury, you must return to the Romans and understand the way they traded and did business, as they gave us the archetype for Mercury in the first place. Our modern astrology comes from them.

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How to Skip June and July Mercury Chaos

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer (your house, apartment, holiday accommodation, family, roommate/flatmate, tradesmen, mortgage, lease) needs management in June and July 2020. Here are the dates and details.

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Did Someone Say…Mercury Petrograde?

Forget Mercury Retrograde. Mercury Petrograde is the cat and dog version of the craziest human cycle in astrology, striking three times a year. A survey of 2000 pet owners confirms what you’ve always thought. Your animal friend does behave weirdly, when this planet goes backwards.

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