Search Results for: Mercury Retrograde – Page 2

Venus Retrograde in Scorpio

What does Venus Retrograde in Scorpio mean in astrology? The planet of complicated relationships is going backwards and forwards in the sign that rules sex and money, but how does it affect you?

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It’s Mercury Recovery Time…

It’s Mercury Recovery time…were you personally affected by the strange Leo weather in July, August and early September? Mercury the planet of communication and information was going backwards – and the eclipses and Node did the rest. Now for the good news!

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Mercury Retroshade Explained

What is Mercury Retroshade, the term created by the Astro Twins which has gone viral? It’s Mercury Retrograde Shadow. How does it work in your personal birth horoscope? Read on. Mercury Retroshade 2018, 2019 is worth tracking!

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Tarot, Astrology and the US Election

The astrology and Tarot for the US 2024 election starring Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom. Donald Trump has no reliable natal chart. What we do know, though, is that Mercury Retrograde is coming.

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The Lilibet ‘Lili’ Astrology Chart

Born on Mercury Retrograde, Lilibet/Lili will find she has a number of names (and spellings) to live with, beyond the first two, given to her by Meghan and Harry. Read on to find out why 2031 is a critical year for this future ten-year-old royal.

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Supermoon and Full Moon 2021 – Gemini Weather!

Between May and July 2021 we will see chaotic Supermoon and Full Moon Gemini weather as travel, commuting and tourism are hit by rescheduling and reversals. There will be a domino effect on schools, publishing, universities and colleges. Plus – How 1964 is coming back, with new findings on the assassination of JFK and a crossroads for the BBC. Mercury Retrograde is not always bad news though, just ask The Sex Pistols.

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Astrology and the US Election

It’s an unforgettable election but if you want to ‘be the change,’ you’ll get through Mercury Retrograde chaos and out the other side.

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New Astrology! Australia in 2018-2019

Australia now has a new Prime Minister. For the moment. Thrown into the job on Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde Shadow (just to name two cycles which are all about uncertainty) new PM Scott Morrison’s wobbly future path is already showing up in the Australian horoscope. What does the astrology say? Well, it was right about April, when Julie Bishop claimed the coup began!

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Astrology Predicts UK Fires

Astrology predicts UK fires in 2018 as Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde hit the new UK astrological chart. Can horoscopes help prevention?

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Trump, Republicans, Assassinations and Astrology

The Republican Party astrology chart shows crisis in April and May 2021 based on its ‘birth’ horoscope set for October 12th 1853. The Trump Shooting of July 2024 also fit a pattern for other assassinations. First published in 2019.

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Using Your 2024-2025 Astrology Report

How to get the most from your 2024-2025 Astrology Forecast Report from Jessica Adams. Use it with your natal chart. Try Astrology Delivery. Your horoscope begins on Lunar New Year, 10th February 2024 and takes you to January 29th 2025.

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Covid – True and New Predictions

Astrology correctly predicted the virus a year before it happened, giving the dates of the first death in Wuhan and the WHO pandemic declaration. Astrology also predicted March 2023 would be critical. In that month, XBB 116 (Arcturus) arrived. Why is November 2023 to February 2024 such an issue? And what can you do?

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True 2023 Predictions

True Astrology Predictions in 2023  The Mayo School of Astrology recently asked me to talk about news prediction in astrology. This list of true predictions

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Libra Cycles and Marriage 2023-2025

Libra Cycles and Marriage 2023-2025 Libra rules marriage in astrology. It also rules weddings, divorces, separations, civil partnership and common-law marriage. We are heading for

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Scotland Astrology to 2030

The Scotland Astrology Chart to 2030 Back in 2018 I made some astrology predictions for Scotland, which you may remember reading. They came true, using

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Covid in Astrology in 2023

The Astrology of Covid in 2023 The most critical period for Covid-19, as we still call it, is coming in March 2023. If you do

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