Search Results for: Mercury Retrograde – Page 3

Charles, Astrology and the Royal Family

Charles, Astrology and the Royal Family Predictions In March 1949, Charles Carter, Editor of Astrology: The Astrologer’s Quarterly, predicted that baby Charles III was unlikely

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The New Moon in Virgo 2022

The Virgo New Moon This is a misleading New Moon on Saturday 27th August 2022, so although it feels like a new beginning – it

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The China Astrology Chart

The Astrology Chart for China This chart is set for 1st January 1912 at 12.00pm in Nanking, China. It shows the birth of the Republic

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Fixed Signs in Changing Times

Fixed Signs in Changing Times Fixed Signs in Changing Times (held in partnership with The Astrology Foundation, New Zealand) was held as a Zoom event

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Your Libra Factors in 2021

Libra is the sign associated with important marriages, professional partnerships, common-law marriages (living together) and duets of all kinds. It is also very much associated with separation, divorce, lawsuits and duels of all kinds. Battles or wars.

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The Taurus Weather to 2024

The Taurus weather until 2024 affects your house, apartment, income, taxation, business, charity and valuables. The more factors you have in Taurus in the Second House of your horoscope, the more you need to know these key astrology dates and what to expect. A special feature with guest Debbie Frank.

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The Astrology of Murdoch in 2022

We are set to see the end of the Murdoch media empire as we knew it in May 2022, in February, May and September. This is a shock to the UK political system. And the ruling Conservative Party.

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Introduction to Astrology: Is America a Capricorn?

Astrologers love arguing about the ‘real’ horoscope for the United States. There are several contenders. The most popular national chart is set for Independence Day, 4th July 1776. It makes America a Cancerian country.

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Introduction to Astrology: Life On Mars

Mars challenges you to act on your own timetable, rather than just reacting in the heat of the moment. Doing this gives you time and space to contemplate before you take action.

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Introduction to Astrology: Dates With Destiny

We all have dates with destiny. Watch for the days when planets and other heavenly bodies line up at the same degrees in your chart. If they also happen to line up at the same sign, pay even more attention.

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Time, Prediction and Dreams

Time, Prediction and Dreams with Jessica Adams, Jane Teresa Anderson, Tara Buffington and Dr. Maria Kempinska moves you forward with Tarot, Astrology and dreams. What are your questions? This special feature tied into the YouTube Premiere, Hobart live event and Zoom Meetup is your next step.

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