Search Results for: Mercury Retrograde – Page 5

New 2019 Astrology – Libra Season

Were you born 1968 to 1984? You have Pluto or Uranus in Libra and are strongly affected by Libra Season from September-November 2019. Do you have Libra factors in your personal birth chart? Past, present or potential lovers are in focus.

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New! Brexit Astrology September 2019

All the Brexit astrology predictions by Jessica Adams about September 2019 in one place. What has come to pass? What is around the corner in September, October 2019 and January 2020?

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Travelling With Jupiter September-November 2019

It’s time to travel with Jupiter in every sense of the word. Jupiter is the planet of luck, solutions, growth, improvements and win-win outcomes. At last he is moving forward in Sagittarius, the sign ruling vacations – and September, October, November 2019 is full of huge potential for you. How can you tap it?

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August 2019 Moon Astrology Predictions

Where is this stalled/stilted fresh start that is hinted at on 1st August but will take until 18th August to really get rolling, because of communication, information or transportation issues? Read on.

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The Moon 50th Anniversary Eclipse in Astrology

The astrology of the eclipse on Tuesday 16th July falls on the #Moon50 celebrations, as horoscope patterns pick up Capricorn aspects in your birth chart just as the Moon 50th commemorations begin. How are you affected and how is the world?

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Astrology Prediction: Epstein, Trump, Clinton and Andrew

Jeffrey Epstein, whose network The Guardian has reported included Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Donald Trump, was charged as a sex trafficker and paedophile on 8th July 2019. Here’s how an astrology prediction you read here, back on February 3rd 2018, called that exact date as D-Day for the Trump dynasty. Now read on.

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July 2019 Eclipses in Astrology

Astrology explains July 2019 eclipses as blind spots and cover-ups, but how Is your horoscope affected? The July 2nd and 16th eclipses in your personal astrological chart show how you’re left in the dark.

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Choosing Launch Dates With Astrology

When is the perfect time to launch a business? There is no ‘perfect’ but there is certainly ‘fantastic.’ Here is what to watch out for in astrology, using your personal birth chart (horoscope) to find the natural highs.

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Nostradamus and the Notre Dame Horoscope

Cathedrals have ‘birth charts’ too. Notre Dame was likely founded in 1163. The Nostradamus predictions for her are hopeful, uncannily accurate – and even involve a mysterious LV. Is this Louis Vuitton? And why did the fire burn on Da Vinci’s birthday?

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Russia and her Saturn Return

What happens when the Russian Federative Republic (born 12th June 1990 at 9.45pm GMT) experiences her first Saturn Return in January 2020? It’s the end for many people and organisations. And it’s the start of a new, reborn country in 2021.

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Shocks on the Brexit Road in May 2019

Despite appearances, as of 15th April 2019, No Deal Brexit has not gone away. Here’s why. There are shocks on the Brexit road due on May 3rd, 6th and 10th. Bring your brolly!

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Ten True Predictions – Stargazing in 2019

Ten true astrology predictions from February-April 2019 which are date-stamped, specific and prove horoscopes predict the future. Do you want to learn how to do this too? Join The Sun Sign School launching on April 23rd.

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The Astrology of No Deal Brexit

Will Britain opt for a No Deal Brexit even after a “No” to “No Deal” by the Queen? May-June 2019 is a revolution. Here is why April 18th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 26th are the dates to watch for the Shock New Brexit Deal.

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2020 Predictions for Britain After 2020

The ‘Britannia’ astrology chart from 55 B.C. shows women dominate until 2050 and Scotland goes her own way. What does the future hold and how will it affect your life? The astrology timing on Brexit has been accurate all along – so what’s next? And how does it affect you, based on your own chart?

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Trump, Russia, Mueller, Astrology!

How astrology nailed Florida and North Carolina as trouble spots in the Trump election over 2 years before the Mueller enquiry into Trump Russia. What’s next?

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February Supermoon Astrology

In February 2019 the Supermoon is an astrology event like no other. Why? It pulls in the Pisces weather you have been experiencing for around 10 years, and gives it a big, white, bright full stop!

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Our Strange, Stuck, Aries Weather

Uranus will turn retrograde – or appear to turn backwards – on Tuesday 6th November 2018 – which is a strange end to the year and an odd start to 2019. Why? Flashbacks! Yet a revolution in your life is almost over.

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Jupiter Horoscope Luck 2018-2019

As soon as Jupiter enters a new zodiac sign, a new department of your life will benefit. You will also see a global improvement. How can you use your natural Jupiter horoscope luck in Scorpio and Sagittarius 2018, 2019?

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True Astrology Predictions July 2018

You can trust astrology. Horoscopes do show exact timing and specific predictions – no matter if it’s about North Korea and Kim Jong Un, or Donald Trump and his UK trip – or even the UK heatwave of July 2018 and its World Cup performance.

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Football, Astrology and the World Cup

Watch the England team horoscope if you’re an England supporter. And even if you’re just curious about the way the World Cup can be decided months or weeks before it even starts.

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Scotland Astrology 2021-2022

Scotland could easily make the final break with England in 2021, 2022 and wave goodbye to the United Kingdom once and for all, and embrace new currency too. Scotcoin, perhaps? The Haggis Pound? The Tunnocks Ton?

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The Facebook Astrology Chart

Facebook has two birth charts. One for its humble beginnings on Mark Zuckerberg’s computer – and the other for the first trade it ever made.

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